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JB/T 7664-1995 Compressed air purification terminology

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Standard ID: JB/T 7664-1995

Standard Name: Compressed air purification terminology

Chinese Name: 压缩空气净化术语

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1995-06-16

Date of Implementation:1996-07-01

Date of Expiration:2006-02-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J72 Compressor, Fan

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alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 7664-2005

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JB/T 7664-1995 Compressed air purification terminology JB/T7664-1995 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 7664-1995
Terms of Compressed Air Purification
Published on June 16, 1995
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on July 1, 1996
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Terms of Compressed Air Purification
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the terms and their definitions or descriptions of the basic concepts, classifications, working processes and performance parameters of compressed air purification. This standard applies to the field of compressed air purification, and other terms of compressed gas purification can refer to this standard for implementation. 2 Basic Concepts
2.1 Compressed air
refers to air with an absolute pressure greater than 0.1MPa. 2.2 Compressed gas
refers to gas with an absolute pressure greater than 0.1MPa. 2.3 Purification Purification
According to the principles of physics, chemistry or biology, using relevant scientific and technological means, compressed air is treated to remove pollutants so that the quality of compressed air meets relevant standards or usage requirements. 2.4 Purification equipment equipmentforpurging Various equipment used to purify compressed air, such as separators, dryers, filters, etc. 2.5 Contaminant contaminant
Any undesirable solid, liquid and gaseous substances and various microorganisms in compressed air. 2.6
Contamination contamination
Contaminants enter or exist in compressed air; or the composition of compressed air undergoes undesirable changes. Particle
A single small-mass solid or liquid particle. 2.8 Dust dust
Small solid particles with a particle size of about 0.1~150um generated by objects on the ground due to chemical and physical effects in nature or being crushed during the production process (settled by their own weight and can be suspended in the air for a period of time). 2.9
Liquid particles of small mass that can exist in the air in a suspended state. In turbulent flow, the particle size can even reach 200μm. Suspension
One phase of a two-phase system, called the dispersed substance, is completely dispersed into the other phase, called the dispersion medium. Aerosol
Dust or droplets suspended in the air or with a very small falling speed (usually less than 0.25m/s). Abrasion
Wear of the material surface caused by mechanical action between solids. Erosion
Wear of the material caused by the mechanical action of a fluid beam (with or without suspended solid particles). 2.14
Damage to the material surface caused by chemical or electrochemical reactions between substances. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on June 16, 1995
Implemented on July 1, 1996
Two or more particles that are combined, adhered or aggregated together in any way. Coalescence
The process of combining suspended droplets and forming larger particles. Dust content
The mass of dust contained in a unit volume of compressed air, converted to the value under standard atmospheric conditions of 0.1 MPa absolute pressure, 20°C temperature and 0.65 relative vapor pressure, mg/m2. Oil content
The mass of oil (including oil droplets, suspended particles and oil vapor) contained in a unit volume of compressed air, converted to the value under standard atmospheric conditions in Article 2.17, mg/m2. PPM
A symbol for the content of trace substances in a mixture, which refers to the number of parts per million or parts per million (divided into weight ratio PPMw and volume ratio PPMv).
Compressed air separator compressed air separator-a device that relies on physical properties (such as gravity or centrifugal force of gas movement) to separate pollutants. Generally used for the rough separation of large amounts of dust and droplets in compressed air.
Compressed air dryer compressed air dryer A device that reduces the content of water and water vapor in compressed air. 2 Compressed air filter
compressed air filter
A device that separates pollutants from compressed air. 3 Combined equipment for purging combined equipment for purging 2.23
