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Guidance for compiling the catalog of public credit information resources

Basic Information

Standard: GB/T 39440-2020

tandard name:Guidance for compiling the catalog of public credit information resources

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

release date:2020-11-19

Implementation date:2020-11-19

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Services>>03.080.99 Other services

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A20 Comprehensive Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2020-11-01

other information

drafter:Wang Yuming, Jiang Kaiyuan, Feng Caihong, Wang Xiao, Zhou Li, Jiang Zhou, Yao Zhiyi, Cui Yuan, Ma Zhanfei, Xie Bo, Chen Xianming, Li Dongchu, Wang Dong, Zhao Yan, Li Xianghua, Meng Cuizhu, Jia Chenmin, Li Zhenliang

Drafting unit:National Public Credit Information Center, China National Institute of Standardization, Guangdong Investment and Credit Service Center, Guangdong National Institute of Standardization, Xiamen National Institute of Standardization

Focal point unit:National Social Credit Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 470)

Proposing unit:National Social Credit Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 470)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39440-2020.Guidance for compiling the catalog of public credit information resources. ||
tt||1 Scope
GB/T 39440 provides the public credit information resource code, the catalog of public credit information resources and the content of the catalog of public credit information resources.
GB/T 39440 is applicable to the compilation of the catalog of public credit information resources of government departments at all levels. The compilation of the catalog of public credit information resources of non-government departments can refer to it.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all references with dates, only the versions with dates apply to this document. For all references without dates, the latest versions (including all amendments) apply to this document.
GB/T 13000 Information technology Universal multi-octet coded character set (UCS)
GB 18030 Information technology Chinese coded character set
GB/T 22117-2018 Basic credit terms
GB 32100-2015 Coding rules for unified social credit codes for legal persons and other organizations
GB/T 39441-2020 Classification and coding specifications for public credit information
GB/ T39442-2020 Identification rules for public credit information resources
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 22117-2018 apply to this document.
4 Public Credit Information Resource Code
4.1 Public Credit Information Resource Code
Public Credit Information Resource Code, see GB/T 39442-2020, Public Credit Information Code consists of basic code and additional code.
4.2 Public Credit Information Resource Provider Code
Public Credit Information Resource Provider Code, adopts the unified social credit code of legal persons and other organizations stipulated in GB 32100-2015.
5 Public Credit Information Resource Directory
5.1 Public Credit Information Resource Directory Structure
The Public Credit Information Resource Directory Structure consists of the National Public Credit Information Resource Directory and the Local Public Credit Information Resource Directory, as shown in Figure 1. The National Public Credit Information Resource Directory is a directory of public credit information resources with common characteristics submitted by national departments and lower-level localities; the local public credit information resource directory is compiled hierarchically according to administrative levels, and collects and integrates the common public credit information resource directories submitted by government departments at the same level and lower-level localities.
This standard provides the public credit information resource code, public credit information resource directory and the content of the public credit information resource directory compilation. This standard applies to the compilation of public credit information resource directories of government departments at all levels. The compilation of public credit information resource directories of non-government departments can refer to it.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Guidance for compiling the catalog of public credit information resources Issued on 2020-11-19
State Administration for Market Regulation
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 2020-11-19
Normative references
Terms and definitionsbzxz.net
Code of public credit information resources
4.1 Code of public credit information resources
4.2 Code of providers of public credit information resources 5 Catalog of public credit information resources
Catalog structure of public credit information resources
Catalog of public credit information resources Directory template
6 Compilation of public credit information resource directory
6.1 Division of responsibilities for the compilation of public credit information resource directory6.2 Procedure for the compilation of public credit information resource directoryAppendix A (Informative Appendix)
Appendix B (Informative Appendix)
Directory of public credit information resource items
Questionnaire survey
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Social Credit Standardization (SAC/TC470). GB/T39440—2020
The drafting units of this standard are: National Public Credit Information Center, China National Institute of Standardization, Guangdong Investment and Credit Service Center, Guangdong Provincial Institute of Standardization, Xiamen Institute of Standardization. The main drafters of this standard are: Wang Yuming, Jiang Kaiyuan, Feng Caihong, Wang Xiao, Zhou Li, Jiang Zhou, Yao Zhiyi, Cui Yuan, Ma Zhanfei, Xie Bo, Chen Xianming, Li Dongchu, Dong, Zhao Yan, Li Xianghua, Meng Cuizhu, Jia Chenmin, Li Zhenliang. 1 Scope
