title>HG 2227-1991 Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate - HG 2227-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG 2227-1991 Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 2227-1991

Standard Name: Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate

Chinese Name: 水处理剂 硫酸铝

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)


Date of Implementation:1992-07-01

Date of Expiration:2005-06-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Chemical additives, surfactants, catalysts, water treatment agents>>G77 water treatment agent

associated standards

alternative situation:Original standard number: GB 3151-1982; replaced by HG 2227-2004

Procurement status:ANSI/AWWA B403-1982 NEQ

Publication information

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Introduction to standards:

Original standard number GB 3151-82 HG 2227-1991 Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate HG2227-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Water Treatment Agent
Subject Confidentiality and Scope of Application
Aluminum Sulfate
HG 2227 --- 91
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, and marking, packaging, transportation and storage requirements of aluminum sulfate for water treatment agents
This standard applies to aluminum sulfate (solid, solution) for permanent treatment agents. This product is mainly used for the treatment of drinking water and industrial water. Molecular formula: Alz (SO) · xH,
Relative molecular weight [based on A12 (S04): 342.15 (according to the international relative atomic mass in 1987) 2 Reference standards
GB 191
GB 603
Packaging, storage and transportation diagrams and signs
Chemical reagents
Chemical reagents
Preparation of standard solution for titration analysis (volume analysis) Preparation of standard solution for tea quality determination
Preparation of preparations and products used in test recipes Chemical reagent equipment
GB 610. 1
GB 3049wwW.bzxz.Net
GB 6678
3 Technical requirements
General method for determination of chemical reagents (stain method) General method for determination of iron content in chemical products Phenol spectrophotometric method General rules for sampling of chemical products
3.1 Appearance: solid products are white or slightly gray granules or blocks, solution products are slightly continuous or slightly grayish yellow, 3.2 Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate should meet the requirements of Table 1, Table 1
Content of aluminum oxide (AI,O), %
Iron (Fe) content, %
Water impurity content, %
pPH value (1% aqueous solution),
Arsenic (As) Content, %
Metal (Content as Pb, %
Note: Products for industrial water treatment are not tested for single and heavy metals. The Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China approved A
Qualified products on November 15, 1991
Qualified products on July 1, 1992
4 Test method
The reagents and water used in this standard refer to analytical pure reagents and distilled water or water of equal purity unless otherwise specified. The standard solutions, impurity standard solutions, preparations and products required in the test are prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB601, GB602 and GB603 unless otherwise specified.
4.1 Determination of alumina content
4. 1,1 Method summary
The chromium in the sample reacts with a known excess of disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate to form a complex. At a pH of about 6, use dimethyl ether as an indicator and titrate the excess disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate with a standard zinc titration solution. 4.1.2 Reagents and materials Sodium zinc sulfate (GB 693) solution: 272mol/L; Zinc oxide (HG3-947) standard titration solution: c(ZnCl,) about 0.02mol/L 4.2.3 Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) [GB_1401) standard titration solution: CHMOgN,Na) about 0.05mol /L; Xylenol: No. 2/L solution: 4.1.3 Analysis steps
Weigh about 5g of solid sample or 10g of solution sample, accurate to 0.0002g: place in a 250mL beaker, heat with about 100mL of water to dissolve (filter if necessary), after cooling, transfer all to a 500mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale with water, shake well, use a liquid pipette to transfer 20mL of this test solution, measure it in a 300mL flask, use a pipette to add 20mL. EDTA standard titration solution, boil 1mm. After cooling, add 5mL of acetic acid solution and 2 drops of xylenol orange indicator solution. Titrate with zinc chloride standard solution to light pink,
simultaneously perform a blank test.
