title>Rules of public credit information resources identifications - GB/T 39442-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Rules of public credit information resources identifications

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39442-2020

Standard Name:Rules of public credit information resources identifications

Chinese Name: 公共信用信息资源标识规则

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-11-19

Date of Implementation:2021-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Services>>03.080.99 Other services

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A20 Comprehensive Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2020-11-01

other information

drafter:Tian Wei, Hong Wei, Li Yifeng, Zhou Li, Zhao Yan, Zhang Cuihua, Xu Xiaodong, Jiang Zhou, Li Yahuan, Zhao Suhua, Wang Zhuo, Xing Liguo, Su Shiqiao, Li Yue, Xie Li, Li Xianghua, Meng Cuizhu, Li Shanshan, Xiong Kai, Wei Wei

Drafting unit:Liaoning Inspection, Testing and Certification Center, China National Institute of Standardization, Northeastern University, Jiujifang Big Data Information Group Co., Ltd., Fujian Yabot Digital Technology Co., Ltd., China University of Metrology, Jia

Focal point unit:National Social Credit Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:National Social Credit Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39442-2020. Rules of public credit information resources identifications.
1 Scope
GB/T 39442 specifies the coding principles, coding rules, identification management, identification resolution and identification application of public credit information resource identification.
GB/T 39442 applies to the coding and identification management of public credit information by public credit information resource management departments. When public credit information resource suppliers and demanders process, exchange and share public credit information, the public credit information coding identification used should also be used as a reference.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 10113 General terms for classification and coding
GB/T 22117 Basic terms for credit
GB 32100 Coding rules for unified social credit codes for legal persons and other organizations.
GB/T 35299 Information technology open systems interconnection object identifier resolution system
GB/T 35300 Information technology open systems interconnection procedures for object identifier resolution system operators
GB/T 37914 Credit information classification and coding specifications
3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions
defined in GB/T 22117 and GB/T 10113 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. .
public credit information resources public credit information resources
Collection of credit information records and data on various entities generated by departments exercising public functions in accordance with the law in the process of performing their functions and providing services.
Note: Departments exercising public functions in accordance with the law include administrative organs, judicial organs, and enterprises, institutions and social organizations that exercise public management (service) functions in accordance with the law.
Public credit information resource identifications
Give a unique code identification to public credit information resources and public credit information resource providers.
A series of numbers, letters, symbols or any combination of them used to describe the attributes of things.
?? Identification resolution
A unique identification code is assigned to a clear management object, and the identification code is input through a variety of resolution methods such as websites and clients to obtain various attribute information of the object.
This standard specifies the coding principles, coding rules, identification management, identification resolution and identification application of public credit information resource identification. This standard applies to the public credit information resource management department to manage the coding identification of public credit information. When the supply and demand parties of public credit information resources process, exchange and share public credit information, the public credit information coding identifiers used should also be applied for reference.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rules for identification of public credit information resources
Rules of public credit information resources identifications2020-11-19 Issued
State Administration for Market Regulation
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
2021-06-01 Implementation
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Coding principles
Compilation rules
Provider coding
6 Logo management
Logo usage
Management and maintenance
Coding extension
Logo resolution
Logo application
Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
Public Credit Information Resource Metadata Registration Form Foreword
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Social Credit Standardization. GB/T39442—2020
Drafting units of this standard: Liaoning Inspection, Testing and Certification Center, China National Institute of Standardization, Northeastern University, Jiujifang Big Data Information Group Co., Ltd., Fujian Yabot Digital Technology Co., Ltd., China University of Metrology, Jiangsu Quality and Standardization Research Institute, Beijing Institute of Environmental Protection Sciences, Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences, Tieling Ecological Environment Affairs Service Center, Anhui Meiyan Seals Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Tian Wei, Hong Wei, Li Erfeng, Zhou Li, Zhao Yan, Zhang Cuihua, Xu Xiaodong, Jiang Zhou, Li Yahuan, Zhao Suhua, Wang Zhuo, Xing Liguo, Su Shiqiao, Li Yue, Xie Li, Li Xianghua, Meng Cuizhu, Li Shanshan, Xiong Kai, Wei Wei. I
This standard is formulated to improve the level of development and utilization of public credit information resources, realize the exchange, sharing, service and application of public credit information resources, promote the interconnection and interoperability of social public credit information across departments and fields, build and share, standardize and facilitate the retrieval, positioning and acquisition of public credit information resources, and ensure the uniqueness of public credit information resource identifiers. This standard refers to the "Guidelines for the Compilation of Government Information Resource Catalogs", follows the principles determined by the public credit information standard system framework, studies the composition of the public credit information resource identification system, standardizes the basic content of the public credit information identification system, and determines the public credit information resource coding scheme, including coding system design principles, coding structure, coding analysis, coding metadata registration form, and the management and application of public credit information resource identifiers.
1 Scope
Rules for the identification of public credit information resources
This standard specifies the coding principles, coding rules, identification management, identification resolution and identification application of public credit information resource identification. This standard applies to the public credit information resource management departments for the management of coding identification of public credit information. When the supply and demand parties of public credit information resources process, exchange and share public credit information, the public credit information coding identification used should also be used as a reference. Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any referenced document with a date, only the version with the date applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) shall apply to this document GB/T10113 General terms for classification and coding wwW.bzxz.Net
