SY/T 0045-1999 Design specification for electrical dehydration of crude oil
Some standard content:
Standard of the People's Republic of China for oil and natural gas industry Design specification of crude oil electric dehydrationSY/T 0045—1999Editor: Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Oil AdministrationApproving department: Petroleum Industry Press, State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical IndustryBeijing, 1999Design specification of crude oil electric dehydrationArticle explanationBasic provisionsDesign parameters of crude oil electric dehydrationSeries and structure of crude oil electric dehydratorsSeries of electric dehydratorsMain points of electric dehydrator structure5.3 Insulation and anti-corrosion of electric dehydratorsProcess installation design of crude oil electric dehydratorsElectric device installation design of crude oil electric dehydratorsSelection of demulsifiers and application
Appendix A Common domestic demulsifier varieties
Explanation of standard words and terms
Appendix Explanation of clauses of crude oil electric dehydration design specification 4
Document of State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry
State Petrochemical Government (1999) No. 201
Notice on the approval of 87 petroleum and natural gas industry standards including "Design Specifications for Corrosion Control Engineering of Steel Pipelines and Storage Tanks"
China National Petroleum Corporation:
The draft of 87 petroleum and natural gas industry standards including "Design Specifications for Corrosion Control Engineering of Steel Pipelines and Storage Tanks" submitted by your company has been approved by our bureau and is now published. Standard name and number:
Mandatory standard
SY (07-1999
Recommended standard
Design specification for corrosion control of steel pipelines and storage tanks (replaces SYI7-84)
SY/I 0005-1999
SYI 0006-1999
SY/T 0026-1999
SY7I 0045-—1999
Design specification for oilfield water injection
(replaces SYJ 5-—89, SY/T 0070-93)Design specification for oilfield produced water treatment
(replaces SYI 6-89)
Test method for water corrosivity (replaces SYJ26-87)Design specification for crude oil electric dehydration (replaces SYI4591)SYT 0046-1999
SY/T 00471999
SYF 059--1999
SYT 0063-1999
SY7T 0066--1999
SY/T 00671999
SYT 00941999
SY/T 0556--1999
SY/T 5025—1999
SY/T 50311999
SY/T 5079—1999
SY/T 5112—1999
SY/T 51131999
SY/r 51221999
Design specification for water injection deoxidation of oil twist
(Replaces SYI 46-91)
Technical specification for internal cathodic protection system of crude oil processing container (Replaces SYI47-91)
Technical specification for controlling the hardness of weld seams of steel equipment to prevent sulfide stress cracking (Replaces SYJ5991)
Test method for leak detection of pipeline anticorrosion layer
(Replaces SY 0063--92)
Non-destructive measurement method for thickness of steel pipe anticorrosion layer (magnetic method) (Replaces SY 0066--92)
Test method for impact resistance of pipeline anticorrosion coating (limestone drop method) (replaces SY0067-92)
Test method for cathodic peeling of pipeline anticorrosion coating (bonding electrolytic cell method)
Fast switch blind plate (replaces SY525691)Drilling and well repair derrick and base specification
(replaces SY 5025--91)
Specification for reciprocating internal combustion engine for oil field
(replaces SY5031-91)
Test and run (replaces SY5079-93)
Specification for drilling and oil production lifting equipment
(replaces SY 5112-86)
Lifting ring (replaces SY5113-93)
Analysis method for carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in organic matter (replaces SY 5122--86)
SY.T 5148--1999
SY/T 51531999
SYrT 51541999
SY/T 51641999
SY/T 5168—1999
SY/T 51711999 | | tt | 5357—1999
Pneumatic components for oil drilling equipment
(replaces SY5148—86)
Determination of wettability of reservoir rock
One-way throttle valve
(replaces SY 5153.187, SY 5153.2—87, SY 5153.3—95)
Sampling method for fluid in oil and gas reservoirs
(replaces SY 5154-87)
Three-cone drill bit (replaces SY5164-91)Classification and coding system for parts of oil drilling equipment (replaces SY 5168—87)
Petroleum geophysical survey specification
(replaces SY/T 5171—93)
Computer security and confidentiality management procedures for oil industry (replaces SY 5231—91)
Software Engineering Specifications for Petroleum Industry
(Replaces SY 5232.1--5232.8-91
SY 5232.10-91 SY 5232.11--91.SY 5232.14-91J
Radioactive Nuclide Carrier Tracer Logging
(Replaces SY 5327--88)
Oil-Water Relative Permeability Determination
(Replaces SY 5345—89)
Conventional Coring Operation Method
(Replaces SY5356--89, SY/T5489--92)Stuck Drill Soaking Solution Operation Method
CReplaces SY 5357--89)
SY/T 5370-1999
SY/T 5383--1999
SY/I 5434--1999
SY/T 54861999
SY/T 5609--1999
SY/r 5612.11999
SY/T 5612.2--1999
$Y/T 5612.31999
sr7 56191999
SYT 5633--1999
SYT 5639-1999
SY/I 5634-1999
Methods for determination of surface and interfacial tension
(Replace SY/T 537091 $Y^T 5545--92SY/T 5617-93)
Screw drilling tools (Replace SYT5383-91)
Methods for analysis of clastic rock particle size
(Replace SY5434-92)
Technical regulations for testing unconventional formations
(Replace SY 5486-92, SYT 5839--93.SY/I 6061-94. SY/I 601994)
Types and basic parameters of oil drilling rigs
Replace SY/T5609-93)
Degasser for drilling fluid purification system
(Replace SY/T 5612.1-93)
Drilling fluid purification system cleaner
(Replaces SY/T 5612.2--93)
Drilling fluid purification system cyclone
(Replaces SY/T 5612.3-93)
Design method of lower drilling tool assembly for directional wells
(Replace SY/T5619-93)