4.1.4 Presentation of analysis results
The content of zinc oxide (Al2O3) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (1): 0.05098c(V-V)
127.5c (V2-V)
actual concentration of zinc fluoride standard titration solution, mol/L; V2 —volume of zinc chloride standard titration solution consumed in blank test, mL; volume of zinc fluoride standard titration solution consumed in test solution, mL; m
mass of test sample, g;
-4.2 iron (Fe) content measured. %;(1)
The mass of aluminum oxide (AlO) expressed in grams equivalent to 1.00mL of disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid standard titration solution (c(CH,ON,Naz)=1.000mol/L): 0.9128---the coefficient of iron (Fe) conversion or aluminum oxide (A1,O,). The result should be expressed to two decimal places
4.1.5 Allowable difference
The difference between the results of the subsequent parallel determinations shall not exceed 0.15%, and the arithmetic mean shall be taken as the determination result. 4.2 Determination of iron content
4.2.1 Summary of method
Same as Article 2 of GB 3049,
4.2.2 Reagents and materials
Same as Article 3 of GB 3049
4.2.3 Apparatus and equipment
HG 2227-91 Spectrophotometer: with a 1 cm thick 4.2.4 Drawing of working curve
According to Article 5.3 of GB3049, use 1cm absorption cell and corresponding amount of iron standard solution to draw working curve. 4.2.5 Analysis steps Preparation of test solution
Weigh about 3g of national body sample or 5g of diseased sample, and adjust to 0.01. Add 100mL of water and 2mL of hydrochloric acid (1+1) in a 250mL beaker, heat to dissolve and boil for 5min. After cooling, transfer all to a 500mL container bottle, dilute to scale with water, and shake well. Preparation of blank test solution
Add 100mL of water and 2mL of hydrochloric acid (1+1) to a 250mL beaker, heat and boil for 5min, transfer all to a 500mL volumetric flask after cooling, dilute to the mark with water, shake and mix. 4. 2. 5, 3 Determination
Use a pipette to take 5mL of the test solution ( and 5mL of the blank test solution (, and place them in 100mL beakers respectively. The following is in accordance with Article 5.4 of GB3049, starting from "If necessary, add water to 60mL\". 4.2.6 Analysis of nesting expression
Iron (Fe) content Y expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (2): Y
m × 1 000 ×300
× 100-
10 (m, -mg)
Where: m - the iron content found from the working curve based on the measured absorbance of the test solution, g; mo - the iron content found from the working curve based on the measured absorbance of the blank test solution, mg; - the mass of the sample, 8.
The result should be expressed to two decimal places
4.2.7 Allowable error
The difference between the results of two parallel determinations should not exceed 0.03%. The arithmetic mean is the determined result. 4.3 Determination of water-insoluble content
4.3.1 Summary of the method
Dissolve the sample in water, filter it with a crucible filter, and weigh the residue after drying. 4.3.2 Reagents and materials Barium chloride (BaCl2·2H2O) (GB 652) Solution: 100g/L.4.3.3 Instruments and equipment Filter: The pore size of the filter plate is 5~15um.4.3.4 Analysis steps
Weigh about 20g of sample, accurate to 0.01g, and put it in a 250mL beaker, add 100mL of water, heat to dissolve, and filter through a crucible filter that has been hand-dried to constant weight at 105-110℃, and wash with hot water until there is no sulfate ion (check with barium oxide solution). Dry at 105-110℃ to constant weight. 4.3.5 Expression of analysis results
HG 2227—91
The water-insoluble content x expressed as a percentage by mass is calculated according to formula (3): m,m,
wherein: m1—the mass of the filtrate, m; m—the mass of the water-insoluble filtrate; m—the mass of the sample.
The result should be expressed to two decimal places.
4.3.6 Allowable difference
The difference between the results of two parallel determinations shall not exceed 0.02%. The arithmetic mean shall be taken as the determination result. 4. 4 Determination of pH value
4.4.1 Summary of method
The sample is dissolved in water. The pH value of the test solution is tested with a pH meter equipped with a glass measuring electrode and a calomel reference electrode. 4.4.2 Instruments and equipment Acidity meter: The graduation value is 0.1 pH unit. It is equipped with a glass measuring electrode and a saturated calomel reference electrode. 4.4.3 Analysis steps
Weigh 1.00±0.01% of the sample and place it in a 100mL beaker. Add about 50mL of water without carbon dioxide to dissolve it. Transfer all of it to a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute to the scale with water without carbon dioxide, and spread it evenly. Measure the pH value of the test solution with a meter. The result should be expressed to one decimal place.
4.4.4 Allowable difference
The difference between the results of two parallel determinations shall not exceed 0.2 pH units. Take the arithmetic mean as the determination result. 4.5 Determination of content
4.5.1 Method summary
In a neutral medium, metallic zinc reduces arsenide to hydrogen iodide. Hydrogen iodide forms a brownish-yellow spot on the mercuric bromide test paper, which is compared with the standard spot.
