Some standard content:
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Design code for antiseismic design of special structures
Published on 1995-01-13
State Bureau of Technical Supervision
Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Implemented on 1995-05-01
Jointly issued
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Design code for antiseismic design of special structuresGB50191—93
Editor department: Ministry of Metallurgical Industry of the People's Republic of ChinaApproval department: Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of ChinaEffective date June 1, 1994
Engineering construction standard full text information system
Engineering construction standard full text information system
Notice on the release of the national standard "Code for Seismic Design of Structures"
Jianbiao [1993] No. 858
According to the requirements of the State Planning Commission's document [1985] No. 1, the "Code for Seismic Design of Structures" jointly formulated by the Ministry of Metallurgy and relevant departments has been reviewed by relevant departments. The "Code for Seismic Design of Structures" GB
is now approved for implementation on June 1, 1994.
50191—93 is a mandatory national standard. From now on, the Ministry of Metallurgy is responsible for the management of this code, and its specific interpretation and other work are the responsibility of the Ministry of Metallurgical Construction Research Institute, and the publication and distribution are organized by the Standard and Quota Research Institute of the Ministry of Construction. Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
November 16, 1993
Engineering Construction Standards Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standards Full-text Information System
Terms and symbols
Basic requirements for seismic design
Site influence and foundation.
Seismic structural system·
Non-structural components
Site, foundation and foundation
Natural foundation and foundation
Liquid soil foundation
Soft soil foundation settlement
Seismic action and structural seismic verification·
General provisions
Calculation of horizontal seismic action and action effect
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Vertical seismic action calculation
Seismic verification of section
Seismic deformation verification
Frame bent structure
General provisions
Seismic calculation
Structural measures…
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Suspended boiler structure Frame
General provisions
Seismic calculation
Construction measures
General provisions
Seismic calculation
Construction measures
General provisions
Seismic calculation
Construction measures
Reinforced concrete derrick
General provisions
Seismic calculation
Construction measures
Diagonal braced steel derrick
General provisions·
Seismic calculation.
Construction measures·
Hyperbolic cooling tower
General provisions
Water sprinkler
General provisions.
Seismic calculation
Construction measures·|| tt||14 Petrochemical tower equipment foundation
General provisions
14.2 Earthquake-resistant calculation·
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
14.3 Structural measures·
15 Coke oven foundation||tt| |...060..
General provisions
Seismic calculation.·
Construction measures
16Conveyor corridor
General provisions
Seismic calculation
Construction measures
Pipeline support·
General provisions
Seismic calculation
Construction measures
General provisions
Seismic calculation
Construction measures
Normal pressure vertical circular simple storage tank·
General provisions
Seismic calculation
Spherical storage tank
Horizontal cylindrical storage tank
Blast furnace System structure
General provisions
Dust collector, washing tower
General provisions
Seismic calculation
Engineering construction standard full text information system
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Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
23.3 Structure and Engineering Measures
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Conditions and conditions for plane calculation of frame-bent structure Adjustment coefficient of earthquake effect
Seismic verification of core section of frame node
Lateral stiffness of column-supported square warehouse with beam support structureDisplacement of coke oven body under unit horizontal forceStiffness of frame-type fixed support
Seismic grade of tailings dam
Explanation of terms used in this code
Additional explanation·
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
1 General
1.0.1 This code is formulated to implement the earthquake work policy of prevention first, reduce the degree of earthquake damage to structures, avoid casualties and reduce economic losses. 1.0.2 Structures designed for seismic resistance in accordance with this code will generally not be damaged or can continue to be used without repair when they are affected by earthquakes with a seismic intensity lower than the design intensity of the region; they may be damaged when they are affected by earthquakes with a design intensity of the region, but can continue to be used after general repairs or without repairs; when they are affected by an earthquake with a design intensity higher than one degree in the region, they will not collapse or suffer serious damage that endangers life or causes major economic losses. 1.0.3 This code applies to the seismic design of structures in areas with a seismic design intensity of 6 to 9 degrees.
Seismic design of structures in areas with a design intensity of 10 degrees and in industries with special requirements should be specially studied and implemented in accordance with relevant regulations. 1.0.4 The seismic fortification intensity can adopt the basic earthquake intensity specified in the current "China Seismic Intensity Zoning Map"; for areas or factories and mines that have undergone seismic fortification zoning, seismic design can be carried out according to the fortification intensity or seismic design ground motion parameters confirmed by the approved seismic fortification zoning.
5 Structures should be divided into the following four categories according to their importance: 1.0.5
Class A structures - structures that are particularly important or have special requirements, and earthquake damage will lead to extremely serious consequences;
Class B structures - important structures, and earthquake damage will lead to serious consequences such as large number of casualties, serious secondary disasters, and long-term interruption of production in important factories and mines; Class C structures - structures other than Class A, B, and D structures Class C structures - minor structures, which are not likely to cause casualties and large economic losses in the event of earthquake damage.