GB/T22117 Basic terms for credit
GB32100 Coding rules for unified social credit codes for legal persons and other organizations Information technology open system interconnection object identifier resolution system GB/T352991
Information technology open system interconnection procedures for object identifier resolution system operators GB/T353001
GB/T37914 Credit information classification and coding specifications 3 Terms and definitions
Terms and definitions defined in GB/T22117 and GB/T10113 and the following terms and definitions shall apply to this document. 3.1
Public credit information resources public credit information resources The collection of credit information records and data on various entities generated by departments exercising public functions in accordance with the law in the process of performing their functions and providing services.
Note: Departments that exercise public functions in accordance with the law include administrative organs, judicial organs, and enterprises, institutions and social organizations that exercise public management (service) functions in accordance with the law.
Public credit information resource identification public credit information resources identifications give a unique code identification to public credit information resources and public credit information resource providers. 3.3
Identifier identifier
A series of numbers, letters, symbols or any combination of them used to describe the attributes of things. 3.4
Identification resolution identification resolution A unique identification code is assigned to a clear management object, and the identification code is input through a variety of resolution methods such as websites and clients to obtain various attribute information of the object. 1
4 Coding principles
1 Completeness
It is advisable to reflect the elements of each level of public credit information. 2 Comprehensiveness
It is advisable to cover all types of public credit information resources that can be processed. 4.3
One piece of public credit information corresponds to one code to ensure traceability. Different public credit information corresponds to different codes and there is no duplication. 4 Extensibility
Taking into account the development of new fields and new objects, the code should reserve spaces according to actual needs to adapt to the needs of continuous expansion. 5 Compilation rules
5.1 Coding
Coding structure
The coding refers to the coding structure rules of the "Guidelines for the Compilation of Government Information Resource Catalogs" and consists of two parts: the front code and the back code. The first part of the code is composed of "category", "item", "detail", which is the classification code of public credit information resources; the second part of the code is composed of "data list code", which is the sequence code of public credit information resources.
5.1.2 Coding rules The "category" in the coding is divided according to Table 1. "1" represents the basic information resource category, "2" represents the subject information resource category, and "3" represents the department information resource category. Public credit information resources belong to the basic information resource category, which is represented by the Arabic numeral "1". Table 1. Government Information Resource Classification Coding Table
Information Resource Classification Name
Basic Information Resource Class
Thematic Information Resource Class
Department Information Resource Class
The "items" in the code are divided according to Table 2. "01" National Population Basic Information Resources, "02" Legal Entity Basic Information Resources,
"03" Natural Resources and Spatial Geography Basic Information Resources, "04" Social Credit Basic Information Resources, "05" "Sub-license and certificate basic information resources. Public credit information resources "item" belongs to the category of social credit basic information resources and is represented by the Arabic numeral "04". 2
Table 2 Classification and coding table of public credit information resources Basic information resource name
National population basic information resources
Legal entity basic information resources
Natural resources and spatial geography basic information resources Social credit basic information resources
Sub-license and certificate basic information resources
3 "Item" and "Detail" in the code are composed of six Arabic numerals or letters and are arranged in accordance with the coding structure of the credit information classification code specified in GB/T37914. The first code (subject classification code) is represented by two Arabic numerals or letters: the second code (first-level classification code) is represented by two Arabic numerals; the third code (second-level classification code) is represented by two Arabic numerals
The "data list code" in the code is represented by four Arabic numerals. It is encoded sequentially starting from "0001". When the data list code needs to be expanded, the original data is supplemented and then encoded sequentially. Its form is shown in Figure 1.
Four Four
Data list code (4 Arabic numerals)
Item, detail
Secondary classification code (2 Arabic numerals) Primary classification code (2 Arabic numerals) Subject classification code (2 Arabic numerals or letters) Item, represented by "04"
Class, represented by "1"
Figure 1
2 Provider code
Public credit information resource code
The public credit information resource provider code should use the unified social credit code of legal persons and other organizations specified in GB32100 as the unique identification code. When the provider of public credit information resources is an actual legal person or other organization, the unified social credit code of legal persons and other organizations specified in GB32100 shall be directly used; when the provider of public credit information resources is a business supervisory department or a specific department, its code shall use the unified social credit code of the legal person and other organizations at the next higher level. 6
Logo management
Logo usage method
The public credit information resource logo consists of two parts: the public credit information resource code and the public credit information resource provider code. 3
When using the logo, the "public credit information resource code" shall be placed in the first part, and the second part shall be supplemented by the "public credit information resource provider code (legal person and other organization unified social credit code)". See Figure 2 for its format. First part (13 digits, can be supplemented)
Public Credit Information Resource Code
Second part (18 digits)
Public Credit Information Resource Provider Code
Figure 2 Public Credit Information Resource Identification
6.1.2 It is advisable to use the Public Credit Information Resource Provider Code as an additional code according to actual application needs. 6.2 Management and maintenance
6.2.1 Management of Public Credit Information Resource Codes Public Credit Information Resource Codes are uniformly managed and allocated by the Public Credit Information Resource Provider. 6.2.2 Coding of Newly Added Public Credit Information Resources Newly added public credit information resources shall be coded in accordance with the coding rules specified in 5.1.2. 6.2.3 Handling of Coding after Cancellation of Public Credit Information Resources After a public credit information resource is cancelled, its original coding shall be abolished and no longer used. The used coding shall be used as a historical record for query and tracing.
