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GB 7588-1995 Safety Code for Elevator Manufacturing and Installation

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 7588-1995

Standard Name: Safety Code for Elevator Manufacturing and Installation

Chinese Name: 电梯制造与安装安全规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1995-12-01

Date of Implementation:1996-06-01

Date of Expiration:2004-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Building materials and buildings>>Facilities in buildings>>91.140.90

Standard Classification Number:Building Materials>>Building Components and Equipment>>Q78 Elevator

associated standards

alternative situation:GB 7588-1987; replaced by GB 7588-2003

Procurement status:eqv EN 81-1:1995

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press


Publication date:2004-04-24

other information

Drafting unit:National Elevator Standardization Technical Committee

Focal point unit:National Elevator Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

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GB 7588-1995 Safety Specification for Elevator Manufacturing and Installation GB7588-1995 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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GB7588-1995 | "Installation Safety Code" is equivalent to the revision using EN81-1). The revised GB7588-1995 is equivalent to EN81-1 in terms of technical content and equivalent to it in terms of writing format. This will not only promote the progress of my country's elevator technology, but also help my country's elevator products enter the international market. In this revision, the main technical content changes are as follows: 1. This standard is equivalent to EN81-1, and its main technical content does not involve hydraulic elevators and miscellaneous elevators (safety regulations for the manufacture and installation of hydraulic elevators and miscellaneous elevators, respectively). (European standards EN81-2 and EN81-3). In order to make the scope of application of this standard clearer, the content related to hydraulic elevators and utility elevators in GB7588-87 has been deleted. 2. In order to coordinate with other elevator standards, the general terms in GB7588-87 are incorporated into GB7024 "Terminology for Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks". At the same time, in order to facilitate the use of this standard, in addition to retaining the original special terminology of this standard Terms such as "inspection door", "inspection trap door", "hoistway safety door" and "car safety door" were also added. 3. The note mentioned in 0.1.4 in the preface of EN81-1 has not been dealt with in GB7588-87 and will not be dealt with in this revision. That is, all marked clauses in EN81-1 are regarded as standard content that should be implemented. 4. If the text of EN81-1 contains the words "This clause was canceled in the 1985 version", it has not been dealt with in GB7588-87, and it will not be dealt with in this revision.
5. Quote Standard 1 in GB7588-87 Chapter "Omitted". This revision makes the following treatments for the standards cited in EN81-1: (1) They are international standards or foreign advanced national standards that have been adopted by our country as equivalents or adopted by reference and have become our country's national standards or industry standards. Standards (ministerial standards), directly quote the corresponding Chinese standard number (2) International standards that are not included in the "Quoted Standards" chapter of EN81-1, but are mentioned in the EN81-1 standard clauses. Standards that have been equivalently adopted and become Chinese standards will also be included in the "referenced standards". See the IEC symbols in 16.2.1a actually refer to IEC-617 "Graphic Symbols for Electrical Diagrams", and the corresponding. Our country's standard is GB4728 "Graphic Symbols for Electrical Diagrams" (3) The standard codes are not included in the chapter "EN81-1\Quoted Standards" and are not mentioned in the EN81-1 standard clauses, but the content is: Relevant standards that should be implemented will also be included in the "referenced standards" in this revision. Example GB8903 "Steel Wire Rope for Elevators" 6. Supplemented the contents of some provisions of GB7588-87 to make it more clear and practical. In line with the actual situation of my country's elevator products, for example, the words "sightseeing elevators may be excluded" are added in 5.1.2. Added the content "For freight elevators, this gap shall not be greater than 8mm" in 7.1.1 and 8.6.3.
7. According to the international development trend of elevator products and my country's national conditions, some clauses in GB7588-87 have been deleted and adjusted. (1) Delete the content of\Instantaneous safety gear with buffering effect in GB758887, and the related, 10.3.4, F5., etc. are all expressed with "omitted", and Retain the same chapter sequence numbers as EN81-1. (2) Delete the contents of 8.13.1c, and in GB7588-87, and use the abbreviation \ to retain the same chapter numbers as EN81-1. Sequence number.
