Some standard content:
Meteorological industry standard of the People's Republic of China
Meteorological data archive format
Meteorological data archive format Surface2010-01-20 released
Meteorological Bureau
2010-06-01 implementation
Terms and definitions
Surface meteorological observation monthly data file (A file)
File name
File structure
Station parameters
Observation data
Quality control information
Additional information
Surface meteorological minute observation monthly data file (J file) 4.1
File name
File structure
Station parameters,
Observation data
Quality control information
Surface meteorological annual data file (Y file)
File name·
File structure||t t||Station parameters
Statistical data
Additional information·
Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
Appendix B (Informative Appendix)
Appendix C (Informative Appendix)
Appendix D (Informative Appendix)
Appendix E (Informative Appendix)
Appendix F (Informative Appendix)
A File structure
J File structure…
Y File structure
List of element modes in A and J files Cloud symbol table
Weather phenomenon coding table
Appendix A, B, C, D, E and F of this standard are all informative appendices. This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Basic Meteorological Information (SAC/TC346). This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Basic Meteorological Information (SAC/TC346). The main drafting units of this standard are: National Meteorological Information Center, Hubei Meteorological Bureau. The main drafters of this standard are: Wang Ying, Yang Zhibiao, Xiong Anyuan, Wu Zengxiang, Liu Xiaoning. QX/T119—2010
QX/T 119—2010
Ground meteorological data is the basis for understanding and predicting weather changes, exploring the laws of climate evolution, and providing meteorological services. It is one of the most important data collected by the weather and climate monitoring network. In order to completely, correctly and normatively record the observation data and related background information of ground meteorological observation stations, it is necessary to formulate the archiving format of ground meteorological data files. This standard is consistent with the relevant format provisions and requirements of Chapter 4 "Surface Meteorological Observation Data File Format" and Chapter 6 "Surface Meteorological Annual Report Data File Format" in the "Surface Meteorological Observation Data File and Record Sheet Format (Qifa [2004] No. 208)" issued and implemented by the China Meteorological Administration in August 2004, and stipulates the filing format of the monthly observation records and annual statistical data of surface meteorological observation stations. V
Meteorological Data Filing Format
This standard specifies the format of surface meteorological data filing files. Ground
This standard applies to observations collected by various surface meteorological observation stations. Archiving of data and related meteorological element statistical data. Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 2.1
Indicator code indicatorflag
The character that identifies the meteorological element name or data category in the data file. 2.2
Format flag
The character that identifies the data content and data format of a certain meteorological element in the data file. 2.3
Quality control code qualitycontrolflag The number that identifies the quality status of the observation data. 2.4
Corrected data correcteddata
When the original observation data is suspected to be wrong or missing, it can be used to replace the original suspected or missing data through calculation or estimation by certain statistical methods.
Revised data reviseddata
When the original observation data is suspected to be wrong or missing, it can be used to replace the original suspected or missing data after review. Ground meteorological observation monthly data file (A file) 3.1
File name
"Ground meteorological observation monthly data file" (A file) is a text file with the file name "AIIii-YYYYMML-XJ.TXT". The meaning of the characters in the file name is shown in Table 1.
Fixed Fixed characters, indicating file category
Region station number
Data year
A Meaning of characters in file name
Data month, insufficient digits, high digits are supplemented with "0\Optional, informal archive file identification during parallel observation, X-0 indicates that the observation method is manual observation, X=1 indicates that the observation method is automatic station observation, X=9 indicates the observation data of informal observation station during station migration. Characters indicate that the file is in text format QX/T119—2010
3.2 File structure
A file consists of four parts: station parameters, observation data, quality control information, and additional information. The end mark of the observation data part is a record "??????", the end mark of the quality control information part is a record "***¥*", and the end mark of the additional information part is a record "######". Each record in the file is a line. See Appendix A for the structure of
3.3 Station parameters
The station parameters are the first record of the file, which consists of 12 groups of data, arranged in the order of district station number, latitude, longitude, observation field altitude, pressure sensor altitude, wind speed sensor height from the ground (platform), observation platform height from the ground, observation method and station category, observation project identification, quality control indicator code, year, month. The separator of each group of data is a space, a) District station number (Ilii), composed of five academic characters, the first two are the district code, composed of numbers or letters, and the last three are the station number, composed of numbers. b) Latitude (QQQQQQ), composed of five characters, the first four are latitude, of which the 1st to 2nd digits are degrees, the 3rd to 4th digits are minutes, if the number of digits is insufficient, the high digits are filled with "0". The last digit is "S" or "N", indicating the south and north latitude respectively. e) Longitude (LLLLLL② consists of six characters, the first five are longitude, of which the 1st to 3rd digits are degrees, the 4th to 5th digits are minutes, if the digits are insufficient, the high digits are filled with "0"; the last ten digits are "E" or "W", indicating the east and west longitude respectively. d) Observation site altitude (H,H,H,HH,H,), consists of six digits, the first digit is the altitude parameter, "0\ indicates that the altitude is the measured value, \A\ indicates that the altitude is the approximate measured value; the last 5 digits are the altitude, the unit is "0.1m", if the digits are insufficient, the high digits are filled with "0". If the measuring station is located below sea level, the second digit is represented by "-". e) Pressure sensor altitude (HH,H,HH,HH,), the same as the observation site altitude. f) Wind speed sensor height from the ground (platform) (H,HH), consists of three digits, the unit is "α1m\, if the digits are insufficient, the high digits are filled with \o".