1.0.6 The seismic design of various structures shall meet the following requirements: Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
1 The seismic action of Class A structures shall be calculated according to the seismic design ground motion parameters specially studied; the seismic action of other types of structures shall be calculated according to the fortification intensity of the region, but when the fortification intensity is 6 degrees, the seismic action calculation may not be performed unless otherwise specified in this code. Special seismic measures shall be taken for Class A structures; seismic measures may be taken for Class B structures according to the fortification intensity increased by one degree, but the fortification intensity may be appropriately increased when it is 9 degrees; seismic measures shall be taken for Class C structures according to the fortification intensity; seismic measures may be taken for Class D structures according to the fortification intensity reduced by one degree, but the fortification intensity should not be reduced when it is 6 degrees. Note: ① This code abbreviates "design intensity" as "intensity" and "intensity of 6, 7, 8, and 9" as "6, 7, 8, and 9". ② The provisions of this code on taking seismic measures to reduce the intensity by one degree shall only be reduced once when there are multiple favorable factors.
7 This code is compiled in accordance with the provisions of the current national standard "Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Engineering Structures" and the current national standard "Basic Terms and Common Symbols for Engineering Structure Design".
In addition to implementing this code, the seismic design of structures shall also comply with the provisions of the current relevant national standards.
Engineering 2 Construction Standards Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standards Full-text Information System
1 Basic Earthquake Intensity
2 Terms and Symbols
Within 50 years, under general site conditions, the intensity value with a probability of exceeding 10% may be encountered.
2 Earthquake fortification intensity
The intensity value used as the basis for earthquake fortification of a region or factory and mine approved by the national approval authority.
3 Site index
The index for evaluating the characteristics of the soil layer of a site according to the impact on the site seismic effect. 2.1.4 Earthquake influence coefficient
The statistical average value of the ratio of the maximum acceleration of a single-particle elastic structure under earthquake action to the acceleration of gravity.
2.1.5 Earthquake effect reduction coefficient
The coefficient for reducing the effect of various favorable factors such as structural plastic deformation on the standard value of earthquake action.
3 Representative value of gravity load for earthquake-resistant design
In earthquake-resistant design, in the calculation of the standard value of earthquake action and the basic combination of the effect of structural component action, the sum of the standard value of permanent load of the structure or component and the combined value of the relevant variable load.
2.1.7 Seismic adjustment coefficient of resistance
The difference between the bearing capacity of the structural member section calculated according to other structural specifications and the bearing capacity calculated according to seismic requirements and the difference in seismic performance of different structures. 2.1.8 Seismic measures
Engineering Construction Standards Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standards Full-text Information System
Refers to the seismic design requirements, general regulations and structural measures for the site where the structure is located and its foundation, load-bearing structure and selection, materials, non-structural components, etc. 2.2
Actions and effects
2. 2.1.16
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Standard value of total horizontal earthquake action on structure
Standard value of vertical earthquake action on structure
Dynamic hydraulic pressure
Dynamic earth pressure
Equivalent gravity load
Representative value of gravity load
Basic combination of earthquake action effect (bending moment, axial force, shear force, stress and deformation, etc.) and other load effects
Effect of standard value of horizontal earthquake action
Vertical earthquake Effect of standard value of action
Effect of representative value of gravity load
Effect of standard value of wind load
Effect of standard value of temperature action
Effect of standard value of dynamic action of high-speed rotating machine Compressive stress at the bottom of foundation
Axial force
Normal stress
Shear stress
Limit of elastic-plastic displacement angle between layers
Full-text information system of engineering construction standards
Material properties and structure, component resistance and other physical quantity series
2. 2.2.11
Shear modulus of soil
Deep density
Shear strain
Shear wave velocity of soil
Elastic modulus
Design value of static bearing capacity of foundation
Percentage of clay content in silt
Stiffness of structure (component)
Design value of bearing capacity of structural component (bending moment, axial force, shear force, stress and deformation, etc.)
Allowable critical stress of steel tank wall
Number of vibration modes
Standard for foundation liquefaction Penetration number monitoring value
Foundation liquefaction index
1Soil liquefaction weight function
Circular frequency
Geometric parameters
Thickness (soil layer), diameter, particle size
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Height, depth
Effective height of section, node height of the second vibration mode curve of the structureWidth
Distance, length, span
Thickness of simple wall, pool wall or tank wall
Moment of inertia
Resistance moment5 Earthquake effect reduction coefficient
The coefficient for reducing the effect of various favorable factors such as structural plastic deformation on the standard value of earthquake action.
