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HG/T 2502-1993 5201 silicone grease

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2502-1993

Standard Name: 5201 silicone grease

Chinese Name: 5201硅脂

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1993-09-08

Date of Implementation:1994-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Organic Chemistry>>71.080.70 Lipids

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Organic Chemical Raw Materials>>G17 General Organic Chemical Raw Materials

associated standards

alternative situation:HG 2-1491-83

Procurement status:MIL-S-8660C NEQ

Publication information

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HG/T 2502-1993 5201 Silicone Grease HG/T2502-1993 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Published on September 8, 1993
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on July 1, 1994
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
I Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and requirements for marking, packaging, transportation and storage of 5201 silicone grease. This standard applies to silicone grease made of dimethyl silicone oil thickened by fumed silica. 2 Reference Standards
GB 269 ​​Cone penetration test method for lubricating grease
GB1408 Test method for power frequency electrical strength of coil insulation material GB1409 Test method for relative dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor of solid insulation material at power frequency, audio frequency and high frequency (including meter wavelength)
GB1410 Test method for volume resistivity and surface resistivity of solid insulation material GB/T6678 General rules for sampling of chemical products
GB/T6679 General rules for sampling of solid chemical products GB10580 Standard conditions for solid insulation materials before and during testing SY2710 Grease corrosion test
3 Product model
31 This product model consists of four parts: secondary processing form code, silicone oil code, group code and serial number, as shown in Figure 1: 5201
Secondary processing form code
Silicone oil code
Methyl code
Figure 1 Model composition diagram
3.2 No. 1 is heat-resistant type, No. 2 and 3 are ordinary types, the former has low consistency, the latter has high consistency, 4 Technical requirements
4.1 Appearance is milky white or light gray translucent grease, free of mechanical impurities, 4.2 Physical and chemical properties should meet the technical indicators specified in the table, Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on September 8, 1993 and implemented on July 1, 1994
Cone degree
Oil separation, %
Not working
Volatile content, %
Relative dielectric constant, (50 Hz)
Dielectric loss factor, (50 IIz)
Volume resistivity,·cm
Electrical strength, MV/m
Waterproof and airtightness
5Test methods
5.1 Determination of appearance
Superior products
HG/T 2502 —93
Table of physical and chemical performance indicators
First-class products
2. 6~ 3. 0
8. 0X 10-+
1. 0 ×1015
After opening the package, visually inspect under natural light. 5. 2 Determination of cone penetration
5. 2. 1 Determination of non-working cone penetration
Qualified product
2. 5 ~3. 1
5. 0 × 1014
Superior product
First-class product
2. 6~3. 0
1. 0×10t5
Qualified product
2. 5 ~ 3., 1
3. 5 × 10-3
No corrosion
Cobalt chloride test paper does not return red
The test is carried out using the method specified in Articles 2 to 4 of Method A, Part I of GB269, in which: a
Exhaust 1b under the condition of residual pressure not exceeding 400Pa; the test temperature is 25±5C,
the result is rounded to three significant figures.
5.2.2 Determination of working cone depth
Superior product
Qualified product
170~ 200
2. 6~3. 0
8. 0 ×10*
1. 0 × 101s
3. 5 × 10-3
5. 0 ×10 4
The method specified in Articles 2~3 and 5 of Method A of Part I of GB269 shall be used for determination. The exhaust conditions of the sample and the test conditions are the same as those in 5. 2. 1.
The results shall be rounded to three significant figures.
5.3 Determination of oil separation and volatile matter content
5. 3. 1 Instruments and equipment
. Electric heating oven: maximum working temperature 300, temperature control accuracy 2,5,3.1.2 Analytical balance: maximum load 200g, sensitivity 0.1mg+ Dryer: place color-changing silica gel or anhydrous calcium chloride desiccant, Steel mesh oil separation tester: as shown in Figure 22
5.3.2 Test procedure
Figure 2 Steel mesh oil separator
