This standard specifies the professional terminology of electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres. This standard is applicable to the formulation and revision of standards for electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres, the preparation of technical documents, the compilation and translation of professional manuals, teaching materials, books and periodicals, etc. GB/T 2900.35-1998 Electrical terminology Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres GB/T2900.35-1998 Standard download decompression password:
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1cs.29.020 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 2900.35—1998 neg1Ec50(426):1990 Electrotechnical terminologyElectrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres atmospheres1998-03-20 issued 1998-12-01 implementation State Administration of Technical Supervision issued GO/T2900..351998 TEC Foreword IEC Foreword General terms Physical and chemical phenomena Hazardous areas and zones Electrical service structure Tests for electrical equipment Palm-type electrical equipment Filling electrical equipment Equipment Increased safety electrical equipment Formula electrical equipment.. Oil-gel type electrical equipment 12 Intrinsically safe electrical equipment and associated electrical equipment English index English index GB/T2900.35—1998 This standard is a revision of the GE2900.35—83 standard based on the IEC 50 International Working Vocabulary> Chapter 426, Electrical Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres (1950 1st edition) of the IEC 50 International Working Vocabulary> Chapter 426, Electrical Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres (1950 1st edition). This standard adds 13 clauses on the basis of IEC5 (426): 1990 English 1st edition. The added contents are technical terms that are necessary to be retained in the original GB290C.35-8 standard, thereby improving the integrity and operability of the standard. In terms of technology, this standard is compared with GB290C.35-8. The main changes include flameproof type of electrical equipment, flameproof type of electrical equipment; physical phenomena and chemical phenomena, etc., the structure of electrical equipment, temperature control of electrical equipment, etc., a total of 37 terms in the chapters of electrical equipment are reduced, and the main content of the book is cancelled; the added contents include type test, temperature test, "I" and "B" grade terms. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Explosion-proof Electrical Equipment: This standard is funded by the Explosion-proof Electrical Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and other units. The main drafters of this standard are Xu Yunlin, Zhu Songxiang, Gong Fanyu, Zheng Zhi, Zhang Changshun and Song Yingmin. This standard was first issued in August 1983 and revised for the first time in December 1992. This standard will replace GB2900.35-1998 from the date of implementation. This standard shall be interpreted by the National Technical Committee for Electrical Equipment Standardization. GD/T 290.35-1998 IEC Foreword 1) The formal decisions or agreements on technical issues of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) are formulated by technical committees. The national committees with special interests in the subject shall participate in the technical committees. Therefore, the decisions and agreements on the subject shall reflect the international consensus as much as possible. 2) These decisions and agreements shall adopt the internationally accepted promotion form and be accepted by the national committees. 3) In order to promote international unification, the International Electrical Commission (IEC) expressed the hope that all national committees should adopt IEC recommended standards as their national standards if the relevant regulations allow. If there are any differences between the recommended standards of the IEC and the corresponding national standards of various countries, they should be explained as detailed as possible in the national standards. IEC Preface This standard was prepared by the 31st Technical Committee of IEC for the management of explosive atmospheres of electrical equipment, and the IEC Technical Committee Na.1 is responsible for terminology. This standard constitutes Chapter 426 of the International Technical Vocabulary (TEV). The text of this standard is based on the following documents: 1IEV426)(C0)1226 Voting report 1(TEV426)(CO)1238 Details of the approval of this standard can be found in the voting report listed in the table above. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Electrical terms Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres F.electrictechnicaltermsandnologs Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres 1.1 This standard specifies the specifications of electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres: G/T 290Q.35—1998 neg IEC 50(426):1990 Generation GB 2500.35-83 1.2 Technical standards apply to the formulation, revision, preparation of technical documents, professional registration, materials, books and periodicals of electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres. 2 General terms 2.1 Electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres electrical apparatus a flameproof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus explosion-proof electrical apparatus 2.3 (Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres) in order to prevent ignition of explosive gas equipment using explosive outflow doors (ofanelectrieulapparutusForexplosivcutmpherea) according to the electrical equipment used in explosive atmospheres and classified into categories. Note: 143536 electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres is divided into two categories [according to the standard expansion of electrical equipment; E, except for underground expansion, it is also a kind of equipment used in explosive gas environments. This type of equipment is further divided into 2.4 Maximum surface temperature The temperature reached by any part or component of an electrical device when the electrical equipment is operating under the most unfavorable operating conditions within the specified range, which may cause an explosive atmosphere. Column: The temperature reached by any part or component of an electrical device when the electrical equipment is operating under the most unfavorable operating conditions within the specified range, which may cause an explosive atmosphere. 2-5 (Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres) Groups of electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres (explosive atmospheres) 3 Physical observations and chemical phenomena 3.1 Ignition temperature of explosive atmospheres The lowest temperature at which explosive gases can be ignited by hot surfaces in combination with air or in the form of gases under certain conditions Note:! 3. Explosive atmosphere explosive atmosphere mosplere Approved by the State Technical Supervision Bureau on March 20, 1998 Implementation on December 1, 1998 GB/T 2900.35-1998 Under normal atmospheric conditions, gas, vapor, dust or fibrous combustible substances form a mixture with air. After ignition, they burn to the surrounding of all unburned compounds. 3.3 Explosive gas atmosphere explosive atmosphere mosplere Under normal atmospheric conditions, gas, vapor or mist combustible substances form a mixture with air. After ignition, they burn to the surrounding of all unburned compounds. 3.4 Explosive dust environment explosive dust atmosphere Under atmospheric conditions, dust or bulk combustible materials form a mixture with air, which, after ignition, spreads to the entire environment. 3.5 Explosive mixture: A mixture of combustible gas, fume, mist, dust or fiber with air between the upper and lower explosive limits. 3.6 Test explosive mixture explosive test mixture is used to test the explosive gas environment. The explosive mixture specified by the equipment. 3.7 Easily ignitable mixture A mixture that requires minimum electrical energy to ignite under specified conditions. 3.8 Most explosive mixture A mixture that produces the highest pressure rise after ignition under specified conditions. 3.9 Most explosive mixture A mixture that, under specified conditions, is most likely to ignite the surrounding explosive mixture by passing its flame close to the joint. 3.10 Explosion lower limit (LEL) The concentration of a flammable gas, vapor or vapor in air below which an explosive atmosphere cannot be formed. 3.11 Upper explosion limit (UEL) The concentration of a flammable gas, vapor or vapor in air above which an explosive atmosphere cannot be formed. 3.12 Maximum test safety barrier InAximuexparioentelfegap (MESG) Under given test conditions, the mixture of the test gas and air in the test chamber of the test device can prevent the gas from passing through the 5nm joint surface between the two parts of the chamber to the joint surface of the external gas mixture. Note: I:791A uniformly stipulates the test device method. 3.13 Minimum ignition current minimumignition current (MIC) The minimum current that can ignite the most ignitable mixture under given conditions and in a specified spark test. Note: I:713 uniformly stipulates the spark test device. 3.14 Explosion explosibility (or anexplosive atmosphere) The phenomenon of pressure and temperature rise caused by chemical reaction or other exothermic reaction. 3.15 Flash point The level at which a liquid releases a certain amount of vapor under standard conditions to form an ignitable vapor-air mixture. 3.1E The state of affairs when an explosive gas mixture in a cavity or compartment is ignited and ignites, causing the explosive gas mixture in other cavities or compartments to be ignited. 