title>Directives for STANDARDization-Part2:Methodology for the content of normative technical elements in STANDARDs - GB/T 1.2-2002 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Directives for STANDARDization-Part2:Methodology for the content of normative technical elements in STANDARDs
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 1.2-2002
Standard Name:Directives for STANDARDization-Part2:Methodology for the content of normative technical elements in STANDARDs
This part of GB/T 1 specifies the method for determining the content of normative technical elements in standards. This part is applicable to the preparation of national standards, industry standards, local standards and enterprise standards. GB/T 1.2-2002 Guidelines for standardization work Part 2: Method for determining the content of normative technical elements in standards GB/T1.2-2002 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This part of GB/T 1 specifies the method for determining the content of normative technical elements in standards
This part is applicable to the preparation of national standards, industry standards, local standards and enterprise standards.
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 1.2 2002 Replaces G3/T 1.3—1907, CB/T 7.71988 Directives for standardization Pari 2: Methodology for the content of normative technical elements in standards standards national standards exchange nbmos.ys168.com 2002-06-20 issued People's Republic of China General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine 2003-01-01 implementation GB/T 1-2-2002 This part is the first part of GR1, refer to ISO door guide - Part 2: Method for the formulation of national music standards (English version). www.bzxz.net This part replaces GB 1.3:1997 Standardization Guide - Part 3: Provisions for the preparation of product labels and GB/T 1-7-1988 Standardization Guide - Provisions for the preparation of product packaging standards. This part incorporates and adjusts the applicable contents of GB/T 1.3:1997 and GB/1.7-1988. Compared with GB/T 13/11.3-1997, the main changes are as follows: Added "Assessment of the safety of labels" (see Chapter 1): - ... enriched the principles for selecting technical requirements and modified the requirements (Section 4 of the 1997 edition, Section 5.1.3 of this edition) Draft 1. Added normative appendix "shaft sample. Test method and inspection" (see Appendix A); - The "quality evaluation procedure or inspection rules" were shrunk into the informative appendix (5.4.6 of the 1997 edition: Appendix B of this edition); added normative appendix "standardization item date mark" appendix (); added normative appendix "patent" (see Appendix). GB/T 1 is one of a series of national standards such as standardization work guidelines, guidelines and writing rules. The following lists these national standards and their corresponding international standards (international standards, guidelines, and national standards replaced:) GB/T 1 standardization work guidelines are divided into: Part 1: Standard code and coding and rules (ISC) C Star Part 3 Replacement GB National standard exchange GB/T 1.2- 1996); (published) --Part 2: Methods for the content of normative technical elements in marking (ISO/IE Guide Part 2. Replaces GB/T 1.3--1997. GF/T 1.7 188): (ConOS.VS168.COM--Part 3: Technical work procedures (LS0/1EC Guide Part 1, preferred GB/T 15733-.907) b: GB/T 20000 Guide to Standardization Work, divided into: Part 1: General summary of standardization and related activities (IS/1E: Guide 2, replacing GR/3935.11996); "Published) Part 2: Rules for the adoption of international standards (ISO/IEC Guide 21); (Published) - Part 3: 1st document (IS0/EC Guide 15. Replaces GH/11-23-19!3); Part 4: Safety-related content in standards (ISO/EC Guide 51): Part 5: Environmental content of product standards Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.