3CS 29.020 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GH/T2900,22—2005 Generation GB/I29.22—185 Electrotechnical terminology Electric welding machine Electrotechnical terminology-Electric welding machine2005-08-26 Issued General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China 2006-04-01 Implementation This part is GR/T2900.22-2005 of GB/T2900.2900.22-2005 This part is a revision of GR/T2900.71>85. Compared with GB/T2900.3.22-145, this part has made important changes in several aspects. 1) According to the relevant national and domestic standards, some terms of electric welding machines and auxiliary equipment are added. 2. The meaning of spot welding is not changed. Definitions are improved and perfected. 3. Terms and uncommon terms of products are collected. 1) Fire is more strict, and the definition is not changed. Some terms have been eliminated. This part is based on the actual screening date. At the same time, it replaces (13/T2900, 22-:1S85). This part is proposed by the National Electric Welding Machine Standardization Technical Committee. Sixth part of the drafting unit: Chengdu Electric Welding Machine Crown Institute, Guangdong Electric Stove Machine Co., Ltd. The main drafters of the part are: Pan Yu, Huang Hong, Wang Qiying. This part was first issued in 1085. 1 Scope Electrical terminology Electrical welding machine GB/T 2900.22—25 This part defines the special terms for welding machines, including the general terms, product names, etc., and the appendixes. This part is used for the preparation, compilation, writing and translation of technical documents, teaching materials and books, etc. The terms used in various standards related to welding machines must be consistent with the terms in this part and the special terms in some standards. The terms not fully described in this part can be summarized in the relevant technical review of the board standard. 2 Volume 1 Terms 2.1 General terms: Electric welding machine is a complete device that converts electrical energy into welding energy and can perform welding operations, including power supplies and accessories. 2.2 Electric welding machine: Electric welding machine is a torch that uses high-pressure arc heat to melt metal and perform welding. 2.2.2 Semi-automatic welding machine: automatieareweldingmnclinemanual welding or manual welding machine flow feeding incandescent wire to carry out torch connection. 2. 2. 3 automatic arc welding machine mechanical way to complete the good grab or rotten relative to the movement and maintenance of the worker or the point charging stove wire. The electric delay adjustment of the strict welding machine. screw Hong welding machine yubmergedarc welding machine electric reduction and control of the flux burning double row welding press camera welding machine. 2.2. 5 Gas shielded arc welding machine is a kind of machine welding which uses gas (such as gas, gas mixed gas) as protection to perform controlled welding. 2.2.6 Carbon-dioxide arc welding machine: CO, arc welding machine uses gold product to return the chemical to ((), as the frame protection gas: 2.2./www.bzxz.net Extremely fine gas shielded arc welding machine tuigslenincrt·gas arc welding machine TIC welding machine is a kind of pure calcium non-baked medium-breaking machine, which is called "chemical protection arc welding machine" by the fox furnace machine, etc.: TIG machine) 2.2. 8 Metal active gas shielded arc welding machinenlalinert-gas arc welding machine; MiC welding machine extracts metal baking electrode and uses inert gas as shielding coal (commercial MC machine) 1 GB/T2900.22—2005 Malt active gas shielded arc welding machinemctalactive-gas arc welding machinerMAG welding machinemctalactive-gas arc ... naaruMeidiagmahine welding Yan retreat band less than 33A plasma, welding machine.2.2.12 gas electric welding machine eleetra-grsweldingauchine under the stop account, the two pieces are held under the two ends, and the quality shaper can only be fixed or mobile cold recovery) to maintain the molten shape, force the weld to form the gas Yang Huai Shanghai coal machine stealing electric weak welding machine Intaiingarcwcldiaumachine electric Kai under the action of the continuous field will two pieces (- load for equal state when rotating and Fu two pieces butt melt, and then 1 pressure to achieve the return of the fox welding machine strip electrode surfacing machine siripsnrfacingumchinesiripeladdingmachine and the strip electrode, with buried fast or heart wine welding as automatic coal surfacing machine. .3 electroslag welding machine electroslag welding machine electin-slag weldingauhine use the current to pass through the pool and also report the heat to prove, so that the electric micro-baking pool and the cooling part of the smelting pool are kept clean, and the chain welding process is carried out continuously by 1 two pat welding machines. 2. 3. 2 steel electric pressure welding machine retnParemxaleleetrrslagpregsureweldianmachine uses the welding material as the electrode, and the heat generated by the method and the discharge of the chemical material is used to complete the steel joint welding. 2.4 Resistance welding machine L Resistance welding reslstanceweldtingmarhin The resistance heat generated between the workpiece surfaces makes the workpieces melt according to the shape of the incandescent lamp, and the welding is completed under the action of the welding force. Spot weldingmachine; spatwelder uses the incandescent lamp to ignite the electric field between the workpieces in the shape of a grid: 2. 4.3 Projection welding machine projection welding machine is a welding machine that passes welding electricity to one or more protruding parts on two pieces and welds them together or spot or welds them. 2. 4. 4 Anti-resistor welding machine anwrlding achineseamwelder a flexible sheet paint wheel electric carbon workpiece rolling and several or continuous welding core flow to form a linear weld.2 CB/T29CC.22—2005 Resistance butt welding machinerusislanec bullweldingmachine;buttregistancewelder;upsetreldlng The machine uses a light tool to heat the two pieces of metal to a certain temperature, and then quickly applies forging force to complete the welding: Flash machine flash welding ... weliler electric customer chunuo projection welding kai condensertypeprnjectionwelder electrical energy storage rope welding machinecondmwertypeseauweller2.4.8 High frequency resistance welding machine highfreyueneyresislanceweldingmachine;highfrequencyinduclionwelder through electric heating), the workpiece will be brought into contact with the workpiece with an alternating current of 201z or more, the adjacent parts of the workpiece will generate heat on the surface of the workpiece, and then the workpiece will be connected with the core resistance machine, 2. 4.9 Three-phase low frequency resistance welding machine three-phase power frequency medium voltage conversion single-phase low frequency voltage to supply power to the workpiece and welding machine: 2. 4. 10 Secondary rectifier resistance welding machine directcarrentrtsistancewelderxecandaryrectificatinn in the resistance welding transformer to change the level of the circuit to connect the power rectifier device to obtain the current of the welding group chaos 2. 4. 11 Inverter resistance welding machineInverlerresistuaecweldinymachiaerinverlerresilstancewelder uses inverter as welding motor. 2.4.12 Mobile spot welding machinePortahlesptweldiogmachineA spot welding machine with fixed workpiece and movable welding spot position. There are two types of mobile spot welding machines. For spot welding machines, the transformer and control equipment are fixed, the spot welding clamp is connected with the joint and can be moved. The displacement is limited. 2, 4, 13 spot welding gun geeldlnghead use a core to directly wind the workpiece such as 5, through the core car workpiece medicine another part of the guide circuit to conduct current for spot welding, spot welding pliers plicrapotweldinghead:pincerspotweldinghead a beautiful clamp-like beating system is very positive, the world bank said the good spot welding device. 3 CB/T2900.22—20D5 2.5stud welding machine stod welding machine a welding machine that welds the entire end of a flammable and toxic part to a part. There are other suitable methods for welding, short circuit, or no gas. 2.6 Friction welding machine || tt || Friction welding machine frlctlon welding machine uses the heat generated by the friction between the two parts to achieve a constant plastic state, and then completes the pressing of the hot press welding machine || tt || 2.7 Electron beam blasting machine || tt || Electron first library machine electr Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.