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GB 4655-1984 Static electricity safety regulations for rubber industry

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 4655-1984

Standard Name: Static electricity safety regulations for rubber industry

Chinese Name: 橡胶工业静电安全规程

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1984-08-20

Date of Implementation:1985-07-01

Date of Expiration:2004-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental protection, health and safety>>13.100 Occupational safety, industrial hygiene

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Industry Comprehensive>>G09 Health, Safety, Labor Protection

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB 4655-2003

Procurement status:UDC 614.83:676

Publication information

other information

Publishing department:National Bureau of Standards

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GB 4655-1984 Static Electricity Safety Regulations for the Rubber Industry GB4655-1984 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

1General principles
National standards of the People's Republic of China
Safety rules of static electricity in the rubber industry
Safety rules of static electricity in the rubber industry
1.1 Purpose of formulation: This regulation is specially formulated to prevent explosions and fire accidents caused by static electricity in the production of rubber products from causing electric shock to operators and affecting product quality. 1.2 Scope of application: This procedure is applicable to the engineering design and static electricity safety management of various rubber product factories. 2 Generation, accumulation and harm of static electricity
2.1 During the production process of rubber products, it is mainly due to the contact separation, friction, peeling and tearing of the semi-finished product itself from rubber and other substances (metal, wood, cotton cloth, chemical fiber cloth, etc.) Due to cracks and other reasons, charge transfer occurs, resulting in the charging phenomenon of semi-finished products during the production process. 2.2 Since the resistivity of most rubber semi-finished products is greater than 10\Q.cm, the generated static charge is not easy to leak. When the generation rate of static charge during the production process is greater than the leakage rate, static electricity accumulation will form. 2.3 Explosions and fire accidents caused by static electricity must meet the following conditions at the same time: 2.3.1 There must be sufficient electrostatic charge on the separated interface and reach a potential difference sufficient to generate electrostatic discharge. 2.3.2 The energy of electrostatic discharge must be sufficient to ignite surrounding flammable and flammable mixtures. (See Appendix C and D for the minimum ignition energy of flammable and flammable mixtures.)
2.3.3 Electrostatic discharge must be generated in flammable and flammable mixtures that reach the explosive concentration range. 2.4 A human body insulated from the ground may be charged with static electricity, forming a "charged human body". When there is a potential difference between a charged human body and other objects and reaches a certain value, spark discharge will occur. 2.5
When a discharge occurs when an electrostatic conductor is charged, the spark discharge energy can be calculated by the following formula: 2.6
Where, W - electrostatic spark energy, mJ; V potential Difference, V,
C—Electrostatic capacitance, pF,
2.7 Main hazards caused during the production process of rubber products: 1CV2×10-9
2.7.1 Existence in the surrounding space In the area of ??flammable and flammable mixtures, when the concentration is within the explosion limit range, if the energy of electrostatic discharge is greater than or equal to the minimum ignition energy of the mixture, explosions and fire accidents may occur. 2.7.2 When there is a potential difference between the human body and other objects and discharge occurs, the human body suffers an electric shock, which not only affects the person's physical and mental health, but may also cause secondary accidents.
2.7.3 In the production process of rubber products, product quality is affected due to the effect of electrostatic force. 2.7.4 Electromagnetic waves generated by electrostatic discharge will interfere with the normal operation of electronic equipment. 3 Basic methods to prevent electrostatic hazards
3.1 Electrostatic grounding: The conductor in the electrostatic field must be reliably connected to the earth, and there must be no isolated conductor insulated from the earth. Its total ground resistance should be less than 102 under any circumstances. When the electrostatic grounding is shared with the grounding system for other purposes, the grounding can be determined according to the requirements of other purposes issued by the National Bureau of Standards on August 20, 1984
implemented on 1985-07-01
