This standard specifies the terms and definitions of machine tool names, parameters, parts and processing methods of special processing machine tools. This standard applies to all types of special processing machine tools. GB/T 14896.1-1994 Basic terms for special processing machine tools GB/T14896.1-1994 Standard download decompression password:
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China Special processing machine tools Basic terminology Non-traditional machine tools-TerminologyBasic terminology 1 Subject content and scope of application GB/T 14896.1-94 This standard specifies the basic terminology and definitions of the machine tool names and processing methods of special processing machine tools. This standard applies to various types of special processing machine tools. The terms commonly used in connection with metal cutting machine tools shall conform to the relevant provisions of GB6477.1. Reference standards GB 6477. 1 3 Machine tool names Terms for metal cutting machine tools Basic terms 3.1 Special processing machine tools Non-traditional machine tools Non-traditional machines Special processing machinery Machine tools for processing workpieces using special processing methods. 3.2 , Electro-machining machine toolsfr machines d'inage electriqueru 3JekTpO06pa6aTEIBaOIHMe cTaHKM Electric nitride machining ja Electro-nitrogen machining special machining machine tools that use the electric machining method to process workpieces. 3.3 Electro-discharge machine toolsfr machines d'inage with electric dischargesru ekTpo paapHNHeoopabaTbiBaloue crarHnElektroerosionsmaschinen ja Electro-discharge machining special machining machine tools that use the electric discharge machining method to process workpieces. Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on January 5, 199440 Implementation on October 1, 1994 3.4 Electrochemical machining machine tools GB/T 14896. 1-94 en electrochemical machine toolsfr machines d'usinage electrochimique 3JHeKTPOXHMHHeCKMe CTaHRH Elektrochemische maschine ja電気·China special machining machine tools for machining workpieces by electrochemical machining method. 3.5 electrolytic machine tools electrolytic machine tools are machines used to process workpieces using the electrolytic machining method. 3.6 ultrasonic machine tools electrolytic machine tools are machines used to process workpieces using the ultra-sonic machining method. Ultrasonic machine tools are special machines used to process workpieces using the ultrasonic machining method. High-energy beam processing machine tools en high-energy beam machine toolsfr machines d'inage with high energy beams processing methods are special processing machine tools that use high energy beam processing methods to process workpieces. 3.7.1 Laser processing machine machines d'inage with lasers are special processing machine tools that use high energy beam processing methods to process workpieces. Laser perforating machines Laser perforating machines are machines for percage by laser. Laser perforating machines are laser processing machines mainly used for processing holes. Laser cutting machine laser cutting machines GB/T 14896.1-94 fr machine for découpage par laserru Ja3epiLIC TexHOJOrWYCKHc yCTaiOBKH peaaHHALaser-Schneidemaschine ja--cutting machine Laser processing machine mainly used to cut plates into workpieces with the required shape. laser scribing machines fr machines arager at JIa3epHbIe TeXHOJOr'MYCKHe yCTaHOBKH HJIH O6pa6OTKM TOHKHX HJIeHOKLaser-Scheibenschneidemaschinege Laser processing machine for scribing. Laser engraving machine 3. 7. 1. 4 laser engraving machines fr machines agrver par laserru JIaBepHhle Tex HOJIOrMycKHe yCTaHOBKH MapKHpOBaHHA Laser-Graviermaschine ja-shaped machine Laser processing machine for engraving graphics and imprinting text or marks on workpieces. 3.7.2 Electron beam machine tools Electron beam machine tools are machines used to process electron beams. Electron beam machine tools are high-energy beam processing machines that process workpieces using electron beam processing methods. 3.7.3 Ion beam machine tools Ion beam machine tools are machines used to process electron beams. Ion beam processing machines are high-energy beam processing machines that process workpieces using ion beam processing methods. 3 Plasma arc processing machine tools en plasma arc machine tools fr machines for processing arc plasmite JaMCHHbIC TexHOJIOI'MYCKMe yCTaHOBKM plasmabogen-Bearbeitungsmaschinen Special processing machine tools that use plasma arc processing to process workpieces. 3.8.1 Plasma arc cutting machines en plasma arc cutting machines42 GB/T14896.1-94 fr machines for cutting arc plasmite JaMCHHbIC TexHOJIOI'MYCKHe ycTaHOBKH pesaHHH Plasmabogen-Schneidemaschinege ja-Plasma arc processing machine tools mainly used to cut plates into workpieces with the required shape. 3.8.2 Plasma arc perforating machines Plasma arc perforating machines are machines for perforating arc plasmiques such as plasma arc drilling machines and plasma arc drilling machines. 