Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment >> 35.040 Character sets and information coding
Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A24 Classification Code
associated standards
Publication information
publishing house:China Standard Press
Publication date:2020-11-01
other information
drafter:Xu Junxia, ??Chen Jun, Yang Ming, Li Hua, Li Ying, Han Shuwen, Wang Pei, Liu Zhi, Xing Yanlin, Chen Hao, Yang Ying, Zhao Yan, Hu Yang, Du Jingrong, Li Junmei, Cao Zhiwei, Dong Hongfei, Xu Jie, Xu Ni
Drafting unit:The Institute of Systems Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Military Science, China Article Coding Center, Qingdao Standardization Research Institute, Joint Service College of the National Defense University of the Chinese People's Liberation Army
Focal point unit:National Logistics Information Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 267)
Proposing unit:National Logistics Information Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 267)
Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration
GB/T 39316.1-2020.General resource of military and civilian-Meta data-Part 1 : Supplies-Petroleum products.
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 39316 specifies the metadata and data element value domain code table of petroleum products in the general resource and material category of military and civilian.
GB/T 39316.1 is applicable to the information processing and information exchange of petroleum products in the general resource and material category of military and civilian.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 261 Determination of flash point Pensky-Martin closed cup method
GB/T 265 Determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation method of dynamic viscosity of petroleum products.
GB/T 266 Determination of Englert viscosity of petroleum products
GB/T 268 Determination of carbon residue of petroleum products (Conrad method)
GB/T 380 Determination of sulfur content of petroleum products (lamp method)
GB/T 384 Determination of calorific value of petroleum products
GB/T 503 Determination of gasoline octane number by motor method
GB/T 509 Determination of actual colloid content of engine fuel
GB 1787-2018 Aviation piston engine fuel
GB/T 1884 Laboratory determination of density of crude oil and liquid petroleum products (densitometer method)
GB/T 2429 Calculation method for net calorific value of aviation fuel
GB/T 2430 Determination of freezing point of aviation fuel
GB/T 2432 Determination of tetraethyl lead content in gasoline (complexometric titration)
GB/T 3536 Determination of flash point and fire point of petroleum products - Cleveland open cup method.
GB/T 5487 Research method for determination of gasoline octane number
GB 6537-2018 No. 3 jet fuel
GB/T 8019 Determination of colloid content in fuel - jet evaporation method
GB/T 8020 Determination of lead content in gasoline (atomic absorption spectrometry)
GB/T 11137 Determination of kinematic viscosity of dark petroleum products (countercurrent method) and calculation method of dynamic viscosity.
GB/T 11140 Determination of sulfur content in petroleum products - wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
This standard specifies the metadata and data element value range code table of oil products in the military and civilian general resource materials category. This standard is applicable to the information processing and information exchange of oil products in the military and civilian general resource materials category.