Format of petroleum logging drawing (Replace SY5633-93)Pneumatic components for oil drilling equipmentRotary gas joint (Replace SY/F5639-93)
Use and maintenance of oil logging cable
(Replace SY/T 5634--93)
SY1 57851999
Guidelines for classification and coding of information in petroleum industry
(Replace SYT5785--93)
SYrT 5788.31999
SY/T 58011999
SYT 5820-1999
SY/T 5828—1999
Oil and gas exploration well geological logging regulations
(Replaces SY 5364-89, SY 5365--89 SY/T 6157--1995. SY/T 5788.3-93SY 5090--85)
Regulations on inspection and acceptance of field data for petroleum gravity and magnetic exploration (Replaces SY/T 5081---93)
Technical regulations for petroleum magnetotelluric sounding method
(Replaces SY/T 5820-93, SY/T 5800-93)Detailed rules for inspection and acceptance of quality of petroleum geophysical survey results (Replaces SYT 5828-93)
SYT 5891.1—1999
SYT 5955-1999
SY/T 59801999
SY/T 6382—1999
SY/T 63831999
SY/T 63841999
SYr 63851999
Specification for the production of concrete targets for perforator detection in oil and gas wells (replaces SY/I 5891.1-93)
Drilling technology and wellbore quality requirements for fixed-range wells (replaces SY/I 5955--94, SY/T594894)Design specification for oil test in exploratory wells
(replaces SY/I 5980—94, SY 5514-92SYrr 6036--94 SY 5485-92.
SY/T $975-94 SY/T 6011-94.
SY 5484—92)
Technical management regulations for heating equipment in oil pipelinesPigging operation procedures for long-distance natural gas pipelines
Determination of relative permeability at high temperature in heavy oil reservoirs
Determination method of rock porosity and permeability under overburden pressureSY/T 63861999
SY/T 63871999
SY/T 6388-1999
SY/T 6389—1999
SY/T 6390-1999
SY/F 6391—1999
SY/T 6392-1999
SY/T 6393—1999
SY/r 63941999
SY/T 63951999
SY/T 6396—1999
SY/T 6397--1999
SY/T 6403—1999
SY/r 6404—1999
SY/T 6405—1999
SY/T 6406—1999
Technical specification for acquisition of high-resolution seismic exploration data on land OPSEIS-EAGLE (24-bit) seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
TELSEIS-STAR seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
ARAM-24 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
GDAPS-4 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
SEG-D geomagnetic tape recording format
Oilfield water injection information code
Technical regulations for energy conservation in the design of long-distance crude oil pipeline projects (replacing SYJ35-90)
Hand-mixing method of oil well cement and admixtures (external admixtures)
Testing procedures for heavy brine
Technical requirements for anti-collision of cluster wells
Evaluation methods for fungicides used in drilling fluids
Analysis and identification methods for chitin
Analysis methods for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry of metal elements in sedimentary rocks
Geological design specifications for geophysical exploration work areasMaintenance and calibration of magnetic single-point and multi-point photographic inclinometerSYrT 6407-1999
SY/T 6408--1999
SY/T 6410--1999
SY/T 6411—1999
SY^T 64121999
SYT 64131999
SY/T 6414--1999
SY/T 6415—1999
SY/T 6416--1999
SY/T 6417--1999
SY/T 6418—1999
SY/T 6419—1999
SYT 6420--1999
SY/T 6421-1999
SY/T 6422-1999
SY/T 7502--1999
Specification for drill string components for rotary drilling
Maintenance and use of derrick base for drilling and workover Production well output surface logging instrument calibration
General technical conditions for detonating cords for oil and gas wells
Tubing conveyed perforating process specification
CNC logging data acquisition specification
Determination method of whole rock optical section micro-components
Quality assessment and recovery of logging data for oil and gas exploration projects Recommended methods for installation, maintenance and operation of internal combustion engines Performance of casing, tubing and drill pipe||tt| |Connection performance of round threaded casing under the combined action of internal pressure and bending
Use and maintenance of glass fiber pipes
Technical specifications for energy-saving design of oilfield surface engineering (replaces SYJ44-90)
Determination of heat dissipation loss of equipment and pipelines
(replaces SYJ4018-87)
Determination of energy-saving effect of energy-saving products in petroleum enterprises Analysis of oilfield gas composition Low-temperature condensation, sampling gas chromatography (replaces SY7502-85)
The above standards shall be implemented from December 1, 1999. Guohao Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau
May 17, 1999
According to the original China National Petroleum Corporation (98) Zhongyoujilanzi No. 33 "Notice on Issuing the 1998 National Standards and Industry Standards for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Revision Project Plan", Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau Survey and Design Institute is responsible for revising the "Source Oil Electric Dehydration Design Specification" SYJ45-91. This revision is based on the extensive collection of the implementation of the original specification by various oilfield design, scientific research, management and other units across the country. In addition to retaining the effective provisions of the original specification, it also absorbs many years of practical experience and new technologies. The main contents of this revision are: adding a wide constant current source power supply device and the output end of the transformer rectifier and the power The connection form between the insulating rods of the dehydrator, and make appropriate adjustments to the chapter contents in the original specification.
