JGJ 51-1990 Technical specification for lightweight aggregate concrete JGJ51-90
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Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Standard for Quality Inspection and Assessment of Grid Structure Engineering JGJ51-90
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. Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Code for Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
Editor: China Academy of Building ResearchApproval Department: Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of ChinaEffective Date: October 1, 1990
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Notice on the Release of the Industry Standard "Technical Specifications for Light Aggregate Concrete"
(90) Jianbiaozi No. 28
According to the Ministry of Construction's standard compilation and revision plan issued by the former Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection (86) Chengkezi No. 263, the "Technical Specifications for Light Aggregate Concrete" edited by the China Academy of Building Research has been reviewed by our ministry and is now approved as an industry standard with the number IGJ5190. It will be implemented from October 1, 1990, and the former ministry standard "Technical Regulations and Test Methods for Light Aggregate and Light Aggregate Concrete" JGJ51-78 will be discontinued at the same time. If there are any questions or comments during the implementation of this specification, please inform the China Academy of Building Research in writing.
Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
January 22, 1990
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Raw Materials
Section 1
General Provisions
Section 2 Technical Requirements for Light Aggregates
Section 3 Inspection Rules for Light Aggregates
Chapter 3
Technical Performance
Section 1
General Provisions| |tt||Section 2 Performance Indicators
Chapter 4 Mix Ratio Design
General Requirements
Chapter 5
Design Parameter Selection·
Mix Ratio Calculation and Adjustment
Construction Technology
General Requirements
Section 2
Section 3
Mixing of Mixture·
Transportation of Mixture·
Section 4 Casting and Forming of Mixture
Section 5
Concrete Maintenance and Defect Repair
Section 6 Quality Inspection
Chapter 6
Test Methods
Section 1 Mixing Method
Dry Apparent Density
Section 3
Section 4
Water Absorption and Softening Coefficient
Thermal Conductivity
Section 5 Shear Strength
Section 6
Appendix 1
Strength and Apparent Density Range of Common Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
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Appendix 2 About Density Appendix III Explanation of terms used in this code
Additional notes List of the editors, participating units and main drafters of this code 44 Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
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Main symbols
Thermal conductivity of lightweight aggregate concrete at equilibrium moisture content:
Thermal conductivity of lightweight aggregate concrete in dry state; Calculated value of specific heat capacity of lightweight aggregate concrete in equilibrium moisture content;
Thermal conductivity of lightweight aggregate concrete in dry state; Calculated value of specific heat capacity of lightweight aggregate concrete in equilibrium moisture content;
Specific heat capacity in dry state, maximum sieve size or maximum particle size of light aggregate; minimum sieve size;
elastic modulus of light aggregate concrete;
standard value of axial compressive strength of light aggregate concrete; standard value of flexural compressive strength of light aggregate concrete; mix strength of light aggregate concrete;
standard value of cube compressive strength of light aggregate concrete; cylinder compressive strength of light coarse aggregate;
strength number of light coarse aggregate;
standard value of axial tensile strength of light aggregate concrete; standard value of shear strength of light aggregate concrete value; cement content per cubic meter of lightweight aggregate concrete; coarse aggregate content per cubic meter of lightweight aggregate concrete; sand content per cubic meter of lightweight aggregate concrete; additional water content per cubic meter of lightweight aggregate concrete; net water content per cubic meter of lightweight aggregate concrete; total water content per cubic meter of lightweight aggregate concrete; standard deviation of lightweight aggregate concrete strength samples; calculated value of thermal coefficient of lightweight aggregate concrete at equilibrium moisture content for a period of 24 hours. :
Thermal storage coefficient of lightweight aggregate concrete in dry state for a period of 24h,
Sand ratio per cubic meter of lightweight aggregate concrete; Volume of coarse aggregate per cubic meter of lightweight aggregate concrete; Volume of fine aggregate per cubic meter of lightweight aggregate concrete; Total volume of coarse and fine aggregate per cubic meter of lightweight aggregate concrete: Temperature linear expansion coefficient of lightweight aggregate concrete; Fly ash replacement cement ratio;
Excess coefficient of fly ash;
Standard value of shrinkage deformation of lightweight aggregate concrete, Correction coefficient of mix design;
Light aggregate Calculated value of thermal conductivity of concrete at equilibrium moisture content;
Thermal conductivity of lightweight aggregate concrete in dry state; Dry apparent density of lightweight aggregate concrete;
-Bulk density of lightweight aggregate;
-Apparent density of lightweight aggregate particles;
Overall standard deviation of strength of lightweight aggregate concrete; Softening coefficient of lightweight aggregate concrete;
Standard value of creep coefficient of lightweight aggregate concrete; 1h water absorption of light coarse aggregate;
Water absorption of light sand mill;
Saturated water absorption of lightweight aggregate concrete.