resistance. For specific methods of electrostatic grounding, please refer to the relevant electrostatic grounding regulations. 3.2 Increase the relative humidity of the air: Increasing the relative humidity of the environment around hydrophilic insulating materials can prevent the accumulation of static electricity. In places that do not affect product quality, increasing the relative humidity of the environment around charged objects to more than 70% can be used as an electrostatic safety measure. 3.3 Use a static eliminator: Use a static eliminator placed near charged objects to ionize the air to eliminate static electricity. The static eliminator should be selected according to the level of the object's static potential, elimination requirements, operating characteristics, explosion hazard area level, medium level and group. 3.3.1 Types of static eliminators: induction static eliminators; high-voltage corona discharge static eliminators, ion flow static eliminators; radioactive isotope static eliminators.
3.3.2 When using high-voltage corona discharge and ion flow static eliminators in areas with explosion hazards, explosion-proof static eliminators must be selected according to the hazardous area level, medium level and group. 3.3.3 The discharge electrode length of inductive and high-voltage discharge electrostatic eliminators should be greater than the width of the charged body 1015cm; the type and number of ion nozzles of the ion flow static eliminator should be determined based on the possible installation distance and the width of the charged body. 3.3.4 Principles for selecting the installation location of the static eliminator; it is convenient for process operations; it has a good effect of eliminating static electricity; it is immediately adjacent to the subsequent parts where the solvent is applied; and it avoids the metal background. See Figure 1 for installation location and distance selection. Operating square
dL L>5cm
d<3em is ideal
Figure 1 Example of installation distance and installation position of static eliminator V - Correct installation position, V - Wrong installation position; d - The distance between the electrode of the static eliminator and the charged body, L - The distance between the discharge speed of the static eliminator and the center of the transmission surface
3.4 Material matching: Match materials according to the order of electrostatic charging sequence to minimize the transfer and accumulation of charge during the production process (see Appendix E for charging sequence).
3.5 Prevent the human body from being charged: staff should wear anti-static shoes or conductive shoes, the working ground should be conductive, and staff should wear anti-static overalls.
4 Measures to Prevent Static Electricity Hazards
4.1 Corresponding electrostatic safety measures must be adopted for any process, equipment or place with electrostatic hazards. 4.2 In areas where explosive gases may appear in the surrounding environment, ventilation measures must be strengthened to control the concentration below the lower explosion limit. 4.3 After taking electrostatic safety measures, the electrostatic potential of the insulator should be controlled below the allowable value. The recommended allowable values ??are: 4.3.1 When there are flammable and flammable mixtures in the surrounding environment and may reach the explosion range, for flammable and flammable mixtures with minimum ignition energy <0.1m, the electrostatic potential of the insulator should be controlled below 1kV ; For combustible and flammable mixtures with minimum ignition energy >0.1mJ, the electrostatic potential of the insulator should be controlled below SkV. 4.3.2 Only to prevent the electrified insulator from causing electric shock to the operator, the electrostatic potential of the insulator should be controlled below 10kV. 4.3.3 | | tt | , corresponding safety measures should be taken for equipment or devices. 4.4 In areas with explosion and fire risks, operators must wear anti-static shoes or conductive shoes and anti-static overalls. The operating area should be laid with conductive ground. The resistance value of the conductive ground to the ground should be less than 10*2, and its conductive performance must be maintained at all times. Operators are strictly prohibited from entering the above areas wearing clothes made of synthetic fibers (except clothes that have been regularly treated with anti-static solutions), and it is strictly prohibited to take off clothes in the above areas. 4.5 In general places where it is necessary to prevent the human body from being electrified, operators should wear anti-static shoes, and the ground in the operating area should be paved with conductive ground, and its conductive properties should be maintained at all times.
4.6 The electrostatic safety measures for the main processes and locations in the production process of rubber products are as follows: 4.6.1 Rubber mixing: use an open rubber mixing machine for raw rubber plasticizing, tableting and re-melting of insulating rubber. When applying gasoline glue film, an ion flow static eliminator should be installed.
4.6.2 Hot mixing: When an open rubber mixing machine is used to supply insulating hot mixing rubber, an inductive static eliminator should be installed at the place where the film is taken out. 4.6.3 Glue manufacturing: When using flammable solvents to make glue, the following measures must be taken: Glue manufacturing machinery should use gear transmission as much as possible. When a V-belt is used for transmission, the V-belt used for transmission must be an anti-static V-belt. If Botong V-belt is used for transmission, measures must be taken to improve its surface conductivity, and it should be inspected regularly and processed in a timely manner according to the usage conditions so that the resistance value to ground at any point on its surface is not greater than 1072 under any circumstances. 4.6. 3.2 When peeling off the adhesive film on the wall of the slurry barrel, you must leave the area with danger of explosion and fire, and the action must be gentle and slow. It is strictly forbidden to use a pump to spray solvent directly into the glue mixing barrel, and it must be in a free-flow manner. When the pipes transporting glue, gasoline and other solvents are made of rubber or single-material pipes, conductive rubber, conductive plastic hoses or conductive hoses with metal braiding must be used and must be reliably grounded. People-1\When putting in glue strips, transporting glue, and opening the lid or cover of the glue bucket, the movements must be gentle and slow. Insulating materials are strictly prohibited for coverings.
