title>Electronic commerce data transaction—Part 2:Data description specification - GB/T 40094.2-2021 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Electronic commerce data transaction—Part 2:Data description specification

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 40094.2-2021

Standard Name:Electronic commerce data transaction—Part 2:Data description specification

Chinese Name: 电子商务数据交易第2部分:数据描述规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2021-05-21

Date of Implementation:2021-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment>>Information technology applications>>35.240.01 Information technology applications comprehensive

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Commerce, Trade, Contract

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2021-05-01

other information

drafter:Ma Jianhong, Li Yuanli, Zhao Gang, Liu Ying, Jin Zhenhua, Cui Haijun, Zhang Jiuhong, Lin Ying, Chen Ziyao, Li Wuxian, Zhang Wenfu, Li Pengchao, Yu Zhuyan, Chen Linlin, Hu Yi, Zhang Ke, Zhou Qinghong, Zhu Peiwu, Zhao Suhua, etc.

Drafting unit:Beijing Anhong Ruiye Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Zhongbiao Brand Research Institute, Hefei Hongru Information Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhongpu Zhixin Standardization Consulting Firm, Xiamen Xinjingyi System Integration Co., Ltd., Dongguan We

Focal point unit:National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 83)

Proposing unit:National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 83)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 40094.2-2021.Electronic commerce data transaction-Part 2: Data description specification.
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 40094 specifies the description attributes, description methods, information models, summary descriptions, information extension methods and verification methods of transaction
data in e-commerce data transactions. GB/T 40094.2 is applicable to the information collection, publication, exchange, storage and management of transaction data in e-commerce data transactions.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 2260 Administrative division code of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 2659 Codes for names of countries and regions in the world
GB/T 4754 National economic industry classification
GB/T 4880.1 Language name code Part 1: 2-letter code
GB/T 4881 Chinese language code
GB/T 7408 Data elements and exchange formats Information exchange date and time representation
GB 11643 Citizen identity number
GB/T 17295 Code for units of measurement in international trade
GB 32100 Coding rules for unified social credit code of legal persons and other organizations
GB/T 40094.1-2021 Electronic commerce data transactions Part 1: Guidelines
ISO/IEC 19501; 2005 Information technology-Open Distributed Processing-Unified Modeling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2
[ Information technology-Open Distributed Processing-Unified Modeling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2]
This part specifies the description attributes, description methods, information models, summary descriptions, information extension methods and verification methods of transaction data in e-commerce data transactions. This part is applicable to the information collection, publication, exchange, storage and management of transaction data in e-commerce data transactions.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Electronic commerce data transaction
Part 2: Data description specification
Electronic commerce data transactionPart 2:Data description specification2021-05-21 release
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
2021-12-01 implementation
Normative references
Terms, definitions and abbreviations
Description attributes
Description method
Information model
Summary description
Information expansion
Verification method
Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
Description example of transaction data
GB/T 40094.2—2021
(G13/T40094 "E-commerce Data Transaction" is divided into the following parts: Part 1: Guidelines:
Part 2: Data Capture Specifications
-Part 3: Data Interface Specifications:
-Part 4 Privacy Protection Specifications.
This part is Part 2 of (13/140094. This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. GB/T40094.2—2021
Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. This article The issuing agency of the document does not bear the responsibility for identifying these patents. This part is proposed and managed by the National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC83). Drafting units of this part: Beijing Anhong Rongye Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Zhongbiao Brand Research Institute, Hefei Hongxu Information Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhongpu Muxin Standardization Consulting Office, Xiamen Xinjingyi System Integration Co., Ltd., Dongguan Weiside Technology Development Co., Ltd., Fujian Dehua County Shuanglong Ceramics Co., Ltd., China Standardization Chemical Research Institute, Foshan Xiaonong Industrial and Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Wujie Standard Technology Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Valley Forestry Technology Promotion Guangdong General Station, Foshan Weishang Furniture Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Foshan Nanhai District Southeast Lighting Co., Ltd., Municipal University of Metrology Anhui Wofu Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd., Fujian Haixi Standardization Technical Service Office Co., Ltd., Chuzhou Nanwan Electric Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhongjin Shuijiaren Data Technology Co., Ltd. Drafters of this part: Ma Jianhong, Li Yuanli, Zhao Gang, Liu Ying, Jin Zhenhua, Cui Haijun, Zhang Jiuhong, Lin Ying, Chen Ziyao, Li Wuxian, Zhang Wenfu, Li Pengchao, Yu Zhuyan, Chen Linlin, Hu Yi, Zhang Ke, Zhou Qinghong, Mi Peiwu, Zhao Suhua, Lin Xinjie, Li Zhiwei, Hao Fengying rKaeerkca -
1 Scope
E-commerce data transactions
Part 2: Data description specification
