Some standard content:
ICS 07.060
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Urban fire-danger weather ratings
Urban fire-danger weather ratings061214000009
Published on 2006-08-28
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
Implemented on 2006-11-01
Appendix A of this standard is an informative appendix.
This standard is proposed and managed by the China Meteorological Administration. This standard was drafted by the Wuhan Regional Climate Center and participated in by the National Climate Center. The main drafters of this standard are Chen Zhenghong, Yang Hongqing and Zhang Qiang. GB/T20487—2006
With the development of my country's social economy, the expansion of urban scale, the emergence of new industries and the growth of national total assets, urban fire losses are becoming increasingly greater. Since the occurrence and development of fires are closely related to meteorological conditions, it is feasible to use the meteorological forecasting ability to predict the potential degree of urban fire risks. The Chinese government has always attached great importance to fire prevention and has formulated the policy of "prevention first, combining prevention and firefighting". Fire risk forecasting and assessment is an important task to prevent fires, reduce the occurrence of fires and reduce fire losses. In recent years, many meteorological departments and fire departments across the country have cooperated to actively carry out research on the relationship between urban fire risk and meteorological conditions and its forecast. Some have also proposed local urban fire risk meteorological grade standards, but the meteorological factors, calculation methods, index division, grade division and naming adopted by various places vary greatly. They are not comparable and universally applicable. Therefore, it is very necessary to formulate a set of simple and nationally applicable urban fire risk meteorological grade standards to make fire risk forecasting and assessment work professional and standardized. Although this standard is a recommended standard, the five levels, names and low-to-high principles of urban fire risk meteorological grades stipulated in it should be adopted uniformly throughout the country. Because my country has a vast territory and complex and diverse geographical climate, there are not only differences between the north and the south, but also differences in altitude. , the fire sources and combustibles are also very different, so the critical value of the fire risk meteorological index can be appropriately adjusted after applying this standard for a period of time to adapt to local conditions.
1 Scope
Urban fire risk meteorological level
This standard specifies the classification standards for urban fire risk meteorological levels and the calculation method of urban fire risk meteorological index. This standard is applicable to the short-term, medium-term and long-term forecasts of urban fire risk meteorological levels, and is also applicable to the climate evaluation of urban fire risk meteorological levels. 2. Terms and definitions, abbreviations
The following terms and definitions, abbreviations apply to this standard. 2.1 Terms and definitions
Air temperature
The air temperature at a height of 1.5m above the ground in the standard observation environment louvered box, in degrees Celsius (℃) 2.1.2
Daily maximum temperature
daily maximum air temperatureThe highest value of air temperature during the day, in degrees Celsius (℃). 2.1.3
relative humidity
Relative humidity
The ratio of the actual water vapor pressure in the air to the saturated water vapor pressure at the current temperature, reflecting the degree of air from saturated air, expressed as a percentage (%).
Daily minimum relative humidity
daily minimum relative humidityThe lowest value of the relative humidity of air during the day, expressed as a percentage (%). 2.1.5
Wind speedwind speed
Generally refers to the horizontal distance that air moves per unit time at a height of 10 above the ground, in meters per second (m/s) 2.1.6
Daily maximum wind speeddailymaximumwindspeedThe highest value of wind speed during the day.
Wind forcewindforce
The intensity of the wind, measured in thirteen levels (0 to 12). 2.1.8
Daily maximum wind force dailymaximumwindforce The highest value of wind force within a day.
Liquid or solid water falling from the sky to the ground. It includes precipitation forms such as rain, snow, sleet, sleet, frost, ice, ice particles and ice needles.
The depth of precipitation accumulated on the horizontal surface that has not evaporated, leaked or lost in a certain period of time, in millimeters (mm). 1
GB/T 20487—2006
Daily precipitation daily rainfall
The accumulated precipitation within one hour.
