Some standard content:
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
NY/T 634---2002
Grade of quality for turf
Issued on 2002-12-30
Implementation on 2003-03-01
Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
This standard is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. Foreword
Technical Standards Institute of China, Beijing Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing Technical Development Center NY/T 634—2002
The main authors of this standard: Zhou Bu, Liu Zixue, Han Jianjin, Teng Guangjie, Tu Qing, Ling Xuhui, Pei, Jie Jiyang. 1 Scope
Grading of turfgrass quality
This standard specifies the basic grading and testing methods for lawns of all types and different types of lawns: Standard for the selection and evaluation of quality of lawn products made from grass grown with drying agents. 2 Normative references
The following clauses become the parent clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. The referenced documents are dated: All subsequent amendments (including errors) or revisions thereof shall apply to this standard. However, the latest versions of these documents shall apply to all undated referenced documents. G5/T1A247.Y± 7 parts, grass level 3 terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to the standard:
Artificial greening, water conservation, sightseeing and sports fields, etc. The grass is used to improve the ecological environment.
Comprehensive grass ground
To cover the upper surface of the ground, provide a place for recreation, improve the ecological environment and pool grass. Including: residential areas, schools, factories, machines and other single greening.
Soil and water conservation grass
Only a certain depth of this system is called the system. The aboveground part of the grass must be dense to prevent water flow. Including: the airport and the river on both sides of the selected river to reach the water level, the slope land and other fertile land to maintain the protective grassland 3.4
The scenic spot grass
to beautify the environment and the viewing angle of the fire field
The special grass selection for the benefit of people and the stimulation of small sports items, 3.6
The color of the lawn
The sensitivity of the grass to the human eye after exposure to light 3.7
Grass density
The number of grass plants or branches per unit area. 3.8
The quality of lawn uniformity
can be evaluated by the proportion of grass groups in a unit area and the variation of this proportion in different samples.
Lawn texture
The length of the grass blades and the degree of its elasticity, generally refers to the length of the blades of the grass plant. 3.10
Lawn cover
The ratio of the vertical projection of the grass plant on a certain area to the land area occupied by the plant. 3.11
Lawn height
The vertical distance between the top of the lawn plant (including the layer plane after mowing) and the ground surface. 3.12
Underground grass growth
The proportion of grass roots and the organic matter under a certain depth. 3.13
Degree of pests and diseases
Degree of pests and diseases to damage the single frame.
The proportion of weeds (non-target grasses) in the unit area indicates the proportion of weeds.3. 15
Lawn green period
The duration of the lawn from the point of return to the point of return to the point of return.3.16
Football field lawn
Usage rate of the lawn used to cover the football field and meet the needs of retrograde football sports.3. 17
Turf rebound
It is an indirect indicator of turf resilience. The determination method is to drop the standard match ball used in the test field at a certain height, and use a camera to record the first rebound height: then let the rebound rate be 3.18
Turf strength
It is the force of other objects pressing on the surface. 3.19
Turf friction
On the sports lawn, put the sports shoes on the grass halfway. The friction condition of the surface when moving. 3.20
Turf movement distance
For ball sports on the lawn, it is to place the ball at a certain height or angle to measure the vertical distance from contact with the grass to the stop of movement, which is used to evaluate the ball's performance on the surface. 2
Turf flatness
The degree of flatness of the lawn surface
Turf hygroscopicity
The amount of water poured
The natural or artificial grass is separated from the grass bed after cutting, so that it is formed into a strip or fast grass building material supplemented by an artificial net.
Thickness of the turf
The thickness of the turf except the above-ground part is the thickness required by the root system and the matrix: 3.25
Freshness of the turf
The degree of freshness of the turf: It is shown by the water absorption rate of the turf. 3.26
Turf toughness
Unit The degree of tensile force that grass can withstand, see 1 for the classification of green grass grades.
Table 1 Standards for green turf grades
Long Some* Points
Li Kuai Bao Consultation (%:
Thai single string +/
Height:: m
Retention/(board softness/m3)
16 U0I-11 D0D
Note: The one with · mother is the necessary name, the remaining rate is 4.2
The micro-grass is also the standard sore, see Table 2
3, :~~5
160 ~=99
2. 5.-3. 9 or 5. 1--5. 5
9 oul~Ic cx
Table 2 The actual grade standard
Disease only fast damage +%
5, 1 --6
-, 1--5
B 00U·--2 00
Quality pool: b:
Property · points
Ben degree/stretch pole/m)
10 X1 --12 00G
Property: The belt number is mandatory, and the other is the state special index 4.3 1. See Table 3 for the maintenance evaluation grade standard.