This part of GB/T40094 specifies the description of transaction data in e-commerce data transactions, description methods, information models, summary descriptions, information extension methods and verification methods. This part applies to information collection, publication, exchange, storage and management of transaction data in e-commerce data transactions. Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. (G3/T2260 Administrative Division Code of the People's Republic of China GB/T 2659
GB/T 4754
Codes for Names of Countries and Regions in the World
National Economic Industry Classification
GB/T 4880.1
GB/T 4881
Language name code Part 1: 2 Ningmu code Chinese language code
Data element and exchange format Information exchange
Date and time representation
(1311613 Citizen identity number
GB/T17295 International trade unit code Legal person and other organizations Social credit code coding rules CB32100
GB/T40094.1-2021 Electronic business data transaction Part 1: Guidelines ISO/IEC19501:2005 Information technology Open Distributed Processing Unificd Modlcling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2 [Information technology Open Distributed Proccssing Unificd Modlcling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2]
IS024156-1:2014 Graphic notations for concept modelling in terminology work and its relationship with UML - Part 1: Guidelines for using UML notation in terminology work 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
GB/T 40094.1-2021 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document 3.1.1
E-commerce F-commerce
Business activities for trading products and services through information networks. LGB/T 35408—2017. Definition 2.1.11
GB/T 40094.2—2021
Any concrete or abstract thing that exists, has existed or may exist, including the relationship between things. Examples: a person, an object (object), an event, a concept process, etc. Note: The existence of an entity does not depend on whether there is data available about it. GB/T18391.1—2009. Definition
Characteristics of an object or entity.
[GB/T18391.1—2009. Definition 3.1.1] 3.1.4
Information elementinformationelement
Basic unit of information.
Note 1: Same as the attribute meaning in UMI. Note 2: Information element is unique in information entity. [GB/T32670—2016.Definition 3.4]
Information entity
Group of information elements that describe the same characteristics of data. Note 1: Synonymous with class in UML terminology.
Note 2: It can contain one or more information entities. [GB/T32670-2016.Definition 3.5]
The following abbreviations apply to this document.
APl: Application Programming Interface JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group PVG: Portable Network Graphics ML.: Unified Modeling Language 4 Description Attributes
Basic Attributes
This section uses six attributes to describe the information entity of transaction data and nine attributes to describe the information element of transaction data. The description attributes and requirements of information entities are shown in Table 1, and the description attributes and requirements of pheromones are shown in Table 2. In Tables 1 and 2: a) Description attributes: Describes the attributes of information elements and information entities; b)
Requirement: Describes whether the attribute of information elements and information entities is mandatory or optional. In both cases, "M" is the abbreviation of "Mandatory".Indicates a required attribute: \O\ is the abbreviation of "Optional\", indicating an optional attribute; Definition and description: Description of this attribute.
Description attribute
Chinese name
English name
Data type
Description attribute
Chinese name
English name
Data type and format
Synonyms|| tt||Unit of measurement
Data type and format
Data type
Information entity description attribute
Chinese name of information entity
Definition and description
English name of information entity. The English name is based on the English translation of the Niu Jue English Dictionary. Explanation of the meaning of the information entity
The data type of the information entity is "complex type". Indicates whether an information entity is required or optional, constraints/ For the expression of conditions, see 4.3. Further supplementary explanation of information entities
2. Description and attributes of information elements
Definition and explanation
Chinese name of information element
English name of information element. The English name is based on the English spelling of the Oxford English Dictionary. Explanation of the meaning of information element
Regulations on the valid value range of information element and the valid operations allowed for values ​​within the value range. For the expression of data types and formats, see 4.2
Indicate whether an information element is required or optional. The expression of constraints/conditions is shown in 4.3. Names that are different from the names of information elements but represent the same concept. The set of allowed values ​​of information elements
is used to represent the same quantity compared with it. For some quantities of the same quantity, even if they are not of the same type, their units can have the same name and derivative number. For different objects, the measurement units are different, and the specific information elements are specified in GB/17295. Further supplementary explanation of information elements
The numerical representation method of information elements is shown in Table 3. Table 3
Data type
Box type
Numeric type
Data type representation method
Information element data type representation method
Any character including letters, numbers or Chinese characters, etc.
Format is in accordance with the provisions of CB/T740S
Data type
Binary stream
4.2.2 Number Data format
Data type representation method
Table 3 (continued)
The data format of binary stream file format information elements such as audio, video, and pictures is expressed in the following form: a) Character type and numeric type are followed by an integer to indicate a fixed-length format: Example 1: C6 indicates a 6-bit fixed-length character, Example 2: N16 indicates a 16-bit value