Number of consecutive days without precipitation The number of consecutive days without precipitation since the last precipitation day (precipitation 0.1mm). 2.1.13
Urban fire risk urban tire-danger
Potential fire danger in cities and towns 2.1.14
Urban fire-danger weather index urban fire-danger weather index is an evaluation index of the potential fire danger of combustibles that is closely related to meteorological conditions within the scope of cities or towns. 2.1.15
Urban fire-danger weather ratings is an evaluation index of the potential fire danger of combustibles that is closely related to meteorological conditions within the scope of cities or towns. 2. 1.16
Climatic evaluation of fire danger Use this standard to make a quantitative or qualitative evaluation of the urban fire danger climate background of a certain place in the past and present over a period of time. 2. 1.17
Short-range forecast of fire danger meteorological levels Use this standard to make a quantitative forecast of the urban fire danger meteorological levels of a certain place in the future Id-3 days. 2. 1.18
Mid-range ad long-range forecast of fire danger meteorological levels Use this standard to make a quantitative forecast of the urban fire danger meteorological levels of a certain place in the next 4d to 10d or more. 2.2 Abbreviations
Urban fire risk meteorological level;
UFDI-.—Urban fire risk meteorological index:
HUrban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the highest temperature: Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity; Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the daily maximum wind speed; Urban fire risk index component corresponding to the number of consecutive light precipitation days: Urban fire risk index component corresponding to the daily precipitation. 3 Urban fire risk meteorological level
The urban fire risk meteorological level is divided into five levels (level 1 to level 5), and the name, danger level, fire risk meteorological index range and characterization color of each level are specified, see Table 1 for details.
Table 1 Classification of urban fire risk meteorological levels
Low fire risk
Relatively low fire risk
Medium fire risk
Degree of danger
Range of fire risk meteorological index
Characteristic color
High fire risk
Extremely high fire risk
Table 1 (continued)
Degree of danger
Note: For the calculation method of the fire risk meteorological index in Table 1, please refer to Chapter 5 of this standard. Urban fire risk meteorological factors
Range of fire risk meteorological index
GB/T 20487—2006
Characterization color
Select five meteorological factors, including H maximum temperature, daily minimum relative humidity, daily maximum wind force (or daily maximum wind speed), number of consecutive days without precipitation, H precipitation, as the four factors affecting the urban fire risk meteorological level. 5 Determination of urban fire risk meteorological index
Calculation of urban fire risk meteorological index
The calculation formula of urban fire risk meteorological index (UFDI) is as follows: UFDI-UFDI+UFDI,LFDIW+UFDI-UFDI5.2 Urban fire risk meteorological index component (UFDI) corresponding to daily maximum temperature See Table 2 for those south of 25°N. See Table 3 for those from 25°N to 35\N See Table 4 for those north of 35\N.Table 2 Components of urban fire risk meteorological index corresponding to daily maximum temperature LFDIr Applicable to the south of 25\N) Temperature position ℃ Daily maximum air source from March to May/℃
Daily maximum temperature from June to August/C
Daily maximum temperature from September to November/℃
Daily maximum temperature from December to February/℃
Fire risk meteorological index components
23. 1--26. 026. 1~-29, C
20. 1--23.C
25, 1~28. C
28. 1--31. 0
20. 1-~23,0
23. 1-~26.C
18. 1-~21.0
31. 1--34. C
25. 1-29.0
21, 1-~21.0
29. 1 --32. 0
29. 1--32. 0
21. 1--27. 0
Table 3 Urban fire risk meteorological index components TIFDI corresponding to daily maximum temperature (applicable to 25N~35°N) Temperature unit C3 Daily maximum temperature from March to May/℃
Monthly maximum temperature from June to August/rC
Maximum temperature from September to November/℃
Maximum temperature from December to February/℃
Fire risk meteorological index components
13. 1--17. 017, 1--21. 0
23. 1~-27. 0
16. 1~-2c, 2
2. 1 -~5. 0
27, 1-~31. 0
20, 1 --24. 0
21. 0 0
Table 4 Urban fire weather index component UFDI corresponding to daily maximum temperature (applicable to the north of 35°N) Temperature unit
Daily maximum temperature from March to May/℃
Daily maximum temperature from June to August/℃
Daily maximum temperature from September to November/℃
Daily maximum temperature from December to February/
Fire weather index component
11. 1-~15,0
21. 1.~25.0
15. 1 -~ 19. 0
25. 1--29, 0
3. 9~-0. 0
19. 1 -~ 23. 0
29. 1-~33. 0
22.1~26, 0
0. 1---4. 0
23. 1--27.0
33. 1-- 37.0
4. 1-~8. 0
The urban fire risk meteorological index component (UFDI) corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity is shown in Table 5 for the south of 25°N and in Table 6 for 25°N~35N. See Table 7 for the north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level. Table 5 Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDIz corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to the south of 25°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Table 6 Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to 25°N35°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to the north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level) 51-60
Components of urban fire risk meteorological index (UFDI) corresponding to the daily maximum wind speed DIw4150
(Daily maximum wind force (wind speed) corresponding to the urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDIwTable 8
Wind force (level)
Corresponding wind speed range/(m
Fire risk meteorological index
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation (UEDINk5.5
Number of consecutive days without precipitation/d
Fire risk meteorological index component
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation UFDI3~4
Urban fire risk meteorological index component (UFDI) corresponding to daily precipitationTable 10
Daily precipitation/mm
Fire risk meteorological index component||tt ||Urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDI corresponding to daily precipitation 0.1~1.
