title>GB 7715-1987 Ethylene for industrial use - GB 7715-1987 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 7715-1987 Ethylene for industrial use

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 7715-1987

Standard Name: Ethylene for industrial use

Chinese Name: 工业用乙烯

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1987-05-09

Date of Implementation:1988-05-01

Date of Expiration:2003-12-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Organic Chemical Raw Materials>>G16 Basic Organic Chemical Raw Materials

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 7715-2003

Procurement status:UDC 661.715.33

Publication information

other information

Publishing department:China Petrochemical Corporation

Introduction to standards:

GB 7715-1987 Industrial ethylene GB7715-1987 standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

China Industrial Gas Network
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Ethylene for industrial use
Ethylene for industrial use-Specification This standard is applicable to the production of polyethylene, ethylene Oxides and other organic products of ethylene. H
Structural formula:
Molecular formula: C,H4
Molecular weight: 28.054 (according to the 1985 international atomic weight ) 1
Technical requirements
The quality of industrial ethylene should meet the requirements in the following table: Index name
1 Ethylene content, % (volume)
2 Methane and ethane , % (volume)
3 carbon blue and carbon three or more, Ppm (volume) < carbon monoxide, Ppm (volume)
carbon dioxide, Ppm (volume) ||tt| |6 Oxygen,
ppm (volume)
7 Acetylene, Ppm (volume)
8 Sulfur,
ppm (weight)
9 Water,
Ppm (volume)
(1) In the pipelines of the production plant and the user
(2) In the user's busy tank
10 hydrogen, Ppm (volume )
11 methanol, Ppm (weight)
Excellent grade approved by China Petrochemical Corporation on 1987-05-09
50| |tt||5
refers to
specifications are uncertain but must be measured
5| |tt||10
Measure if necessary
Test method|| tt||Qualified product
Yu Zui
GB3395—82|| tt||GB3397—82
Appendix A
Appendix B
1988-05-01 Implementation
2 test methods||tt ||GB 7715-87
2.1 The test methods for ethylene purity and impurity content are shown in the table. 2.2 The sampling method is usually liquid sampling. When only a small amount of sample is needed and safety requirements are met, gaseous samples can also be taken directly. 2.2.1 The sampler should be a double-valve pipe-type sampler with adjustment (as shown in Figure 1). The material is stainless steel (1Cr18Ni9Ti) or high-quality carbon steel (No. 10 or No. 20 steel), with a volume of 0.15~1L and a pressure of 19.6MPa (200kgf/cm2). To ensure that the sampling volume does not exceed 30% of the sampler volume, adjust the end of the tube It should be located at 30% of the distance from the bottom of the bottle. The sampler undergoes technical inspection every two years, and the hydraulic test pressure is 29.4MPa (300kgf/cm2). 30%
Figure 1 sampler
1 - outlet valve, 2 - safety valve; 3 - adjustment tube; 4 - simplified; 5 - inlet valve 2.2.2 Liquid sampling Device (see Figure 2) Sampling pipeline
is made of stainless steel pipe with a length not exceeding 2m and an inner diameter of 4mm. It is equipped with a regulating valve P/ and a discharge valve Q. There are interface threads at both ends, which are connected to the sample source sampling port valve P and the cylinder inlet valve A. Sampling steps
Prepare a clean sampler (2.2.1). If there are any residual samples in the sampler, all samples should be emptied, flushed with nitrogen, and the sampler should be dried. Special purpose.
Use the sampling pipeline ( to connect the sampler (2.2.1) and the sample source as shown in Figure 2. Close the cylinder inlet valve A and outlet valve B, open valve P and valve P', and slowly open the discharge valve Q, and flush the sampling pipeline. When a liquid sample appears in the vent pipe, valve Q is closed. Open the cylinder inlet valve A and outlet valve B. After a small amount of sample enters the sampler, close outlet valve B and inlet valve A. Then open the outlet valve B to discharge all the samples. This sampler flushing operation should be repeated no less than 3 times. After flushing the sampler, close valve B, open valve A and valve B in sequence, and start sampling. When the liquid sample appears in the valve B vent pipe, immediately close valve A and then close valve B. Close valve P and valve P, open valve Q, and remove the sampler after releasing the pressure. Liquid ethylene storage tank