This specification is interpreted by the Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main editor of this specification: Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main drafters of this specification are Wang Fengchao, Zhao Zhongjie, Zhang Jian, Ren Tianhao, Ji Guoqing, Guo Yaoqing
1 General Survey
1.0,1 In order to unify the design standards and technical requirements of oilfield crude oil electric dehydration, make the design technology advanced, economically reasonable, of high quality, safe and applicable, this specification is formulated. 1.0.2 This specification is applicable to the new construction, expansion and reconstruction of crude oil electric dehydration projects. 1.0.3 In addition to complying with this specification, the design of crude oil electric dehydration shall also comply with the provisions of the relevant mandatory standards currently in force in the country.31999
SY/T 58011999
SYT 5820-1999
SY/T 5828—1999
Oil and gas exploration well geological logging regulations
(Replaces SY 536489, SY 5365--89 SY/T 6157--1995. SY/T 5788.3-93SY 5090--85)
Regulations on inspection and acceptance of field data for petroleum gravity and magnetic exploration (Replaces SY/T 5081---93)
Technical regulations for petroleum magnetotelluric sounding method
(Replaces SY/T 5820-93, SY/T 5800-93)Detailed rules for quality inspection and acceptance of petroleum geophysical survey results (Replaces SYT SY/T 59801999
SY/T 6382—1999
SY/T 63831999
SY/T 63841999
SYr 63851999
Specification for the production of concrete targets for perforator inspection in oil and gas wells (replaces SY/I 5891.1-93)
Requirements for drilling technology and wellbore quality for fixed-range wells (replaces SY/I 5955--94, SY/T594894)Specification for design of well testing and oil well testing
(replaces SY/I 5980—94, SY 5514-92SYrr 6036--94 SY 5485-92.
SY/T $975-94 SY/T 6011-94.
SY 5484—92)
Technical management regulations for heating equipment in oil pipelinesPigging operation procedures for long-distance natural gas pipelines
Determination of high-temperature relative permeability of heavy oil reservoirs
Determination method of rock porosity and permeability under overburden pressureSY/T 63861999
SY/T 63871999
SY/T 6388-1999
SY/T 6389—1999
SY/T 6390-1999
SY/F 6391—1999
SY/T 6392-1999
SY/T 6393—1999
SY/r 63941999
SY/T 63951999
SY/T 6396—1999
SY/T 6397--1999
SY/T 6403—1999
SY/r 6404—1999
SY/T 6405—1999
SY/T 6406—1999
Technical specification for acquisition of high-resolution seismic exploration data on land OPSEIS-EAGLE (24-bit) seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
TELSEIS-STAR seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
ARAM-24 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
GDAPS-4 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
SEG-D geomagnetic tape recording format
Oilfield water injection information code
Technical regulations for energy conservation in the design of long-distance crude oil pipeline projects (replacing SYJ35-90)
Hand-mixing method of oil well cement and admixtures (external admixtures)
Testing procedures for heavy brine
Technical requirements for anti-collision of cluster wells
Evaluation methods for fungicides used in drilling fluids
Analysis and identification methods for chitin
Analysis methods for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry of metal elements in sedimentary rocks
Geological design specifications for geophysical exploration work areasMaintenance and calibration of magnetic single-point and multi-point photographic inclinometerSYrT 6407-1999
SY/T 6408--1999
SY/T 6410--1999
SY/T 6411—1999
SY^T 64121999
SYT 64131999
SY/T 6414--1999
SY/T 6415—1999
SY/T 6416--1999
SY/T 6417--1999
SY/T 6418—1999
SY/T 6419—1999
SYT 6420--1999
SY/T 6421-1999
SY/T 6422-1999
SY/T 7502--1999
Specification for drill string components for rotary drilling
Maintenance and use of derrick base for drilling and workover Production well output surface logging instrument calibration
General technical conditions for detonating cords for oil and gas wells
Tubing conveyed perforating process specification
CNC logging data acquisition specification
Determination method of whole rock optical section micro-components
Quality assessment and recovery of logging data for oil and gas exploration projects Recommended methods for installation, maintenance and operation of internal combustion engines Performance of casing, tubing and drill pipe||tt| |Connection performance of round threaded casing under the combined action of internal pressure and bending
Use and maintenance of glass fiber pipes
Technical specifications for energy-saving design of oilfield surface engineering (replaces SYJ44-90)
Determination of heat dissipation loss of equipment and pipelines
(replaces SYJ4018-87)
Determination of energy-saving effect of energy-saving products in petroleum enterprises Analysis of oilfield gas composition Low-temperature condensation, sampling gas chromatography (replaces SY7502-85)
The above standards shall be implemented from December 1, 1999. Guohao Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau
May 17, 1999
According to the original China National Petroleum Corporation (98) Zhongyoujilanzi No. 33 "Notice on Issuing the 1998 National Standards and Industry Standards for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Revision Project Plan", Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau Survey and Design Institute is responsible for revising the "Source Oil Electric Dehydration Design Specification" SYJ45-91. This revision is based on the extensive collection of the implementation of the original specification by various oilfield design, scientific research, management and other units across the country. In addition to retaining the effective provisions of the original specification, it also absorbs many years of practical experience and new technologies. The main contents of this revision are: adding a wide constant current source power supply device and the output end of the transformer rectifier and the power The connection form between the insulating rods of the dehydrator, and make appropriate adjustments to the chapter contents in the original specification.