g) Observation level height above the ground (H.HH), composed of three digits, the unit is "0.1m", if the number of digits is insufficient, the high digits will be filled with "0". h) Observation method and station category (Sxix), the capital letter "S" is the observation method and station category identification, the number xi represents the observation method, and the number x represents the station category. Xi=0 indicates that the measurement project is manual observation, Xi=1 indicates that the measurement project is automatic station observation. xz=1 is the benchmark station, x2=2 is the basic station, xz=3 is the general station (four observations per day), x=4 is the general station (three observations per day), x5 is an unmanned station, and x2=6 is a regional station. i) Observation query identifier (yyaysyaysyeyryayey1oyuyi2ynsyl4yisyneythy1sig y2o consists of /2o characters yiyzo, which respectively represent the full-month data status of the 20 elements in file A (according to the element arrangement order given in The value range of y1~y2o is or 9, y.=0 represents manual instrument observation, y.= represents automatic station observation (if the same element contains both automatic station and manual observation data, all data of the element are uniformly regarded as automatic station observation data), y.=9 represents missing data for the whole month.
j) Quality control indicator code (C) C=0 indicates that the file has no quality control information part C=1 indicates that the file has a quality control information part.
k) Year (YYYY), observation year, composed of four digits 1) Month (MM), observation month, composed of two digits, if the number of digits is insufficient, the high digit is filled with "0". 3.4 Observation data
3.4.1 Data structure Composition of observation data
Observation data consists of data of 20 ground elements. The arrangement order of each element data in the file is fixed. The names, indicator codes and arrangement order of the 20 elements are shown in Table 2. 2
3. 4. 1.2
Basic format of observation data
2A file element names, indicator codes and arrangement order Table 2
Element name
Wet bulb temperature and dew point temperature
Water vapor pressure
Relative humidity
Weather phenomenon
Ice accumulation on electric wires
Ground temperature 1
Ground temperature 2
Frozen soil depth
Sunshine hours
Grass surface (snow surface) temperature and ground conditions
The data of each element consists of the indicator code mode bit and the observation data of the element for one month. Indicator code and mode bit
Indicator code
The indicator code and mode bit are the first record of each element data. The element indicator code is represented by uppercase letters and the mode bit is represented by 0~9, A~Z (see Appendix D). And:
When the element indicator code is directly followed by "—", it means that the element is missing for the whole month; when the mode bit is 0 and directly followed by "=\", it means that the element has been observed, but it did not appear for the whole month or there is no observation data due to weather reasons. Basic format
The observation data consists of one or more data segments, and the end mark of each data segment is "two". If a data segment is missing, the end mark of the segment is directly used as "="; each data segment consists of several records, and the end mark of the last record of the data segment is directly used as the segment end mark "="; each record contains several groups of data, and each group of data is separated by a space. The basic provisions are as follows:
a) If a data group is missing, it will be indicated by the corresponding number of digits "/". b) If there are no special provisions, if the original observation data is insufficient, the corresponding position of the data group will be filled with "0". c) One day is from 20:00 Beijing time to 20:00 the next day. Unless otherwise specified, one day's data is one record. Except for weather phenomena, which use the daily data terminator \,", other element records do not have daily data terminators. When one day's data consists of multiple records, the terminator of the last record of daily data is directly ",". 3
d) "Four regular observations", "three regular observations" and "24 regular observations" refer to the number of regular surface meteorological observations per day. The four regular observation times are generally 02:00, 08:00, 14:00 and 20:00 Beijing time (the same below); the three regular observation times are generally 08:00, 14:00 and 20:00; the 24 regular observation times are respectively from 21:00 on the current day to 20:00 on the next day, with one observation every hour. Daily The number of groups of data should be "4 groups", "3 groups" and "24 groups" respectively. e) The time of occurrence of extreme values (GGgg) is a four-digit number, the first two digits are hours, and the last two digits are minutes. f) The end of an hour for cloud shape and cloud height is indicated by "," . 3.4.2 Observation data formats of various elements Air pressure (P)
Air pressure consists of two data segments, the first segment is the air pressure of this station, and the second segment is the sea level pressure. There are seven data formats for air pressure, which are marked by seven way bits (X). The format is:
a)X=3. The station's air pressure is recorded four times a day and the highest and lowest values of the day are recorded in six groups; the sea level pressure is recorded four times a day in four groups.
