Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Titanium clad steel plate
Titanium clad steel plate
UDC 669. 146. 99-41
GB8547 -·-- 87
This standard applies to titanium-steel explosion clad plates or explosion-rolled clad plates for corrosion-resistant pressure vessels, storage tanks and other purposes. 1 Terminology
1.1 Titanium-steel clad plate: a metal clad plate that uses explosion or explosion-rolling methods to achieve metallurgical bonding between titanium (clad material) and ordinary steel (base material).
1.2 The definitions of total thickness, external bend, internal bend, etc. of base material, clad material and clad plate shall comply with the provisions of GB6396--86 "Test Methods for Properties of Clad Steel Plates".
2.1 Classification and Code
The classification and code of clad plates shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1
Production and Classification
Explosive Titanium-Steel Composite Plate
Explosive Rolled
Titanium-Steel Composite Plate
Class 0: Composite plates with high bonding strength used for transition joints, flanges, etc., and no unbonded areas are allowed
Class 1: Composite plates designed with titanium materials for strength or for special purposes, such as tube sheets, etc. Class 2: Composite plates designed with titanium materials for corrosion resistance without considering their strength, such as simplified Chinese characters. Note: Explosive titanium-steel composite plates are represented by the Chinese phonetic prefix "B" for the word "explosive"; explosive-rolled titanium-steel composite plates are represented by the Chinese phonetic prefix "BR" for the word "hot".
2.2 Applicable Materials
The composite materials and base materials of the composite plate shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. The composite materials and base materials listed in the table can be freely combined. It can also be provided after consultation between the supply and demand parties. Composite plates for other composite materials or substrates. 2.3 Supply status
Composite plates are delivered in the exploded (B) or exploded-rolled (BR) state. Exploded composite plates are generally supplied in the stress-relieved (M) state, and their heat treatment system shall comply with the provisions of Appendix A of this standard.
2.4 Specifications, dimensions and allowable deviations
2.4.1 The thickness, width (or diameter), length and allowable deviations of the composite plate shall comply with the provisions of Tables 3 and 4. Composite plates with special requirements for other specifications or dimensional allowable deviations can also be provided through consultation between the supply and demand parties. China Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation approved the implementation of GB3621-83 "Titanium and Titanium Alloy Plates" on December 21, 1987 and implemented on December 1, 1988. TAI, TA2
Ti-0. 3 Mo-0. 8 Ni
Ti-0. 2 Pd
Composite plate
Composite plate thickness
GB 85 47 - 87
GB709-88 "Dimensions, shape, weight and allowable deviations of hot-rolled steel plates and steel strips" GB711-88 "High-quality carbon structural steel hot-rolled thick steel plates and wide steel strips" GB712-88 "Structural steel for hulls"
GB713-86 "Carbon steel and low-alloy steel plates for boilers" GB3274-82 "Technical conditions for hot-rolled thick steel plates of ordinary carbon structural steel and low-alloy structural steel" GB3531-83 "Technical conditions for low-alloy steel thick plates for low-temperature pressure vessels" GB6655---86 "Low-alloy steel plates for multi-layer pressure vessels" GB6654--86 "Carbon steel and low-alloy steel plates for pressure vessels" Thick Steel Plate》Table 3
Thickness of Composite Plate
Allowable Deviation
Width Line1100
Width (or Diameter) of Composite Plate and Allowable DeviationWidth>1100~1600
Length of Composite Plate and Allowable Deviation
2.4.2 Composite plates with a width greater than 1100mm or a length greater than 2200mm are allowed to be welded with composite materials or base materials. 2.4.3 The thickness of composite materials of composite plates is generally 1.5~10mm. The allowable deviation of the thickness of the composite material of the explosive composite plate shall not exceed ±18% of the nominal thickness of the composite material; the allowable deviation of the thickness of the composite material of the explosive-rolled composite plate shall not exceed ±20% of the nominal thickness of the composite material. 20
