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JB/T 8582.2-2001 Dry friction clutch for agricultural transport vehicles

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8582.2-2001

Standard Name: Dry friction clutch for agricultural transport vehicles

Chinese Name: 农用运输车 干摩擦式离合器

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2001-06-04

Date of Implementation:2001-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Road Vehicle Engineering>>43.160 Special Purpose Vehicles

Standard Classification Number:Vehicles>>Special Purpose Vehicles>>T54 Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Sideline Products, and Fishing Vehicles

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2004-04-24

other information

Focal point unit:National Agricultural Transport Vehicle Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8582.2—2001 JB/T 8582.2-2001 Dry friction clutch for agricultural transport vehicles JB/T8582.2-2001 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Dry Friction Clutch
Agricultural Vehicle-Dry Friction Clutch2001-06-04 Issued
China Machinery Industry Federation
2001-10-01 Implementation
This standard is formulated to improve the quality of agricultural vehicles, standardize the technical requirements and test methods of clutches, and ensure the interests of users and enterprises.
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Agricultural Vehicle Standardization Technical Committee. The drafting unit of this standard: Hunan University.
The main drafter of this standard: Tang Yingshi.
This standard was first issued in June 2001.
1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Agricultural vehicleDryfridion clutch
Agricultural vehicleDryfridion clutchJB/T8582.2—2001
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of dry friction clutches for agricultural transport vehicles.
This standard applies to dry friction clutches for agricultural transport vehicles (hereinafter referred to as clutches) using spiral springs and diaphragm springs. 2 Cited standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T2828-1987 Batch inspection counting sampling procedure and sampling table (applicable to continuous batch inspection) JB/T5673-1991
3 Definitions
General technical conditions for painting agricultural and forestry tractors and implements This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Compression characteristics characteristics of compression The relationship between the thickness change of the driven plate assembly and the axial load. 3.2 Axial compression axial compression The change in thickness of the driven plate assembly under the working clamping force. 3.3 Release torque release torque Under the specified working conditions, when the clutch pressure plate reaches the minimum lift specified in the drawing, the minimum torque that the driven plate assembly can rotate freely. 3.4 Load characteristics characteristics of load Under the condition that the driven plate assembly is not installed, the relationship curve between the load P acting on the pressure plate and the displacement of the pressure plate during the loading and subsequent unloading of the pressure plate. As shown in Figure 1. A
Helical spring
Figure 1 Load characteristics
China Machinery Industry Federation 2001-06-04 Approved Diaphragm spring
2001-10-01 Implementation
3.5 Working position pressure plate displacement on the worksite The clutch is in the actual installation state, and the displacement of the pressure plate position relative to the pressure plate position when the driven plate assembly is not installed. 3.6 Working clamping force Ppworking pressureP In the load characteristic load reduction process P-^, on the curve, corresponds to a load of 1. 3.7 Release characteristics release characteristics The clutch is in the actual installation state, or a pad equivalent to the clamping thickness of the driven plate is used to replace the driven plate. When the clutch is separated and engaged, the load P acting on the release rod (finger) end and the pressure plate lift h change with the release rod (finger) end stroke ^, as shown in Figure 2.
Coil spring
Diaphragm spring
Figure 2 Separation characteristics
3.8 Maximum separation force P2mxmaximumreleaseforceP2maxThe maximum load value on the separation characteristic P-1 curve within the specified separation stroke range. 3.9 Pressure plate lift h. pressureplatetravelhThe minimum displacement of each point on the pressure plate at the specified separation stroke range on the separation characteristic P-1 curve. 3.10 Pressure plate inclination △hpressureplateinclination△hThe difference between the maximum and minimum displacements of each point on the pressure plate at the specified separation stroke range on the separation characteristic h-^ curve. 4 Technical requirements
The clutch shall comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to drawings and technical documents approved through the prescribed procedures. 4.2
Sliding friction torque of clutch
