title>JB/T 8830-2001 Calculation method for load-bearing capacity of high-speed involute cylindrical gears and similar gears - JB/T 8830-2001 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8830-2001 Calculation method for load-bearing capacity of high-speed involute cylindrical gears and similar gears

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8830-2001

Standard Name: Calculation method for load-bearing capacity of high-speed involute cylindrical gears and similar gears

Chinese Name: 高速渐开线圆柱齿轮和类似要求齿轮 承载能力计算方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2001-05-23

Date of Implementation:2001-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mechanical systems and general parts >> 21.200 Gears and gear transmissions

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Parts>>J17 Gears and Gear Drives

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 8830-1999

Procurement status:idt ISO 9084:1998

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Gear Standardization

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8830—2001 JB/T 8830-2001 Calculation method for load capacity of high-speed involute cylindrical gears and similar gears JB/T8830-2001 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 8830-2001
Calculation of load capacity for high speed gears and gears of similar requirements2001-05-23 Issued by China Machinery Industry Federation on October 1, 2001 and implemented by JE.T88302001 [5O Foreword J80 Introduction 2 Reference standards 3 Main codes 4 Load influence coefficient 5 Calculation of surface contact strength (point passing) 6 Calculation of gear bending strength Appendix A (Appendix to standard) Gear tooth stiffness and core strength Appendix A (Appendix to standard) Appendix C (Tyr's Appendix) Appendix D (Suggestive Appendix]
Multiple Reference Documents
This standard is equivalent to 1SO90B4:1998 "Calculation of load capacity of straight and inclined gears: - Application standard for high-speed gears and similar gears", and the revision of JB/18830-999 high-speed involute gear load capacity calculation method. This standard is equivalent to B Compared with 1999, the following aspects have been revised: 1. In the scope of chapter 1, the design of gears and the application fields are expanded; 2. According to 1S9084: [998, the calculation formula of dynamic section coefficient K is modified; 7. In the calculation formula of contact stress, the combined coefficient 2Z of small and large gear teeth is added; 4. The calculation formula of allowable connection and allowable tooth root is increased and increased respectively; 5. In the two sections of material contact and bending fatigue limit, the four value lines of MX, ME, MQ and ML are used instead of JB/TBB30-19. 9g's Hall According to the drama:
6. In Appendix A (Appendix of the standard), a more detailed calculation method for gear tooth stiffness e: and c is given. In Appendix B (Standard Appendix), the dynamic load coefficient of the test gear with unconventional design (planetary gear transmission, split transmission) and the calculation formula of the tooth load coefficient of some products are given. In Appendix C (Informative Appendix), the use coefficient, the promotion value of the inverse coefficient, and the formula are also adjusted according to IS09084:1998: 4. The standard replaces JB/T8830-1999 from the date of implementation. Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are standard appendices; Appendix C and Appendix D are informative appendices. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Gear Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is initiated by Zhengzhou Machinery Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Yuanguo, Zhang Ju'an, Hui Donghai, Chang Xingyuan, Wang Fu, Yan Guang. This standard was first issued in September 1990 as TF17006-90, and the standard number was changed to JB8830.1999 in April 1999. This is the second revision.
ISO Foreword
ISO6336 Parts 1, 3, and 3 give the calculation method for the load capacity (contact strength and bending strength) of spur gears and helical gears. In the above standards, the assumptions related to the calculation method are also quoted in this standard. The influence coefficients in this international standard are derived from 1306336-1, and this standard uses the fatigue limit values ​​in IS06336-5. This International Standard consists of four annexes:
Annex A is a normative annex and contains information and formulas for the number of tooth stiffness bars required for the calculation of the lateral bending strength of gear teeth.
Annex B is a normative annex and contains information and formulas for the determination of the load factor and the tooth load distribution factor required for the strength calculation of gear teeth of non-conventional designs.
Annex C is a general annex and gives recommended values ​​of the recovery factor.
Annex D contains a list of other international standards not mentioned in this standard and which may not be useful to the reader. This International Standard is based on FC60/ISO 2. Chapter
ISO Introduction
This International Standard is derived from ISO 6336 Parts 1, 2 and 3 and has been simplified in some respects. The assumptions made in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of ISO 6336 are applicable to the calculation methods of this International Standard. The material strengths and qualities given in ISO 6336-5 are valid for this standard. If more detailed calculations are required or if the restrictions of 1.2 and 1.3 cannot be met for various reasons, the relevant coefficients may be calculated on the basis of the basic standard or some other performance standard. Coefficients obtained from reliable experience or test data may replace the corresponding coefficients calculated in accordance with this standard. In this regard, the standard of ISO 6336-1A method 1.9 may be used. All differences must be recorded in the calculation statement. If the strength, safety factors, etc. are calculated in accordance with 150904, the other aspects of the strength calculation must be strictly carried out in accordance with this standard. The information exchanged between the manufacturer and the user should include material properties, lubrication, safety factors and external forces caused by internal and external forces (service factors).
In all calculations, the units listed in Chapter 3 must be used. The information given in Annexes A and C of ISO 63361 will facilitate the use of technical standards. wwW.bzxz.Net
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Calculation method for load capacity for high speadgears ind gears of similar reyuiremenis1.1 range
Tdt IS09084:1998
This standard specifies the calculation method of the tooth contact strength (tip) and wheel curvature of high-speed involute spur gears suitable for transmitting the total torque through a single gear pair.
The calculation of the gluing load capacity of involute spur gear teeth is not included in this standard. The gluing load capacity of gears is calculated in accordance with GB 6413.
1.2 Application
This standard applies to:
ar tooth type
integral, perfect meshing involute spur, helical and double group gears; for double helical gears, the total shear force is limited to The grooves are densely distributed on the saber teeth on both sides. If this is not the case, the tree has an external non-directional effect! When the new teeth on both sides must be arranged according to two parallel single helical gears, they are not considered: -Multi-branch transmission and other gear systems. b) Speed ​​range
Pulley speed net 300min (synchronous speed of the two-pole motor at 50H current. It is also suitable for low-precision gears with special requirements.
When the loop line speed is 1m, the gear load capacity is limited by the loss.) Gear precision
GBT10095 is now complete with 5 or higher precision grades (Bin Ky, K, K, Ked? Equivalent spur gear brush end and overlap range 1.2
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