4.5.2 Reagents and materials Hydrochloric acid (GB 622); Potassium iodide (GB 1272); Zinc anhydride (GB 2304); As chloride (GB638) solution: 400g/L; As standard solution: 0.0010mgAs/mL. Prepare according to GB602, take 10mL with a liquid pipette, put it in a 1000mL volumetric flask, dilute to the scale with water, and check. Lead acetate cotton; Mercury splash test paper.
4.5 .3 Instruments and equipment, Arsenic determination instrument: according to the provisions of Figure 1 in GB610, 4.5.4 Analysis steps
Weigh about 5g of sample, accurate to 0.01: after dissolving, transfer all to a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale with water, shake and transfer 20mL of test solution with a pipette, place in a wide-mouth bottle, add 5mL of salt, 1 drop of potassium iodide and 5 drops of stannous chloride solution, shake well and place for 10min. Add 2g of zinc sulfate, immediately install the glass tube filled with lead acetate cotton and mercuric bromide test paper and plug it tightly. Place in a dark place at 25-30℃ for 1 hour, take out the mercuric bromide test paper, and its color should not be darker than the standard. The standard is: for solid aluminum sulfate, use a pipette to transfer 5mL of the standard solution: for liquid aluminum sulfate, use a pipette to transfer 34
HG 2227 —91
mL of the standard solution, add water to 20mL, and treat it in the same way as the test solution. 4.6 Determination of metal content
4. 6.1 Summary of the method
In a slightly acidic medium. Heavy metal ions react with hydrogen sulfide solution, and the solution is brown-yellow, which is compared with the standard solution. 4.6.2 Reagents and materials Ice ethyl (GB676) solution: 1+2 solution, Saturated hydrogen sulfide water: Prepare immediately: Hydroxylamine hydrochloride (HG3-967) solution: 200g/L: Lead standard solution: 0.010mgPb/mL. Prepare according to GB602 and take 10mL with a pipette: Place in a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute to the mark with water, and shake well. 4.6.3 Instruments and equipment Colorimetric test tube: 50 mL,
4.6.4 Analysis steps
Weigh about 5g of solid sample or 10g of solution sample, accurate to 0.01: put it in a 250mL beaker, add appropriate amount of water to dissolve, transfer all to a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute with water to the scale, shake well (filter when necessary), take 20mL of test solution with a pipette, put it in a 50mL colorimetric tube, add 0.3mL of acetic acid solution, 5mL of hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution, shake it open for 10min, add 10mL of saturated hydrogen peroxide water, add water to the scale, and mix well. The color of the test solution shall not be darker than the standard. The standard is: take 2mL of lead standard solution with a pipette and treat it in the same way as the sample. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 The quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer shall inspect the aluminum sulfate of water treatment agent in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all aluminum sulfate of water treatment agent shipped out of the factory meets the requirements of this standard. Each batch of products shipped out of the factory shall be accompanied by a quality certificate, which includes: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, purification, production date, certification that the product quality meets this standard and the abbreviation of this standard. 5.2 The user has the right to inspect and accept the aluminum sulfate of water treatment agent received in accordance with the provisions of this standard. Acceptance should be carried out within 15 days from the date of receipt.
5.3 The quantity of each batch of products shall not exceed 100t. When the solution product is shipped by tank truck, one tank truck shall be regarded as one batch. 5.4 Determine the number of sampling units according to Article 6.6 of GB6678. When sampling solid products: first remove the material layer of about 30cm on the upper layer of the packaging bag, and use the sampling tool to take no less than 100 samples from it, and quickly crush the samples to less than about 10mm, mix them, and reduce them to about 500 pieces by quartering method, and pack them into two clean, dry wide-mouth bottles with open-mouth stoppers, seal them, and stick labels on the bottles. Indicate: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is used for inspection, and the other bottle is kept for 3 months for future reference. When sampling barreled solution products, use a sampler to sample from the top, middle and bottom layers at a ratio of 1:3:1. When loading with a tank truck, use a sampler to sample from the top, middle and bottom parts of the tank truck at a ratio of 1:3:1. When sampling is not possible at the top and the material is relatively uniform, sampling can be done at the discharge port of the tank truck. The sample must not be less than 500mL. After mixing, put it in a clean and dry glass bottle and paste a label on the bottle. Indicate: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number and sample date, and send it to the inspection department for inspection. 5.5 If one of the indicators in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sample from the packaging of the two trays for verification. If even one indicator in the verification results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.6 When the supply and demand parties have disputes over the quality of the products, they shall handle the disputes in accordance with the provisions of the National Product Quality Arbitration Inspection Operation Methods. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The packaging container shall have firm and clear markings, indicating: manufacturer name, product name, grade, net weight, batch number or production date, trademark and this standard number.