6.2.4 Coding of Public Credit Information Resources after Changes Public credit information changes due to merger, splitting or other reasons. The public credit information resources after the change shall be deemed as newly added resources, and the public credit information resources before the change shall be deemed as cancelled resources, and shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 respectively. 6.3 Coding extension
The "category", "item", "item" and "detail" of public credit information resources shall be adjusted according to the changes in GB/T37914, and the extension of data list code shall be planned and adjusted by the information resource provider as needed. 7 Identification resolution
7.1 The public credit information resource management department is responsible for the development and release of the "public credit information resource identification resolution system", and the design of the identification resolution system shall be based on the public credit information resource metadata registration form (see Appendix A). 7.2 The public credit information resource identification resolution system shall establish a hierarchical resolution system, and the lower-level resolution system shall submit the resolution address information to the upper-level resolution system, and the upper-level resolution system shall maintain the corresponding information for distributed resolution. The construction of the identification resolution system shall comply with the requirements of GB/T35299 and GB/T35300.
7.3 Before the public credit information resources and their metadata are stored in the resolution system, the public credit information resource coding is in the ineffective stage. After the code takes effect, if the public credit information resource identification is changed, it must be modified with the consent of the public credit information resource management department. 8 Identification application
8.1 Public credit information resource identification should run through all aspects of public credit information resource identification, preservation, release, management and application. Public credit information resource identification should ensure that the production path is clear and can guarantee the authenticity and reliability of public credit information resources. The public credit information resource codes that have been reviewed and approved should be searchable and accessible in accordance with relevant national regulations. 2 When institutions or individuals reprint public credit information resources on the platform or process and produce new public credit information resources, they should abide by the principle of intellectual property protection and can also reprint the identification code of the original public credit information resource provider. 8.3 The public credit information resource service platform should meet the requirements of mutual retrieval and access between different systems under the conditions of allowing access restrictions. The design of the public credit information resource service platform should have good compatibility and scalability. 8.4 Each public credit information resource provider can publish the public credit information resource code and public credit information resource reference mark through the portal website of the institution. The format of the public credit information resource reference mark should be "public credit information resource code; public credit information resource name". Please refer to Appendix A for the registration form of public credit information resource metadata. 53 Before the public credit information resources and their metadata are stored in the parsing system, the public credit information resource codes are in the ineffective stage. When the codes are effective, if the public credit information resource identifiers are changed, they can only be modified after the approval of the public credit information resource management department. 8 Identification application
8.1 The public credit information resource identifiers should run through all aspects of public credit information resource identification, preservation, publication, management and application. The public credit information resource identifiers should ensure that the production channels are clear and can guarantee the authenticity and reliability of public credit information resources. The codes of public credit information resources that have been reviewed and approved should be searchable and accessible in accordance with relevant national regulations. 2 When institutions or individuals reprint public credit information resources on the platform or process and produce new public credit information resources, they should abide by the principle of intellectual property protection and can also reprint the identifier codes of the original public credit information resource providers. 8.3 The public credit information resource service platform should meet the requirements of mutual retrieval and access between different systems under the conditions of allowing access restrictions. The design of the public credit information resource service platform should have good compatibility and scalability. 8.4 Each public credit information resource provider can publish the public credit information resource code and public credit information resource reference mark through the portal website of the institution. The format of the public credit information resource reference mark should be "public credit information resource code; public credit information resource name". Please refer to Appendix A for the registration form of public credit information resource metadata. 53 Before the public credit information resources and their metadata are stored in the parsing system, the public credit information resource codes are in the ineffective stage. When the codes are effective, if the public credit information resource identifiers are changed, they can only be modified after the approval of the public credit information resource management department. 8 Identification application
8.1 The public credit information resource identifiers should run through all aspects of public credit information resource identification, preservation, publication, management and application. The public credit information resource identifiers should ensure that the production channels are clear and can guarantee the authenticity and reliability of public credit information resources. The codes of public credit information resources that have been reviewed and approved should be searchable and accessible in accordance with relevant national regulations. 2 When institutions or individuals reprint public credit information resources on the platform or process and produce new public credit information resources, they should abide by the principle of intellectual property protection and can also reprint the identifier codes of the original public credit information resource providers. 8.3 The public credit information resource service platform should meet the requirements of mutual retrieval and access between different systems under the conditions of allowing access restrictions. The design of the public credit information resource service platform should have good compatibility and scalability. 8.4 Each public credit information resource provider can publish the public credit information resource code and public credit information resource reference mark through the portal website of the institution. The format of the public credit information resource reference mark should be "public credit information resource code; public credit information resource name". Please refer to Appendix A for the registration form of public credit information resource metadata. 5
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