GB 4706.19-2004 Particular requirements for safety of liquid heaters for household and similar electrical appliances
Some standard content:
ICS 97.040. 50
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB4706.192004/1EC 60335-2-15:2000
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances-Particular requirements for liquid heaters(1FC60335 2 15;2000,1)T)
Published on 2004-05-10
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China National Standardization Administration
Implemented on 2005-02-01
GB 47C6.19—2004/EC 60335-2-15:20 before the market
General requirements
General parts for testing
Standards and instructions
For auxiliary and electrical parts, the quality of the equipment
Rate and current
1. Electrical strength of slip current under temperature change
State tide
Dispatching steam and electrical sockets
Transformers and related roads can be over-installed with protection
Abnormal working standards || tt||Running machine defect danger
Machine digging strength
Internal destruction
Power supply connection and multiple parts
External conductor wiring constant
According to the measures
Barrier convex Chen separation, electrical interruption and penetration insulation distance commercial heat resistance, city heat and village full power inspection
Ray radiation, regularity and similar risks:
Pump specification period record Dongdian buy machine ten mile aging test
B4706 All technical contents of this part are mandatory. GE 4706.19—2004/TEC 60335-2-15, 2000 This part is related to the International Electrical Commission (IEC) 633121730 4th edition Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part 2 Special requirements for heating liquids and sugars and the second supplement (2007-07, this part shall apply to (H4705, 11008% household and similar electrical appliances Part 1 General requirements for use. Part 46.1-19 indicates that the applicable clauses in this part are out of the scope of this part. The parts of this part that are replaced by the applicable clauses shall be subject to the provisions of this part. This part indicates that in addition to complying with the applicable clauses in "479S.:19%, the additional clauses in this part must also be complied with. The main differences of Part G and 476.19-10S are as follows: In clause 1S.1, it is added, "Unless, in order to comply with the requirements of 9.1, a non-self-resetting thermal circuit breaker is installed, and its reset function is not operated by the operator, the water test required by 19.U shall also be carried out in accordance with 13.103 of the World Bank." The test in clause 19.2 is a waterless test. For example, in clause 197, the test cycle is 5il. 2. Add clause 19.103: "With two self-resetting thermal circuit breakers, one of the thermal circuit breakers has been tested according to 19.33: and the other thermal circuit breaker has been operated. After 2 hours, water with a gain of 15:5Y is injected, and the water in the kettle is drained after 1 mir. The test is carried out 100 times. In the device, the clause is added, "the kettle is tested under the rated voltage for 1 minute. \ In the clause 33.209, the note is added, "Normal use is the total consideration of the instructions and the positive gain width. And the time credit is almost over the capacity."
Add clause 24.1.2: The self-heating new format device that meets the test requirements of 19.01, the recording of the action of the small cycle of 3350 - the content of clause 24.1.3 is changed to: \ In the production of steam coffee, the market is related to the production of steam and the cost of learning 1C00C cycle Action.\
Add clause 24.4: "Note, this clause is not applicable to the reverse connection between the non-electrical sound source and the large room." Add clause 24.5, "Note: This clause is applicable to the connection between the three-light pure electric water city and its storage. This part is implemented from the date of the withdrawal and replaces GB4735.1919%. The standard part is proposed by the Ningxia Light Industry Association.
The technical part of this part is the National Household Appliance Standardization Technical Committee: China Concentric Electricity Research Institute, Philips Electronics Port Co., Ltd. and Dingzong City Erxing Elevator Industry Co., Ltd., etc.