2.4.4 The thickness interval of the composite plate substrate shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of GB709-88. 2.4.5 The unevenness of the composite plate shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. If the purchaser has special requirements, it can be determined by negotiation between the supply and demand parties. 131
Classification of composite plates
Unevenness of composite plates, mm/m
GB 85 47 - 87
Class 0, Class 1
Thickness ≤30 mm2
Thickness ≥>30 mm
2.4.6 The four corners of the composite plate shall be cut into right angles, and the bevel shall not be greater than the allowable deviation of its length or width. Composite panels with a thickness of more than 18mm or a length of more than 2800mm may be trimmed by other cutting methods. They may be delivered without trimming if the purchaser agrees. 2.5 Marking example
2.5.1 The Class 1 explosive composite plate in the stress-relieved state with TA2 of composite material thickness of 6mm, A3 steel of base material thickness of 30mm, width of 1000mm and length of 3000mm is marked as: TA2/A3B1M6/30X1000X3000GB8547872.5.2 The Class 2 explosive-rolled composite plate with TAl of composite material thickness of 2mm, A3 steel of base material thickness of 10mm, width of 1100mm and length of 3500mm is marked as: TA1/A3BR22/10×1100X3500GB8547--873Technical requirements
3.1 Chemical composition
3.1.1 The chemical composition of the base material shall comply with the requirements of the relevant standards. 3.1.2 The chemical composition of composite materials TA1 and TA2 shall comply with the provisions of GB3620-83 "Titanium and Titanium Alloy Grades and Chemical Compositions"; the chemical composition of Ti-0.3Mo-0.8Ni and Ti-0.2Pd shall comply with the provisions of Table 6. Table 6
Main component,
Chemical composition group
Ti-0. 2 Pd
Ti-0. 3 Mo-0. 8 Ni
0. 2 ~ 0. 4
Note: Other elements are not tested before leaving the factory. 3.2 Mechanical properties and process properties
Impurity content, % not more than
J0. 12 ~~ 0. 25/ 0. 30
0. 10 1 0. 10
0. 030. 015 0. 25
Total of other core
[0. 015 0. 25 0. 3
The mechanical properties and process properties of the composite plate shall comply with the provisions of Table 7. In the bending test, after the specimen is bent to the specified angle, cracks are not allowed to occur on the outside of the bent part, and the composite interface is not allowed to delaminate. Tensile test
Tensile strength wb
N/mm' (kgf/mm')
Days for base material or composite
· specified value
GB 8547
Shear test
Shear strength, N/mm (kgf/mm)
Class 0 composite plate
Other types of composite plates
Bending force
Bending angle
Inward bend 180°,
Outward bend composite
Determined by the standard
Note: ①When the user requires, the supplier can do a tensile test on the base material, and its tensile strength should meet the requirements of the corresponding standard of the base material. ②The theoretical lower limit standard value of the tensile strength of the composite plate is calculated according to 3.2.1. ?The elongation of the explosion-rolled composite plate can be determined by negotiation between the supply and demand parties. 3.2.1 The theoretical lower limit standard value of tensile strength of composite plate 0# is calculated according to the following formula: UB=
-base material tensile strength lower limit standard value, N/mm (kgf/mm2); composite material tensile strength lower limit standard value, N/mm (kgf/mm2); base material thickness, mm;
composite material thickness, mm.
3.3 Bonding area
The bonding state and bonding area of composite plate shall comply with the provisions of Table 8. Table 8
Area bonding rate is 100%
3.4 Welding quality
Area bonding rate is greater than 98%; the length of a single non-bonding area is not greater than 75mm, and its area is not greater than 45cm. The welding seam of base material or composite material shall meet the following conditions: a.