Liquid products shall be painted with the upward mark specified in GB191 (Figure 3). 6.2 Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate (solid) shall be packaged in a woven bag lined with polyethylene plastic or a composite plastic woven bag, with a net weight of 5 per bag
HG 2227 —91
Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate solution shall be packaged in a glass fiber reinforced plastic tank truck or a plastic barrel (with a net distance of 25, 30 or 35 kg). 6.3 When transporting this product, prevent it from being contaminated by foreign objects and being damp. 6.4 This product should be stored in a ventilated and dry place to prevent rain and moisture. Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Tianyang Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the Environmental Health Monitoring Institute of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. This standard is drafted by the Tianjin Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Zhou Qiao'e and Xing Yufen. This standard adopts the British Water Association standard ANSI/AWWAB403-82 "Aluminum Sulfate-Liquid, Granular, Block"
From the date of implementation of this standard, the original national standard GB3151-82 "Aluminum Sulfate for Water Purification" will be invalid. 61 Method Summary
In an aqueous medium, metallic zinc reduces arsenide to hydrogen iodide. Hydrogen iodide forms a brownish-yellow spot on the mercuric bromide test paper. Compare it with the standard spot.
4.5.2 Reagents and Materials Hydrochloric acid (GB 622); Potassium iodide (GB 1272); Zinc anhydride (GB 2304); As chloride (GB638) solution: 400g/L; As standard solution: 0.0010mgAs/mL. Prepare according to GB602, take 10mL with a liquid pipette, put it in a 1000mL volumetric flask, dilute with water to the scale, hook, Lead acetate cotton; Mercury splash test paper.
4.5 .3 Instruments and equipment, Arsenic determination instrument: according to the provisions of Figure 1 in GB610, 4.5.4 Analysis steps
Weigh about 5g of sample, accurate to 0.01: after dissolving, transfer all to a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale with water, shake and transfer 20mL of test solution with a pipette, place in a wide-mouth bottle, add 5mL of salt, 1 drop of potassium iodide and 5 drops of stannous chloride solution, shake well and place for 10min. Add 2g of zinc sulfate, immediately install the glass tube filled with lead acetate cotton and mercuric bromide test paper and plug it tightly. Place in a dark place at 25-30℃ for 1 hour, take out the mercuric bromide test paper, and its color should not be darker than the standard. The standard is: for solid aluminum sulfate, use a pipette to transfer 5mL of the standard solution: for liquid aluminum sulfate, use a pipette to transfer 34
HG 2227 —91
mL of the standard solution, add water to 20mL, and treat it in the same way as the test solution. 4.6 Determination of metal content
4. 6.1 Summary of the method
In a slightly acidic medium. Heavy metal ions react with hydrogen sulfide solution, and the solution is brown-yellow, which is compared with the standard solution. 4.6.2 Reagents and materials Ice ethyl (GB676) solution: 1+2 solution, Saturated hydrogen sulfide water: Prepare immediately: Hydroxylamine hydrochloride (HG3-967) solution: 200g/L: Lead standard solution: 0.010mgPb/mL. Prepare according to GB602 and take 10mL with a pipette: Place in a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute to the mark with water, and shake well. 4.6.3 Instruments and equipment Colorimetric test tube: 50 mL,
4.6.4 Analysis steps
Weigh about 5g of solid sample or 10g of solution sample, accurate to 0.01: put it in a 250mL beaker, add appropriate amount of water to dissolve, transfer all to a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute with water to the scale, shake well (filter when necessary), take 20mL of test solution with a pipette, put it in a 50mL colorimetric tube, add 0.3mL of acetic acid solution, 5mL of hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution, shake it open for 10min, add 10mL of saturated hydrogen peroxide water, add water to the scale, and mix well. The color of the test solution shall not be darker than the standard. The standard is: take 2mL of lead standard solution with a pipette and treat it in the same way as the sample. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 The quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer shall inspect the aluminum sulfate of water treatment agent in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all aluminum sulfate of water treatment agent shipped out of the factory meets the requirements of this standard. Each batch of products shipped out of the factory shall be accompanied by a quality certificate, which includes: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, purification, production date, certification that the product quality meets this standard and the abbreviation of this standard. 5.2 The user has the right to inspect and accept the aluminum sulfate of water treatment agent received in accordance with the provisions of this standard. Acceptance should be carried out within 15 days from the date of receipt.