(3) In j1) of D2 of Appendix D, "rated speed" is adjusted to "overhaul speed". 8. Improper translation and printing errors in GB7588-87 are corrected, and some terms are corrected. Editorial changes have been made, for example, Chapter 5 Note ③ has been moved to 5.7.1
9. The "Preface" and "EN81-1 Preface" have been added. All the requirements in the appendix provide a unified technical basis for the manufacture, installation and inspection of passenger elevators and freight elevators
This standard will be implemented from June 1, 1996, and will replace GB7588 at the same time. 87. Appendices A, B, C, D, E, and F of this standard are appendices to the standard, and appendix G is a reminder appendix. This standard is proposed by the National Elevator Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by: China Academy of Building Sciences Construction Mechanization Research Institute, China Schindler Elevator Co., Ltd., China Tianjin Otis Elevator Co., Ltd., China Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Co., Ltd., and the National Elevator Quality Supervision and Inspection Center. The main drafters of this standard. : Gu Xin, Xiaohui, Yang Xizhi, Jiang Yongkang, Zhao Guangying. This standard was first published in 1987 and first revised in 1995
0 Foreword
EN81-1 Foreword| |tt||The purpose of this standard is to provide safety guidelines for passenger elevators, cargo elevators and utility elevators to prevent accidents that damage passengers and cargo during operation of elevators and utility elevators.
0.1 When this standard was formulated. , the following methods are adopted. 0.1.1 Based on the accident analysis of each component of the elevator and miscellaneous elevator, various corresponding rules are formulated. 0.1.2 The special standards for elevators and miscellaneous elevators are not applicable. Then repeat the general technical regulations in electrical, mechanical or architectural aspects. Of course, it is assumed that all parts of the elevator should be: Correct design; solid mechanical and electrical structure; the materials used have sufficient strength; and shall be of acceptable quality and free of defects. Maintain normal working condition and good repair condition, and shall in particular ensure that the dimensional requirements are met even in the event of wear and tear. 0.1.3 This lift and debris shall be maintained. Specific standards for elevators do not include fire protection rules for buildings. However, since these fire protection rules directly affect the selection of landing doors and the performance and design of electrical control systems, this standard also mentions them in accordance with Standard 7.2.2 states that the selection of landing doors depends on fire resistance requirements, so the two types of doors marked F and S given in this standard are the most common structural types. However, if statutory requirements require the use of F-type doors in place of S-type doors in certain arrangements, the national standards committee adopting this standard may make the necessary modifications. The electrical control system recommended for each example of structural arrangement given in this standard is described in Appendix G. 0.1.4 Although some provisions in this special standard for elevators and miscellaneous elevators are not within its scope and are not trade barriers for elevators and miscellaneous elevators, these provisions have an important impact on the safety and safety of users or maintenance personnel. Maintenance of equipment has implications. In some countries, these provisions are included in statutory categories or accepted practice. Therefore, the National Standards Committee may make one or more of the following modifications to these provisions of this standard: (a) Delete a sentence or sentences:
(b) Add additional clauses (such as definitions, relevant clauses , inspection cycle.); (c) Replace the value given in this standard with a safer value. Note:
1 Sentences that allow modification are marked with (Nab or c), and are marked with (Nab or c) next to the relevant clauses. 2 Each country's modifications should be described as an appendix in the national standard. 0.2 Since the manufacturing and use requirements of elevators are more stringent than other products, it is necessary to formulate some reliable structural requirements. The 0.3 standard only sets out requirements as much as possible so that all materials and equipment used must meet the needs of elevator safety. 0.4 It should not be considered that this standard mentions a certain design as the only feasible design to illustrate the problem. As long as the operating effect is the same, designs that are at least equally safe can be adopted.
