title>Code allocation specification of the unified social credit identifier for legal entities and other organizations - GB/T 36105-2018 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Code allocation specification of the unified social credit identifier for legal entities and other organizations

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 36105-2018

Standard Name:Code allocation specification of the unified social credit identifier for legal entities and other organizations

Chinese Name: 法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码赋码操作规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2018-03-15

Date of Implementation:2018-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment >> 35.020 Information technology (IT) general

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A20 Comprehensive Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2018-03-01

other information

drafter:Sun Zhen, Ke Zhiyong, Zhao Jie, Zhou Gang, Qian Xiaodong, Yuan Hui, Zhou Li, He Yiming, Yan Chang, Yu Hui, Yin Yan, Zhu Huiyan, Ma Yufei, Feng Xiaojing, Sun Tai, Li Shengfei, Fan Ruifeng, Jin Jiang, Yuan Lan, Zhang Dongqing, Liu Jia, Wang Aowei, Hou Bo, etc.

Drafting unit:National Organization Code Management Center, Office of the Central Organization and Establishment Commission, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, State Administratio

Focal point unit:National Social Credit Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 470)

Proposing unit:National Social Credit Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 470)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 36105-2018 Unified Social Credit Code Assignment Operation Specification for
Legal Persons and Other Organizations GB/T36105-2018 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net This standard specifies the terms and definitions, coding principles, coding modes, coding operation procedures, and operation specifications for the unified social credit code of legal persons and other organizations. This standard applies to the operation and management of assigning unified codes to legal persons and other organizations.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Code allocation specification of the unified social credit identifierfor legal entities and other organizations
Code allocation specification of the unified social credit identifierfor legal entities and other organizations2018-03-15Released
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of China
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Coding principles
Coding mode
Coding operation process
Operation specifications
Appendix A (Normative Appendix)
Uniform code information return data items
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Social Credit Standardization (SAC/TC470). GB/T36105—2018
Drafting units of this standard: National Organization Code Management Center, Office of the Central Organization Commission, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, State Administration of Taxation, State Administration for Industry and Commerce, National Bureau of Statistics, China National Institute of Standardization, Shandong Provincial Institute of Standardization, Harbin Institute of Standardization, Heilongjiang Provincial Institute of Standardization Drafters of this standard: Sun Zhen, Ke Zhiyong, Zhao Jie, Zhou Gang, Qian Xiaodong, Yuan Hui, Zhou Li, He Yiming, Yan Chang, Yu Hui, Yin Yan, Zhu Huiyan, Ma Yufei, Feng Xiao Jing, Sun Tai, Li Shengfei, Fan Ruifeng, Jin Jiang, Yuan Lan, Zhang Dongqing, Liu Jia, Wang Aowei, Hou Bo, Yang Yang, Wang Bo, Deng Xiangwu, Meng Ju, Shi Lin, Xu Xiaodong, Li Yifeng, Shi Xiaolin HiiKAoNiKAca
1 Scope
Unified social credit code for legal persons and other organizations
Code assignment operation specification
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, coding principles, coding modes, coding operation procedures, and operation specifications of the unified social credit code (referred to as the unified code) for legal persons and other organizations. This standard applies to the operation and management of assigning unified codes to legal persons and other organizations. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with dates, only the versions with the dates apply to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) shall apply to this document GB32100 Coding rules for unified social credit code for legal persons and other organizations GB/T36104 Basic data elements of unified social credit code for legal persons and other organizations 3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB32100 and the following terms and definitions shall apply to this document. 3.1
Code segmentcode segment
A collection of multiple consecutive organization codes (9-digit subject identification code of unified code) uniformly allocated and managed by the national organization code management department.
Organization code management department
Organization code administration is a management department responsible for managing organization codes and unified code resources, building and operating and maintaining unified code databases, providing information services to various departments, and verifying information after unified code assignment. 3.3
Registration administration
is responsible for issuing unified codes when legal persons and other organizations register, and promptly providing basic registration information and its changes to the relevant departments of the organization code administration department. 4 Coding principles
4.1 Uniqueness
The unified code includes a 9-digit subject identification code (organization code) and is unique nationwide. A subject can only have one unified code, and a unified code can only be assigned to one subject. After the subject is deregistered, the unified code will be retained and the retrospective query function will be retained. 4.2 Timeliness
After the registration administration departments at all levels assign codes, they should promptly transmit the unified code and related information to the corresponding organization code 1
administration department within the prescribed period.
4.3 Accuracy
The information returned by the registration management department shall be accurate and consistent with the department's registration files and public information. 4.4 Stability