1-Beaker; 2-Cone mesh: 3-Hanging rod Weigh the constant weight of the burning probe, accurate to 0.01 height, install the hanging rod support, and the silver solder is along this line Weigh 10g of the sample, accurate to 0.01g, and place it in the cone mesh. The bottom of the cone should be filled, and the top of the sample should be smooth and convex to prevent the separated oil from accumulating, and avoid the formation of air pockets and gaps. Hang the cone net with the sample on the middle of the hanging rod placed on the mouth of the beaker, and weigh its total mass. Then, place it in an electric constant temperature drying oven at 200°C for 24 hours and take it out. After cooling to room temperature in the dryer, weigh its total mass first, then take out the hanging rod and cone net, and weigh the total mass of the beaker and oil. 5.3.3 Calculation of test results Oil separation is calculated according to formula (1): x
Where: X, - oil separation %;
one sample mass, g:
m beaker mass, g
- sum of the mass of beaker and oil, g.
If the oil separation is greater than 5%, the difference between the two parallel determination results should not be greater than 1%; if the oil separation is less than or equal to 5%, the difference between the two parallel determination results should not be greater than 0.7%. The arithmetic mean is taken as the test result, and two significant figures are rounded. The volatile matter content is calculated according to formula (2): X
Wherein: X—volatile matter content, %;
—the sum of the mass of the sample before baking and the steel mesh oil separation measuring device, gm—the sum of the mass of the sample after baking and the steel mesh oil separation measuring device, g. The difference between the two parallel measurement results should not exceed 0.3%. The arithmetic mean is taken as the test result. Take two significant figures, 5.4 Determination of relative dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor (2)
The method specified in GB1409 is used for determination, where: before the test, the sample needs to be treated for 1 hour under the condition of residual pressure not more than 400Pa and temperature of 80±5℃; the standard environmental conditions during the test: temperature is 27±2℃, relative humidity is 65±5%: b.
The measurement method uses the zero-point indication method, and the accuracy requirements should comply with the provisions of Article 6.4 of GB1409, The test voltage is 2000V and the frequency is 50Hz;
The electrode is a disc-shaped copper electrode with a protective ring, and the bracket material is a hard insulating material with a dielectric loss factor not greater than 3×10- as shown in Figure 3;
Figure 3 Relative dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor test electrode 0
e Sample loading method: Use a clean scraper to place the processed sample in the middle of the upper electrode. The sample volume should ensure that it can cover the electrode without generating cavities, and then press it on the lower electrode and align the center: f. The operation procedure is carried out according to the instrument operation procedures. The result is rounded to two significant figures.
5.5 Determination of volume resistivity
The method specified in GB1410 is used for determination, in which: the test method uses the high resistance meter method:
The electrode, sample pretreatment and test conditions, and sample loading method are the same as Article 5.4: The operating procedures are carried out according to the instrument operating procedures, HG/T2502-93
The coefficient difference between two parallel determination results should not be greater than 8, and the arithmetic mean is taken as the test result, and two significant figures are taken. 5.6 Determination of electrical strength
The method specified in GB1408 is used for determination, in which: a. Sample pretreatment: first place the sample in a porcelain plate, treat it for 1 hour under the condition of residual pressure not more than 400Pa and temperature of 80±5, then use a clean scraper to put it into the electrode without causing cavitation, and then treat it for 10m under the condition of residual pressure not more than 400Pa; b.: Environmental conditions during the test are as in Article 5.4;
c. The electrode form is two hemispherical shapes with a diameter of 12.5mm and an electrode gap of 1.25mm, made of brass, the support material is a hard insulating material with a dielectric loss factor of no more than 3×10--as shown in Figure 4; 1.25
Figure 4 Electric strength test electrode
d. The operating procedure is carried out according to the instrument operating procedures, and the voltage increase speed is 1000V/s. 5.7 Determination of flammability
5.7.1 Instruments and equipment Balance: maximum load 200g, sensitivity 0.2g5.7.1.2 Lamp: hanging alcohol burner or other gas lamp, Screen: stainless steel mesh, aperture 1.0~1.3mm, Tripod: iron
5. 7. 2 Test procedure
Weigh about 10g of sample and place it on a stainless steel screen, the reconstitution area of ​​which is a circle with a diameter of 2.5cm. Place the screen on a tripod and carefully heat it with a burning lamp below so that the flame does not jump onto the screen. When the sample begins to decompose or volatilize, use a second burning lamp to ignite the released gas. When both burning lamps are evacuated, see if the flame goes out immediately. If not, the sample is not self-extinguishing and the test is stopped. If it goes out, continue heating until the sample is red hot and ignite it again. If it still goes out, the sample is self-extinguishing, otherwise it is not self-extinguishing and the test is over.
