GB 8922-1988 Standard for radiation health protection of sealed radioactive sources for oil (gas) field logging
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Radiological health protection standard for using sealed radioactive sources in oil (gas) field logging
Radiological health protection standard for using sealed radioactive sources in oil (gas) field logging
1 Subject content and scope of application
UDC 614.73
GB 8922--88
1.1 This standard is formulated to protect the health and safety of workers and the public using sealed radioactive sources in oil (gas) fields (hereinafter referred to as oil fields).
1.2 This standard is formulated in accordance with the principles and requirements of GB4792. 1.3 This standard is applicable to retrograde logging and well research units using sealed radioactive sources (hereinafter referred to as radioactive sources or sources) in oil (gas) fields.
1.4 Radiation health protection departments in various regions are responsible for supervising the implementation of this standard. 2 Reference standards
GB.4792 Basic standards for radiation health protection
GE4075 Classification of sealed radioactive sources
GB4076 General provisions for sealed radioactive sources
GB2894 Safety signs
GB 5294 Methods for monitoring individual doses of radiation workers 3 Requirements for radiation health protection of radioactive sources used in combination with radioactive sources 3.1 General requirements for radioactive sources
Radioactive sources should comply with the requirements of GB4076 and GB1075 to ensure reliable sealing performance. The shell of the radioactive source should be marked with the radioactive source number and the name of the nuclide 1\. In addition, there must be detailed information such as the radioactive source number, nuclide name, activity, radiation type, physical and chemical properties, radiation output rate (or injection rate) of the rays used, surface contamination and leakage test results and test schedule. Signs; 1) For neutron sources, the name of the element should also be written, the same below. 5.2 Containers for storing and transporting radioactive sources
The portable barrels (hereinafter referred to as sources) for storing or transporting radioactive sources should be easy to carry and take out and put away, and must be lockable; the outer surface of the source should have the source tank number, nuclear name and activity label, and be printed with a clear ionizing radiation warning label and the "Beware of ionizing radiation" pattern and the name of the user unit in accordance with the provisions of CB2894. 3.3 Radioactive source storage warehouse
3.3.1 The radioactive source storage warehouse (hereinafter referred to as the source warehouse) should be an independent building. It should be surrounded by a fence. No living, office or other dangerous items such as flammable and explosive materials should be placed within the fence.
3.3.2 A source pit must be set up in the source warehouse. All radioactive sources used for well logging and waste sources must be stored in the source pit. Frequently used radioactive sources should only be placed in each pit.
Approved by the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China on February 29, 1988, and implemented on November 1, 1988
3.3.3 Source repositories storing neutron sources greater than 200GBq (5Ci) and sources greater than 20GBq (0.5Ci) must have mechanical lifting and conveying equipment
3.3.4 Source repositories should have good lighting and ventilation, and sufficient use areas to facilitate the storage and handling of radioactive sources. 3.4 Vehicles carrying radioactive sources
Vehicles carrying radioactive sources for oil field logging (referred to as source transport vehicles) must be equipped with devices to fix source tanks. Appropriate safety protection measures should be taken when using source transport vehicles to carry radioactive sources. Source transport vehicles (including combined source transport vehicles) that do not take adequate safety protection measures shall not enter densely populated areas or stay in public parking lots.
3.5 Protection of operating radioactive sources
3.5.1 When operating radioactive sources, factors such as the activity of the radioactive source, the operating distance, the operating time and the protective shielding should be fully considered, and the most optimized protective measures should be taken to ensure that the radiation dose received by the operator reaches the lowest level that can be reasonably achieved. 3.5.2 Do not touch the radioactive source with your hands. When there is no mechanized operation, according to the activity of the source, use tools that meet the following requirements: For neutron sources with an activity of more than 200 GBg (5 Ci) and sources with an activity of more than 20 Bc (0.5 Ci), the operating tool length shall not be less than 100 m#b. For neutron sources with an activity of less than 200 GBq and y sources with an activity of less than 20 GBq, the operating tool length shall not be less than 50 cm. 3.5.3 Downhole instruments equipped with radioactive sources should be scrubbed with long-handled tools, and the length of the tools shall not be less than 50 cm. 3.5.4 When lowering instruments in and out of the wellhead, they should be held with long-handled tools, and the length of the tools shall not be less than 100 cm. 3.6 Additional requirements for outdoor operation of radioactive sources When operating radioactive sources outdoors, warning signs (or warning measures) must be set up at the dose equivalent rate of 2.5Sv-h-: (0.25mrem·h\1) to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the safety control area. 3.7 Protection requirements for replacement of radioactive source components
When performing special operations such as replacing the shell, spring, seal or packing of the radioactive source, special operators and protective shielding equipment should be available.
