Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 8590—2001
eqy 1s0 6747:1998
Promulgated on 2001-05-29
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 2001-11-01
This standard is equivalent to ISO) 677:193 Terminology and Commercial Specifications for Earth-moving Machinery Bulldozers 3. This standard is based on GB8590-198 for the maintenance of machine terminology 3. Compared with GB/T65-1988, the main technical contents of this standard have been changed as follows: the dimensions and definitions of special machines and workpieces are quoted from relevant standards and only the definitions are repeated in the standard text! The chapter "Technical content of commercial documents" was added, and the appendix "Added Appendix Length and size terms and numbers" of GK8590-1S88 was added. The main differences of this standard [S4718 are as follows: This standard adds "Appendix B" Chinese rate reference and Appendix C English rate reference; [S6747:1SS8 uses 22 in the figure note -1) for detailed size see Figure 15\ is incorrect. This figure should not appear in the wheel machine: Therefore, the figure note is deleted from the corresponding figure in this standard: 504:1998 contains 4 figures, including Figure 1 and Figure 2. Therefore, this standard does not have this figure, but contains the corresponding provisions (4.1.:.1,, 4.1..1.1 and 4.3.2) Figure 2: Therefore, this standard has 4 fewer medical numbers than Se747:198: 1% 0577:1048 The second standard also includes I5)34519961. For the braking system of embedded tire type machine and performance requirements and test methods 1SG915198 On the mechanical domain machine and its 1 working and component performance requirements and test methods 507461:98 The mechanical rate 1 measurement of mechanical travel companion machine 15010265:1333 + mechanical travel companion machine semi-brake system performance requirements and test methods and I)126:992. For the mechanical machine micro-system washing operation of the wave limit value of static There are 5 national standards for testing methods, but there is no substantive use of these 5 standards in the standard. It is just to listen to the relevant technical activities defined in 15) 6747: 1995. Which international standard is included in this standard? Therefore, this standard does not modify the standard. This standard specifies the appendix A of the product standard, and the appendix H and the information on this standard will take effect from 11th, replacing GB/T85! The standard is proposed by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry. This standard is the technical requirements of the standard of the National Machinery Industry Association. The standard is the technical requirements of the standard of the National Machinery Industry Association. The standard is the technical requirements of the standard of the National Machinery Industry Association. The standard is the technical requirements of the National Machinery Industry Association. The standard is the technical requirements of the National Machinery Industry Association. The standard is the first to be issued on January 1, 1388.
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a world federation composed of international standardization bodies (member countries). The formulation of international standards is generally completed by TS technical committees. Each technical committee is established according to its professional theme. Each member country is interested in this theme and has the right to join the technical committee. Governments or governmental organizations that have contact with ISO can also participate in this work. In all electrical engineering In technical standardization activities, 1SD cooperates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The international standard drafts prepared by the technical committees shall be voted by the member countries. To be an international standard, it must obtain at least 75% of the votes of the member countries participating in the vote.
International Standard S0747 was prepared by 1S)/TC:127\Door and Equipment\Technical Committee. SC-Classification and Qualification of Commercial Terms.
This third edition has made technical revisions to the third edition (S747, 188>, and at the same time, it has replaced and replaced the second edition, and the following Appendix A is an integral part of this international standard. 1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 8590—2001
eq IS0 6747:1998
Letter #R/—195
Technical standard: The technical content of the standard and the technical content of the technical document of self-propelled bulldozers with step-type working devices. This standard is applicable to bulldozers with step-type working devices. 2
Cited standards
The following standards contain the provisions. The provisions of this standard are constituted by reference in the original text. This standard is the valid standard as shown in the version cited. The possibility of using the latest version of the following standards is discussed at the bottom of this standard: 813 Earth-moving machinery - Terminology for earth-moving machinery (1506165:1597) 852-2231 Upper machine - Determination of the rotational speed of wheeled machines - Dimensions of earth-moving machinery - eQ1S)5:1057)G/1478133 + Square wheel mechanical equipment - Approximate rotational energy of mechanical wheels eS01G:13GB/1636-1237 Earth-moving machinery - Test code for net traction power of engine (cgS521:198)JB/T U722 21H1
G/T 8:--1999
3 Definition symbols for earth-moving machinery dimensions (6746-1:197 Definition symbols for dimensions of working device gS57/21087) Upper 5 Machine belt
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1.1 Pusher-dozer
Equipped with a push-on working surface, the machine moves forward to cut the material, and a self-propelled belt-type machine with a small cutting force is used. Jiang: 2.