Guidelines for the compilation of public credit information resource catalogs GB/T39440—2020
This standard provides the public credit information resource code, public credit information resource catalog and the compilation content of the public credit information resource catalog.
This standard is applicable to the compilation of the public credit information resource catalog of government departments at all levels. The compilation of the public credit information resource catalog of non-government departments can refer to it.
Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any referenced document with a date, only the version with the date is applicable to this document. For any referenced document without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document. GB/T13000 Information technology Universal multi-octet coded character set (UCS) GB18030 Information technology Chinese coded character set
GB/T22117—2018 Basic terms of credit
GB32100-2015 Coding rules for unified social credit codes for legal persons and other organizations GB/T39441—2020
Public credit information classification and coding specifications
Terms and definitions
Public credit information resource identification rules
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T22117-2018 apply to this document 4 Public credit information resource code
Public credit information resource code
Public credit information resource code, see GB/T39442-2020, public credit information coding consists of basic coding and additional coding.
Public Credit Information Resource Provider Code
The Public Credit Information Resource Provider Code adopts the unified social credit code of legal persons and other organizations specified in GB32100-2015. Public Credit Information Resource Directory
Public Credit Information Resource Directory Structure
The Public Credit Information Resource Directory Structure consists of the national public credit information resource directory and the local public credit information resource directory, as shown in Figure 1. The national public credit information resource directory is a directory of public credit information resources with common characteristics submitted by national departments and lower-level localities; the local public credit information resource directory is compiled hierarchically according to administrative levels, and collects and integrates the directories of public credit information resources with common characteristics submitted by government departments at the same level and lower-level localities. 1
National Departments
Public Credit Information Resource Catalog
Local Departments
Public Credit Information Resource Catalog
National Public Credit Information Resource Catalog
National Departments
Public Credit Information Resource Catalog
Local Public Credit Information Resource Catalog
Local Departments
Public Credit Information Resource Catalog
Figure 1
Public Credit Information Resource Catalog Template
Local Departments
Public Credit Information Resource Catalog
Public Credit Information Resource Catalog Structure
The basic template of the public credit information resource catalog is shown in Table 1, and the example is shown in Appendix A. The instructions for filling in the template of the public credit information resource catalog are shown in Table 2. Table 1
Name of Public Credit Information Resources
Classification of Public Credit Information Resources
Provider of Public Credit Information Resources
Summary of Public Credit Information Resources
Format of Public Credit Information Resources
Sharing Type
Sharing Attributes
Coverage Scope
Update Cycle
Open Attributes
Sharing Conditions
Sharing Method
Whether Open to the Society
Open Conditions
Directory Release Date
Public Subject type of credit information resources
Basic template of the catalog of public credit information resources Public credit information resource code
Code of the provider of public credit information resources
National departments
Catalogue of public credit information resources
Local departments
Catalogue of public credit information resources
Nature type of public credit information resources
Related classification and category name
Name of information item
Information item 1
Information item 2
Data type
Table 1 (continued)
Data length
Table 2 Instructions for filling in the template of the catalog of public credit information resources Instructions
Name of public credit information resources
Classification of public credit information resources
Code of public credit information resources
Provider of public credit information resources
Code of provider of public credit information resources
Summary of public credit information resources
Format of public credit information resources
Coverage range
Update cycle
Sharing type
Sharing conditions|| tt||Sharing attributes
Sharing methods
Open to the public
Open attributes
Open conditions
Disclosure type
Abbreviation description of the title of the specific content in the data list of the corresponding public credit information resource directory Subject Information resource category-credit field-item-detail, where the item and detail shall be filled in according to the provisions of Chapter 7 of GB/T39441-2020
The unique and unchanging identification code of the public credit information resource shall be filled in according to 5.1. Unified coding
The unified social credit code of the department (including administrative institutions affiliated to government departments), legal person or other organization that provides public credit information resources. A summary description of the resource content (or key fields) Description of the existence of public credit information resources (multiple selections are allowed). SZAG