0.5 This standard has considered various possible accidents of elevators in the following aspects. 0.5.1 Possible accident types:
(a) shear;
(b) extrusion;
(c) fall,
(d) impact;
(e) trapped;
(f) fire;
(g) electric shock;
(h) material damage;
(i) Transitional wear;
(i) Transitional rust.
0.5.2 Protected personnel:
(a) users,
(b) maintenance and inspection personnel;
(c) elevator shafts, machine rooms and Personnel outside the pulley room (if there is one). 0.5.3 Objects to be protected:
(a) The load in the car;
(b) Parts of elevators or miscellaneous elevators, (c) Installed elevators and miscellaneous elevators building. 0.6 Protection has been considered in this standard.
0.6.1 Users are protected from problems caused by their own negligence and unintentional carelessness. 0.6.2 For other types of users, some regulations may not be too strict (Na). These users are marked as "approved and trained users" in the text.
In the absence of other provisions (Nb), an elevator is permitted to be used by approved and trained users if instructions regarding the use of the elevator are issued by the person in charge of the elevator and one of the following two conditions is met: (a) The elevator can only be operated if a key held by an approved and trained user is inserted into a lock installed inside or outside the car. (b) The elevator is installed in a place that is closed to public access and is not locked, A situation under the ongoing control of the person in charge of the elevator or one of his agents.
0.6.3 Since the car of a utility elevator is not allowed to be entered by regulations, some provisions in this standard may not be strict or even be exempted from them for utility elevators.
0.7 When this standard was formulated, some reckless and rash actions by users were taken into consideration, but this behavior must be restricted. It did not take into account the possibility of two indiscreet actions occurring at the same time and did not take into account the violation of the instructions for use. 0.8 The appendix of this standard describes the test methods for some components of the elevator and the complete machine. 0.8.1 The following documents detail the maximum requirements for elevators. Appendix C is the technical document required for pre-examination. Appendix D is the inspection and testing before the elevator is delivered for use. Appendix E covers periodic inspections and tests as well as inspections and tests after major modifications or accidents. Periodic inspection and testing cycles may be specified in national regulations.
0.8.2 Appendix F is the type test of certain components of the elevator. After the elevator is installed, these components are allowed to undergo partial tests and simplified tests. These components can only be put into mass production after passing type testing. 1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Safety rules for the construction and installation of elevators
Safety rules for the construction and installation of electric liftsGB7588-1995
eqvEN81-1:1985| |tt||Replaces GB7588-87
This standard specifies the safety guidelines that should be followed in the manufacture and installation of passenger elevators and freight elevators to prevent accidents that may injure passengers or damage goods during elevator operation.
This standard applies to electric-driven electric or forced passenger elevators and freight elevators. This standard does not apply to utility elevators and hydraulic elevators. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard by being quoted in this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the standard listed below. GB3805-83 Safety voltage
GB4207-84 Determination method of tracking index and tracking resistance index of solid insulating materials under humid conditions GB4728--85
5 Graphical symbols for electrical diagrams| |tt||GB5013.1-85 Part 1 General Provisions for Rubber Insulated Flexible Cables with Rated Voltage 450/750V and Below
Universal Rubber Sheathed Flexible Cables
Rated Rubber insulated flexible cables with voltage 450/750V and below Part 2
7 Rubber insulated flexible cables with rated voltage 450/750V and below Elevator cables
Part 4
5 Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable (wire) with rated voltage 450/750V and below GB5023.1-85
GB5023.2-85 PVC insulated cable (wire) with rated voltage 450/750V and below ) Rated voltage 450/750V and below PVC insulated cables (wires) GB5023.3-85
GB5023.4-86 Rated voltage 450/750V and below PVC insulated cables (wires) 6 Rated voltage 450 /750V and below polyfluoroethylene insulated cable (wire) GB5023.5—86
Elevator wire rope
JB2455—85| |tt||3 Definitions
Fire resistance test methods for building components
Low voltage contactor