Table 3 Soil and water conservation lawn damage standard
Realistic slow goodness ×%
Material quantity/*
Commercial/money terms
High: rm
no-- 332
: belt,.
4.4 Football field single half grade standard call 4.
Welcome · 7 points
Disease production +/;
Weeds pull ·)
Grass is close ·
Same extension rate · 5:
Zhuo Lai, ·
Tainan Jian
Annual efficiency m
Net pass n
2u- grs
: woJ--y cx.
Football field turf grade standard potential
9C -- 3E
1,1-- 3
1, 1-- 2
3 --19.49 --55
2.-. 2. ,12. 1.- 14
1G 01~- .2 23
Jianghuobi Liu index, the rest is special sweep you
8 cx--9 ouo
7 GuG~ 2
3, 1~~5
2, 1--4
5, 1-7
1-1.0.14. [.-6
15 -19
x~ uuy
4.5 Single quality grade standard Table 5.
Drug only convenient harm degree* system
Root endurance*m
New registration institute
Adhesive forest production stomach/night number/response
Turf property (e)
Protection height seat/eim
Table 5 Turf quality grade standard
1 5-->
9 651.--_6 cJ
. 1.-9
Item: World→Leader is required to include standard H complex is multiple*selection standard 5 Detection method
5.1 Detection principle
-.1 -1.4.2. 1~-*.3
0%water content5%
:t, 1~ 4
n, 6~.1,2.6--3
technical display5
T uo --EC
The grade standard is divided into level one, level two, and level two has 3 levels. In the quality measurement, each required test index shall reach the corresponding sensitivity of the node of the network level. The index is the participating index: if it does not meet the lowest level after detection, it shall be classified as substandard level. 5.2 Inspection method
5.2.1 Sampling method
The actual value of each pre-detection index of the test object shall be determined by sampling method: random sampling, systematic sampling and accurate random sampling shall be made according to the size, nature, detection equipment and structure of the test object. Sampling: random sampling shall be made on the test area, and appropriate repetitions shall be made to facilitate statistical analysis. Systematic sampling: the sampling units shall be distributed as evenly and widely as possible on the test area. Limited random sampling: the test area shall be divided into smaller units, and random sampling shall be taken from each unit. 5.2.2 Sampling The inspection plan shall adopt systematic or accurate random sampling. The detection of grass damage in football fields shall be carried out in accordance with the sampling specified in GT/T18217.7. For various types of grass in the field, when the grass is less than 535m, systematic sampling shall be adopted; when the surface is 500m, random sampling shall be adopted.
5.2.3 Expression and determination method of detection indexes Grass evaluation package: The grass damage period shall be evaluated by observing the test results of the grass damage period: 1 point for dry and sparse grass, 1 point for green grass, 5 points for green grass, 5 points for green grass, 5 points for dark green grass, 7 points for dark green grass, 7 points for dark green grass.