4.2.1When the surface temperature of the friction plate is 250℃, the sliding friction torque per unit area of ​​the single-disc clutch shall not be less than the value specified in Table 1, and the sliding friction torque per unit area of ​​the double-disc clutch shall not be less than 75% of the value specified in Table 1Table 1
Clutch specifications
Sliding friction torque per unit areaN·mm2
4.2.2When the surface temperature of the friction plate is 250℃, the sliding friction torque of the clutch shall not be less than 70% of that at normal temperature4.3 Thermal load of the clutch
When the clutch is started 10 times continuously, the average temperature rise of each start shall not be greater than 10℃. 4.4 Wear resistance of clutch friction lining
After 1.0×104 simulated starting tests, the wear of the friction lining on one side shall not exceed 0.65mm, and there shall be no cracks, bubbles or rivet protrusions on the friction lining surface.
4.5 Disengagement torque of clutch
The disengagement torque of single-disc clutch shall not exceed 0.2N·m. 4.6 Static balance of clutch
The maximum allowable static imbalance of the cover and pressure plate assembly is 6M,g*cm, and the maximum allowable static imbalance of the driven plate assembly is 12Mzgcm (M is the mass of the cover and pressure plate assembly in kilograms, and M is the mass of the driven plate assembly in kilograms). Note: Belt-driven clutch is not included.
4.7 Working clamping force of cover assembly
The working clamping force of cover assembly shall comply with the provisions of the instruction manual, technical documents or enterprise standards, and its deviation shall be within 10% of the working clamping force.
4.8 Pressure plate lift
The pressure plate lift shall comply with the provisions of the instruction manual, technical documents or enterprise standards. 4.9 Dynamic separation durability of cover assembly
After 4×10 dynamic separation durability tests, the cover assembly shall meet the following requirements: a) The load change at the release bearing shall not exceed 15% of the initial value; b) The working clamping force of the pressure plate shall not be less than 85% of the initial value for the diaphragm spring clutch and not less than 80% of the initial value for the spiral spring clutch c) The pressure plate lift shall not be less than 85% of the initial value d) The wear of the release rod (finger) shall not exceed 30% of the thickness of the end of the release rod (finger) e) No part shall fail.
4.10 Clamping thickness deviation and parallelism of the driven plate assembly Under the working clamping force, the clamping thickness deviation and parallelism of the driven plate assembly are ±0.25mm and 0.2mm respectively. 4.11 Axial compression durability of driven disc assembly Under the working clamping force, the driven disc assembly shall meet the following requirements after 2X105 axial compression tests: a) The axial compression shall not be less than 80% of the initial value
b) The corrugated sheet shall not be damaged or broken, and the riveting shall not be loose; c) No parts shall fail.
4.12 Torsion durability of driven disc
The driven disc assembly shall meet the following requirements after 3.5×10 torsion durability tests: a) The ultimate torque shall not be less than 75% of the initial value b) The friction torque (damping torque) of the torsional vibration damper shall not be less than 60% of the initial value c) All parts shall not fail.
4.13 Release rod (finger) height deviation and release rod (finger) end face runout4.13.1 Under specified working conditions, the height deviation of the release rod (finger) end of the cover assembly shall not exceed ±1.5mm. 4.13.2 Under specified working conditions, the end face runout of the clutch release rod (finger) end and the release bearing contact circle shall not exceed 1mm for diaphragm spring clutch and 0.5mm for spiral spring clutch4.14 The following performance parameters of the clutch must be clearly specified in the product manual and drawings: a) release rod (finger) stroke and pressure plate lift; b) pressure plate working clamping force and pressure plate position; c) torsional characteristic curve and damping torque value; d) axial compression characteristics of the driven plate assembly;
e) separation torsional torque.
4.15 Other requirements
4.15.1 The clutch should be clean, and the friction plate surface should not be stained with oil. 4.15.2 All metal parts of the clutch must be treated with anti-rust treatment, and the surface of the pressure plate is allowed to be coated with anti-rust agent. 5 Test method
5.1 Sample preparation
Before the test, the original data of the sample shall be measured and recorded as needed. 5.2 Test for separation characteristics and load characteristics of cover assembly 5.2.1 Test equipment and instruments
Make the load evenly act on the end of the release rod (finger) and the friction surface of the pressure plate, and the static characteristics measurement bench of the cover assembly perpendicular to the friction surface of the pressure plate, as shown in Figures 3 and 4.