Connection pipe
Vent pipe
Figure 2 Liquid ethylene sampling device
2.2.3 Gas sampling device (see Figure 3)
A vent pipe
30% Sampling pipeline|| tt | Sampling device
Sampling cylinder
is made of stainless steel pipe with a length not exceeding 2m and an inner diameter of 4mm, and is set to - adjust A only. Its one end has a threaded interface connected to the cylinder inlet valve C, and the other end can be connected to a silicone rubber tube (or polytetrafluoroethylene tube) as short as possible. The other end of the short pipe is connected to the sampling port valve B of the sample source. This tube can only be used once to avoid possible transfer of trace impurities in the sample and loss of its representativeness. Sampling Steps
Prepare a clean sampler (see Connect the sampling device as shown in Figure 3. If the distance between the sample source sampling port valve and the sampling pipeline cannot be kept within 20cm, a glass tube should be used for connection. Before sampling, flush the sampling line with 20 times the volume of the sampling line. After flushing the sampling pipeline, open the sample source sampling port valve B and the regulating tree A, then open the sampling cylinder inlet valve C and outlet valve DGB7715-87
to flush the sampling cylinder. This sampler flushing operation should be repeated no less than 10 times. After flushing the sampler, close valve D and start sampling. After sampling, close valve C, then close valve A and valve B in sequence, slowly loosen the sampling pipeline joint, and remove the sampling cylinder after releasing the pressure. 3 Inspection Rules
3.1 Ethylene should be inspected by the technical inspection department of the manufacturer. The manufacturer should ensure that all products shipped meet the requirements of this standard. And should be accompanied by a quality certificate in a certain format. 3.2 Ethylene products can be sampled from finished product storage tanks or from product delivery pipelines. When sampling in a finished product storage tank, the products in that tank are considered a batch; when sampling on a pipeline, the products can be considered a batch based on the products sent to a certain place within a certain time (8h or 24h) or at the same time. 3.3 If the inspection results do not meet the standard requirements, re-sampling and re-examination are required. If only one indicator fails as a result of the re-inspection, the batch of ethylene will be treated as unqualified products.
4 Packaging, marking, storage and transportation
4.1 The packaging, marking, storage and transportation of ethylene shall comply with the "Safety Supervision Regulations for Pressure Vessels" and "Safety Rules for the Use of Pressure Vessels" issued by the National Labor Bureau 》.
4.2 Gaseous and liquid ethylene can be transported by pipelines and gas cylinders. When using gas cylinders to store and transport ethylene, it must comply with the relevant regulations in the "Gas Cylinder Safety Supervision Regulations" of the National Labor Bureau. 4.3 According to the "Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods" issued by the Ministry of Railways, ethylene belongs to the third category of dangerous goods and is a flammable gas. The number is 32004.
5 Safety Requirements