5.3 The quantity of each batch of products shall not exceed 100t. When the solution product is shipped by tank truck, one tank truck shall be regarded as one batch. 5.4 Determine the number of sampling units according to Article 6.6 of GB6678. When sampling solid products: first remove the material layer of about 30cm on the upper layer of the packaging bag, and use the sampling tool to take no less than 100 samples from it, and quickly crush the samples to less than about 10mm, mix them, and reduce them to about 500 pieces by quartering method, and pack them into two clean, dry wide-mouth bottles with open-mouth stoppers, seal them, and stick labels on the bottles. Indicate: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is used for inspection, and the other bottle is kept for 3 months for future reference. When sampling barreled solution products, use a sampler to sample from the top, middle and bottom layers at a ratio of 1:3:1. When loading with a tank truck, use a sampler to sample from the top, middle and bottom parts of the tank truck at a ratio of 1:3:1. When sampling is not possible at the top and the material is relatively uniform, sampling can be done at the discharge port of the tank truck. The sample must not be less than 500mL. After mixing, put it in a clean and dry glass bottle and paste a label on the bottle. Indicate: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number and sample date, and send it to the inspection department for inspection. 5.5 If one of the indicators in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sample from the packaging of the two trays for verification. If even one indicator in the verification results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.6 When the supply and demand parties have disputes over the quality of the products, they shall handle the disputes in accordance with the provisions of the National Product Quality Arbitration Inspection Operation Methods. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The packaging container shall have firm and clear markings, indicating: manufacturer name, product name, grade, net weight, batch number or production date, trademark and this standard number.
Liquid products shall be painted with the upward mark specified in GB191 (Figure 3). 6.2 Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate (solid) shall be packaged in a woven bag lined with polyethylene plastic or a composite plastic woven bag, with a net weight of 5 per bag
HG 2227 —91
Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate solution shall be packaged in a glass fiber reinforced plastic tank truck or a plastic barrel (with a net distance of 25, 30 or 35 kg). 6.3 When transporting this product, prevent it from being contaminated by foreign objects and being damp. 6.4 This product should be stored in a ventilated and dry place to prevent rain and moisture. Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Tianyang Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the Environmental Health Monitoring Institute of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. This standard is drafted by the Tianjin Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Zhou Qiao'e and Xing Yufen. This standard adopts the British Water Association standard ANSI/AWWAB403-82 "Aluminum Sulfate-Liquid, Granular, Block"
From the date of implementation of this standard, the original national standard GB3151-82 "Aluminum Sulfate for Water Purification" will be invalid. 61 Method Summary
In an aqueous medium, metallic zinc reduces arsenide to hydrogen iodide. Hydrogen iodide forms a brownish-yellow spot on the mercuric bromide test paper. Compare it with the standard spot.
4.5.2 Reagents and Materials Hydrochloric acid (GB 622); Potassium iodide (GB 1272); Anhydrous zinc (GB 2304); As chloride (GB638) solution: 400g/L; As standard solution: 0.0010mgAs/mL. Prepare according to GB602, take 10mL with a liquid pipette, put it in a 1000mL volumetric flask, dilute to the scale with water, and check. Lead acetate cotton; Mercury splash test paper.