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Chapter 1 General
Article 1.0.1 This code is specially formulated to promote the development of light aggregate and light aggregate concrete production and application and ensure the quality of light aggregate concrete. Article 1.0.2 This code is applicable to the production quality control and inspection of inorganic light aggregate concrete, and the relevant indicators can be used for the design and construction of light aggregate concrete structures. This code is not applicable to large-pore light aggregate concrete with no sand or less sand. Light aggregate concrete for thermal engineering, hydraulic engineering, bridges and culverts, and ships can refer to this code, but it should also comply with the relevant provisions of the corresponding special technical standards or codes. Article 1.0.3 Concrete made of light coarse aggregate, light sand (or ordinary sand), cement and water, whose dry apparent density is not more than 1950kg/m3, is called light aggregate concrete.
Article 1.0.4 The determination of routine performance indicators of lightweight aggregate concrete shall be carried out in accordance with the following standards for ordinary concrete:
, 1. "Test Method for Performance of Ordinary Concrete Mixtures" (GBJ80-85); 2. "Test Method for Mechanical Properties of Ordinary Concrete" (GBJ81-85); 3. "Test Method for Long-term Performance and Durability of Ordinary Concrete" (GBJ82-85).
The determination of concrete performance indicators related to the characteristics of lightweight aggregates shall be carried out in accordance with Chapter 6 of this specification
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Chapter 2 Raw Materials
Section 1 General Provisions
Article 2.1.1 The cement used to make lightweight aggregate concrete shall meet the requirements of the following standards:
1. Portland cement, ordinary Portland cement (GBJ175-85); 2. Slag Portland cement, pozzolanic Portland cement and fly ash Portland cement (GB1344-85).
If other types of cement are used, their performance indicators must meet the requirements of the corresponding standards.
Article 2.1.2 The light aggregate used in making light aggregate concrete shall meet the requirements of the following relevant standards:
Fly ash ceramsite and ceramsite sand (GB2838-81); , Clay ceramsite and ceramsite sand (GB2839-81); , Shale ceramsite and ceramsite sand (GB2840-81); 4. Natural light aggregate (GB2841-81); 5. Expanded perlite (JC20977). Other types of light aggregate shall meet the requirements of Section 2 of this chapter. Article 2.1.3 Ordinary sand used in making light aggregate concrete shall meet the requirements of Quality Standards and Test Methods for Ordinary Concrete Sand (JGJ52-79). Article 2.1.4 The fly ash used in making lightweight aggregate concrete shall comply with the requirements of the Technical Specifications for the Application of Fly Ash in Concrete and Mortar (JGJ2886). Article 2.1.5 The admixtures used in making lightweight aggregate concrete shall comply with the requirements of the Technical Specifications for the Application of Concrete Admixtures (GBJ119-88). Article 2.1.Article 6 Light aggregate can be divided into light coarse aggregate and light fine aggregate. Light aggregate with a particle size greater than 5mm and a bulk density less than 1000kg/m2 is called light coarse aggregate, and light aggregate with a particle size not greater than 5mm and a bulk density less than 1200kg/m2 is called light fine aggregate (or light sand). Article 2.1.7 Light aggregate can be divided into three categories according to its source: 1. Industrial waste light aggregate - light aggregate processed from industrial waste, such as fly ash ceramsite, self-igniting coal grinding stone, expanded slag beads, coal slag and its light sand.
