This standard specifies bolts or screws and flat washers with thread specifications of M2 to M12, flat bearing surfaces, mechanical properties up to 10.9, and washers with hardness levels of 200HV and 300HV. GB/T 9074.1-2002 Bolts or screws and flat washers GB/T9074.1-2002 Standard download decompression password:
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GB/T 9074.1—2002 This standard is equivalent to the international standard IS010644:1998α screw and flat washer assemblies with hardness grades of 200HV and 300HV\. This standard is one of the national standard "Fastener-Assembly" product series standards. This series includes: a) GB/T 9074.1—2002 bolt or screw and flat washer assemblies: b) GB/T 9074, 2--1988 c) GB/T 9074,3 :1988 d) GB/T 9074. 4---1988 c) GB/T 9074. 5---2002 F) (GB/T 9074, 6-—1988 g) GB/T 9074. 7.-1988 Cross recessed pan head screw and external serrated lock washer assembly: cross recessed pan head screw and spring washer assembly: cross recessed pan head screw, spring washer and washer assembly; cross recessed small pan head screw and flat washer assembly: cross recessed small pan head screw and large washer assembly, cross recessed small pan head screw and spring washer assembly: h) GH/T 0074. 8—1088 Cross recessed small island head screw, spring washer and flat heat assembly; 0) GB/T 9074. 9-198B P GB/T 9074. 10-1SR k) GB/T 9074. 11-1988 (B/T9074.121988 Cross recessed countersunk head screw and tapered locking ring assembly! Cross recessed semi-countersunk head screw and tapered locking full ring assembly, cross recessed hexagonal head screw and flat washer assembly: cross recessed hexagonal head bolt and spring washer assembly; m) GB/T 9074. 13---1988 Cross recessed octagonal head bolt, spring washer and flat washer assembly; hexagonal head bolt and spring washer assembly; n) GB/T 9074. 15 0) GB/T 9074, 16 P) GB/T 9074. 17 Q) GB/T9074, 18 r) GB/T 9074, 20 Hexagonal head bolt and external tooth locking washer assembly; Hexagonal head bolt, spring washer and washer assembly; Self-tapping screw and flat washer assembly; Cross slotted hexagonal head self-tapping screw and flat washer assembly; 1988 s) GB/T 9074.211988 Cross slotted hexagonal head self-tapping screw and large washer assembly. 150 ISO 10644 does not refer to the standard for marking methods for fasteners, this standard stipulates it (6.2): ISO 10644 refers to the standard for acceptance inspection of fasteners, this standard stipulates it (Section 4): ISO 10544 does not specify the packaging technical requirements, the technical standard shall specify it (Section 7). This standard does not adopt Annex A of ISO 10644, its content has been included in Section 2 of this standard This standard is a revision of (B/19074.1-1988) and (E/T9074.11-1988), with the following major revisions: 1) merging the two old standards into one standard: 2) adjusting and expanding the specification range of thread diameter (Table 1); 3) providing three optional series (Table 1 and Table 31); 4) allowing the use of the type with a countersunk groove (U-type) under the hexagonal head (Figure and Table 2); 5) specifying the relationship between the performance grade of the screw or the washer hardness grade (Chapter 4). This standard shall be effective from the date of implementation. (B/T9074.1-1988 and GB/T9074.14-1988. This standard was proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation and approved by the National Fastener Standardization Academic Committee. This standard was drafted by the Mechanical Science Research Institute. This standard is interpreted by the Secretariat of the National Fastener Standardization Technical Committee. CB/T9074.1-2002 ISO Foreword ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide joint organization of national standardization bodies (IS) member groups of various countries. The formulation of international standards is usually carried out through IS technical committees. If each member group is interested in the projects carried out by a technical committee, it can also participate in the committee, and governmental and non-governmental international organizations related to ISO can also participate in this work. ISO and the International Committee (1) have close links in the field of electrotechnical standardization. The drafting of International Standards shall be carried out in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3. International Standards adopted by the technical committee are circulated to all the member bodies for voting. Official publication of International Standards requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard ISO1u644 was prepared by ISO/TC2 Technical Committee Fasteners: Annex A to this standard is an indicative annex, Www.bzsoso:com1 Category National Standard of the People's Republic of China Bolt or screw and washer assemblles with plaln washersGB/T 9074. 1—2002 eqv 1s0 10644; 1998 Replaces R/T 9071. 1--198H GB/T 074, 14 This standard specifies screw or screw pin and flat washer assemblies with thread specifications of M2-~M12, semi-bearing surface, mechanical property level up to 1C.9, and washer hardness level of 200HV and 300HV. The washers in this assembly should be able to rotate freely without falling off. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using these standards should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T 652900 Round head screws (tuv1S0 1207:1002) GB/[67--2003 Pan head screws (V1S) 1580:J994) GR 70,1---2009 Hexagon socket head screws (eqv 150) 4752:1997)GB/T 90.1 2002 GB/T 90.2 2052 GB/T 97.4 2002 G3/T 818—2000 GB/T 1237—2090 Fasteners acceptance inspection (IDT1S0 3269; 2000)Fasteners marking and packaging Flat washers for screw and washer assemblies (EQIS) 10673:1998)Ten-way pan head screws (CQ1S0 7013:1994)Fasteners marking method (EY108991:1985)GB/T 3098.1--200 GB/T 5267. 1--2032 Fastener machine performance bolts, screws and thread (IS04042: 1999) fastener electroplating (IS04042: 1999,)T) GB/T5782--2095 hexagonal head screw (eqv1S04014: 1959) B/T 57832000 GB/T E784-1936 3 size hexagonal head bolt full thread (e6V04u17: 1999) hexagonal head bolt-thin shank-grade B (e9V1S(41: 1979) 3.1 The dimensions of bolts and screws for assemblies shall comply with the relevant national standards except for the parts with thread pads which shall comply with the following requirements! Bolts and screws have a thin rod with a diameter of t. (see Figure 1). The diameter of the gasket should comply with (iB/\E97,4) to enable free rotation: Note: median diameter. The distance from the support to the beginning of the first thread should be increased to the maximum depth that can be penetrated. For this type of product, the thread is set close to the gasket. The transition diameter u (see Figure: and Table 1) should be less than the transition circle diameter specified in the product standard (see Table 3). The reduction is the difference between the nominal diameter and the diameter of the thread. The curvature specified for the fillet of the head in the corresponding national standard should not be changed in the assembly. Approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China on December 5, 2002 and implemented on June 1, 2003 CB/T 9074. 1—2002 3.2 The dimensions of the flat washers shall be B/97.41 provisions. Figure 1 through the circle diameter &. and the rod diameter, Table 1 size flat washer size small thread specifications \ 1) as far as possible do not use the specifications in brackets small series standard series large series 2) the maximum distance from the bearing surface of the washer to the beginning of the first thread. When the flat surface (i.e. the chamfered ring gauge) is used for measurement, the washer should be in contact with the bearing surface of the screw or the rounded corner under the head 3) the dimensions extracted from GB/T 97.4 are for information only. 4) 1-- pitch examples of bolts or screws and flat washer assemblies, see Figures 2 and 3. H Figure 2 Screw inspection from thread to screw Figure 3 Screw with polished rod GB/T 9074.1—2002 The supplier and the buyer agree that I-type countersunk groove can be used under the hexagonal head screw, see Figure 4 and Table 2, 1) Smooth transition. Thread specification u Note: For other dimensions, see Table ". Technical conditions and reference standards Substituted U-shaped undercut groove Table 2 Type Dimensions 4.1 In assemblies, bolts or screws shall comply with the material and mechanical properties of the finished product specified in the corresponding product standards. 4.2 Electroplating technical requirements shall be in accordance with (:B/T5267.1. 4.3 In case of disputes during the inspection of GB/T3098.1, the heat ring shall be removed for arbitration inspection. 4.4 In assemblies, the hardness grade of the gasket shall meet the following requirements: Bolts or screws 8.8: Washer hardness grade 200IV (GB/T97.4) Bolts or screws are 9.8 and 10.9: Washer hardness grade 300 HV (GB/I97.4). 4.5 The acceptance inspection of bolt or screw and washer assemblies shall be in accordance with GB/T90.1. 5 Combination of bolts or screws and washers The standardized combination of bolts or screws and washers and the component codes used are shown in Table 3. Table 3 Combination codes of bolts or screws and washers Screw inspection or screw inspection Standard number GB/T 5783 GH/T 5782 GH/T 818 GB/T 7c. 1 GB/TG? GE/T GS According to GH/T 97.4. Code s \ indicates this type "×\ indicates an optional assembly. GB/T After the shank diameter of the screw of 6782 is reduced by the third quotient, it is similar to the screw of GB/T 5754. 21 6 Marking GB/F 9074. 1—2002 The marking of the combination of bolts or screws and washers shall include the following contents: 6.1 Description of the parts; Number of this national standard; Characteristics of the bolt or screw; Type code of the bolt or screw (Table 3) Type code of the washer (see Table 3). 6.2 The marking method shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1237. 6.3 Marking example The combination of hexagonal bolts and washers includes: GB/T 5783M6×30&.8 grade bolt (code S1) and a GB/T97.4 standard series washer (code N) marking: screw and washer assembly (3, 54)74. 1 M46x36 Hexagonal head bolt and SP-washer assembly package GB/T5783 (code S:) with an I-type countersunk groove under the head and a GB/T97.4 standard series washer (code N) marking: screw and washer assembly GB/T 9074,1MG×308.8US1N marking and packaging The marking and packaging of the assembly shall be in accordance with G3/T 90,2. 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