Wind direction level
Clear moving wind
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Table A, 1 Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Signs of objects on land
Quiet·Smoke on the ground.
Smoke can show the wind direction, and the leaves are shaking slightly.
People feel the wind, the leaves have a slight sound, and the flags begin to flutter. The tall grass begins to sway. The tree spit and twigs are constantly moving, and the flags are spread out. The tall grass is shaking constantly. It can blow Dust and paper on the ground, trees swaying. Tall grass undulates in waves, small trees with leaves sway, and small waves on the inland water surface. The distant grass undulates significantly, large branches sway, electric wires whistle, and it is difficult to choose an umbrella. Tall grass falls to the ground from time to time. The whole tree shakes, large branches bend down, it is inconvenient to walk against the wind, small branches can be broken, and people feel a great sense of resistance when walking against the wind. Thatched houses are damaged, roof tiles are lifted, and large trees can be broken. Trees can be blown down and general buildings are damaged. Large trees can be blown down and general buildings are severely damaged. Rare on land, its destructive power is extremely great.
Equivalent to 101 on flat ground
High wind speed/(.11/3)
0. 3-~-1. 5
1. 6~ 3. 3
10. 8~- -3. 6
13, 9 ~-17. 1
17. 2 --20. 7
20. &--24. 4
21. 5 -- 25. 4
28. 5.- 32. 6
32, 7.~36.9
GB/T 20487-2006
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Grade
GRB/T 20487—2006
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Fuyimenwai, Beijing, Postal Code: 100545
Website:, cn
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standards Press, Zahuangdao! Printed by Xinhua Bookstore
Format 680×1230
First edition in November 2000
Printing sheet 0.75
Number of pages 12
First printing in November 2006
Book number: 155C66·1-28349 Price: 10.00 yuan Replaced by our publishing center
If there is any printing error
Copyright infringement will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 685335330
20. 1-~23,0
23. 1-~26.C
18. 1-~21.0
31. 1--34. C
25. 1-29.0
21, 1-~21.0
29. 1 --32. 0
29. 1--32. 0
21. 1--27. 0
Table 3 Components of urban fire risk meteorological index TIFDI corresponding to daily maximum temperature (applicable to 25N~35°N) Temperature unit C3 Daily maximum temperature from March to May/℃
June~~August Monthly maximum temperature/rC
Maximum temperature from September to November/℃
Maximum temperature from December to February/℃
Fire weather index component
13. 1--17. 017, 1--21. 0
23. 1~-27. 0
16. 1~-2c, 2
2. 1 -~5. 0
27, 1-~31. 0
20, 1 --24. 0
21. 1--25. 0 : 25. 1-~29, 0
24. 1 -- 28. 0
10,1~14, 0
28. 1~-32. 0
14. 1 ~- 18. 0
Table 4 Urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDI corresponding to the daily maximum temperature (applicable to the north of 35°N) Temperature unit
Daily maximum temperature from March to May/℃
Daily maximum temperature from June to August/℃
Daily maximum temperature from September to November/℃
Daily maximum temperature from December to February/
Fire risk meteorological index component
11. 1-~15,0
21. 1.~25.0
15. 1 -~ 19. 0
25. 1--29, 0
3. 9~-0. 0
19. 1 -~ 23. 0
29. 1-~33. 0
22. 1~26, 0
0. 1---4. 0
23. 1--27.0
33. 1-- 37.0
4. 1-~8. 0
The urban fire risk meteorological index component (UFDI) corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity is shown in Table 5 south of 25°N, in Table 6 between 25°N and 35N, and in Table 7 north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level. Table 5 Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDIz corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to the south of 25°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Table 6 Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to 25°N35°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to the north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level) 51-60
Components of urban fire risk meteorological index (UFDI) corresponding to the daily maximum wind speed DIw4150
(Daily maximum wind force (wind speed) corresponding to the urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDIwTable 8
Wind force (level)
Corresponding wind speed range/(m
Fire risk meteorological index
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation (UEDINk5.5
Number of consecutive days without precipitation/d
Fire risk meteorological index component
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation UFDI3~4
Urban fire risk meteorological index component (UFDI) corresponding to daily precipitationTable 10