This specification is interpreted by the Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main editor of this specification: Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main drafters of this specification are Wang Fengchao, Zhao Zhongjie, Zhang Jian, Ren Tianhao, Ji Guoqing, Guo Yaoqing
1 General Survey
1.0,1 In order to unify the design standards and technical requirements of oilfield crude oil electric dehydration, make the design technology advanced, economically reasonable, of high quality, safe and applicable, this specification is formulated. 1.0.2 This specification is applicable to the new construction, expansion and reconstruction of crude oil electric dehydration projects. 1.0.3 In addition to complying with this specification, the design of crude oil electric dehydration shall also comply with the provisions of the relevant mandatory standards currently in force in the country.31999
SY/T 58011999
SYT 5820-1999
SY/T 5828—1999
Oil and gas exploration well geological logging regulations
(Replaces SY 536489, SY 5365--89 SY/T 6157--1995. SY/T 5788.3-93SY 5090--85)
Regulations on inspection and acceptance of field data for petroleum gravity and magnetic exploration (Replaces SY/T 5081---93)
Technical regulations for petroleum magnetotelluric sounding method
(Replaces SY/T 5820-93, SY/T 5800-93)Detailed rules for quality inspection and acceptance of petroleum geophysical survey results (Replaces SYT SY/T 59801999
SY/T 6382—1999
SY/T 63831999
SY/T 63841999
SYr 63851999
Specification for the production of concrete targets for perforator inspection in oil and gas wells (replaces SY/I 5891.1-93)
Requirements for drilling technology and wellbore quality for fixed-range wells (replaces SY/I 5955--94, SY/T594894)Specification for design of well testing and oil well testing
(replaces SY/I 5980—94, SY 5514-92SYrr 6036--94 SY 5485-92.
SY/T $975-94 SY/T 6011-94.
SY 5484—92)
Technical management regulations for heating equipment in oil pipelinesPigging operation procedures for long-distance natural gas pipelines
Determination of high-temperature relative permeability of heavy oil reservoirs
Determination method of rock porosity and permeability under overburden pressureSY/T 63861999
SY/T 63871999
SY/T 6388-1999
SY/T 6389—1999
SY/T 6390-1999
SY/F 6391—1999
SY/T 6392-1999
SY/T 6393—1999
SY/r 63941999
SY/T 63951999
SY/T 6396—1999
SY/T 6397--1999
SY/T 6403—1999
SY/r 6404—1999
SY/T 6405—1999
SY/T 6406—1999
Technical specification for acquisition of high-resolution seismic exploration data on land OPSEIS-EAGLE (24-bit) seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
TELSEIS-STAR seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
ARAM-24 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
GDAPS-4 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
SEG-D geomagnetic tape recording format
Oilfield water injection information code
Technical regulations for energy conservation in the design of long-distance crude oil pipeline projects (replacing SYJ35-90)
Hand-mixing method of oil well cement and admixtures (external admixtures)
Testing procedures for heavy brine
Technical requirements for anti-collision of cluster wells
Evaluation methods for fungicides used in drilling fluids
Analysis and identification methods for chitin
Analysis methods for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry of metal elements in sedimentary rocks
Geological design specifications for geophysical exploration work areasMaintenance and calibration of magnetic single-point and multi-point photographic inclinometerSYrT 6407-1999
SY/T 6408--1999
SY/T 6410--1999
SY/T 6411—1999
SY^T 64121999
SYT 64131999
SY/T 6414--1999
SY/T 6415—1999
SY/T 6416--1999
SY/T 6417--1999
SY/T 6418—1999
SY/T 6419—1999
SYT 6420--1999
SY/T 6421-1999
SY/T 7502--1999
Specification for drill string components for rotary drilling
Maintenance and use of derrick base for drilling and workover Production well output surface logging instrument calibration
General technical conditions for detonating cords for oil and gas wells
Tubing conveyed perforating process specification
CNC logging data acquisition specification
Determination method of whole rock optical section micro-components
Quality assessment and recovery of logging data for oil and gas exploration projects Recommended methods for installation, maintenance and operation of internal combustion engines Performance of casing, tubing and drill pipe||tt| |Connection performance of round threaded casing under the combined action of internal pressure and bending
Use and maintenance of glass fiber pipes
Technical specifications for energy-saving design of oilfield surface engineering (replaces SYJ44-90)
Determination of heat dissipation loss of equipment and pipelines
(replaces SYJ4018-87)
Determination of energy-saving effect of energy-saving products in petroleum enterprises Analysis of oilfield gas composition Low-temperature condensation, sampling gas chromatography (replaces SY7502-85)
The above standards shall be implemented from December 1, 1999. Guohao Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau
May 17, 1999
According to the original China National Petroleum Corporation (98) Zhongyoujilanzi No. 33 "Notice on Issuing the 1998 National Standards and Industry Standards for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Revision Project Plan", Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau Survey and Design Institute is responsible for revising the "Source Oil Electric Dehydration Design Specification" SYJ45-91. This revision is based on the extensive collection of the implementation of the original specification by various oilfield design, scientific research, management and other units across the country. In addition to retaining the effective provisions of the original specification, it also absorbs many years of practical experience and new technologies. The main contents of this revision are: adding a wide constant current source power supply device and the output end of the transformer rectifier and the power The connection form between the insulating rods of the dehydrator, and make appropriate adjustments to the chapter contents in the original specification.