Some standard content:
ICS35.040 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T39316.1—2020 General resource of military and civilian Metadata Part 1: Materials Oil products General resource of military and civilianMeta data-Part1:Supplies-Petroleumproducts2020-11-19Issued State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration Issued 2021-06-01Implementation Foreword Scope Normative reference documents Terms and definitions General requirements Petroleum product metadata Data element value field code table GB/T39316.1—2020 Foreword GB/T39316 "Common military and civilian resources" ||Original metadata" is divided into the following 6 parts: Part 1: Materials Oil products; Part 2: Equipment Civil transport ships; ——Part 3: Equipment Aviation materials; Sanitary equipment; Part 4: Equipment ——Part 5: Personnel; Part 6: Facilities This part is Part 1 of GB/T39316 This part was drafted according to the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This part was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Logistics Information Management (SAC/TC267). GB/T39316.1—2020 Drafting units of this part: Systems Engineering Research Institute of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Academy of Military Science, China Article Numbering Center, Qingdao Standardization Research Institute, Joint Service College of the Chinese People's Liberation Army National Defense University, China Aviation Comprehensive Technology Research Institute, Military Law Research Institute of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Academy of Military Science, Main drafters of this part: Xu Junxia, ??Chen Jun, Yang Ming, Li Hua, Li Ying, Han Shuwen, Wang Pei, Liu Zhi, Xing Yanlin, Chen Hao, Yang Ying, Zhao Yan Hu Yang, Du Jingrong, Li Junmei, Cao Zhiwei, Dong Hongfei, Xu Jie, Xu Ni SZAC 1 Scope Metadata for common military and civilian resources Part 1: Materials Oil products GB/T39316.1—2020 This part of GB/T39316 specifies the metadata and data element value domain code table for oil products in the common military and civilian resources and materials. This part applies to the information processing and information exchange of oil products in the common military and civilian resources and materials. Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with a reference period, only the version with a reference period applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) shall apply to this document Determination of flash point Pensky-Martin closed cup method GB/T261 GB/T265 GB/T266 GB/T268 GB/T380 GB/T384 GB/T503 GB/T509 Method for determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity of petroleum products Determination of Englert viscosity of petroleum products Method for determination of carbon residue of petroleum products (Conrad method) Determination of sulfur content of petroleum products (burning lamp method) Determination of calorific value of petroleum products Determination of gasoline octane number Motor method Determination of actual colloid content of engine fuel|| tt||GB1787—2018 Aviation piston engine fuel GB/T1884 GB/T2429 GB/T2430 GB/T2432 GB/T3536 GB/T5487 Laboratory determination of density of crude oil and liquid petroleum products (densitometer method)Calculation method of net calorific value of aviation fuel Freezing point determination of aviation fuel Determination of tetraethyl lead content in gasoline (complexometric titration)Determination of flash point and ignition point of petroleum productsCleveland open cup methodDetermination of gasoline octane number Research method GB6537—2018No. 3 jet fuel GB/T 8019 GB/T8020 GB/T11137 GB/T11140 GB/T12581 GB/T13377 Determination of colloid content in fuel Jet evaporation method Determination of lead content in gasoline (atomic absorption spectrometry)Determination of kinematic viscosity of dark petroleum