title>HG/T 20637.7-1998 Statistics of instrument installation materials - HG/T 20637.7-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20637.7-1998 Statistics of instrument installation materials

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20637.7-1998

Standard Name: Statistics of instrument installation materials

Chinese Name: 仪表安装材料的统计

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-06-22

Date of Implementation:1999-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mechanical Manufacturing>>Industrial Automation Systems>>25.040.40 Measurement and Control of Industrial Processes 71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Industrial Equipment Installation Engineering>>P94 Metal Equipment and Process Pipeline Installation Engineering

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HG/T 20637.7-1998 Statistics of Instrument Installation Materials HG/T20637.7-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Statistics of Instrument Installation Materials
Materiais Take-off of InstrumentationHG/T20637.7-1998
Compiled by: China Hualu Engineering Corporationwww.bzxz.net
Approved by: State Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau Implementation date: January 1, 1999 Compiled by:
Yan Bangming
Reviewed by:
Wang Dazheng
Sun Gongzhan
Li Nenghai and Liu Jianzhong
1.0.1 This regulation is formulated for the statistical work of instrument installation materials. It will standardize the statistical methods, overcome human bias, and thus facilitate the rational procurement and construction preparation of instrument installation materials. This regulation applies to the statistics of the installation materials of the following instruments: 1.0.2
Instrument pressure piping materials;
Instrument heating materials;
-Instrument public engineering piping materials;
-Instrument gas supply piping materials;
-Instrument pneumatic signal piping materials;
Cables and wires;
Conduit and pipe fittings;
-Wiring materials;
-Other installation materials.
1.0.3 When implementing this regulation, it shall also comply with the provisions of the relevant current national standards. 473
2.0.1 Actual quantity
2 Terms
The quantity counted according to engineering design documents such as "Instrument Installation Drawing", "Instrument Cable (Pipeline) and Bridge Layout Drawing", etc.
The actual quantity of pipelines, cables and pipes is the sum of the horizontal length, upward length and downward length of the path from the starting point to the end point.
2.0.2Measured quantityMeasured quantityThe quantity obtained by multiplying the actual quantity by a coefficient. 2.0.3Estimated quantityAssumedquantityThe quantity obtained by calculation based on an assumed value2.0.4Design quantityDisignquantity
Depending on the material, this quantity is the sum of one or two quantities: actual quantity, measured quantity and estimated quantity. 2.0.5ConstructionsparequantityThe quantity required to solve the damage or loss that may occur during the construction process. The construction reserve quantity is determined in accordance with the contents of Chapter 4 of these regulations.
2.0.6Procurement quantity
Procurement quantity
Taking into account the quantity required to complete the instrument construction, this quantity is the sum of the design quantity and the construction reserve quantity. 474
Instrument Installation Material Statistics
3.1 Instrument Pressure Piping Materials
3.1.1 Instrument pressure piping materials should include: pipes and fittings required for the measuring pipeline or sampling/discharge pipeline from the process to the instrument equipment. 3.1.2 The statistical method of pipes is as follows:
1 When the location from the process to the instrument equipment point has not been determined, the estimated quantity can be used for statistics. : Estimated quantity (m) = the sum of the quantities indicated on the "Instrument Installation Drawing": Design quantity (m) = estimated quantity
2 When the location from the process to the instrument equipment point has been determined: 1) For high-pressure pipes and/or special material pipes, the actual quantity can be used for statistics. This "actual quantity" can be obtained from the "Instrument Cable (Pipeline Cable) and Bridge Layout Drawing". , measured quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.2: Design quantity (m) = measured quantity
2) For other pipes, the estimated quantity can be used for statistics. The estimated quantity is the sum of the quantities indicated on the "Instrument Installation Drawing". The design quantity = the estimated quantity
3.1.3 The statistical method for valves and pipe fittings (including flanges, tees, elbows, joints, reducers, unions, condensers, reducers, bolts, nuts, gaskets, etc.) is as follows: · "The actual quantity (pieces) can be counted according to the quantity indicated on the "Instrument Installation Drawing". · Design quantity (pieces) = actual quantity