Daily precipitation/mm
Fire risk meteorological index component||tt ||Urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDI corresponding to daily precipitation 0.1~1.
Wind direction level
Clear moving wind
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Table A, 1 Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Signs of objects on land
Quiet·Smoke on the ground.
Smoke can show the wind direction, and the leaves are shaking slightly.
People feel the wind, the leaves have a slight sound, and the flags begin to flutter. The tall grass begins to sway. The tree spit and twigs are constantly moving, and the flags are spread out. The tall grass is shaking constantly. It can blow Dust and paper on the ground, trees swaying. Tall grass undulates in waves, small trees with leaves sway, and small waves on the inland water surface. The distant grass undulates significantly, large branches sway, electric wires whistle, and it is difficult to choose an umbrella. Tall grass falls to the ground from time to time. The whole tree shakes, large branches bend down, it is inconvenient to walk against the wind, small branches can be broken, and people feel a great sense of resistance when walking against the wind. Thatched houses are damaged, roof tiles are lifted, and large trees can be broken. Trees can be blown down and general buildings are damaged. Large trees can be blown down and general buildings are severely damaged. Rare on land, its destructive power is extremely great.
Equivalent to 101 on flat ground
High wind speed/(.11/3)
0. 3-~-1. 5
1. 6~ 3. 3
10. 8~- -3. 6
13, 9 ~-17. 1
17. 2 --20. 7
20. &--24. 4
21. 5 -- 25. 4
28. 5.- 32. 6
32, 7.~36.9
GB/T 20487-2006
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Grade
GRB/T 20487—2006
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Fuyimenwai, Beijing, Postal Code: 100545
Website:, cn
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standards Press, Zahuangdao! Printed by Xinhua Bookstore
Format 680×1230
First edition in November 2000
Printing sheet 0.75
Number of pages 12
First printing in November 2006
Book number: 155C66·1-28349 Price: 10.00 yuan Replaced by our publishing center
If there is any printing error
Copyright infringement will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 685335330
20. 1-~23,0
23. 1-~26.C
18. 1-~21.0
31. 1--34. C
25. 1-29.0
21, 1-~21.0
29. 1 --32. 0
29. 1--32. 0
21. 1--27. 0
Table 3 Components of urban fire risk meteorological index TIFDI corresponding to daily maximum temperature (applicable to 25N~35°N) Temperature unit C3 Daily maximum temperature from March to May/℃
June~~August Monthly maximum temperature/rC
Maximum temperature from September to November/℃
Maximum temperature from December to February/℃
Fire weather index component
13. 1--17. 017, 1--21. 0
23. 1~-27. 0
16. 1~-2c, 2
2. 1 -~5. 0
27, 1-~31. 0
20, 1 --24. 0
21. 1--25. 0 : 25. 1-~29, 0
24. 1 -- 28. 0
10,1~14, 0
28. 1~-32. 0
14. 1 ~- 18. 0
Table 4 Urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDI corresponding to the daily maximum temperature (applicable to the north of 35°N) Temperature unit
Daily maximum temperature from March to May/℃
Daily maximum temperature from June to August/℃
Daily maximum temperature from September to November/℃
Daily maximum temperature from December to February/
Fire risk meteorological index component
11. 1-~15,0
21. 1.~25.0
15. 1 -~ 19. 0
25. 1--29, 0
3. 9~-0. 0
19. 1 -~ 23. 0
29. 1-~33. 0
22. 1~26, 0
0. 1---4. 0
23. 1--27.0
33. 1-- 37.0
4. 1-~8. 0
The urban fire risk meteorological index component (UFDI) corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity is shown in Table 5 south of 25°N, in Table 6 between 25°N and 35N, and in Table 7 north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level. Table 5 Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDIz corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to the south of 25°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Table 6 Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to 25°N35°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to the north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level) 51-60
Components of urban fire risk meteorological index (UFDI) corresponding to the daily maximum wind speed DIw4150
(Daily maximum wind force (wind speed) corresponding to the urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDIwTable 8
Wind force (level)
Corresponding wind speed range/(m
Fire risk meteorological index
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation (UEDINk5.5
Number of consecutive days without precipitation/d