5.2.2 Test procedure Fix the cover assembly on the substitute flywheel according to the technical requirements, and install a pad equivalent to the clamping thickness of the driven plate assembly in the middle. Place this set of equipment in the center of the measuring table, as shown in Figure 3. Operate the loading device to make the stroke of the substitute release bearing reach the specified maximum separation stroke. After 10 such actions, the separation rod (finger) is preloaded with a specified load, and the dial indicator or displacement sensor is adjusted to zero. Operate the loading mechanism to disengage the clutch with an appropriate stroke increment until the maximum separation stroke is reached, and then engage the clutch with the same stroke increment until it returns to zero, and record the load and pressure plate displacement corresponding to the separation stroke during separation and engagement. Draw the separation characteristic curve
Place the test device installed according to the requirements of at the center of the measuring table, as shown in Figure 4. Install the dial indicator or displacement sensor so that it contacts the pressure plate or the special displacement measuring frame that contacts the friction surface of the pressure plate, and adjust to zero. 4
1—Measuring table; 2—Digital indicator: 3—Pad: 4—Load measuring device: 5—Substitute separation bearing: 6—Substitute flywheel Figure 3
1—Support column: 2—Measuring table: 3—Substitute flywheel: 4—Load measuring device: 5—Loader: 6 Digit indicator: 7—Press plate displacement measuring frame Figure 4 Apply load to the press plate, move the press plate about 1mm, remove the pad, and then reduce the load until the dial indicator resets to zero. Continue to reduce the load until all the load is removed, and record the displacement of the press plate from zero position to when all the load is removed. This value is the person. . Re-zero the dial indicator or displacement sensor and load measuring device. Load the pressure plate with appropriate pressure plate displacement increments until it exceeds ^, about 2.5mm, then reduce the load until all the load is removed, and record the value of the load P on the pressure plate as the pressure plate displacement ^ changes. 5
JB/T8582.2—2001 Draw the load characteristic curve and indicate g. Determine P,, P2max, h. and △h as shown in Figures 1 and 2. 5.3 Test for axial compression characteristics, clamping thickness and parallelism of driven plate assembly 5.3.1 Test equipment and instruments
Ensure that the load acts vertically and evenly on the axial compression characteristics test bench and corresponding instrumentation devices on the friction surface of the driven plate assembly, as shown in Figure 5.
5.3.2 Test procedure Install the test sample on the test bench, and the device status is shown in Figure 5. 1 Main frame; 2 Displacement sensor: 3- Preload plate: 4- Load sensor: 5- Ball hinge: 6- Hydraulic cylinder: 7- Upper pressure plate: 8- Driven plate assembly: 9- Lower pad Figure 5 Compress the driven plate assembly for the number of times according to the working clamping force until the axial compression reading is stable, apply the specified preload, and then start measuring. Load the driven plate assembly until the load on the driven plate assembly reaches the specified working clamping force, and record the axial compression 5 and the corresponding vertical pressure P. When the specified clamping force is reached, measure the distance between the upper and lower clamps at three points evenly distributed along the circumference. The average value is the clamping thickness of the driven plate assembly, and the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​is the parallelism. Reduce the load in the same way until the load is unloaded to zero, and record the axial compression S and the corresponding vertical pressure P. Draw the axial compression characteristic curve, as shown in Figure 6, and determine the axial compression 8. 6
5.4 Test for torsional characteristics of driven disc assembly shock absorber 5.4.1 Test equipment and instruments
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Ensure that the friction lining part is completely fixed and apply torsional torque to the disc hub. The driven disc torsional characteristic test bench and the corresponding angle and torque measuring device are as shown in Figure 7.
1-Pull pressure sensor: 2-Support plate: 3-Clamping disk: 4-Spline shaft: 5-Angular axis: 6-Angular displacement sensor: 7-XY recorder: 8-Torsion arm Figure 7
5.4.2 Test procedure Install the driven disk assembly onto the matching spline shaft of the test bench and clamp the friction lining part. Install the angular pointer or angular displacement sensor so that it can rotate with the disk hub and be in zero position. Apply a torsional torque to the disk hub and rotate the disk hub until it contacts the limit pin. 7
Unload to zero.