This specification is interpreted by the Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main editor of this specification: Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main drafters of this specification are Wang Fengchao, Zhao Zhongjie, Zhang Jian, Ren Tianhao, Ji Guoqing, Guo Yaoqing
1 General Survey
1.0,1 In order to unify the design standards and technical requirements of oilfield crude oil electric dehydration, make the design technology advanced, economically reasonable, of high quality, safe and applicable, this specification is formulated. 1.0.2 This specification is applicable to the new construction, expansion and reconstruction of crude oil electric dehydration projects. 1.0.3 In addition to complying with this specification, the design of crude oil electric dehydration shall also comply with the provisions of the relevant mandatory standards currently in force in the country.1-93)
Drilling technology and wellbore quality requirements for fixed-length wells (replacing SY/I 5955--94, SY/T594894)Design specification for oil test in exploratory wells
(replacing SY/I 5980-94, SY 5514-92SYrr 6036--94 SY 5485-92.
SY/T $975-94 SY/T 6011-94.
SY 5484-92)
Technical management regulations for heating equipment in oil pipelinesPigging operation procedures for long-distance natural gas pipelines
High-temperature relative permeability determination of heavy oil reservoirs
Method for determination of rock porosity and permeability under overburden pressureSY/T 63861999
SY/T 63871999
SY/T 6388-1999
SY/T 6389—1999
SY/T 6390-1999
SY/F 6391—1999
SY/T 6392-1999
SY/T 6393—1999
SY/r 63941999
SY/T 63951999
SY/T 6396—1999
SY/T 6397—1999
SY/T 6403—1999
SY/r 6404—1999
SY/T 6405—1999
SY/T 6406—1999
Technical specification for acquisition of high-resolution seismic exploration data on land OPSEIS-EAGLE (24-bit) seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
TELSEIS-STAR seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
ARAM-24 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
GDAPS-4 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
SEG-D geomagnetic tape recording format
Oilfield water injection information code
Technical regulations for energy conservation in the design of long-distance crude oil pipeline projects (replacing SYJ35-90)
Hand-mixing method of oil well cement and admixtures (external admixtures)
Testing procedures for heavy brine
Technical requirements for anti-collision of cluster wells
Evaluation methods for fungicides used in drilling fluids
Analysis and identification methods for chitin
Analysis methods for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry of metal elements in sedimentary rocks
Geological design specifications for geophysical exploration work areasMaintenance and calibration of magnetic single-point and multi-point photographic inclinometerSYrT 6407-1999
SY/T 6408--1999
SY/T 6410--1999
SY/T 6411—1999
SY^T 64121999
SYT 64131999
SY/T 6414--1999
SY/T 6415—1999
SY/T 6416--1999
SY/T 6417--1999
SY/T 6418—1999
SY/T 6419—1999
SYT 6420--1999
SY/T 6421-1999
SY/T 6422-1999
SY/T 7502--1999
Specification for drill string components for rotary drilling
Maintenance and use of derrick base for drilling and workover Production well output surface logging instrument calibration
General technical conditions for detonating cords for oil and gas wells
Tubing conveyed perforating process specification
CNC logging data acquisition specification
Determination method of whole rock optical section micro-components
Quality assessment and recovery of logging data for oil and gas exploration projects Recommended methods for installation, maintenance and operation of internal combustion engines Performance of casing, tubing and drill pipe||tt| |Connection performance of round threaded casing under the combined action of internal pressure and bending
Use and maintenance of glass fiber pipes
Technical specifications for energy-saving design of oilfield surface engineering (replaces SYJ44-90)
Determination of heat dissipation loss of equipment and pipelines
(replaces SYJ4018-87)
Determination of energy-saving effect of energy-saving products in petroleum enterprises Analysis of oilfield gas composition Low-temperature condensation, sampling gas chromatography (replaces SY7502-85)
The above standards shall be implemented from December 1, 1999. Guohao Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau
May 17, 1999
According to the original China National Petroleum Corporation (98) Zhongyoujilanzi No. 33 "Notice on Issuing the 1998 National Standards and Industry Standards for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Revision Project Plan", Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau Survey and Design Institute is responsible for revising the "Source Oil Electric Dehydration Design Specification" SYJ45-91. This revision is based on the extensive collection of the implementation of the original specification by various oilfield design, scientific research, management and other units across the country. In addition to retaining the effective provisions of the original specification, it also absorbs many years of practical experience and new technologies. The main contents of this revision are: adding a wide constant current source power supply device and the output end of the transformer rectifier and the power The connection form between the insulating rods of the dehydrator, and make appropriate adjustments to the chapter contents in the original specification.