Bending resistance
In case of inner bending, the resistance shall be 2 times as specified in the base material standard. When it is less than 2 times, it shall be 2 times;
In case of outer bending, it shall be 3 times of the thickness of the summer plate
The area bonding rate is greater than 95%; The area of a single non-bonded area is less than 60cm
The welds of the composite material and the base material shall be subjected to non-destructive testing, and the judgment standard and weld requirements shall be determined by negotiation between the supply and demand parties; The minimum plate width of the spliced plate shall not be less than 300mm; The distance between the base material and the composite material butt weld shall not be less than 100mm. 3.5 Surface quality
3.5.1 The explosive composite plate shall be delivered with the original surface, and the explosive-rolled composite plate with a length of less than 3000mm shall be delivered with the pickled surface. If the purchaser has special requirements for the surface, it can be determined by negotiation between the supply and demand parties. 3.5.2 The surface of the composite plate composite material is not allowed to have macro defects such as cracks, peeling, folding, metal or non-metallic inclusions, but scratches, pits, indentations and other defects that do not exceed half of the thickness tolerance of the composite material are allowed. 3.5.3 It is allowed to remove local defects on the surface of the composite material along the processing direction, but the thickness of the composite material after cleaning shall not be less than its minimum allowable thickness. 3.5.4 Small defects on the surface of the composite material that do not penetrate the substrate are allowed to be repaired by welding, and the repaired surface should be flush with the surface of the composite material. 4 Test method
Chemical composition arbitration analysis method
GB 8547--87
The arbitration analysis method for the chemical composition of the composite material shall be carried out in accordance with GB4698.1~4698.16--84 "Chemical Analysis Method for Titanium and Titanium Alloys" 4.1.1
4.1.2 The arbitration analysis method for the chemical composition of the substrate shall be carried out in accordance with GB223.1~223.50 "Chemical Analysis Method for Steel and Alloys". 4.2 Mechanical properties and process properties test methods The shear strength test, bending test and room temperature tensile test of the composite plate shall be carried out in accordance with GB6396--86. 4.3 Bonding area test method
The bonding state and bonding area of the composite plate shall be tested by ultrasonic flaw detection, and the flaw detection method shall be carried out in accordance with Appendix B of this standard. 4.4 Appearance size inspection method
4.4.1 The thickness of the composite plate shall be measured at a distance of not less than 100mm from the top corner and not less than 20mm from the edge. 4.4.2 The thickness of the composite plate can be measured by a dry ruler, a caliper, or an ultrasonic thickness gauge. When measuring with an ultrasonic thickness gauge, take the average value of any 10 points on each plate.
4.4.3 The thickness of the composite material of the composite plate shall be measured in accordance with the provisions of GB6396-86. 4.5 Surface quality inspection method
The surface quality of the composite plate shall be inspected with the naked eye. 5 Inspection rules
Inspection and acceptance
5.1.1 The product shall be inspected by the supplier's technical inspection department, and the product quality shall be guaranteed to meet the requirements of this standard. 5.1.2 The buyer may re-inspect the received products. If the re-inspection results do not meet the requirements of this standard, the buyer shall submit the matter to the supplier within three months from the date of receipt of the product, and the supplier and buyer shall negotiate to resolve the issue. 5.2 Batching
Composite panels shall be submitted for acceptance in batches, and each batch shall consist of products of the same brand (composite material/base material), category, composite material melting furnace number, specification, state, and processing technology.
5.3 Inspection items
The inspection items for batch products shall comply with the provisions of Table 9. Table 9
Inspection items
Tensile test
Shear test
Inner bending test
Outer bending test
Ultrasonic flaw detection
Table quality
Note: Symbols in the table indicate:
(: indicates a mandatory inspection item;
△: indicates an inspection item to be determined by negotiation between the supply and demand parties; X: indicates an inspection item that is not necessary to be done
5.4 Sampling location and sampling quantity
5.4.1 The chemical composition of the composite material shall be reported in accordance with the chemical composition of the original ingot, and the chemical composition of the base material shall be reported in accordance with the original certificate of conformity. IR2
5.4.2 Mechanical properties and process performance inspection Take one piece from each batch of products at random, and take ... transverse specimens according to the test items (shear specimens are not specified). It is allowed to cut specimens from test plates or residual materials of the same production cycle and process. GB 854787
5.4.3 The joint area of the composite plate shall be inspected sheet by sheet, and the inspection items shall comply with the provisions of Table 10. Table 10
Class 0 and Class 1 composite plates
Full flaw detection
Class 2 composite plates
Continuous flaw detection within a 50mm wide range on the periphery, and flaw detection along a grid with a distance of 200mm for the rest 5.4.4 The overall dimensions and surface quality of the composite plate shall be inspected sheet by sheet, and the measurement of the composite material thickness is allowed to be carried out on one sheet per batch. 5.5 Repeated test
In the inspection of mechanical properties and process properties, if If one sample fails to meet the requirements, double the number of samples shall be taken from the original tested plate (if the original tested plate is not large enough, another sample can be taken from the same batch of products) or the test plate to retest the failed item. If one sample still fails to meet the requirements after retesting, the batch of products shall be scrapped, or the failed items shall be retested one by one, and the qualified ones shall be re-assembled for delivery. 6 Delivery weight
Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the composite plate shall be delivered by theoretical weight. The theoretical weight of the composite plate is calculated based on the thickness of the composite material and the base material, and the length and width of the composite plate. The theoretical weights of 1mm thick titanium plate and steel plate are 4. 51kg/m2 and 7.85kg/m2 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
In addition to the inspection mark, the products in bundles or bulk should be attached with labels or signs, which indicate: supplier name or code;
product brand, specification and status;
product batch number.