4.6.4 Glue coating; When using flammable solvent glue for glue coating, the following instructions must be taken: When designing the glue coating machine, the glue must use conductive rubber glue. Install inductive static eliminators at appropriate locations. Increase the relative humidity of the environment around the charged body, and set up local steam spray facilities at the adhesive tape, the tape outlet and the front of the dry coal box to keep the relative humidity of the air around the charged body above 70%. . The steam spray pipe valve must be opened before starting the equipment. All operating tools that come into contact with glue and electrically charged insulators should be made of materials with a resistivity of 10*~10*2·cm. 4.6.5 Calendering and cutting: During the calendering and cutting process of cords and canvas, any parts where operators often come into contact with charged insulators should be equipped with static eliminators (see Table 1 for specific types). 4.6.6 Simple laminating of tire cord: During the laminating operation of the cord cylinder on the ply cloth laminating machine, an induction static eliminator or an ion flow static eliminator must be installed at an appropriate location. 4.6.7 Molding: Any molding process that uses gasoline and solvent glue must take the following measures according to different processes: Tire molding: When using a metal folding machine head to mold tires, the "parallel capacitance method" must be operated. . Conveyor belt forming: Ion flow static eliminators and inductive static eliminators must be installed at appropriate locations, and the work surface must be a conductive surface and reliably grounded. Rubber shoe molding, when using the slurry process, brush the slurry. The L working table must be a conductive surface and be reliably grounded. It is strictly forbidden to sit on chairs with insulating surfaces such as artificial leather to operate. It is strictly forbidden to use insulating panels as work surfaces, and it is not allowed to lay ungrounded metal plates on insulating panels. When the normal ventilation system stops operating for any reason, production must be stopped. Forming of tape products: - Person B must move lightly and slowly when operating, especially when peeling off. The work surface must be a conductive surface and must be reliably grounded. 4.6.8 Shoe upper fabrication and fabrication; During the shoe upper fabrication and fabrication process, an inductive static eliminator should be installed at the appropriate position of the fabric-closing machine. 4.6.9 Cloth drying: During the cloth drying process in the cloth drying room, an inductive static eliminator must be installed at an appropriate location on the cloth drying machine. 4.6.10 Gasoline and other solvent (barrel) warehouses: conductive rubber floors must be used. It is strictly forbidden to use plastic barrels and cans (except conductive plastic barrels and cans) to store gasoline and other flammable solvents.
4.7 The electrostatic safety measures for the main processes and locations during the processing of rubber products are comprehensively listed in Table 1. Other processes can refer to this purple work to take corresponding measures.
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5 Safety management of anti-static hazards
5.1 Enterprises and institutions must have their safety technology department and fire department responsible for preventing static electricity hazards. 5.2 Personnel responsible for preventing electrostatic hazards must master the knowledge of electrostatic safety and the laws of electrostatic hazards, and be familiar with the production process and equipment operation characteristics. When it is discovered that the electrostatic potential exceeds the recommended allowable value and may cause an electrostatic accident, we have the right to stop production and report to the leadership in a timely manner to take effective measures as soon as possible.
5.3 The safety technology department and the fire department must formulate "Implementation Rules for Static Electricity Safety Regulations" based on the conditions of the unit. When formulating the rules, the process, equipment, civil engineering, electricity, ventilation and other majors should jointly study and adopt comprehensive management measures. . The safety technology department and the fire department are responsible for the supervision and implementation of the implementation details.