5.1 According to the degree of damage to the human body, ethylene is a less toxic substance. The maximum allowed concentration in the area of ??the production plant is 300 mg/m2. When the concentration exceeds this range, inhaling ethylene gas will cause dizziness, weakened breathing, blood circulation failure, and anesthetic effects. Liquefied ethylene splashed onto the skin can cause frostbite. The operator should therefore wear goggles and well-insulated plastic or rubber-coated gloves throughout the sampling process. Emergency first aid measures in case of poisoning: Give fresh air, perform artificial respiration and deliver oxygen. 5.2 Ethylene is a flammable medium and can easily cause explosive decomposition under excessive pressure and open flames. The explosion limit in air is 2.7% to 36% (by volume); the autoignition point is 450°C. Therefore, all precautionary measures should consider how to avoid the formation of an explosive atmosphere. The sampling site requires good ventilation conditions, especially during flushing operations. 5.3 Fire-fighting equipment: When the fire source is small, carbon dioxide, foam fire extinguishers, nitrogen and other fire-extinguishing equipment can be used. 5.4 Electrical devices and lighting should have explosion-proof structures, and other equipment and pipelines should be grounded. 5.5 In addition to complying with GB3723-83 "General Safety Principles for Sampling Industrial Chemical Products" when sampling, the relevant provisions of the national "Safety Supervision Regulations for Pressure Vessels" should also be followed. GB7715—87
Appendix A
Determination of trace amounts of water in ethylene for industrial use
This appendix specifies the use of the Karl Fischer method or the hygrometer method Determination of trace moisture in industrial ethylene. A.1 Karl Fischer method
is measured according to the technical requirements specified in GB3727-83 "Determination of Trace Water in Polymer Grade Ethylene and Propylene by the Karl Fischer Method".
A.2 Hygrometer method
A.2.1 Method principle
This method uses a hygrometer to continuously measure the moisture content in gaseous ethylene. Its working principle is: A.2.1. 1. Instrument based on changes in dielectric capacity. When the measured gas passes through the measuring element, the moisture in the gas is absorbed by the aluminum oxide layer, causing the capacitance to change, and the moisture content is measured accordingly.
Instruments based on changes in the vibration frequency of quartz crystal A.2.1.2
The moisture in the measured gas is absorbed by the hygroscopic layer deposited on the surface of the quartz crystal, causing the vibration frequency of the quartz crystal to change. This measures the moisture content.
A.2.2—General requirements
A.2.2.1 The sensitivity of the hygrometer used is not less than 0.0001%. A.2.2.2 When converting a liquid sample to a gaseous state, it must first be decompressed and then enter an evaporator heated with hot water or steam to completely evaporate the sample and ensure that the temperature of the gaseous sample is not low. at 15℃. A.2.2.3 The gaseous sample entering the measurement chamber must not contain dust particles or water droplets. It can be filtered with a stainless steel sintered sand core (pore size 5 to 7 μm) to remove dust particles. A.2.2.4 Clean, dry stainless steel pipes should be used to transport gaseous samples. The length should be as short as possible and connected with pipes made of polytetrafluoroethylene, silicone rubber or polyethylene. Never use tubing made of rubber or polyvinyl chloride. A.2.2.5 The scale reading value of the hygrometer must be calibrated using the Karl Fischer method or other methods that can ensure similar accuracy (only one point is corrected).
GB 7715—87
Appendix B
Determination of methanol content in ethylene for industrial use
Gas Chromatography||tt| |This appendix is ??applicable to the determination of methanol content in industrial ethylene, with a concentration greater than 1 Ppm (weight). B.1 Method Principle
Pass the sample gas through distilled water to absorb the methanol in it, and then analyze the aqueous solution with gas chromatography and quantify it with the external standard method. B.2 Reagents and materials
B.2.1 Gas
1\Gaseous nitrogen for industry, GB3864-83 .
I industry hydrogen, GB3634-83.
Air, dry and purified compressed air.
1 Industrial methanol, GB338-76.
Standard methanol aqueous solution, containing 10 mg of methanol per liter. B.2.3
B.3 Instruments and Equipment
Absorption device (see Figure B1).
Flow meter
Absorption bottle
Measurement The range is 5~100L/h.
The air distribution plate is made of glass sand core, as shown in Figure B2. Gas flow meter
B.3.2 Water bath temperature range 0~5℃.