This specification is interpreted by the Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main editor of this specification: Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main drafters of this specification are Wang Fengchao, Zhao Zhongjie, Zhang Jian, Ren Tianhao, Ji Guoqing, Guo Yaoqing
1 General Survey
1.0,1 In order to unify the design standards and technical requirements of oilfield crude oil electric dehydration, make the design technology advanced, economically reasonable, of high quality, safe and applicable, this specification is formulated. 1.0.2 This specification is applicable to the new construction, expansion and reconstruction of crude oil electric dehydration projects. 1.0.3 In addition to complying with this specification, the design of crude oil electric dehydration shall also comply with the provisions of the relevant mandatory standards currently in force in the country.1-93)
Drilling technology and wellbore quality requirements for fixed-length wells (replacing SY/I 5955--94, SY/T594894)Design specification for oil test in exploratory wells
(replacing SY/I 5980-94, SY 5514-92SYrr 6036--94 SY 5485-92.
SY/T $975-94 SY/T 6011-94.
SY 5484-92)
Technical management regulations for heating equipment in oil pipelinesPigging operation procedures for long-distance natural gas pipelines
High-temperature relative permeability determination of heavy oil reservoirs
Method for determination of rock porosity and permeability under overburden pressureSY/T 63861999
SY/T 63871999
SY/T 6388-1999
SY/T 6389—1999
SY/T 6390-1999
SY/F 6391—1999
SY/T 6392-1999
SY/T 6393—1999
SY/r 63941999
SY/T 63951999
SY/T 6396—1999
SY/T 6397—1999
SY/T 6403—1999
SY/r 6404—1999
SY/T 6405—1999
SY/T 6406—1999
Technical specification for acquisition of high-resolution seismic exploration data on land OPSEIS-EAGLE (24-bit) seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
TELSEIS-STAR seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
ARAM-24 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
GDAPS-4 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
SEG-D geomagnetic tape recording format
Oilfield water injection information code
Technical regulations for energy conservation in the design of long-distance crude oil pipeline projects (replacing SYJ35-90)
Hand-mixing method of oil well cement and admixtures (external admixtures)
Testing procedures for heavy brine
Technical requirements for anti-collision of cluster wells
Evaluation methods for fungicides used in drilling fluids
Analysis and identification methods for chitin
Analysis methods for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry of metal elements in sedimentary rocks
Geological design specifications for geophysical exploration work areasMaintenance and calibration of magnetic single-point and multi-point photographic inclinometerSYrT 6407-1999
SY/T 6408--1999
SY/T 6410--1999
SY/T 6411—1999
SY^T 64121999
SYT 64131999
SY/T 6414--1999
SY/T 6415—1999
SY/T 6416--1999
SY/T 6417--1999
SY/T 6418—1999
SY/T 6419—1999
SYT 6420--1999
SY/T 6421-1999
SY/T 6422-1999
SY/T 7502--1999
Specification for drill string components for rotary drilling
Maintenance and use of derrick base for drilling and workover Production well output surface logging instrument calibration
General technical conditions for detonating cords for oil and gas wells
Tubing conveyed perforating process specification
CNC logging data acquisition specification
Determination method of whole rock optical section micro-components
Quality assessment and recovery of logging data for oil and gas exploration projects Recommended methods for installation, maintenance and operation of internal combustion engines Performance of casing, tubing and drill pipe||tt| |Connection performance of round threaded casing under the combined action of internal pressure and bending
Use and maintenance of glass fiber pipes
Technical specifications for energy-saving design of oilfield surface engineering (replaces SYJ44-90)
Determination of heat dissipation loss of equipment and pipelines
(replaces SYJ4018-87)
Determination of energy-saving effect of energy-saving products in petroleum enterprises Analysis of oilfield gas composition Low-temperature condensation, sampling gas chromatography (replaces SY7502-85)
The above standards shall be implemented from December 1, 1999. Guohao Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau
May 17, 1999
According to the original China National Petroleum Corporation (98) Zhongyoujilanzi No. 33 "Notice on Issuing the 1998 National Standards and Industry Standards for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Revision Project Plan", Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau Survey and Design Institute is responsible for revising the "Source Oil Electric Dehydration Design Specification" SYJ45-91. This revision is based on the extensive collection of the implementation of the original specification by various oilfield design, scientific research, management and other units across the country. In addition to retaining the effective provisions of the original specification, it also absorbs many years of practical experience and new technologies. The main contents of this revision are: adding a wide constant current source power supply device and the output end of the transformer rectifier and the power The connection form between the insulating rods of the dehydrator, and make appropriate adjustments to the chapter contents in the original specification.
