title>Technical requirements of tubular goods manufacturing consulting service for oil and gas pipeline project - GB/T 31185-2014 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Technical requirements of tubular goods manufacturing consulting service for oil and gas pipeline project

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 31185-2014

Standard Name:Technical requirements of tubular goods manufacturing consulting service for oil and gas pipeline project

Chinese Name: 石油天然气管道工程用管材制造监理技术要求

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2014-09-03

Date of Implementation:2014-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Services>>03.080.99 Other services

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A20 Comprehensive Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2014-10-01

other information

drafter:Yang Zhuanzhao, Ma Qiurong, Li Jike, Wang Gaofeng, Li Yunlong, Wang Changan, Li Weiwei, Gao Jianzhong, Wu Jinhui, Yang Hongbing, Huang Lei

Drafting unit:China National Petroleum Corporation Oil Pipe Engineering Technology Research Institute, Beijing Longshengtai Oil Pipe Technology Co., Ltd.

Focal point unit:National Equipment Supervision Engineering Consulting Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC423)

Proposing unit:National Equipment Supervision Engineering Consulting Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC423)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 31185-2014 Technical requirements for supervision of pipe manufacturing for petroleum and
natural gas pipeline projects GB/T31185-2014 Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net This standard specifies the basic technical requirements for equipment supervision related to the manufacturing quality of pipes for petroleum and natural gas pipeline projects. This standard is applicable to the supervision of the manufacture of steel pipes, elbows, pipe fittings and polyethylene anti-corrosion for steel pipes for petroleum and natural gas pipeline projects.
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed and managed by the National Equipment Supervision Engineering Consulting Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC423).
The drafting units of this standard: Petroleum Pipe Engineering Technology Research Institute of China National Petroleum Corporation and Beijing Longshengtai Petroleum Pipe Technology Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard are: Yang Zhuanzhao, Ma Qiurong, Li Jike, Wang Gaofeng, Li Yunlong, Wang Changan, Li Weiwei, Gao Jianzhong, Wu Jinhui, Yang Hongbing, Huang Lei.
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated referenced documents, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T26429—2010 Equipment Engineering Supervision Specification

Some standard content:

