JJF 1001-1998 General metrological terms and definitions JJF1001-1998 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This specification is used for the formulation and revision of metrological technical regulations, and can also be used as a reference in other aspects of metrological work and related scientific and technological fields.
Some standard content:
MV RR CNG 0278 JJF1001 GeneralTermsinMetrologyandTheirDefinitions9 JJF1001 [1] International Vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology[2] Vocabulary of legal metrology3rdcommitteedraft [3]Guideto theexpression ofuncertrainty inmeasurement[4]ISO/IECGuide25 [measurable]quantity GB3100 system of quantities basequantity derivedquantity dimension of a quantity L'M\TIs\N' RLMT312 quantityofdimensionone dimensionless quantity unit [of measurement] symbol of a unit [of measurement]system ofunits [of measurement]N coherent[derived]unitofmeasurement1kg+m+s2 coherentsystem ofunits [ofmeasurement]m+ s kg+ m+ s 2 kg+m+ s2 kg+ m+ s InternationalSystemofUnits(SI)(CGPM) base unit [of measurement] derivedunit[ofmeasurement] off-system unit[of measurement]1.60218~1019) multiple of a unit [of measurement]) submultiple of a unit [of measurement]1 value of a quantity true value [of a quantity] conventional true value [of a quantity](CODATA)1986 numericalvalue[ofaquantity] conventional referencescale reference valuescale 6.0221367~1023mol measurement metrology metrology principle ofmeasurement method of measurement measurement procedure measurand influencequantity measurement signal transformed value ofa measurand]resultofameasurement indication[ofameasuringinstrument]uncorrected result corrected result accuracyofmeasurement repeatability[ofresultsofmeasurements]1 reproducibility[of results ofmeasurements]1. experimental standard deviation【 uncertainty of measurement standard uncertainty type A evaluation of uncertaintyA type B evaluation of uncertaintyB combined standard uncertainty5.13 expanded uncertainty coverage factor error [of measurement] deviation relative error randomerror systematic error correction correctionfactor measuring instrument material measure measuringtransducer measuring chain measuring system measuringequipment displaying [measuring] instrument6.7 indicating [measuring] instrument一 recording [measuring] instrument1 totalizing [measuring] instrumentintegrating [measuring] instrumentanalogue measuring instrumentanalogue indicating instrumentdigital measuring instrumentdigital indicating instrumentdisplayingdevice indicating device recordingdevicewwW.bzxz.Net sensor detector scal e [of a neasuring instrunent]scal elength rangeofindication scaledivision scal e spaci ng scale interval linear scale linear scale suppressed zero scale expanded scale scalenumbering adjustment [of a measuring instrument]user adjustment [of a measuring instrument]nominal range nominal value measuring range workingrange ratedoperatingconditions limitingconditions referenceconditions Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.