5.4 All anti-static equipment, devices and protective equipment must be designated for regular inspection and maintenance by designated personnel, and equipment files must be established. 5.5 Workers in areas with explosion and fire hazards must be educated and trained on electrostatic safety knowledge regularly or at any time, and be included in the scope of safety technical assessment. They can only operate after obtaining a certificate. 6 Static electricity detection
6.1 The safety technology department must designate a dedicated person to be responsible for regular static electricity testing on anti-static shoes, conductive shoes, anti-static work clothes and various positions (see Appendix F for commonly used electrostatic measuring instruments), and report the test results Organize and file and report to relevant superior departments. 6.2 The purpose of electrostatic detection: to analyze the degree of harm, study prevention measures; and judge the elimination effect. 6.3 Classification of static electricity testing items: prediction of the static electricity performance of objects when using new raw materials, detection of the static electricity status of charged objects during the actual production process, and detection of the effectiveness of electrostatic safety measures. 6.4 The items for predicting the electrostatic properties of objects are as follows: 6.4.1 Body resistivity of objects.
6.4.2 Object surface resistivity. Use a high resistance meter or ultra high resistance meter to measure, and the appropriate range is 10°~101\2. 6.5 The items for testing the electrostatic status of charged objects during the actual production process are as follows: 6.5.1 Determination of the electrostatic potential of charged objects. The maximum range of the electrostatic potential measuring instrument is preferably 100kV, and the accuracy is level 5.0. 6.5.2 Measurement of ambient air temperature and relative humidity. 6.5.3
Determination of the running speed of charged objects.
Determination of flammable gas concentration.
Determination of the resistance value of conductive ground to ground.
6.6 The test items for judging the effectiveness of electrostatic safety measures are the same as 6.5. The appropriate range of the electrostatic potential measuring instrument is 0~10kV, and the instrument accuracy is level 5.0, but the detection point must be selected behind the electrostatic safety device. The selection of detection points is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of detection position selection for judging the effect of eliminating static electricity The distance between the measuring instrument probe and the center of the transmission series GB465584
Appendix A
Explanation of the wording of this regulation
A, 1 implement the provisions of this regulation The words that require strictness are explained below so that they can be treated differently during implementation. A.1.1 Use words that are very strict and must be used: positive words generally use "must"; negative words generally use "strictly prohibited" or "not allowed". A.1.2 indicates strictness and should be done in this way under normal circumstances: positive words generally use "should"; negative words generally use "should" or "must not" A.1.3 means that a slight choice is allowed, and when conditions permit The first word that should be used is this: positive words generally use "appropriate" or "general"; negative words generally use "unsuitable" A.1.4 In general, this should be done, but when it is difficult to do so rigidly, Use "should try to". A.1.5 indicates that a choice is allowed. If this can be done under certain conditions, use "can". In Article A.2, the words that must be implemented in accordance with specified standards, regulations or other relevant regulations are written as "implemented in accordance with..." or "in compliance with... requirements". Those that do not have to be implemented in accordance with the referred standards, regulations or other regulations are written as "reference." GB4655-84
Appendix B
Explanation of Glossary
(Reference)||tt ||The explanation of nouns in this regulation is different from the explanations in general technical dictionaries. It is defined by its meaning in the field of electrostatics and within the scope of this regulation. It is an explanation of nouns and terms, so it is not a universal and complete explanation of the nouns. B.1 Charged body: refers to an insulator with electrostatic charge. B.2 Non-conductor: refers to a solid or liquid with a resistivity exceeding 10°Q·cm. B.3 Conductor: For electrostatic charges, a conductor (solid, liquid) refers to a substance with a resistivity not exceeding 10\2·cm. When the surface of a non-conductor has a conductive film with a resistivity below 10\2, the non-conductor is regarded as a conductor during electrostatic leakage. B.4 Charge (static charge): When a certain amount of energy is applied to an object, the object that is originally in a neutral state with equal amounts of positive and negative charges becomes a state in which either of them exceeds. This excess amount of electricity is called charge (static charge). , the unit is represented by C (library). B, 5 Static electricity: Objects of the same type or different types of substances accumulate static charge on the object through contact separation (flow, discharge, friction, crushing and vibration, etc.), or accumulation of charge on another conductor due to induction. , this phenomenon is called static electricity. B.6 Charging sequence (friction series): When objects of different materials rub against each other, one object must be positively charged and the other object must be negatively charged. The charged sequence refers to the order in which substances are arranged from positively charged to negatively charged. B.7 Electrostatic induction: refers to the phenomenon of separation of positive and negative charges on the surface of the conductor when there are other conductors near the charged body. B.8 Potential (voltage, potential): It is a physical quantity that represents the energy of a unit charge, and its unit is expressed in V (volt). --Generally, the earth potential is used as the standard and is taken as zero potential.
