title>JB/T 5054.4-2000 Principles for numbering product drawing design documents - JB/T 5054.4-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 5054.4-2000 Principles for numbering product drawing design documents

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5054.4-2000

Standard Name: Principles for numbering product drawing design documents

Chinese Name: 产品图样设计文件 编号原则

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-03-30

Date of Implementation:2000-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation >> 01.110 Technical Product Documentation

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery>>J01 Technical Management

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 5054.4-1999

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2000-10-01

other information

drafter:Yang Dongbai, Meng Xianpei

Drafting unit:China Machinery Industry Standardization Technical Association, Mechanical Science Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

competent authority:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 5054.4-2000 This standard is based on the needs of enterprises to implement computer-aided design (CAD), and refers to the provisions of GB/T17825.3-1999 "CAD file management numbering principles", and modifies and adjusts JB/T 5054.4-1999 "Product drawing and design file numbering principles". This standard specifies the basic principles and requirements for the numbering of mechanical industrial product drawings and design files, including CAD drawings and design files. This standard is applicable to the numbering of mechanical industrial product drawings and files. Enterprises can refer to this standard to formulate detailed rules. This standard was first issued in 1990 as ZB/T J01 035.4-90, and the standard number was adjusted to JB/T 5054.4-1999 in April 1999. JB/T 5054.4-2000 Product drawing design file numbering principles JB/T5054.4-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Drawing and design document of product2000-03-30 Released
National Machinery Industry Bureau
2000-10-01 Implementation
This standard is based on the needs of implementing computer-aided design (CAD) in enterprises, and refers to the provisions of GB/T17825.3-1999 (CAD file management numbering principles). JB/T5054.41999 "Product drawing and design file numbering principles" (formerly ZB/TJ01035.490) has been revised and adjusted. 1. Chapter 3 "Basic Principles" has been added, and the original Chapter 3 has been adjusted to Chapter 4 "General Requirements". 2. The numbering of CAD drawings or design files of different media should be consistent with the enterprise Requirements for coordination of computer-aided management information classification and coding.
3. Appendix A is the "Suggestive Appendix" and is named "Common Design Document Suffix Numbers" and adds the suffix numbers of design documents in the design decision-making stage and "Early Failure Analysis" and other documents. This standard replaces JB/T5054.4-1999 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and coordinated by the National Technical Committee for Technical Product Document Standardization. The drafting units of this standard: China Machinery Industry Standardization Technical Association, Mechanical Science Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard: Yang Dongbai, Meng Xianpei. 43
1 Scope
Mechanical Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Product Drawings and Design Documents
Numbering Principles
Drawing and design document of productNumbering prineiples
Replaces JB/T 5054.4—1999
This standard specifies the basic principles and requirements for the numbering of drawings and design documents of mechanical industry products, including CAD drawings and design documents (hereinafter referred to as drawings and documents or CAD files). This standard applies to the numbering of drawings and documents of mechanical industry products. Enterprises can refer to this standard to formulate detailed rules. 2 Cited standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T177101999: Data Processing Check Code System JB/T 5054.8—1991
3 Basic principles
Management methods for common and borrowed parts of product drawings and design documents Guidelines for information classification and coding of computer-aided management of mechanical industrial enterprises 3.1 Drawing and document numbers can generally use the following characters: 0~9 Arabic numerals;
A~Z Latin letters (except O and 1);
a short dash, · dot, / slash.
3.2 Basic principles of numbering
a) Scientificity Select the most stable essential attributes or characteristics of things or concepts as the basis and basis for information classification. b) Systematicity Systematize the attributes or characteristics of the selected things and concepts in a certain order and form a reasonable scientific classification system.
c) Uniqueness A code can only uniquely identify a classification object. d) Extensibility: Accommodation categories should be set up to ensure that when new things and concepts are added, the established classification system will not be disrupted. At the same time, conditions should be created for the extension and refinement of the lower-level information management system on the original basis. e) Normative: The abbreviation format of the same level code must be unified. 4 General requirements
4.1 Each product, component, and part drawing and document should have an independent code. Approved by the State Machinery Industry Bureau on March 30, 2000 44
2000-10-01 implementation
JB/T 5054.4—2000
4.1.1 When using a table diagram, each specification of product, component, and part in the table should be marked with an independent code. 4.1.2 When the drawings of the same product, component, or part are drawn on several sheets of paper, each drawing shall be marked with the same code. 4.1.3 When the same CAD file uses more than two storage media, the CAD files in each storage medium should be marked with a service code. 4.1.4 The numbering of common parts should refer to JB/T5054.8 or the provisions of the enterprise standard. 4.1.5 The numbering of borrowed parts should use the code of the borrowed parts. 4.2 The numbering of drawings and documents - generally there are two categories: classification number and genus number. It can also be numbered according to the relevant standards of various industries. 4.3 The numbering of drawings and documents should be coordinated with the requirements of enterprise computer-aided management classification numbering. 5 Classification number
Classification number, according to the similarity of the function and shape of the object (product, component), if the decimal classification method is used for numbering. 5.1 The basic part of the classification number consists of three parts: classification number (large category), characteristic number (middle category) and identification number (small category), separated by a dot or a short horizontal line in the middle, with the dot at the bottom and the short horizontal line in the middle. If necessary, a footnote number can be added at the end. 5.2 The numbering of large, medium and small categories is based on the decimal classification numbering method. The code position of each category is generally composed of 1 to 4 digits (such as level, category, type, and species). Each digit is generally divided into ten gears, such as ten levels (0 to 9), each level is divided into ten categories (0 to 9), each category is divided into ten types (0 to 9), each type is divided into ten kinds (0 to 9), etc.