4 Hazardous areas and zones 4.1 Hazardous areas (on account of explosive gas atmospheres) Hazardous gases aren (on account of explosive gas atmospheres) are used to describe the use of hazardous gases. 3.5 Terms used in this document. CB/I 29035 ·1998 Explosive gas atmospheres exist or are likely to appear in large numbers in the long term, so it is necessary to communicate with the construction workers on the structure, installation and use of electrical equipment in the construction area Note: EC-JU stipulates the division of dangerous areas. 4.2 Non-hazardous areas in explosive gas environments: Non-hazardous areas where explosive gas environments are unlikely to occur, and where no special requirements are imposed on the structure, installation and use of electrical equipment: 4.3 (Region neQ in the hazardous area classification: Areas where explosive gas environments may occur for a long time. 4.4 (Region 1 in the hazardous area classification: Zone 1 (the clangslflcatlonofhazardousareas): Areas where explosive gas environments may occur. 4.5 (Region 2 in the hazardous area classification: Areas where explosive gas environments may occur during normal operation. If they occur, they will only exist for a short time. 4.6 Release sources: release The location where the release of gases, gases, etc. into the atmosphere is likely to form a propellant gas. Note that JE79-10 specifies the division of the release source. 4.7 Natural ventilation Natural rentilation is also the phenomenon that the air flow is replaced by fresh air due to the effect of wind and/or wind difference. 4.8 General ventilation General ventilation The phenomenon that the air flow is replaced by fresh air due to the use of fans and other ventilation methods in the entire area. 4.9 Local mechanical ventilation Local ventilation lventllalion The phenomenon that the air flow surface is changed by mechanical ventilation for a specific release or part of the city. 5 Electrical equipment structure 5.7 (Electrical equipment) enclosure (orelecricappuratus) The shell wall that contains the electrical equipment and the electrical parts (including doors, covers, cable entry, control levers, spindles and shafts, etc.) 5.2 (Electrical equipment enclosure protection level deereeufproleclionprorldedbyenrlosssures(orelertrical 1. Prevent the entry of solid foreign matter into the electrical equipment: 2. Prevent water from entering and damaging the internal equipment of the enclosure. 3. 5.3 (Respiratory device for electrical equipment in explosive atmospheres) 4. Respiratory device for electrical equipment in explosive atmospheres: 5.4 Drainage device: A device that allows liquid to be discharged from the enclosure and maintain the integrity of the explosion-proof type. 5.5 (Special fasteners for electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres) Special fasteners for electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres ... Electrical apparatus) The method of connecting the self-gas equipment to the external circuit through a connection plate or a socket outside the main casing. 6 Tests of electrical equipment 6.1 Type test A test conducted on one or more electrical equipment manufactured according to the design to determine whether the equipment complies with the relevant standards: 6.2 Routine test A test conducted on each electrical equipment during the manufacturing process or after the manufacturing process to determine whether it complies with the provisions of the relevant standards. Flameproof electrical equipment 7.1 Flameproof electrical equipment A Flameproof electrical equipment is an explosion-proof type of electrical equipment. It is an electrical equipment with a flameproof enclosure. This type of protection is indicated by a flameproof enclosure. .2 Flameproof enclosure (of electrical equipment for non-explosive gas environments) apparatus for explosive atmospheres) electric steam casting, of various types or explosion-proof. It can withstand the entry of flammable objects into the interior without being damaged, and will not ignite the external explosive environment formed by one or more gases or vapors through the joint surface or structural holes on the outer filling. 7.3 Flameproof joint surface un:pruufjui The joint surface of each component of the explosion-proof device is matched together to prevent the internal explosion from spreading to the surrounding explosive gas of the shell. 7.(of the flameproof joint) The distance between the opposing surfaces of the flameproof joint. For two flared surfaces, the gap is the radial gap (the difference between the two diameters). The maximum permissible gap maxlnumperaittedxpf.5 The maximum permissible gap value specified for the flameproof outer shell according to the flameproof length of the flameproof joint. The maximum length of the flameproof joint from the inside of the flameproof outer shell through the flameproof joint to the outside of the flameproof outer shell: juice! This definition is only used to form a flameproof joint. 