The main drafters of the second part are Shan Peng Yongtian, Liu Dushi, Xu, Bu Bi, Wu Zhi, etc. 1
GB 706.19—2004/1EC EC335-2-*5;2000IEC Foreword
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission is an international organization for the promotion of standards, which is composed of all IEC member committees (ECNCs). Its purpose is to promote cooperation in the field of electrical engineering. In this regard, IEC also carries out relevant activities and publishes international standards. The specific work of these standards is completed by various committees: responsible for the formulation of standards by national committees within the IEC who are interested in the technical issues and can participate in the formulation of standards. International organizations, government and non-governmental organizations can also participate in the formulation of standards. IE: Close cooperation with the International Organization for Standardization (IS) on the basis of two-year cooperation. IEC, when issuing formal resolutions or agreements on technical issues, will only be transferred to the technical committees that are satisfied with their national committees. Therefore, these resolutions or agreements reflect the international consensus on relevant issues as much as possible. These are formally adopted or published in a recommended form in the form of standards, technical specifications, technical reports and guidelines and are accepted by the various committees in writing. 4) In order to "promote uniformity in standards, the committees should ensure that international standards are used to the greatest extent possible in their national and regional standards. Any differences between the standards and the national or regional standards of the competent authorities must be reported in the relevant documents. 1) TEC does not establish a symbol to indicate compliance with the standards, nor does it assume any responsibility for claiming compliance with a certain standard. ") The implementation of the standard may affect the protection of the relevant provisions and rights of the parties. TFC will not be held liable for any patents that may be asserted in connection with this standard. This standard is the 1E Technical Requirements, "Safety of Household Electrical Appliances for Similar Purposes", 1995, 61/895/FD1S and 61/98VD1.1996, 9H supplement.9, 51/15/D1S and 1/1601/ and Supplement 2 (2000), 61/1753/FU1S and 61/17?8:RV1, 1st edition, parts modified by additions are indicated in the second edition. This standard shall be used in conjunction with newer versions of 1FC3351 and its associated components. This standard supplements or modifies the provisions of IEC63335-1 (first edition) and mainly reflects the special requirements of IFC for high-efficiency heaters. The provisions of the first part mentioned in this standard shall be combined as much as possible: the provisions of the first part mentioned in this standard shall be "modified" or "replaced" according to the relevant provisions of the first part: Also know the difference between the characters:
a standard requirement: correct position,
. A test area: add the name to reach the treatment:
let: Mao Xiaohao mountain soldier.
in the text of the thinking of sending Ning car in the first chapter definition · when the first chapter defines the user with a tangible security time. The adjective and the static decoration of the name of the time also apply boldface science,
note to evaluate the effectiveness of the system number when the part of the machine should be internal asset supplement production, this country's individual production ticket guide:
.:? .2 No one is considered a small selected tool, except for the parts that have undergone the test of 15.101. The United States has some advertisements that recognize it: 7. If the music is recorded with only the appropriate technology, it should be marked with "the appliance cannot be used with the connector provided" (US area: || tt || 7.12 The three tools should be marked with "the kettle can be used with the display bed" (Regional Area), CB4706.19-20C4/[EC60335-2-*5:20 CC-1.5 In general, the test shall be conducted with caution and shall be kept away from the product (USA). 1I Test time and method are the same as in the United States)
-[.12 Test not applicable (USA)
-19.1 Operation different (pressure)
16.101 Test for individual use (Japan)
-9.1 If the thermal circuit breaker has been tested and proved to be compatible, this test shall be performed (Japan)-32.7 The test pressure of the pressure cooker is 5 times the normal working pressure or 2.5 times the pressure of the safety device action, whichever is greater.
22.163 This requirement does not apply to the United States
32.1C5 different (related letters)
22.106 different tests (related countries),
——2.3 test direction (fluorescence)
24...3 number of tests (United States!
-25.9 The rated voltage of the device exceeds 5, and the area of the power cord of 0.72.1m is not allowed to be used. 25,8 It is allowed to use a long power supply (this),!.
