title>JB/T 6307.5-1994 Test methods for power semiconductor modules Bipolar transistor single-phase bridge and three-phase bridge - JB/T 6307.5-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6307.5-1994 Test methods for power semiconductor modules Bipolar transistor single-phase bridge and three-phase bridge

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6307.5-1994

Standard Name: Test methods for power semiconductor modules Bipolar transistor single-phase bridge and three-phase bridge

Chinese Name: 电力半导体模块测试方法 双极型晶体管单相桥和三相桥

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1994-12-19

Date of Implementation:1995-06-01

Date of Expiration:2002-05-22

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment>>K46 Power Semiconductor Devices and Components

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JB/T 6307.5-1994 Test methods for power semiconductor modules Bipolar transistor single-phase bridge and three-phase bridge JB/T6307.5-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Test Methods for Power Semiconductor Modules
Bipolar Transistor Single-Phase Bridge and Three-Phase Bridge
Subject Content and Scope of Application
JB/T 6307.5-94
This standard specifies the test methods for the electrical characteristics, thermal characteristics and rated values ​​of bipolar power transistor single-phase bridge and three-phase bridge modules (with freewheeling diodes) and the thermal cycle load test methods. This standard applies to single-phase bridge and three-phase bridge modules composed of NPN power transistor tube cores with a shell rating of 5A and above. Single-phase bridge and three-phase bridge components composed of bipolar power transistors can also be used for reference. As long as the polarity of the power supply and the meter is changed, this standard is also applicable to single-phase bridge and three-phase bridge modules composed of PNP power transistor tube cores. 2 Circuit Symbol Description and Test Requirements
2.1 Circuit Symbol Description
The graphic symbols and text symbols used in this standard comply with GB4728 "Graphic Symbols for Electrical Diagrams" and GB7159 "General Rules for the Establishment of Text Symbols in Electrical Technology".
DC voltage source,
DC current source:
Unipolar pulse current source;
Bipolar pulse current source;
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on December 9, 1994
Implementation on June 1, 1995
2.2 General requirements for testing
2.2.1 Test power supply
TTested (tested) transistor core;
Dual-trace oscilloscope. All power supplies in the test circuit should have clamping measures to protect the module under test from damage due to transient phenomena such as surges during switching, adjustment and measurement. Power supply fluctuations should not affect measurement accuracy. The AC power rate is 50±1Hz, the waveform is a sine wave, and the waveform distortion factor is not greater than 10%. The DC power supply ripple factor should be no greater than 1% for reverse characteristic measurement and no greater than 10% for forward characteristic measurement. 2.2.2 Measuring instruments and circuit conditions The instrument should have protection measures to prevent overload caused by faults or wiring errors in the module under test. To prevent unwanted half-cycle pulses from entering the amplifier of the oscilloscope, diode protection can be connected in the circuit. The accuracy of DC and AC voltmeters, ammeters and shunts for measurement should generally be 0.5 or higher, and the influence of their impedance on the measurement system should be negligible. Instruments with accuracy lower than 0.5 level can be used in the following situations: no significant impact on the measurement results;
b. no significant impact on the determination of whether the product is qualified; there is no 0.5 level standard instrument according to national standards. When measuring large current modules, the voltage measurement node should be separated from the current conduction node. If the error caused by the voltage drop in the circuit when measuring current is considerable or the error caused by the current in the circuit when measuring voltage is considerable, the measurement result must be corrected. When measuring small currents, appropriate measures should be taken to ensure that stray capacitance and inductance do not affect the measurement accuracy, and that the parasitic circuit current and external leakage current are much smaller than the measured current, or the measurement result should be corrected.
2.2.3 Environmental conditions:
Benchmark atmospheric conditions: ambient temperature 25℃, relative humidity 65%, atmospheric pressure 101.3kPa; 179
JB/T 6307.5-94
Zhongzang test atmospheric conditions: ambient temperature 25±1℃, relative humidity 63%~67%, atmospheric pressure 86~106kPa; b.
Conventional test atmospheric conditions: ambient temperature 15~35℃, relative humidity 45%~85%, atmospheric pressure 86~106kPa. When relative humidity and atmospheric pressure have no significant effect on the measured parameters, the atmospheric conditions can be based on ambient temperature only. 2.2.4 Leakage conditions should be specified for all electrical tests. Unless otherwise specified or completed or measured under impulse conditions, all electrical tests should be carried out under thermal equilibrium conditions. When the module is tested at high temperature or low temperature in a high or low temperature box or on a temperature control fixture, the temperature change range is 1 to 1 °C. When the temperature has no obvious effect on the measured parameters, the temperature change range can be 2 to 2 °C, otherwise the measurement results should be corrected. Unless otherwise specified, the high temperature test is carried out at TC (T, the rated maximum junction temperature), and the low temperature test is carried out at Tm+C (Tmi is the rated minimum junction temperature).