5. 2. 3. 2
Single average degree, record the number of inspection strips in the sample area, usually the recommended area is m1c3m5.2.3.3 Grass "average quality: daily method one extreme adopts nine points system for scoring, indicating completely uniform effect. 6 The average of the table is about the same! The support shows that the old rise is very large: Chapter evaluation of texture: expressed by the grass effect calculation book width degree, in the determination of leaf width, the leaf age and sound part of the leaf should be selected, the widest part of the leaf should be measured, and the widest part of the leaf should be measured. NY/T634-2002 Grass quality, daily measurement, first make a quality and area of 1m Frame, divided into 100 small grids of 1dm by a thin rope. When measuring, place the wooden frame on the selected sample point, count the proportion of lawn objects in each grid, and then count the observed values of each grid and express the required value as a percentage. Grass shearing degree: In the natural state, measure the distance from the single-layer end to the surface of the bed, and measure with a ruler or ruler, the unit is centimeter (rm). Underground lawn: Use a vertical diameter of 10m and a plate of 151. Repeat the sampling 5 times. The rod depth is 5m, and the impurities and range of the card cloth are washed with water. 155 soil samples were collected on the ground and weighed. The tensile strength was measured and then converted into the unit of g/cm3 for the biological sample. For the disease intensity, the sample line must be used and the percentage of the length of the sample line occupied by the damaged grasses to the total length of the sample line is expressed. The sample line length is m, and the sample is repeated 3 times per year. The average value is collected. After the sample is completed, the sample line is collected and the percentage of the length of the sample line occupied by the damaged grasses to the total length of the sample line is expressed. The sample line length is 1m and repeated 3 times. The average value is Grass green period: Count the number of plants in the grass group on the day of return of 50% of the plants. The duration of H is calculated by elasticity: drop the standard ball freely from a height of 3m, measure the rebound height with a ruler or use a camera to record the rebound height for the first time, and express the percentage of the rebound height to the drop degree, repeat 6 times, and take the average value. The test ball is round, 0.5k% and 50mm in diameter, placed in a 300mm guide, record the measured value, repeat 10 times for each test area, Rolling distance: the standard ball slides down from the 45° inclined surface, and the distance from the fixed ball to the point where it touches the normal surface to the point where it stops is calculated by a straight line. Since the court has a certain slope, it will be affected by the direction when measuring at the same time: therefore, one change should be made in the positive and negative directions during the measurement. The calculation of the rolling distance of the lawn is as follows (1), 2$hS
Wu Zhong:
R——Rolling distance, unit is meter (m)
S+Slope rolling distance, unit is meter (m)
Gucheng night distance, unit is meter (m). Grass flatness: Place 10 needles with scales at intervals of 20cm on a 2m long rack, where the needles can move up and down freely. When measuring, place the device on the football field, read the up and down color movement of each mark (mn), repeat 3 times to calculate the standard deviation, and use the average value of the standard blue to express the uniformity. Grass barrier relay: The rotation coefficient method is adopted. The rotation coefficient is measured by using a lazy model with a mass of (4612kx and a diameter of (15012)TIE1. The bottom of the lazy model is equipped with sports shoes. The account plate is connected to the torque meter in the opposite direction through a transmission rod and a fixed sleeve. During the measurement, the handle of the virtual dynamometer is used to make the net plate move in the same direction. When the two disks rotate, the torque indicated by the torque meter is recorded and the rotation coefficient is calculated, see formula (2).
In the formula,
Rotation coefficient:
…a direct sign of the disk, a single meter blood!; M—disk rotation The force at the time, the unit is Newton·*N·): F, the unit is Newton ( Grass permeability: Determination of depth by double-mode method. Use square molds with an area of 5Ucm×5Um25c×25m as the outer mold and the inner mold respectively. The maximum depth of the grass is 10 knives. Swim in the two normal shapes! At the high water level, start to maintain this water level, record the water disappearance and the time, and use 3 inches to calculate: Where:
K: ten-inch fitness coefficient;
first-class water chapter, unit means
connected penetration area, unit is square original meter)
Ci penetration time. The unit is minute (min).
Nr/T634—2002 Thickness of mesodermal root layer: Determine the thickness of the root system and matrix except the underground part, using a ruler or a ruler to measure, the unit is kg/m3 (). Repeat 3 times and take the average value. Freshness of turf: Determine its freshness by measuring the water content of the plant, repeat 3 times and take the average value. Turf quality: Determine the freshness of turf by using a tension measuring instrument, the unit is kg/m3 (g/m3). Repeat 3 times and take the average value.1 Sampling method
The actual value of each pre-test index of the test object shall be determined by sampling method: according to the size, nature, test equipment and structure requirements of the test object, random sampling, systematic sampling and accurate random sampling shall be respectively made; sampling: random sampling shall be carried out on the test area, and appropriate repetitions shall be made to facilitate statistical analysis. Systematic sampling: the sampling units shall be distributed as large, uniform and widely as possible on the test area. If random sampling is limited, the test area shall be divided into smaller units, and random sampling shall be taken from each unit. 5.2.2 Sampling The test plan shall adopt systematic or random sampling. The detection of grass damage in football fields shall be carried out in accordance with the sampling specified in GT/T18217.7. For various types of grass in the field, when the grass is less than 535m, systematic sampling shall be adopted; when the surface is 500m, random sampling shall be adopted.
5.2.3 Expression and determination method of detection indexes Grass evaluation package: The grass damage period shall be evaluated by observing the test results of the grass damage period: 1 point for dry and sparse grass, 1 point for green grass, 5 points for green grass, 5 points for green grass, 5 points for dark green grass, 7 points for dark green grass, 7 points for dark green grass.