B, 9 Electrostatic capacity: A conductor insulated from the ground has the ability to accumulate electric charges. The electrostatic capacity is the physical capacitance that represents its ability to accumulate electric charges. The unit is expressed in F (method).
B.10 Volume resistivity: It is a physical quantity that expresses the difficulty of charge movement or current flow in an object. If a flat plate electrode is placed above and below a solid material plate, the material volume resistance Rv in the relative area of ??the two electrodes is directly proportional to the material thickness t and inversely proportional to the relative area A of the electrode. It can be expressed by the following formula;
Ry= PvA
The proportional coefficient P is related to the properties of the material and is called the volume resistivity of the material. The unit is 2.cm (ohm centimeter). B.11 Surface resistivity: refers to a physical quantity that indicates the ease with which charges move or current flows formed on the surface of an object. If two parallel electrodes with length L and distance d are placed on the solid material plane, the material surface resistance Rs between the two electrodes is directly proportional to d and inversely proportional to L. It can be expressed by the following formula:
Rs= Ps | | tt | express. B.12 Peeling: The process of rapid separation of two objects in close contact under the action of external force is called peeling. B.13 Half-value time: The time required for the electrostatic charge on the insulation to leak to the original half-time is called the half-value time (t, 2), and its value depends on its resistivity and Dielectric constant. B.14 Static grounding: An object composed of conductive substances whose resistance to the ground is not greater than 10"9 is called electrostatic grounding. B.15 Static eliminator: refers to the method of ionizing the air near charged objects to eliminate charged objects Devices and equipment that carry electrostatic charges. B.16 Inductive static eliminator: refers to a device that uses the energy of the electric field of the charged object to ionize the air to eliminate the static charge carried by the charged object
B.17 High-voltage barrier discharge static eliminator: refers to a device that uses the energy of an external high-voltage power supply to ionize the air to eliminate the energy charge carried by charged objects
B. 18 Ionization (ionization): Give energy to neutral molecules. When there is a large amount of energy, it will release the power plant to ionize the molecules. Under normal circumstances, the generated electricity will attach to the neutral molecules. The process of ionizing the energy components of the electrostatic field is called ionization.
B.19 Before spark discharge occurs, the electric field ionizes. A discharge phenomenon in the form of partial penetration in a strong space will produce "Si and Ting" Nanzi and Lifeng at the same time. The former is called electric power dispersion, and the latter is called electric power dissipation. Wind. B.20 Spark discharge: In an electric field with a large electric field intensity, any discharge that occurs between the charged body and the opposite electrode, accompanied by luminescence and explosion sound, is called spark discharge. B. 21 Explosive mixed gas (flammable mixed gas): When the complex of flammable gas and air reaches a certain concentration, it can cause explosion and combustion if it encounters an ignition source. The lowest mixture concentration that can cause explosion is called the lower explosion limit, and the highest mixture concentration is called the lower explosion limit. The concentration is called the upper limit of explosion.
B.22 Minimum fire energy: refers to the mixing of flammable substances and air under standard conditions (1 atmosphere, normal temperature). When the concentration that is most suitable for explosion is formed, it can The minimum energy necessary to make it ignite. The minimum ignition energy is generally measured by using a capacitor discharge energy disk
B23 hydrophilic insulating material: refers to the material that can adsorb and form a water film on its surface in high air. Insulation material. The charging status of this material is greatly affected by the relative humidity of the surrounding environment. B.24 Parallel capacitance method: It is a safe operation method to solve the static fire of the metal folding head tire building machine. The principle is to ground through the tread rubber. , which is equivalent to connecting a capacitor with a similar equivalent capacitance to ground in parallel with the charged cord layer, thereby suppressing the rapid rise in the potential of the metal head to ground at the moment of folding, eliminating electrostatic discharge and ensuring safe production of gases and vapors. Name