1 Scope
GH 4706.19-2004/TEC: 60335-2-15:2000 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Particular requirements for household and similar electrical appliances This chapter of GH4706.11998 is replaced by the following content: 170: The safety requirements tested and included in this part are applicable to household and similar commercial heaters with a frequency of medium voltage not exceeding 250V. Note: They can also heat objects with the following characteristics: appliances with rated current not exceeding 1:1. appliances with the following characteristics: appliances with the following characteristics: appliances with the following characteristics: t||Combined autoclaves:
Rated pressure not exceeding 140°C, smoke output not exceeding 1%;
Degassing appliances
Electrical appliances not intended for household use but which may nevertheless constitute a source of danger to the public: for example, appliances intended for use in shops, in light industry and on farms by non-professionals. Within the scope of this standard, note 4, the following appliances are included:
Boiling pans with water jackets, ||tt ||On the actual and self-, this part of the error and judgment in the residence and the residence of the same two owners of the common danger of the meter transported by the equipment:
This classification ··General technical examination loyalty:
No one according to the king's section of the young and confused people on the use of the equipment: the child's things and the current situation.
Note 4: Pay attention to the "speed situation:
For the plan, in the car steel, the trap and connection are only empty, and some requirements may be required! For the recommendation of the country in the potential zone, the leaves can have some special requirements: in many practices, I train my things and the mouth National health and safety departments, labor protection departments, national supply departments and lower-level departments.
Note 5: This part is not applicable to:
Water-type electric water heaters (IEC 60335-2-21)) Instantaneous hot water heaters (IEC 60335-2-35: - Standard for steam-powered water heaters (IEC 60335-2-34) Commercial water heaters (IEC 60335-2-63) Compensation for portable core heaters (IEC 603.3.35-2-74): 1
GB 47C6.9—2004/1EC 60335-2-15.2000 medical hair each, JEC55C1)
a Sichuan standard to improve the harmful effects of the product in the environment of dust, steam or gas, high-intake tropical
a ten-type steam power production equipment,
society, in 1 net network family three more about the pressure capacity requirements include certification use ten-power room 2 definition
GB47C6.! …199B is applicable to all except the following contents 2.2.9:
Normal operation n(rmaEopcration
The appliance shall be operated according to the following clauses. 1. Operation:
Water heater, coffee maker, hot milk maker, wide solid flat pot, yogurt maker, shell washing group, disinfection appliance: The container is filled with water of rated volume and the lid is closed. The water in the vehicle should be kept at more than % of the rated volume. Use a heat meter to slowly work the appliance, 1 operation: with and without container, or egg appliance combined operation: the maximum amount of water is filled in the part when the water is sufficient. Feeding bottle heater works with a square shape or an angled shape, weight: 3)R~2008, the heat volume is about 22Eml. Unless otherwise specified, the rated capacity or water, whichever is less, of the vessel shall be filled in the vessel. Fill the vessel with water to the level specified in the instructions or to the maximum level if no instructions are given. Pressure cookers: Fill the vessel with half the rated capacity of water, or fill the vessel with water to a depth of 2 mm. 2.131
Specified by the manufacturer
Rated steaming pressure
Espresso coffee pot
Espresso coffee-moker
This pot uses steam or a pump to move the heated water in the appliance through the coffee pot at the bottom. 2. *04
feeding-bottleheater This appliance heats pre-prepared baby food to a predetermined temperature during feeding and can use water to set the heat transfer. 2.105 Pressure regulator Pressurizer A control device which maintains pressure at a certain value during normal operation and which limits the pressure under abnormal conditions of operation. 2.1CE Pressure relief device Prysure-relief device A control device which limits the pressure under abnormal conditions of operation. 2.107 Electric kettle Cordless kettle GR 47.19—2004/IEC 6n335-2-15:200C This electric kettle has a heating element and is mounted on a base suitable for connection to a suitable connection. 2.108 Steamenoker This appliance produces steam at atmospheric pressure for the purpose of heating food. 3 General requirements
G retreat 4706.1..199a of this plate, all the customers are applicable to the 4 test record
(4700,1-1998 talk about the remaining 1 speed content. 4.2 This case adds the following:
fresh human water side derivative washing utensils 110 years of age need tower one sample. 4.3 This article adds the following content:
19.:31 of the test and other tests are carried out, 5 air cover
6 classification
34705.11998 of this chapter except the above content, all are applicable. 6.2 This article adds Add the following content:
The waterproof grade of water cleaning equipment and household feed boilers shall be at least JPX3.7 Marking and instructions
GB47U6.1-169S In addition to the following internal regulations, 7.1 shall be used to add the following content
The equipment used for cleaning in water shall be marked with the total depth line in the water, and the following zero mark shall be given: "No equipment shall be allowed to exceed this line"
The water supply shall have a position mark, or other means to mark the rated water volume of the equipment, unless the water volume will not exceed its rated water volume or it can be filled completely. This mark should be visible when the kettle is filled with water. If the water level mark is not clearly visible, there shall be a water level indicator on the surface of the kettle which shall be visible at the normal position. If the closed position of the kettle is not obvious, this position shall be marked on the base of the kettle with the manufacturer's or trade name or identification mark, model or specification in front of the base.