3 Electrical characteristics test
3.1 Collector-emitter cut-off current (Lez), IcR, Jcex) (DC method) 3.1.1 Purpose
Measure the collector-emitter cut-off current of the transistor die (hereinafter referred to as the die) in the module under specified conditions. 3.1.2 Circuit diagram
3.1.3 Circuit description and requirements
R, current limiting resistor. Its value should be large enough to prevent excessive current from flowing through the die under test and the ammeter, R. Base bias resistor. Used to measure IcR. The series circuit composed of power supply G, and resistor R, is used to measure Icex3.1.4 specified conditions;
a. Case temperature (Tc): 25℃ and maximum case temperature T; collector-emitter voltage: Vca>CEO; b.
c. Base-emitter circuit parameters:
For IoIg=0;
For IcR the value of resistor R,;
For IcExG, the voltage V and the value of resistor R, or the value of voltage V. 3.1.5 Measurement procedure
Connect the base-emitter circuit of the tube core to be tested as specified. Make the case temperature reach the specified value.
Increase the voltage of power supply G, until the reading of meter V reaches the specified value. 180
Read the cut-off current value on ammeter A.
Measure the collector-emitter current of each smart core in the module, and take the maximum value as the collector-emitter current of the module. 3.2 Electrode-emitter current (Icro) (DC method) 3.2.1 Purpose
Measure the collector-emitter current of the die in the module under specified conditions. 3.2.2 Circuit diagram
3.2.3 Circuit description and requirements
R-current limiting resistor, its value should be large enough to prevent excessive current from flowing through the die under test and the ammeter. 3.2.4 Specified conditions:
Case temperature (Tc): 25C and maximum case temperature Tm8
Collector-base voltage: V(R>CBO;
Emitter open circuit (lg0).
3.2.5 Measurement procedure
Let the case temperature reach the specified value.
Increase the voltage of power supply G until the reading of voltmeter V reaches the specified value. Read the cut-off current value on ammeter A.
Measure the cut-off current of each die in the module and take the maximum value as the collector-base value of the module. Cut-off current. 3.3 Emitter-base cut-off current (leo) (DC method) 3.3.1 Purpose
Measure the emitter-base cut-off current of the tube core in the module under specified conditions. 3.3.2 Circuit diagram
3.3.3 Circuit description and requirements
-Current limiting resistor. Its value should be large enough to prevent excessive current from flowing through the tube core under test and the ammeter. R-
3.3.4 Specified conditions:
Case temperature (Te): 25C and maximum case Temperature Tm; a.
Emitter-base voltage: VcBREBO:
Collector open circuit (lc=0).
3.3.5 Measurement procedure
Let the housing temperature reach the specified value.
Increase the voltage of power supply G until the reading of voltmeter V reaches the specified value. Read the cut-off current value on ammeter A.
Measure the cut-off current of each tube core in the module, and take the maximum value as the emitter-base cut-off current of the module. 3.4 Collector-emitter saturation voltage (Vc) (DC method and pulse method )3.4.1 DC method Purpose
Measure the collector-emitter saturation voltage of the tube core in the module under specified conditions. Circuit diagram Circuit description and requirements
The internal resistance of the constant current source Gz should be much larger than the input impedance of the tube core being measured. The internal resistance of the constant current source Gz should be much larger than the value of Vcsm/le. If necessary, a voltage limiting circuit can be connected to both ends of G to measure the saturation voltage. The measurement point should be as close to the module housing as possible on the terminal block. Specified conditions:
Case temperature (Tc): 25℃, or another specified temperature; b.
Collector current (Ic): as specified in the product standard. c. Measurement procedure
Make the case temperature reach and maintain the specified value. Close Si, adjust the current source Gi, so that the reading of the ammeter A, reaches the specified value of the base current. Close S2, adjust the constant current source Gz, so that the reading of the ammeter A, reaches the specified value of the collector current. Disconnect S: and S:, and read the collector-emitter saturation voltage value on the voltmeter V. 182
Measure the collector-emitter saturation voltage of each die in the module, and take the maximum value as the collector:-emitter saturation voltage of the module.
3.4.2 Pulse method Purpose
Measure the collector-emitter saturation voltage of the die in the module under pulse conditions. Circuit diagram Circuit description and requirements
G--Pulse constant current source. Its pulse width and duty cycle should be small enough so that no significant heat dissipation is generated in the die under test; G--DC constant current source. Its response time to load changes should be less than the conduction time of the die under test, and its maximum voltage should not exceed the collector-emitter breakdown voltage of the die under test; A}, A.--Peak current meter;