b)X=4. The station's air pressure and sea level pressure segments, each segment has four daily c)X6. The station's three daily timing values of air pressure and the self-recorded daily maximum and minimum values total five groups; the sea level pressure three daily timing values total three groups.
d)X=8. The station's air pressure and sea level pressure segments, each segment has three daily timing values total three groups. e)X=B. The station's 24 daily timing values of air pressure and the self-recorded daily maximum and minimum values total 26 groups, divided into two records, the first record is 21-08 o'clock for a total of 12 groups, the second record is 09-20 o'clock for a total of 14 groups of maximum and minimum values; the sea level pressure four daily timing values total four groups.
f)X=C. The station's 24 daily timing values of air pressure and the daily maximum and minimum values and occurrence time total 28 groups, divided into two records, the first record is 21-08 o'clock for a total of 12 groups , the second record is 09-20 o'clock and the highest value and the time of occurrence, the lowest value and the time of occurrence, a total of 16 groups; the sea level pressure is four times a day, a total of four groups. g) X = D. The station's 24 times a day pressure and the daily highest and lowest values and the time of occurrence are 28 groups, divided into two records, the first record is 21-08 o'clock, a total of 12 groups, the second record is 09-20 o'clock and the highest value and the time of occurrence, the lowest value and the time of occurrence are 16 groups; the sea level pressure is 24 times a day, a total of 24 groups, divided into two records, each record 12 groups. Note 1: The unit of pressure is \0.1hPa\.
Note 2; Each group of data consists of four characters. If the pressure value ≥1000.0hPa, it is expressed by the actual pressure value minus 1000.0hPa. Temperature (T)
The temperature has only one data segment, there are four data formats, marked by four mode bits (X). Specifically: a) X=0. There are six groups of daily four-time timing and daily maximum and minimum values. b) X=9. There are five groups of daily three-time timing and daily maximum and minimum values. c) X=A. There are 26 groups of daily 24-time timing and daily maximum and minimum values, divided into two records. The first record is 12 groups from 21:00 to 08:00, and the second record is 14 groups from 09:00 to 20:00 and the maximum and minimum values. d) X=B. There are 28 groups of daily 24-time timing and daily maximum and minimum values and occurrence time, divided into two records. The first record is 12 groups from 21:00 to 08:00, and the second record is 16 groups from 09:00 to 20:00 and the maximum value and occurrence time, and the minimum value and occurrence time. Note 1: The unit of temperature is \0.1℃".