This specification is interpreted by the Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main editor of this specification: Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main drafters of this specification are Wang Fengchao, Zhao Zhongjie, Zhang Jian, Ren Tianhao, Ji Guoqing, Guo Yaoqing
1 General Survey
1.0,1 In order to unify the design standards and technical requirements of oilfield crude oil electric dehydration, make the design technology advanced, economically reasonable, of high quality, safe and applicable, this specification is formulated. 1.0.2 This specification is applicable to the new construction, expansion and reconstruction of crude oil electric dehydration projects. 1.0.3 In addition to complying with this specification, the design of crude oil electric dehydration shall also comply with the provisions of the relevant mandatory standards currently in force in the country.
SY 5484—92)
Technical management regulations for heating equipment in oil pipelinesPigging operation procedures for long-distance natural gas pipelines
Determination of high-temperature relative permeability in heavy oil reservoirs
Determination method of rock porosity and permeability under overburden pressureSY/T 63861999
SY/T 63871999
SY/T 6388-1999
SY/T 6389—1999
SY/T 6390-1999
SY/F 6391—1999
SY/T 6392-1999
SY/T 6393—1999
SY/r 63941999
SY/T 63951999 | | tt | 6406—1999
Technical specification for acquisition of high-resolution seismic exploration data on land OPSEIS-EAGLE (24-bit) seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
TELSEIS-STAR seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
ARAM-24 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
GDAPS-4 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
SEG-D geomagnetic tape recording format
Oilfield water injection information code
Technical regulations for energy conservation in the design of long-distance crude oil pipeline projects (replacing SYJ35-90)
Hand-mixing method of oil well cement and admixtures (external admixtures)
Testing procedures for heavy brine
Technical requirements for anti-collision of cluster wells
Evaluation methods for fungicides used in drilling fluids
Analysis and identification methods for chitin
Analysis methods for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry of metal elements in sedimentary rocks
Geological design specifications for geophysical exploration work areasMaintenance and calibration of magnetic single-point and multi-point photographic inclinometerSYrT 6407-1999
SY/T 6408--1999
SY/T 6410--1999
SY/T 6411—1999
SY^T 64121999
SYT 64131999
SY/T 6414--1999
SY/T 6415—1999
SY/T 6416--1999
SY/T 6417--1999
SY/T 6418—1999
SY/T 6419—1999
SYT 6420--1999
SY/T 6421-1999
SY/T 6422-1999
SY/T 7502--1999
Specification for drill string components for rotary drilling
Maintenance and use of derrick base for drilling and workover Production well output surface logging instrument calibration
General technical conditions for detonating cords for oil and gas wells
Tubing conveyed perforating process specification
CNC logging data acquisition specification
Determination method of whole rock optical section micro-components
Quality assessment and recovery of logging data for oil and gas exploration projects Recommended methods for installation, maintenance and operation of internal combustion engines Performance of casing, tubing and drill pipe||tt| |Connection performance of round threaded casing under the combined action of internal pressure and bending
Use and maintenance of glass fiber pipes
Technical specifications for energy-saving design of oilfield surface engineering (replaces SYJ44-90)
Determination of heat dissipation loss of equipment and pipelines
(replaces SYJ4018-87)
Determination of energy-saving effect of energy-saving products in petroleum enterprises Analysis of oilfield gas composition Low-temperature condensation, sampling gas chromatography (replaces SY7502-85)
The above standards shall be implemented from December 1, 1999. Guohao Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau
May 17, 1999
According to the original China National Petroleum Corporation (98) Zhongyoujilanzi No. 33 "Notice on Issuing the 1998 National Standards and Industry Standards for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Revision Project Plan", Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau Survey and Design Institute is responsible for revising the "Source Oil Electric Dehydration Design Specification" SYJ45-91. This revision is based on the extensive collection of the implementation of the original specification by various oilfield design, scientific research, management and other units across the country. In addition to retaining the effective provisions of the original specification, it also absorbs many years of practical experience and new technologies. The main contents of this revision are: adding a wide constant current source power supply device and the output end of the transformer rectifier and the power The connection form between the insulating rods of the dehydrator, and make appropriate adjustments to the chapter contents in the original specification.
This specification is interpreted by the Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main editor of this specification: Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main drafters of this specification are Wang Fengchao, Zhao Zhongjie, Zhang Jian, Ren Tianhao, Ji Guoqing, Guo Yaoqing
1 General Survey
1.0,1 In order to unify the design standards and technical requirements of oilfield crude oil electric dehydration, make the design technology advanced, economically reasonable, of high quality, safe and applicable, this specification is formulated. 1.0.2 This specification is applicable to the new construction, expansion and reconstruction of crude oil electric dehydration projects. 1.0.3 In addition to complying with this specification, the design of crude oil electric dehydration shall also comply with the provisions of the relevant mandatory standards currently in force in the country.