Figure 1 Rotary belt bulldozer
3.1.2 ± I rehine
Without the standard of the working device specified in the factory technical specification: The State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China 20010529 issued? Wheel bulldozer
20011101 implementation
GD/T 8590230
Note: The main engine should be equipped with all the necessary equipment listed in the 3.1.3 Working device juipmn
It is a component installed on the main engine for the basic design function. 3.1.4 Attachment
It is a component that can be installed on the main engine for a specific purpose. 3.1.5 Compactor
E shovel dozingequipmen: front selection + lifting frame adjustment device.
3- E. 6. 1 Self-propelled ± stru.igt: 1 The center of the bulldozer should always be kept parallel to the horizontal plane. Note: See Figure 5.
3.1..2 The bulldozer's shovel position may change due to the change of the cutting force, and the cutting force may change due to the change of the cutting force. Figure 3 Non-top bulldozer
3-1.6.3 Side and front tilt and p:teh control the action of the shovel.
Property: When the technique is used in the city, the main decompression action is the main decompression action. Action: lmovement
Figure 1 Carrying a shovel belt pusher
The position of the three pregnant women may change, cut and make a perfect angle with the half-opening soil discharge action. Note:
Figure: Creation tilt action
3-7.6.3-2 Forward and backward tilt action Fitch movercent Figure G Forward and backward leading action
The upper part of the skill can be used to practice the rotation of the axis of the cut and change its angle of the soil grabbing action. Juice: Figure
3. 1.7 Loose
GB/T 85902001
The device installed on the rear of the excavator is divided into single-tooth and multi-tooth, juice
Figure 1~Figure 4, scale see Figure.
For 4-type devices, it is 1..1~.1.1 fixed support, Articulated loosening device radieltypc The angle of the tooth tip of the core loosening device to the electric halogen changes with the change of the working depth, note: Parallel loosening device paraliclogramtype This form is called the inner tip of the device to the ground again. The angle can change with the working depth, note: 3, Adjustable belt vanbl:t
This type of capstan is called the angle of the inner tip of the earthwork device to the electric surface. And it can be adjusted by the metallurgical personnel: 2
3-1./.4 impact Ha Tu iapactpper
This form is a seven-device hydraulic discharge system industry with an additional impact force, the figure shows the connection type 1. Device
3. 1. 8 winch wirues
parallel creation and migration type orange strong
installed with a simple reel installed on the main engine starter's bone Jiang
1 see to see
reach, with 13.2 can be determined, manual through disc iuJyurul- wir with manual adjustment of clutch and brake reverse operation of the simulated effect disc form, 3, *, 8. 2 power operation, relatively good Fnr-cnntrnlld winch liquid, other dynamic effects! Small control high clutch and brake in the form of longitudinal disc. 3.1.9 Lifting type fighting bar 5wingingd:awbar connected to 1 machine post, equipped with a coupler sweeping traction bar frame juice: dead figure 11. Reverse inch dead figure 2]
3-2 Quality station technology
3.2. 1 Working quality () m
Figure 9 must be on the machine
Including with the factory specified working device, not equipped with accessories), small machine (k), fuel box is added to the fuel other parts to add to the manufacturing" heat exhaust liquid level host quality GD/T8590—2001
3.2-2 Tire_t machine quality distribution Brlediytzibutinnafmasgcaofwheledmaraines3.2.2.1 Bridge load xlil
The working properties of each axle bridge bearing. 3.2.1). 3.2-2.2 Maximum permissible load The maximum load on each transmission bridge specified by the manufacturer. 3.2.3 Delivery capacity SM) lipningmas
excluding the engine, including fuel tank, other optional systems, work equipment, cab, RP and (or) FOPS, counterweight installation and connection system specified by the manufacturer. 3-2.4 Cabin ROPS and (or FOPS) cab, engine row, R door PS, FOPS, etc. are all fixed to the main batch. The required accessories are as shown in Figure 10. 3.3 Complementary opening 3.3. Net engine power 3.3. Engine power 1 power is in accordance with the provisions of B/T1693S. 3.3-2 Maximum travel speed 3. ... 1.1--3.3,,2 See the maximum tolerance of the machine for the normal operation of the system without any fault or damage, expressed in degrees:
GB/T85902001 (Machine) Static ramp capacity (marhine) kmgi:dlinalartialnpecapacity Within the performance parameter range, the static ramp capacity is the maximum directional ramp capacity that can be measured on the machine (i.e. the center and 180\ of the machine medium), expressed in degrees
3-3.4.2 (Machine>lateral static ramp capacity (mnchine>lateral staticslouecapzcityThe maximum possible slope capacity, expressed in degrees, that the machine can achieve when the machine is in a 30° to 270° orientation within the performance parameter range.