Fire risk meteorological index component
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation UFDI3~4
Urban fire risk meteorological index component (UFDI) corresponding to daily precipitationTable 10
Daily precipitation/mm
Fire risk meteorological index component||tt ||Urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDI corresponding to daily precipitation 0.1~1.
Wind direction level
Clear moving wind
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Table A, 1 Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Signs of objects on land
Quiet·Smoke on the ground.
Smoke can show the wind direction, and the leaves are shaking slightly.
People feel the wind, the leaves have a slight sound, and the flags begin to flutter. The tall grass begins to sway. The tree spit and twigs are constantly moving, and the flags are spread out. The tall grass is shaking constantly. It can blow Dust and paper on the ground, trees swaying. Tall grass undulates in waves, small trees with leaves sway, and small waves on the inland water surface. The distant grass undulates significantly, large branches sway, electric wires whistle, and it is difficult to choose an umbrella. Tall grass falls to the ground from time to time. The whole tree shakes, large branches bend down, it is inconvenient to walk against the wind, small branches can be broken, and people feel a great sense of resistance when walking against the wind. Thatched houses are damaged, roof tiles are lifted, and large trees can be broken. Trees can be blown down and general buildings are damaged. Large trees can be blown down and general buildings are severely damaged. Rare on land, its destructive power is extremely great.
Equivalent to 101 on flat ground
High wind speed/(.11/3)
0. 3-~-1. 5
1. 6~ 3. 3
10. 8~- -3. 6
13, 9 ~-17. 1
17. 2 --20. 7
20. &--24. 4
21. 5 -- 25. 4
28. 5.- 32. 6
32, 7.~36.9
GB/T 20487-2006
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Grade
GRB/T 20487—2006
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Fuyimenwai, Beijing, Postal Code: 100545
Website:, cn
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standards Press, Zahuangdao! Printed by Xinhua Bookstore
Format 680×1230
First edition in November 2000
Printing sheet 0.75
Number of pages 12
First printing in November 2006
Book number: 155C66·1-28349 Price: 10.00 yuan Replaced by our publishing center
If there is any printing error
Copyright infringement will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 685335330
20, 1 --24. 0
21. 1--25. 0 : 25. 1-~29, 0
24. 1 -- 28. 0
10,1~14, 0
28. 1~-32. 0
14. 1 ~- 18. 0
Table 4 Urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDI corresponding to the maximum daily temperature (applicable to the north of 35°N) Temperature unit
Daily maximum temperature from March to May/℃
June~~August Daily maximum temperature in month/℃
Daily maximum temperature in September-November/℃
Daily maximum temperature in December-February/
Fire danger weather index component
11. 1-~15,0
21. 1.~25.0
15. 1 -~ 19. 0
25. 1--29, 0
3. 9~-0. 0
19. 1 -~ 23. 0
29. 1-~33. 0
22.1~26, 0
0. 1---4. 0
23. 1--27.0
33. 1-- 37.0
4. 1-~8. 0
The urban fire risk meteorological index component (UFDI) corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity is shown in Table 5 for the south of 25°N, and in Table 6 for 25°N~35N. It is shown in Table 7 for the north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level. Table 5 Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDIz corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to the south of 25°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Table 6 Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to 25°N35°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to the north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level) 51-60
Components of urban fire risk meteorological index (UFDI) corresponding to the daily maximum wind speed DIw4150
(Daily maximum wind force (wind speed) corresponding to the urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDIwTable 8
Wind force (level)
Corresponding wind speed range/(m
Fire risk meteorological index
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation (UEDINk5.5
Number of consecutive days without precipitation/d
Fire risk meteorological index component
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation UFDI3~4
Urban fire risk meteorological index component (UFDI) corresponding to daily precipitationTable 10
Daily precipitation/mm
Fire risk meteorological index component||tt ||Urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDI corresponding to daily precipitation 0.1~1.