4 Inspection of the performance of radioactive sources and equipment for logging and use 4.1 Radioactive sources and storage, transportation, operation and other tools and downhole instruments and other equipment must be inspected as follows before being put into use in well logging: Measurement of radioactive source activity and radiation field dose equivalent rate: a.
Radioactive source leakage inspection:
Radioactive contamination inspection of the source surface, operating tools and source room of downhole instruments: c.
d. Inspection of the protective effect and performance of the source and protective shielding 1e.
Measurement of the dose rate inside and outside the source warehouse:
Measurement of the dose rate inside and outside the source transport vehicle:
Inspection of the length and mechanical performance of the tools for loading and unloading sources. g
4.2 Inspection of the radioactive sources and their storage, transportation, operation and other tools and downhole instrumentation equipment after they are put into use shall be carried out in accordance with the following items. 4.2.1 Carry out an inspection of all items in 1.1 every 1 to 2 years. 4.2.2 In case of any of the following situations, inspections of 4.1b and 4.1c shall be carried out: a+ After special operations such as replacement of the shell, spring and sealing ring of the radioactive source: 1. When the radioactive source falls into the well, is lost, or is recovered after being stolen. When the radioactive source is suspected of being damaged due to various reasons. 4.2.3 In case of obvious deformation of the source storage tank or protective shielding or suspected changes in the internal structure, inspection of 4.1d shall be carried out. 4.3 Before new radioactive sources, new logging equipment or new logging technology are put into use for logging, in addition to the inspections in 1 and 1, the cumulative dose equivalent of the operators during the logging process must be measured or estimated so that corresponding protective measures can be taken. 5 Personal dose cumulative monitoring
Personnel using radioactive sources for logging should be subject to personal dose monitoring or dose equivalent estimation according to the exposure dose list, GB8922-88
Name adjustment
Sealed radioactive sources for logging refer to sealed neutron sources and radioactive sources that can be loaded into downhole instruments for radioactivity logging. A2 Waste sources refer to all sealed radioactive sources that can no longer be used for logging due to various reasons. A3 Downhole instruments refer to the part of radioactive logging instruments placed underground during logging. A4 dual-purpose source transport vehicle refers to a general logging vehicle that is also used to transport radioactive sources for logging in oil well logging. A5 source pit refers to a pit located in the source reservoir and sunken about 150cm below the ground, used to store radioactive sources and source tanks. The upper opening of the source pit is about 10~15cm above the ground, and it is covered with an anti-expansion cover of appropriate material and thickness. Appendix B
Neutron injection-dose equivalent conversion coefficient
Table B I Neutron conversion coefficient and effective quality factor 1) Energy (Mev)
2.5×10- thermal energy)
1x10 7
When 1S of neutrons
9. 4X1010
8. 3× 10:1
3. 1×108
2. 5×109
2, 4× 10#
Effective quality factor
Note: 1) Refer to Appendix 6 of the 21st edition of the International Commission on Radiological Protection 1CKP\Neutron conversion system and effective quality factor\. C1 Test method for surface contamination
Appendix ℃
Test method for surface contamination and leakage of radioactive sources", (supplement)
℃1.1 Explicit wiping method Highly hygroscopic soft materials (such as filter paper or cotton),Wipe the entire source surface with a liquid that will not corrode the cladding surface material but can remove radioactive contamination. Measure the radioactivity on wiped materials. When the activity is less than 185Bl, the source surface can be considered to be free of contamination.
C1.2 immersion method: immerse the source in a liquid that does not corrode the surface of the source but can remove radioactive contamination, keep it at 50±5℃ for 4 hours, take out the source, and measure the radioactivity. If the radioactive activity is less than 185Bg, the source surface can be considered to be free of contamination. C2 leakage inspection method
C2.1 wet wiping method, the same as C1.1.
C2.2 diffuse bubble method, same as C1.2.