7.2 Packaging, transportation and storage
Composite boards are packaged naked. The composite surfaces are opposite to each other, with moisture-proof paper in the middle and tied tightly with metal wire on the outside. If there are special requirements for packaging, the supplier and the buyer shall 7.2.1
Negotiation between the two parties.
7.2.2 Products should be protected from collision, moisture and corrosion by active chemicals during transportation and storage. 7.3 Quality certificate
Each batch of products should be accompanied by a quality certificate that is consistent with this batch of products, which should indicate: a.
Supplier name or code:
Product name or code;
Product brand, specification and status;
Batch number, composite furnace number;
Batch weight and number of pieces;
Results of various analysis and inspections and the stamp of the inspection department; This standard number;
Packaging H period.
Heat treatment system of composite plate
When the composite plate needs to be annealed to relieve stress, the heat treatment system shall be implemented as follows: a.
Heat treatment temperature: 540±25℃;
Hot holding time: less than 3hz
Heating and cooling rate: 80~200℃/h. 13.
GB 854787
Appendix B
Ultrasonic flaw detection method of titanium-steel composite plate
The method is an ultrasonic flaw detection method for composite plates with steel or stainless steel as substrate and titanium as composite material, with a total thickness greater than 8mm, and single-layer composite explosion and explosion standard·assembly.
B.1 General requirements
B. 1. 1 The
is mainly used to detect the degree of fit between the composite material and the substrate of the composite plate. B.1.2 Method category
This standard stipulates that the longitudinal wave pulse reflection method (or multiple pulse reflection method) shall be used for ultrasonic flaw detection. Contact method or water immersion method can be used.
B.1.3 Requirements for flaw detection personnel
Flaw detection operators shall reach the level of non-destructive testing personnel at the ministerial level or the equivalent level of the third level or above; the personnel who issue and interpret the inspection report shall reach the level of personnel at the ministerial level or the equivalent level of the second level or above. B.1.4 Flaw detection surface
B.1.4.1 The surface of the composite plate shall not have oxide scale, oil stains, rust and other contaminants that affect flaw detection. B.1.4.2 The roughness R. of the flaw detection surface shall not be greater than 5um. B.1.4.3 At the specified flaw detection sensitivity, the noise level of the material shall not be greater than 5%. B.2 Flaw detection equipment
B.2.1 Flaw detection instrument
B.2.1.1 Use a pulse reflection ultrasonic flaw detector. The flaw detection instrument should meet the technical performance indicators specified in ZBY230--84 "General Technical Conditions for Type A Pulse Reflection Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors". B.2.1.2 An ultrasonic thickness gauge can also be used. B.2.2 Probe
B.2.2.1 Use a straight probe with a circular or rectangular crystal. A double crystal oblique probe and a thickness gauge probe can also be used. B.2.2.2 The crystal size is generally Φ10~30mm, the short shape is width (10~20)mm×length (15~30)mm, and the frequency is 2.5~10 MHz.
B.2.3 Coupling agent
When using the contact method for flaw detection, clean tap water can be used as a coupling agent, or water glass, soluble oil, propylene glycol, etc. can be used. B.2.4 Comparison test block
B.2.4.1 The comparison test block should be made of a composite plate material that is the same or similar in material thickness, acoustic properties and surface state to the composite plate being tested.