痖| | tt | Wan
1.3 sister
methyl acetate
ethyl acetate
Appendix C||tt| |Minimum ignition energy of gases and mixtures of vapor and air (reference part)
Minimum ignition energy, mJ
.19||tt| |6.17
n. t3
0.009||tt| |0.20
5 ~5.5
6.5||tt ||4.7
28~30|| tt||28~ 36
11Surface resistivity: refers to a physical quantity that indicates the ease with which charges move or current flows formed on the surface of an object. If two parallel electrodes with length L and distance d are placed on the solid material plane, the material surface resistance Rs between the two electrodes is directly proportional to d and inversely proportional to L. It can be expressed by the following formula:
Rs= Ps | | tt | express. B.12 Peeling: The process of rapid separation of two objects in close contact under the action of external force is called peeling. B.13 Half-value time: The time required for the electrostatic charge on the insulation to leak to the original half-time is called the half-value time (t, 2), and its value depends on its resistivity and Dielectric constant. B.14 Static grounding: An object composed of conductive substances whose resistance to the ground is not greater than 10"9 is called electrostatic grounding. B.15 Static eliminator: refers to the method of ionizing the air near charged objects to eliminate charged objects Devices and equipment that carry electrostatic charges. B.16 Inductive static eliminator: refers to a device that uses the energy of the electric field of the charged object to ionize the air to eliminate the static charge carried by the charged object
B.17 High-voltage barrier discharge static eliminator: refers to a device that uses the energy of an external high-voltage power supply to ionize the air to eliminate the energy charge carried by charged objects
B. 18 Ionization (ionization): Give energy to neutral molecules. When there is a large amount of energy, it will release the power plant to ionize the molecules. Under normal circumstances, the generated electricity will attach to the neutral molecules. The process of ionizing the energy components of the electrostatic field is called ionization.
B.19 Before spark discharge occurs, the electric field ionizes. A discharge phenomenon in the form of partial penetration in a strong space will produce "Si and Ting" Nanzi and Lifeng at the same time. The former is called electric power dispersion, and the latter is called electric power dissipation. Wind. B.20 Spark discharge: In an electric field with a large electric field intensity, any discharge that occurs between the charged body and the opposite electrode, accompanied by luminescence and explosion sound, is called spark discharge. B. 21 Explosive mixed gas (flammable mixed gas): When the complex of flammable gas and air reaches a certain concentration, it can cause explosion and combustion if it encounters an ignition source. The lowest mixture concentration that can cause explosion is called the lower explosion limit, and the highest mixture concentration is called the lower explosion limit. The concentration is called the upper limit of explosion.
B.22 Minimum fire energy: refers to the mixing of flammable substances and air under standard conditions (1 atmosphere, normal temperature). When the concentration that is most suitable for explosion is formed, it can The minimum energy necessary to make it ignite. The minimum ignition energy is generally measured by using a capacitor discharge energy disk
B23 hydrophilic insulating material: refers to the material that can adsorb and form a water film on its surface in high air. Insulation material. The charging status of this material is greatly affected by the relative humidity of the surrounding environment. B.24 Parallel capacitance method: It is a safe operation method to solve the static fire of the metal folding head tire building machine. The principle is to ground through the tread rubber. , which is equivalent to connecting a capacitor with a similar equivalent capacitance to ground in parallel with the charged cord layer, thereby suppressing the rapid rise in the potential of the metal head to ground at the moment of folding, eliminating electrostatic discharge and ensuring safe production of gases and vapors. Name