C2. 3-type wiping method: Place the source in an ultrasonic cleaner in advance, clean it with non-corrosive liquid such as trifluoroethylene or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (FDTA) for 10 minutes, rinse with water before use Rinse with acetone and let dry. Wipe the source surface with a soft material (such as filter paper or flowers) and measure the radioactivity on the swab. If it is less than 185, wipe the source surface after 7 days and measure the radioactivity on the swab. degree, if the radioactivity is still less than 185Bg., the source can be considered leak-proof. Note: 1) This inspection method refers to GB4076 and GB4075. 2) Such as water or low concentration detergent, integrating agent. Attached is D | The limit of agent surplus equivalent rate at m is shown in Table D1. D1 | | tt | (5)
520(0. 5)
The dose should be the highest rate, mSv+hl(inrem·h 1) Surface blood
2 (200)
1 m place
D2 source library, storage source The surface dose equivalent rate of the pit cover should be less than 25 μSv·hl (2. 5 mrem~h 1). The dose equivalent rate at 1m outside the source reservoir and 1.5 m high should be less than 2.5μsvh-(0.25 mrem-h). When the source reservoir has a strict access management system and regular monitoring measures, it can be appropriately relaxed. Some source pit covers The surface agent base equivalent rate must be less than 2 000 μSv*h-1 (200 mtem-hl). The agent band equivalent rate at 1 m outside the library and 1.5 m high must be less than 20 μSv*h-1 (2 mrem h).|| tt||D3 The pseudo-external dose equivalent rate limits for various types of source vehicles referred to in this standard are shown in Table D2. Position
Driver's seat
Outer surface of the cow compartment
4 2m outside the compartment
GB 8922
Table D2 for various types of transport vehicles Special-purpose and dual-purpose transport vehicles with internal and external dose equivalent rate limits
Dose equivalent rate,μSy+h-|(mrem·hl)20(2)1)
2000(200)||tt| |100(10)
Note: 1) When regular personal supervision is provided to the driver, it can be appropriately relaxed. D4 When performing special operations, the dose equivalent rate of the protective shield on the side of the human body should be less than 1 mSvh-1 (100 mremh--). Attached E
Personal dose monitoring and estimation methods
E1 Personal dose monitoring
E1.1 Personal dose monitoring methods and evaluation principles are based on the reference GB5294 and "Personal dose monitoring regulations for radiation workers" are compiled based on the specific characteristics of sealed (neutron, }) radioactive sources used in oil fields. E1.2 Personnel who may be exposed to effective dose equivalents exceeding 5 mSv (0.5 rem) within one year must have personal dose monitoring and establish dose files.
E7.3 For those who are exposed to effective dose during the year and the wind is rarely likely to exceed 5mSv (0.5tem), trace monitoring and recording can be carried out as needed, or the dose can be calculated by estimation methods.
E1.4 When the personal dose monitoring result is lower than the annual dose equivalent limit, the result can be evaluated approximately as the dose equivalent of personal exposure. When it is higher than the annual dose equivalent limit, the result can be evaluated based on the If necessary, the organ (or tissue dose equivalent and systemic effective dose equivalent) can be estimated.
E1.5 personal dose meter should generally be worn on the left front of the chest of the logging personnel. When a certain part of the body is located When there may be greater exposure, a personal dosimeter should also be worn at the corresponding site. E2 Estimation method of personal dose equivalent
E2.1 For E1.2, the dose equivalent can be calculated using the estimation method. E2.2 Simulation use. Depending on the location and conditions of the radioactive source measurement and operation, the neutron Remmeter and dosimeter calibrated using the same source and same field calibration method are used to measure the dose equivalent rate of each reference point within a range of 401200cm from the bare source and the source. E2.3 Simulate actual logging site operations (packaging, unloading, loading and unloading of radioactive sources and other operations close to radioactive sources). The head, chest or abdomen of the bacterial count operator should be the closest to the radioactive source and the source. distance, and record the duration of each operation. E2.4 Based on the measurement results of E2.2 and E2.3, the individual dose equivalent of the tester or the cumulative dose equivalent of all operators in the entire test process can be estimated. |tt||Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Health and Epidemic Prevention and the Ministry of Petroleum Labor and Wages, and reviewed and approved by the Radiation Health Protection Standards Subcommittee of the National Health Standards Technical Committee
The standards are drafted by the Institute of Radiation Medicine, Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences and the Shengli Oilfield Health and Epidemic Prevention Station. This standard is interpreted by the Industrial Hygiene Laboratory of the Ministry of Health, the technical focal point entrusted by the Ministry of Health.μSy+h-|(mrem·hl)20(2)1)
Note: 1) If the driver is provided with regular personal dose monitoring, the above requirements can be appropriately relaxed. D4 The dose equivalent rate on the side of the protective shield close to the human body during special operations should be less than 1 mSvh-1(100 mremh--). Appendix E
Personal dose monitoring and estimation method
E1 Personal dose monitoring
E1.1 The monitoring method and evaluation principle of personal dose are based on the specific characteristics of the use of sealed (neutron,}) radiation sources in oil fields in reference to GB5294 and the provisions on personal dose monitoring of radiation workers. E1.2 Personnel whose effective dose equivalent may exceed 5mSv(0.5 rem) within one year should be subject to personal dose monitoring and a dose file should be established.