V--Instrument indicating the voltage during the conduction period of the die under test. The stable voltage value of the flat part of the waveform during the conduction period of the die under test is Vce (as shown in Figure 6). The voltage indicating instrument V should be adjusted or calibrated so that it can indicate this voltage value. The measurement point for measuring saturation voltage should be as close to the module housing as possible on the terminal block. Ver A
3. 4. 2. 4
Specified conditions:
External temperature (Tc): 25℃, or another specified temperature; b.
Base current (IaM): as specified in the product standard; collector peak current (IcM): as specified in the product standard; d.
Pulse width and duty cycle (t., 8): t≤300us, ≤2% Measurement sequence:
Make the housing temperature reach the specified value.
Adjust the constant current source G1 so that the reading of the peak current meter A reaches the specified value of the base current, and adjust the constant current source G so that the reading of the peak current meter A reaches the specified value of the collector current. Read the collector-emitter saturation voltage value on the voltage indicating instrument V. Measure the collector-emitter saturation voltage of each tube core in the module, and take the maximum value as the collector-emitter saturation voltage of the module. 3.5 Base-emitter saturation voltage (V) (DC method and pulse method) 3.5.1 DC method Purpose
Measure the base-emitter saturation voltage of the tube core in the module under specified conditions. Circuit diagram Circuit description and requirements
The internal resistance of the constant current source G, should be much larger than the input impedance of the tube core being measured. The internal resistance of the constant current source G, should be much larger than the value of Va/le. If necessary, a voltage limiting circuit can be connected to both ends of G,. The measurement point for measuring the saturation voltage should be as close to the module housing as possible on the terminal block. Specified conditions;
Case temperature (Tc): 25℃, or another specified temperature, base current (Is): as specified in the product standard; electrode current (Ie): as specified in the product standard. .5.1.5 Measurement sequence
Make the external temperature reach and maintain the specified value. Close S, adjust the constant current source G, so that the reading of the ammeter A reaches the specified value of the base current, close, adjust the constant current source G, so that the reading of the ammeter A reaches the specified value of the collector current. 5 Open S. and St, read the base-emitter saturation voltage value on the voltmeter V. The base-emitter saturation voltage of each die in the module is measured, and the maximum value is taken as the base-emitter saturation voltage of the module. 184
3.5.3 Pulse method
Pulse conditions, measure the base-emitter voltage of the tube core in the egg-shaped block,, circuit diagram Circuit description and requirementsWww.bzxZ.net
G-Pulse constant current source. Its pulse width and duty cycle should be small enough so that no significant heat dissipation is generated in the tube core under test; G DC constant current source. Its response time to load changes should be less than the conduction time of the tube core under test, and its maximum voltage shall not exceed the collector-emitter breakdown voltage of the tube core under test; A, A peak current meter;
V-Indicator of the voltage during the conduction period of the tube core under test. It should be adjusted or calibrated so that it can indicate the stable voltage value of the flat part of the waveform during the conduction of the measured tube core, that is, the measurement point of Vt measurement of saturation voltage should be as close to the module housing as possible on the terminal. Specified conditions;
Case temperature (Tc): 25℃, or another specified temperature; Base peak current (IaM): as specified in the product standard; Collector peak current (Iax): as specified in the product standard; Pulse width and duty cycle (t,,8): t,≤300μs, ≤2%. Measurement procedure
Make the case temperature reach the specified value.
Adjust the constant current source G so that the reading of the peak current meter A, reaches the specified value of the base current. Adjust the constant current source G. so that the reading of the peak current meter A, reaches the specified value of the collector current. Read the base-emitter saturation voltage value on the voltage indicating instrument V. Measure the base-emitter saturation voltage of each die in the module, and take the maximum value as the base-emitter saturation voltage of the module. 3.6 Static value of common emitter forward current transfer ratio (hne) (DC method and pulse method) 3.6.1 Purpose
Measure the static value of the common emitter forward current transfer ratio of the die in the module under specified conditions. 3.6.2 Circuit diagram
3.6.3 Circuit description and requirements
3B/T 6307.5-94
When the pulse method is used for testing, the DC constant current source G1 should be replaced by a pulse constant current source to provide a base pulse current with a specified pulse width and duty cycle. At this time, the ammeters A1 and A2 should be peak ammeters, and the voltmeter V should be able to indicate the stable voltage value of the flat part of the waveform during the conduction period of the die under test. In addition, care should be taken not to allow transient processes to affect the measurement accuracy. 3.6.4 Specified conditions:
External temperature (Tc): 25℃, or another specified temperature;
Collector current (Ic): as specified in the product standard; Collector-emitter voltage (Vce): as specified in the product standard: If the pulse method is used:
Collector peak current (Icm): as specified in the product standard: Pulse width and duty cycle (te, 8): t≤300us, 8≤2%. 3.6.5 Measurement procedure