33.5 Capstan winrl:performance3.3.5.1 Tension forceJinejull
The tension measured on the first and last level of the capstan winch at rated engine speed. Linepeec
The speed measured on the first and last level of the capstan winch at rated engine speed. 3.3.6 Braking system (wheel-type machines)brakin g5ystcmmiwheeledmachineca) The combination of all components of a machine's braking and (or) stopping functions, including operating mechanisms, brake transmissions, brakes and speed limiters (if the machine is equipped with a timer,
3-3.7 Brakingsystem (cruisecrachines) The combination of all components of a machine's braking and (or) stopping functions, including operating mechanisms, brake transmissions, brakes and all connecting parts of the brake belt.
3.3.8 The rotation of a reeliusfwheelerlmachine according to HT:
3. 4. Terms
Dimensions and. H Push ground plane (GRP> Approximate definitions see JT/T?22 and JG/T80. Definitions of dimensions related to bulldozers see Appendix A (Standard Appendix) 2. Table
Z.1 Type of machine aftracrdozer 2.1.1 Chassis mmfercarriage
2. 1.1. 1 Most section pusher. Upper machine cTawler type tractar-dozer See Figure! , Wheeled machine whec: t>Tre trzetar-dozer see Figure 2.
4.1.2 Rotor system areeeringaystm Articulated rotor (wheel-mounted main engine) articulatedteerinswheeledmachines see Figure 13 Belt shift steering cruwier skid steer:ng both 13. Belt differential steering crane independentcrt91eering Figure 14.
4 Engine position engnelaration
4.13.1 Engine front Irortengine
4. 1. 3.2 Engine back
er cngine
rotation center nxi:nf a--irul:rn
Figure 3 Sliding wheel
4.2 Dimensions dinmenin
4.2.1 Busemachine
The size is Yile
Articulated steering
This is different from the meaning of the push creation. See the appendix standard section. 4.2-. Belt-type machines crawleimachines see Figure 15.
4.2-1.2 Wheeled machines see Figure 15.
