Information and documentation-Bibliographic data element directory-Part 2:Acquisitions applications
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T19688.2--2005/IS0 8459-2:1992 Information and documentation Bibliographic data element directory-Part 2: Acyuisitions applications(IS0) 8459-2:1992, IDT)
Published on March 23, 2005
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on October 1, 2005
GB/I19688 "National Information and Bibliographic Data Meta-Catalogue" It is divided into five parts: Part 1: Mutual loan application;
Part 2 Acquisition application;
Part 3: Information retrieval:
-Part 4: Circulation application;
Part 5: Catalogue exchange and metadata,
This part is the first? of GB/T 19688. Part
GE/T 19688.2---2005/ISO 8459-2:1992 This part is equivalent to ISO 8459-2:3 Information and Documentation Data Elements Directory Part 2: Acquisition Application". Appendix A of this part is a normative appendix, and Appendix 3, Appendix C and Appendix D are informative appendices. This part adds the Chinese and English indexes of the informative appendix NA for ease of use. This part describes the data elements used to support the collection process or application in a directory form and provides an explanation of the relationship between the data elements and their use examples. This part is mainly applicable to new acquisition systems. This part was proposed by the National Information and Documentation Standardization Technical Committee. This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Information and Documentation Standardization Technical Committee. Drafting unit of this part: Documentation and Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Main drafters of this part: Zhu Xianyou, Yi Shuzhen, Chen Dingquan, Zeng Yan, Zhao Tan, Zhao Wenzhong. 1 Scope
GB/T 19688.2—2005/ISO 8459-2:1992 Information and Documentation III Data Element Catalog
Part 2: Access Application
This part specifies and describes the data elements required for data exchange between institutions in the process of document acquisition, and also identifies the messages and data used in the acquisition process.
This part is used for two types of messages, one is the message transmitted in a printed form with a specific data element name as the title, and the other is the message transmitted through an automated information exchange process. This part does not include how to construct data elements into messages. 2 Normative References
The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this part through reference in this part of 6B/T19688. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part, however, the parties to an agreement based on this part are encouraged to study whether to use the latest versions of these documents. For any undated referenced document, the latest version applies to this part.
GB/T2659—2000 Codes for the names of countries and regions in the world (eqvISO3166-1:1997) GB/T 4880—1991 Codes for language names (eJISO 639:1988) GB/T5795--2002F National Standard Book (ea1S02108:1992) China Standard Serial Publication Number (eqv1SO3297:1998) GB/T 9999.-2001$
GB/T12406—1996Code for goods and funds (idtISO4217:1990)G3/T13396—1992China Standard Audiovisual Product Code (nc9ISO3901:1986)1S09:1986Document—Translation of Arabic characters into Latin charactersISO233:1984Document—Translation of Hebrew characters into Latin charactersISO259:1984Document—Translation of Hebrew characters into Latin charactersIS0/R843:1968International System for Translating Greek characters into Latin charactersISO2108:1992Information and documentation—International Standard Book Number (ISBN)JSC)3297:198%Document International Standard Publication Number (ISS1)ISO 3602:1989 Document - Romanization of Japanese 1S03901:1986 Document - International Standard Sound and Video Code (ISRC) 1S0 5127/3a):1981
Information and documentation - Vocabulary - Part 3a: Acquisition, identification and analysis of documents and data ISO 6438:1983 Document. European alphabet coded character set for information interchange ISO 7098.991 Document. - Romanization of Chinese ISO 9115:1987 Document
3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions:
The identification of documents in serial publications and books is the work of adding to and updating the collections of libraries, document centres or service agencies according to their date marks (1SO5127/3a). GB/T 19688.2—2005/ISO 8459-2;19923.2
Data element
The basic unit of data that can be identified and defined. It has a data element name with a tag as an identifier and one or more values that represent specific facts.
Data element concept data element conveplInformation element defined to allow use in a specific application field, it has one or more values associated with it, these values are in a form agreed upon by the parties to the exchange, together to represent a specific fact, event and phenomenon. 3.4
Data element directorydata element directory, which contains appropriate descriptions of data element values. 3.5
Data tuple group
A group of related data elements.