B.2.4.2 The form and size of comparison test block A and test block B are shown in Figure B1. 136
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B.3 Flaw Detection
Choice of Flaw Detection Surface
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Form of Comparison Test Block
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According to the surface state of the plate to be detected, the thickness of the composite material, the acoustic impedance and the appearance shape, it is decided whether to detect from the composite material surface or from the base material surface. B.3.2 Flaw Detection Sensitivity
B.3.2.1 The flaw detection sensitivity is determined by the shape of the plate to be detected. B.3.2.2 Use the comparison test block to adjust the flaw detection sensitivity. B.3.2.3 When detecting from the composite material surface, place the probe at the fully combined position of the comparison test block A, so that the - reflected wave from the bottom surface of the composite plate base material appears on the fluorescent screen, and adjust its amplitude to 80% of the full scale of the fluorescent screen. B.3.2.4 When detecting from the substrate surface, place the probe at the defect center of the comparison test block B, so that the defect reflection wave appears on the fluorescent screen, and adjust its amplitude to 80% of the full scale of the fluorescent screen. B.3.2.5 When using the multiple pulse reflection method, place the probe at the fully bonded part of the comparison test block A, or at the defect center of the test block B, so that three bottom surface echoes or three defect echoes appear on the horizontal baseline of the flaw detector fluorescent screen, and adjust the amplitude of B, or F, to 80% of the full scale of the fluorescent screen. (The amplitude of B2, B, F, F, is determined by the material thickness). Note: B., B, B, are the first, second, and third reflection waves of the fully bonded part, respectively. F., F., F: are the first, second, and third reflection waves of the defect part, respectively.
B.3.3 Determination of non-bonding area
B.3.3.1 Definition of non-bonding area
During the detection process, if the initial pulse signal widens and the bottom pulse disappears or the defect pulse widens, increases, and moves forward, the area is considered a non-bonding area.
B.3.3.2 Determination of non-bonding area
When detecting from the composite surface, if the reflected echo from the bottom surface of the substrate disappears completely, and is accompanied by repeated reflected signals from the interface between the composite and the substrate, the area can be considered a non-bonding area. 37
GB 8547 --87
When detecting from the substrate surface, if the reflected echo from the bottom surface of the composite disappears completely, and is accompanied by false reflected signals (i.e. defect waves) from the interface between the substrate and the composite, the area can be considered a non-bonding area. B.3.3.3 Range of non-bonding area
B. When detecting from the composite surface, when the bottom surface reflected wave drops below 50% as the probe moves in any direction, it is the range of the non-bonding area.
The width and length of the non-bonding area are shown in Figure B2. n
Non-bonding area
Figure B2 Schematic diagram of non-bonding area range
Measure the distance the probe moves, and the length of the inner side of the chip is the length or width of the non-bonding area. B. When detecting from the substrate surface, adjust according to the B-type comparison test block. The range of the non-bonding area is determined by the half-wave height method. Measure the moving distance of the probe, and the center spacing of the chip is the width and length of the non-bonding area. B.3.4 Correction of flaw detection sensitivity
During the flaw detection process, if the height of the bottom echo or defect echo is different from the debugging state of B.3.2.3, B.3.2.4, and B.3.2.5 due to some reasons, the sensitivity of the flaw detector can be corrected so that the amplitude of the bottom echo or defect echo reaches 80% of the full amplitude of the fluorescent screen. B.3.5 Flaw detection speed
In dynamic detection, the probe scanning speed shall not exceed 100mm/s. B.3.6 Recording of defects| |tt||B.3.6.1 For the continuous or discontinuous points found in the scan where the bottom echo is less than 50% (excluding the reduction caused by poor contact due to the surface condition), record them and represent them on the board with corresponding geometric figures, and calculate their area. The reduction of the bottom echo caused by internal defects of the base material or composite material should not be considered. B.3.6.2
Wu Zhong:t:
Calculation of the area of the non-bonding area Approximate calculation is adopted. The calculation formula of bonding rate
B.3.6.4 The calculation formula of non-bonding
: 5
Non-bonding rate;
Total area of non-bonding area, cm\;
Total area of composite board, cm2.