痖| | tt | Wan
1.3 sister
methyl acetate
ethyl acetate
Appendix C||tt| |Minimum ignition energy of gases and mixtures of vapor and air (reference part)
Minimum ignition energy, mJ
.19||tt| |6.17
n. t3
0.009||tt| |0.20
5 ~5.5
6.5||tt ||4.7
28~30|| tt||28~ 36
11Surface resistivity: refers to a physical quantity that indicates the ease with which charges move or current flows formed on the surface of an object. If two parallel electrodes with length L and distance d are placed on the solid material plane, the material surface resistance Rs between the two electrodes is directly proportional to d and inversely proportional to L. It can be expressed by the following formula:
Rs= Ps | | tt | express. B.12 Peeling: The process of rapid separation of two objects in close contact under the action of external force is called peeling. B.13 Half-value time: The time required for the electrostatic charge on the insulation to leak to the original half-time is called the half-value time (t, 2), and its value depends on its resistivity and Dielectric constant. B.14 Static grounding: An object composed of conductive substances whose resistance to the ground is not greater than 10"9 is called electrostatic grounding. B.15 Static eliminator: refers to the method of ionizing the air near charged objects to eliminate charged objects Devices and equipment that carry electrostatic charges. B.16 Inductive static eliminator: refers to a device that uses the energy of the electric field of the charged object to ionize the air to eliminate the static charge carried by the charged object
B.17 High-voltage barrier discharge static eliminator: refers to a device that uses the energy of an external high-voltage power supply to ionize the air to eliminate the energy charge carried by charged objects
B. 18 Ionization (ionization): Give energy to neutral molecules. When there is a large amount of energy, it will release the power plant to ionize the molecules. Under normal circumstances, the generated electricity will attach to the neutral molecules. The process of ionizing the energy components of the electrostatic field is called ionization.
B.19 Before spark discharge occurs, the electric field ionizes. A discharge phenomenon in the form of partial penetration in a strong space will produce "Si and Ting" Nanzi and Lifeng at the same time. The former is called electric power dispersion, and the latter is called electric power dissipation. Wind. B.20 Spark discharge: In an electric field with a large electric field intensity, any discharge that occurs between the charged body and the opposite electrode, accompanied by luminescence and explosion sound, is called spark discharge. B. 21 Explosive mixed gas (flammable mixed gas): When the complex of flammable gas and air reaches a certain concentration, it can cause explosion and combustion if it encounters an ignition source. The lowest mixture concentration that can cause explosion is called the lower explosion limit, and the highest mixture concentration is called the lower explosion limit. The concentration is called the upper limit of explosion.
B.22 Minimum fire energy: refers to the mixing of flammable substances and air under standard conditions (1 atmosphere, normal temperature). When the concentration that is most suitable for explosion is formed, it can The minimum energy necessary to make it ignite. The minimum ignition energy is generally measured by using a capacitor discharge energy disk
B23 hydrophilic insulating material: refers to the material that can adsorb and form a water film on its surface in high air. Insulation material. The charging status of this material is greatly affected by the relative humidity of the surrounding environment. B.24 Parallel capacitance method: It is a safe operation method to solve the static fire of the metal folding head tire building machine. The principle is to ground through the tread rubber. , which is equivalent to connecting a capacitor with a similar equivalent capacitance to ground in parallel with the charged cord layer, thereby suppressing the rapid rise in the potential of the metal head to ground at the moment of folding, eliminating electrostatic discharge and ensuring safe production of gases and vapors. Name

痖| | tt | Wan
1.3 sister
methyl acetate
ethyl acetate
Appendix C||tt| |Minimum ignition energy of gases and mixtures of vapor and air (reference part)
Minimum ignition energy, mJ
.19||tt| |6.17
n. t3
0.009||tt| |0.20
5 ~5.5
6.5||tt ||4.7
28~30|| tt||28~ 36
Internal ketone
acetic acid Methyl ester
Ethyl acetate
Appendix C
Minimum ignition energy of gases and mixtures of vapor and air (reference part)
Minimum Ruohuo energy item, mJ
0.25|| tt||0.24
n. t3
0.40| |tt||1.42
5 ~5.5
28~ 36
%||tt ||.
Internal ketone
acetic acid Methyl ester
Ethyl acetate
Appendix C
Minimum ignition energy of gases and mixtures of vapor and air (reference part)
Minimum Ruohuo energy item, mJ
0.25|| tt||0.24
n. t3
0.40| |tt||1.42
5 ~5.5
28~ 36
%||tt ||.
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