5. 2. 3. 2
Single average degree, record the number of inspection strips in the sample area, usually the recommended area is m1c3m5.2.3.3 Grass "average quality: daily method one extreme adopts nine points system for scoring, indicating completely uniform effect. 6 The average of the table is about the same! The support shows that the old rise is very large: Chapter evaluation of texture: expressed by the grass effect calculation book width degree, in the determination of leaf width, the leaf age and sound part of the leaf should be selected, the widest part of the leaf should be measured, and the widest part of the leaf should be measured. NY/T634-2002 Grass quality, daily measurement, first make a quality and area of 1m Frame, divided into 100 small grids of 1dm by a thin rope. When measuring, place the wooden frame on the selected sample point, count the proportion of lawn objects in each grid, and then count the observed values of each grid and express the required value as a percentage. Grass shearing degree: In the natural state, measure the distance from the single-layer end to the surface of the bed, and measure with a ruler or ruler, the unit is centimeter (rm). Underground lawn: Use a vertical diameter of 10m and a plate of 151. Repeat the sampling 5 times. The rod depth is 5m, and the impurities and range of the card cloth are washed with water. 155 soil samples were collected on the ground and weighed. The tensile strength was measured and then converted into the unit of g/cm3 for the biological sample. For the disease intensity, the sample line must be used and the percentage of the length of the sample line occupied by the damaged grasses to the total length of the sample line is expressed. The sample line length is m, and the sample is repeated 3 times per year. The average value is collected. After the sample is completed, the sample line is collected and the percentage of the length of the sample line occupied by the damaged grasses to the total length of the sample line is expressed. The sample line length is 1m and repeated 3 times. The average value is Grass green period: Count the number of plants in the grass group on the day of return of 50% of the plants. The duration of H is calculated by elasticity: drop the standard ball freely from a height of 3m, measure the rebound height with a ruler or use a camera to record the rebound height for the first time, and express the percentage of the rebound height to the drop degree, repeat 6 times, and take the average value. The test ball is round, 0.5k% and 50mm in diameter, placed in a 300mm guide, record the measured value, repeat 10 times for each test area, Rolling distance: the standard ball slides down from the 45° inclined surface, and the distance from the fixed ball to the point where it touches the normal surface to the point where it stops is calculated by a straight line. Since the court has a certain slope, it will be affected by the direction when measuring at the same time: therefore, one change should be made in the positive and negative directions during the measurement. The calculation of the rolling distance of the lawn is as follows (1), 2$hS
Wu Zhong:
R——Rolling distance, unit is meter (m)
S+Slope rolling distance, unit is meter (m)
Gucheng night distance, unit is meter (m). Grass flatness: Place 10 needles with scales at intervals of 20cm on a 2m long rack, where the needles can move up and down freely. When measuring, place the device on the football field, read the up and down color movement of each mark (mn), repeat 3 times to calculate the standard deviation, and use the average value of the standard blue to express the uniformity. Grass barrier relay: The rotation coefficient method is adopted. The rotation coefficient is measured by using a lazy model with a mass of (4612kx and a diameter of (15012)TIE1. The bottom of the lazy model is equipped with sports shoes. The account plate is connected to the torque meter in the opposite direction through a transmission rod and a fixed sleeve. During the measurement, the handle of the virtual dynamometer is used to make the net plate move in the same direction. When the two disks rotate, the torque indicated by the torque meter is recorded and the rotation coefficient is calculated, see formula (2).
In the formula,
Rotation coefficient:
…a direct sign of the disk, a single meter blood!; M—disk rotation The force at the time, the unit is Newton·*N·): F, the unit is Newton ( Grass permeability: Determination of depth by double-mode method. Use square molds with an area of 5Ucm×5Um25c×25m as the outer mold and the inner mold respectively. The maximum depth of the grass is 10 knives. Swim in the two normal shapes! At the high water level, start to maintain this water level, record the water disappearance and the time, and use 3 inches to calculate: Where:
K: ten-inch fitness coefficient;
first-class water chapter, unit means
connected penetration area, unit is square original meter)
Ci penetration time. The unit is minute (min).