4. 2.2 Specifications of dimensions See 172. For definitions of dimensions, see /T80. For definitions of dimensions related to standard L. machines, see Appendix A: Figure 1 Dimensions of belt bulldozer (V.★V,) GR/T B590—2001 Dimensions of main engine of belt bulldozer Figure 16 Dimensions of main engine of wheel bulldozer 12 Dimensions See Figure 15 GB/T 8590—2001 Figure 1 Dimensions of bulldozer blade of belt bulldozer Figure 18 Dimensions of bulldozer blade of wheel bulldozer 1 For details, see Figure 15. GB/TB590—2001 Dimensions of soil ripperThe formula is more beneficial Fnr-cnntrnlld winch liquid, other effects! Small control high clutch and brake in the form of longitudinal disc. 3.1.9 Lifting type fighting bar 5wingingd:awbar connected to 1 machine post, equipped with a coupler sweeping traction bar frame juice: dead figure 11. Reverse inch dead figure 2]
3-2 Quality station technology
3.2. 1 Working quality () m
Figure 9 must be on the machine
Including with the factory specified working device, not equipped with accessories), small machine (k), fuel box is added to the fuel other parts to add to the manufacturing" heat exhaust liquid level host quality GD/T8590—2001
3.2-2 Tire_t machine quality distribution Brlediytzibutinnafmasgcaofwheledmaraines3.2.2.1 Bridge load xlil
The working properties of each axle bridge bearing. 3.2.1). 3.2-2.2 Maximum permissible load The maximum load on each transmission bridge specified by the manufacturer. 3.2.3 Delivery capacity SM) lipningmas
excluding the engine, including fuel tank, other optional systems, work equipment, cab, RP and (or) FOPS, counterweight installation and connection system specified by the manufacturer. 3-2.4 Cabin ROPS and (or FOPS) cab, engine row, R door PS, FOPS, etc. are all fixed to the main batch. The required accessories are as shown in Figure 10. 3.3 Complementary opening 3.3. Net engine power 3.3. Engine power 1 power is in accordance with the provisions of B/T1693S. 3.3-2 Maximum travel speed 3. ... 1.1--3.3,,2 See the maximum tolerance of the machine for the normal operation of the system without any fault or damage, expressed in degrees:
GB/T85902001 (Machine) Static ramp capacity (marhine) kmgi:dlinalartialnpecapacity Within the performance parameter range, the static ramp capacity is the maximum directional ramp capacity that can be measured on the machine (i.e. the center and 180\ of the machine medium), expressed in degrees
3-3.4.2 (Machine>lateral static ramp capacity (mnchine>lateral staticslouecapzcityThe maximum possible slope capacity, expressed in degrees, that the machine can achieve when the machine is in a 30° to 270° orientation within the performance parameter range.
33.5 Capstan winrl:performance3.3.5.1 Tension forceJinejull
The tension measured on the first and last level of the capstan winch at rated engine speed. Linepeec
The speed measured on the first and last level of the capstan winch at rated engine speed. 3.3.6 Braking system (wheel-type machines)brakin g5ystcmmiwheeledmachineca) The combination of all components of a machine's braking and (or) stopping functions, including operating mechanisms, brake transmissions, brakes and speed limiters (if the machine is equipped with a timer,
3-3.7 Brakingsystem (cruisecrachines) The combination of all components of a machine's braking and (or) stopping functions, including operating mechanisms, brake transmissions, brakes and all connecting parts of the brake belt.
3.3.8 The rotation of a reeliusfwheelerlmachine according to HT:
3. 4. Terms
Dimensions and. H Push ground plane (GRP> Approximate definitions see JT/T?22 and JG/T80. Definitions of dimensions related to bulldozers see Appendix A (Standard Appendix) 2. Table
Z.1 Type of machine aftracrdozer 2.1.1 Chassis mmfercarriage
2. 1.1. 1 Most section pusher. Upper machine cTawler type tractar-dozer See Figure! , Wheeled machine whec: t>Tre trzetar-dozer see Figure 2.
4.1.2 Rotor system areeeringaystm Articulated rotor (wheel-mounted main engine) articulatedteerinswheeledmachines see Figure 13 Belt shift steering cruwier skid steer:ng both 13. Belt differential steering crane independentcrt91eering Figure 14.
4 Engine position engnelaration
4.13.1 Engine front Irortengine
4. 1. 3.2 Engine back
er cngine
rotation center nxi:nf a--irul:rn
Figure 3 Sliding wheel
4.2 Dimensions dinmenin
4.2.1 Busemachine
The size is Yile
Articulated steering
This is different from the meaning of the push creation. See the appendix standard section. 4.2-. Belt-type machines crawleimachines see Figure 15.
4.2-1.2 Wheeled machines see Figure 15.