Specifies the combination of equipment that uses two or more single devices to complete any two or more functions of dust removal, water removal, oil removal and sterilization (excluding such equipment combinations that must be set up for front and rear protection equipment to achieve the individual effect of a certain purification equipment).
Sodium flame method theNaCImethod
A method of using solid sodium chloride suspended particles with a polydisperse particle size of about 0.02~2um as test dust to detect the filtration efficiency of high-efficiency filters. DOP method theDOPmethod
A method of using dioctyl phthalate (i.e. DOP) particles with a monodisperse particle size of about 0.3μm as test dust to detect the filtration efficiency of high-efficiency filters.
3 Classification of compressed air dryers (hereinafter referred to as dryers) 3.1 Adsorption dryer adsorption dryer A dryer that separates water vapor from compressed air by adsorbing gas or liquid molecules on the surface of the adsorbent. The adsorbent can be regenerated by removing the adsorbed moisture.
Heatless regeneration heatlessregeneration 3.1.1
The adsorbent is regenerated by unheated, expanded, and pre-dried air. Heat regeneration heatgeneration
The adsorbent is regenerated by increasing its temperature. Directly heated
Regeneration is accomplished by heating a heating element that is in contact with or embedded in the adsorbent.
Regeneration by air heated air is accomplished by passing the heated ambient air through the adsorbent. Refrigeration dryer 3.2
JB/T 7664—1995
A dryer that separates water vapor by cooling through a refrigeration cycle. Chilled water
Drying is accomplished by using cooling water in a heat exchanger. Heat absorbing mass
Drying is accomplished by indirect cooling through heat storage, 3.2.3
Direct expansion
Drying is accomplished by evaporating the refrigerant flowing at high speed in the heat exchanger tube, and flooded evaporator is accomplished by evaporating the refrigerant on the surface of the tank in a closed container. Absorption dryerabsorptiondryer
A dryer that separates water vapor from compressed air by forming a solution with absorbent and water vapor. The absorbent is generally not recovered. 3.4
Combined dryercombineddryer
Drying is carried out through the combination of several systems. Dryer working process and performance parameters
Substance that can remove moisture from compressed air. Absorbentabsorbentdesiccant
Special hygroscopic compound with absorption characteristics that can dissolve into the moisture contained in compressed air. Adsorbentadsorbentdesiccant
Special solid compound with adsorption characteristics that can remove moisture from compressed air by adsorbing moisture on its surface. Absorptionabsorption
The process of making one substance enter another substance and causing it to physically disappear. 4.3
The physical process by which gas or liquid molecules attach to a solid surface. Desorption
The separation of adsorbed water from a desiccant. Deliquescence
The spontaneous process by which a soluble substance absorbs water and becomes a liquid. Regeneration
Desorbs and pre-treats the adsorbent so that it can enter a new working cycle. Purge flow
The air flow used for adsorbent regeneration
The physical process by which vapor becomes liquid by releasing heat. Drying by cooling
The method of drying by cooling and liquefying condensed water vapor, 4.10
Drying by overcompression The method of drying by compressing air to a pressure higher than the expected working pressure and then cooling, condensing, and expanding it. adiabaticdrying
Adiabatic drying
is a method of achieving drying without gaining or losing total heat. 3
2Contact time
The time required for air flow molecules to pass through the drying bed according to the superficial velocity. 4.13
Moisture content
The sum of the masses of water and water vapor contained in a unit volume of compressed air,/m".vapourconcentration
Water vapor content
The ratio of the mass of water vapor to the total volume, g/m. Vapor ratiovapourratio
The ratio of the mass of water vapor to the mass of dry air. Relative vapor pressurerelativevapourpressureThe ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor to its saturation pressure at the same temperature. Relative vapor contentrelativevapourconcentrationThe ratio of the actual water vapor content to its saturation value at the same temperature and pressure. ratio. Relative vapor ratio
The ratio of the actual vapor ratio to the saturated vapor ratio at the same temperature. Dew point dewpoint
The temperature at which water vapor begins to condense, corresponding to a certain pressure, ℃. Atmospheric dew point atmosphericdewpoint
Dew point measured under atmospheric pressure.
Pressure dew point pressuredewpoint
Dew point measured under a given actual pressure. Nominal pressure dew point nominalpressuredewpoint The dew point that the gas should reach when passing through the dryer under nominal pressure. Outlet pressure dew point pressuredewpoint atdryeroutletThe dew point of the dryer measured at the outlet working state. Dewpointdepression