7.7 Flameproof insulating sleeve [lamepronf hashlup] provides one or more insulating parts that penetrate the inner plate or wall of the flameproof outer shell to affect the outer shell or the flameproof performance. 7. Japanese threaded flameproof joint surface threadedflumeproof joint surface1 relative to the clothing surface is a dry joint surface that needs to be threaded, f.9 flat flameproof joint surface nlaogedflameproof joint surface relative to the clothing surface is a flat surface. And the length of the joint surface is a self-shaped joint surface. 7.10 cylindrical flameproof joint surface cylindricalflameproof joint surface relative to the clothing surface is a round shape, and the length of the joint surface is a sound line color true explosion joint surface, and the mouth of the two joint surfaces is a spiral joint surface. 7.11 adopts the method of noise, 1_IFC standard does not have T. clauses. 3.TEC standard does not have 7.8, 7.9, 7.13, 7.1 and 7.12 clauses CB/T2900.35-1998 relative surface includes a flat surface and a flameproof joint surface. 7.12 Curved flameproof joint surface A flameproof joint surface composed of two flat joint surfaces and two flat joint surfaces in series. 7.13 Floating seal flameproof joint surface A flameproof joint surface with radial displacement allowed between fixed and rotating parts, such as sand-filled electrical equipment (electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres) "Increased safety electrical equipment" is a type of explosion-proof electrical equipment. It is a type of electrical equipment with sand or other materials of specified characteristics filled inside. Under the specified conditions of use, the electric strength or temperature generated inside cannot ignite the explosive gas in the country. The explosion-proof type letter indicates: ||TT||9 Increased safety electrical equipment ||TT||9.1 [Electrical equipment for explosive gas environment) Increased safety type \e\Inereasedsntety\\(ofeleciricaluprmrutusforexplaslvegar aiawpheres. Increased safety electrical apparatus\eincreasedsatetyelectricalapparatus\" is an explosion-proof type of electrical equipment. It is a type of electrical equipment that will not generate electrical chaos or fire under normal operating conditions, but some accessories are applied to improve its safety tolerance, to prevent the possible dangerous benefits of its internal and external parts, motors and fire. When: The following types of electrical equipment are shown in the table: 9.2 (Increased safety electrical apparatus) Limiting temperature (ofincreasedsafetyelecirlcalapparatus) The maximum temperature of the equipment or its components. It is equal to the lower temperature of the two temperatures specified in the following conditions: 1) The temperature at which the explosive gas will not ignite: 1) The thermal stability of the materials used in the electrical equipment. 9.3 (Time limit of increasedsafetyelectricalapparatus) Apparotus)The maximum ambient temperature in the specification, after reaching the rated operating temperature, the AC porcelain group, after the rated operating temperature is changed, starts to pass the starting current to measure the time required for the short change until the three rises to the limit. 10 Positive pressure electrical equipment 10,1<Positive pressure type in electrical equipment for explosive gas atmosphere\p\pressurlzatlon\p\ofelectricapparatuarorekploslvegasatmospheresy Positive pressure electrical equipment\p, pressuridleririenlapparalus"p electrical equipment is a type of explosion-proof: it is a kind of gas equipment that uses the explosive atmosphere pressure around it by maintaining the internal protective gas pressure high. Jiang; this type of explosion-proof is represented by the letter "p", 10.2 Positive pressure enclosure pressurized enclosure An enclosure that prevents the entry of external explosive compounds by means of positive pressure. Adopting conditions, : TFc standard and 7.#, 7.9, 7.13, 7.11 and 7.12. Slogan, 10.3 Ventilation purgia GE/T2900.35—1998 Electrical equipment is energized, and sufficient gas is passed through the proper way to produce and control the process of reducing the density of explosive gas mixture to below the lower explosion limit. 10.4 Protective gas praterlivegas It is used to maintain positive pressure or to reduce the flammable gas to a level below which the gas loss is reduced. Method: The protective gas can be air, wind or non-flammable gas or other substances. 