Note 2; Each group of data consists of four characters, the first bit is the sign bit, positive is \0", and negative is "1". Wet bulb temperature and dew point temperature (I) Wet bulb temperature and dew point temperature consist of two data segments, the first segment is wet bulb temperature, and the second segment is dew point temperature. There are four data formats for wet bulb temperature and dew point temperature, which are marked by four ways (X). Specifically: a) X-2. Wet bulb temperature and dew point temperature segment, each segment has four sets of timing values per day. b) X=7. Wet bulb temperature has three sets of timing values per day; dew point temperature has four sets of timing values per day. c) X=8. Wet bulb temperature has three sets of timing values per day; dew point temperature has three sets of timing values per day. 4
d) X=B. Wet bulb temperature and dew point temperature segment, each segment has 24 sets of timing values per day, divided into two records, the first record is 12 sets from 21:00 to 08:00, and the second record is 12 sets from 09:00 to 20:00. Note 1: The unit of wet bulb temperature and dew point temperature is "0.1℃" Note 2: Each data set consists of four characters, the first one is the sign bit, positive is "0" and negative is "1". Note 3: If the wet bulb freezes and there is wet bulb temperature observation data, the wet bulb temperature sign bit is changed to "," and the other three bits are recorded values; if the temperature is below -10℃, the wet bulb freezes and there is no wet bulb temperature observation data, the wet bulb temperature is represented by ",,,," Note 4: If the wet bulb freezes for the whole month and there is no wet bulb temperature and dew point temperature data, it is represented by "10="; when X=2, 7, 8, B, if the wet bulb freezes for the whole month and there is no wet bulb temperature data, the indicator code and mode bit are one record, the representation method remains unchanged, and the wet bulb temperature data segment is represented by one record "0=". Water vapor pressure (E)
Water vapor pressure has only one data segment, and there are three data formats, which are marked by three mode bits (X). Specifically: a) X=0. Four sets of daily timed values. b) X = 9. Three sets of daily timed values. c) X = A. 24 sets of daily timed values, divided into two records, the first record is 21:00 to 08:00, a total of 12 sets, the second record is 09:00 to 20:00, a total of 12 sets.
Note 1: The unit of water vapor pressure is "0.1hPa". Note 2: Each set of data consists of three characters. humidity (U)
Relative humidity has only one data segment, with six data formats, marked by six way bits (X). Specifically: a) X=0. There are five groups of four daily timing values and self-recorded daily minimum values. b) X=2. There are four groups of four daily timing values. c) X=7. There are four groups of three daily timing values and self-recorded daily minimum values. d) X=9. There are three groups of three daily timing values. e) X=A. There are 25 groups of 24 daily timing values and self-recorded daily minimum values, divided into two records. The first record is 21-08 o'clock, a total of 12 groups, and the second record is 09-20 o'clock and daily minimum values, a total of 13 groups. f) X=B. There are 26 groups of 24 daily timing values and automatically observed daily minimum values and occurrence times, divided into two records. The first record is 21-08 o'clock, a total of 12 groups, and the second record is 09-20 o'clock and minimum values and occurrence times, a total of 14 groups. Note 1: The unit of relative humidity is "%".
Note 2: Each group of data consists of two characters. Note 3: When the relative humidity is 100, it is represented by the characters "%%\. Cloud Cover (N)
Cloud cover consists of two data segments, the first segment is the total cloud cover, and the second segment is the low cloud cover. There are three data formats for cloud cover, which are identified by three ways (X). Specifically:
a) X=0. For the total and low cloud cover segments, there are four sets of timing values per day for each segment. b) X=9. For the total and low cloud cover segments, there are three sets of timing values per day for each segment. c) X=A. For the total and low cloud cover segments, there are 24 sets of timing values per day for each segment. Note 1: The unit of cloud cover is "cheng", which is an integer.
Note 2: Each group of data consists of two characters
Note 3: When the cloud cover is "10\ or \10-", it is represented by "\11". Cloud height (H)
Cloud height has only one data segment and three data formats, which are identified by three bit (X). Specifically: a) X=0. Cloud height at four hours per day.
b) X=9. Cloud height at three hours per day.
c) X=B. Cloud height at 24 hours per day, divided into four records, the first record contains eight hours from 21 to 04 o'clock, the second record contains five hours from 05 to 09 o'clock, the third record contains five hours from 10 to 14 o'clock, and the fourth record contains six hours from 15 to 20 o'clock. 5
Note 1: All cloud height records are measured cloud heights.
Note 2: The unit of cloud height is meter (m).
Note 3: Each hour consists of several cloud height data groups. Each set of cloud height data consists of seven characters. The first two letters are the cloud shape (CC), which is the cloud shape symbol (see Appendix E). The last five digits are the cloud height in meters (m). Each time separator is ",". Note 4: For cloud height data at a certain time, if there is no cloud, the time terminator "\" should be used to indicate that there is no cloud height data. If there is no cloud height data due to missing measurements, "///," should be used to indicate that there is no cloud height data. Cloud shape (C)
Cloud shape has only one data segment, and there are three data formats, which are identified by three bit (X). Specifically: a) X=0. Cloud shape at four times a day.
b) X=9. Cloud shape at three times a day.
c) X=A. Cloud shape at 24 times a day, divided into four records, the first record contains eight times from 21 to 04 o'clock, the second record contains five times from 05 to 09 o'clock, the third record contains five times from 10 to 14 o'clock, and the fourth record contains six times from 15 to 20 o'clock. Note 1: Each time consists of several cloud shapes. The data group composition, each group of cloud data consists of three letters (see Appendix E). Note 2: When the cloud observation is affected by weather phenomena, a group of weather phenomenon code (two-digit) data that affects the cloud observation is added before the cloud data group. The weather phenomenon coding is shown in Appendix F.