5.3 The sequence of classification code positions and their meanings are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Classification code position table
Classification number (major category)
Differentiation code position of products, components, parts
Feature number (middle category)
Products by type, components
by features and structures, parts
by varieties and specifications
Identification number (minor category)
Product technology variety, components
Suffix number
Design documents, product modification
by purpose, parts by shape,
Suffix number
Size, pending, etc.
Check number
Code position of product code
1 Classification number can refer to the number specified in JB/T8823. Enterprises have carried out computer-aided management, and should encode the corresponding major category number in the information classification code into the classification number2 The parts in the identification number can also be encoded with a serial number. 3 If necessary, the enterprise code and drawing surface code can be added before the classification number. 5.4 The footnote number indicates the type of product improvement and design document. Generally, the footnote number of the improvement is indicated by Latin letters, and the footnote number of the design document is indicated by the pinyin prefix. Refer to Appendix A (the appendix of the prompt). 5.5 When the product code is automatically generated by a computer, a check number (check code) should be added to the code terminal. The check number should be calculated and determined according to the provisions of GB/T17710.
6 Subordinate number
The subordinate number is numbered according to the subordinate relationship of the product, component, and part. 6.1 The code of the bundle number is composed of the product code and the subordinate number group. It can be separated by a dot or a short dash in the middle, and a footnote number can be added if necessary. 6.2 The code position table of the bundle number is shown in Table 2. When necessary, add the classification number before the first digit to indicate the major category number of the computer-aided management information classification coding system.
Product code number
JB/T 5054.4—2000
Table 2 Code table for the code number
Subordinate number
Serial number of each level of components
Product code consists of letters and numbers.
Serial number of parts
6.4 The serial number consists of numbers, and its level and number of digits should be determined according to the complexity of the product structure. 6.4.1 The serial number of a part should be numbered within the scope of the product or component to which it belongs. 6.4.2 The serial number of a component should be numbered within the scope of the product or the upper level component to which it belongs. 9
Design documents, product improvement code
6.5 The footnote number is composed of letters, indicating the type of product improvement and design document. If two footnote numbers appear at the same time, the letters used for the two should be distinguished, the improvement footnote number is in front, and the design document footnote number (refer to Appendix A) is in the back, and there is a space between the two, or a short dash, see Figure 1.
7 Part classification number and part subordinate number
Technical condition footnote number
Improvement footnote number
Part number
Product code
Part classification number The composition of its code and the meaning of each code position are shown in Table 3. Table 3 Part classification code position table
Classification number (large category)
Product code
Feature, number (middle category)
Parts by feature, structure, parts by
Variety, specification code position
Identification number (small category)
Parts by use, parts by shape
Side note number
Design documents, product improvement code position
Note: Enterprises have carried out computer-aided management, and should compile the corresponding large category number in the information classification code into the classification number. 7.2 Part subordinate number, its code is composed of product code, attribute number and identification number. Its bundle number is the component serial number, see Figure 2, and the level of the component serial number is determined by the enterprise. The identification number is a mixed serial number (serial number) for components (called sub-components) and parts below the first or second level. Three numbering methods are recommended for sub-components and part serial numbers. If necessary, a footnote number may be added to the end, see the provisions of 5.4 of this standard. Parts and sub-component serial number (serial number) - identification number Part serial number
Product code
Subordinate number
7.2.1 Parts and sub-component serial number, it is stipulated that ***—** (such as 001-099) is the sub-component serial number, which is the part serial number. Part serial numbers can also be classified and numbered according to material properties. ** (101~999)
7.2.2 Parts and sub-component serial number, it is stipulated that the integers that are ten (such as 0, 20, 30, ·) are the sub-component serial numbers, and the rest are the part serial numbers.
7.2.3 Parts and sub-component serial numbers are followed by a letter P or Z (such as 1P, 2P, 3P,,) to form the sub-component serial number, and those without letters are part serial numbers.
For the suffix numbers of commonly used design documents, please see Table A1.
Market forecast report
Technical research report
Preliminary test outline
Preliminary test report
Feasibility analysis report
Feasibility analysis review report
New product development project proposalwww.bzxz.net
Technical quotation
Technical agreement
Technical (design) task book
Technical proposal
Research and test outline
Research and test Report
Calculation sheet
Technical design specification
Type test report
Trial (operation) report
Technical and economic analysis report
Standardization review report
Test summary
Test appraisal outline
File directory
Drawing directory
Detailed list
Summary of common (borrowed) parts
Summary of purchased parts
Standard Parts summary table
Technical conditions
Appendix A
(Suggested appendix)
Common design document footnote numbers
Footnote numbers
Letter meaning
General (borrowed)
Product quality characteristics importance classification table
Design review report
Instruction manual
Certificate of conformity (conformity instruction manual)||tt ||Quality certificate
Packing list
Packing documents
Early failure analysis report
User acceptance report
Note: The summary table of common (borrowed) parts can be divided into: Summary table of common parts
Summary table of borrowed parts
Table A1 (end)
TY common
JY borrowed
Footnote number
Letter meaning
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