5.7.3 Evaluation of test results
Measure three times in parallel and take the same results twice as the final test results. 5.8 Determination of corrosiveness
The method specified in SY 2710 is used for determination. The metal sheet is made of No. 45 steel with a specification of 50mm×50mm×(3.5~5)mm. 5.9 Determination of waterproof sealing performance
5.9.1 Reagents and solutions
Cobalt chloride aqueous solution: 25g of cobalt chloride is contained in every 100mL of dissolved wave. 5.9.2 Instruments and materials Electric constant temperature drying oven: the maximum working temperature is 150C, and the temperature control accuracy is ±1. Oxidation: made of glass, with a diameter of 30±2mm and a height of 12±1 mm. 5.9. 2.3 Water bath. Scraper, Filter paper: @25±1mm.
59.2.6 Dryer: Place color-changing silica gel or anhydrous calcium chloride desiccant inside, 5.9.3 Test procedure Soak the filter paper in the sodium carbonate aqueous solution, take it out after soaking for 5 minutes, remove the excess solution on the surface, put it in a 105±2℃ electric heating constant temperature drying oven, dry it until the paper is completely blue, take it out, put it in the dryer to cool to room temperature. 5.9.3:2 Place the blue paper at the bottom of the oxide band, fill it with the sample to the III port, avoid cavitation and empty space, and then use a scraper to scrape the fat surface. Put it in a water bath, soak it at room temperature for 24 hours, take it out and observe the color change of the paper. 5.9.4 Evaluation of test results
Parallel measurement of five filter papers, at least three filter papers do not return pink, 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Products produced at one time or mixed evenly are a batch; 6.2 Sampling units are counted by packaging ladder, and the number of sampling units is in accordance with the provisions of Table 1 in GB/T6678. The sampling method is in accordance with Article of GB/T6679, and the sampling volume is 1.5kg. 63 The product is inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer, and it should be ensured that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements specified in this standard. Each batch of products should have a quality inspection report. 64 The appearance in this standard and the chain degree in Table 4.2. Oil separation, volatile content, and waterproof sealing are factory inspection items, and relative dielectric constant, dielectric loss factor, volume resistivity, electrical strength, flammability, and corrosiveness are random inspection items. Every ten batches are inspected. If less than ten batches are produced in three months, random inspections are conducted once every quarter. Type test is to be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.6.1 of GB1.3. 6.5 If a technical requirement of the test result does not meet the requirements of this standard, samples shall be taken from the batch of products with twice the number of units for re-testing, and the grade shall be determined by the re-testing results.
6.6 The user unit may inspect the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If re-testing is required, it shall be carried out within six days of receiving the products. 6.7 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, they shall be resolved through negotiation or by arbitration by the statutory quality inspection department. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
Each package of the product should have a clear and firm mark indicating the product name, model, grade, batch number, net weight, production date and manufacturer name.
7.2 Packaging
The product should be packaged in a sealed container lined with a plastic bag. Each package should have a certificate of conformity indicating the batch number and this standard number. 7.3 Transportation
This product is transported as a non-toxic and non-dangerous product. Precautions should be taken during transportation. Stop Li Lin and sunlight exposure, 7.4 Storage
This product should be placed in a ventilated and dry place, and should be isolated from fire and away from heat sources. This product has a storage period of two years from the date of production under -5 ~ 40 conditions. After the storage period, it can be retested according to the provisions of this standard. If the retest results still meet the requirements of this standard, it can still be used
