This part is equivalent to ISO2283:2000 "Long shank machine taps with nominal diameters of M3 to M24 and 1/8 in to 1 in. Slim shank machine taps GB/T 3464.2-2003 Slim shank machine taps GB/T3464.2-2003 Standard download decompression password:
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GB/T3464.2—2003/1SO2283:2000 This standard adopts 5228320(0) long handle thread group with nominal diameter of M3 to M and 1/8r. to 1. For the convenience of individual use, the following abbreviations are made in the English version. The decimal point "," is used instead of the return sign "" used as a decimal point: "wood part" is used instead of *. This international standard "has added the international standard foreword: The first line of the scope of the international standard is prepared as a supplement to the thick wood taps involved in IS U51: In addition to the notes in the common size, the existing standard S (9051:199.) is removed and the informative comparison mark is added. ||This part replaces GB3464.2-194 long machine thread. The main changes compared with ISO/T34G4.2-93 are as follows: 1/8 to 1 standard thread buttons are added. The types and sizes of thread buttons for continuous use are added. Appendix A "Unrecommended threads" is added. Appendix B of this part is informative. This part is issued by China Machinery Industry Association. This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization. The responsible person for drafting this part is Shanghai Machinery Industry Co., Ltd. The person in charge of this part is the former Mao Di Bu Lu, Xu Guangrong, Ji Yin Gen. The standard replaced by this part is: GB3465-1983, GB/T3464.2-1994.1 Standard CB,/1 3464.2-2003/ISO 22B3:200C Slim Shank Machine Taps This part specifies the nominal diameter M and the size of the slender shank from 1/8 to 1 in. This part is applicable to slender shank machine taps: the middle part (including the marking part and the technical strip of the lifting part) is specified according to [S] RB30. This part is applicable to the processing of the following butterfly patterns. 9) 130 meter-wide fine pitch. b) IS0 British standard screw thread series (LINC> and unified fine pitch) series (UNF) The following unrecommended British thread series (British Standard Screw (SW) and British Standard Fine Pitch Screw (S), British Association Butterfly (BA), the main body of the record. 2 Normative references The clauses in the following documents apply to the clauses of this part before they are cited in Part I of GB/T 3454. H is a dated reference. All subsequent amendments (excluding incorrect versions) or sub-editions are not applicable to this part. However, parties that have reached an agreement on this part are encouraged to investigate whether the latest editions of these documents can be used. For references without a date, the latest edition applies to Part D. 1S529:1993 Machine screws and hand screws 1S)8880,1991: High-speed grinding machine screws - Technical parts 3 Dimensions The types and dimensions of these standards are arranged according to Figure 2 and Table 1. Table 3: Table 1 is for ISO metric thread taps: Table 2 is for ISO American machine thread taps. The effective length of this effective cone is consistent with that specified in IS) 52, and the tree length (a) is increased by 0% compared with that specified in [S]. The total length is changed accordingly. When the common diameter of the effective cone exceeds the specification of this part, its effective length shall be selected according to the specifications of the corresponding common diameter in 50529. Tree length 05% CD/T3464.2--2003/IS02283:20005 tMi. xt. ss M4.3×0.5 M12X3, 25 MI4×1,35 Nominal diameter Table 1ISO metric diameter “37 increase” determination: the base should be 111, hn 5237 increase, when the shape of the square error is within the error range, h.1: Single type consideration “Wash one can learn” Ne, 5—4:-:[N: No. §—32-11Nt: Na 8321ING: No. 10-24-1 No. 17—24—11N: 1/4—20—1ING: 13-UNC 9/1512 UNC E/81TUNC 3/410..-UNC "Unified--like fine teeth No, 6G—1INM Nc.8—aIN Nn, 16-32-1.NF Nn.:2-2R-1:NK 1/4—2—I:NP 5/16 -24—LNF 24-UNF 3/4 --16 7/8-14 1-_2-VKF Capsule 2ISO imperial thread taper Public standard true An 14, 288 Pitch (close stroke) 2, 622 1, 411 1, 614 GD/T 3464.2—2003/IS0 2283,2000 position is millimeter According to the plastic formula of ISO23211: the public welfare labor prohibition of the public prohibition of the increase of the family vehicle is! Lx According to the assumption of 13033/, the shape error of the square head and the position error of the square head to the dosage part are considered, which is 1:12, 4 mark Mark according to the provisions of [908930 GB/T3464.2-2003/ISO223:2000 Appendix A (Disk material property record) Not pushed thinner British standard Whitworth frequency (SW) and fine pitch screw sensitivity F) (see Table A.1) A.1 Nominal straight lift /K4DFSW -/4-26-nSW 7/1614F4W 1/2123sW ,16—12—HW 11/15-11-5W 3/4195W :8—0— 18— 1Sw 7:37—2—5 1:4—26—1SF 0/32—26—F 5/16—22—BSF 3/829SF :7216SSF #/16—16—K3\ 5:5 : 14 - 1RS1 11:16—14—RF 3::.12-S: T:511—BSF 1-IC—BEF (approximate) 1.27u c.977 2.8222.309 According to the provisions of IS0232:1: Tolerance 39 is set, the public point of the vehicle is ht According to the provisions of 1902237-, when the square head is shaped like a differential square head for the vehicle, the differential test is built-in, the square head is 112, A2 Mongolian Association calibration (HA2 (see Table A.2) 4 Unit: meter Nominal diameter .3. 55 GB/T3464.2—2003/152283.200g unit meter \ According to S>277r\'s principle: public voucher h9 moon smoke, i fine running tree's public pad is 11.2 \ According to the specification of single volume 1S0271, the shape of the gas head and the position of the square head period are within the error range, which is the mark of the head GB/T3464.2—2003/O 2283.20001S0, including the following contents: Frequency code: 1) Wire tolerance ladder code: c) High speed calcium code: d) Left-hand thread mark *L"; The name of the manufacturer and distributor becomes the trademark. Appendix B (Spotty Attachment) Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.