GB 854787
B.3.7 When the thickness of the composite material is less than 2mm, a thickness gauge probe or a dual-crystal oblique probe can be used to detect from the composite surface. B.3.7.1 When using a dual-crystal oblique probe for detection, if the bottom surface echo moves forward or disappears, and the interface pulse is broadened, then the area is a non-bonded area.
B.3.7.2 When using a thickness gauge probe for detection, the thickness of the fully bonded and non-bonded parts of the composite plate is directly displayed by the thickness gauge. B.3.8 Detection report
B.3.8.1 Make detailed records of the flaw detection situation and fill in the flaw detection report. B.3.8.2 Flaw detection report Including:
Commissioning unit, commission date, commission number, contract number, material name, specification, status, category and flaw detection conditions: a.
Size and location of non-bonding area;
Undetected area;
Various situations that must be explained;
Flaw detection date;
Signature of flaw detection personnel.
Additional explanation:
This standard was drafted by Baoji Nonferrous Metal Processing Plant and Baoji Rare Metal Processing Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Wang Xiaochao, Yan Xuebai, Cao Qidong, Peng Wen'an, Bai Baoyang, Li Zhenghua and Deng Wenhui.2 Determination of non-bonding area
When detecting from the composite surface, if the reflected echo from the bottom surface of the substrate disappears completely, and is accompanied by repeated reflection signals from the interface between the composite and the substrate, then the area can be considered as a non-bonding area. 37
GB 8547 --87
When detecting from the substrate surface, if the reflected echo from the bottom surface of the composite disappears completely, and is accompanied by false reflection signals (i.e. defect waves) from the interface between the substrate and the composite, then the area can be considered as a non-bonding area. B.3.3.3 Scope of non-bonding area
B. When detecting from the composite surface, when the bottom surface reflected wave drops below 50% as the probe moves in any direction, it is the scope of the non-bonding area.
The width and length of the non-bonding area are shown in Figure B2. n
Non-bonding area
Figure B2 Schematic diagram of non-bonding area range
Measure the distance the probe moves, and the length of the inner side of the chip is the length or width of the non-bonding area. B. When detecting from the substrate surface, adjust according to the B-type comparison test block. The range of the non-bonding area is determined by the half-wave height method. Measure the moving distance of the probe, and the center spacing of the chip is the width and length of the non-bonding area. B.3.4 Correction of flaw detection sensitivity
During the flaw detection process, if the height of the bottom echo or defect echo is different from the debugging state of B.3.2.3, B.3.2.4, and B.3.2.5 due to some reasons, the sensitivity of the flaw detector can be corrected so that the amplitude of the bottom echo or defect echo reaches 80% of the full amplitude of the fluorescent screen. B.3.5 Flaw detection speed
In dynamic detection, the probe scanning speed shall not exceed 100mm/s. B.3.6 Recording of defects| |tt||B.3.6.1 For the continuous or discontinuous points found in the scan where the bottom echo is less than 50% (excluding the reduction caused by poor contact due to the surface condition), record them and represent them on the board with corresponding geometric figures, and calculate their area. The reduction of the bottom echo caused by internal defects of the base material or composite material should not be considered. B.3.6.2
Wu Zhong:t:
Calculation of the area of the non-bonding area Approximate calculation is adopted. The calculation formula of bonding rate
B.3.6.4 The calculation formula of non-bonding rate
: 5
Non-bonding rate;
Total area of non-bonding area, cm\;
Total area of composite board, cm2.
GB 854787
B.3.7 When the thickness of the composite material is less than 2mm, a thickness gauge probe or a dual-crystal oblique probe can be used to detect from the composite surface. B.3.7.1 When using a dual-crystal oblique probe for detection, if the bottom surface echo moves forward or disappears, and the interface pulse is broadened, then the area is a non-bonded area.