Note: For pipe fittings of special materials, they must be carefully verified. 3.2 Instrument heating materials
3.2.1 Instrument heating materials should include steam heating and return water pipes, fittings and electric heating materials. 3.2.2 The statistical method for electric heating cables is as follows: 475
The estimated quantity (m) is indicated on the "Instrument Installation Drawing". The statistical method for steam tracing pipes is as follows:
Estimated quantity (m) - the sum of the quantities on the "Instrument Installation Drawing" Design quantity (m) - estimated quantity
3.2.4 The statistical method for valves and pipe fittings for steam tracing (including flanges, tees, reducers, joints, reducers, bolts, nuts, gaskets, etc.) is as follows:
Actual quantity (pieces) - the sum of the quantities on the "Instrument Installation Drawing" Design quantity (pieces) - actual quantity
Instrument public engineering piping materials
3.3.1 Instrument public engineering piping materials should include pipes, valves, pipe fittings, etc. for public engineering that provide steam, water, nitrogen, etc. to instrument equipment. Statistics can be made according to the "Instrument Installation Drawing", "Instrument Tracing Insulation Table", etc. 3.3.2 Pipes refer to those used for taking source valves and each The pipes between the instrument equipment and the pipes and main pipe materials between the discharge port of each instrument equipment and a certain discharge point or recovery pipeline. The statistical method is as follows: Estimated quantity (m), which can be counted according to the quantity on the "Instrument Installation Drawing" (or Instrument Heating and Insulation Table) Design quantity (m) - estimated quantity
The statistical method for pipe fittings is as follows:
1 The actual number (pieces) of valves, steam traps, tees, reducers, etc., can be counted according to the "Instrument Installation Drawing" (or Instrument Heating and Insulation Table) Design quantity (pieces) - actual quantity
2 Elbows and joints
Estimated quantity (pieces) - number of pipe roots × 1
Design quantity (pieces) - estimated quantity
Note: This refers to the number of pipe roots converted to standard length. 3 Flexible joints
Estimated quantity (pieces) - number of pipe roots - 5
Design quantity (pieces) - estimated quantity
4 Flanges
Actual quantity (pieces): can be counted according to the “Instrument Public Engineering Pipeline Plan”: Estimated quantity (pieces) (number of pipes converted from the actual quantity) × 0.4 Design quantity (pieces) - actual quantity + estimated quantity 5 Bolts and nuts
Actual quantity (pieces): can be counted according to the “Instrument Public Engineering Pipeline Plan\Estimated quantity (pieces) = Estimated quantity of flanges × 2 Design quantity (pieces) - actual quantity + estimated quantity 6 Gaskets
Actual quantity (pieces): can be counted according to the “Instrument Public Engineering Pipeline Plan” Estimated quantity (pieces) = Estimated quantity of flanges × 0.5 Design quantity (pieces) = Actual quantity + estimated quantity 3.4 Instrument gas supply piping materials
Instrument gas supply piping materials should include the pipes and fittings required to lead to the instrument gas supply equipment, which can be counted according to the “Instrument Air Pipeline Plan (or System Diagram)”. 3.4.2 Pipes refer to the pipes used between the source valve and each instrument equipment. The statistical method is as follows: the actual number (m) shall be counted in accordance with 2.0.1 of these regulations. Metered quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.2
Design quantity (m) - metered quantity
The statistical method of pipe fittings is as follows:
Actual quantity (pieces) of gas source distributor, valve, tee, reducer and short joint: can be counted according to "Instrument air pipeline plan (or system diagram)". Design quantity (pieces) - actual quantity
2Internal thread joint
Estimated quantity (pieces) = Number of pipe roots × 1
Design quantity (pieces) - estimated quantity
Estimated quantity (pieces) = Number of pipe roots × 0.5Design quantity (pieces) - estimated quantity
Slip joint
Estimated quantity (pieces) = Number of pipe roots × 0.5Design quantity (pieces) - estimated quantity
Actual quantity (pieces): can be counted according to the quantity on the "Instrument Air Pipe Plan" and "Instrument Installation Drawing".
Estimated quantity (pieces) Number of pipes × 0.4
Design quantity (pieces) - Actual quantity + Estimated quantity 6 Bolts and nuts
Actual quantity (pieces): can be counted according to the quantity on the "Instrument Air Pipe Plan" and "Instrument Installation Drawing".
Estimated quantity (pieces) = Estimated quantity of flanges × 2 Design quantity (pieces) - Actual quantity + Estimated quantity 7 Gaskets
Actual quantity (pieces): "According to the quantity on the "Instrument Air Pipe Plan" and "Instrument Installation Drawing".