products (countercurrent method) and calculation of dynamic viscosityDetermination of sulfur content in petroleum productsWavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry plus inhibition of oxidation stability of mineral oils Determination of density or relative density of crude oil and liquid or solid petroleum products Capillary stopper pycnometer and scale Double capillary pycnometer method GB/T17040 Determination of sulfur content in petroleum and petroleum products Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry GB/T17144 Determination of carbon residue in petroleum products (micro method) GB17411—2015 Marine fuel oil GB17930—2016 Motor gasoline GB/T37936 Military and civilian general resources||tt ||GB/T37948 Common military and civilian resources Requirements for information classification and coding Requirements for data element compilation GB/T39316.1—2020 GB/T38003.1—2019 SH/T0090 SH/T0175 SH/T0253 SH/T0689 SH/T0770 Terms and definitions Part 1 Classification: Materials General military and civilian resources Classification and coding Oil products Freezing point determination of engine coolant Determination of oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil (accelerated method)Determination of total sulfur content in light petroleum products (coulometric method)Determination of total sulfur content in light hydrocarbons, engine fuels and other oil products (ultraviolet fluorescence method)Freezing point determination of aviation fuel (automatic phase conversion method)The terms and definitions defined in GB/T37948 apply to this document.General requirements According to GB/T38003.1-2019 The corresponding oil product data element is selected from the given range. The compilation of data elements shall comply with the provisions of GB/T37948, and the compilation of code tables shall comply with the provisions of GB/T37936. The metadata of oil products includes the identifier of the data element, the name of the data element, the abbreviation of the data element, the definition of the data element, the data type of the data element value, the representation form of the data element value, the parameter of the data element value, the measurement unit of the data element value, the composition mode code of the data element value, the exchange format of the data element value, the value range of the data element and the multi-value identification of the data element. 5 Oil product metadata Oil product data element index table Oil product data element index table is shown in Table 1. Table 1 Oil product data element index table Serial number Data element identifier ZO001G0000 Z0005G0000 Z0006G0000 Z0007G0000 W0001A0000 W0002A0000 W0003A0000 W0004A0000|| tt||W0005A0000 W0006A0000 W0007A0000 W0008A0000 W0009A0000 W0010A0000 W0011A0000 Data element name Military and civilian general resource variety identification code Classification code Classification name| |tt||Benchmark name Oil product name Fuel brand Color Mechanical impurities Ash content Sulfur content Distillation range Residual amount Loss amount Vapor pressure Heating value Value range of data element (DEF) (TAB1IW01001) (TABI IW01001) (TAB1IW01002) (TAB1/W02001) (TAB1IW02002) (TAB1IW02005) 《Yes, No) (TAB1/W02026)|(TAB2|W02027)/[0,1](TAB1/W02006)I(TAB2|W02026) (TAB3|W02024)I[0,1)(TAB1) IW02007)I(TAB2|W02024)I(DEF)(TAB1|W02026)I(TAB2|W02027)I(DEF)(TAB1/W02026)I(TAB2|W02027)I(DEF)(TAB1|W02016)I(TAB2|W02024)/(DEF)(T AB1/W02008)|(TAB2|W02024)I(DEF)Serial number Data element identifier W0012A0000 W0013A0000 W0015A0000 W0016A0000 W0017A0000 W0018A0000||tt ||W0019A0000 W0020A0000 W0021A0000 W0022A0000 W0023A0000 W0024A0000 W0025A0000 W0026A0000 W0027A0000 W0028A0000||tt ||W0029A0000 W0030A0000 W0031A0000 W0032A0000 W0033A0000 W0034A0000 W0035A0000 W0036A0000 W0037A0000 W0038A0000||tt| |W0039A0000 W0040A0000 W0041A0000 W0042A0000 