SY/T 10018-1998 Technical Guide for Marine Positioning Data Processing
Some standard content:
Registration No.: 1889—1998
Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Standard of the People's Republic of ChinaSY/T10018—1998
Technical Guide for Processing Offshore Positioning Data1998-06-07Issued
China National Offshore Oil Corporation
Policy Statement
5Positioning Results
SY/T 10018—1998
The continuous development of differential field navigation positioning methods has put forward higher and higher requirements for positioning data processing technology. This standard is formulated based on the processing experience accumulated in the production practice of offshore positioning and navigation over the years. The standard will be implemented from October 1, 1998
This standard is proposed and managed by China National Offshore Oil Corporation. The drafting unit of this standard: China National Offshore Oil Corporation. The main authors of this standard: Dai Ling and Li Ling
The chief reviewer of this standard: Li Xiaodong.
Policy Statement
Offshore natural gas industry standard publications are only for general issues. When it comes to specific situations, national and local laws and regulations should be consulted.
Offshore oil and gas industry standard publications do not assume any responsibility for users, manufacturers or suppliers to provide advance notice and training on health, safety and hazard prevention for their employees and other on-site operators, nor do they assume any responsibility under national and local regulations. The content of any offshore oil and gas industry standard publication cannot be interpreted by implication or otherwise as granting any right to manufacture, sell or use any method, equipment or product involving patent rights, nor does it assume any responsibility for any person who infringes patent rights. Generally, offshore oil and gas industry standards are reviewed, revised, re-identified or revoked at least every five years. Sometimes, this review cycle can be extended by one year, but not more than two years. Therefore, the publication is valid for no more than five years from the date of publication, unless an extension of validity is authorized. The status of publications can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Standardization Technical Committee (Tel. 010-64610022-7875, mailing address: Standardization Office, Offshore Oil Production Research Center, Box 235, Beijing, 101149) or the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Standardization Technical Committee (Tel. 010-64665361, mailing address: Offshore Oil Science and Technology Office, 25th Floor, Dongjingxin Building, Sanyuanqiao, Beijing, 100027). The purpose of publishing offshore oil and gas industry standards is to promote proven and good engineering techniques and operating practices. It is not intended to eliminate the need to make correct judgments on when and where to apply these techniques and practices. The formulation and publication of offshore oil and gas industry standards are not intended to restrict anyone from adopting any other techniques and practices in any way. This standard is available to anyone who is willing to adopt it. The Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Standardization Technical Committee and its authorized issuing units have made unremitting efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained therein. However, the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Standardization Technical Committee and its authorized issuing units do not represent, guarantee or warrant the standards they publish, and hereby expressly state that they do not bear any obligation or responsibility for the loss or damage caused by the use of these standards, for the use of standards that may conflict with any national and local regulations, and for the consequences of infringement of any patent rights caused by the use of these standards.
1 Scope
Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China Technical Guide for Processing Offshore Positioning Data
Technical Guide for Processing Offshore Positioning Data This standard specifies the technical requirements and methods for processing offshore positioning data. This standard applies to the processing of offshore seismic exploration positioning data in my country 2 Terminology
2.1 Preplot
Preplot refers to the calculation of the survey line for the entire work area based on the survey line network origin and the exploration deployment workload table before construction. That is, the geodetic coordinates and plane coordinates of navigation points at certain intervals on the design survey line are calculated according to the requirements. According to the different seismic exploration acquisition methods, the pre-drawing can be divided into three types: single source single cable, multi-source multi-cable and submarine cable. 2.2 Post-processing pastproccssing
According to the positioning data provided by the field, the positions of the seismic source and the detection points required for seismic processing are calculated according to certain mathematical methods. 3 Pre-drawing
3.1 Data preparation
Before design, the following data should be prepared: survey line layout of the work area, ellipsoid, projection; coordinates of turning points in the work area
survey line orientation; survey line spacing, common center point CMP spacing; number requirements and starting number requirements
survey line and CMP numbering
For submarine cables, the relative position relationship between the shot line and the receiving line should also be provided; for multi-source and multi-cable, the relative position relationship between the source, cable, CMP line and navigation line should also be provided to determine the design survey line numbering requirements and rules.