Data element group namedata element grouppameOne or more natural language words used to identify a specific data tuple. 3.7
data element name dataelementame
one or more natural language words used to identify a data element. 3.8
data element value dataelementvalue
a fact expressed in code, number or natural language, corresponding to the description and representation of a data element. 3.9
item e
an object described by a document information data sheet, specifically a document entity operable in an acquisition application. 3.10
message message
a structured grouping of data elements used in an acquisition transaction. 3.11
a method of representing the value of a particular data element using one or more numbers, letters or symbols. 3.12
tag tag
an identifier assigned in place of the name of a data element or group of data elements. 3.13
Supports the creation and modification of messages required for project acquisition. 4 Contents
This directory names and defines data elements and data tuples that are widely used to support acquisition transactions. The information related to each data element or data tuple is represented by four columns: tag, name, description, representation and notes. "Tag" is used to identify the data element or data element. "Name" is the abbreviation of the name of the data element or data tuple. The data tuple name is printed in bold to distinguish it from the data element name. "Description" contains each data element GB/T 19688.2—2005/ISO 8459-2:1992 or the definition of a data tuple, followed by a list of the corresponding labels of the data elements that make it up. "Representation Notes" contain text that explains the specifications and/or labels used to represent the value of a data element or data tuple and, if possible, its instance value. Unless otherwise specified, the value of a data element is represented by a variable-length alphanumeric string. The corresponding codes or abbreviations are not listed. Table 1
Message identification
Message type
Time stamp
Transaction number
Accounting situation
Item number
Multi-item indicator
Communication reference
Transaction participants
Participant function
Address specification
Communicator function
Organization identification
Data element used to identify a specific message, group identifier of data elements 002-005.
Phrase or code that identifies the message function.
: Year, month, and day when the account transaction was performed. Time of sending or receiving a message .
A code or number assigned to a document or message (order, delivery note, inquiry, etc.) exchanged during the acquisition process, identifying a number for an item, where all documents or messages related to the acquisition of that item are shared.
A sequence number of an item in a multi-item document or message. A word or code used to indicate an acquisition transaction (order, delivery note, inquiry, etc.) related to more than one item. A code or number used to identify communications related to an acquisition transaction.
Data identifying each party involved in the acquisition transaction and the tasks they perform.
Group identifier for data element 080-125,
Notation is the same as that for Note
Communications can be made in text or code form (see A.1). Used with the date qualifier (751). The various types of dates that can be specified are described in A.2 .
Used in automated systems to indicate the exact hour, minute, second, and date (003) of a message communication.
This number is assigned by the entity responsible for creating a particular type of document or message (order, loan note, inquiry, etc.). This number is created by the initiator of the transaction. See ISBN (313) and FSSN (314). They are numbers entered for the item itself when it is published or created, and can be used as a transaction number. This data element is used for documents or transactions with multiple items (multiple purchase orders, Multiple delivery notes, etc.).
Describes the function of a party in an interview transaction or the role it plays: This data element is used to identify the word or code that performs the following functions or tasks.
If different from the source address of the message, the word or code to which the project date, delivery note, status report, etc. should be sent is used.
Indicates whether a party is the sender, intermediary, or receiver of the relevant message in an interview transaction.
Data element 111-117 and 910 to identify an organization. Group identifier. 0 Customer
1 Supplier
2 Inquiring party
3 Payer
4 Editing department
5 Conversion center
Inquiring party or initiator identification see 802.
When necessary, this data element and the address and name of the organization or individual, use
The value is as follows;
0 Send to
1 Account to
2 Write to
3 Back to
4 Query
This data element represents the following function or task: [Sender
1 Receiver
G5/T19688.22005/IS0 8459-2.1992 Notation
Organization Name
Street and House Number
ZIP Code
P.O. Box
Remote Network Address
Telephone Number
Telex Number
Answer Code
E-mail Box Number
System User Identification
Intelligent Telex
Telephone Share Number
Organization Code
Table (Continued)
A word, phrase, or acronym used to identify an organization or group.
Notation and Notes
Gives the geographic location or place of a person or group: This data element may be used in conjunction with the Organization Name (111) or the Originator Name Code or Phrase.
Group identifier for data elements 113-116 and 140. A number or phrase identifying the location of a building in a city, town or village.
A phrase identifying a town or city (including suburbs or postal districts),
A phrase identifying a country.
A code uniquely identifying an address or group of addresses assigned by a country's postal service.