4.5 .3 Instruments and equipment, Arsenic determination instrument: according to the provisions of Figure 1 in GB610, 4.5.4 Analysis steps
Weigh about 5g of sample, accurate to 0.01: after dissolving, transfer all to a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale with water, shake and transfer 20mL of test solution with a pipette, place in a wide-mouth bottle, add 5mL of salt, 1 drop of potassium iodide and 5 drops of stannous chloride solution, shake well and place for 10min. Add 2g of zinc sulfate, immediately install the glass tube filled with lead acetate cotton and mercuric bromide test paper and plug it tightly. Place in a dark place at 25-30℃ for 1 hour, take out the mercuric bromide test paper, and its color should not be darker than the standard. The standard is: for solid aluminum sulfate, use a pipette to transfer 5mL of the standard solution: for liquid aluminum sulfate, use a pipette to transfer 34
HG 2227 —91
mL of the standard solution, add water to 20mL, and treat it in the same way as the test solution. 4.6 Determination of metal content
4. 6.1 Summary of the method
In a slightly acidic medium. Heavy metal ions react with hydrogen sulfide solution, and the solution is brown-yellow, which is compared with the standard solution. 4.6.2 Reagents and materials Ice ethyl (GB676) solution: 1+2 solution, Saturated hydrogen sulfide water: Prepare immediately: Hydroxylamine hydrochloride (HG3-967) solution: 200g/L: Lead standard solution: 0.010mgPb/mL. Prepare according to GB602 and take 10mL with a pipette: Place in a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute to the mark with water, and shake well. 4.6.3 Instruments and equipment Colorimetric test tube: 50 mL,
4.6.4 Analysis steps
Weigh about 5g of solid sample or 10g of solution sample, accurate to 0.01: put it in a 250mL beaker, add appropriate amount of water to dissolve, transfer all to a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute with water to the scale, shake well (filter when necessary), take 20mL of test solution with a pipette, put it in a 50mL colorimetric tube, add 0.3mL of acetic acid solution, 5mL of hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution, shake it open for 10min, add 10mL of saturated hydrogen peroxide water, add water to the scale, and mix well. The color of the test solution shall not be darker than the standard. The standard is: take 2mL of lead standard solution with a pipette and treat it in the same way as the sample. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 The quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer shall inspect the aluminum sulfate of water treatment agent in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all aluminum sulfate of water treatment agent shipped out of the factory meets the requirements of this standard. Each batch of products shipped out of the factory shall be accompanied by a quality certificate, which includes: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, purification, production date, certification that the product quality meets this standard and the abbreviation of this standard. 5.2 The user has the right to inspect and accept the aluminum sulfate of water treatment agent received in accordance with the provisions of this standard. Acceptance should be carried out within 15 days from the date of receipt.
5.3 The quantity of each batch of products shall not exceed 100t. When the solution product is shipped by tank truck, one tank truck shall be regarded as one batch. 5.4 Determine the number of sampling units according to Article 6.6 of GB6678. When sampling solid products: first remove the material layer of about 30cm on the upper layer of the packaging bag, and use the sampling tool to take no less than 100 samples from it, and quickly crush the samples to less than about 10mm, mix them, and reduce them to about 500 pieces by quartering method, and pack them into two clean, dry wide-mouth bottles with open-mouth stoppers, seal them, and stick labels on the bottles. Indicate: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is used for inspection, and the other bottle is kept for 3 months for future reference. When sampling barreled solution products, use a sampler to sample from the top, middle and bottom layers at a ratio of 1:3:1. When loading with a tank truck, use a sampler to sample from the top, middle and bottom parts of the tank truck at a ratio of 1:3:1. When sampling is not possible at the top and the material is relatively uniform, sampling can be done at the discharge port of the tank truck. The sample must not be less than 500mL. After mixing, put it in a clean and dry glass bottle and paste a label on the bottle. Indicate: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number and sample date, and send it to the inspection department for inspection. 5.5 If one of the indicators in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sample from the packaging of the two trays for verification. If even one indicator in the verification results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.6 When the supply and demand parties have disputes over the quality of the products, they shall handle the disputes in accordance with the provisions of the National Product Quality Arbitration Inspection Operation Methods. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The packaging container shall have firm and clear markings, indicating: manufacturer name, product name, grade, net weight, batch number or production date, trademark and this standard number.