Sub-format information resources can be used, but not limited to: electronic file storage formats are OFD, WPS, XML, txt, doc, docx, html, pdf, ppt, etc.; electronic spreadsheet storage formats are et, xls, xlsx, etc.; database storage formats are Dm, KingbaseES, access, dbf, dbase, sysbase, oracle, sqserver, db2, etc.; graphics and image storage formats are jpg, gif, bmp, etc.; streaming media storage formats are swf, rm, mpg, etc.
Public credit information resource collection and use. For example: nationwide, national departments, the whole province, provincial direct, all prefecture-level cities, prefecture-level cities, etc.
Frequency of updating of public credit information resources. Such as: real-time, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, annually, etc.
The sharing types of public credit information resources are divided into three categories: unconditional sharing, conditional sharing, and non-sharing. Conditional sharing needs to indicate the sharing conditions and sharing scope; non-sharing needs to indicate the method of obtaining information resources based on relevant laws, administrative regulations, departmental regulations or policies of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. Sharing is achieved through a sharing platform based on the information resource catalog; if conditions are limited, other methods may be adopted, such as email, disk copying, media exchange (paper reports, electronic documents, etc.), etc. Indicate whether the public credit information resource can be open to the public, fill in "yes" or "no", and the corresponding values ??are "1" and "0" respectively
When the value of "whether open to the public" is "1\, describe the constraints on the open use of data3
Release date
Related classification and category name
Subject type of public credit information resource
Nature type of public credit information resource
Information item name
Information item information
Data type| |tt||Data length
6 Compilation of Public Credit Information Resource Catalog
Table 2 (continued)
The date on which the public credit information resource provider publishes the credit information resource, in the format of: YYYY-MM-DD. If the public credit information resource belongs to the same classification as other government information resources, the specific classification and category name must be indicated.
For the subject type of public credit information resources, please refer to the provisions of 7.1 in GB/T39441-2020 to fill in the nature type of public credit information resources, which are divided into three categories: positive, neutral, and negative. For sub-tables, databases, and titles of each data item (field) in resources with structured data content, it is recommended to use Chinese
The corresponding "information item name" describes the data type one by one. Belongs to the text For this type of information, the character set and encoding method used must be indicated. The character set specified in GB/T13000 and GB18030 and the UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding method must be used; for structured data, the data type and the number of digits must be indicated, including: character type C, numeric type N, currency type Y, date type D, date and time type T, logical type L, remark type M, general type G, double precision type B, integer type I, floating type F. The character length of the corresponding information item
Division of responsibilities for the compilation of the public credit information resource directory The national public credit information resource directory is organized and compiled by the national public credit system construction department. The daily maintenance of the national public credit information resource directory is the responsibility of the national credit information sharing platform construction and operation management unit; the national department public credit information resource directory is responsible for the compilation of the national public credit information resource directory. The national departments are responsible for compilation and maintenance; the local public credit information resource catalog is organized, compiled and maintained by the local public credit system construction departments at all levels; the local department public credit information resource catalog is responsible for compilation and maintenance.
2 Public Credit Information Resource Catalog Compilation Procedure 6.2
6.2.1 Preliminary Preparation
Each government department shall clarify the leading body and implementation body for the compilation of the department's public credit information resource catalog, establish a working mechanism, assign staff, formulate a catalog compilation work plan and implementation plan, clarify the scope and content of the catalog compilation, and clarify the division of tasks and work requirements in the aspects of public credit information resource investigation, compilation and submission of catalogs and data lists, and catalog maintenance. 6.2.2 Resource Investigation
The content of the department (including national and local departments) public credit information resource investigation focuses on the department's business situation and information support situation. The business situation refers to the information resources involving credit-related business in the government affairs powers that have been determined by the government departments, including the information resources listed in Chapter 7 of GB/T39441-2020. Information support refers to the data and application system and database construction involved in the credit-related business carried out by government departments, including the existing data volume, data storage media, and the number of application systems and databases that have been built or not built.