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Electric traction drive elevator tractiondrivelift is an elevator driven by the friction of the electric traction pulley groove to lift the wire rope. 3.2 Positive drive elevator (including drum drive) positive drive lift is an elevator driven by a non-friction method suspended by a chain or wire rope. non-commercialvehicle lift
3.3 Non-commercial vehicle elevator
General provisions approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on December 01, 1995
Cables (wires) for fixed laying
For connection Flexible cables (wires)
Installation wires
Shielded wires
Implemented on 1996-06-01
Elevators whose cars are suitable for carrying private cars. 3.4 pulley room pulleyroom
A room where pulleys are installed instead of electric motors, and speed limiters and electrical equipment can also be installed. 3.5 The effective area of ??the car is the cross-sectional area of ??the car at a height of 1.0m above the floor. The area occupied by the handrails of the passenger elevator and the protective plate of the freight elevator is ignored. 3.6 Re-levelling
After the car stops, it is allowed to correct the stop position of the car during loading or unloading. If necessary, the car can be continuously moved (automatically or inching).
3.7 The minimum breaking load of lifting wire rope minimumbreakingloadofaliftingrope is the load value obtained by multiplying the cross-sectional area of ??a single lifting wire rope (mm*) by the tensile strength (MPa) and then multiplying by the coefficient related to the structural type of the wire rope.
The effective breaking load obtained by performing a breaking test on a steel wire rope according to the prescribed method should be at least equal to the minimum breaking load. 3.8 Safety rope safetytyrope
The auxiliary wire rope connected to the car and the counterweight. When the suspension device breaks, the rope causes the safety gear device to operate. 3.9 User user
is the person who uses the elevator to serve him.
3.10 Passenger
A person carried by an elevator.
3.11 Approved and trained user authorizedand instructeduser A person approved by the person in charge of the equipment and trained in the use of the elevator. In the absence of other provisions, approved and trained users are allowed to use the elevator if the person in charge of the elevator has given the elevator instruction manual to approved and trained users and they meet one of the following two conditions: a) Only approved and trained users Only when the key held by the user is inserted into the lock installed inside or outside the car can the elevator be started; b) The elevator is installed in a place where the public is prohibited from entering. When it is not locked, the person in charge of the elevator shall send a person or Multiple people are in charge. 3.12 Inspection door inspectiondoor
A door set on the shaft wall and leading to the pit or pulley room for inspection personnel. 3.13 Inspection trap door inspection trap is an outward-opening door set at the top of the hoistway for inspection. 3.14 Hoistway safety door emergency door to thewell When the distance between two adjacent sills exceeds 11m, the door leading to the hoistway opened on the hoistway wall for rescuing passengers. 3.15 Car safety door emergency door to the car is a door for rescuing passengers opened on the wall of the adjacent car in the same shaft. 4 Symbols and Abbreviations
4.1 Units
adopts the International System of Units (SI).
4.2 symbols (see Table 1)
rated speed
Table 1
unloaded car Rated load capacity of the sum of the mass, the mass of part of the following cables and the mass of the compensation device suspended on the car
The ratio of the larger static tension force to the smaller static tension force in the electric traction ropes on both sides of the electric traction pulley and the acceleration and deceleration Coefficients related to speed and special installation conditions Standard acceleration of free fall
Braking deceleration of the car
Bottom of the natural logarithm of the coefficient of influence of changes in the traction sheave groove section due to wear || tt||The equivalent friction coefficient of the electric lead rope in the electric pulley groove The friction coefficient between the electric lead rope and the electric pulley groove The wrapping angle of the electric lead rope on the electric pulley
On the Austrian pulley Angle of the V-groove of the notched rope groove or semi-circular rope groove of the cut-angle pulley
Diameter of the lead rope
Diameter of the electric pulley
Number of lead ropes||tt ||Specific pressure of the electric traction rope in the traction sheave groove
When the car is parked at the lowest landing with rated load capacity, the static pulling force of the electric traction rope on one side of the car on the horizontal plane of the traction sheave corresponds to The bending stress of the guide rail when the electric guide rope speed safety clamp is activated at the rated speed of the car