Liquid products shall be painted with the upward mark specified in GB191 (Figure 3). 6.2 Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate (solid) shall be packaged in a woven bag lined with polyethylene plastic or a composite plastic woven bag, with a net weight of 5 per bag
HG 2227 —91
Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate solution shall be packaged in a glass fiber reinforced plastic tank truck or a plastic barrel (with a net distance of 25, 30 or 35 kg). 6.3 When transporting this product, prevent it from being contaminated by foreign objects and being damp. 6.4 This product should be stored in a ventilated and dry place to prevent rain and moisture. Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Tianyang Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the Environmental Health Monitoring Institute of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. This standard is drafted by the Tianjin Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Zhou Qiao'e and Xing Yufen. This standard adopts the British Water Association standard ANSI/AWWAB403-82 "Aluminum Sulfate-Liquid, Granular, Block"
From the date of implementation of this standard, the original national standard GB3151-82 "Aluminum Sulfate for Water Purification" will be invalid. 6010mgPb/mL. Prepare according to GB602 and take 10mL with a pipette: place in a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale with water, and shake well. 4.6.3 Instruments and equipment Colorimetric test tube: 50 mL,
4.6.4 Analysis steps
Weigh about 5g solid sample or 10g solution sample, accurate to 0.01: put in a 250mL beaker, add appropriate amount of water to dissolve, transfer all to a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale with water, shake well (filter when necessary) Take 20mL of test solution with a pipette, place in a 50mL colorimetric tube, add 0.3mL acetic acid solution, 5mL hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution, shake open for 10min, add 10mL saturated hydrogen peroxide, add water to scale, and shake well. The color of the test solution shall not be darker than the standard. The standard is: use a pipette to transfer 2 ml of lead standard solution and treat it in the same way as the test sample. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 The water treatment agent aluminum sulfate shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all water treatment agent aluminum sulfate shipped out of the factory meets the requirements of this standard. Each batch of products shipped out of the factory shall be accompanied by a quality certificate, including: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, purification, production date, product quality compliance certificate and this standard abbreviation. 5.2 The user unit has the right to accept the water treatment agent aluminum sulfate received in accordance with the provisions of this standard. Acceptance should be carried out within 15 days from the date of receipt.
5.3 The quantity of each batch of products shall not exceed 100t. When the solution product is shipped by tank truck, one tank truck shall be regarded as one batch. 5.4 Determine the number of sampling units according to Article 6.6 of GB6678. When sampling solid products: first remove the material layer of about 30cm on the upper layer of the packaging bag, and use the sampling tool to take no less than 100 samples from it, and quickly crush the samples to less than about 10mm, mix them, and reduce them to about 500 pieces by quartering method, and pack them into two clean, dry wide-mouth bottles with open-mouth stoppers, seal them, and stick labels on the bottles. Indicate: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is used for inspection, and the other bottle is kept for 3 months for future reference. When sampling barreled solution products, use a sampler to sample from the top, middle and bottom layers at a ratio of 1:3:1. When loading with a tank truck, use a sampler to sample from the top, middle and bottom parts of the top inlet of the tank truck at a ratio of 1:3:1. When sampling is not possible at the top and the material is relatively uniform, sampling can be done at the discharge port of the tank truck. The sample must not be less than 500mL. After mixing, put it in a clean and dry glass bottle and paste a label on the bottle. Indicate: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number and sample date, and send it to the inspection department for inspection. 5.5 If one of the indicators in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sample from the packaging of the two trays for verification. If even one indicator in the verification results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.6 When the supply and demand parties have disputes over the quality of the products, they shall handle the disputes in accordance with the provisions of the National Product Quality Arbitration Inspection Operation Methods. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The packaging container shall have firm and clear markings, indicating: manufacturer name, product name, grade, net weight, batch number or production date, trademark and this standard number.