A simplified form of the name of the organization (111).
A mailbox number assigned by the post office.
A unique number or code used to identify equipment in a communications network.
Group identifier for data elements 121-127,
A unique number assigned to a telephone line, a unique number assigned to a telex connection. A unique code identifying the sender of a telex communication. A unique code assigned to an electronic mailbox access service.
A number or code assigned to a user in a communications network.
Unique number assigned to a telex connection in an intelligent user telex communication system,
Remote communication number used for sending and receiving telephone and fax. Unique identification of the organization name and address. Used together with
Remote network address see 120,
Can be used together with the organization name (111) or the sender name (B03).
Organization code type! The code or possible values for the method used to assign values to the organization code (130) are: phrase.
Project description
Words or phrases that identify the region (such as state, province, county, etc.) of a farm.
Those data elements used to identify a project, usually composed of description information and titles to form
Group identifier of data elements 301-334.
0Customer number
? Membership number
2 Standard Address Number (SAN)
3 Other
An item can be a component of a main publication or an independent document. In the first case, information on each item must be provided. Data element 303 is used to distinguish whether it is a description of a component or a main publication. Tags
Book level
Physical medium
Place of publication
Date of publication
Volume identification
Issue identification
Item identification number
Table 1 (continued)
The individual responsible for the intellectual and artistic content of an item GB/T 19688.2—2005/ISO 8459-2.1992 Representation and acknowledgement
Author includes the name of the designer, creator or initiator of the item, the editor or group of people, including the designer, creator or initiator of the item. Editor, illustrator, translator, etc., creator or initiator.
Name of an item represented by a word or group of words. A word or code characterizing the bibliographic form in which the item is presented,
a word or code denoting the medium on which the item is produced. All copies of an item with the same content produced from the same parent copy or image, or, for non-book materials, published by a specialized publisher or similar publishing group.
The person or organization responsible for publishing an item. The geographical location of the publisher or, if there is no publisher, the producer.
The publishing company, including the month and print, if possible. An identifier for a serial or a volume of a multi-volume publication,
a numeric, alphanumeric, or verbal identifier for a unit of an item published in parts.
The number of an item.
An alphanumeric code used to identify an item; group identifier for data elements 313 to 319,
Based on the actual situation of text access, some countries stipulate the format of author's name, while some countries do not explain it.
This data element is composed of multiple titles such as keyword title and unified title.
Possible values are:
0 Special
1 Continuous publication
Possible values are:
0 Printed material
1 Microfilm
2 Microfilm
3 Recorded product
4 Portable projection product
5 Video product
6 Machine-readable medium
7 Machine-readable object
2 Component
3 Collection
8 Molded material (Braille, etc.)
9 Manuscript
10 Multimedia
11 Graphic product (picture, poster, etc.)
12 Static projection product (slide, film, etc.) 13 Others
If possible, it also applies to publishers and producers, GB/T 19688.2—2005/1S0 8459-2: 1992 Marking
Book date identification
Small code type
Book date record mark
Other item numbers
International/Chinese standard
List (continued))
A standard number assigned to a monograph.
A standard number assigned to a serial publication. A code consisting of alphanumeric and special characters used to provide a unique identifier for articles (or works) in a serial publication and for works by different authors in a book. A word or code used to identify the project's editing method and a unique identifier assigned to the project's book record. : In addition to ISBN (313), ISSN (314) or bibid (31 5).
Standard code used to uniquely identify the code part of audio, video and audio products or their quasi-audiovisual products. Code (ISRC)
Required Book/series
Binding type
Document type
324 Frequency
325 Special issue
A general term for a number of independent publications related to each other, each of which has a common title as a group or a small group, as well as its own title. Used to specify the type of cover of the ordered item. Characteristics of the publication status of the ordered item. Time interval between editions of a published item
Representation and tree notes
See GB/1 5795,1S 2108.
1 A SSN number may also be assigned to a monograph series. See GB/T 9999.1SO) 3207.
Possible values are
0 Patent number
1 GODEN code
12 Date registration number
3 SISAC number
4 ADONIS number
5 Others
Possible values are numbers assigned by national bibliographic organizations and other agencies. For example:
0 British National Library Number
1 Library of Congress Card Number
2 Others
This data element is used with 316 or 317. G/F13396-1992, IS)3901
Possible values are
2Library book
Possible values are:
5Degree thesis
1Conference paper
2Technical report
Possible values are!