ICS 03.080.99
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical requirements of tubular goods manufacturing consultingservice for oil and gas pipeline project2014-09-03Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009GB/T 31185—2014
This standard was proposed and managed by the National Equipment Supervision Engineering Consulting Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC423). Drafting units of this standard: China National Petroleum Corporation Oil Pipe Engineering Technology Research Institute, Beijing Jiangshengtai Technology Oil Pipe Technology Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Yang Zhuanzhao, Ma Qiurong, Li Jike, Xia Gaofeng, Li Yunlong, Shi Changan, Li Weiwei, Gao Jianzhong, Wu Jinhui, Yang Hongpang, Huang Lei.
1 Scope
Technical requirements for supervision of pipe manufacturing for petroleum and natural gas pipeline projects
GB/T 31185-2914
This standard specifies the basic technical requirements for equipment supervision related to the manufacturing quality of pipes for petroleum and natural gas pipeline projects. This standard is applicable to the supervision of the manufacture of steel pipes, elbows, pipe fittings and polyethylene anti-corrosion for steel pipes for petroleum and natural gas pipeline projects. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with a date, the version with the date is applicable to this document. For all referenced documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document. GB/T26429-2010 Equipment. Engineering Supervision Specification 3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in CB/1'26129-201C and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
manufacturing eonsulting service Manufacturing supervision
The equipment supervision unit accepts the entrustment of the client and provides professional supervision and management services for the equipment manufacturing process in accordance with the contract. 3.2
The equipment supervision personnel observes, examines, records, confirms and other witnesses to documents, records, entities, processes and other physical objects and activities. [GB/T26423--201G. Definition 3.13
document witness point recordpoint
The supervision control point set in advance by the equipment supervision engineer to witness the relevant documents, records or reports of the equipment project. [(3/T26429—2010, definition 3.14
On-site witness point
A pre-set supervision control point for the equipment supervision engineer to witness the process, procedure, node or result of the equipment project on site. [GB/ T 26429—2010, definition 3,15]3.5
Hold puint
A pre-set supervision control point for the equipment supervision engineer to witness and sign before proceeding to the next process, sequence or node. [GB/ T 26429—2010, definition 3.16]
GB/T 31185—2014
Ordinary inspectionOrdinary inspectionThe regular or irregular on-site supervision activities of the equipment supervision personnel on the equipment project. [GB/ T 261292010 Definition 3.17]
4 General
4.1 The processes required for the supervision of the manufacture of pipes for the oil and gas pipeline project 1 should be identified and controlled: the supervision control points and supervision methods should be determined, including the formulation of a daily inspection plan and the determination of the frequency of spot checks. After the client confirms, the supervised unit should be informed before the supervision is implemented. The supervision control points and supervision methods should comply with the requirements of Appendix A. Note 1: The identification and control of the processes required for the supervision of the manufacture of pipes for the oil and gas pipeline project 1 generally include but are not limited to 5.1~5. 13. Note 2: The witness points in this bid refer to the minimum requirements for witnessing each step in the process of pipe manufacturing supervision. Note 3: The specific supervision service content related to the manufacturing quality of pipes used in oil and gas pipeline projects shall be determined in the supervision contract. 4.2 Supervision records shall be kept, and the client shall be informed of the supervision work such as witnessing in a timely manner, and the supervision report shall be submitted as agreed. 4.3 If any non-conformity is found, the supervised unit shall be required to deal with it in a timely manner and take corrective measures, and verify the handling results and corrective measures; if the supervised unit refuses to make corrections or In case of delay, it should be reported to the client in a timely manner. 4.4 The first batch, first piece or process verification test process should be inspected and witnessed, including the operating status of measuring tools, inspection instruments, and test equipment, the operation process of inspection and test personnel, and random inspection of product quality. After confirming that the production process and product quality meet the requirements, enter the final production stage
Note: The first batch, first piece or process verification or inspection is the point of stopping witnessing. 5 Supervision and control processes related to manufacturing quality 5.1 Pre-production inspection
5.1.1 The production conditions of the supervised unit should be inspected. Conduct an audit. 5.1.2 Check the operation of the quality system, including checking the procedures of raw material management, production control, inspection and measurement, non-conforming product control, product traceability, product release, and the physical quality of the products. 5.1.3 Check the certification of personnel in special positions, such as coal mining, non-destructive testing personnel, physical and chemical performance testing personnel, etc. 5.1.4 Check the metrological verification and operation of inspection tools, instruments and equipment. 5.1.5 Review the documents such as manufacturing process specifications (MPS), inspection and test plans (ITP) and handling, storage and delivery procedures. 5.2
Raw material inspection
5.2.1 For seamless steel pipes, welded pipes, steel plates, and mother pipes and steel plates for bends and pipe fittings, the inspection contents include: a) Review of quality certification documents:
h) On-site inspection of labeling, packaging and storage conditions Spot check of size and appearance Current quality:
On-site witnessing of the re-inspection process:
Review of the re-inspection report.
5.2.2 Inspection contents of welding materials (including welding wire, flux, welding rod, etc.) include: review of quality certification documents;
on-site witnessing of labeling, packaging and storage; b)
) review of re-inspection report
5.2.3 Inspection contents of raw materials for polyethylene anti-corrosion layer shall include: 2
review of quality certification documents and instruction manuals of epoxy powder, adhesive and polyethylene; on-site witnessing of labeling, packaging and storage; b)
on-site witnessing of re-inspection process of epoxy powder, adhesive and polyethylene; d) review of re-inspection report:
5.3 Material or type
5.3.1 Seamless steel pipe rolling
The following items shall be inspected:
GB/T 31185—2014
On-site spot check of the furnace temperature, descaling, piercing temperature, starting rolling temperature, final rolling temperature and cooling conditions of the steel pipe: a)
b) Spot check of the geometric dimensions and appearance quality of the rolled steel pipe, and spot check of the thickness and thickness uniformity of the sleeve steel pipe. 5.3.2 Welded steel pipe forming
The following items should be inspected
Spot check the thickness, width, flatness, plate edge straightness, glass mouth angle and appearance quality of the coil/steel plate used for welded pipes: a
On-site inspection of the forming process;
Spot check the circumference or diameter of the steel pipe after ring forming
5.3.3 Hot bending
The following items should be inspected
) Spot check the geometric dimensions and appearance quality of the mother pipe for bending; the bending radius, heating temperature, heating width, pushing speed, cooling method, etc. during on-site hot explosion bending; b)
Check the temperature, geometric dimensions and appearance of the hot-formed pipes. 5.3.4 Hot forming of pipe fittings. The following items should be checked. 1) Spot check the heating times, heating temperature, insulation time, cooling method, etc. of the hot-formed pipe fittings during forming. 2) Spot check the geometric dimensions and appearance quality of the hot-formed pipe fittings. 3) Spot check the geometric dimensions and appearance quality of the hot-formed pipe fittings. 4) Spot check the geometric dimensions and appearance quality of the cold-formed pipe fittings. 5.3.5 Cold forming of pipe bends and pipe fittings. The following items should be checked: 5.4 Pipe welding. 5.4.1 General requirements
The entire process of welding procedure qualification should be checked, and the welding procedure qualification report and welding procedure specification should be reviewed; the qualification of welding personnel should be checked! Check the status of welding equipment,
5.4.2 Welding of submerged arc welded steel pipes
The following items should be checked:
a) On-site spot check of welding material model, specification, and baking conditions: 3
GB/T 31185-—2014
On-site inspection: Check the welding process parameters (welding current, welding voltage, welding speed, etc.): spot check the geometric parameters such as weld deviation and fusion depth; d)
Spot check the transition between weld and parent material;
Spot check the appearance quality of weld.
Welding of resistance welded steel pipes
The following items are to be inspected in pairs:
\) Spot check of welding process parameters (welding method, welding power, welding frequency, welding temperature, welding speed, etc.) b) Spot check of welding pressure of the inspection piece;
Check the scraping of internal and external burrs;
Spot check of the appearance quality of steel pipes.
Welding of pipe fittings
The following items should be inspected:
) Spot check of welding material model, specification, and drying conditions: b) Spot check of welding process (welding method, welding current, welding voltage, welding speed, etc.); Spot check of weld appearance quality.
5.5 Expansion/sizing
The shovel diameter/diameter before and after sizing/circumference of the steel pipe should be randomly checked to calculate the expansion/sizing rate. The calculation formula is as follows: 1 diameter after expansion/sizing - diameter before expansion/sizing. Expansion/sizing rate of steel pipe =
diameter before expansion/sizing
5.6 Heat treatment
The following items should be checked:
a) Check the type of heat treatment;
Inspect the arrangement and identification of thermocouples;
Spot check the heat treatment process parameters (heating rate, holding temperature and time, cooling rate) on site; c)
Review the heat treatment records or reports.
Hydraulic pressure test
The following items should be checked:
Check the range, accuracy, calibration of the pressure gauge used for the test, the hydraulic pressure test process, etc.;a
1) Witness the test process on site, check the test pressure, perl time and leakage, etc.;) Water pressure outlet, record or report.
5.8 Nondestructive testing
The following items should be checked:
Check the timing of nondestructive testing:
Check the test blocks/standard samples used for nondestructive testing, and the verification or calibration of instruments and equipment;b)
Check the qualification certificate of nondestructive testing personnel;
Witness the operation process of nondestructive testing on site;d)
Check the nondestructive testing report and related image-bearing documents. 5.9 Physical and chemical inspection of finished products
The following items should be inspected
Check the qualification certificate of the physical and chemical inspection personnel; a) Check the calibration of the physical and chemical inspection equipment and measuring tools; b) On-site inspection of the physical and chemical inspection sampling position, direction, sampling method, sample processing, etc.; check the number of samples and sample size;
GB/T 31185—2014
On-site spot check of the test process (such as loading method, test temperature, test humidity, sample cooling temperature and time, load determination, fracture evaluation, fracture extension rate determination, etc.); f) Complete the physical and chemical inspection report.
5.10 Geometrical dimensions and appearance inspection
