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Graphical symbols - Technical guidelines for the consideration of consumers’ needs

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 7291-2008

Standard Name:Graphical symbols - Technical guidelines for the consideration of consumers’ needs

Chinese Name: 图形符号 基于消费者需求的技术指南

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2008-07-16

Date of Implementation:2009-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:ICS General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>>Graphic Symbols>>01.080.01 Graphic Symbols General

Standard Classification Number:General>>Basic Standards>>A22 Terms and Symbols

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces GB 7291-1987

Procurement status:MOD ISO/IEC guide 74:2004

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Plan number:20064903-T-469

Publication date:2009-01-01

other information

Release date:1987-02-24

drafter:Zou Chuanyu, Bai Dianyi, Guo Ting, Chen Jian, Zhang Liang, Chen Yongquan

Drafting unit:China National Institute of Standardization, China Machinery Productivity Promotion Center, China Consumers Association

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols

Publishing department:National Standardization Administration

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard was first issued in 1987 and this is the first revision. This standard specifies the design procedures for the following three types of graphic symbols: --- Graphic symbols for public information; --- Graphic symbols for safety signs and product safety labels; --- Graphic symbols for equipment and products. The above graphic symbols may be used in documents used by consumers. This standard applies to the design of the above graphic symbols related to consumers, but does not apply to graphic symbols for road traffic signs and technical product documents. This standard replaces GB7291-1987 "General Requirements for Graphic Symbols Related to Consumers". The main differences from GB7291-1987 are: --- The name of the standard is changed to "Technical Guidelines for Graphic Symbols Based on Consumer Demands"; --- It has been revised in accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 74:2004. GB/T 7291-2008 Technical Guidelines for Graphical Symbols Based on Consumer Needs GB/T7291-2008 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the design procedures for the following three types of graphic symbols: ---Graphic symbols for public information; ---Graphic symbols for safety signs and product safety labels; ---Graphic symbols for equipment and products. The above-mentioned graphic symbols may be used in documents used by consumers. This standard applies to the design of the above-mentioned consumer-related graphic symbols, but does not apply to graphic symbols for road traffic signs and technical product documents.
This standard uses the redrafting method to modify and adopt ISO/IEC Guide74:2004 "Technical Guidelines for Graphical Symbols Based on Consumer Needs".
Compared with ISO/IEC Guide 74:2004, this standard has the following technical differences:
--- The referenced document ISO 3864-1 in the original international standard is replaced by GB/T 2893.1, which is a modified international standard;
--- The referenced document ISO 17724 in the original international standard is replaced by GB/T 15565 (all parts);
--- The introduction of the International Organization for Standardization on graphic symbols in Chapter 4 is changed to the introduction of the relevant technical committees of graphic symbols in China;
--- As this standard is a recommended national standard, the legislative suggestions in 5.2 are deleted and the risk assessment procedure can be stipulated by law;
--- As China has not yet established a graphic symbol registration system, it is impossible to ensure that the graphic symbols in the existing national standards meet the standardized design requirements of graphic symbols. Therefore, Article 5.4 of the original international standard is changed to "If there is a suitable symbol, it should be used". Change to "If there is a suitable symbol, it should be used";
--- Since the uniqueness of the meaning of graphic symbols is a prerequisite for ensuring that graphic symbols are correctly understood, the original international standard 5.4 "In any field, graphic symbols should only express a unique meaning". Change to "In any field, graphic symbols should only express a unique meaning";
--- Since safety colors involve personal safety, the declarative text in the original international standard 6.1 is changed to technical requirements. That is, if graphic symbols are used in safety signs or product safety labels, the safety colors of the signs or labels should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T2893.1;
--- Some international standards in Tables 1 and 2 of Chapter 7 are replaced by the corresponding national standards after conversion;
--- Since China has not yet established a complete graphic symbol registration system and related procedures, the original international standard 4.1 "The procedures of the relevant technical committee should also be followed" and Chapter 9 are deleted. For ease of use, this standard also makes the following editorial changes to ISO/IEC Guide 74:2004:
--- The term "this guide" is changed to this standard.
This standard replaces GB7291-1987 "General requirements for graphic symbols related to consumers". The main differences from GB7291-1987 are:
--- The name of the standard is changed to "Technical Guide for Graphic Symbols Based on Consumer Needs";
--- It is revised again in accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 74:2004.
Appendix A of this standard is an informative appendix.
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols.
Drafting units of this standard: China National Institute of Standardization, China Machinery Productivity Promotion Center, China Consumers Association.
Main drafters of this standard: Zou Chuanyu, Bai Dianyi, Guo Ting, Chen Jian, Zhang Liang, Chen Yongquan.
This standard was first published in 1987 and this is the first revision.
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all referenced documents with dates, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all referenced documents without dates, the latest versions are applicable to this standard.
GB/T2893.1 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 1: Design principles for safety signs in workplaces and public areas (GB/T2893.1-2004, ISO3864-1:2002, MOD)
GB/T15565 (all parts) Graphical symbol terminology
Foreword I
Introduction II
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 Domestic relevant standardization technical committees 1
4.1 Overview 1
4.2 SAC/TC59 1
4.3 SAC/TC27 2
5 Preliminary considerations 2
5.1 Information to be conveyed 2
5.2 Risk assessment 2
5.3 Target audience2
5.4 Searching for existing symbols with the same meaning3
6 Design of new graphic symbols3
6.1 Basic procedures3
6.2 Environment of use3
7 Relevant national and international standards3
7.1 Standards related to graphic symbols and safety signs3
7.2 Standards related to graphic symbol design principles and requirements4
8 Evaluation of the comprehensibility of safety signs (including product safety labels) and public information graphic symbols4
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Examples of standardized graphic symbols and safety signs5