Once the unified code is assigned, the unified code and its 9-digit subject identification code (organization code) shall remain unchanged during the existence of the subject, even if any changes occur to the subject information. 5 Coding mode
Unified code coding adopts the source coding mode, that is, when legal persons and other organizations apply for registration, the registration management department will issue a unified code and mark it on the registration certificate (photo). 6 Coding operation process
Coding operations include overall code segment management, internal code segment division, coding management, information collection, information feedback, provincial data verification, national review, information disclosure, and verification application. The coding operation process is detailed in Figure 1, and the numbers indicate the order. Feedback code segment inconsistent or does not meet the required data National Registration Management Department
Central Military Commission Reform and Establishment Department
3 Registration and Coding
4 Information Collection
Legal persons and other organizations
(please register in the national registration management
department)||tt ||1 Code segment division
5 Information feedback
National credit
Sharing platform
2 Registration management department
Internal code segment division
National organizationwww.bzxz.net
Code management department
Provincial (including sub-provincial cities)
Planned cities) organization
Code management department
Local credit information
Sharing platform
5 Information feedback
Provincial and below
Registration management department
Registration and coding,
7 National review
Meet the requirements
Flying data verification
(Code segment verification and
(Coding verification)
Return Feedback does not meet the required data 4 Information collection Legal persons and other organizations (registered at the provincial and sub-provincial registration management departments) Coding operation flow chart Figure 1! 8 Unified code Information disclosure National unified social credit code database 9 Unified code Verification application HiiKAoNiKAca 7 Operation specification 7.1 Overall management of code segments 7.1.1 Code segment application GB/T36105—2018 The registration management department should calculate the number of code segment resources required according to business needs and submit it to the organization. The organization code management department shall submit an application. The management of code segment resources should be scientific and reasonable.
7.1.2 Code segment allocation
The national organization code management department manages and allocates the national unified code segment resources. 7.2 Internal division of code segments
The registration management department divides the internal code segments according to the registration situation of each province. The division of unified code segments at the provincial level and below should adopt the automatic allocation method as much as possible to ensure the accuracy and rationality of the use of code segments. 7.3 Coding management
7.3.1 Issuance and marking of unified codes
Registration management departments at all levels should issue unified codes when legal persons and other organizations register, and mark them on the registration certificates (licenses), forming a mechanism for simultaneous completion of access registration and coding, and ensuring that the unified code covers all legal persons and other organizations. 7.3.2 Conversion of existing stocks
Registered legal persons and other organizations with organizational codes should continue to use their original organizational codes and convert them into unified codes. Registration management departments at all levels shall mark the unified codes on the registration certificates (licenses), and realize information sharing and exchange through the national credit information sharing platform and local credit information sharing platforms, government information platforms or data interfaces between departments, and timely exchange the old and new code comparison tables to each using department.
7.3.3 Unique Coding
Registration management departments at all levels should maintain the uniqueness of the unified code and establish a working mechanism to check for duplicates and prevent duplicate and incorrect codes. A subject can only have one unified code, and a unified code can only be assigned to one subject. After the subject is deregistered, the code should be retained for retrospective query and no longer assigned to other subjects.
7.3.4 Coding Method
Registration management departments at all levels shall assign unified codes to legal persons and other organizations in real time, in a running manner, and automatically in accordance with GB32100 when handling registration.
7.4 Information Collection
Registration management departments at all levels shall simultaneously collect the registration information and changes of legal persons and other organizations when assigning codes. 7.5 Information Feedback
7.5.1 Principle
Registration management departments at all levels shall promptly transmit the unified codes and related information of legal persons and other organizations through the national credit information sharing platform and local credit information sharing platform (see Appendix A for information feedback content) after handling establishment, information change, renewal of licenses (licenses), annual inspection (reporting), registration (suspension/cancellation) and cancellation, and share them with other departments. Among them, the compilation department shall transmit the data back in a unified manner by the Central Organization Office, which will collect and transmit the national data in a centralized manner.
7.5.2 Requirements
National registration management departments shall transmit the basic registration information and its changes generated by the registration at this level to the national organization code management department.