SY 5484—92)
Technical management regulations for heating equipment in oil pipelinesPigging operation procedures for long-distance natural gas pipelines
Determination of high-temperature relative permeability in heavy oil reservoirs
Determination method of rock porosity and permeability under overburden pressureSY/T 63861999
SY/T 63871999
SY/T 6388-1999
SY/T 6389—1999
SY/T 6390-1999
SY/F 6391—1999
SY/T 6392-1999
SY/T 6393—1999
SY/r 63941999
SY/T 63951999 | | tt | 6406—1999
Technical specification for acquisition of high-resolution seismic exploration data on land OPSEIS-EAGLE (24-bit) seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
TELSEIS-STAR seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
ARAM-24 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
GDAPS-4 seismic data acquisition system inspection items and technical indicators
SEG-D geomagnetic tape recording format
Oilfield water injection information code
Technical regulations for energy conservation in the design of long-distance crude oil pipeline projects (replacing SYJ35-90)
Hand-mixing method of oil well cement and admixtures (external admixtures)
Testing procedures for heavy brine
Technical requirements for anti-collision of cluster wells
Evaluation methods for fungicides used in drilling fluids
Analysis and identification methods for chitin
Analysis methods for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry of metal elements in sedimentary rocks
Geological design specifications for geophysical exploration work areasMaintenance and calibration of magnetic single-point and multi-point photographic inclinometerSYrT 6407-1999
SY/T 6408--1999
SY/T 6410--1999
SY/T 6411—1999
SY^T 64121999
SYT 64131999
SY/T 6414--1999
SY/T 6415—1999
SY/T 6416--1999
SY/T 6417--1999
SY/T 6418—1999
SY/T 6419—1999
SYT 6420--1999
SY/T 6421-1999
SY/T 6422-1999
SY/T 7502--1999
Specification for drill string components for rotary drilling
Maintenance and use of derrick base for drilling and workover Production well output surface logging instrument calibration
General technical conditions for detonating cords for oil and gas wells
Tubing conveyed perforating process specification
CNC logging data acquisition specification
Determination method of whole rock optical section micro-components
Quality assessment and recovery of logging data for oil and gas exploration projects Recommended methods for installation, maintenance and operation of internal combustion engines Performance of casing, tubing and drill pipe||tt| |Connection performance of round threaded casing under the combined action of internal pressure and bending
Use and maintenance of glass fiber pipes
Technical specifications for energy-saving design of oilfield surface engineering (replaces SYJ44-90)
Determination of heat dissipation loss of equipment and pipelines
(replaces SYJ4018-87)
Determination of energy-saving effect of energy-saving products in petroleum enterprises Analysis of oilfield gas composition Low-temperature condensation, sampling gas chromatography (replaces SY7502-85)
The above standards shall be implemented from December 1, 1999. Guohao Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau
May 17, 1999
According to the original China National Petroleum Corporation (98) Zhongyoujilanzi No. 33 "Notice on Issuing the 1998 National Standards and Industry Standards for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Revision Project Plan", Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau Survey and Design Institute is responsible for revising the "Source Oil Electric Dehydration Design Specification" SYJ45-91. This revision is based on the extensive collection of the implementation of the original specification by various oilfield design, scientific research, management and other units across the country. In addition to retaining the effective provisions of the original specification, it also absorbs many years of practical experience and new technologies. The main contents of this revision are: adding a wide constant current source power supply device and the output end of the transformer rectifier and the power The connection form between the insulating rods of the dehydrator, and make appropriate adjustments to the chapter contents in the original specification.
This specification is interpreted by the Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main editor of this specification: Survey and Design Institute of Shengli Petroleum Administration. The main drafters of this specification are Wang Fengchao, Zhao Zhongjie, Zhang Jian, Ren Tianhao, Ji Guoqing, Guo Yaoqing
1 General Survey
1.0,1 In order to unify the design standards and technical requirements of oilfield crude oil electric dehydration, make the design technology advanced, economically reasonable, of high quality, safe and applicable, this specification is formulated. 1.0.2 This specification is applicable to the new construction, expansion and reconstruction of crude oil electric dehydration projects. 1.0.3 In addition to complying with this specification, the design of crude oil electric dehydration shall also comply with the provisions of the relevant mandatory standards currently in force in the country.0,1 This specification is formulated to unify the design standards and technical requirements for electric dehydration of crude oil in oil fields, so that the design technology is advanced, economical, reasonable, of high quality, safe and applicable. 1.0.2 This specification is applicable to the new construction, expansion and reconstruction of electric dehydration of crude oil. 1.0.3 In addition to complying with this specification, the design of electric dehydration of crude oil shall also comply with the provisions of the relevant mandatory standards currently in force in the country.0,1 This specification is formulated to unify the design standards and technical requirements for electric dehydration of crude oil in oil fields, so that the design technology is advanced, economical, reasonable, of high quality, safe and applicable. 1.0.2 This specification is applicable to the new construction, expansion and reconstruction of electric dehydration of crude oil. 1.0.3 In addition to complying with this specification, the design of electric dehydration of crude oil shall also comply with the provisions of the relevant mandatory standards currently in force in the country.
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