title>Packing containers-Plastic drum for packages of dangerous goods - GB 18191-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Packing containers-Plastic drum for packages of dangerous goods

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 18191-2000

Standard Name:Packing containers-Plastic drum for packages of dangerous goods

Chinese Name: 包装容器 危险品包装用塑料桶

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release2000-09-02

Date of Implementation:2001-03-01

Date of Expiration:2009-09-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Packaging and transportation of goods>>55.140 Barrels, barrels, cans, etc.

Standard Classification Number:General>>Marking, packaging, transportation, storage>>A82 Packaging materials and containers

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB 18191-2008

Procurement status:≈DIN 6131-1989 ≈гост 24463-1980

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press


Publication date:2004-04-16

other information

Release date:2000-09-26

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Chemical Industry Ministry Standardization Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization

Publishing department:State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the product classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, transportation and storage of plastic barrels for dangerous goods. This standard applies to 60L~220L polyethylene blow-molded barrels (hereinafter referred to as dangerous plastic barrels) with high-density polyethylene as the main raw material for dangerous goods. GB 18191-2000 Packaging Containers Plastic barrels for dangerous goods packaging GB18191-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the product classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, transportation and storage of plastic barrels for dangerous goods. This standard applies to 60L~220L polyethylene blow-molded barrels with high-density polyethylene as the main raw material for dangerous goods.

Some standard content:

This standard refers to DIN6131-1989 "Plastic Drum" and rOCT24463-1980 "Polymer Drum", and the specifications are screened and determined in combination with my country's situation.
The test methods and values ​​of this standard are determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the United Nations "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods" and my country's "Railway Dangerous Goods Transport Management Rules". Articles 5.3, 6, and 7 of this standard are mandatory, and the remaining articles are recommended. This standard is proposed by China Packaging Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Dangerous Goods Packaging Technical Committee of the National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee. The responsible drafting unit of this standard: Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. Participating drafting units of this standard: Shanghai Fanshun Industrial Corporation, Shandong Qingyun Chuncao Plastic Products Co., Ltd., Wujiang Qingyun Plastic Factory, Beijing Nanyuan Yunda Barrel Factory, Baoji Qinchuan Machinery Development Co., Ltd., Beijing Huadun Plastic Company, Dalian Thirteenth Plastic Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Qu Yanping, Zhang Lingguo, Shen Zhenglin, Lang Mingzhi, Zhang Dasheng, Shi Yonghong and Yang Jinchang. 170
1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Packing containers
Plastic drums for packages of dangerous goods
Packing containers---Plastic drums for packages of dangerous goodsGB18191—2000
This standard specifies the product classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, transportation and storage of plastic drums for packages of dangerous goods. This standard applies to 60L~220L polyethylene blow-molded drums (hereinafter referred to as dangerous plastic drums) with high-density polyethylene as the main raw material for containing dangerous goods.
Cited standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T2828—1987 Batch inspection counting sampling procedure and sampling table (applicable to inspection of continuous batches) Packaging and transport packages static load stacking test method GB/T 4857. 3—1992
Packaging and transport packages drop test method
GB/T 4857.5—1992
GB/T 17344—1998
3 Symbols
Class 1 dangerous goods packaging;
Class 2—3 dangerous goods packaging;
Large opening hazardous plastic barrel;
B·Small opening hazardous plastic barrel;
D -—Outer diameter;
d--—Injection diameter;
H—Outer height.
Packaging container
Airtight test method
Note: K is the diameter of the inlet greater than 70mm; B is less than or equal to 70mm. Product classification
4.1 Classification
Classification according to the type of dangerous goods that can be contained, see Table 1. Table 1
Classification code
Class 1 dangerous goods packaging
Class I dangerous goods packaging
Sub-class dangerous goods packaging
Note: Dangerous plastic barrels should be inspected before being used to contain dangerous goods. They can only be used when the contents and the barrels do not produce corrosion or any other chemical reactions. Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on September 26, 2000 and implemented on March 1, 2001
2 Structural dimensions
GB 18191—2000
Barrel types are divided into two types and 12 specifications, see Table 2. Table 2
K-type barrel
B-type barrel
4.2.1The structure of K-type barrel is shown in Figure 1.
4.2.2The structural dimensions of K-type barrel are shown in Table 3. bZxz.net
Nominal volume
4.2.3The structure of B-type barrel is shown in Figure 2.
Outer diameter D
Outer height H
Injection port diameter d
4.2.4The structural dimensions of B-type barrel are shown in Table 4.
Nominal volume
GB 18191--2000
Outer diameter D
4.2.5 Special types of barrels can be agreed upon by both the supplier and the buyer. 4.3 Handles
Divided into integral, installed and end-handle types.
External height H
Injection port diameter d
4.4 Mouth and cover
The barrel mouth can be threaded or other structures, and the mouth cover should be properly matched; when the threaded structure is adopted, the buckle must be tightened for more than 1.5 turns. 5 Requirements
5.1 Appearance requirements
The appearance structure of the hazardous plastic barrel should ensure stable stacking during transportation and storage, and comply with the provisions of Table 5. Table 5
Specifications I
1) Every 100cm2 of the surface.
Black spots and impurities\)
Poor plasticization Cracks and holes
No push
No liquid accumulation
No impact
5.2 The wall thickness ratio of the symmetrical parts of the barrel shall not exceed 1.5:1. 5.3 Performance requirements
When the relative density of the intended load does not exceed 1.2, the drop height is shown in Table 6, and the performance requirements shall comply with the provisions of Table 6 and Table 7. Table 6
Airtightness test, kPa
Hydraulic test, kPa
Stacking load, N
Drop height, m
Single ring load test
Class 1 [Class
Jiang Class Dan Class
See the formula in Article 6.4
No rupture
Qualification standard
No leakage
No damage, no leakage
No obvious deformation and damage
No leakage when the internal and external pressures are balanced
1) When the relative density of the object to be loaded exceeds 1.2, the drop height should be calculated based on the relative density (d) of the transported material, and rounded up to the first decimal place, see Table 7.
「Type packaging
Nominal capacity, L
Single ring load mass, kg
6 Test method
6.1 Structural dimensions and appearance
6.1.1 Structural dimensions
Type 1 packaging
Use a general measuring tool with a precision of 0.5mm to test, and it should comply with the requirements of Table 3 and Table 4. 6.1.2 Appearance
Type packaging
d× 0. 67 m
Use a vernier caliper with a precision of 0.02mm to measure bubbles and black spot impurities; use the method of filling the sample with water to check whether the handle is ventilated and there is no liquid accumulation; use visual inspection to check the appearance quality of the barrel, which should comply with the requirements of Table 5. 6.1.3 Wall thickness ratio and minimum wall thickness of symmetrical parts Take 5 groups on the cross section in the middle of the barrel, calculate the ratio of the wall thickness at the symmetrical point of the central axis, and take the maximum value. 6.2 Air tightness test
Test type B barrels in accordance with GB/T17344--1998. After reaching the air pressure specified in Table 6, maintain the pressure for 5 minutes. 6.3 Hydraulic test
This test is limited to type B barrels. Fill the barrel with Fill with water, connect the pressure gauge to the pressure pump, and fix it on the barrel mouth through the connecting parts. Pressurize the barrel, and maintain the pressure for 30 minutes after reaching the test pressure. The test pressure is shown in Table 6. Check whether the sample barrel has leakage. 6.4 Stacking test
According to the requirements of GB/T4857.31992, the stacking load should be calculated according to the following formula. The test time is 28 days of stacking at 40°C, and check for obvious deformation and damage.
Where: P-
Stacking pressure applied to plastic container, N; XMX9.807
M--single package mass, kg;
H~-—Stacking height, 3 m;
h-the height of a single plastic container, m;
round to the integer;
-conversion factor.
6.5 Drop test
GB 18191-2000
Carry out the test in accordance with the requirements of GB/T4857.5-1992, and fill the sample barrel with the test medium. After pretreatment at -18C for 24 hours, drop it at the height specified in Table 6. Drop each sample barrel once to check for leakage. For K-type barrels, the solids filled shall not be less than 95% of its capacity; for B-type barrels, the liquids containing anticoagulants shall not be less than 98% of its capacity. After the drop test, drill a small hole in the appropriate part of the barrel, or use other methods to balance the internal and external pressures, and check for leakage. 6.6 Single ring load test
Fix the single ring with an appropriate method, then add a load vertically downward to the barrel body to meet the requirements of Table 8. Check whether the single ring and the connection part with the whole body are damaged within 5 minutes. 7
Inspection rules
This standard is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 7.1 Factory inspection
7.1.1 Products should be inspected in batches upon delivery. Barrels of the same specification, color and formula are considered as a batch. 7.1.2 Inspect according to the provisions of the airtight test in 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. The normal inspection one-time sampling plan of GB/T2828 is adopted, and its inspection level is special inspection level S-2 (IL-S-2), and the qualified quality level is 4.0 (AQL=4.0). The sampling number and qualified judgment number are shown in Table 9. Table 9
Batch range
1201 and above
7.2 Type inspection
Number of samples
Normal single sampling
Number of qualified judgments
Number of unqualified judgments
7.2.1 The technical requirements 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 specified in this standard are type inspection items. 5.1 and 5.2 adopt the normal inspection one-time sampling plan of GB/T2828, with the inspection level of special inspection level S-2 (ILS-2) and the qualified quality level of 4.0 (AQL=4.0). The sampling number and qualified judgment number are shown in Table 9. The sampling number of Article 5.3 is 3. 7.2.2 Type inspection conditions
Type inspection should be carried out when any of the following situations occur in the production of hazardous plastic barrels: a) trial production and identification of new products or conversion of old products; b) after formal production, if there are major changes in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance; c) once a quarter during normal production;
d) when the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; e) when the factory inspection results are significantly different from the previous type inspection results; f) the national quality supervision agency proposes to conduct type inspection. 7.3 Judgment rules
7.3.1 Factory inspection judgment rules
Inspect item by item according to the requirements of this standard. If one item fails, the sample is judged to be unqualified. When the number of unqualified samples is greater than or equal to the number of unqualified judgments specified in Table 9, the batch of products is judged to be unqualified. 175
7.3.2 Type inspection judgment rules
The judgment rules of and 5.2 are shown in 7.3.1. When one sample fails in the inspection of each item in GB18191--2000, the item is unqualified. If the item fails, the batch is unqualified. 7.3.3 After the hazardous plastic barrels in the unqualified batch are eliminated, they are submitted for inspection again, and the strictness remains unchanged. If they are still unqualified, they are judged to be unqualified products. 8 Marking, transportation and storage
8.1 Each barrel should be marked with the manufacturer's name or code, production year and month, trademark, nominal capacity and packaging category. Each batch of barrels should have a certificate of conformity and an instruction manual.
8.2 Avoid falling and collision with hard and sharp objects during transportation. 8.3 The barrels should be stored under a canopy to avoid exposure to the sun. The maximum operating temperature is 60℃ and the storage temperature is below 40℃. The storage shelf life of the barrel is 2 years from the date of production.
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