4. 2.2 Specifications of dimensions See 172. For definitions of dimensions, see /T80. For definitions of dimensions related to standard L. machines, see Appendix A: Figure 1 Dimensions of belt bulldozer (V.★V,) GR/T B590—2001 Dimensions of main engine of belt bulldozer Figure 16 Dimensions of main engine of wheel bulldozer 12 Dimensions See Figure 15 GB/T 8590—2001 Figure 1 Dimensions of bulldozer blade of belt bulldozer Figure 18 Dimensions of bulldozer blade of wheel bulldozer 1 For details, see Figure 15. GB/TB590—2001 Dimensions of soil ripperThe formula is more beneficial Fnr-cnntrnlld winch liquid, other effects! Small control high clutch and brake in the form of longitudinal disc. 3.1.9 Lifting type fighting bar 5wingingd:awbar connected to 1 machine post, equipped with a coupler sweeping traction bar frame juice: dead figure 11. Reverse inch dead figure 2]
3-2 Quality station technology
3.2. 1 Working quality () m
Figure 9 must be on the machine
Including with the factory specified working device, not equipped with accessories), small machine (k), fuel box is added to the fuel other parts to add to the manufacturing" heat exhaust liquid level host quality GD/T8590—2001
3.2-2 Tire_t machine quality distribution Brlediytzibutinnafmasgcaofwheledmaraines3.2.2.1 Bridge load xlil
The working properties of each axle bridge bearing. 3.2.1). 3.2-2.2 Maximum permissible load The maximum load on each transmission bridge specified by the manufacturer. 3.2.3 Delivery capacity SM) lipningmas
excluding the engine, including fuel tank, other optional systems, work equipment, cab, RP and (or) FOPS, counterweight installation and connection system specified by the manufacturer. 3-2.4 Cabin ROPS and (or FOPS) cab, engine row, R door PS, FOPS, etc. are all fixed to the main batch. The required accessories are as shown in Figure 10. 3.3 Complementary opening 3.3. Net engine power 3.3. Engine power 1 power is in accordance with the provisions of B/T1693S. 3.3-2 Maximum travel speed 3. ... 1.1--3.3,,2 See the maximum tolerance of the machine for the normal operation of the system without any fault or damage, expressed in degrees:
GB/T85902001 (Machine) Static ramp capacity (marhine) kmgi:dlinalartialnpecapacity Within the performance parameter range, the static ramp capacity is the maximum directional ramp capacity that can be measured on the machine (i.e. the center and 180\ of the machine medium), expressed in degrees
3-3.4.2 (Machine>lateral static ramp capacity (mnchine>lateral staticslouecapzcityThe maximum possible slope capacity, expressed in degrees, that the machine can achieve when the machine is in a 30° to 270° orientation within the performance parameter range.
33.5 Capstan winrl:performance3.3.5.1 Tension forceJinejull
The tension measured on the first and last level of the capstan winch at rated engine speed. Linepeec
The speed measured on the first and last level of the capstan winch at rated engine speed. 3.3.6 Braking system (wheel-type machines)brakin g5ystcmmiwheeledmachineca) The combination of all components of a machine's braking and (or) stopping functions, including operating mechanisms, brake transmissions, brakes and speed limiters (if the machine is equipped with a timer,
3-3.7 Brakingsystem (cruisecrachines) The combination of all components of a machine's braking and (or) stopping functions, including operating mechanisms, brake transmissions, brakes and all connecting parts of the brake belt.
3.3.8 The rotation of a reeliusfwheelerlmachine according to HT:
3. 4. Terms
Dimensions and. H Push ground plane (GRP> Approximate definitions see JT/T?22 and JG/T80. Definitions of dimensions related to bulldozers see Appendix A (Standard Appendix) 2. Table
Z.1 Type of machine aftracrdozer 2.1.1 Chassis mmfercarriage
2. 1.1. 1 Most section pusher. Upper machine cTawler type tractar-dozer See Figure! , Wheeled machine whec: t>Tre trzetar-dozer see Figure 2.
4.1.2 Rotor system areeeringaystm Articulated rotor (wheel-mounted main engine) articulatedteerinswheeledmachines see Figure 13 Belt shift steering cruwier skid steer:ng both 13. Belt differential steering crane independentcrt91eering Figure 14.