Registration management departments at the provincial level (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) shall summarize the basic registration information and changes generated by registrations at the same level and below, and then transmit them back to the provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management departments. The provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management departments shall summarize the information returned by legal persons and other organizations within their administrative regions and report it to the national organization code management departments. 7.5.3 Cycle
The information return cycle adopts a classified management method. The return cycle of registration management agencies with network conditions shall not exceed 1 working day, and the return cycle of registration management departments without network conditions shall not exceed 7 working days: 7.6 Provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) data verification 7.6.1 Code segment verification
The provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management departments shall verify the consistency between the unified code assigned by the registration management department and the allocated code segment to check the use of the code segment and realize the orderly management of the code segment resources. 7.6.2 Coding Verification
The provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management departments shall conduct data verification, including but not limited to: the existence of duplicate or wrong codes in the newly assigned unified codes; the uniqueness and stability of the subject identification codes in the newly assigned unified codes; the use of the original organization code by the legal person and other organization subject identification codes that have been registered and have organization codes
Those that pass the review shall be written into the provincial unified social credit code database and reported to the national organization code management department. Unified codes and related information that fail the review shall be promptly fed back to the registration management department at the same level for verification by the registration management department. 7.7 National Review
The provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management departments shall report the unified code data and verification status to the national organization code management department on a daily basis.
The national organization code management department shall review the unified code data and verification status. Data that meet the requirements after review shall be entered into the national unified social credit code database. 7.8 Information Disclosure
To facilitate the widespread use of unified codes by society and government departments, unified codes and basic information should be disclosed on the websites of the national and provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management departments, the national credit information sharing platform and the local credit information sharing platform.
Verification Application
In various social management and economic activities, unified codes should be used as the unified identification and real-name system basis for legal persons and other organizations, and the authenticity of unified codes should be verified.
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Unified Code Information Return Data Items
Unified Code Information Return Data Items are specified in Table A.1 (the basic data elements in Table A.1 meet the requirements of GB/T36104). Table A.1 Unified code basic data elements
Data element Chinese name
Unified social credit code
Organization code
Organization name
Registered address
Registered address administrative division code
Business scope
Registered capital
Name of legal representative or person in charge
Type of certificate of legal representative or person in charge
Certificate number of legal representative or person in charge
Date of establishment||t t||Registration business type
Approval date
Last update date
Production and operation address
Production and operation address administrative division code
Currency type
Registration number
Industry classification code
Economic type code
Registration management department name
Registration management department code
Supervisory unit
Supervisory unit code
Contact number
Table A.1 (continued) )
Data element Chinese name
Number of employees
Contact person
Valid from
Valid to
Name of shareholder or investor
People's Republic of China
National standard
Unified social credit code for legal persons and other organizations
Code assignment operation specification||tt| |GB/T36105—2018
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website: spc.org.cn
Service hotline: 400-168-0010
First edition in March 2018
Book number: 1550661-59948
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be prosecuted1 Code segment verification
The provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management department shall verify the consistency between the unified code assigned by the registration management department and the assigned code segment to check the use of the code segment and realize the orderly management of code segment resources. 7.6.2 Code verification
The provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management department shall conduct data verification, including but not limited to: the existence of duplicate and wrong codes in the newly assigned unified code; the uniqueness and stability of the subject identification code in the newly assigned unified code; the use of the original organization code by the legal person and other organizational subject identification code that has been registered and has an organization code
Those that pass the review shall be written into the provincial unified social credit code database and reported to the national organization code management department. The unified code and related information that fail the review shall be promptly fed back to the registration management department at the same level for verification by the registration management department. 7.7 National Review
The provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management departments shall report the unified code data and verification status to the national organization code management department on a daily basis.
The national organization code management department shall review the unified code data and verification status. The data that meets the requirements after review shall be entered into the national unified social credit code database. 7.8 Information Disclosure