11 Oil-floating electrical equipment 11.1 Oil-floating electrical equipment (of electrical equipment used in explosive gas atmosphere) gasatmospheres? Injection molded electrical equipment\a”oilimmersedelectrlcalapparutus\nA kind of explosion-proof type of gas equipment, which is an electrical device that will immerse a device or a part of the device in marine oil to ensure that it cannot ignite the strong corrosive gas environment on the main surface or the shell: the main type of the equipment is shown in the following figure: 12 Intrinsically safe electrical equipment and associated electrical equipment 12.1 Intrinsically safe circuits Iatrinateully-safecirui Under the test conditions of Beijing, the sparks and effects produced in normal operation or specified fault conditions cannot ignite the specified explosive gas or gas. 12.2 Intrinsically safe electrical equipment Intrlsically-afeelectricalpparaius All electrical equipment is essentially an intrinsically safe circuit. 12.3 Associated electrical equipment (connected to intrinsically safe circuits) abspciatedelectricalapparatus (zonncetedtointrinsi-rally-nafe circu.ts. The voltage drop or partial voltage peak of the equipment is not entirely intrinsically safe and may affect the performance of the circuit. 12.4"in\Class electrical equipment apparatutafcategory\ia\Normal working and applying a fault and any combination of discharge conditions, can not cause ignition of intrinsically safe electrical equipment: 1?.5"h\Class electrical equipment apparnlusorcategnry\ih\Normal working and applying a fault and any combination of discharge conditions, can not cause ignition of intrinsically safe electrical equipment. Safety shed xafeiybarrier Between the intrinsically safe residual circuit and the non-intrinsically safe circuit, it is used to limit the intrinsically safe circuit and the current. It does not cause the point of ignition. 12.7 (intrinsically safe circuit) spark test device sparklestapparatus (intrinsically safe circuits) is a device used to test whether the spark generated by the circuit can ignite the specified explosive gas environment, safety engineer· protective gas" explosion upper limit explosion lower limit explosion-proof dust environment explosion-proof environment explosion-proof objects, (explosive environment) explosion slow explosion explosion-proof electrical equipment Japanese/T2900:35—1996 Chinese Naiyin||tt 5.3 (Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres) Protection type: 2.2 (Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres) Category, 2.3 (Special accessories for electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres) 5.5 (Temperature sensitivity of electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres) 2.5 (Electrical equipment for highly explosive gas atmospheres) Temperature sensing of highly explosive gas atmospheres (Self-explosive equipment for condensing gas atmospheres) Sand-washing type electrical equipment and equipment (Self-explosive equipment for dry gas atmospheres) Explosive type electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres. 2.5 (Electrical equipment for highly explosive gas atmospheres) Temperature sensing of highly explosive gas atmospheres (Self-explosive equipment for condensing gas atmospheres) Explosive type electrical equipment and equipment (Self-explosive equipment for dry gas atmospheres) Explosive type electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres. \ (Electrical equipment for explosive gas environment) Increased safety type\e\" Ground safety type electrical equipment\.\ (Electrical equipment for explosive gas environment) Positive pressure type\n\ Pressure type gas equipment\p\ (Non-hazardous area version in explosive gas environment) (1 hazardous area in explosive gas environment) Intrinsically safe plastic electrical equipment (Safe electrical equipment) Real flower test device Including ultra-safe test (Outlet gas equipment) External (Electrical equipment) External protection level Floating seal flameproof joint Isolation Two explosion surfaces length (Two explosion replacement surfaces> Age|| tt||Explosion-proof and flameproof electrical equipment "ia\ grade electrical equipment *i1\ grade electrical equipment Innovation guide Local rough ventilation (connected to the circuit of this enterprise): 12.3 screw quality explosion-proof connection surface. Drainage device Plane follow-up joint Curved protection joint surface Full mechanical ventilation· Release source: Test green explosive mixture. (Dangerous test area division in traditional Chinese medicine) 0 zone (The first zone in the city division of the government (The flow test area division in the standard>2 zone Type test age +.+-+-+ 4.3 Pressure overlap Limiting temperature of (security type electrical equipment) (time of (security type electrical equipment) Ventilation Self-introduction... Stairway joint GB/T 2900. 35—1998 Outside the test Maximum test safety room Maximum permissible time Expansion height temperature The strongest explosive mixture, Minimum point flow path The most easily transmitted mixture - The most easily transmitted mixture Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.