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HG/T 2174-1991 Color photographic paper

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2174-1991

Standard Name: Color photographic paper

Chinese Name: 彩色相纸

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)


Date of Implementation:1992-05-01

Date of Expiration:2004-08-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Information Chemicals>>G81 Photosensitive Materials

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HG/T 2174-1991 Color Photographic Paper HG/T2174-1991 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Subject content and scope of application
HG 2174 — 91
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, and packaging, marking, storage and transportation of color photographic paper. This standard applies to plastic-coated glossy color photographic paper for color de-phased negative-positive printing of color films. 2 Reference standards
Measurement of sensitivity of negative film for color photography and its expression method GB 2924
Method for determination of melting point of coating of photosensitive material
GB 9861
Method for determination of scratch resistance of photosensitive film during processing GB11051Optical density measurement disk spectral conditions
HG2360Roll paper size
ZB G 80004
Method for determination of adhesion fastness of film base layer
3 Strict product classification
The color paper specified in this standard is made by coating gelatin silver halide emulsion containing protective color-forming agent on plastic-coated paper base. According to the use requirements, the products are divided into two categories: roll-feed type and page-making type. Roll paper is mainly suitable for continuous developing and enlarging machines, and loose-leaf paper is suitable for non-continuous developing and enlarging machines.
4 Technical requirements
Photographic performance and physical properties
Under the processing conditions specified in this standard, the indicators specified in Table 1 should be met. Table 1
Minimum density D
Sensitivity S°
Maximum density D
Shoulder density D
Toe thickness D!
Failure of mutual quality law
Latent image preservation
Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on November 8, 1991 Blue-sensitive layer
(0. 30 ~ 0. 40)
Green-sensitive layer
(1. 70 ~ 1. 90)
(0. 33 ~-0, 43)
Red-sensitive layer
(1. 70 ~ 1. 90)
(0. 30 ~0. 40)
10070501 Actual
Scratch resistance during processing, N
Melting point of emulsion layer, B
Adhesion fastness of emulsion layer
HG 2174 — 91
Continued Table 1
Blue layer
Green sensitive layer
Red sensitive layer
Note: I) The nominal value ranges of the two indicators No. 4 and 5 in Table 1 are the industry control values. For a manufacturer, the nominal value it implements cannot be a set value. It can only select a certain value from the specified range in Table 1 as the nominal value of the enterprise standard. The deviation index it implements should not violate the regulations of the clothing. 4.2 Size
4.2.1 Roll photo paper
: It should comply with the provisions of HG2360.
4.2.2 Loose-leaf photo paper
It should comply with the provisions of Table 2
Basic size
89 ×89
178 × 240
203 × 254
508 × 610
Limit deviation
Basic size
Limit deviation
Except the sizes specified in Articles 42 and 422, the manufacturer can provide other specifications of photo paper according to user needs. 4.3 Other performance
4.3.1 Appearance quality of raw photo paper
HG 2174 -- 91
The surface of photographic paper should be clean, free of fingerprints, oil stains, spots, scratches, bubbles, delamination, drawing, streaks, etc. 4.3.2 Quality of white film
The photographic paper is directly developed and fixed without noise light. The emulsion layer of the photographic paper should not pool or fall off. There should be no spots, static electricity or light leakage on the white film.
43.3 Quality of gray film
The gray film of photographic paper should not have density unevenness, spots, streaks, etc. that affect the quality of the picture. 4.4 Warranty period
Starting from the date of product packaging, the warranty period of photographic paper is 12 months under the conditions of transportation, storage and use specified in this standard. During the warranty period, the performance of the photographic paper should comply with the provisions of 4.1 to 4.3. 5 Test method
5.1 General Determination of photo properties (items 1 to 5 in Table 1) 5.1.1 Test conditions and sampling
The test should be carried out under the environmental conditions of temperature 23±2°C and relative humidity 45% to 55%. For the determination of other items in this standard, unless otherwise specified, the test should be carried out under the above conditions. The photographic paper used for the test should be sampled after reaching equilibrium under the above conditions. The roll photographic paper should be sampled more than 0.5m away from the head or tail of the roll. For loose-leaf photographic paper, take any one sheet from the smallest packaging box (take multiple sheets of small-size photographic paper according to the test needs) as a sample, and cut two pieces from the sample that are suitable for the photosensitive instrument as test specimens. 5.1.2 Instantaneous light
The sample exposure should be carried out on a dimming type photosensitive instrument, and the color temperature of the test light source is 2856K. The dimmer of the photosensitive instrument should comply with GB 2924, the interval of the flash light is 1/50~1/2 8.5. 1. 3 Sample washing
After reverse irradiation, it should be washed within 1 hour
The sample washing should be carried out according to the solution and process recommended by the manufacturer. If the manufacturer does not recommend, Kodak EP-2 solution and EP-2 process should be used for washing. All washing should be done with unused solution 5.1.4 Density measurement and curve drawing