b) Character type and numeric type are followed by \x..y\ to indicate a format from the minimum to the maximum length; Example 3: C1..19 indicates a character format with a minimum of 1 digit and a maximum of 10 digits. Example 4: N1.6 indicates a value with a minimum of 1 digit and a maximum of 5 digits. c) Character type is followed by \ul\ to indicate a format with an indefinite length: Example 5: C.,ul indicates a character with an indefinite length, which is generally a large amount of text content. d) Add \x·y\ after the numeric type (N) to indicate the decimal place: Example 6: N..17.2 is a value with a maximum of 17 digits and two decimal places. e) Add the specific media format after the binary stream (Binary). Example 7: BinaryJPEG indicates a file in \JPEG\ format. 3 Representation of constraints/conditions
indicates whether an information entity or information element is mandatory or optional. The representation method is as follows: 8) M: Mandatory, indicating that the information entity or information element is mandatory; b) C: Conditionally mandatory, indicating that the information entity or information element is mandatory under certain conditions, that is, it is mandatory when the conditions defined in the constraints/conditions are met. The specific conditions are explained in the remarks; c) (: Optional, indicating that the information entity or information element is optional according to the actual application. Note: "M" is the abbreviation of "Mandatory"; "C" is the abbreviation of "Conditinnal"; "O" is the abbreviation of "Optional" 5 Description method
This section uses UML diagram description and summary description to describe the information entities and information elements of transaction data, among which: a) UML diagram description
This section uses UML diagrams to establish the information model of data. The information model reflects the relationship between information entities and information elements. In the UML information model, the concept of class is used to represent information entities, and the concept of class attributes is used to represent information elements. The symbols and related contents used in this part shall comply with the relevant provisions of IS0/1FC19501:2005 and IS024156-1:2014. The UMI symbols and descriptions are shown in Figure 1.
Class represents information entity
Aggregation is used to create the part-whole relationship between two classes. Class 2 contains class 1
Figure 1 UML symbols and descriptions
The information model of transaction data description is shown in Chapter 6. b) Summary description,
The summary description fully describes the Chinese name, English name, description, data type and format constraints/conditions, synonyms, value range, unit of measurement and remarks of each information entity and information element in the form of summary. The summary description of information entities and information elements of transaction data description is shown in Chapter 7. 6 Information Model
Transaction data description information can be divided into: basic data information, institutional information, personnel information, contact information, account information and borrowing information:
Basic data information is information describing the basic situation of transaction data. Including but not limited to data name, data code, data label, billing method, data price, data scale, description language, validity period, data type, data storage format, data introduction, data source, data authenticity commitment, data purpose, data sample, industry, coverage area, delivery method, copyright description, data permission, publisher, release period, update frequency and update date, etc. b) Institutional information is information about relevant institutions participating in e-commerce data transaction activities, including but not limited to institution name, location and unified social credit code, etc. c) Personnel information is information about relevant personnel participating in e-commerce data transaction activities. Including but not limited to name, ID card type, ID card number, ID card issuing agency, ID card effective start date, ID card effective end date and ID card photo, etc.
l) Contact information refers to relevant information needed by an institution or person during the contact process, including but not limited to the contact name, mailing address, zip code, contact number, email address, instant messaging method and instant messaging account number, etc. Account information refers to relevant information of an institution or person's account opening account, including but not limited to the account name, account number and bank, etc.
1) Credit information refers to the credit information of an institution or person, including but not limited to credit rating and credit rating agency, etc. The information model of transaction data is described in TML diagram as shown in Figure 2, and the description example of transaction data is shown in Appendix A. Users can expand the information according to actual needs when the information in this section cannot meet the special needs of transaction data information description. The expansion method is shown in Chapter 8,
Basic data information
Data name
Data coding
Data label
Billing method
Data price
Data scale
Description language
Validity period
Data type
Data storage format
Data introduction
1. Data source
Data authenticity commitment
Data use
Data sample
Aigai region
Delivery method
Copyright statement
Data authority
Release date
Update frequency Rate
Update period
Summary description
Institution information
Institution name
Data information
Uniform social credit code
Account information
Account name
Account account
Account bank
Personnel information
Type of ID card
ID card number
ID card issuing agency
ID card valid start date
ID card valid end date
ID card photo
Figure 2 Information model
The summary description of information entities and information elements of transaction data shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. 6
Contact information
Contact name
Correspondence address
Postal code
Contact phone number
Instant messaging method
Instant messaging account
Credit information
Credit rating
Credit rating agency
Light/car film
oeou aise
Three-source mouthbzxz.net
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