Estimated quantity (pieces) Estimated quantity of flanges × 0.5 Design quantity (pieces) = Actual quantity + Estimated quantity 3.5 Instrument pneumatic signal piping materials
3.5.1 Instrument pneumatic signal piping materials refer to the materials between instrument equipment, take-over box and instrument panel. Statistics can be made according to the "Instrument Cable (Pipe) and Bridge Layout", "Control Room Cable (Pipe) Layout", "Instrument Installation Drawing" and "Pipe Table".
3.5.2: Multi-core pipe cable refers to the multi-core pipe cable used between the main instrument panel and the take-over box or the local instrument panel. The statistical method is as follows:
Actual quantity (m) is counted according to 2.0.1 of this regulation. : Measured quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.1 Design quantity (m) = measured quantity
3.5.3 Single-core pipe cable refers to the single-core pipe cable used between the main instrument panel and the on-site instrument equipment. The statistical method is as follows: 478
Actual quantity (m), according to 2.0.1 of this regulation, the measured quantity (m) = (actual quantity of the part with certain direction) × 1.1 + (actual quantity of the part with uncertain direction) × 1.2
Design quantity (m) = measured quantity
3.5.4, local pneumatic pipe (cable), refers to the pneumatic pipe (cable) used to connect the pipe box to the field instrument equipment/field instruments/instrument panels. The statistical method is as follows: Actual quantity (m), according to 2.0.1 of this regulation. Measured quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.2
Estimated quantity (m) = quantity indicated on the "Instrument Installation Drawing" Design quantity (m) = measured quantity + estimated quantity 3.5.5 The statistical method for valves and fittings of pneumatic pipes is as follows: 1 Valves and joints
Actual quantity can be counted according to the quantity on the "Instrument Installation Drawing" Design quantity minus actual quantity
Note: It is necessary to confirm whether the through-plate joints on the instrument panel and insulation/protection box are supplied as a set. 2 Joint sheaths (for protecting joints and pipe and cable connections) Actual quantity (pieces) can be counted according to the quantity on the "Instrument Installation Drawing". Design quantity (pieces) - actual quantity
Note: The number of joint sheaths is related to the type of joint. For a tee joint, the number is 3; for an intermediate joint, the number is 2; for a terminal joint, the number is 1. 3.5.6 The statistical method for connecting pipe boxes is as follows:
Actual quantity (pieces): It can be counted according to the quantity of "Pipe and Cable Table" and "Instrument Cable (Pipe and Cable) and Bridge Layout Drawing"
Design quantity (pieces) - actual quantity
3.6 Cables and wires
3.6.1 Cables and wires refer to cables and wires between instrument equipment, junction boxes, instrument panels, terminal cabinets, etc. It can be counted according to the "Instrument Cable (Pipe Cable) and Bridge Layout Diagram", "On-site Instrument Wiring Diagram". 3.6.2 Main cable refers to the cable (multi-core or multi-group, multi-pair cable) between the relevant equipment, instrument panel, cabinet, table, box, etc. of the DCS system in the main control room and the on-site wiring 479
and the local instrument panel, box, etc. The statistical method is as follows: Actual quantity (n). Statistical according to 2.0.1 of this regulation. Measured quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.1
. Designed quantity (m) = measured quantity
3.5.3 Direct connection cable refers to the cable used for direct connection between the relevant equipment, instrument panel, power box, etc. of the DCS system in the vehicle control room and the on-site instrument equipment (generally a single group/single pair of cables) without passing through the junction box, statistics The calculation method is as follows: The actual number (m) is counted in accordance with 2.0.1 of this regulation. : Measured quantity (m) = (actual quantity of the part with a certain direction) × 1.1 + (actual quantity of the part with an uncertain bottom) × 1.2
Design quantity (m) minus measured quantity
3.6.4 Field cables refer to the connecting cables used between the junction box and field instrument equipment, and between field instrument equipment. The statistical method is as follows:
. The actual number (m) is counted in accordance with 2.0.1 of this regulation. . Measured quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.2. Design quantity (m) = measured quantity
3.6.5 Cables in the control room refer to the connecting cables between the terminal cabinets, safety screen cabinets, cabinets, and operating tables in the control room. Statistical method As follows
. The actual number (m) shall be counted in accordance with 2.0.1 of this Regulation. . Measuring quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.1 Design quantity (m) minus measuring quantity
3.6.6 Grounding wires and cables refer to the grounding of instruments and equipment that need to be grounded, junction boxes, local instrument panels, cable racks, etc. The winding method is as follows:
1 The main grounding wires and cables refer to the grounding wires used for CS equipment, instrument panels, boxes, cabinets, desks, instrument equipment that need to be grounded between control rooms, and instrument cable racks. The actual number (m) of grounding wires shall be counted in accordance with 2.0.1 of this Regulation. Measuring quantity (m) minus actual quantity × 1.1. Design quantity (m) = measuring length
.2 Branch grounding wires and cables refer to those used for the main grounding Grounding wires between branch points of wires and cables and field instrumentation equipment.