3 Representative value of gravity load for seismic design
In seismic design, in the calculation of the standard value of earthquake action and the basic combination of the effect of structural components, the sum of the combined value of the standard value of permanent load of the structure or component and the relevant variable load.
2.1.7 Seismic adjustment coefficient of resistance
The adjustment of the difference between the bearing capacity of the cross section of the structural component calculated according to other structural specifications and the bearing capacity calculated according to the seismic requirements and the difference in seismic performance of different structures. 2.1.8 Seismic measures
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Refers to the seismic design requirements, general regulations and structural measures for the site where the structure is located and its foundation, load-bearing structure and selection, materials, non-structural components, etc. 2.2
Actions and effects
2. 2.1.16
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Standard value of total horizontal earthquake action on structure
Standard value of vertical earthquake action on structure
Dynamic hydraulic pressure
Dynamic earth pressure
Equivalent gravity load
Representative value of gravity load
Basic combination of earthquake action effect (bending moment, axial force, shear force, stress and deformation, etc.) and other load effects
Effect of standard value of horizontal earthquake action
Vertical earthquake Effect of standard value of action
Effect of representative value of gravity load
Effect of standard value of wind load
Effect of standard value of temperature action
Effect of standard value of dynamic action of high-speed rotating machine Compressive stress at the bottom of foundation
Axial force
Normal stress
Shear stress
Limit of elastic-plastic displacement angle between layers
Full-text information system of engineering construction standards
Material properties and structure, component resistance and other physical quantity series
2. 2.2.11
Shear modulus of soil
Deep density
Shear strain
Shear wave velocity of soil
Elastic modulus
Design value of static bearing capacity of foundation
Percentage of clay content in silt
Stiffness of structure (component)
Design value of bearing capacity of structural component (bending moment, axial force, shear force, stress and deformation, etc.)
Allowable critical stress of steel tank wall
Number of vibration modes
Standard for foundation liquefaction Penetration number monitoring value
Foundation liquefaction index
1Soil liquefaction weight function
Circular frequency
Geometric parameters
Thickness (soil layer), diameter, particle size
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Height, depth
Effective height of section, node height of the second vibration mode curve of the structureWidth
Distance, length, span
Thickness of simple wall, pool wall or tank wall
Moment of inertia
Resistance moment5 Earthquake effect reduction coefficient
The coefficient for reducing the effect of various favorable factors such as structural plastic deformation on the standard value of earthquake action.
3 Representative value of gravity load for seismic design
In seismic design, in the calculation of the standard value of earthquake action and the basic combination of the effect of structural components, the sum of the combined value of the standard value of permanent load of the structure or component and the relevant variable load.
2.1.7 Seismic adjustment coefficient of resistance
The adjustment of the difference between the bearing capacity of the cross section of the structural component calculated according to other structural specifications and the bearing capacity calculated according to the seismic requirements and the difference in seismic performance of different structures. 2.1.8 Seismic measures
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Refers to the seismic design requirements, general regulations and structural measures for the site where the structure is located and its foundation, load-bearing structure and selection, materials, non-structural components, etc. 2.2
Actions and effects
2. 2.1.16
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Standard value of total horizontal earthquake action on structure
Standard value of vertical earthquake action on structure
Dynamic hydraulic pressure
Dynamic earth pressure
Equivalent gravity load
Representative value of gravity load
Basic combination of earthquake action effect (bending moment, axial force, shear force, stress and deformation, etc.) and other load effects
Effect of standard value of horizontal earthquake action
Vertical earthquake Effect of standard value of action
Effect of representative value of gravity load
Effect of standard value of wind load
Effect of standard value of temperature action
Effect of standard value of dynamic action of high-speed rotating machine Compressive stress at the bottom of foundation
Axial force
Normal stress
Shear stress
Limit of elastic-plastic displacement angle between layers
Full-text information system of engineering construction standards
Material properties and structure, component resistance and other physical quantity series
2. 2.2.11
Shear modulus of soil
Deep density
Shear strain
Shear wave velocity of soil
Elastic modulus
Design value of static bearing capacity of foundation
Percentage of clay content in silt
Stiffness of structure (component)
Design value of bearing capacity of structural component (bending moment, axial force, shear force, stress and deformation, etc.)
Allowable critical stress of steel tank wall
Number of vibration modes
Standard for foundation liquefaction Penetration number monitoring value
Foundation liquefaction index
1Soil liquefaction weight function
Circular frequency
Geometric parameters
Thickness (soil layer), diameter, particle size
Engineering construction standard full-text information system
Height, depth
Effective height of section, node height of the second vibration mode curve of the structureWidth
Distance, length, span
Thickness of simple wall, pool wall or tank wall
Moment of inertia
Resistance moment
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