Density measurement uses reflection density. The geometric conditions for density measurement should meet the requirements that the incident light is a 40. ~50° circumferential beam, the measuring light is a vertical reflection beam less than 5°, and the spectral conditions of density measurement should meet the requirements of GB11051A state reflection density DR (S.: Ag), D (SA) D (S.: A.). Measure the optical density of the processed sample, and measure the optical density of the yellow, magenta, and cyan layers under blue, green, and red light respectively. The sensitivity characteristic curve of photographic paper is plotted with density as the vertical scale and the logarithm of the maximum exposure as the horizontal coordinate, as shown in the figure. D
5.1.5 Calculation of general photographic performance index values
5:1.5.1 Minimum density
HG 2174 - 91
Sensitivity characteristic curve diagram
Unexposed samples are processed under standard conditions and the total density of the photosensitive layer and paper base of the photographic paper is measured according to the method in 5.1.4. Sensitivity
The sensitivity of each layer is calculated according to (1):
S° = 3-igH (D-t+0.6)
1 × 100-
Where: S.
H (Dmin+0.6)
3, 100
-Sensitivity (logarithmic value);
The instantaneous light quantity corresponding to point M on the characteristic curve is Ix·$, and the density of point M is equal to the minimum density plus 0.6:-The coefficient specified for calculating the sensitivity,
The sensitivity calculated by formula (1) should be rounded to the nearest scale value according to Table 3, Table 3
Logarithm of instantaneous light quantity
-1.42 ~-1.33
S (arithmetic flag)1
P30 000
P 27 500
P 25 000
P 22 500
P20 000
P18 000
(logarithmic value)
Logarithmic value of the bursting disk
-1.02 ~ -0.98
-0.77 ~ -0.73
-0.67~-0.63||tt ||-0.62~-0.58
-0.57 ~-0.53
-0.47 ~-0.43
-0.27 ~ -0.23
-0.22 ~ -0.18
-0,17~ -0.13
-0.02 0.02
Note: The calculation method of)5 (arithmetic value) is shown in the appendix. HG 2174 - 91
s(logarithmic value)n
p 16 000
P 14 000
P 12 $00
P9 000
P5 600
P3 200
P2 500
2 200
1 250
s°(logarithmic value) Maximum density
HG 2174—91
The density value corresponding to the highest point T on the characteristic curve of each layer. Shoulder density
Density value corresponding to shoulder point S on the characteristic curve. The difference between the logarithm of waist light responsibility of point S and the logarithm of exposure amount of sensitivity reference point M is 0.4 gH. Toe density
Density value corresponding to toe point on the characteristic curve. The difference between the logarithm of luminous intensity of point S and the logarithm of exposure amount of sensitivity reference point M is -0.2 1gH.
5.2 Determination of failure of reciprocity law
5.2.1 Sample sunrise
The transient light adopts a dimming system photosensitive instrument, and the sunrise time should be adjustable within 0.5-128. The light modulator should meet the provisions of GB2924. The light source color temperature is 2856K, and the transient light is carried out under white light. The dimming device that changes the light quantity should not cause the change of the light source spectrum. The transient light time is 0.5 and 128.
Take 2 groups of 4 samples corresponding to the instrument and expose 2 samples each according to the above time. 5.2.2 Sample processing
Perform according to the provisions of Article 5.1.3.
5.2.3 Density measurement and characteristic curve drawingwwW.bzxz.Net
Measure the density of the red-sensitive layer of each sample and draw the characteristic curve according to the provisions of Article 5.1.4. 5.2.4 Result expression
Calculate the sensitivity of the sample according to formula (1). The calculated sensitivity is not normalized. Take the arithmetic mean of the results of the two tea samples as the test value of the test support. The reciprocity failure is expressed by the absolute value of the difference in sensitivity between the 0.5 and 128 samples. Since the actual addition of the light-reducing mask will change the light source spectrum to some extent, the measured sensitivity should be corrected at this time. See Appendix A. The reciprocity failure characteristics of color photographic paper are expressed by the failure characteristics of the red-sensitive layer. 5.3 Determination of latent image preservation
Take 4 samples and expose them in 2 groups according to the provisions of 5.1.2. The first group is exposed first, and the second group is exposed 2 hours later. Then, the 4 samples are immediately washed at the same time according to the provisions of 5.1.3. Draw the sensitivity curve of the red layer according to the provisions of 5.1.4 and calculate the sensitivity. The sensitivity is not adjusted. First, find the average sensitivity of the first and second groups of samples, and then calculate their sensitivity difference, which is the test result.
5.4, Determination of scratch resistance during processing
Follow the provisions of GB9861.
5.5 Determination of melting point of emulsion layer
Follow the provisions of GB6843.
5.6 Determination of adhesion fastness of emulsion layer
Follow the provisions of ZBG80004.
5.7 Dimensional inspection
The size of loose-leaf photo paper is measured with a steel ruler with an accuracy of 1mm, the width of roll paper is measured with a vernier caliper, and the length of roll paper is practically inspected on an enlarger
5.8 Other performance inspections
5.8.1 Appearance quality of raw photo paper
Take a section or a piece of unprocessed photo paper and observe it under white. It should meet the requirements of Article 4.3.1. 5. 8.2 Quality of white film
Take a section or a piece of unprocessed photo paper, do not polish it, and wash it according to Article 5.1.3 to obtain a white film. Visually inspect the white film. The quality of the gray film shall comply with the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
5.8.3 Quality of gray film
Take a section or a piece of photographic paper, expose it evenly and develop it to a density of about 1.0, and visually inspect the gray film. Its quality shall comply with the provisions of Article 4.3.3.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection before delivery