Newspaper or periodical Supplement or special edition outside the normal publication. 4 Working documents
5 Government-issued items
6 Other places
6 Semi-monthly
7 Half-yearly
8 Irregular periods
White biennial
10 Others
Project size
Project form
! (Technical description)
Visit priority
Visit details
Delivery conditions
Combined delivery
FOB price
Table 1 (continued)
Description of other information related to the project. Number of volumes of the object, such as the number of sheets, salts, records, boxes, sets, etc.
Physical reflection of the project.
A word or code identifying the language used for the item, such as a technical description of the item, such as a film stock or microfilm compression ratio, a computer software version, a computer disk or tape size, a floppy disk format, acid-free paper, etc. A code or phrase identifying the method of character conversion used. Regardless of the original writing system, the characters may be characters of an all-character system written according to a character conversion table, or characters of a language produced using the phonetic system of the conversion language.
A word or code indicating the urgency of the ordering of a single item.
A data element providing acquisition control information in addition to the account status (401), the delivery descriptor (514), and the invoice details (413).
Group identifier for data elements 007, 322, 445, 450, 460-461, 470, 500, 570 571, 600-601, 816-817, 824-825,826, 828,834, 858, 880, 885,886 and 905.
Data element describing the delivery conditions associated with a particular type of delivery.
Group identifier for data elements 402-409.
Indicates the number of orders on a single delivery or invoice. The starting point for calculating the continuous fee.
GB/T 19688.2—2005/1S0 8459-2:1992 Notation and format
This can be used to know the format of music publications (such as full scores, parts, etc.). It can also be used to record the "broadcast time" and other details related to audio-visual materials.
See GBFT 4880.
Possible values are:
0 ISO9
1 ISO 233
2 IS0 259
3 ISO/R 843
4ISO 3602
5 IS0 7098
Possible values are:
0 Rate increase
1 Conventional
Possible values:
n Number of orders
Possible locations are:
Q Customer
1 Bookseller
! No order number specified
2 Publisher
3 Producer/Printer
GB/T 19688.2--2005/IS0 8459-2:1992 Identification
Method of transport
Freight payment
Total weight
Number of cartons
Invoice details
Item cost
Currency code
Copy price
Price limit
Means of transport of the item.
Agreement on payment of the freight charges.
Total weight of the consignment.
Table 1 (continued)
Total number of cartons used in a single consignment. Group identifier for data element 42G-505.
Characteristics of the cost associated with the item.
Group identifier for data elements 42G-433 and 441, currency code indicating the price of the item.
Basic price of the item published in a catalog, price list, or advertisement,It may be affected by transaction, quantity, and other deductions.
The price of the subscription.
The price per month for the subscription.
The unit price of the item after various discounts have been removed.
A word or code used to indicate a specific factor in determining the price of the item.
Special charges and fees and taxes included in data 421 and 443.
Unit cataloging service The price of cataloging services provided to a unit of the subscription item.
The net price of the service.
The unit cataloging service price (429) after various deductions have been removed.
Possible values are:
Expression and attachment
(Mail at preferential price for books
1Pay by express delivery
3Parcel mail
4Best delivery method
Possible values are:
0Paid by bookseller
"Pay upon receipt by the customer
5Self collection
6Air transport
2Mail and freight are paid by the customer upon delivery 3Mail and freight are recorded in the customer's bill
See GB/T 12406.
This code is used to represent the item costs defined in data elements 42.2 and 423. These costs must also be readily expressible as one or more equivalent monetary values.
Possible values are:
1Remaining book price
4Prepaid price
5Company price
2Library price
3Educational institution price
Transportation costs
Total amount of invoice
Number of invoice copies
Where to place invoice
Value added tax
Payment attachment
Payment deadline
Small invoice fee
Fund identifier
Threshold action
Suspended amount
Access help
Invoice type
Table (continued)
Transportation fee for one or more items,
Tax on one or part of an invoice. The value of the item determined by a professional appraiser who is an authoritative person qualified to make an appraisal.
The total amount paid for the items and other charges on a specific invoice;
. The number of copies of the invoice for a special shipment, indicating where the invoice for this shipment is stored. GB/T 19688.2--2005/ISO 8459-2:1992 Notation and Notes
If the currency to be used is unclear, the amount should be preceded by the currency code (121).