W0043A0000 W0044A0000 W0045A0000 Data element name Cetane number Octane number Quality Lead content Conductivity Lubricity Colloid Water Water-soluble acid and alkali Copper corrosion Silver corrosion Olefin content Aromatic content Oxidation stability Induction period Carbon residue Ethanol content Potting point Cloud point Crystallization point Cold filter point Freezing point| |tt||Pour point Kinematic viscosity Viscosity index Evaporation loss Flash point Foaming Air release value Anti-emulsification Liquid phase corrosion Film thickness Low temperature adhesion Rust resistance Table 1 (continued) Value range of data element GB/T39316.1—2020|| tt||(TAB1|W02026)I[10,99] (TAB1|W02009)|(TAB2|W02026)I[10.0,99.9](TABI W02026)/(DEF) (TAB1)W02010)/TAB2) (TABII W02024)(TAB3 W02024 )|(DEF) W02026)|(DEF) (TAB1W02024)I(TAB2|W02026)|(DEF)W02011)/(TAB2|W02024)|(TAB3|W02012)/(TAB4(TABII W02026)I(DEF) (TAB1/W02026)|(TAB2/W020 27)I(DEF)《Yes, No) (DEF) (DEF) (TAB1)W02026)|(TAB2IW02027)I(DEF)(TAB1)W02026)|(TAB2|W02027)I(DEF)W02013)/TAB2 TABI W02024)/(TAB3) W0202 6)I(DEF) (TAB1|W02024)I(TAB2|W02026)I(DEF)(TAB1/W02017)I(TAB2|W02026)|(DEF)(DEF (TAB1IW02024)|(TAB2|W02026)/(-80,20)(TAB1)W02024)I(TAB2) IW02026) I(-80,0) (TAB1)W02024)I(TAB2|W02026)/(-80.0)(TAB1|W02024)|(TAB2|W02026)/(-80,20)(TAB1)W02024)(TAB2W02026)|(-80,0)(TAB1/W02016)ITAB2|W02024)TAB3|W02026)/(80,0)(TAB1/W02017)|(TAB2|W02025)|(TAB3|W02024)I(DEF)(TAB1/W02026)/(DEF) (TAB1/W02027)/(DEF) (TAB1/W02018)(TAB2 W02024)|(TAB3/W02026)I(DEF) (TAB B1)W02016)|(TAB2|W02024)I(TAB3)W02026)|(DEF)(TAB1|W02024)|(TAB2/W02026)|(DEF)(TAB1|W02024)|(TAB2|W02025)|(TAB3/W02026)|(DEF)(DEF) (TAB1|W02024)I(TAB2/W020 26)|(DEF)(DEF) (TAB1)W02016)/(TAB2| W02024)I(TAB3/W02026)I(DEF) GB/T39316.1—2020 Data element identifier Serial number W0046A0000 W0047A0000 W0048A 0000 W0049A0000 W0050A0000 W0051A0000 W0052A0000 W0053A0000 W0054A0000 W0055A0000 W0056A0000 W0057A0000 W0058A 0000 W0059A0000 W0060A0000 W0061A0000 W0062A0000 W0063A0000 W0064A0000 W0065A0000 W0066A0000 W0067A0000 W0068 A0000 W0069A0000 W0070A0000 W0071A0000 W0072A0000 W0073A0000 W0074A0000 W0075A0000 Data element name Breakdown voltage Dielectric loss factor Dropping point|| tt||Drop melting point Water loss Steel mesh oil separation Cone penetration Leakage amount Boiling point Chlorine content Equilibrium reflux boiling point Wet equilibrium reflux boiling point Foam tendency Influence on automotive organic coatings Reserve alkalinity pH value Density Common name Must be added Additives Additives allowed to be added Base oil type Thickener type Purpose Applicable temperature range Product standard Standard type Packing method Egg unit Weight/volume Sulfur content of marine fuel oil Oil product data element attribute description table The oil product data element attribute description table is shown in Table 2. Table 1 (continued) Value range of data element (TAB1/W02024)/(TAB2/W02026)|(DEF)(0,1) (TAB1/W02024)|(TAB2|W02026)I(DEF)(TAB1/W02024)|(TAB2|/W02026)|(DEF)(TAB1/W02026)/(TAB2/W02027)I(DEF)(TAB1/W02026)|(TAB2|W02027) I(DEF)(TAB1/W02016)/(TAB2|W02024)|(TAB3|W02026)I(DEF)(TAB1)W02024)I(TAB2|W02026)I(DEF)(TAB1) (TABI W02024)I(TAB2/W02026)I(DEF) W02024)I(TAB2 W02026)I(DEF) W02024)I(TAB2) 1) (TAB1/W02024)|(TAB2|W02026)I(DEF)(TAB1/W02024)|(TAB2|/W02026)|(DEF)(TAB1/W02026)/(TAB2/W02027)I(DEF)(TAB1/W02026)|(TAB2|W02027)I(DEF)(TAB1/W02016)/(TAB2|W02024)|(TAB3|W02026)I(DEF)(TAB1)W02024)I(TAB2|W02026)I(DEF)(TAB1) (TABI W02024)I(TAB2/W02026)I(DEF) W02024)I(TAB2 W02026)I(DEF) W02024)I(TAB2) 1) (TAB1/W02024)|(TAB2|W02026)I(DEF)(TAB1/W02024)|(TAB2|/W02026)|(DEF)(TAB1/W02026)/(TAB2/W02027)I(DEF)(TAB1/W02026)|(TAB2|W02027)I(DEF)(TAB1/W02016)/(TAB2|W02024)|(TAB3|W02026)I(DEF)(TAB1)W02024)I(TAB2|W02026)I(DEF)(TAB1) (TABI W02024)I(TAB2/W02026)I(DEF) W02024)I(TAB2 W02026)I(DEF) W02024)I(TAB2) Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.