3.2 Pre-drawing calculation
3.2.1 Data input.
3.2.2 Calculation.
3.2.3 When drawing the pre-map, the relative relationship between the design survey line and the existing old survey line in the work area should be considered. If there is a connection point, it should be checked according to the provided data.
3.3 Review of Pre-map
All pre-map results should be calculated twice by different people and carefully checked to ensure that they are correct before submission. 3.4 Submitted results
3.4.1 Pre-map navigation chart
Approved by China National Offshore Oil Corporation on June 7, 1998 and implemented on October 1, 1998
Should include the following:
) Mark the scale and relevant parameters of the drawing; SY/T10018—1998
b) Note the names of the survey lines and shot numbers at regular intervals as required. Indicate the name of the work area, mapping parameters (ellipsoid, projection, scale factor), map maker and mapping date in the map header.
4.2 Data recording
Should meet the following requirements:
a) Record on tape or disk in UK(OA series format; b) Should include all survey line names and (MI> numbers and longitude, latitude and plane rectangular coordinates at required intervals; Should include header block data related to T area;
Indicate the design unit, period;
Parameters of reference ellipsoid and projection parameters used in the work area:}) Work area name, employer:
Coordinate unit and angle unit:
Origin data of survey line network.
4.3 Pre-drawing processing report
Should include the following content:
Burial map of the working area and description of the geographical location of the working area; a
Equipment used:
Embroidery method;
Embroidery result:
Attached charts and other instructions:
Main processing personnel.
Preparation before data processing
1.1 Field positioning data are available
Mainly including:
) Survey line design drawings and related data;
Navigation belt;
Other related parameters:
Ding District, No. 7., employer, fleet and implementation date; positioning operation quality analysis and time efficiency analysis; e
Navigation equipment, positioning equipment;
Projection and coordinate system;
Antenna position map;
Cable configuration map:
Relative position map of ship, source, cable and various positioning equipment: k)
Compass value:
Magnetic declination data of work area;
Compass calibration data:
Cable sinking depth;
Calibration method, calibration value and system working stability analysis of positioning system. 1.2
Preliminary drawing results
SY/T 10018—1998
4.1.3 Positioning processing parameters should be consistent with the previous drawing and construction parameters. 4.1.4 Prepare a treatment plan Prepare a treatment plan. Optimize the best treatment method and processing flow 4.2 Data processing
4.2.1 Field navigation data format The standardization inspection contents of the navigation belt (disk) head block data mainly include:
a) Construction parameter inspection;
b) Relative position relationship verification of various navigation equipment: Non-standard navigation data format is converted into national standard UK (XOA series format. Classification of various navigation positioning data. 4.2.2 Input of basic parameters of T. area.
4.2.3 Quality control in the processing process Data preprocessing
Content package:
a) Gross error removal;
b) Filtering and smoothing of digital extension;
c) Internal wasteland repair, Graphic display quality monitoring
Content includes:
Differential Global Positioning System (IXGPS) data; a) Laser data: e) Geodesic data: d) Compass data; e) Electromagnetic depth data; ) Tail GFS data: (Relative position relationship of ship, source, cable and various navigation equipment) Digital display should include: a) Shot spacing; b) Empty shot number; Heavy shot number: d) LXGIS point geometry intensity factor (PTXOP) value: ) Number of XGPS satellites; Comparative analysis of primary and secondary positioning data of submarine cables. 4.2.4 Network Least-multiplier adjustment Leveling method
a) Laser observations are adjusted according to the inverse angle network;
b) Acoustic observations are adjusted according to the side measurement network. Network optimization. Calculate the most likely value of each key node. 3 The evaluation of the accuracy of each node after adjustment should include:
a) Error curve analysis of each node before and after adjustment; SY/T10018—1998
b) Error ellipse graphic analysis of each node before and after adjustment 4.2.5 The data to be used in the calculation of the position of each shot point, CMP and cable channel should include:
a) Observation quantity:
D GPS data
Compass bearing;
Compass value:
Draught of ship:
Cable depth;
Stern GPS data;
Laser data;
Acoustic data.