B.3.3 Vaporization device
The liquid sample taken from the sampling cylinder is vaporized and then introduced into the absorption or sampling device. Place a stainless steel coil with a length of 2 to 4 meters and an inner diameter of 0.2 mm in a water bath of 50 to 70°C, and connect one end to the mouth of the sampling cylinder. When the valve is fully opened, the pressure drops, causing the sample to vaporize in the capillary tube. The other end can be directly connected to the absorption device or sample chamber, but sufficient flushing must be ensured whether it is connected to the absorption device or the sample chamber. B.3.4 The chromatograph is equipped with a hydrogen flame ionization detector B.3.4.1 Sampling device
When the instrument has sufficient sensitivity and the sample enters the chromatograph directly in the gaseous state, it should be equipped with stainless steel gas Sampling valve and quantitative tube; the water absorption liquid obtained after the sample is absorbed by the water is injected using a micro-syringe. B.3.4.2 Chromatographic column
a column tube, made of stainless steel or other suitable materials, with an inner diameter of 3mm and a length of 2m. b. Weekly phasing, polyethylene glycol 20M: test 101 (60-80 days) = 20:100. B.3.4.3 Recorder
Range 0~1mV, response time <2.5s, noise level <0.1%FS. Body fluid loss
Fatigue glass sand core absorption
Figure B1 absorption device
GB7715-87||tt| |$20
Figure B2 absorption bottle
Size: mm
B.4 Sampling Liquid ethylene sampling is shown in the text of this standard (2.2.2), and then the sample will be The cylinder is connected to the vaporization device (B.3.3) to prepare gaseous samples.
B.5 Operation steps
B.5.1 Sample absorption
Place the connected absorption device (B.3.1) into the water bath (B.3.2), and Only add 10mL of distilled water to each of the absorption bottles (A, B and C).
Pass the sample through the sample at a rate of 50L/h for about 2 hours, and use a flow meter to accurately measure the sample gas volume. Then pass 2L of nitrogen (B.2.1.1) at a rate of 5 to 10L/h to flush the sampling pipeline. Take the absorption liquid in the third absorption bottle C and conduct chromatographic analysis to confirm that no methanol is absorbed. Transfer the absorption liquid from the first two absorption bottles (A and B) to a 25mL volumetric flask, dilute to volume with distilled water and mix evenly. B.5.2 Determination
B.5.2.1 Operating conditions
Temperature: chromatographic column: 90℃
Injection port: 150℃
Identifier: 150℃| |tt||Carrier gas flow rate: N, 30mL/min
B.5.2.2 Calibration
Inject 2üL standard sample (B.2.3), record the chromatogram, identify the peak and measure it Peak height. B.5.2.3 Inject 2 μL of water absorption solution (B.5.1), record the chromatogram, identify the peak and measure its peak height. A typical chromatogram is as follows:2
The moisture in the measured gas is absorbed by the hygroscopic layer deposited on the surface of the quartz crystal, causing the vibration frequency of the quartz crystal to change, and the moisture content is measured accordingly.
A.2.2—General requirements
A.2.2.1 The sensitivity of the hygrometer used is not less than 0.0001%. A.2.2.2 When converting a liquid sample to a gaseous state, it must first be decompressed and then enter an evaporator heated with hot water or steam to completely evaporate the sample and ensure that the temperature of the gaseous sample is not low. at 15℃. A.2.2.3 The gaseous sample entering the measurement chamber must not contain dust particles or water droplets. It can be filtered with a stainless steel sintered sand core (pore size 5 to 7 μm) to remove dust particles. A.2.2.4 Clean, dry stainless steel pipes should be used to transport gaseous samples. The length should be as short as possible and connected with pipes made of polytetrafluoroethylene, silicone rubber or polyethylene. Never use tubing made of rubber or polyvinyl chloride. A.2.2.5 The scale reading value of the hygrometer must be calibrated using the Karl Fischer method or other methods that can ensure similar accuracy (only one point is corrected).
GB 7715—87
Appendix B
Determination of methanol content in ethylene for industrial use