Wind direction
Clear moving wind
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Table A, 1 Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Signs of objects on land
Quiet·Smoke on the ground.
Smoke can show the wind direction, and the leaves are shaking slightly.
People feel the wind, the leaves have a slight sound, and the flags begin to flutter. The tall grass begins to sway. The tree spit and twigs are constantly moving, and the flags are spread out. The tall grass is shaking constantly. It can blow Dust and paper on the ground, trees swaying. Tall grass undulates in waves, small trees with leaves sway, and small waves on the inland water surface. The distant grass undulates significantly, large branches sway, electric wires whistle, and it is difficult to choose an umbrella. Tall grass falls to the ground from time to time. The whole tree shakes, large branches bend down, it is inconvenient to walk against the wind, small branches can be broken, and people feel a great sense of resistance when walking against the wind. Thatched houses are damaged, roof tiles are lifted, and large trees can be broken. Trees can be blown down and general buildings are damaged. Large trees can be blown down and general buildings are severely damaged. Rare on land, its destructive power is extremely great.
Equivalent to 101 on flat ground
High wind speed/(.11/3)
0. 3-~-1. 5
1. 6~ 3. 3
10. 8~- -3. 6
13, 9 ~-17. 1
17. 2 --20. 7
20. &--24. 4
21. 5 -- 25. 4
28. 5.- 32. 6
32, 7.~36.9
GB/T 20487-2006
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Grade
GRB/T 20487—2006
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Fuyimenwai, Beijing, Postal Code: 100545
Website:, cn
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standards Press, Zahuangdao! Printed by Xinhua Bookstore
Format 680×1230
First edition in November 2000
Printing sheet 0.75
Number of pages 12
First printing in November 2006
Book number: 155C66·1-28349 Price: 10.00 yuan Replaced by our publishing center
If there is any printing error
Copyright infringement will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 685335330
20, 1 --24. 0
21. 1--25. 0 : 25. 1-~29, 0
24. 1 -- 28. 0
10,1~14, 0
28. 1~-32. 0
14. 1 ~- 18. 0
Table 4 Urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDI corresponding to the maximum daily temperature (applicable to the north of 35°N) Temperature unit
Daily maximum temperature from March to May/℃
June~~August Daily maximum temperature in month/℃
Daily maximum temperature in September-November/℃
Daily maximum temperature in December-February/
Fire danger weather index component
11. 1-~15,0
21. 1.~25.0
15. 1 -~ 19. 0
25. 1--29, 0
3. 9~-0. 0
19. 1 -~ 23. 0
29. 1-~33. 0
22.1~26, 0
0. 1---4. 0
23. 1--27.0
33. 1-- 37.0
4. 1-~8. 0
The urban fire risk meteorological index component (UFDI) corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity is shown in Table 5 for the south of 25°N, and in Table 6 for 25°N~35N. It is shown in Table 7 for the north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level. Table 5 Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDIz corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to the south of 25°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Table 6 Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to 25°N35°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Components of fire risk meteorological index
Components of urban fire risk meteorological index UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to the north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level) 51-60
Components of urban fire risk meteorological index (UFDI) corresponding to the daily maximum wind speed DIw4150
(Daily maximum wind force (wind speed) corresponding to the urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDIwTable 8
Wind force (level)
Corresponding wind speed range/(m
Fire risk meteorological index
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation (UEDINk5.5
Number of consecutive days without precipitation/d
Fire risk meteorological index component
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation UFDI3~4
Urban fire risk meteorological index component (UFDI) corresponding to daily precipitationTable 10
Daily precipitation/mm
Fire risk meteorological index component||tt ||Urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDI corresponding to daily precipitation 0.1~1.