Some standard content:

ICS 01. 080. 01
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 7291-2008
Replaces GB 7291--1987
Graphical symbols-
Technical guidelines for the consideration of consumers' needs(ISOO/IEC Guide 74:2004, MOD)Issued on 16 July 2008
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaAdministration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 1 January 2009
GB/T 7291—2008
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Domestic relevant technical committees for standardization
4.1 Overview
4.2 SAC/RC 59
4.3 SAC/TC 27
5 Preliminary considerations
5.1 Information to be conveyed
5.2 Risk assessment
Target audience
Examination of existing symbols with the same meaning
6 Design of new graphic symbols
6. [Basic procedures
6.2 Environment of use
7 Relevant national and international standards
7.1 Standards involving graphic symbols and safety signs 7.2 Standardization objectives of graphic symbol design principles and requirements
8 Evaluation of the understandability of safety signs (including product safety labels) and public information graphic symbols Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Examples of standardized graphic symbols and safety signs References·
GB/T 7291—2008
This standard adopts the redrafting method to modify and adopt ISO/IEC Guide 74:2004 Technical Guide for Consumer Requirements Based on Graphical Symbols
Compared with IS)/IFC Guide 74:2004, this standard has the following technical differences: The referenced document ISO 38641 in the original international standard is replaced by GB/T 2893.1, which is the international standard adopted in the revision. The referenced document ISO 17724:1 in the original international standard is replaced by GB/T 15565 (all parts). The introduction of the international standardization group for graphic symbols in Chapter 4 is changed to the introduction of the relevant information of graphic symbols in my country. Introduction to the Technical Committee:
Since this standard is a recommended national standard, the legislative proposal "risk assessment procedures may be stipulated by law" in 5.2 is deleted: Since my country has not yet established a graphic derivative symbol registration system, it is impossible to ensure that the graphic symbols in the existing national standards meet the standardized design requirements of graphic symbols. Therefore, Article 5.4 of the original international standard "If a suitable symbol exists: this symbol should be used" is changed to "If a suitable symbol exists: this symbol should be used": Since the uniqueness of the meaning of a graphic symbol is a prerequisite for ensuring that the graphic symbol is correctly understood, Article 5.4 of the original international standard is changed to "In any field - graphic symbols only express a unique meaning." Change to "In any field - graphic symbols should only express one meaning":
For safety colors involving personal safety, the declarative text in Article 6.1 of the original international standard is changed to technical requirements, that is, "If graphic symbols are used in safety signs or product safety labels, the safety colors of the signs or labels should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T2893.1":
Some international standards in Tables 1 and 2 of Chapter 7 are replaced by the corresponding national standards after conversion: Since my country has not yet established a complete graphic symbol registration system and related procedures, the original international standard 4.1 is deleted. The procedures of the relevant technical committee should also be followed and Chapter 9. For the convenience of use, this standard also makes the following changes to 1S()/IE(Guide74:2004 Editorial modification: The word "this guide" is changed to "this standard". This standard replaces GB7291-1987 "General requirements for graphic symbols related to consumers". The main differences from GB7291-1987 are:
The name of the standard is changed to "Technical Guide for Graphic Symbols Based on Consumer Demand 3"; it is revised again in accordance with ISO/1FC Guide74.2004. Appendix A of this standard is an informative appendix.