Gas Chromatography||tt| |This appendix is ??applicable to the determination of methanol content in industrial ethylene, with a concentration greater than 1 Ppm (weight). B.1 Method Principle
Pass the sample gas through distilled water to absorb the methanol in it, and then analyze the aqueous solution with gas chromatography and quantify it with the external standard method. B.2 Reagents and materials
B.2.1 Gas
1\Gaseous nitrogen for industry, GB3864-83 .
I industry hydrogen, GB3634-83.
Air, dry and purified compressed air.
1 Industrial methanol, GB338-76.
Standard methanol aqueous solution, containing 10 mg of methanol per liter. B.2.3
B.3 Instruments and Equipment
Absorption device (see Figure B1).
Flow meter
Absorption bottle
Measurement The range is 5~100L/h.
The air distribution plate is made of glass sand core, as shown in Figure B2. Gas flow meter
B.3.2 Water bath temperature range 0~5℃.
B.3.3 Vaporization device
The liquid sample taken from the sampling cylinder is vaporized and then introduced into the absorption or sampling device. Place a stainless steel coil with a length of 2 to 4 meters and an inner diameter of 0.2 mm in a water bath of 50 to 70°C. One end of the coil is connected to the mouth of the sampling cylinder. When the valve is fully opened, the pressure drops and the sample is vaporized in the capillary tube. The other end can be directly connected to the absorption device or sample chamber, but sufficient flushing must be ensured whether it is connected to the absorption device or the sample chamber. B.3.4 The chromatograph is equipped with a hydrogen flame ionization detector. B.3.4.1 Sampling device
When the instrument has sufficient sensitivity and the sample enters the chromatograph directly in the gaseous state, it should be equipped with stainless steel gas Sampling valve and quantitative tube; the water absorption liquid obtained after the sample is absorbed by the water is injected using a micro-syringe. B.3.4.2 Chromatographic column
a column tube, made of stainless steel or other suitable materials, with an inner diameter of 3mm and a length of 2m. b. Weekly phasing, polyethylene glycol 20M: test 101 (60-80 days) = 20:100. B.3.4.3 Recorder
Range 0~1mV, response time <2.5s, noise level <0.1%FS. Body fluid loss
Fatigue glass sand core absorption
Figure B1 absorption device
GB7715-87||tt| |$20
Figure B2 absorption bottle
Size: mm
B.4 Sampling Liquid ethylene sampling is shown in the text of this standard (2.2.2), and then the sample will be The cylinder is connected to the vaporization device (B.3.3) to prepare gaseous samples.
B.5 Operation steps
B.5.1 Sample absorption
Place the connected absorption device (B.3.1) into the water bath (B.3.2), and Only add 10mL of distilled water to each of the absorption bottles (A, B and C).
Pass the sample through the sample at a rate of 50L/h for about 2 hours, and use a flow meter to accurately measure the sample gas volume. Then pass 2L of nitrogen (B.2.1.1) at a rate of 5 to 10L/h to flush the sampling line. Take the absorption liquid in the third absorption bottle C and conduct chromatographic analysis to confirm that no methanol is absorbed. Transfer the absorption liquid from the first two absorption bottles (A and B) to a 25mL volumetric flask, dilute to volume with distilled water and mix evenly. B.5.2 Determination
B.5.2.1 Operating conditions
Temperature: chromatographic column: 90℃
Injection port: 150℃
Identifier: 150℃| |tt||Carrier gas flow rate: N, 30mL/min
B.5.2.2 Calibration
Inject 2üL standard sample (B.2.3), record the chromatogram, identify the peak and measure it Peak height. B.5.2.3 Inject 2 μL of water absorption solution (B.5.1), record the chromatogram, identify the peak and measure its peak height. A typical chromatogram is as follows:2
The moisture in the measured gas is absorbed by the hygroscopic layer deposited on the surface of the quartz crystal, causing the vibration frequency of the quartz crystal to change, and the moisture content is measured accordingly. Www.bzxZ.net
A.2.2—General requirements