This product shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer according to the inspection batch and inspection frequency specified in Table 4. Only qualified products can be shipped out of the factory. Table 4
Inspection items from
Photographic performance (1~s in Table 1) Item)
Photographic performance (item 6.7 in Table 1)
Physical properties
Other performance
Table 2 Type inspection
Inspection batch
Each coating emulsion number is a batch
Each equipment has a batch of output per shift
Inspection frequency
At least once every 10 axes
Once per formula number
Once per batch
At least once every 5 axes
Once per batch
When any of the following conditions occurs to this product, a type inspection shall be carried out. The type inspection shall include all items specified in this standard: a. When there are major changes in product structure, raw materials, and processes; b. When the product is stopped for a long time and production is resumed; c. When long-term normal production, periodic inspection shall be carried out; d. When the factory inspection results are significantly different from the last type inspection results. 3. Acceptance inspection
The receiving unit shall generally accept the paper with the certificate of conformity.
If the receiving unit conducts inspection, the acceptance batch shall be calculated by the factory emulsion number. One outer box shall be taken from each batch of photographic paper, and one roll or box shall be taken from each box for inspection.
The inspection shall be carried out according to the items and methods specified in this standard. After inspection, if any item index fails, double heat sampling shall be carried out to re-inspect the next qualified item. If the re-inspection is qualified, the batch of photo paper shall be accepted. If the re-inspection is still unqualified, the batch of products does not meet the standards. The quality assurance clause
Products that have been accepted by the user department, under normal transportation, storage and use conditions, within the warranty period, can be exchanged or returned after verification due to manufacturing quality problems of the photo paper. 7 Packaging and marking
7.1 The packaging of photo paper must be light-proof and moisture-proof to ensure the safe transportation and storage of the product. The following contents shall be marked on the outer packaging container of the photo paper: product name, trademark, model, specification, quantity, weight, factory batch number, warranty period, manufacturer, handle with care, moisture-proof, sun-proof, radiation-proof and other contents and marks.
7.2 Each small package shall be accompanied by a product certificate and instruction manual, and the certificate shall indicate the standard number that meets the requirements. 7.3 The roll of photo paper is packaged in rolls as the smallest packaging unit, with the emulsion side of the photo paper facing outwards, and is wound on a standard paper core that meets the requirements of HG2360 (roll paper size). The end of the roll is taped with adhesive tape, and then the material is loaded into both ends of the paper core. Loose-leaf photo paper is packaged according to different specifications, first in a light-proof bag, then in a fiberglass bag. 8 Transportation and storage
HG 2174 - 91
8.1 Color photo paper must not be exposed to sunlight, rain, violent vibration and radiation during transportation. 8.2 The storage of color photo paper should meet the following requirements: a. The storage temperature should not exceed 13 degrees Celsius, and the relative humidity should not exceed 65%. b. The original packaging of the photo paper should be kept, and the roll photo paper should be stored flat: all kinds of photo paper should be stored more than 15 cm above the ground and should not be exposed to direct light. The photo paper should not be damaged by harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde, nitrogen and mercury, and radioactive substances.cOmHG 2174 -- 91
Reciprocity failure measurement Dimmer density and sensitivity correction (supplement)
In the reciprocity failure measurement, the intensity of the light source is changed, and a neutral filter is often used. The most ideal filter should be completely neutral and not cause any change in the light source spectrum. In fact, working filters are often not completely neutral. To accurately measure the reciprocity failure characteristics, the color separation density of the neutral filter (measured in M ​​state) must be corrected. The color separation density correction value is calculated by multiplying the difference between the nominal density of the dimmer (filter) and the measured color separation density by a coefficient of 100 (to balance with formula (1)). For samples with dimmers used to extend the instantaneous light time, the sensitivity is calculated according to formula (A1): S type test formula = S start - S correction value
where: S quantity
extended time sample test sensitivity;
S source
extended time sample without Corrected sensitivity: S chain positive value
The difference between the nominal density of the filter and the measured density multiplied by the coefficient 100. Appendix B
Calculation of light (arithmetic value)
The sensitivity S° (logarithmic value) specified in this standard and the sensitivity S (arithmetic value) listed in Table 3 are not directly logarithmically related. S (arithmetic value) is obtained in accordance with ISO6846 "Determination of ISO sensitivity and range of black and white continuous tone paper printing", that is, calculated according to formula (B1):
Additional instructions:
+ 0, 6
This standard was proposed by the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. (B1)
This standard was drafted by the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. Xiamen Fuda Photosensitive Materials Co., Ltd., Shantou Gongyuan Photosensitive Materials Industrial Company, Shanghai Photosensitive Film Factory, and the Second Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Cheng Shuzhai, Tang Zhijian, Jiang Zengrong, Chen Zhenkun, and Wu Xiankai. 0
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