4 Engine position engnelaration
4.13.1 Engine front Irortengine
4. 1. 3.2 Engine back
er cngine
rotation center nxi:nf a--irul:rn
Figure 3 Sliding wheel
4.2 Dimensions dinmenin
4.2.1 Busemachine
The size is Yile
Articulated steering
This is different from the meaning of the push creation. See the appendix standard section. 4.2-. Belt-type machines crawleimachines see Figure 15.
4.2-1.2 Wheeled machines see Figure 15.
4. 2.2 Specifications of dimensions See 172. For definitions of dimensions, see /T80. For definitions of dimensions related to standard L. machines, see Appendix A: Figure 1 Dimensions of belt bulldozer (V.★V,) GR/T B590—2001 Dimensions of main engine of belt bulldozer Figure 16 Dimensions of main engine of wheel bulldozer 12 Dimensions See Figure 15 GB/T 8590—2001 Figure 1 Dimensions of bulldozer blade of belt bulldozer Figure 18 Dimensions of bulldozer blade of wheel bulldozer 1 For details, see Figure 15. GB/TB590—2001 Dimensions of soil ripper4. The ROPS and (or FOPS) cab includes the cab, the engine row, the R door and the PS. The FOPS is a complete set of cabs and is fixed to the main batch. The required accessories are as shown in Figure 10. 3.3. The net engine power is in accordance with the provisions of B/T1693S. 3.3-2 The maximum travel speed is the maximum speed that can be obtained in each gear. 3.3. The speed drawer ll is applied to the speed draw or traction device connection parts to indicate the maximum speed that can be obtained in each gear. 3.3.4 (mhiretalic pe apiy in. 1.1--3. 3.2 The maximum speed of the machine specified in the specification is expressed in degrees: GB/T85902001 (Machine) Static ramp capacity (marhine) kmgi:dlinalartialnpecapacity Within the performance parameter range, the maximum lateral speed that can be measured on the machine (i.e. the center and 180\ of the machine medium) is expressed in degrees. 3-3.4.2 (Machine>lateral static ramp capacity (mnchine> lateral staticslouecapzcityThe maximum possible slope capacity, expressed in degrees, that the machine can achieve when the machine is in a 30° to 270° orientation within the performance parameter range.
33.5 Capstan winrl:performance3.3.5.1 Tension forceJinejull
The tension measured on the first and last level of the capstan winch at rated engine speed. Linepeec
The speed measured on the first and last level of the capstan winch at rated engine speed. 3.3.6 Braking system (wheel-type machines)brakin g5ystcmmiwheeledmachineca) The combination of all components of a machine's braking and (or) stopping functions, including operating mechanisms, brake transmissions, brakes and speed limiters (if the machine is equipped with a timer,
3-3.7 Brakingsystem (cruisecrachines) The combination of all components of a machine's braking and (or) stopping functions, including operating mechanisms, brake transmissions, brakes and all connecting parts of the brake belt.
3.3.8 The rotation of a reeliusfwheelerlmachine according to HT:
3. 4. Terms
Dimensions and. H Push ground plane (GRP> Approximate definitions see JT/T?22 and JG/T80. Definitions of dimensions related to bulldozers see Appendix A (Standard Appendix) 2. Table
Z.1 Type of machine aftracrdozer 2.1.1 Chassis mmfercarriage
2. 1.1. 1 Most section pusher. Upper machine cTawler type tractar-dozer See Figure! , Wheeled machine whec: t>Tre trzetar-dozer see Figure 2.
4.1.2 Rotor system areeeringaystm Articulated rotor (wheel-mounted main engine) articulatedteerinswheeledmachines see Figure 13 Belt shift steering cruwier skid steer:ng both 13. Belt differential steering crane independentcrt91eering Figure 14.
4 Engine position engnelaration
4.13.1 Engine front Irortengine
4. 1. 3.2 Engine back
er cngine
rotation center nxi:nf a--irul:rn
Figure 3 Sliding wheel
4.2 Dimensions dinmenin
4.2.1 Busemachine
The size is Yile
Articulated steering
This is different from the meaning of the push creation. See the appendix standard section. 4.2-. Belt-type machines crawleimachines see Figure 15.