Nr/T634—2002 Thickness of mesodermal root layer: Determine the thickness of the root system and matrix except the underground part, using a ruler or a ruler to measure, the unit is kg/m3 (). Repeat 3 times and take the average value. Freshness of turf: Determine its freshness by measuring the water content of the plant, repeat 3 times and take the average value. Turf quality: Determine the freshness of turf by using a tension measuring instrument, the unit is kg/m3 (g/m3). Repeat 3 times and take the average value.1 Sampling method
The actual value of each pre-test index of the test object shall be determined by sampling method: according to the size, nature, test equipment and structure requirements of the test object, random sampling, systematic sampling and accurate random sampling shall be respectively made; sampling: random sampling shall be carried out on the test area, and appropriate repetitions shall be made to facilitate statistical analysis. Systematic sampling: the sampling units shall be distributed as large, uniform and widely as possible on the test area. If random sampling is limited, the test area shall be divided into smaller units, and random sampling shall be taken from each unit. 5.2.2 Sampling The test plan shall adopt systematic or random sampling. The detection of grass damage in football fields shall be carried out in accordance with the sampling specified in GT/T18217.7. For various types of grass in the field, when the grass is less than 535m, systematic sampling shall be adopted; when the surface is 500m, random sampling shall be adopted.
5.2.3 Expression and determination method of detection indexes Grass evaluation package: The grass damage period shall be evaluated by observing the test results of the grass damage period: 1 point for dry and sparse grass, 1 point for green grass, 5 points for green grass, 5 points for green grass, 5 points for dark green grass, 7 points for dark green grass, 7 points for dark green grass.
5. 2. 3. 2
Single average degree, record the number of inspection strips in the sample area, usually the recommended area is m1c3m5.2.3.3 Grass "average quality: daily method one extreme adopts nine points system for scoring, indicating completely uniform effect. 6 The average of the table is about the same! The support shows that the old rise is very large: Chapter evaluation of texture: expressed by the grass effect calculation book width degree, in the determination of leaf width, the leaf age and sound part of the leaf should be selected, the widest part of the leaf should be measured, and the widest part of the leaf should be measured. NY/T634-2002 Grass quality, daily measurement, first make a quality and area of 1m Frame, divided into 100 small grids of 1dm by a thin rope. When measuring, place the wooden frame on the selected sample point, count the proportion of lawn objects in each grid, and then count the observed values of each grid and express the required value as a percentage. Grass shearing degree: In the natural state, measure the distance from the single-layer end to the surface of the bed, and measure with a ruler or ruler, the unit is centimeter (rm). Underground lawn: Use a vertical diameter of 10m and a plate of 151. Repeat the sampling 5 times. The rod depth is 5m, and the impurities and range of the card cloth are washed with water. 155 soil samples were collected on the ground and weighed. The tensile strength was measured and then converted into the unit of g/cm3 for the biological sample. For the disease intensity, the sample line must be used and the percentage of the length of the sample line occupied by the damaged grasses to the total length of the sample line is expressed. The sample line length is m, and the sample is repeated 3 times per year. The average value is collected. After the sample is completed, the sample line is collected and the percentage of the length of the sample line occupied by the damaged grasses to the total length of the sample line is expressed. The sample line length is 1m and repeated 3 times. The average value is Grass green period: Count the number of plants in the grass group on the day of return of 50% of the plants. The duration of H is calculated by elasticity: drop the standard ball freely from a height of 3m, measure the rebound height with a ruler or use a camera to record the rebound height for the first time, and express the percentage of the rebound height to the drop degree, repeat 6 times, and take the average value. The test ball is round, 0.5k% and 50mm in diameter, placed in a 300mm guide, record the measured value, repeat 10 times for each test area, Rolling distance: the standard ball slides down from the 45° inclined surface, and the distance from the fixed ball to the point where it touches the normal surface to the point where it stops is calculated by a straight line. Since the court has a certain slope, it will be affected by the direction when measuring at the same time: therefore, one change should be made in the positive and negative directions during the measurement. The calculation of the rolling distance of the lawn is as follows (1), 2$hS
Wu Zhong:
R——Rolling distance, unit is meter (m)
S+Slope rolling distance, unit is meter (m)
Gucheng night distance, unit is meter (m). Grass flatness: Place 10 needles with scales at intervals of 20cm on a 2m long rack, where the needles can move up and down freely. When measuring, place the device on the football field, read the up and down color movement of each mark (mn), repeat 3 times to calculate the standard deviation, and use the average value of the standard blue to express the uniformity. Grass barrier relay: The rotation coefficient method is adopted. The rotation coefficient is measured by using a lazy model with a mass of (4612kx and a diameter of (15012)TIE1. The bottom of the lazy model is equipped with sports shoes. The account plate is connected to the torque meter in the opposite direction through a transmission rod and a fixed sleeve. During the measurement, the handle of the virtual dynamometer is used to make the net plate move in the same direction. When the two disks rotate, the torque indicated by the torque meter is recorded and the rotation coefficient is calculated, see formula (2).