, Natural light aggregate -
- Light aggregate processed from porous rocks formed naturally, such as pumice, volcanic slag and light sand. 3. Artificial light aggregate -
- Light aggregate processed from local materials, such as shale ceramsite, clay ceramsite, expanded perlite aggregate and light sand. Article 2.1.8 Light coarse aggregate can be divided into three categories according to its particle shape: Spherical - Light aggregate in spherical shape processed from raw materials by granulation technology (such as fly ash ceramsite and shale ceramsite ground into balls, etc.); Ordinary - Light aggregate in non-spherical shape processed from raw materials by crushing (such as shale ceramsite, expanded perlite, etc.); Crushed stone - Light aggregate in crushed stone shape processed from natural light aggregate or porous sintered blocks (such as pumice, self-igniting coal grinding stone and coal slag, etc.). Section 2 Technical Requirements for Light Aggregates
Article 2.2.1 The maximum particle size of light coarse aggregate used in thermal insulation and structural thermal insulation light aggregate concrete should not be greater than 40mm.
The maximum particle size of light coarse aggregate used in structural light aggregate concrete should not be greater than 20mm.
Article 2.2.2 The gradation of light coarse aggregate should meet the requirements of Table 2.2.2, and the void ratio of its natural gradation should not be greater than 50%. Grading of light coarse aggregate
Sieve size
Spherical and single-size ordinary mixed grading Crushed stone
Mixed grading
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Cumulative sieve residue (by weight, %
Not specified
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Article 2.2.3 The fineness modulus of light sand should not be greater than 4.0; the cumulative sieve residue greater than 5mm should not be greater than 10% (by weight). Article 2.2.4 The bulk density grades of light aggregate are divided according to Table 2.2.4. The coefficient of variation of its actual bulk density: for spherical and ordinary light coarse aggregates, it should not be greater than 0.10; for crushed stone light aggregate, it should not be greater than 0.15. Light aggregate Density grade
Light coarse aggregate
Bulk density range
Article 2.2.5 The cylinder compressive strength and strength number of light coarse aggregate shall not be less than the specified values in Table 2.2.5.
Cylinder compressive strength and strength number of light coarse aggregate Density grade
Cylinder compressive strength fa (MPa)
Crushed stone type
0. 4/0. 5
0. 6/1. 0
Ordinary and spherical type
Strength code fa (Mpa)
Ordinary type Spherical type
Note: Crushed stone type natural light aggregate takes the value on the left of the slash, and other crushed stone type light aggregate takes the value on the right of the slash. Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
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Article 2.2.6 The water absorption rate of light sand and natural light coarse aggregate is not specified, and the water absorption rate of other light coarse aggregate should not be greater than 22%. Article 2.2.7 It is strictly prohibited to mix unstable substances such as burnt limestone, dolomite and iron sulfide into light aggregate. The harmful substance content and other performance indicators of light aggregate should not be greater than the specified values in Table 2.2.7. Light aggregate performance indicators Requirements
Frost resistance (D15, weight loss, %)
Stability (boiling method, weight loss, %)Ignition loss①, light coarse aggregate (weight loss, %)Light sand (weight loss, %)
Sulfate content (calculated as SO3, %)
Chloride content (calculated as CL-, %)
Mud content② (weight %)
Organic impurities (tested by colorimetry)
①The ignition loss of coal slag can be relaxed to 15%;bZxz.net
②It should not contain clay blocks.