The dew point difference between the dryer inlet and outlet under the same operating conditions. 5Dryerpressuredropdryerpressuredrop4.25
The pressure difference between the dryer inlet and outlet at any given moment. 4.26
Inlet volume flowvolumeflowatdryerinletThe maximum air volume flow (including regeneration, pressurization or cooling air) entering the dryer under the specified operating conditions of 0.1MPa absolute pressure and 20°C temperature. Effective volume flowdryernetoutletvolu meflow is the maximum volumetric air flow rate discharged by the dryer under the specified working conditions in Article 4.26, that is, the remaining part after deducting the air flow rate for regeneration, boosting and cooling.
Classification of compressed gas filters (hereinafter referred to as filters) 5
Coarse filter
The airflow passes through the gaps of the special guide structure and filter material, and removes large-sized solid or liquid particles with the help of centrifugal sedimentation and surface filtration mechanism.
Dust filter dustfilter
A coarse filter for dust removal, mainly used to remove dust of various grades of particle size. 4
5.3 Coalescing filter coalescingfilterJB/T 7664—1995
The airflow passes through the gaps of the filter material, and with the help of deep filtration mechanism, solid and liquid suspended matter are filtered out, solid particles are retained on the filter material, and liquid particles are condensed into large particles and separated. 5.4 Air sterilization filter airsterilisation filter allows the airflow to pass through the gaps of filter materials with special structure and characteristics, and uses the deep filtration mechanism to completely filter out all microorganisms. 5.5
adsorption filter adsorption filter uses special adsorbents to remove certain pollutants using adsorption technology. 5.6 activated carbon filter activecarbon filter adsorption oil and gas removal filter, using different grades of activated carbon to remove oil vapor and odor from compressed air. 6 filter working process and performance parameters
6.1 filter medium filter medium
The key part of the filter is the filter material in various forms, on which the filtered pollutants are trapped or in it. 6.2 filtration
The separation of pollutants suspended in the airflow through the filter (broadly speaking, this role is reflected in the structure and function of the filter).
6.3 surface filtration surface filtration When the airflow passes through the filter medium, it mainly relies on the principle of direct interception (that is, particles larger than the filter pore size are directly intercepted on the surface of the filter medium) to filter the air.
Deep filtration
When air flows through the filter medium, it mainly relies on three principles of action: direct interception, inertial collision and diffusion to filter the air. 6.5
Direct interception
Solid particles or liquid droplets collide with the filter medium in the direction of their movement, or are captured by pores smaller than their diameter. 6.6
Inertial impact
The particle collides with a certain part of the filter medium due to its own momentum. Diffusion
The random movement of particles suspended in the air flow. Synonyms: Brownian motion
The action of causing a group of solid particles to stick to each other. 6.9
The action of applying a thin layer of solid particles by means of collision; or the action of capturing solid particles on the surface through collision. 6.10
The separation of particles suspended in an air stream under the action of gravity or inertia. Clogging
The gradual deposition of solid or liquid particles into the filter medium, obstructing the flow. Cloggingcapacity
The mass of particles that a filter can retain to reach a specific working limit. Cleaning
The removal of solid or liquid sediments that have caused clogging. Cleaningfactorwww.bzxz.net
The ratio of the amount of dirt before and after the filter is cleaned. 5
.JB/T 7664—1995
The diameter of a spherical particle that has the same geometric, optical, electrical or aerodynamic properties as the particle being measured. The equivalent diameter of a filter is the diameter of a circular hole through which the flow rate is the same as that through a square hole filter. The equivalent diameter is determined by the size and shape of the particles being filtered. 6.16