4.2-1.2 Wheeled machines see Figure 15.
4. 2.2 Specifications of dimensions See 172. For definitions of dimensions, see /T80. For definitions of dimensions related to standard L. machines, see Appendix A: Figure 1 Dimensions of belt bulldozer (V.★V,) GR/T B590—2001 Dimensions of main engine of belt bulldozer Figure 16 Dimensions of main engine of wheel bulldozer 12 Dimensions See Figure 15 GB/T 8590—2001 Figure 1 Dimensions of bulldozer blade of belt bulldozer Figure 18 Dimensions of bulldozer blade of wheel bulldozer 1 For details, see Figure 15. GB/TB590—2001 Dimensions of soil ripper4. The ROPS and (or FOPS) cab includes the cab, the engine row, the R door and the PS. The FOPS is a complete set of cabs and is fixed to the main batch. The required accessories are as shown in Figure 10. 3.3. The net engine power is in accordance with the provisions of B/T1693S. 3.3-2 The maximum travel speed is the maximum speed that can be obtained in each gear. 3.3. The speed drawer ll is applied to the speed draw or traction device connection parts to indicate the maximum speed that can be obtained in each gear. 3.3.4 (mhiretalic pe apiy in. 1.1--3. 3.2 The maximum speed of the machine specified in the specification is expressed in degrees: GB/T85902001 (Machine) Static ramp capacity (marhine) kmgi:dlinalartialnpecapacity Within the performance parameter range, the maximum lateral speed that can be measured on the machine (i.e. the center and 180\ of the machine medium) is expressed in degrees. 3-3.4.2 (Machine>lateral static ramp capacity (mnchine> lateral staticslouecapzcityThe maximum possible slope capacity, expressed in degrees, that the machine can achieve when the machine is in a 30° to 270° orientation within the performance parameter range.
33.5 Capstan winrl:performance3.3.5.1 Tension forceJinejull
The tension measured on the first and last level of the capstan winch at rated engine speed. Linepeec
The speed measured on the first and last level of the capstan winch at rated engine speed. 3.3.6 Braking system (wheel-type machines)brakin g5ystcmmiwheeledmachineca) The combination of all components of a machine's braking and (or) stopping functions, including operating mechanisms, brake transmissions, brakes and speed limiters (if the machine is equipped with a timer,
3-3.7 Brakingsystem (cruisecrachines) The combination of all components of a machine's braking and (or) stopping functions, including operating mechanisms, brake transmissions, brakes and all connecting parts of the brake belt.
3.3.8 The rotation of a reeliusfwheelerlmachine according to HT:
3. 4. Terms
Dimensions and. H Push ground plane (GRP> Approximate definitions see JT/T?22 and JG/T80. Definitions of dimensions related to bulldozers see Appendix A (Standard Appendix) 2. Table
Z.1 Type of machine aftracrdozer 2.1.1 Chassis mmfercarriage
2. 1.1. 1 Most section pusher. Upper machine cTawler type tractar-dozer See Figure! , Wheeled machine whec: t>Tre trzetar-dozer see Figure 2.
4.1.2 Rotor system areeeringaystm Articulated rotor (wheel-mounted main engine) articulatedteerinswheeledmachines see Figure 13 Belt shift steering cruwier skid steer:ng both 13. Belt differential steering crane independentcrt91eering Figure 14.
4 Engine position engnelaration
4.13.1 Engine front Irortengine
4. 1. 3.2 Engine back
er cngine
rotation center nxi:nf a--irul:rn
Figure 3 Sliding wheel
4.2 Dimensions dinmenin
4.2.1 Busemachine
The size is Yile
Articulated steering
This is different from the meaning of the push creation. See the appendix standard section. 4.2-. Belt-type machines crawleimachines see Figure 15.
4.2-1.2 Wheeled machines see Figure 15.