Section 3 Light Aggregate Inspection Rules
Not darker than the standard color
Article 2.3.1 Light aggregates should be stacked and accepted in batches according to their types and density levels. Each 300m2 is a batch, and less than 300m2 is also considered as a batch. Article 2.3.2 Each batch of light aggregate must be tested for the following items: Light coarse aggregate:
, bulk density;
, particle grading,
rough tube compressive strength
4. Water absorption.
Light sand:
1. Bulk density;
fineness modulus
Natural light coarse aggregate also needs to be tested for mud content. Self-burning coal grinding stone and coal slag also need to be tested Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
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Cylinder compression strength and strength grade density grade of light coarse aggregate
Cylinder compression strength fa (MPa)
Crushed stone type
0. 4/0. 5
0. 6/1. 0
Ordinary and spherical type
Strength grade fa (Mpa)
Ordinary type Spherical type
Note: Crushed stone type natural light aggregate takes the value on the left of the slash, and other crushed stone type light aggregate takes the value on the right of the slash. Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
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Article 2.2.6 The water absorption rate of light sand and natural light coarse aggregate is not specified, and the water absorption rate of other light coarse aggregate should not be greater than 22%. Article 2.2.7 It is strictly forbidden to mix unstable substances such as burnt limestone, dolomite and iron sulfide into light aggregate. The harmful substance content and other performance indicators of light aggregate should not be greater than the specified values in Table 2.2.7. Requirements for performance indicators of light aggregate
Frost resistance (D15, weight loss, %)
Stability (boiling method, weight loss, %)Ignition loss①, light coarse aggregate (weight loss, %)Light sand (weight loss, %)
Sulfate content (calculated as SO3, %)
Chloride content (calculated as CL-, %)
Mud content② (weight %)
Organic impurities (tested by colorimetry)
①The ignition loss of coal slag can be relaxed to 15%;
②It should not contain clay blocks.
Section 3 Inspection Rules for Light Aggregates
Not darker than the standard color
Article 2.3.1 Light aggregates shall be stacked and inspected in batches according to their types and density grades. Each batch is 300m2, and those less than 300m2 are also considered as one batch. Article 2.3.2 Each batch of light aggregates must be inspected for the following items: Light coarse aggregate:
, bulk density;
, particle grading,
rough tube compressive strength
4. Water absorption rate.
Light sand:
1. Bulk density;
fineness modulus
Natural light coarse aggregates are also subject to inspection for mud content. Self-burning coal grinding stone and coal slag are also subject to inspection Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Cylinder compression strength and strength grade density grade of light coarse aggregate
Cylinder compression strength fa (MPa)
Crushed stone type
0. 4/0. 5
0. 6/1. 0
Ordinary and spherical type
Strength grade fa (Mpa)
Ordinary type Spherical type
Note: Crushed stone type natural light aggregate takes the value on the left of the slash, and other crushed stone type light aggregate takes the value on the right of the slash. Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
. Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Article 2.2.6 The water absorption rate of light sand and natural light coarse aggregate is not specified, and the water absorption rate of other light coarse aggregate should not be greater than 22%. Article 2.2.7 It is strictly forbidden to mix unstable substances such as burnt limestone, dolomite and iron sulfide into light aggregate. The harmful substance content and other performance indicators of light aggregate should not be greater than the specified values in Table 2.2.7. Requirements for performance indicators of light aggregate
Frost resistance (D15, weight loss, %)
Stability (boiling method, weight loss, %)Ignition loss①, light coarse aggregate (weight loss, %)Light sand (weight loss, %)
Sulfate content (calculated as SO3, %)
Chloride content (calculated as CL-, %)
Mud content② (weight %)
Organic impurities (tested by colorimetry)
①The ignition loss of coal slag can be relaxed to 15%;
②It should not contain clay blocks.
Section 3 Inspection Rules for Light Aggregates
Not darker than the standard color
Article 2.3.1 Light aggregates shall be stacked and inspected in batches according to their types and density grades. Each batch is 300m2, and those less than 300m2 are also considered as one batch. Article 2.3.2 Each batch of light aggregates must be inspected for the following items: Light coarse aggregate:
, bulk density;
, particle grading,
rough tube compressive strength
4. Water absorption rate.
Light sand:
1. Bulk density;
fineness modulus
Natural light coarse aggregates are also subject to inspection for mud content. Self-burning coal grinding stone and coal slag are also subject to inspection Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
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