The actual number (m) shall be counted in accordance with 2.0.1 of these regulations. 480
Cables between boxes and local instrument panels, boxes, and cabinets (multi-core or multi-group, multi-pair cables). The statistical method is as follows: Actual number (m), shall be counted in accordance with 2.0.1 of these regulations. .Measured quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.1 Design quantity (m) - measured quantity
3.6.3 Direct connection cables refer to cables used for direct connection between DCS system-related equipment, instrument panels, power cabinets, etc. in the main control room and field instrumentation equipment (generally single-group/single-pair cables) without passing through the junction box. The statistical method is as follows: Actual number (m), shall be counted in accordance with 2.0.1 of these regulations. Metered quantity (m) = (actual quantity of the part with a certain direction) × 1.1 + (actual quantity of the part with an uncertain direction) × 1.2
Designed quantity (m) = metered quantity
3.6.4 Field cables refer to the connecting cables between the junction box and field instrument equipment, and between field instrument equipment. The statistical method is as follows:
Actual quantity (m), counted in accordance with 2.0.1 of this regulation. : Metered quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.2. Designed quantity (m) = metered quantity
3.6.5 Cables in the control room refer to the connecting cables between the terminal cabinet, safety barrier cabinet, cabinet, and operating table in the control room. The statistical method is as follows:
Actual quantity (m), counted in accordance with 2.0.1 of this regulation. Metered quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.1
Design quantity (m) - metered quantity
3.6.6 Grounding wires and cables refer to the grounding of instrument equipment, junction boxes, local instrument panels, cable trays, etc. that require grounding. The statistical method is as follows:
1. Main grounding wires and cables refer to the grounding wires used for DCS equipment, instrument panels, boxes, cabinets, desks, between control rooms, instrument equipment that requires grounding, and instrument cable trays in the control room. The actual quantity (m) is counted in accordance with 2.0.1 of this regulation. Metered quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.1
·Design quantity (m) - metered length
.2 Branch grounding wires and cables refer to the grounding wires used between the branch points of the main grounding wires and cables and the on-site instrument equipment.
The actual quantity (m) is counted in accordance with 2.0.1 of this regulation. 480
Measured quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.2; Design quantity (m) minus measured quantity
Steel threading pipes and fittings
3.7.1 Steel threading pipes and fittings can be counted according to the "instrument cable (pipe and cable) and bridge layout diagram", "field instrument wiring diagram" and "instrument installation diagram".
3.7.2 The statistical method for steel threading pipes is as follows:
1 Threading pipes from the junction box to the cable bridge: actual quantity (m), counted according to 2.0.1 of this regulation. Measuring quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.1
Design quantity (m) = measured quantity
2 Threading pipes from the cable bridge directly to the field instrument equipment, from the junction box to the field instrument equipment, and between the field instrument equipment.
Actual quantity (m), counted according to 2.0.1 of this regulation. Metered quantity (m) = actual quantity × 1.2
Designed quantity (m) = metered quantity
The statistical method for steel threading pipe fittings is as follows:
Tee threading box
Actual quantity (pieces), which can be calculated according to the "Instrument cable (pipe cable) and bridge layout diagram" and "Instrument installation diagram" Estimated quantity (pieces) = Number of outdoor installed instruments × 0.5·Designed quantity (pieces) - Actual quantity + Estimated quantity Note: The three-way threading box here is used for threading pipes to drain condensate. 2 Elbow threading box
: Actual quantity (pieces), the statistical method is the same as that of the three-way threading box. Estimated quantity (pieces) = Number of pipes × 0.5 = Number of pipes × 0.35
Designed quantity (pieces) = Actual quantity + Estimated quantity (DN≤1\)
Note: Elbow threading boxes are available in back cover type (LB) and side cover type (LL). Each accounts for 50 percent of the estimated number. 48135
Design quantity (pieces) = actual quantity + estimated quantity (DN≤1\)
Note: The elbow threading box has back cover type (LB) and side cover type (LL). Each accounts for 50% of the estimated quantity. 481
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