Note 3; If there is no cloud data at a certain time, the cloud data is directly indicated by the time end character "\". If there is no cloud data at a certain time, it is indicated by "///,\". Visibility (V)).
Visibility has only one data segment, with six data formats, marked by six bit (X). Specifically: a)X=0. There are four groups of four timing values per day, each group of data consists of three characters. There are three groups of three timing values per day, each group of data consists of one character (visibility level) . b)X=7.
c)X=8. There are four groups of four daily timing values, each group of data consists of one character (visibility level). d)X=9. There are three groups of daily timing values, each group of data consists of three characters. e)X=A. There are 24 groups of 24 timing values per eye, divided into two records, each record is 12 groups, each group of data consists of three characters. f)X=B. There are 26 groups of 24 daily timing values and automatic observation daily minimum values and occurrence times, divided into two records. The first record is 12 groups from 21 to 08 o'clock, the second record is 14 groups from 09 to 20 o'clock and the minimum value and occurrence time. Except for the occurrence time, which is composed of four characters, the remaining data are composed of five characters. Note 1: When the mode bit X=d.9, A, the unit is \0 .1km\, when the mode bit is X78, the data is the visibility level. When the mode bit is X=B, the unit is \1m\. Note 2: If the visibility is 1000km, when the mode bit is X=0, 9, A, it is represented by 999\, and when the mode bit is XB, it is represented by \99999\. Precipitation (R)
There are three data formats for precipitation, marked by three mode bits (X). Specifically: a) X=0. It consists of two data segments, the first segment is three groups of daily precipitation from 20 to 08:00, 08 to 20:00, and 20 to 20:00; the second segment is two groups of daily self-recorded 1h and 10min maximum precipitation. b) X=2. There is only one data segment, which is three groups of daily precipitation from 20 to 08:00, 08 to 20:00, and 20 to 20:00. c) X=6. It consists of three data segments. The first segment is three groups of daily precipitation from 20:00 to 08:00 and from 08:00 to 20:00 < 20:00 to 20:00; the second segment is 24 groups of self-recorded (or automatically observed) hourly (21:00 to 20:00) precipitation, divided into two records, each record has 12 groups; the third segment is the upper and lower connection value segment of precipitation, one record per month, containing three groups of data. Note 1: The unit of precipitation is 0.1mm\.
Note 2: Each group of precipitation data consists of four characters. Note 3: No precipitation is indicated by "0000\, and trace precipitation is indicated by \,,,,\. Note 4: If the precipitation is ≥1000.0mm, the precipitation unit is changed to \1mm\ (rounding off the decimal), and the thousandth digit \1\ is indicated by \;\, and the thousandth digit \2" is indicated by ",". For example, the precipitation of 1672.4 is expressed as ";672" Note 5 For the hourly precipitation data segment, if the hourly precipitation is missing, it is generally expressed as "////\, but if its precipitation is recorded in the cumulative precipitation of a period, the first data group of the period is expressed as "A--\, the middle data group is expressed as "--\, and the last data group is the cumulative precipitation of the period. Note 6: Among the three groups of data in the upper and lower connected value segments of precipitation, the first group is the precipitation from 20:00 on the last day of the month to 08:00 on the first day of the next month Beijing time, consisting of four digits. No precipitation is expressed as "0000\; the second group is the continuous precipitation at the end of the previous month (last month The last day with precipitation) or the start date, month and year without precipitation, consisting of 10 digits and symbols, with two digits for date and month, four digits for year, and the separator in the middle is "/". The continuous precipitation (or no precipitation) starts 6
The date can be selected across months and years; the third group is the continuous precipitation at the end of the previous month, consisting of five digits. If there is no continuous precipitation, it is indicated by "00000\. Note 7: If there is no precipitation in the whole month, when the mode bit = 6, the first and second data segments are respectively indicated by \0="; when the other mode bits are used, it is indicated by "R0=\. Weather phenomenon (W)
Weather phenomenon has only one data segment, one data format, and is identified by a mode bit (X). Specifically: a) X=0. One record per day, arranged in the order of the weather phenomena recorded in the weather phenomenon column. Each weather phenomenon is composed of several data groups such as the corresponding weather phenomenon code, start time, and end time according to the content recorded in the weather phenomenon column. The data groups are generally separated by a space, and all data of a weather phenomenon are terminated by the weather phenomenon end symbol "," and the day end symbol is ",". Note 1: See Appendix F for the weather phenomenon code table. Note 2: Time data groups such as start time and end time are composed of four digits, the first two digits are the hour and the last two digits are the minute. If the start and end times recorded in the weather phenomenon column are separated by a dotted line, the separator between the start and end time data groups is three spaces. The corresponding start and end time data groups are a period. If the start and end time have two or more periods, the periods are separated by a slash \. Except for thunderstorm phenomena, a period consists of a start time and an end time data group, or only one start time data group.