This standard was proposed and approved by the National Technical Committee for the Promotion of Graphic Symbols. The drafting units of this standard are: China National Institute of Standardization, China Machinery Productivity Promotion Center, China Consumers Association. The main drafters of this standard are: Zou Chuanyu, Bai Dianyi, Guo Ting, Chen Jian, Zhang Liang, Chen Yongquan. This standard was first issued in 1987. Published, this is the first revision 1
Poorly designed graphic symbols and graphic symbols with the same meaning but different composition will affect consumers' understanding. In the era of rapid development of tourism, free flow of labor and globalized trade, if graphic symbols are not designed in accordance with relevant national standards, the problem of unstandardized and difficult for consumers to understand graphic symbols will become more and more common. my country has issued corresponding national standards, which stipulate the procedures to be followed in creating and standardizing graphic symbols. In the field of information transmission, graphic symbols undoubtedly have outstanding advantages. For example: 1. Strong visual effect:
2. Ability to convey information in a compact form: 3. Ability to convey information in an intuitive, language-independent form: 4. It can lead observers to achieve their expected results or make corresponding decisions. However, graphic symbols do not always play their own advantages. The purpose of this standard is to encourage consumers to fully consider their needs when designing new graphic symbols. If the symbols are to be correctly understood by the vast majority of the same audience, the consistency of the symbols and the frequency of use must be guaranteed. This will help improve the familiarity of the audience with the symbols. The use of graphic symbols on products or equipment will reduce the number of times users consult the manual, but in some cases, auxiliary text is required to achieve the best effect. For consumers, it is very important for graphic symbols to clearly and effectively convey the expected information, especially the need to distinguish between safety information (including information related to unsafe use or incorrect use of products and equipment) and non-safety information. Therefore, it is recommended that the technical committee must invite relevant parties to participate in the design process when designing graphic symbols that convey information to consumers. For example, it can adopt the method of absorbing representatives of consumers to participate in the technical committee and conduct surveys on consumer usage. H
Graphic symbols
Technical guidelines based on consumer needs
Important tips: The colors in this standard cannot be used for color matching. For color matching requirements, please refer to the chromaticity and photometric properties specified in GB/T2893.1. Appendix A of CB/T2893.1 also provides reference values ​​1 range of other safety colors in the color system
This standard specifies the design of the following three types of graphic symbols: 1. Public information graphic symbols:
2. Safety signs and product safety labels graphic symbols: 3. Graphic symbols for equipment and products.
The above graphic symbols may be used in documents used by consumers. This standard applies to the design of the above-mentioned consumer-related graphic symbols, but does not apply to the graphic symbols used in road traffic signs and technical product documents.
Method: The design specifications of graphic symbols have been specified in relevant national standards and national standards. This standard summarizes relevant standard information and reference documents to help technical committees and designers follow "quality best practices" when considering new graphic symbol requirements. 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through reference to this standard. All subsequent amendments (excluding dated contents) or revisions of the referenced documents with a date are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to use the latest versions of these documents. For all referenced documents with a date, the latest version applies to this standard. GB12H93.1 Graphical symbols Safety colors and safety signs Part 1: Design principles for safety signs in workplaces and public areas (GBF2895.1--2001.1S0 3864-1.2002.M0)) GBT 5565 (all parts) Graphical symbol terms 3 Terms and definitions