Point position after adjustment of each node:
Reference point;
Acoustic transmitting probe
Laser scanner:
Hull depth sounder probe
Laser reflector
Acoustic receiving probe
Cable towing point
Approximate value of each known point;
A priori standard deviation of each observation value;
Conversion parameters between geodetic coordinates and plane rectangular coordinates. 4.2.6 Standard output of positioning results and interface with seismic data 5 Positioning results
5.1 Post-processing results record
Record the positioning results in UKOOA series format on tape or disk. 5.1.1 According to the requirements,
5.1.2 The data content should include: survey line name, shot number, time, shot point longitude, latitude, shot point plane rectangular coordinates, track number, track coordinates, cable depth and cable number, etc.
5.1.3 The header block content should include: basic measurement parameters of the work area, employer, processing unit and processing time, etc. 5.2 Results Map
5.2.1 Shot point location map
Should include:
Projection coordinate lines and longitude and latitude lines;
Usually draw a shot point with 5mm10mm, mark the shot number every 100 shot points and the first and last shot points of the survey line, and mark the survey line name at both ends of the survey line;
The annotation column should include: scale, map name, projection method, ellipsoid name and parameters, mapping unit and time, 5.2.2 Surface The location map
should include:
a) Projection coordinate lines and longitude and latitude lines;
b) Usually draw a CMP point with 5mm~10mm, mark the CMP number every 100 CMPs and the first and last CMP points of the survey line, and mark the survey line name at both ends of the survey line;
c) The annotation column should include: scale, map name, projection method, ellipsoid name and parameters, mapping unit and time. 5.2.3. Cable location and morphology map
should include:
a) Cable location for each shot;
Cable morphology every 50 shots.
5.3 Data processing report
The content should include:
Overview, work area description, operation status and workload; processing personnel and equipment, processing cycle; usage parameters;
processing methods and procedures, existing problems and solutions, etc.; content of processing results submission, with numbers;
Final processing results evaluation: accuracy analysis, reliability study, simple comments and suggestions, etc.1. The shot point location map
should include:
projection coordinate lines and longitude and latitude lines;
usually draw a shot point with 5mm10mm, mark the shot number every 100 shot points and the first and last shot points of the survey line, and mark the survey line name at both ends of the survey line;
the annotation column should include: scale, map name, projection method, ellipsoid name and parameters, mapping unit and time, 5.2.2 Surface element location map||tt ||Should include:
a) Projection coordinate lines and longitude and latitude lines;
b) Usually draw a CMP point with 5mm~10mm, mark the CMP number every 100 CMPs and the first and last CMP points of the survey line, and mark the survey line name at both ends of the survey line;
c) The note column should include: scale, map name, projection method, ellipsoid name and parameters, mapping unit and time. 5.2.3. Cable position and morphology map
The content should include:
a) Cable position for each shot;
Cable morphology every 50 shots.
5.3 Data processing report
The content should include:
Overview, work area description, operation status and workload; processing personnel and equipment, processing cycle; usage parameters;
processing methods and procedures, existing problems and solutions, etc.; content of processing results submission, with numbers;
Final processing results evaluation: accuracy analysis, reliability study, simple comments and suggestions, etc.1. The shot point location map
should include:
projection coordinate lines and longitude and latitude lines;
usually draw a shot point with 5mm10mm, mark the shot number every 100 shot points and the first and last shot points of the survey line, and mark the survey line name at both ends of the survey line;
the annotation column should include: scale, map name, projection method, ellipsoid name and parameters, mapping unit and time, 5.2.2 Surface element location map||tt ||Should include:
a) Projection coordinate lines and longitude and latitude lines;
b) Usually draw a CMP point with 5mm~10mm, mark the CMP number every 100 CMPs and the first and last CMP points of the survey line, and mark the survey line name at both ends of the survey line;
c) The note column should include: scale, map name, projection method, ellipsoid name and parameters, mapping unit and time. 5.2.3. Cable position and morphology map
The content should include:
a) Cable position for each shot;
Cable morphology every 50 shots.
5.3 Data processing report
The content should include:
Overview, work area description, operation status and workload; processing personnel and equipment, processing cycle; usage parameters;
processing methods and procedures, existing problems and solutions, etc.; content of processing results submission, with numbers;
Final processing results evaluation: accuracy analysis, reliability study, simple comments and suggestions, etc.
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