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Plastic Resin Products Branch of the National Plastic Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by Shanghai Resin Factory at its own expense. The main drafters of this standard were Li Yansheng and Tan Youming. This standard adopts the US military standard ML-S-8660C "Silicone Composites". From the date of publication of this standard, the former standard HG2-1491-83 "295 Silicone Grease" issued by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China will be abolished. 2502—93
Editor: Chemical Industry Standards Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute, Ministry of Chemical Industry)Www.bzxZ.net
Postal Code: 100013
Printer: Standardization Research Institute, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format: 880×12301/16Printing Sheet: 9/6Number of Words: 14000First Edition: May 1994
First Printing: June 1994
Print Quantity: 1—500
Cost: RMB 4.20
HG /T 2502 --- 93Remove the excess solution on the surface, place it in a 105±2℃ electric constant temperature drying oven, dry until the paper is completely blue, take it out, and place it in a dryer to cool to room temperature. 5.9.3:2 Place the blue paper at the bottom of the oxide band, fill it with the sample to the III port, avoid the formation of air pockets and voids, and then use a scraper to scrape the fat surface. Place it in a water bath, soak it at room temperature for 24 hours, take it out and observe the color change of the paper. 5.9.4 Evaluation of test results
Parallel measurement of five filter paper pieces, at least three filter paper pieces do not return to pink, 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Products produced or mixed uniformly at one time are considered a batch; 6.2 The sampling unit is calculated based on the packaging ladder, and the number of sampling units shall be as specified in Table 1 of GB/T6678. The sampling method is in accordance with Article of GB/T6679, and the sampling volume is 1.5kg.63 The product shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer, and it shall be ensured that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements specified in this standard. Each batch of products shall have a quality inspection report.64 The appearance in this standard and the chain degree in Table 4.2. Oil separation, volatile matter content, waterproof sealing are factory inspection items, relative dielectric constant, dielectric loss factor, volume resistivity, electrical strength, flammability, and corrosiveness are random inspection items, and inspection shall be conducted every ten batches. For those who produce less than ten batches in three months, random inspection shall be conducted once every quarter. Type test shall be conducted in accordance with Article 6.6.1 of GB1.3.6.5 If a certain technical requirement does not meet the requirements of this standard in the inspection results, re-sample from the batch of products with twice the number of sampling units for re-inspection, and the grade shall be determined by the re-inspection results.
6.6 The user may inspect the received products according to the provisions of this standard. If re-inspection is required, it must be carried out within six days of receiving the products. 6.7 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, the two parties shall negotiate to resolve the issue or the statutory quality inspection department shall conduct arbitration. Marking, packaging, transportation, storage and recommendation
7.1 Marking
Each package of the product shall have a clear and firm mark indicating the product name, model, grade, batch number, net weight, production date and manufacturer name.
7.2 Packaging
The product shall be packaged in a sealed container lined with a plastic bag. Each package shall have a certificate of conformity indicating the batch number and this standard number. 7.3 Transportation
This product shall be transported as non-toxic and non-dangerous goods. Precautions shall be taken during transportation. Stop Li Lin and sunlight exposure, 7.4 Storage
This product should be placed in a ventilated and dry place, and should be isolated from fire and away from heat sources. This product has a storage period of two years from the date of production under -5 ~ 40 conditions. After the storage period, it can be retested according to the provisions of this standard. If the retest results still meet the requirements of this standard, it can still be used
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Plastic Resin Products Branch of the National Plastic Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by Shanghai Resin Factory at its own expense. The main drafters of this standard were Li Yansheng and Tan Youming. This standard adopts the US military standard ML-S-8660C "Silicone Composites". From the date of publication of this standard, the former standard HG2-1491-83 "295 Silicone Grease" issued by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China will be abolished. 2502—93