A.2.2.1 The sensitivity of the hygrometer used is not less than 0.0001%. A.2.2.2 When converting a liquid sample to a gaseous state, it must first be decompressed and then enter an evaporator heated with hot water or steam to completely evaporate the sample and ensure that the temperature of the gaseous sample is not low. at 15℃. A.2.2.3 The gaseous sample entering the measurement chamber must not contain dust particles or water droplets. It can be filtered with a stainless steel sintered sand core (pore size 5 to 7 μm) to remove dust particles. A.2.2.4 Clean, dry stainless steel pipes should be used to transport gaseous samples. The length should be as short as possible and connected with pipes made of polytetrafluoroethylene, silicone rubber or polyethylene. Never use tubing made of rubber or polyvinyl chloride. A.2.2.5 The scale reading value of the hygrometer must be calibrated using the Karl Fischer method or other methods that can ensure similar accuracy (just one point is sufficient).
GB 7715—87
Appendix B
Determination of methanol content in ethylene for industrial use
Gas Chromatography||tt| |This appendix is ??applicable to the determination of methanol content in industrial ethylene, with a concentration greater than 1 Ppm (weight). B.1 Method Principle
Pass the sample gas through distilled water to absorb the methanol in it, and then analyze the aqueous solution with gas chromatography and quantify it with the external standard method. B.2 Reagents and materials
B.2.1 Gas
1\Gaseous nitrogen for industry, GB3864-83 .
I industry hydrogen, GB3634-83.
Air, dry and purified compressed air.
1 Industrial methanol, GB338-76.
Standard methanol aqueous solution, containing 10 mg of methanol per liter. B.2.3
B.3 Instruments and Equipment
Absorption device (see Figure B1).
Flow meter
Absorption bottle
Measurement The range is 5~100L/h.
The air distribution plate is made of glass sand core, as shown in Figure B2. Gas flow meter
B.3.2 Water bath temperature range 0~5℃.
B.3.3 Vaporization device
The liquid sample taken from the sampling cylinder is vaporized and then introduced into the absorption or sampling device. Place a stainless steel coil with a length of 2 to 4 meters and an inner diameter of 0.2 mm in a water bath of 50 to 70°C, and connect one end to the mouth of the sampling cylinder. When the valve is fully opened, the pressure drops, causing the sample to vaporize in the capillary tube. The other end can be directly connected to the absorption device or sample chamber, but sufficient flushing must be ensured whether it is connected to the absorption device or the sample chamber. B.3.4 The chromatograph is equipped with a hydrogen flame ionization detector B.3.4.1 Sampling device
When the instrument has sufficient sensitivity and the sample enters the chromatograph directly in the gaseous state, it should be equipped with stainless steel gas Sampling valve and quantitative tube; the water absorption liquid obtained after the sample is absorbed by the water is injected using a micro-syringe. B.3.4.2 Chromatographic column
a column tube, made of stainless steel or other suitable materials, with an inner diameter of 3mm and a length of 2m. b. Weekly phasing, polyethylene glycol 20M: test 101 (60-80 days) = 20:100. B.3.4.3 Recorder
Range 0~1mV, response time <2.5s, noise level <0.1%FS. Body fluid loss
Fatigue glass sand core absorption
Figure B1 absorption device
GB7715-87||tt| |$20
Figure B2 absorption bottle
Size: mm
B.4 Sampling Liquid ethylene sampling is shown in the text of this standard (2.2.2), and then the sample will be The cylinder is connected to the vaporization device (B.3.3) to prepare gaseous samples.
B.5 Operation steps
B.5.1 Sample absorption
Place the connected absorption device (B.3.1) into the water bath (B.3.2), and Only add 10mL of distilled water to each of the absorption bottles (A, B and C).
Pass the sample through the sample at a rate of 50L/h for about 2 hours, and use a flow meter to accurately measure the sample gas volume. Then pass 2L of nitrogen (B.2.1.1) at a rate of 5 to 10L/h to flush the sampling pipeline. Take the absorption liquid in the third absorption bottle C and conduct chromatographic analysis to confirm that no methanol is absorbed. Transfer the absorption liquid from the first two absorption bottles (A and B) to a 25mL volumetric flask, dilute to volume with distilled water and mix evenly. B.5.2 Determination
