This standard specifies the text information and its format on the title page of a book. This standard applies to printed and published books. GB/T 12450-2001 Book title page GB/T12450-2001 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the text information and its format on the title page of a book.
This standard applies to printed and published books.
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ICS01.140.40 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 12450—2001 eqvIs01086:1991 Title leaves of books Published on 2001-12-19 People's Republic of China General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Implemented on 2002-08-01 GB/T12450—2001|| tt||ISO Foreword 1 Scope 2 Referenced Standards Main Title Page Supplementary Title Page GB/T12450—2001 This standard is a revision of GB/T12450—1990 "Book Title Page" based on the international standard ISO1086:1991 "Book Title Page". It is equivalent to the international standard in terms of technical content and the same in terms of writing rules. This standard adjusts the definitions and English translations of some terms, adopts the terms such as "leaf" and "version record page" commonly used in the publishing industry, clarifies the method of copyright description, adjusts the content of version record, and strengthens the division of the functions of the main title page and the supplementary title page. This standard was proposed by the Publication Format Subcommittee of the National Technical Committee for Information and Documentation Standardization. This standard is revised by the Publication Format Subcommittee of the National Technical Committee for Information and Documentation Standardization. The main drafters of this standard are Fu Zuohua, Xu Jiazong, and Cai Jingsheng. The first edition of this standard (GB/T12450-1990) was issued by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on July 31, 1990 and implemented on March 1, 1991. This standard will replace GB/T12450--1990 from the date of implementation. GB/T12450-2001 ISO Foreword ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation composed of national standardization organizations (ISO member states). The formulation of international standards is usually carried out by ISO technical committees. Each member country interested in the standard subject formulated by the technical committee has the right to express its opinions to the committee. International organizations that have a cooperative relationship with ISO, whether governmental or non-governmental, can participate in this work. ISO also maintains a close cooperative relationship with IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) for all electrotechnical standardization work. All ISO draft standards must be approved by 75% of the members of the corresponding standardization technical committee before they can be officially approved and promulgated. International Standard ISO1086 was developed by ISO/TC46/SC9 (Technical Committee for Information and Documentation Standardization of the International Organization for Standardization, Technical Committee for Document Description and Identification). This is the second edition of the standard, which is revised based on the first edition of the standard ISO1086:1975. Its subject content expands and details the additional data information on the title pages of various types of books. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Title leaves of books Title leaves of books This standard specifies the text information on the title page of books and its layout format. This standard applies to printed and published books. 2 Referenced standards GB/T12450—2001 eqvIS01086:1991 Replaces GB/T12450—1990 The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T788--1999 Book and magazine format and format size GB/T12451—2001 Book in-print cataloging data 3 Definitions This standard adopts the following definitions. 3.1 Title pages titleleaves The pages containing complete title information before the main text of the book, including the main title page and the supplementary title page. 3.2 Main title page titleleaf Book page containing the title of the book, author, publisher, copyright statement, in-print catalog data, version record, etc. Including the half-titleleaf and version record page. 3.3 Supplementary title page half-titleleaf Book page containing information about the titles of multiple volumes, series, translated books, etc., located before the main title page. 3.4 Author author Individual or organization directly responsible for the creation, compilation, translation, etc. of the knowledge or artistic content of the book. 3.5 Publisher publisher Institution or organization responsible for the editing, publishing and distribution of the book. 3.6 CIP data Catalog data compiled during the book publishing process and printed on the book. 4 Main title page 4.1 Half-titleleaf Provides the title, author, and publisher of the book. Located on the front of the main title page, i.e. the odd-numbered page. 4.1.1 Title The title includes the main title, the parallel title and other title information. Approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China on December 19, 2001 and implemented on August 1, 2002 The layout of the main title must be eye-catching. 4.1.2 Author The author's name should be in full. Translated books should include the translated name of the original author. GB/T12450-2001 When there are multiple authors, the main author should be listed on the last page, and all authors can be listed on an additional page after the main title page. 4.1.3 Publisher The publisher's name should be in full, and its location should be indicated (if the name already indicates the location, it is not necessary to indicate it separately). 4.2 Version Record Page Provide the copyright statement, in-print cataloging data and version record of the book. Located on the back of the main title page, i.e. the even-numbered page. 4.2.1 Copyright Statement Works authorized for publication by the author or copyright owner may be marked with the copyright symbol③, and the name of the copyright owner and the year of first publication shall be indicated. Printed in the upper part of the version record page. 4.2.2 In-print Cataloging Data The selection and arrangement format of in-print cataloging data of books shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T12451. Printed in the middle of the version record page. 4.2.3 Version Record Provide the record of the responsible publisher, the publisher's description, the carrier form record, and the printing and distribution record that are not included in the in-print cataloging data of the book. Printed in the lower part of the version record page. Record of the Responsible Publisher Responsible editor, layout designer, responsible proofreader and other relevant responsible persons. Publisher and Distributor Description The publisher, typesetter, binder, and distributor shall all be named in full. The publisher shall indicate the detailed address and postal code, and may also include a telephone number, e-mail address, or Internet address. Media Form Record Reference GB/T788 to list the finished book format. List the number of printed sheets and words. List the type and quantity of attachments, such as "1 CD attached". Printing and Distribution Record List the time of the first edition, this edition, and this printing. List the number of prints. List the price. 5 Attached Title Page 5.1 Attached Title Page to list information on series, multi-volume books, translated books, multi-language books, conference proceedings, etc. 5.1.1 Series List the series name and the editor-in-chief of the series. 5.1.2 Multi-volume books List the total title, total number of volumes, editor-in-chief or main author of the multi-volume books. 5.1.3 Translated books List the original title, author, publisher’s original text, place of publication, year of publication and original edition, original copyright statement, and ISBN of the original work. 5.1.4 Multilingual books GB/T12450—2001 List the title, author, and publisher of the second language and other languages of the multilingual book. 5.1.5 Conference minutes List the conference name, session, date, location, and organizer. 5.2 The information on the title page is generally listed on the even-numbered pages, opposite to the odd-numbered pages. If necessary, the title page can be used on the odd-numbered pages, or an additional title page can be added. 5.3 If there is no attached title page, the title information of the attached title page must be listed on the left page. GB/T12450-2001 People's Republic of China National Standard Book Title Page GB/T12450—2001 Published by China Standards Press No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing Postal Code: 100045 Tel: 6852394668517548 China Standards Press Qinhuangdao Printing Printed by Xinhua Bookstore in Beijing Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places Sold by Xinhua Bookstores* Format 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 1/2 Number of words 12,000 First edition in March 2002 First printing in March 2002 Number of copies 1-1000 Book number: 155066: 1-18240 Website: Copyright reserved. Infringements must be investigated Report phone number: (010) 58533533 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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