Bending coefficient
Slenderness ratio
Maximum distance between guide rail brackets|| tt||Radius of gyration
Radiation intensity at a distance of 1m
Radiation intensity measured at a distance equal to 1/2 of the diagonal of the door entrance under test Absorption coefficient of the radiation measuring instrument||tt| |Radiation measurement conversion coefficient
The ratio of the minimum size to the maximum size of the door entrance under test
The width of the door component under test
The net size of the door under test Passing width
Number of door leaves of the tested door
Total allowable mass
Action speed of the speed limiter
Energy absorbed by one safety gear body
Free fall distance
The mass required to completely compress the buffer
Total compression amount of the buffer
1) No unit of measurement.
f| |tt||e
v.|| tt||o
1|| tt||E
c.| |tt||F
m/s||tt| |MPa
W/ cm
1)||tt| |kg
4.3 abbreviation
GB7588-1995| |tt|| Type F door: a door that meets all fire resistance standards specified in F2 in Appendix F (standard appendix). Type S doors: Doors that only meet the sturdiness level specified by F2. 5 Elevator shaft
5.1 General provisions
5.1.1 The requirements of this chapter apply to merging roads equipped with single or multiple elevator cars. 5.1.2 The elevator counterweight should be in the same merge lane as the car (except for sightseeing elevators). 5.2 Enclosure of hoistway
5.2.1 Each elevator hoistway shall be completely enclosed by non-porous walls, bottom plates and roof plates. Only the following openings are allowed in the elevator shaft: a) landing door opening:
b) openings of access doors, shaft safety doors and inspection trap doors leading to the shaft; c) openings to remove gas and smoke in case of fire Exhaust hole; d) Ventilation hole;
e) The permanent opening between the shaft and the machine room or the pulley room. In special circumstances, where it is not required to prevent the spread of fire to protect the building, it is allowed: a) Except for the entrance surface, limit the height of all other walls to 2.5m to exceed the height that people may normally come into contact with: b) At the entrance of the merging passage, grids or perforated plates can be used from a height of 2.5m above the floor. (If the car door has a mechanical lock, the protective measures specified in this article do not need to be used) (see The size of the grid or perforation, whether measured horizontally or vertically, shall not be greater than 75mm. 5.2.2 Inspection doors, hoistway safety doors and inspection trap doors Inspection doors, hoistway safety doors and inspection trap doors leading to the hoistway are generally not allowed to be installed except for user safety reasons or maintenance needs. The height of the access door shall not be less than 1.4m, and the width shall not be less than 0.6m. The height of the hoistway safety door shall not be less than 1.8m and the width shall not be less than 0.35m. The height of the inspection trap door shall not be greater than 0.5m, and the width shall not be greater than 0.5m. When the distance between two adjacent door sills is greater than 11m, a hoistway safety door should be installed in between to ensure that the distance between adjacent sills is not greater than 11m. In the case where two adjacent cars in the same hoistway are equipped with car safety doors that meet the requirements of 8.12.4, this requirement does not need to be implemented. Inspection doors, hoistway safety doors and inspection trap doors shall not be opened into the hoistway. Access doors, shaft safety doors and access trap doors should be equipped with locks that can be opened with keys. When the above doors are opened, they can be closed and locked without a key.
Even if the access doors and shaft safety doors are locked, they should be able to be opened from inside the shaft without a key. The elevator can only operate when the access door, shaft safety door and access trap door are closed. For this purpose, the electrical safety devices specified in 14.1.2 should be used.
During maintenance operations, the elevator is allowed to operate with the maintenance trap door open. For this purpose, uninterrupted action of a device that can only be accessed when the maintenance trap door is open is allowed to short-circuit the electrical safety device of the trap door. Access doors, shaft safety doors and access trap doors shall be non-porous and shall have the same mechanical strength as landing doors. 5.2.3 Ventilation of the hoistway
The hoistway should be properly ventilated. The hoistway should not be used for ventilation of other rooms except the room serving the elevator. Ventilation holes should be provided at the top of the hoistway, and their area should not be less than 1% of the horizontal cross-sectional area of ??the hoistway. The ventilation holes can lead directly to the outside, or lead to the outside through the machine room or pulley room.