B.5.2.1 Operating conditions
Temperature: chromatographic column: 90℃
Injection port: 150℃
Identifier: 150℃| |tt||Carrier gas flow rate: N, 30mL/min
B.5.2.2 Calibration
Inject 2üL standard sample (B.2.3), record the chromatogram, identify the peak and measure it Peak height. B.5.2.3 Inject 2 μL of water absorption solution (B.5.1), record the chromatogram, identify the peak and measure its peak height. A typical chromatogram is as follows:2 chromatographic column
a column tube, stainless steel or other suitable materials, inner diameter 3mm, length 2m. b. Weekly phasing, polyethylene glycol 20M: test 101 (60-80 days) = 20:100. B.3.4.3 Recorder
Range 0~1mV, response time <2.5s, noise level <0.1%FS. Body fluid loss
Fatigue glass sand core absorption
Figure B1 absorption device
GB7715-87||tt| |$20
Figure B2 absorption bottle
Size: mm
B.4 Sampling Liquid ethylene sampling is shown in the text of this standard (2.2.2), and then the sample will be The cylinder is connected to the vaporization device (B.3.3) to prepare gaseous samples.
B.5 Operation steps
B.5.1 Sample absorption
Place the connected absorption device (B.3.1) into the water bath (B.3.2), and Only add 10mL of distilled water to each of the absorption bottles (A, B and C).
Pass the sample through the sample at a rate of 50L/h for about 2 hours, and use a flow meter to accurately measure the sample gas volume. Then pass 2L of nitrogen (B.2.1.1) at a rate of 5 to 10L/h to flush the sampling pipeline. Take the absorption liquid in the third absorption bottle C and conduct chromatographic analysis to confirm that no methanol is absorbed. Transfer the absorption liquid from the first two absorption bottles (A and B) to a 25mL volumetric flask, dilute to volume with distilled water and mix evenly. B.5.2 Determination
B.5.2.1 Operating conditions
Temperature: chromatographic column: 90℃
Injection port: 150℃
Identifier: 150℃| |tt||Carrier gas flow rate: N, 30mL/min
B.5.2.2 Calibration
Inject 2üL standard sample (B.2.3), record the chromatogram, identify the peak and measure it Peak height. B.5.2.3 Inject 2 μL of water absorption solution (B.5.1), record the chromatogram, identify the peak and measure its peak height. A typical chromatogram is as follows:2 chromatographic column
a column tube, stainless steel or other suitable materials, inner diameter 3mm, length 2m. b. Weekly phasing, polyethylene glycol 20M: test 101 (60-80 days) = 20:100. B.3.4.3 Recorder
Range 0~1mV, response time <2.5s, noise level <0.1%FS. Body fluid loss
Fatigue glass sand core absorption
Figure B1 absorption device
GB7715-87||tt| |$20
Figure B2 absorption bottle
Size: mm
B.4 Sampling Liquid ethylene sampling is shown in the text of this standard (2.2.2), and then the sample will be The cylinder is connected to the vaporization device (B.3.3) to prepare gaseous samples.
B.5 Operation steps
B.5.1 Sample absorption
Place the connected absorption device (B.3.1) into the water bath (B.3.2), and Only add 10mL of distilled water to each of the absorption bottles (A, B and C).
Pass the sample through the sample at a rate of 50L/h for about 2 hours, and use a flow meter to accurately measure the sample gas volume. Then pass 2L of nitrogen (B.2.1.1) at a rate of 5 to 10L/h to flush the sampling pipeline. Take the absorption liquid in the third absorption bottle C and conduct chromatographic analysis to confirm that no methanol is absorbed. Transfer the absorption liquid from the first two absorption bottles (A and B) to a 25mL volumetric flask, dilute to volume with distilled water and mix evenly. B.5.2 Determination
B.5.2.1 Operating conditions
Temperature: chromatographic column: 90℃
Injection port: 150℃
Identifier: 150℃| |tt||Carrier gas flow rate: N, 30mL/min
B.5.2.2 Calibration
Inject 2üL standard sample (B.2.3), record the chromatogram, identify the peak and measure it Peak height. B.5.2.3 Inject 2 μL of water absorption solution (B.5.1), record the chromatogram, identify the peak and measure its peak height. A typical chromatogram is as follows:
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