In the formula,
Rotation coefficient:
…a direct sign of the disk, a single meter blood!; M—disk rotation The force at the time, the unit is Newton·*N·): F, the unit is Newton ( Grass permeability: Determination of depth by double-mode method. Use square molds with an area of 5Ucm×5Um25c×25m as the outer mold and the inner mold respectively. The maximum depth of the grass is 10 knives. Swim in the two normal shapes! At the high water level, start to maintain this water level, record the water disappearance and the time, and use 3 inches to calculate: Where:
K: ten-inch fitness coefficient;
first-class water chapter, unit means
connected penetration area, unit is square original meter)
Ci penetration time. The unit is minute (min).
Nr/T634—2002 Thickness of mesodermal root layer: Determine the thickness of the root system and matrix except the underground part, using a ruler or a ruler to measure, the unit is kg/m3 (). Repeat 3 times and take the average value. Freshness of turf: Determine its freshness by measuring the water content of the plant, repeat 3 times and take the average value. Turf quality: Determine the freshness of turf by using a tension measuring instrument, the unit is kg/m3 (g/m3). Repeat 3 times and take the average value.7. Underground microorganisms in lawns: Use a vertical diameter of 10m and a plate of 151. Repeat sampling 5 times. The depth of the connecting rod is 5m. Wash the impurities and soil with water and weigh the soil. Then measure the tens of microorganisms and convert them into units of g/m3. For the disease, the sample line must be used. The percentage of the length of the sample line occupied by the damaged grass and the total length of the sample line is expressed. The length of the sample line is m, and the average value is collected 3 times a year. After the sample line is completed, the sample line is collected and expressed as the percentage of the length of the sample line occupied by the damaged grass and the total length of the sample line. The length of the sample line is 1m and repeated 3 times. The average value is Grass green period: Count the duration of the grass with 50% of the plants withered on the day of the return of the sun. Elasticity: Let the standard ball fall freely from a height of 3m, measure the rebound height with a ruler or use a camera to record the rebound height for the first time, and express the percentage of the ratio of the rebound height to the drop degree. Repeat 6 times and take the average value. Hardness test: The test piece is round, with a diameter of 50mm and a height of 0.5k%. It is placed in a 300mm guide tube. The measured value is recorded. Each test area is repeated 10 times. Rolling distance: Let the standard ball slide down from the 45° inclined plane of the test post, and the remaining fixed ball is measured from the touch of the normal damage to the straight line when it stops moving steadily. Since the pitch has a certain slope, it will be affected by the direction when measuring at the same time: Therefore, the positive and negative distances should be changed in the measurement. The calculation of the rolling distance of the lawn can be seen in (1), 2$hS
R——rolling distance, unit is meter (m)
S+rolling distance on the slope, unit is meter (m)
Gucheng night distance, unit is meter (m). Grass flatness: Place 10 needles with scales at intervals of 20cm on a 2m long rack, where the needles can move up and down freely. During the measurement, place the device on the football field, read the up and down color movement of each mark (mn), repeat 3 times to calculate the standard deviation, and use the average value of the standard blue to indicate uniformity. Grass barrier relay: The rotation coefficient method is adopted. The rotation coefficient is measured by using a lazy model with a mass of (4612kx and a diameter of (15012)TIE1. The bottom of the lazy model is equipped with sports shoes. The account plate is connected to the torque meter in the opposite direction through a transmission rod and a fixed sleeve. During the measurement, the handle of the virtual dynamometer is used to make the net plate move in the same direction. When the two disks rotate, the torque indicated by the torque meter is recorded and the rotation coefficient is calculated, see formula (2).
In the formula,
Rotation coefficient:
…a direct sign of the disk, a single meter blood!; M—disk rotation The force at the time, the unit is Newton·*N·): F, the unit is Newton ( Grass permeability: Determination of depth by double-mode method. Use square molds with an area of 5Ucm×5Um25c×25m as the outer mold and the inner mold respectively. The maximum depth of the grass is 10 knives. Swim in the two normal shapes! At the high water level, start to maintain this water level, record the water disappearance and the time, and use 3 inches to calculate: Where:
K: ten-inch fitness coefficient;
first-class water chapter, unit means
connected penetration area, unit is square original meter)
Ci penetration time. The unit is minute (min).