Make the external temperature reach and remain at the specified value. Set all power supplies to zero, and then connect the tube core to be tested. Adjust the voltage source G. so that the reading of the voltmeter V reaches the specified value. Increase the output current of the base current source G: until the reading of the ammeter A: reaches the specified value. During the test, pay attention to check and adjust the base emitter voltage VcE to keep it at the specified value. When Ic and Vca are both at the specified values, record the reading of ammeter A, IshneIe/Ig
Where: hu
--static value of common emitter forward current transfer ratio; ic--specified collector current value, A.
Is--measured base current value, A.
Measure the static value of common emitter forward current transfer ratio of each die in the module, and take the minimum value as the static value of common emitter forward current transfer ratio of the module.
3.7 Collector-emitter holding voltage (VcsOISUS), VcER(2U3), VeEX(SUs)) 3.7.1 Purpose
To test or measure the collector-emitter holding voltage of the die in the module under specified conditions. 3.7.2 Circuit diagram
%. 7.3 Circuit description and requirements
ic specified value
R,. Current measuring resistor. Its inductance should be as small as possible R,-base bias resistor, used to test or measure Vc(uS)D-·fast light complex tube.
power supply G, and electrical appliances R,The series circuit is used to test or measure VcEs(SUS). The core under test works in the filter state under pulse conditions. The minimum value is
. Due to the on-off of the base current of the inductor L, the core under test is scanned in a current-voltage cycle. The power supply G is adjustable so that the base current reaches the specified value. The power supply G and the diode D form a voltage clamping unit to limit the voltage between the collector and the emitter of the core under test to the specified minimum voltage range.
The minimum value of the inductance L of the inductor can be found in the product standard or calculated by formula (2): Ls (Veamp V)
Wu, L
-the minimum value of the inductance, mH;
Vn-the clamping voltage of the power supply G, V
Va-the voltage of the power supply G, V;
tal-the turn-off time of the test tube core, [u;
I-the specified collector current value, mA.
JB/T 6307.5-94
This L value ensures that the reduction of the collector current L during the turn-off time t is not greater than 10%. 3.7.4 Specified conditions:
Case temperature (Tc): as specified in the product standard; &.
Collector current (Ic): as specified in the product standard; c.
Minimum holding voltage (only for test method): as specified in the product standard; Inductor inductance (L): as specified in the product standard, or calculated by formula (2): a.
Base-emitter circuit parameters:
For VcEO (SUS) Ig0;
For VcER (SUuS) resistor R; value; For VCE (SUS)
G voltage Va and resistor R, value, or voltage V value; T. Base current pulse source frequency; when not suspended 50Hz, it should be stated. 3.7.5 Test procedure
Connect the base-emitter circuit of the test tube core as specified. Make the case temperature reach the specified value.
Set the clamping voltage of G, to the specified holding voltage value.
Adjust the voltage of power supply G, to zero, and set the base current I to the value at which the die is in saturation when the collector current Ic reaches the specified value. Gradually increase the voltage of power supply G, until the collector current Ic reaches the specified value. Then, during the shutdown period of the die under test, the corresponding holding voltage value can be measured on the oscilloscope (point B in Figure 11). If this value is not lower than the specified holding voltage value, the holding voltage of the die under test is verified.
Note: The collector current value Lo at the beginning of the cycle (point A in Figure 11) may be slightly higher than the specified value. If the holding voltage of each die in the test module is not lower than the specified holding voltage value, the holding voltage of the test module is verified. During the pre-inspection, the clamping voltage of G, should be reduced to verify the function of the voltage clamping unit. Then, increase the clamping voltage to the specified holding voltage value.
3.7.6 Measurement Procedure
Connect the base-emitter circuit of the tube core under test as specified. Make the shell temperature reach the specified value.
Set the clamping voltage of G, to the specified value of the holding voltage corresponding to the specified value of the collector current. Adjust the voltage of power supply G, to zero, and set the base current Ic to the value at which the tube core is in saturation when the collector current Ic reaches the specified value.
Gradually increase the voltage of power supply G, until the collector current Ic reaches the specified value. Then, during the off time of the tube core under test, the corresponding holding voltage value (point B in Figure 11) can be measured on the oscilloscope. Note: The collector voltage at the beginning of the cycle (point A\ in Figure 11) may be slightly different from the specified value. Measure the holding voltage value of each tube core in the module, and take the minimum value as the holding voltage value of the module under test. 3.8 Switching time (ta, ty, te, t, tr, toa) 3.8.1 Purpose
Measure the delay time, rise time, turn-on time, storage time, fall time and turn-off time of the die in the module under specified conditions 3.8.2 Circuit diagram and waveform
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