7.12 The following shall be added to the system:
For appliances with a cut-off base which are partially or completely immersed in water when in a water tank, the instruction manual shall state: The appliance must be disinfected before cleaning. Before use, remove the reverse coupler and clean the socket before use. For appliances with a closed coupler, the instructions should state that the appliance must be used with the coupler only. Unless the kettle is designed not to cause a risk of boiling water spraying out, the instructions should also state that boiling water may spray out if the water tank is too large.
For electric kettles with water under the handle, the following precautions should be taken: Keep the handle closed to prevent steam from spraying out. 1. If the only benefit is high steam, it is not recommended. 3
GB 476.19—2004/1RC:60335-2-15;2000 business notice, when the water is boiling: do not move too much, the instruction manual of the cordless electric kettle should state: the electric water can be collected by the handle of the electric kettle and the kettle body can be lifted up together, the instruction manual should include the following contents: always pay attention to the power switch before making sure the electric water is running. Instructions for food heaters 15 Beijing Chenda, do not use it for too long:
How to check the distance between the tray and the set: for normal use, the manual should state that the person who washes the kettle after washing the body must not be washed by the person in the operation. 2 This requirement must be accompanied by washing, milk, cooking, and throwing appliances. The pressure regulator must be inspected regularly to ensure that it is not blocked. When the pressure is fully increased, the container can be opened. Before the cooking appliance is turned on, the following instructions should be included: Avoid hitting the stomach and injuring people. 8 Protection against touching live parts
G15176:--1!8 In addition to the following, the following content is added to this clause 8.1.2:
Note 1: The bottom area of the inspection is considered to be reduced. 9 Starting of electric appliances The provisions of GB45.1:1903 do not apply to 1C input power and current. The provisions of GE4735.1-1 are applicable. 11 Heating The provisions of 4718 are applicable to both internal and external use. 11.2 The following provisions shall be added: Keep the appliance away from the test area for testing. 11.4 The following provisions shall be added: If the power supply or voltage drop of the electric appliance is beyond the limit, it shall not be used. During operation, the rated power input is low. This test is completed within 1m. The voltage is kept constant. 11.6 The following additional details are added:
Combined type appliances are tested for a certain number of times
11.7 The following contents of this clause shall apply:
If there is a temperature limiter, the temperature limiter shall be in place as soon as possible after the action! m. The test shall be terminated after the second action of the temperature limiter.
If there is a temperature controller, the test shall be terminated after the temperature reaches T for 1m. The test shall be terminated after the water temperature reaches T for 5t.