Nr/T634—2002 Thickness of mesodermal root layer: Determine the thickness of the root system and matrix except the underground part, using a ruler or a ruler to measure, the unit is kg/m3 (). Repeat 3 times and take the average value. Freshness of turf: Determine its freshness by measuring the water content of the plant, repeat 3 times and take the average value. Turf quality: Determine the freshness of turf by using a tension measuring instrument, the unit is kg/m3 (g/m3). Repeat 3 times and take the average value.7. Underground microorganisms in lawns: Use a vertical diameter of 10m and a plate of 151. Repeat sampling 5 times. The depth of the connecting rod is 5m. Wash the impurities and soil with water and weigh the soil. Then measure the tens of microorganisms and convert them into units of g/m3. For the disease, the sample line must be used. The percentage of the length of the sample line occupied by the damaged grass and the total length of the sample line is expressed. The length of the sample line is m, and the average value is collected 3 times a year. After the sample line is completed, the sample line is collected and expressed as the percentage of the length of the sample line occupied by the damaged grass and the total length of the sample line. The length of the sample line is 1m and repeated 3 times. The average value is Grass green period: Count the duration of the grass with 50% of the plants withered on the day of the return of the sun. Elasticity: Let the standard ball fall freely from a height of 3m, measure the rebound height with a ruler or use a camera to record the rebound height for the first time, and express the percentage of the ratio of the rebound height to the drop degree. Repeat 6 times and take the average value. Hardness test: The test piece is round, with a diameter of 50mm and a height of 0.5k%. It is placed in a 300mm guide tube. The measured value is recorded. Each test area is repeated 10 times. Rolling distance: Let the standard ball slide down from the 45° inclined plane of the test post, and the remaining fixed ball is measured from the touch of the normal damage to the straight line when it stops moving steadily. Since the pitch has a certain slope, it will be affected by the direction when measuring at the same time: Therefore, the positive and negative distances should be changed in the measurement. The calculation of the rolling distance of the lawn can be seen in (1), 2$hS
R——rolling distance, unit is meter (m)
S+rolling distance on the slope, unit is meter (m)
Gucheng night distance, unit is meter (m). Grass flatness: Place 10 needles with scales at intervals of 20cm on a 2m long rack, where the needles can move up and down freely. During the measurement, place the device on the football field, read the up and down color movement of each mark (mn), repeat 3 times to calculate the standard deviation, and use the average value of the standard blue to indicate uniformity. Grass barrier relay: The rotation coefficient method is adopted. The rotation coefficient is measured by using a lazy model with a mass of (4612kx and a diameter of (15012)TIE1. The bottom of the lazy model is equipped with sports shoes. The account plate is connected to the torque meter in the opposite direction through a transmission rod and a fixed sleeve. During the measurement, the handle of the virtual dynamometer is used to make the net plate move in the same direction. When the two disks rotate, the torque indicated by the torque meter is recorded and the rotation coefficient is calculated, see formula (2).
In the formula,
Rotation coefficient:
…a direct sign of the disk, a single meter blood!; M—disk rotation The force at the time, the unit is Newton·*N·): F, the unit is Newton ( Grass permeability: Determination of depth by double-mode method. Use square molds with an area of 5Ucm×5Um25c×25m as the outer mold and the inner mold respectively. The maximum depth of the grass is 10 knives. Swim in the two normal shapes! At the high water level, start to maintain this water level, record the water disappearance and the time, and use 3 inches to calculate: Where:
K: ten-inch fitness coefficient;
first-class water chapter, unit means
connected penetration area, unit is square original meter)
Ci penetration time. The unit is minute (min).
Nr/T634—2002 Thickness of mesodermal root layer: Determine the thickness of the root system and matrix except the underground part, using a ruler or a ruler to measure, the unit is kg/m3 (). Repeat 3 times and take the average value. Freshness of turf: Determine its freshness by measuring the water content of the plant, repeat 3 times and take the average value. Turf quality: Determine the freshness of turf by using a tension measuring instrument, the unit is kg/m3 (g/m3). Repeat 3 times and take the average value.
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