3.9 Magnetic impulse machine tools Magnetic impulse machine tools are machines for impulsions using magnetism and magnetic materials such as magnetostrictive machines and magnetic impulse bearing machines. Magnetic working machines are special processing machines that use magnetic impulse processing methods to process workpieces. 3.9.1 Magnetic impulse perforating machines fr machines for punching with magnetism Magnetic impulse machining machines are magnetic impulse machining machines mainly used for machining holes. 3.9.2 Magnetic impulse punching machines fr machines for tronning with magnetism Magnetic impulse machining machines are magnetic impulse machining machines mainly used for punching. 3.9.3 Magnetic impulse forming machinesMagnetic impulse forming machinesMagnetic impulse forming machinesMagnetic impulse forming machines for compression forming, expansion forming, sheet forming, as well as for connection, expansion, flanging, etc. of metal workpieces3.10Magnetic abrasive machine toolsMagnetic abrasive machine toolsMagnetic abrasive machine tools43GB/T 14896. 1-94Magnetic abrasive machine tools Magnetic abrasive grinding machines Magnetic abrasive grinding machines are special machines for grinding or polishing workpieces and for removing burrs from workpieces. 3.10.1 Magnetic abrasive grinding machines Magnetic abrasive grinding machines are special machines for grinding or polishing workpieces. 3.10.2 Magnetic abrasive honing machinesMagnetic abrasive honing machinesMagnetic abrasive honing machinesMagnetic abrasive honing machinesMagnetic abrasive honing machinesMagnetic abrasive honing machines Magnetic abrasive honing machines for honing. 3.10.3 Magnetic abrasive polishing machinesMagnetic abrasive buffing machinesMagnetic abrasive buffing machinesMagnetic abrasive polishing machines for polishing. 3.10.4Magnetic abrasive deburring machinesMagnetic abrasive deburring machinesMagnetic abrasive deburring machines are machines for the removal of burrs and are used to produce abrasive materials.Magnetic abrasive deburring machines are machines for the removal of burrs and are used to produce abrasive materials. 3.11 Jet machine tools Special purpose machine tools for machining workpieces using the jet machining method. 3.11.1 Water jet machine tools Water jet machine tools Machine tools for machining workpieces Special purpose machine tools for machining workpieces using the jet machining method. GB/T 14896.1—94 3.11.2 Abrasive jet machining machine tools Abrasive jet machining machine tools Abrasive jet machining machine tools Abrasive jet machining machine tools Abrasive jet machining machine tools Abrasive jet machining machine tools Abrasive jet machining machine tools 2 Combined machining machine tools Combined machining machine tools Composite machining Specialized machine tools that use composite machining methods to machine workpieces. 4 Machining methods 4.1 Special machining non-traditional machining (NTM) from non-traditional machining Special machining Non-traditional machining methods that apply electrical, magnetic, acoustic, optical, chemical or other energy or a combination thereof to the machined part of the workpiece, thereby removing, deforming, changing properties or coating the material. 4.2 Electromachining Electromachining is a special process in which electrical energy is applied to the workpiece to remove material, deform it, change its properties or coat it. 4.3 Electrodischarge machining (EDM) Electrodischarge machining is a special process in which material is removed, deformed, changed or coated in a controlled manner by discharge between the workpiece and the tool electrode. A liquid dielectric is usually filled between the workpiece and the tool electrode. 4.4 Electrochemical machining GB/T 14896.1—94 enelectrochemical machining (ECM) fr usinage Tu 3JIeKTpOxHMHyecHaH 06paGoTKage elektrochemische BearbeitungjaElectrochemical machining Special machining that removes workpiece material or plates metal material on it through electrochemical reaction. 4.5 Electrolytic machining en electrolytic machining fr usinage electrolytique 3JekpoxHMHHeckaHo6pa6oTKa elektrolytische Eearbeitungge jaElectrolytic machining Special machining that removes workpiece material by using the principle of anodic dissolution of metal in electrolyte. 4.6 Ultrasonic machining (USM) Ultrasonic machining is a machining method that uses ultrasonic vibration of a tool in an abrasive liquid medium or dry abrasive to produce abrasive impact, polishing, hydraulic impact and cavitation to remove material, as well as uses ultrasonic vibration to bond workpieces together. 4.7 High-energy beam machining High-energy beam machining is a general term for special machining methods that use laser beams, electron beams or ion beams with very high energy density to remove workpiece materials. 4.7.1 Laser machining Laser beam machining (LBM) is a general term for special machining methods that use laser beams with very high energy density to remove workpiece materials by melting, evaporating or vaporizing workpiece materials. 4.7.2 Electron beam machining Electron beam machining (EBM) is a high-energy beam machining process that uses high-energy high-speed electron flow to melt, evaporate and vaporize the workpiece material in a processing chamber with a certain vacuum degree to remove the workpiece material. 