There are three ways to investigate resources:
a) Start with business sorting, and find out the public credit information resources required and generated through business. This method usually uses the business basic information survey form and resource survey form;
b) Start with the built application systems and databases related to the core business and data of the department, and sort out the data in the system and database. This method usually only needs to fill in the resource survey form; Combining the above two methods, that is, simultaneously sorting out business and sorting out the data of the built application systems and databases, and using the business basic information survey form and resource survey form.
In addition to the department and its affiliated institutions (units), the units involved in the department's public information resource survey can be gradually expanded to social organizations and subordinate units that undertake the transfer of functions from the department. See Appendix B for the business basic information survey form and resource survey form. 6.2.3 Compilation and submission of catalogs and data lists Compilation of catalogs and data lists
On the basis of the previous resource survey, the catalogs and data lists of public credit information resources shall be compiled in accordance with the catalog template of public credit information resources (see 5.2). Submission of catalogs and data lists
After reviewing and examining the catalogs and data lists of public credit information resources, each government department shall submit them to the competent department for the construction of the social credit system at the same level in a timely manner; the competent departments at all levels shall be responsible for submitting the catalogs and data lists of public credit information resources at their level to the competent departments at the higher level. The submitted public credit information resource catalogs and data lists files shall be files in a unified format exported by the compilation tool, or they may be spreadsheet files such as et, xls, or xlsx.
6.2.4 Summarization and management of catalogs and data lists Review and summary of catalogs and data lists The competent departments for the construction of the social credit system at all levels shall be responsible for the review and summary of the catalogs and data lists of public credit information resources. In addition to summarizing the public credit information resources of government departments at the same level, local and national public credit information resource catalogs and data lists should integrate and summarize the information resources that are common in the lower-level local public credit information resource catalogs and data lists that are not mastered by government departments at the same level. During the review and summary process of the public credit information resource catalogs and data lists, if it is found that they do not meet the requirements, they will be returned for rectification; if duplicate data content is found, the competent departments for the construction of the social credit system at all levels will be responsible for negotiating and clarifying the first collection department of the data content, and update the relevant information to the local and national public credit information resource catalogs and data lists. Management and maintenance of catalogs and data lists The national social credit system construction department is responsible for the allocation, management and use of the national public credit information resource catalog code; the national credit information sharing platform is responsible for building and improving the national data sharing and exchange platform catalog management system, organizing the sharing platform to connect with the front-end machines of various government departments; and undertakes the daily management work of the registration, release, query, maintenance and update of the national public credit information resource catalog. The local social credit system construction departments at all levels are responsible for the allocation, management and use of the public credit information resource catalog code at this level; the local credit information sharing platforms at all levels are responsible for building and improving the data sharing and exchange platform catalog management system at this level, organizing the sharing platform to connect with the front-end machines of various government departments at this level; and undertake the daily management work of the registration, release, query, maintenance and update of the content of the public credit information resource catalog at this level.
6.2.5 Updates to catalogs and data lists
In principle, each government department shall update, maintain and integrate the catalogs and data lists of public credit information resources published by its unit every six months, adjust the level of detail of the catalogs and data lists according to the requirements of the competent department for the construction of the social credit system, and promptly update the contents of the catalogs and data lists of important public credit information resources. 6.2.6 Organization and implementation
The competent department for the construction of the national social credit system is responsible for organizing the construction and operation of a unified national public credit information resource catalog system, developing a unified national catalog system, developing tools for compiling catalogs of public credit information resources, and specifically organizing the compilation, submission, review and system operation of the catalog of public credit information resources. 6
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