Apply a torsional torque in the opposite direction and rotate the disk hub until it contacts the limit pin.
Unload to zero Repeat twice.
Check and adjust the angle and torque to zero at the middle position.
Repeat, but record the corresponding values ​​of the angle and torque. Draw the torsion characteristic curve as shown in Figure 8. Determine the shock absorber's limit torsion angle 0mx, limit torque Mmx, friction damping torque M at the specified angle, torsional stiffness C in the specified angle range, and the angle α corresponding to the maximum torque of the engine as shown in Figure 8. . Beat! ·)【
5.5 Cover assembly dynamic separation durability performance test 5.5.1 Test conditions Cover assembly speed
Main shaft speed is 1450r/min. Clutch and engagement frequency
Clutch and engagement frequency is (100±5) times/min5.5.1.3 Separation stroke
The separation stroke shall comply with the requirements of the operating instructions and product drawings of the tested clutch. Separation bearing
The bearing contact surface size and free stroke shall comply with the requirements of the product drawings. It is best to use the separation bearing specified in use. The eccentricity of the separation bearing to the clutch rotation center is 0.38mm Ambient temperature
Room temperature or 100℃±10℃, to be agreed upon by the relevant parties according to the nature and purpose of the test. Clutch installation conditions and test times Install according to four clamping thicknesses of the driven disc assembly, and test 10×104 times for each installation condition. a) The first type is the nominal clamping thickness minus 0.25mm; 8
b) The fourth type is the thinnest thickness of the driven disc after wear, which is determined by design; g) The second and third types are determined by the interval between the first and fourth thicknesses. The total number of tests is at least 4×105 times.
5.5.2 Test equipment
The dynamic separation durability test bench of the cover assembly that meets the test conditions of 5.5.1 is shown in Figure 9. 1 Generation flywheel: 2 Cover assembly: 3 Motor: 4 Outer cover: 5 Separation bearing: 6 Connecting rod: 7 Eccentric shaft: 8 Fan: 9 Heater Figure 9
5.5.3 Test procedure
Measure the separation characteristics and load characteristics of the cover assembly according to 5.2, and determine P2mx, h, and P before the test. Install the sample on the flywheel of the test bench according to the regulations, and install the first thickness of the pad or block between the flywheel and the pressure plate surface. Adjust the test bench to meet the requirements of 5.5.1. Start the test bench and operate it continuously for 10×104 times. Stop the machine for inspection. If there is no damage to the parts, reduce the thickness of the pad to the next specified size and operate it continuously for 10×104 times. Repeat until the thickness of the pad is reduced to the fourth size, with a total of 4X105 times. Stop the machine, remove the sample, check for damaged parts, measure the wear of the separation rod (end), and measure the separation characteristic load characteristics according to 5.2 to determine Pamac, h and P. Repeat until the required total number of cycles is completed or the specimen is damaged. 5.6 Driven disc assembly axial compression durability test 9
5.6.1 Test conditions
JB/T8582.2-2001 Axial load: reciprocating cycle from zero to maximum load, the maximum load is equal to the working clamping force of the cover assembly matched with the tested driven disc assembly. Reciprocating frequency: 150~200 times/min. Reciprocating stroke: the same as the separation stroke specified for the tested clutch Number of tests: 2×105~4×105 times, which can be determined according to relevant regulations. 5.6.2 Test equipment and auxiliary devices
The reciprocating stroke is adjustable within the range of 0-20mm and meets the reciprocating test bench specified in 5.6.1 and the cover assembly matched with the tested driven disc assembly and with the working clamping force meeting the requirements, as shown in Figure 10. 1-Stand: 2-Cover assembly: 3-Substitute release bearing: 4-Sliding shaft: 5-Connecting rod: 6-Crank pin: 7-Driven disc assembly Figure 10
5.6.3 Test procedure According to 5.2, determine whether the working clamping force of the cover assembly meets the requirements. According to 5.3, measure the axial compression characteristics of the driven disc assembly and determine the axial compression amount S before the test. Install the driven disc assembly and cover assembly to be tested on the test bench.
Adjust the test bench to meet the requirements of 5.6.1.
Start the test bench to disengage and engage the clutch, and reciprocate to the specified number of tests. Remove the sample and measure the axial compression characteristics of the driven plate assembly according to 5.3 to determine the axial compression after the test. Remove the friction lining rivets if necessary, remove the friction lining, and check the damage of the corrugated plate and friction lining.
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