Wind direction level
Clear moving wind
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Table A, 1 Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Signs of objects on land
Quiet·Smoke on the ground.
Smoke can show the wind direction, and the leaves are shaking slightly.
People feel the wind, the leaves have a slight sound, and the flags begin to flutter. The tall grass begins to sway. The tree spit and twigs are constantly moving, and the flags are spread out. The tall grass is shaking constantly. It can blow Dust and paper on the ground, trees swaying. Tall grass undulates in waves, small trees with leaves sway, and small waves on the inland water surface. The distant grass undulates significantly, large branches sway, electric wires whistle, and it is difficult to choose an umbrella. Tall grass falls to the ground from time to time. The whole tree shakes, large branches bend down, it is inconvenient to walk against the wind, small branches can be broken, and people feel a great sense of resistance when walking against the wind. Thatched houses are damaged, roof tiles are lifted, and large trees can be broken. Trees can be blown down and general buildings are damaged. Large trees can be blown down and general buildings are severely damaged. Rare on land, its destructive power is extremely great.
Equivalent to 101 on flat ground
High wind speed/(.11/3)
0. 3-~-1. 5
1. 6~ 3. 3
10. 8~- -3. 6
13, 9 ~-17. 1
17. 2 --20. 7
20. &--24. 4
21. 5 -- 25. 4
28. 5.- 32. 6
32, 7.~36.9
GB/T 20487-2006
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Grade
GRB/T 20487—2006
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Fuyimenwai, Beijing, Postal Code: 100545
Website:, cn
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standards Press, Zahuangdao! Printed by Xinhua Bookstore
Format 680×1230
First edition in November 2000
Printing sheet 0.75
Number of pages 12
First printing in November 2006
Book number: 155C66·1-28349 Price: 10.00 yuan Replaced by our publishing center
If there is any printing error
Copyright infringement will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 68533533For areas north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level, see Table 7. Table 5 Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component UFDIz corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to areas south of 25°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component
Table 6 Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to 25°N35°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component
Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component
Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to areas north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level) 51-60
Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component (UFDIz) corresponding to the daily maximum wind speed DIw4150
(Daily maximum wind force (wind speed) corresponding to the urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDIwTable 8
Wind force (level)
Corresponding wind speed range/(m
Fire risk meteorological index
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation (UEDINk5.5
Number of consecutive days without precipitation/d
Fire risk meteorological index component
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation UFDI3~4
Urban fire risk meteorological index component (UFDI) corresponding to daily precipitationTable 10
Daily precipitation/mm
Fire risk meteorological index component||tt ||Urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDI corresponding to daily precipitation 0.1~1.
Wind direction level
Clear moving wind
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Table A, 1 Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Signs of objects on land
Quiet·Smoke on the ground.
Smoke can show the wind direction, and the leaves are shaking slightly.
People feel the wind, the leaves have a slight sound, and the flags begin to flutter. The tall grass begins to sway. The tree spit and twigs are constantly moving, and the flags are spread out. The tall grass is shaking constantly. It can blow Dust and paper on the ground, trees swaying. Tall grass undulates in waves, small trees with leaves sway, and small waves on the inland water surface. The distant grass undulates significantly, large branches sway, electric wires whistle, and it is difficult to choose an umbrella. Tall grass falls to the ground from time to time. The whole tree shakes, large branches bend down, it is inconvenient to walk against the wind, small branches can be broken, and people feel a great sense of resistance when walking against the wind. Thatched houses are damaged, roof tiles are lifted, and large trees can be broken. Trees can be blown down and general buildings are damaged. Large trees can be blown down and general buildings are severely damaged. Rare on land, its destructive power is extremely great.