Except for water boilers other than electric water boilers, egg maker, thermometer, feeder such as heat union, steel boiler, boiling point washing machine, household paint maker, disinfectant and modified vehicle, the test is completed under the following circumstances: small device with temperature control*, the water content can reach tiger, last 1mm! Or the water humidity is lower than D5., the development height should be reached, and it should last for 1=a1;
B4706.13-2004/12C:60335-2-15.2000-a portable appliance with overflow monitoring, the thermostat should last for 15m1F after the first action of the thermostat-a fixed appliance with a thermostat. After the first action of the thermostat, it should last for 30 minutes-an appliance with an audible warning number, the continuous sound or frost is less than 5 minutes, and the heating surface is guaranteed to be exposed to the parts, with or without the benefit of the mourning, the two samples are stable, H has the egg heat preservation function, the stew pot, the yogurt steamer knows that the weak work is stable. This is the requirement of the instruction card, the stew pot should be preheated in the waterless state
the working time of the coffee pot is determined to produce the maximum actual coffee filling specified in the instruction manual. Then fill the container with water as soon as possible, and then operate. Repeat the above process until a stable state is achieved. The micro-steam pressure coffee is operated according to the instructions. Add a certain type of fresh coffee or old coffee into the coffee machine and make a large amount of coffee. After the production is completed, follow the time specified in the instructions: if it is not hot for a certain period of time, replace the coffee in the drain pan after 1 minute or enough time, whichever is longer. During the production period, add more water to the water container. Note: Unless otherwise specified in the instructions, for a steam coffee pot with a steam hot water outlet, steam can be discharged into hot water at the time specified in the instructions after the production process before the production cycle.
Note: The air can be discharged into the water container. The steam coffee pot can reach a stable state: The pressure cooker boils the pressure for 5 minutes. 11.8 The following contents are added:
The device has a thermostat and its input pin has a humidity rise limit: The device operates at 1.15 times the rated rate. The motor, transformer, core circuit components and parts directly affected by them can be kept at a temperature of less than 100%. Exceeds the double set value.
12 Empty chapter
13 Leakage current and electrical performance at operating temperature: This chapter of GB471.1-1998 is applicable. t4 Empty chapter
15 Moisture resistance
This chapter of GB6,1S is applicable except for the following content: 15.2 This clause adds the following content:
After the appliance is installed, the water test is carried out for a short time. Only make sure that the angle of the position is not exceeded. For electric kettles that can be filled with water from the spout, the kettle should be placed with the spout facing upwards on an inclined board at an angle of 20° to the horizontal for testing. If the water level mark is at the level of the juice, inject 1% chlorinated sodium hydroxide solution until the highest mark is marked and the water in the kettle flows out. Then, as soon as possible, fill the kettle with water under the center of the kettle. The kettle can be tested on its base and off the base. If the kettle can be filled with water, the electric kettle should only be tested when it is off the base; then, put it on the base for [3. Electrical strength test
Part or all of the equipment used for cleaning has adequate protection against the influence of water. Two negative samples are added. The qualification is checked by the above test. E
GB 4706.19200-/IEC 503352Fb:2J00 The device is tested at 1.5 times the rated load. The device is tested at 1.5 times the rated load. The device is tested at 1.5 times the rated load. The device is tested at 1.5 times the rated load. The device is tested at 1.5 times the rated load. The device is tested at 1.5 times the rated load. The device is tested at 1.5 times the rated load. The device is tested at 1.5 times the rated load. The device is tested at 1.5 times the rated load. The device is tested at 1.5 times the rated load. The device is tested at 1.5 times the rated load. The device is tested at 1.5 times the rated load. The device is tested at 1.5 times the rated load.
This test should be carried out four times: 3: Then carry out the electrical strength test for 6 hours, and the test voltage is reduced. The fifth change is to check whether there is a water reverse on the lead that causes the child to run away from the small dry S. The fixed value.