4. 2.2 Specifications of dimensions See 172. For definitions of dimensions, see /T80. For definitions of dimensions related to standard L. machines, see Appendix A: Figure 1 Dimensions of belt bulldozer (V.★V,) GR/T B590—2001 Dimensions of main engine of belt bulldozer Figure 16 Dimensions of main engine of wheel bulldozer 12 Dimensions See Figure 15 GB/T 8590—2001 Figure 1 Dimensions of bulldozer blade of belt bulldozer Figure 18 Dimensions of bulldozer blade of wheel bulldozer 1 For details, see Figure 15. GB/TB590—2001 Dimensions of soil ripperH Pusher ground plane (GRP> Approximately defined in JT/T?22 and JG/T80 Long bulldozer-related dimensions are defined in Appendix A (Standard Appendix) 2 Table
Z.1 Type of machine 2.1.1 Chassis mmfercarriage
2. 1.1. 1 Most sectioned pusher type Tractor-dozer See Figure! ,
2. 1. 1.2 Wheeled machine whec: t>Tre trzetar-dozer See Figure 2.
4.1.2 Rotary systems areeering aystm Articulated tractor (wheeled machine) articulated teer inswheeled machines See Figure 13 Belt clearing steering cruwier skid steer:ng both 13. Service with differential steering crane independencecrt91eering Figure 14.
4 Engine position engnelaration
4.13.1 Engine front Irortengine
4. 1. 3.2 Engine rear
er cngine
rotation center nxi:nf a--irul:rn
Figure 3 Sliding wheel
4.2 Dimensions in
4.2.1 Busemachine
The dimensions are for Yile
Articulated steering
This is different from the standard in the appendix. 4.2-. Belt-type machines crawleimachines see Figure 15.
4.2-1.2 Tire-type wheeledmachines see Figure 15.
4. 2.2 "Year atmosphere communication
Dimensions are defined in /T80
Related to the standard L. machine in Appendix A: Figure 1 Yao Yiyun also steering (V.★V,)
GR/T B590—2001
Machine dimensions of belt bulldozer
Figure 16 Main engine of wheel bulldozer in inches
12 Delivery rate dimensions see Figure 15
GB/T 8590—2001
Figure 1? Dimensions of bulldozer blade of belt tooth bulldozer
Figure 18 Dimensions of bulldozer blade of wheel bulldozer
1 For details, see Figure 15.
Specification 1S Ripper dimensionsH Pusher ground plane (GRP> Approximately defined in JT/T?22 and JG/T80 Long bulldozer-related dimensions are defined in Appendix A (Standard Appendix) 2 Table
Z.1 Type of machine 2.1.1 Chassis mmfercarriage
2. 1.1. 1 Most sectioned pusher type Tractor-dozer See Figure! ,
2. 1. 1.2 Wheeled machine whec: t>Tre trzetar-dozer See Figure 2.
4.1.2 Rotary systems areeering aystm Articulated tractor (wheeled machine) articulated teer inswheeled machines See Figure 13 Belt clearing steering cruwier skid steer:ng both 13. Service with differential steering crane independencecrt91eering Figure 14.
4 Engine position engnelaration
4.13.1 Engine front Irortengine
4. 1. 3.2 Engine rear
er cngine
rotation center nxi:nf a--irul:rn
Figure 3 Sliding wheel
4.2 Dimensions in
4.2.1 Busemachine
The dimensions are for Yile
Articulated steering
This is different from the standard in the appendix. 4.2-. Belt-type machines crawleimachines see Figure 15.
4.2-1.2 Tire-type wheeledmachines see Figure 15.
4. 2.2 "Year atmosphere communication
Dimensions are defined in /T80
Related to the standard L. machine in Appendix A: Figure 1 Yao Yiyun also steering (V.★V,)
GR/T B590—2001
Machine dimensions of belt bulldozer
Figure 16 Main engine of wheel bulldozer in inches
12 Delivery rate dimensions see Figure 15
GB/T 8590—2001
Figure 1? Dimensions of bulldozer blade of belt tooth bulldozer
Figure 18 Dimensions of bulldozer blade of wheel bulldozer
1 For details, see Figure 15.
Specification 1S Ripper dimensions
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