4.7.3 Ion beam machining en ion beam machining(IBM) GB/T 14896.1--94 fr usinage par d'ionsru HOHHO-JyyeBan 06pa6oTKa lonen-strahel Bearbeitung ja才-加 Ionizes inert gas, and accelerates, bunches and focuses positive ions to the processing part of the workpiece under a certain vacuum condition, and relies on mechanical impact to remove material high-energy beam machining. 4.8 Plasma arc machining en plasma arc machining fr use of arc plasmiqueru JIa3MeHHaH 06paboTka ge plasma arc machining special machining that uses a high-temperature, high-speed plasma arc and its flame flow to melt, evaporate and vaporize the workpiece material and blow it off the substrate, so that the workpiece material changes its properties or is coated on it. Magnetic impulse machining en magnetic impulse machiningfr use of impulsions magnetiquesru MarHHTHO-HMIyJIECHaH 06paboTKage magnetische ImpulsbearingjaMagnetic impulse machining special machining that uses the mechanical force between the magnetic field formed by a pulsed strong magnetic field and the eddy current induced in the conductive material to be processed to process the workpiece. Magnetic abrasive machining magnetic abrasive machining fr use with abrasives magnetiquesru MarHHTHO-a6pa3MBHaH 06paboTKa Bearing with magnetischem Schleifmittelge Magnetic abrasive machining Maintaining ferromagnetic powder or a mixture of iron powder and abrasive under the action of a magnetic field to produce pressure on the workpiece surface and remove material in relative motion. Jet machining en jet machining fr use with jet ru 06paOTKa cTpyHHHM TeeHHeMge Strahlbearing jamachining Special machining in which a high-pressure water flow, pure or mixed with fine abrasive, or fine abrasive mixed in a non-combustible gas, is sprayed onto the workpiece surface to remove material. 4.12 Combined machining combined machining combined machining combined machining GB/T14896.1-94 combined machining in which two or more different types of energy are combined to remove workpiece material. 48 Ultrasonic machining Ultrasonic machining machine Magnetic pulse forming machine Magnetic pulse punching machine Magnetic pulse machining Magnetic pulse machining machine Magnetic abrasive honing machine Magnetic abrasive machining Magnetic abrasive machining machine Magnetic abrasive grinding machine Magnetic abrasive polishing machine Magnetic abrasive deburring machine etc Plasma arc drilling machine Plasma arc processing· Plasma arc processing machine tool Plasma arc cutting machine Electrochemical processing· Electrochemical processing machine tool Electromachining·· Electromachining machine tool- Electrolytic processing Electrolytic processing machine tool Electrobeam processing, Electron beam processing machine tool· Electrodischarge machining· GB/T 14896.1-94 Appendix A Chinese Index (Reference) Electrical Discharge Machine Tools· Compound Machining Compound Machining Machine Tools High Energy Beam Machining High Energy Beam Machining Machine Tools Laser Perforator· Laser Engraving Machine Laser Scribing Machine Laser Machining· Laser Machining Machine Tools· Laser Cutting Machine· Ion Beam Machining Ion Beam Machining Machine Tools· Abrasive Jet Machining Machine Tools Jet Machining Jet Machining Machine Tools Water Jet Machining Machine Tools Special Machining Special Machining Machine Tools 3. 7. 1. 1 abrasive jet machine tools combined machining combined machining machine toolselectrochemical machine toolselectrochemical machining(ECM)electro-discharge machine toolselectro-discharge machining(EDM)electrolytic machine tools electrolytic machining electromachining electromachining machine toolselectron beam machine tools electron beam machining(EBM)high-energy beam machine toolshigh-energy beam machining. ion beam machine tools ion beam machining(IBM) jet machine tools jet machining laser beam machine tools laser beam machining(LBM) laser cutting machines laser engraving machines laser perforating machines GB/T 14896.1—94 Appendix B English Index (Reference) National Center for Machining ....... 4. 5 laser scribing machines magnetic abrasive buffing machinesmagnetic abrasive deburring machinesmagnetic abrasive grinding machinesmagnetic abrasive honing machinesGB/T 14896.1-—94 magnetic abrasive machine toolsp+0-+++00+*. magnetic abrasive machining magnetic impulse forming machines.magnetic impulse machine toolsmagnetic impuise machining magnetic impulse perforating machinesmagnetic impulse punching machinesnon-traditional machine toolsnon-traditional machining(NTM)plasma arc cutting machines plasma arc tmachine tools plasma arc machining plasma arc perforating machinesultrasonic machine tools ultrasonic machining(USM) water jet machine tools Additional notes: ++0+0000p0+00p10-00! This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Suzhou Electric Machining Machine Tool Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard is drafted by the Electric Machining Branch of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering. .... 3. 1 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.