Equivalent to 101 on flat ground
High wind speed/(.11/3)
0. 3-~-1. 5
1. 6~ 3. 3
10. 8~- -3. 6
13, 9 ~-17. 1
17. 2 --20. 7
20. &--24. 4
21. 5 -- 25. 4
28. 5.- 32. 6
32, 7.~36.9
GB/T 20487-2006
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Grade
GRB/T 20487—2006
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Fuyimenwai, Beijing, Postal Code: 100545
Website:, cn
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standards Press, Zahuangdao! Printed by Xinhua Bookstore
Format 680×1230
First edition in November 2000
Printing sheet 0.75
Number of pages 12
First printing in November 2006
Book number: 155C66·1-28349 Price: 10.00 yuan Replaced by our publishing center
If there is any printing error
Copyright infringement will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 68533533For areas north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level, see Table 7. Table 5 Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component UFDIz corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to areas south of 25°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component
Table 6 Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to 25°N35°N) Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component
Daily minimum relative humidity/%
Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component
Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component UFDI corresponding to the daily minimum relative humidity (applicable to areas north of 35°N and above 3000m above sea level) 51-60
Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Index Component (UFDIz) corresponding to the daily maximum wind speed DIw4150
(Daily maximum wind force (wind speed) corresponding to the urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDIwTable 8
Wind force (level)
Corresponding wind speed range/(m
Fire risk meteorological index
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation (UEDINk5.5
Number of consecutive days without precipitation/d
Fire risk meteorological index component
Urban fire risk meteorological index component corresponding to the number of consecutive days without precipitation UFDI3~4
Urban fire risk meteorological index component (UFDI) corresponding to daily precipitationTable 10
Daily precipitation/mm
Fire risk meteorological index component||tt ||Urban fire risk meteorological index component UFDI corresponding to daily precipitation 0.1~1.
Wind direction level
Clear moving wind
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Table A, 1 Comparison table of wind force level and wind speed
Signs of objects on land
Quiet·Smoke on the ground.
Smoke can show the wind direction, and the leaves are shaking slightly.
People feel the wind, the leaves have a slight sound, and the flags begin to flutter. The tall grass begins to sway. The tree spit and twigs are constantly moving, and the flags are spread out. The tall grass is shaking constantly. It can blow Dust and paper on the ground, trees swaying. Tall grass undulates in waves, small trees with leaves sway, and small waves on the inland water surface. The distant grass undulates significantly, large branches sway, electric wires whistle, and it is difficult to choose an umbrella. Tall grass falls to the ground from time to time. The whole tree shakes, large branches bend down, it is inconvenient to walk against the wind, small branches can be broken, and people feel a great sense of resistance when walking against the wind. Thatched houses are damaged, roof tiles are lifted, and large trees can be broken. Trees can be blown down and general buildings are damaged. Large trees can be blown down and general buildings are severely damaged. Rare on land, its destructive power is extremely great.
Equivalent to 101 on flat ground
High wind speed/(.11/3)
0. 3-~-1. 5
1. 6~ 3. 3
10. 8~- -3. 6
13, 9 ~-17. 1
17. 2 --20. 7
20. &--24. 4
21. 5 -- 25. 4
28. 5.- 32. 6
32, 7.~36.9
GB/T 20487-2006
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Urban Fire Danger Meteorological Grade
GRB/T 20487—2006
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Fuyimenwai, Beijing, Postal Code: 100545
Website:, cn
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standards Press, Zahuangdao! Printed by Xinhua Bookstore
Size 680×1230
First edition in November 2000
Printing sheet 0.75
Number 12
First printing in November 2006
Book number: 155C66·1-28349 Price 10.00 Yuan Replaced by our publishing center
If there is any printing error
Copyright infringement will be investigated
Report telephone number: (010) 68533533
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