Note 3: If there is no weather phenomenon on a certain day, the daily record is expressed as ". Note 4: During the evolution of weather phenomena, the original weather phenomenon and the evolved weather phenomenon are not separated by ", but by a space. Note 5: The data of thunderstorm phenomena are composed of several data groups such as thunderstorm phenomenon code, start time, end time, thunderstorm direction, etc. When the start and end time of thunder halo has two or more periods, the periods are separated by "\. The data of each period is composed of several time data groups and several thunderstorm direction data groups, and the time data groups and thunderstorm direction data groups are separated by "\. The thunderstorm direction data group is composed of 1 to 2 letters according to the eight directions and the zenith. Note 6: The data of strong wind phenomena are composed of several data groups such as strong wind phenomenon code, start time, end time, maximum wind speed, wind direction, etc. When the start and end time of strong wind has two or more periods, the periods are separated by "\\". The data of each period contains 1 to 2 time data. If there is a maximum wind speed, it also includes the maximum wind speed data group and the wind direction data group. The time data group and the maximum wind speed data group are separated by ",\". The maximum wind speed data group is represented by three digits, and the unit is 0.1m/s. The wind direction data group consists of 1 to 3 letters according to the sixteen directions. Note 7: When there is no duty at night, there is no start and end time for night weather phenomena. The first night weather phenomenon code is preceded by "(\", and the last night weather phenomenon code is followed by "north
Note 8: If the start and end time are missing, it will be treated as missing. Note 9: If a certain day is missing, the record of that day is represented by "//,\". Note 10: Except for thunderstorms, the same kind of air-locking phenomenon appears continuously, and only the start and end times are saved. Note 11: When the same weather phenomenon appears both continuously and intermittently, it can be recorded according to the intermittent situation or the continuous and intermittent time. Note 12: Fog, snow halo, sand and dust plug, pornography, blowing snow For weather phenomena with visibility obstruction, such as smoke, haze, etc., if the weather phenomenon column records the minimum visibility, then the weather phenomenon data contains a minimum visibility data group in one of the time periods in addition to the weather phenomenon code and the start and end time data group (smoke and haze have no start and end time). The minimum visibility data group consists of three digits, with the unit being 1m. The minimum visibility data group is separated from the previous adjacent weather phenomenon code or start and end time data group by ",\". For meteorological stations that are not on duty at night, when the night weather phenomenon records the minimum visibility, the minimum visibility data group is separated from the previous related weather phenomenon code data group by ",\. Evaporation (L)
The evaporation consists of two data segments, the first segment is the evaporation of a small evaporator, and the second segment is the evaporation of an E-601B (or large) evaporator. There are three data formats for evaporation, marked by three ways (X). Specifically: a) X=0. Small and E-601B (or large) sections, each section has one group of daily totals. b) X=A. Small section has one group of daily totals; E-601B (or large) section has 24 timed values and daily totals for a total of 25 groups, divided into two records, the first record is 12 groups of evaporation from 21:00 to 08:00, the second record is 13 groups of evaporation from 09:00 to 20:00.
c) X=B. Small section has one group of daily totals; E-601B (or large) section has 24 timed values for a total of 24 groups, divided into two records, each record has 12 groups.
Note 1: The unit of evaporation is \0.1mm\
Note 2: Each group of data consists of three characters. Note 3: When there is no evaporation due to ice on the small evaporating dish or E-601B (large) evaporating barrel, it is indicated by ",,,\. Note 4: If the evaporator is frozen for the whole month, it is indicated by LO=". Note 5: If the evaporation is recorded with a “>” symbol, the evaporation unit is changed to “1mm\ (rounded to the nearest decimal point), and the first digit is represented by “>”. For example, the evaporation is 7
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