The remaining two products are in the working state! . Double the power supply of the device, after working for the above period, the device will be connected to the power supply, and then the electrical strength test of 1i.3 is carried out. The test voltage is reduced to 1V. There should be no effective electrical breeding in the pool. The ionization is less than 10.1. The specified requirement is 15.102. There is no electric technology at the bottom of the kettle. The ultra-scientific guarantee should not be affected by the technology. The long-term strict inspection is carried out quickly. The water level rises in the bed and contains 1 sodium oxide. The elimination of the inner line is 20m away from the inner point. The bank is connected to the device at 20m. Then the base withstands 53 The electrical strength test, strengthen the absolute discharge test three for 2E column leakage current disorder electrical strength
core B7.1165 this content. All applicable
17 transformer and related circuit overload protection 47, 1--139 disease Zhuo wear, when applicable, 15 durability
B4706, 1 two 98 2 customers, not applicable:
13 abnormal operation
170.19 this chapter except the following inside and outside are applicable. 13.! This single statement abandoned:
electric kettle also need to carry out 91 test, except, for the following Xu Lun 1, the self-heating firewood is installed, and its friendly benefits are also greatly expected to use sound detection to let the section,
the right and female familiar with the circuit breaker to save a 19. The demand for the kettle also needs to run. [03 related certificates delivered. 19.2 This clause adds the following: The device shall be placed as close to the measuring angle as possible. The test shall be carried out without water, and the test shall be carried out at a location with less favorable conditions. 19.3 This clause adds the following: When the heating element is installed outside the container, water shall be injected into the container to a depth of m for testing. And the test frequency also selected: TT benefit unexpected situation, 13.4 this article has the following content:
Note: The electric water control can be set to the state of 1 currency instead of the collection of grams: GR4706.19--2334/1FC G335-2-15:2300 positive power situation of the music of the two devices and each protection device is set in the non-working state, 19. The following content is added to this article r
Yan steam pressure non-pot test cycle is 5min.
19.13 This case adds the following content
During the test in 19.4, the pressure relief device of the pressure relief device shall be moved before the force reaches 35.1kFs. 19.101
The electric kettle is placed on a block of 2m high and the potential-breaking device is installed in an unfavorable state. During the test, the no-load test shall be carried out on the device. The supporting surface of the device shall not be broken. After the test, the live parts shall not be touched.
Note! · If there is more than one barrier device, it should be placed in the test chamber. 3.4.13 applies only to devices with many disassembly devices. Even if these containers are not installed correctly, they will transfer the body from one container to another, which will cause a risk of damage. When the device is installed in an incorrect position, the narrow container is installed in the wrong position on the device, and the drainage device is not installed in an unfavorable position. 11. The appliance shall be tested regularly for one cycle only: it shall be tested for the electrical strength of 16.3 at the end, and there shall be no water marks on the single board that cause the electrical clearance and creepage distance to be less than 2% of the previous specified value. 18.103
For an electric kettle with two self-resetting thermal circuit breakers, a certain thermal circuit breaker shall be tested after it has been trapped in the state of 19. [01. Within 5 days after the thermal quality road alliance is seen, the The requirements are also filled with 15% water from the soil, 1% of the spice water, and the test is carried out 100 times.
20 The content of the determination and the risk of organic sugar
is applicable to the content of GB4706.1-1558. 21 The strength of organic sugar
GB4706.1198 is applicable to the content of the following content,
, assuming that 1, 15. and 15101 are not applicable, glass is omitted. 22 The flow of the structure
GB4706.1-103 is selected under the risk of internal wear. 22.6 This article adds the following internal guests
The drainage hole size is 5m in diameter to the center. The first circle or -- reaches the filter to the year: rm, and the area is 2mn. 22. This article increases the rate of entry:
steaming method jade and the front coffee pot, is and if the coffee filter is blocked in the chamber will any hot steam supply limit state under the neck of the happy people under the normal rate. Measure the maximum pressure reached, then the apparatus withstands twice the maximum pressure and continues for 5min. The apparatus is not damaged. The steam is not released from the self-reset pressure effect. The apparatus should continue to use the limited method to compensate for the accumulation of the equipment. The apparatus should not emit dangerous steam or eject dangerous steam. If the new weak parts of the cover are deliberately damaged, Liu will repeat the work on another sample.
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