The technical connections and definitions defined in GBT15.65 apply to this standard: 4 Domestic related standardization technical committees
4.1 Overview
The domestic technical committees responsible for formulating and revising national standards related to graphic symbol design and standardization involved in this standard include S.1'T59 and SAC:TC27. These technical committees are responsible for formulating national standards related to graphic symbol design and standardization. When drafting a standard that references graphic symbols or contains graphic signs, the technical committee shall...The provisions of this standard shall be followed. 4.2 SAC/TC 59
SAC:TC59 National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols is responsible for the terminology and representation rules of graphic symbols:
Public information graphic symbols:
Safety signs, signs, shapes, symbols and color combinations: 1. Graphic symbols for equipment:
Undertakes the domestic standardization technical cooperation with the International Organization for Standardization Graphic Symbols Technical Committee (IS(TC145) on 1I. 1
GB/T 7291-2008
SAC/1C39 has a sub-technical committee, namely SC1: Urban Orientation Sub-Technical Committee. 4. 3SAC/IC 27
SAC/TC:27 National Technical Committee for Standardization of Information Structure Documentation and Graphic Symbols is responsible for the following electrical graphic symbols:
--Graphic symbols for electrical schematics:
---Rules for the preparation of electrical technical documents:--Graphic symbols for electrical equipment;
--Undertake the domestic standardization technical work with the International Electrotechnical Commission Information Structure Documentation and Graphic Symbols (IEC/SC3C).
Note: For convenience, the website of the relevant technical committee is: SAC/Trs9, h1://www,cnsymhat.org/: SAC/TC27Ftp://.c27.org.en:150/TC.t=-h:lp://ixu.utg/sel:5:JFC/SC3.h:ip.//te3.ice.th, 5 Preliminary considerations
5. 1 Information to be conveyed
The information to be conveyed includes identification information of the product or equipment, status indication of the product or equipment, or corresponding behavioral response of the user. Therefore, the designer of the graphic symbol should:
a) determine the nature of the hazard or information to be conveyed - in particular, whether it is related to the user - or only to the equipment; h) determine the information to be conveyed to the target audience and how the information is to be conveyed (e.g., whether it is necessary to use a public information symbol, a graphic symbol for safety signs and product labels, or a graphic symbol for equipment and products). If public information graphic symbols or equipment graphic symbols are used, the most important information conveyed to consumers is: product or equipment identification information, status indication, and operating instructions. If safety signs and product safety labels are used, the key information is: prohibition:
- safe environment, evacuation routes, safety equipment: - location of fire protection facilities.
5.2 Risk Assessment
In many cases, the nature of the safety problem can be confirmed through formal risk assessment, and the procedures for implementing risk assessment can be formulated in relevant national standards or business regulations.
5.3 Target Audience
Consider the specific information transmission requirements of the target audience (such as children, the elderly, and people with special needs) and take corresponding measures. Concepts familiar to the target audience can be used, and factors such as comprehension impairment and vision can be considered. Note: GH/1200022 provides guidance for the elderly and disabled: Often, certain graphic symbols will be designed to be used in both workplaces and public areas. In this case, the target audience includes people who have received health and safety training, as well as the general public who have not received training. For example, in an office building that is open to visitors, the office staff have received training related to the workplace they work in, but the visitors have not received relevant training. When designing graphic symbols for such places, the most important point is to ensure that the needs of visitors are taken into account. Find out relevant cultural or ethnic taboos and take them into account when designing. Ensure that the meaning of graphic symbols is clear and ambiguous: It is advisable to avoid using words in graphic symbols. If it is necessary to use semantics in graphic symbols, ensure that their meaning can be widely understood. 2