Editor: Chemical Industry Standards Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute, Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printer: Standardization Research Institute, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format: 880×12301/16Printing Sheet: 9/6Number of Words: 14000First Edition: May 1994
First Printing: June 1994
Print Quantity: 1—500
Cost: RMB 4.20
HG /T 2502 --- 93Remove the excess solution on the surface, place it in a 105±2℃ electric constant temperature drying oven, dry until the paper is completely blue, take it out, and place it in a dryer to cool to room temperature. 5.9.3:2 Place the blue paper at the bottom of the oxide band, fill it with the sample to the III port, avoid the formation of air pockets and voids, and then use a scraper to scrape the fat surface. Place it in a water bath, soak it at room temperature for 24 hours, take it out and observe the color change of the paper. 5.9.4 Evaluation of test results
Parallel measurement of five filter paper pieces, at least three filter paper pieces do not return to pink, 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Products produced or mixed uniformly at one time are considered a batch; 6.2 The sampling unit is calculated based on the packaging ladder, and the number of sampling units is in accordance with Table 1 of GB/T6678. The sampling method is in accordance with Article of GB/T6679, and the sampling volume is 1.5kg.63 The product shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer, and it shall be ensured that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements specified in this standard. Each batch of products shall have a quality inspection report.64 The appearance in this standard and the chain degree in Table 4.2. Oil separation, volatile content, waterproof sealing are factory inspection items, relative dielectric constant, dielectric loss factor, volume resistivity, electrical strength, flammability, and corrosiveness are random inspection items, and inspection shall be conducted every ten batches. For those who produce less than ten batches in three months, random inspection shall be conducted once every quarter. Type test shall be conducted in accordance with Article 6.6.1 of GB1.3.6.5 If a certain technical requirement does not meet the requirements of this standard in the inspection results, re-sample from the batch of products with twice the number of sampling units for re-inspection, and the grade shall be determined by the re-inspection results.
6.6 The user may inspect the received products according to the provisions of this standard. If re-inspection is required, it must be carried out within six days of receiving the products. 6.7 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, the two parties shall negotiate to resolve the issue or the statutory quality inspection department shall conduct arbitration. Marking, packaging, transportation, storage and recommendation
7.1 Marking
Each package of the product shall have a clear and firm mark indicating the product name, model, grade, batch number, net weight, production date and manufacturer name.
7.2 Packaging
The product shall be packaged in a sealed container lined with a plastic bag. Each package shall have a certificate of conformity indicating the batch number and this standard number. 7.3 Transportation
This product shall be transported as non-toxic and non-dangerous goods. Precautions shall be taken during transportation. Stop Li Lin and sunlight exposure, 7.4 Storage
This product should be placed in a ventilated and dry place, and should be isolated from fire and away from heat sources. This product has a storage period of two years from the date of production under the condition of -5 to 40 degrees. After the storage period, it can be retested according to the provisions of this standard. If the retest results still meet the requirements of this standard, it can still be used.
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Plastic Resin Products Branch of the National Plastic Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by Shanghai Resin Factory at its own expense. The main drafters of this standard were Li Yansheng and Tan Youming. This standard adopts the US military standard ML-S-8660C "Silicone Composites". From the date of publication of this standard, the former standard HG2-1491-83 "295 Silicone Grease" issued by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China will be abolished. 2502—93
Editor: Chemical Industry Standards Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute, Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printer: Standardization Research Institute, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format: 880×12301/16Printing Sheet: 9/6Number of Words: 14000First Edition: May 1994
First Printing: June 1994
Print Quantity: 1—500
Cost: RMB 4.20
HG /T 2502 --- 93
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