Equivalent particle diameterequivalentparticlediameterThe diameter of a spherical particle that has a comparable effect on the relevant properties of the particles being studied (such as projected area or diameter). Effective particle diametereffectiveparticlediameterThe diameter of a circle whose area is equal to the minimum projected area of ​​a particle. Largest particlepassedThe diameter of the largest solid spherical particle that can pass through the filter under specified test conditions. Effective filtration areaeffectivefiltrationareaThe total surface area of ​​the porous media in contact with the airflow in the filter element. Nominal filtration ratingThe micron value of the nominal maximum particle passing through given by the manufacturer to indicate the degree of filtrationFilter rating
The value that measures the filtration capacity of the filter, expressed in one of the following ways. Penetration (P)
The ratio of the particle concentration after filtration to that before filtration. 6.21.2
Filtration efficiency (E)
Filtration efficiency
After passing through the filter, the concentration of pollutants filtered out is divided by the concentration of pollutants before the filter (E=1-P), usually expressed as a percentage. Filtration ratio (β,)
Filtration ratio
For each size class of particles, the filtration ratio is equal to the ratio of the number of particles before and after the filter (β=1/P). Use size class i as a label, such as β10=75, which means that the number of particles above 10μm is 75 times higher before filtration than after filtration. 6.21.4
Nominal filter rating is usually specified as a percentage, such as 95% or 98% means that for a certain size, 95% or 98% of particles larger than and equal to this size will be blocked.
2Filter pressure dropfilterpressuredropThe pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the filter at any given time. 6.23
maximum permissible filter pressure drop is the maximum permissible pressure drop when the air flows normally through the filter element, which will not damage the structure or medium of the filter element, nor cause obvious migration of dirt.
limit pressure drop
the pressure difference between the inner and outer layers of the filter element that causes structural damage to the filter element. 5Filter elementfilterelement
The core component of the filter that separates pollutants, made of filter media of different densities and metal filter screens. 7Index
The term index arranged in Chinese pinyin order and English alphabetical order is shown in Appendix A (reference) and Appendix B (reference). 6
Surface filtration
Normal pressure dew point
Outlet pressure dew point
Coarse filter
Penetration rate (P)
Equivalent diameter
Equivalent particle diameter
Overpressure drying
Nominal pressure dew point
Dryer pressure drop
Filter medium
Inertial collision
Filtration rate
Filtration efficiency (E)
Filtration ratio (8)
Filter pressure drop
Filter element
Dust content
JB/T 76641995
Index in Chinese pinyin order and corresponding or similar English terms (reference)
English terms
surface filtration | by overcompression
nominal pressuredewpoint
dryer pressure drop
inertial impaction
filter rating
filtration efficiency
filtration ratio
filter pressure drop
filter element
dust content
moisture content
oil content
dust filter
activated carbon filter
purification equipment
purification combination equipment
adiabatic drying
contact time
inlet volume flow
ultimate pressure drop
air heating type
air sterilizing filter
refrigerated dryer
cooling water method
combined dryer
cooling drying
dew point drop
full liquid evaporator method
nominal filtration value
nominal filtration rate
sodium filling method
JB/T 7664—1995
English terms
moisture content
oil content
active carbon filter
equipment for purging
combined equipment for purgingdesorption
adiabatic drying
volume flow at dryer inlet
collapse pressure drop||tt ||regeneration air heates
airsterilisation filter
refrigeration dryer
chilled water
combined dryer
drying by cooling
dew point
dew point depression
flooded evaporator
nominal filtration rating
nominal filter rating
the NaCI method
Coalescing filter
Cleaning factor
Water vapor content
Deep filtration
Heatless regeneration
Suspended particles
Adsorption dryer
Endothermic material method
Absorption dryer
Relative vapor pressure
Relative vapor content
Relative vapor ratio
Adsorption filter
Compressed air
Compressed gas
Compressed air distributor
Compressed air dryer
Compressed air filter
Heat regeneration
Pressure dew point
Effective volume flow
Effective particle diameter
JB/T 7664—1995 | | tt | | tt | air
compressed gas
compressed air separator
compressed air dryer
compressed air filter
heat regeneration
pressure dew point
dryer net outlet volumefloweffective particle diameter
effective filtration area
directly heated
direct expansion
vapour ratio
direct interception
clogging capacity
largest particle passed
maximum permitted filter pressure dropthe DOP method
English terms
effective filtration area
directly heated
direct expansion
purge flow
vapour ratio
direct interception
clogging capacity
largest particle passed
maximum permitted filter pressure dropthe DOP method
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