5.4 Search for existing symbols with the same meaning
GB/T 7291—2008
Determine whether there is already a graphic symbol suitable for the intended use in national and international standards (see Table 1). If there is a suitable symbol, it uses that symbol. In any field, a graphic symbol should only express a unique meaning. 6 Design of new graphic symbols
6.1 Basic procedures
If there is no suitable symbol, a new graphic symbol should be designed in accordance with the requirements of the national and international standards (see Table 2) on the design, testing and standardization procedures of graphic symbols.
If a graphic symbol is used in a safety sign or product safety label, the safety color of the sign or label should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T2893.1.
6.2 Usage environment
6.2.1 Factors considered by graphic symbol designers For graphic symbol designers, it is important to understand the usage environment in order to better determine the design plan. In particular, it is advisable to follow the principle of people-oriented design and conduct in-depth investigations into consumer behavior and the characteristics of the physical environment, surrounding environment and social and cultural environment (see GB/T 18976).
Key use environment factors may include:
- The use environment of the graphic symbol or graphic symbol (or logo) combination (with auxiliary text): viewing distance:
- Lighting and surrounding lighting conditions (may include emergency situations): - Relationship with other symbols.
6. 2. 2. Setting and using signs
When setting signs, factors related to the specific environment of use need to be considered. Although the technical label promotion does not discuss factors related to the environment of use in depth, the following factors are listed here to emphasize the fact that if a carefully designed graphic symbol is poorly reproduced or used improperly, it may be necessary to consider the following factors in order to maximize the effectiveness of the graphic symbol:
Avoid excessive and inappropriate use of color;
Potential confusion between background color and safety color;
Contrast between the graphic symbol and the background color;
Properties of materials and structure (such as reflectivity and durability);
Effects of the reproduction technology of the graphic symbol;
Position (such as high, low) and clear sight line;
Lighting (the sign itself and its surroundings);
The need for auxiliary text to improve understanding;
Glossiness that affects the ability of some people to read the sign;
Needs of people with visual impairments (including color). 7 Relevant national standards and international standards
7.1 Standards involving graphic symbols and safety signs should be searched according to the standards provided in Table 1 to see if there are already graphic symbols for the intended use. 3
GB/T 7291—2008
Table 1 National standards and international standards involving standardized graphic symbols and safety signs Graphic symbols (or standard speed) types
Public information graphic symbols
Safety signs
Graphic symbols for equipment
Relevant national standards and international standards
GB 2894,IS() 7015
Appendix A provides examples of "standardized graphic symbols and safety signs. 7.2 Standards involving graphic symbol design principles and requirements should refer to the current standards in Table 2 to design new graphic symbols. Table 2 National and international standards involving graphic symbol design principles and requirements High-level symbols [or sign types]
Public information graphic symbols
Safety committee punctuation
Graphic symbols for equipment