Liquid products shall be painted with the upward mark specified in GB191 (Figure 3). 6.2 Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate (solid) shall be packaged in a woven bag lined with polyethylene plastic or a composite plastic woven bag, with a net weight of 5 per bag
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Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate solution shall be packaged in a glass fiber reinforced plastic tank truck or a plastic barrel (with a net distance of 25, 30 or 35 kg). 6.3 When transporting this product, prevent it from being contaminated by foreign objects and being damp. 6.4 This product should be stored in a ventilated and dry place to prevent rain and moisture. Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Tianyang Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the Environmental Health Monitoring Institute of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. This standard is drafted by the Tianjin Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Zhou Qiao'e and Xing Yufen. This standard adopts the British Water Association standard ANSI/AWWAB403-82 "Aluminum Sulfate-Liquid, Granular, Block"
From the date of implementation of this standard, the original national standard GB3151-82 "Aluminum Sulfate for Water Purification" will be invalid. 6010mgPb/mL. Prepare according to GB602 and take 10mL with a pipette: place in a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale with water, and shake well. 4.6.3 Instruments and equipment Colorimetric test tube: 50 mL,
4.6.4 Analysis steps
Weigh about 5g solid sample or 10g solution sample, accurate to 0.01: put in a 250mL beaker, add appropriate amount of water to dissolve, transfer all to a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute to scale with water, shake well (filter when necessary) Take 20mL of test solution with a pipette, place in a 50mL colorimetric tube, add 0.3mL acetic acid solution, 5mL hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution, shake open for 10min, add 10mL saturated hydrogen peroxide, add water to scale, and shake well. The color of the test solution shall not be darker than the standard. The standard is: use a pipette to transfer 2 ml of lead standard solution and treat it in the same way as the test sample. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 The water treatment agent aluminum sulfate shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all water treatment agent aluminum sulfate shipped out of the factory meets the requirements of this standard. Each batch of products shipped out of the factory shall be accompanied by a quality certificate, including: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, purification, production date, product quality compliance certificate and this standard abbreviation. 5.2 The user unit has the right to accept the water treatment agent aluminum sulfate received in accordance with the provisions of this standard. Acceptance should be carried out within 15 days from the date of receipt.
5.3 The quantity of each batch of products shall not exceed 100t. When the solution product is shipped by tank truck, one tank truck shall be regarded as one batch. 5.4 Determine the number of sampling units according to Article 6.6 of GB6678. When sampling solid products: first remove the material layer of about 30cm on the upper layer of the packaging bag, and use the sampling tool to take no less than 100 samples from it, and quickly crush the samples to less than about 10mm, mix them, and reduce them to about 500 pieces by quartering method, and pack them into two clean, dry wide-mouth bottles with open-mouth stoppers, seal them, and stick labels on the bottles. Indicate: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is used for inspection, and the other bottle is kept for 3 months for future reference. When sampling barreled solution products, use a sampler to sample from the top, middle and bottom layers at a ratio of 1:3:1. When loading with a tank truck, use a sampler to sample from the top, middle and bottom parts of the top inlet of the tank truck at a ratio of 1:3:1. When sampling is not possible at the top and the material is relatively uniform, sampling can be done at the discharge port of the tank truck. The sample must not be less than 500mL. After mixing, put it in a clean and dry glass bottle and paste a label on the bottle. Indicate: manufacturer name, product name, grade, batch number and sample date, and send it to the inspection department for inspection. 5.5 If one of the indicators in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sample from the packaging of the two trays for verification. If even one indicator in the verification results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.6 When the supply and demand parties have disputes over the quality of the products, they shall handle the disputes in accordance with the provisions of the National Product Quality Arbitration Inspection Operation Methods. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The packaging container shall have firm and clear markings, indicating: manufacturer name, product name, grade, net weight, batch number or production date, trademark and this standard number.
Liquid products shall be painted with the upward mark specified in GB191 (Figure 3). 6.2 Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate (solid) shall be packaged in a woven bag lined with polyethylene plastic or a composite plastic woven bag, with a net weight of 5 per bag
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Water treatment agent aluminum sulfate solution shall be packaged in a glass fiber reinforced plastic tank truck or a plastic barrel (with a net distance of 25, 30 or 35 kg). 6.3 When transporting this product, prevent it from being contaminated by foreign objects and being damp. 6.4 This product should be stored in a ventilated and dry place to prevent rain and moisture. Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Tianyang Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the Environmental Health Monitoring Institute of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. This standard is drafted by the Tianjin Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Zhou Qiao'e and Xing Yufen. This standard adopts the British Water Association standard ANSI/AWWAB403-82 "Aluminum Sulfate-Liquid, Granular, Block"
From the date of implementation of this standard, the original national standard GB3151-82 "Aluminum Sulfate for Water Purification" will be invalid. 6
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