To facilitate the widespread use of the unified code by society and government departments, the unified code and basic information shall be disclosed on the websites of the national and provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management departments, the national credit information sharing platform and the local credit information sharing platform.
Verification Application
In various social management and economic activities, the unified code shall be used as the unified identification and real-name system basis of legal persons and other organizations, and the authenticity of the unified code shall be verified.
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Data items for unified code information transmission
Data items for unified code information transmission shall be as specified in Table A.1 (the basic data elements in Table A.1 comply with the requirements of GB/T36104). Table A.1 Basic data elements of unified code
Data element Chinese name
Unified social credit code
Organization code
Organization name
Registered address
Registered address administrative division code
Business scope
Registered capital
Name of legal representative or person in charge
Type of certificate of legal representative or person in charge
Certificate number of legal representative or person in charge
Date of establishment||t t||Registration business type
Approval date
Last update date
Production and operation address
Production and operation address administrative division code
Currency type
Registration number
Industry classification code
Economic type code
Registration management department name
Registration management department code
Supervisory unit
Supervisory unit code
Contact number
Table A.1 (continued) )
Data element Chinese name
Number of employees
Contact person
Valid from
Valid to
Name of shareholder or investor
People's Republic of China
National standard
Unified social credit code for legal persons and other organizations
Code assignment operation specification||tt| |GB/T36105—2018
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website: spc.org.cn
Service hotline: 400-168-0010
First edition in March 2018
Book number: 1550661-59948
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be prosecuted1 Code segment verification
The provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management department shall verify the consistency between the unified code assigned by the registration management department and the allocated code segment to check the use of the code segment and realize the orderly management of code segment resources. 7.6.2 Code assignment verification
The provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management department shall conduct data verification, including but not limited to: the existence of duplicate and wrong codes in the newly assigned unified code; the uniqueness and stability of the subject identification code in the newly assigned unified code; the use of the original organization code by the legal person and other organizational subject identification code that has been registered and has an organization code
Those that pass the review shall be written into the provincial unified social credit code database and reported to the national organization code management department. The unified code and related information that fail the review shall be promptly fed back to the registration management department at the same level for verification by the registration management department. 7.7 National Review
The provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management departments shall report the unified code data and verification status to the national organization code management department on a daily basis.
The national organization code management department shall review the unified code data and verification status. The data that meets the requirements after review shall be entered into the national unified social credit code database. 7.8 Information Disclosure
To facilitate the widespread use of the unified code by society and government departments, the unified code and basic information shall be disclosed on the websites of the national and provincial (including sub-provincial cities and cities with independent planning status) organization code management departments, the national credit information sharing platform and the local credit information sharing platform.
Verification Application
In various social management and economic activities, the unified code shall be used as the unified identification and real-name system basis of legal persons and other organizations, and the authenticity of the unified code shall be verified.
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Data items for unified code information transmission
Data items for unified code information transmission shall be as specified in Table A.1 (the basic data elements in Table A.1 comply with the requirements of GB/T36104). Table A.1 Basic data elements of unified code
Data element Chinese name
Unified social credit code
Organization code
Organization name
Registered address
Registered address administrative division code
Business scope
Registered capital
Name of legal representative or person in charge
Type of certificate of legal representative or person in charge
Certificate number of legal representative or person in charge
Date of establishment||t t||Registration business type
Approval date
Last update date
Production and operation address
Production and operation address administrative division code
Currency type
Registration number
Industry classification code
Economic type code
Registration management department name
Registration management department code
Supervisory unit
Supervisory unit code
Contact number
Table A.1 (continued) )
Data element Chinese name
Number of employees
Contact person
Valid from
Valid to
Name of shareholder or investor
People's Republic of China
National standard
Unified social credit code for legal persons and other organizations
Code assignment operation specification||tt| |GB/T36105—2018
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website: spc.org.cn
Service hotline: 400-168-0010
First edition in March 2018
Book number: 1550661-59948
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be prosecuted
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