Related national standards International standards
CB/T 2893.1.1S0 3864-2.130) 386+-3, IS0 1739SGR T 5163. +.GR T 169C2. 1
Note: References provide information on relevant standards. Evaluation of the Comprehensibility of Safety Signs (including Product Safety Labels) and Public Information Graphic Symbols The best way to evaluate the effectiveness of graphic symbol information transmission is to select samples from the public audience and adopt the following controllable evaluation method:) Carefully and reliably prepare the test samples of the graphic symbol program used in the test procedure: 1) Objectively select representative public audiences from a wide range of people, and consider age, gender and other special factors. In addition, it is also advisable to select respondents with different cultural backgrounds: Full management and supervision of the test process:
Confirm and record the analysis results of the test data: d
(BT1G903.2 specifies the evaluation procedure for the comprehensibility of graphic symbols. Meng
Appendix A
[Informative Appendix]
Examples of Standardized Graphic Symbols and Safety Signs GB/T 10001.1—2006(04)
(Public information)
GI3/T 10001.2—2006(58)
Large enclosed bus
(Public information)
GB 2894-1996(2·28)
Beware of falling
No smoking
GB 13195—1992(3.3.2)
Fire extinguisher
(Fire safety)
Directional arrow
(Safe environment)
GB/T 7291—2008
IS() 7010-: M001
General instruction mark
GB/T 16273. 6
2003 (1-20)
Windshield wiper
Manual cleaning
GB/T 5465. 2
Battery positioning
G3/T 5465.2—1996(5012)
Lights, lighting, lighting equipment
The examples of HCB2891, CB1349J and 1S0701U can be used to assist in the shapes, colors and basic categories of safety signs specified in TGH/T2893.1. National Standards
Art Examination Documents
CB/T 7291—2008
[1]GB/T2893.1 Graphical symbols Safety colors and safety signs Part 1: Design principles for safety signs in workplaces and public areas
[2]GB 2894
Safety signs
[3]GB/T5465.1 Basic principles for graphic symbols for electrical equipment Part 1: Generation of prototype symbols[4]GB/T5165.2 Graphical symbols for electrical equipment Part 2: Graphical symbols[5]
GB/T8593C All parts) Operator control and other display symbols for earthwork machinery[6] wwW.bzxz.Net
GB/T10001 (all parts) Graphic symbols for public information for signs [7
GB13495 Fire safety signs
[8]GB/T15565 (all parts) Terminology of graphic symbols [9]GB/T16273 (all parts) Graphic symbols for equipment 1o1
GB/T16900 General rules for the representation of graphic symbols [11]
GB/T16902.1 Rules for the representation of graphic symbols Graphic symbols for equipment Part 1: Prototype symbols GB/T16903.1E
Rules for the representation of graphic symbols Graphic symbols for signs Part 1: Formation of graphic symbols GB/T16903.2 Rules for the representation of graphic symbols for signs Part 2: Test procedures GB/T 18976 Human-centered interactive system design process GB/T 20002.2 Drafting of specific content in the standard Part 2: Needs of the elderly and disabled ISO/IEC International Standard
IS) 3864-2
ISO 3864-3
ISO 6309
IS0 7000
JSO 7010
Graphic symbols
Safety colors and safety signs Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels Safety colors and safety signs Part 3, Design principles for graphic symbols for safety signs Graphic symbolology
Fire safety signs
Graphic symbols for equipment
Inquiry and list
Graphic symbols for public information
Graphic symbols Safety colors and safety signs Safety signs for workplaces and public areas IS0/TR7239 Principles for the design and application of public information symbols ISO 9186
1S0 17398
Test method for understandability and comprehension of graphic symbols Human-centered interactive system design process Safety colors and safety signs Classification of safety signs. Performance and durability ISO/IEC80416-1
Basic principles for graphic symbols for use on equipment Part 1: Creation of symbol prototypes ISO/IEC80416-2Basic principles for graphic symbols for use on equipment Part 2: Arrow shapes and usage [28]
1S0/IFC80416-3Basic principles for graphic symbols for use on equipment Part 3: Principles for the application of graphic symbols [29] -1ISO80416-4Basic principles for graphic symbols for use on equipment Part 1: Supplementary criteria for graphic symbols (icons) for use on screens and displays