The geometrical dimensions and appearance of steel pipes, elbows or fittings shall be inspected for the following items: a) On-site inspection of the inspection equipment and measurement tools; b) Spot check of the geometrical dimensions and appearance quality of steel pipes, elbows or fittings; 3) Review of inspection records or reports.
Pipe anti-corrosion
Pipe rust removal
Spot check of the following items:
Spot check of ambient dew point temperature and surface temperature of steel pipes before rust removal; h)
Spot check of surface rust removal grade and gray level of steel pipes after rust removal; Spot check of surface quality of steel pipes after rust removal;
Spot check of surface pin groove depth of steel pipes after rust removal; Spot check of salt content on the surface of steel pipes.
Polyethylene anti-tumor coating
In pairs The following items shall be inspected: a) Check the running speed of the steel pipe; spot check the heating temperature of the steel pipe during coating; on-site inspection of the coating process and the process parameters (such as spot checking the extrusion temperature of the adhesive and polyethylene during coating, the cooling temperature of the anti-corrosion layer, etc.). Performance inspection of polyethylene anti-corrosion layer The following items shall be inspected: Check the calibration of the inspection equipment and measuring tools; Check the sampling quantity, location, direction, sampling method, sample processing form, etc. of the performance test; b) Witness the test process; d) Review the inspection records or reports. Dimension and appearance inspection The following items shall be inspected: GH/T 31185—2014
On-site bending witness point inspection process;
Spot check the total thickness of the polyethylene anti-corrosion layer, the thickness of the ring hydrogen powder, the reserved length of the pipe end, the end face angle of the polyethylene layer, etc.; b)
Inspect the appearance quality of the anti-corrosion layer;
d) Review the inspection records or reports.
Product handling and storage
The following items should be inspected:
Inspect the handling tools and methods (such as pipe trolleys, hooks, slings, etc.); a)
Inspect the storage environment and methods:
Inspect the transportation tools, support and fixing methods and protective measures c
Inspect the product markings,
Product delivery
Virtualize the following items Inspection:
Review the product delivery (quality certification documents) procedures of the supervised unit; 1) Check the production records of the products to be delivered - confirm that the products to be delivered have completed the corresponding production according to the approved procedures; c
Check the inspection records or reports of the products to be delivered, and confirm that the products to be delivered have been inspected accordingly according to the approved procedures and are qualified;
Witness the product shipping process on site;
Issue the supervision certification documents for the delivered products (see Appendix B). Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Main witness points and witness methods for the supervision of the manufacture of pipes for petroleum and natural gas pipeline projects The main witness points and witness methods for the supervision of the manufacture of pipes for petroleum and natural gas pipeline projects are shown in Table A.1. GB/T 311852014
Table A.1 Main witness points and witness methods for the supervision of pipe manufacturing for oil and gas pipeline projects No.
Pre-production inspection
Pipe for continuous steel pipe, dung plate for welded pipe
Steel plate, mother pipe and steel plate for bent pipe and pipe fittings
Inspection of welding materials
Source material for anti-corrosion layer
Rolling of continuous steel pipe
Welded steel pipe shaping
Hot explosion of bent pipe
Hot forming of pipe fittings
Cold forming of bent pipe and pipe
Welding of submerged arc welded steel pipe
Joining of electric resistance welded steel pipe
Welding of pipe fittings
Heat treatment
Water pressure test
Non-photographic testing
Physical and chemical testing of finished products
Geometric and appearance inspection
Rust removal of pipes
Polyethylene anti-corrosion coating
Performance inspection of ethylene anti-corrosion layer
Dimension and appearance inspection
Product handling and storage
Product delivery
Document witness pointOn-site witness point
Stop witness point
Order invitation
Visual inspection
Photo inspection point
Spot inspection of raw materials
Material dimensions
Note: For spot inspection points, the supervision agency may conduct inspections according to the corresponding inspection proportions and inspection items based on the contract requirements or the supervision plan of the supervision unit. A
GB/T 31185—2014
Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Certificate of Supervision of Pipe Materials for Petroleum and Natural Gas Pipeline Engineering The certificate of supervision of pipe materials for petroleum and natural gas pipeline engineering is shown in Table B.1, Table B.1
Certificate of Supervision of Pipe Materials for Petroleum and Natural Gas Pipeline Engineering Client
Supervision Unit
Compulsory Unit
Project Name
Product Name
Product Label
Supervision Location
Supervision Time
General/Professional Supervision Engineer:
Product Information
Product Specifications
Order Quantity
Delivery Quantity
Shipping Time
G3/T711-2011 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry
Steel Pipes for Pipeline Transportation Systems
GB/T 19001
Quality management system requirementsbzxZ.net
GB/T23257.-2009 Polyethylene anti-magnetic layer for steel pipes GB/T 311852014
GB/T 29168.120[2
Petroleum and natural gas industry
Induction heating elbows, pipe fittings and flanges for pipeline transportation systems Part: Induction heating elbows
[5] GB/T 29168.2
Part: Pipe fittings
Petroleum and natural gas industry
Induction heating elbows, pipe fittings and flanges for pipeline transportation systems Part
GB/T 31185-2014
Print[1 issue: November 11, 2014 F009A National Standard of the People's Republic of China Technical Requirements for Supervision of Pipe Manufacturing for Petroleum and Natural Gas Pipeline Engineering GB/T 31185-—2014
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