B.3.7.2 When using a thickness gauge probe for detection, the thickness of the fully bonded and non-bonded parts of the composite plate is directly displayed by the thickness gauge. B.3.8 Detection report
B.3.8.1 Make detailed records of the flaw detection situation and fill in the flaw detection report. B.3.8.2 Flaw detection report Including:
Commissioning unit, commission date, commission number, contract number, material name, specification, status, category and flaw detection conditions: a.
Size and location of non-bonding area;
Undetected area;
Various situations that must be explained;
Flaw detection date;
Signature of flaw detection personnel.
Additional explanation:
This standard was drafted by Baoji Nonferrous Metal Processing Plant and Baoji Rare Metal Processing Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Wang Xiaochao, Yan Xuebai, Cao Qidong, Peng Wen'an, Bai Baoyang, Li Zhenghua and Deng Wenhui.2 Determination of non-bonding area
When detecting from the composite surface, if the reflected echo from the bottom surface of the substrate disappears completely, and is accompanied by repeated reflection signals from the interface between the composite and the substrate, then the area can be considered as a non-bonding area. 37
GB 8547 --87
When detecting from the substrate surface, if the reflected echo from the bottom surface of the composite disappears completely, and is accompanied by false reflection signals (i.e. defect waves) from the interface between the substrate and the composite, then the area can be considered as a non-bonding area. B.3.3.3 Scope of non-bonding area
B. When detecting from the composite surface, when the bottom surface reflected wave drops below 50% as the probe moves in any direction, it is the scope of the non-bonding area.
The width and length of the non-bonding area are shown in Figure B2. n
Non-bonding area
Figure B2 Schematic diagram of non-bonding area range
Measure the distance the probe moves, and the length of the inner side of the chip is the length or width of the non-bonding area. B. When detecting from the substrate surface, adjust according to the B-type comparison test block. The range of the non-bonding area is determined by the half-wave height method. Measure the moving distance of the probe, and the center spacing of the chip is the width and length of the non-bonding area. B.3.4 Correction of flaw detection sensitivity
During the flaw detection process, if the height of the bottom echo or defect echo is different from the debugging state of B.3.2.3, B.3.2.4, and B.3.2.5 due to some reasons, the sensitivity of the flaw detector can be corrected so that the amplitude of the bottom echo or defect echo reaches 80% of the full amplitude of the fluorescent screen. B.3.5 Flaw detection speed
In dynamic detection, the probe scanning speed shall not exceed 100mm/s. B.3.6 Recording of defects| |tt||B.3.6.1 For the continuous or discontinuous points found in the scan where the bottom echo is less than 50% (excluding the reduction caused by poor contact due to the surface condition), record them and represent them on the board with corresponding geometric figures, and calculate their area. The reduction of the bottom echo caused by internal defects of the base material or composite material should not be considered. B.3.6.2
Wu Zhong:t:
Calculation of the area of the non-bonding area Approximate calculation is adopted. The calculation formula of bonding rate
B.3.6.4 The calculation formula of non-bonding rate
: 5
Non-bonding rate;
Total area of non-bonding area, cm\;
Total area of composite board, cm2.
GB 854787
B.3.7 When the thickness of the composite material is less than 2mm, a thickness gauge probe or a dual-crystal oblique probe can be used to detect from the composite surface. B.3.7.1 When using a dual-crystal oblique probe for detection, if the bottom surface echo moves forward or disappears, and the interface pulse is broadened, then the area is a non-bonded area.
B.3.7.2 When using a thickness gauge probe for detection, the thickness of the fully bonded and non-bonded parts of the composite plate is directly displayed by the thickness gauge. B.3.8 Detection report
B.3.8.1 Make detailed records of the flaw detection situation and fill in the flaw detection report. B.3.8.2 Flaw detection report Including:
Commissioning unit, commission date, commission number, contract number, material name, specification, status, category and flaw detection conditions: a.
Size and location of non-bonding area;
Undetected area;
Various situations that must be explained;
Flaw detection date;
Signature of flaw detection personnel.
Additional explanation:
This standard was drafted by Baoji Nonferrous Metal Processing Plant and Baoji Rare Metal Processing Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Wang Xiaochao, Yan Xuebai, Cao Qidong, Peng Wen'an, Bai Baoyang, Li Zhenghua and Deng Wenhui.
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