[30]1EC60117ISO/IEC Guide to Graphical Symbols for Use on Equipment
[31]ISO/IEC Guide7 Guidelines for Standardizers to Consider the Needs of the Elderly and Disabled ITU-T Construction Project
[32] ITU-T Recommendation F.910 (02/95 Procedure for the Design, Evaluation and Selection of Symbols, Graphical Symbols and Icons [33] ITU-I Recommendation E.121 (07/96 Graphical Symbols, Graphical Symbols and Icons to Assist Telephone Services2 Drafting of specific content in standards Part 2: Needs of the elderly and disabled ISO/IEC International Standards
IS) 3864-2
ISO 3864-3
ISO 6309
IS0 7000
JSO 7010
Graphic symbols
Safety colors and safety signs Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels Safety colors and safety signs Part 3, Design principles for graphic symbols for safety signs Graphic symbolology
Fire safety signs
Graphic symbols for equipment
Inquiry and list
Graphic symbols for public information
Graphic symbols Safety colors and safety signs Safety signs for workplaces and public areas IS0/TR7239 Design and application principles for public information symbols ISO 9186
1S0 17398
Test method for understandability and comprehension of graphic symbols Human-centered interactive system design process Safety colors and safety signs Classification of safety signs. Performance and durability ISO/IEC80416-1
Basic principles for graphic symbols for use on equipment Part 1: Creation of symbol prototypes ISO/IEC80416-2Basic principles for graphic symbols for use on equipment Part 2: Arrow shapes and usage [28]
1S0/IFC80416-3Basic principles for graphic symbols for use on equipment Part 3: Principles for the application of graphic symbols [29] -1ISO80416-4Basic principles for graphic symbols for use on equipment Part 1: Supplementary criteria for graphic symbols (icons) for use on screens and displays
[30]1EC60117ISO/IEC Guide to Graphical Symbols for Use on Equipment
[31]ISO/IEC Guide7 Guidelines for Standardizers to Consider the Needs of the Elderly and Disabled ITU-T Construction Project
[32] ITU-T Recommendation F.910 (02/95 Procedure for the Design, Evaluation and Selection of Symbols, Graphical Symbols and Icons [33] ITU-I Recommendation E.121 (07/96 Graphical Symbols, Graphical Symbols and Icons to Assist Telephone Services2 Drafting of specific content in standards Part 2: Needs of the elderly and disabled ISO/IEC International Standards
IS) 3864-2
ISO 3864-3
ISO 6309
IS0 7000
JSO 7010
Graphic symbols
Safety colors and safety signs Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels Safety colors and safety signs Part 3, Design principles for graphic symbols for safety signs Graphic symbolology
Fire safety signs
Graphic symbols for equipment
Inquiry and list
Graphic symbols for public information
Graphic symbols Safety colors and safety signs Safety signs for workplaces and public areas IS0/TR7239 Design and application principles for public information symbols ISO 9186
1S0 17398
Test method for understandability and comprehension of graphic symbols Human-centered interactive system design process Safety colors and safety signs Classification of safety signs. Performance and durability ISO/IEC80416-1
Basic principles for graphic symbols for use on equipment Part 1: Creation of symbol prototypes ISO/IEC80416-2Basic principles for graphic symbols for use on equipment Part 2: Arrow shapes and usage [28]
1S0/IFC80416-3Basic principles for graphic symbols for use on equipment Part 3: Principles for the application of graphic symbols [29] -1ISO80416-4Basic principles for graphic symbols for use on equipment Part 1: Supplementary criteria for graphic symbols (icons) for use on screens and displays
[30]1EC60117ISO/IEC Guide to Graphical Symbols for Use on Equipment
[31]ISO/IEC Guide7 Guidelines for Standardizers to Consider the Needs of the Elderly and Disabled ITU-T Construction Project
[32] ITU-T Recommendation F.910 (02/95 Procedure for the Design, Evaluation and Selection of Symbols, Graphical Symbols and Icons [33] ITU-I Recommendation E.121 (07/96 Graphical Symbols, Graphical Symbols and Icons to Assist Telephone Services
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