E7.3 For those whose effective dose is unlikely to exceed 5 mSv (0.5 tem) in a year, monitoring and recording may be carried out as needed, or the dose may be calculated using estimation methods.
E1.4 When the personal dose monitoring result is lower than the annual dose equivalent limit, this result can be used as an approximate evaluation of the personal dose equivalent. When it is higher than the annual dose equivalent, the organ (or tissue dose equivalent) and the whole body effective dose equivalent can be estimated according to the needs of the evaluation.
E1.5 The personal dose meter should generally be worn on the left chest of the logging personnel. When a certain part of the body may be exposed to greater radiation, a personal dose meter should also be worn on the corresponding part. E2 Estimation method of personal dose equivalent
E2.1 For E1.2, the dose equivalent can be calculated by the estimation method. E2.2 Simulate the geometric position and conditions of the use of radioactive sources and operation, and use the same source and same field calibration method to calibrate the neutron remmeter and dosimeter to measure the dose of each reference point within 401200cm from the bare source and the source. E2.3 Simulate the actual operation of the logging site (including loading and unloading of radioactive sources and other operations close to radioactive sources), measure the closest distance between the operator's head, chest or abdomen and the radioactive source and the source, and record the duration of each operation. E2.4 Based on the measurement results of E2.2 and E2.3, the personal dose of the logging personnel or the cumulative dose equivalent of all operators in the whole process of a single logging can be estimated.
Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the Health and Epidemic Prevention Department of the Ministry of Health and the Labor and Wage Department of the Ministry of Petroleum, and was reviewed and approved by the Radiological Health Protection Standard Subcommittee of the National Health Standard Promotion Technical Committee.
This standard was drafted by the Institute of Radiation Medicine of Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences and the Health and Epidemic Prevention Station of Shengli Oilfield. This standard is interpreted by the Industrial Hygiene Laboratory of the Ministry of Health, the technical unit entrusted by the Ministry of Health.μSy+h-|(mrem·hl)20(2)1)
Note: 1) If the driver is provided with regular personal dose monitoring, the above requirements can be appropriately relaxed. D4 The dose equivalent rate on the side of the protective shield close to the human body during special operations should be less than 1 mSvh-1(100 mremh--). Appendix E
Personal dose monitoring and estimation method
E1 Personal dose monitoring
E1.1 The monitoring method and evaluation principle of personal dose are based on the specific characteristics of the use of sealed (neutron,}) radiation sources in oil fields in reference to GB5294 and the provisions on personal dose monitoring of radiation workers. E1.2 Personnel whose effective dose equivalent may exceed 5mSv(0.5 rem) within one year should be subject to personal dose monitoring and a dose file should be established.
E7.3 For those whose effective dose is unlikely to exceed 5 mSv (0.5 tem) in a year, monitoring and recording may be carried out as needed, or the dose may be calculated using estimation methods.
E1.4 When the personal dose monitoring result is lower than the annual dose equivalent limit, this result can be used as an approximate evaluation of the personal dose equivalent. When it is higher than the annual dose equivalent, the organ (or tissue dose equivalent) and the whole body effective dose equivalent can be estimated according to the needs of the evaluation.
E1.5 The personal dose meter should generally be worn on the left chest of the logging personnel. When a certain part of the body may be exposed to greater radiation, a personal dose meter should also be worn on the corresponding part. E2 Estimation method of personal dose equivalent
E2.1 For E1.2, the dose equivalent can be calculated by the estimation method. E2.2 Simulate the geometric position and conditions of the use of radioactive sources and operation, and use the same source and same field calibration method to calibrate the neutron remmeter and dosimeter to measure the dose of each reference point within 401200cm from the bare source and the source. E2.3 Simulate the actual operation of the logging site (including loading and unloading of radioactive sources and other operations close to radioactive sources), measure the closest distance between the operator's head, chest or abdomen and the radioactive source and the source, and record the duration of each operation. E2.4 Based on the measurement results of E2.2 and E2.3, the personal dose of the logging personnel or the cumulative dose equivalent of all operators in the whole process of a single logging can be estimated.
Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the Health and Epidemic Prevention Department of the Ministry of Health and the Labor and Wage Department of the Ministry of Petroleum, and was reviewed and approved by the Radiological Health Protection Standard Subcommittee of the National Health Standard Promotion Technical Committee.
This standard was drafted by the Institute of Radiation Medicine of Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences and the Health and Epidemic Prevention Station of Shengli Oilfield. This standard is interpreted by the Industrial Hygiene Laboratory of the Ministry of Health, the technical unit entrusted by the Ministry of Health.
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