5.3 Merging wall, bottom surface and top plate
The hoistway structure should at least be able to withstand the following loads: imposed by the elevator driving host; the moment the safety gear device is in action or the car The deviation of the carriage load from the center is imposed by the guide rail; caused by the action of the buffer or imposed by the compensation rope anti-jump device. For the calculation of the force when the safety gear device or buffer operates, please refer to the notes of this chapter.
The shaft walls, bottom and top plates shall:
a) be made of strong, non-flammable materials which themselves are not prone to dust generation; b) have sufficient mechanical strength.
For doorless elevators, when a force of 300N acts vertically at any position on the shaft wall facing the car entrance and is evenly distributed on a circular or square area of ??5cm\, it should: 1) No permanent deformation;
2) The elastic deformation is not greater than 10mm.
5.4 Structure of the landing door facing the car entrance and the elevator shaft wall 5.4.1 The requirements for the landing door facing the car entrance and the shaft wall or part of the shaft wall apply to the entire height of the shaft. Requirements for the distance between the car and the inner surface of the elevator shaft facing the car entrance (see Chapter 11). 5.4.2 The combination of a landing door and the hoistway wall or part of the hoistway wall facing the car entrance shall form a non-porous surface over the entire width of the car entrance, except for the door operating clearance. 5.4.3 Regarding elevators with car doors: Below the sill of each floor door, within the entire vertical distance of not less than 1/2 of the unlocking area plus 50mm, the merging wall shall comply with the requirements of 5.4.4a and 5.4.4b below. At the same time, it should also: a) be connected to the door of the next floor door, or
b) use a hard and smooth slope to extend downward. The angle between the slope and the horizontal plane shall not be less than 60°, and the projection depth of the slope on the horizontal plane Not less than 20mm. The horizontal distance between the inner surface of the hoistway and the car sill or car door frame or car door (for sliding doors, the outermost edge of the door) shall not be greater than 0.15m. The purpose is to prevent:
a) people falling into the hoistway,
b) during normal operation of the elevator, people are caught in the gap between the car door and the inner surface of the hoistway (0.15m should be checked Dimensional values, especially in the case of interconnected folding doors). The horizontal distance is allowed to be 0.2m in the following situations: a) within a local vertical distance of not more than 0.5m on the inner surface of the hoistway, or b) freight elevators and non-commercial car elevators with vertical sliding doors , If the car is equipped with a mechanically locked door that can only be opened in the unlocking area of ??the landing door, the provisions of do not need to be followed. Except for the conditions specified in, elevator operation shall be carried out automatically according to the corresponding car door locking conditions. This locking application shall comply with the verification of electrical safety devices specified in 14.1.2. 5.4.4 Regarding elevators without car doors:
a) The combination of the landing door and the shaft wall or part of the shaft wall facing the car entrance shall form a continuous vertical surface made of smooth and hard material such as It is composed of metal sheet, hard veneer or material with equivalent friction resistance. The use of glass or stucco is prohibited. In addition, this combination should be at least 25mm wider on both sides of the entire car entrance. b) Any protrusion shall not be larger than 5mm, and protrusions larger than 2mm shall be chamfered so that the angle between them and the horizontal plane is not less than 75°. c) When the landing door is equipped with a recessed handle, the depth of the recessed hole on the hoistway side shall not be greater than 30mm and the width shall not be greater than 40mm. The angle between the upper and lower walls of the recessed hole and the horizontal plane shall not be less than 60°, preferably 75°. Handles or levers should be arranged to reduce the risk of snagging and should prevent fingers from being caught or pinched behind. wwW.bzxz.Net
5.5 Protection of the space located under the car or counterweight 5.5.1 It is best not to set the elevator shaft in a space that people can reach. 5.5.2 If there is a space that people can reach under the car or counterweight, the bottom surface of the hoistway pit should have a minimum load of 5000N/m\
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