Mainly for rare or valuable items as gifts. Possible value:
Outside the door
1 With the goods
Multiple sales taxes levied on each transaction of goods or services:
To facilitate the arrangement of payments and invoices, the information provided by the payment provider is
Payment for a specific invoice. The period of time for which an order is placed. The rate or amount by which the supplier reduces the price of an item. The value of the customer's account balance,
A code or phrase indicating whether a surcharge is paid for a small invoice.
The funds or account designated to pay for the ordered item. The account number to be debited or credited.
The action taken by the supplier when the customer exceeds the maximum order amount specified by the supplier.
The maximum amount authorized to be ordered for an item or the entire order,
, the number of items or copies thereof. A word or code describing the purchasing status of the item. The type of invoice used for the delivery of the ordered item. Possible values are:
CNo parcel
2Send by mail
1Invoice number on the check stub
2Return copy of the invoice
Possible prices are:
CPayment upon delivery
301Payment within a few days
Possible values are
0Cancellation can add a fee
Possible values are:
3No action
1Cancel the difference part of the order
2Cancel the entire order
Possible values are:
2Other measures
1Pay surcharge
4Price change
5 Service charge
6 Pre-publication quotation
7 Others
GB/T19688.22005/IS0 8459-2:1992 Tag
Inquiry descriptor
Inquiry type
Inquiry history
Inquiry reason
Inquiry response
Letter confirmation
Disease collation
Table (continued)
Data elements associated with an inquiry notification. Group identifier of data elements 515-545.
Word or code indicating the reason for the inquiry. Sequence number of the inquiry (1st, 2nd, etc.).
Identifies a domain or multiple issues that caused the inquiry. Indicates the supplier's response to the inquiry:
A code or phrase confirming that a credit adjustment has been made to the customer's account
Gives one or more reasons for the credit adjustment. Possible values are:
0Order delay
■Delivery order not received
Method and remarks
2Delivery order received but item date lost
3Item received but delivery order lost
Possible values are:
11st reminder
22nd reminder
Possible values are:
0Missing date ()
33rd inquiry
1The first item of this order has not been received
2Damaged in transportation
3Defective volume
4 Previous reminders not answered
5 Delivery not completed
6 Wrong title/version
7 Others
B.1 gives some examples that are mainly applicable to serial publications.
Possible values are:
Replacement package sent
1 Purchase time
2 Publication postponement/expected date
3 Joint publication with
4 Change of event/new delay
5 Title change/new title
6 Never published
:7 No longer published/last issue published
8 Post-publication backup/re-order Some possible values for quantity are:
0 Credit
1 Title not ordered
2 Cancelled order
3 Delivery refused
4 Insufficient quantity for transportation1992 Notation and Notes
If the currency is not clear, the amount should be preceded by the currency code (121).
Mainly for rare or valuable items given as gifts. Possible values:
Outside the door
1 With the goods
Multiple sales taxes levied on each transaction of goods or services:
Information that accompanies a payment to facilitate the alignment of payments with invoices.
The period for payment of a particular invoice.
The rate or amount by which the supplier reduces the price of the item.
The amount of money on the customer's account.
A code or phrase indicating whether a surcharge is paid for small invoices.
Specifies the funds or account to be paid for the ordered items.
The account number to be debited or credited.
The act by which the supplier withdraws money when the customer exceeds the maximum amount specified in the order.
The maximum amount the government is authorized to order for an item or the entire order,
, the quantity of an item or its copies. A word or code describing the purchasing status of an item. The type of invoice used for the delivery of the ordered item. Possible values are:
CNo parcel
2Send by mail
1Invoice number on the check stub
2Return copy of the invoice
Possible prices are:
CPayment upon delivery
301Payment within a few days
Possible values are
0Cancellation can add a fee
Possible values are:
3No action
1Cancel the difference part of the order
2Cancel the entire order
Possible values are:
2Other measures
1Pay surcharge
4Price change
5 Service charge
6 Pre-publication quotation
7 Others
GB/T19688.22005/IS0 8459-2:1992 Tag
Inquiry descriptor
Inquiry type
Inquiry history
Inquiry reason
Inquiry response
Letter confirmation
Disease collation
Table (continued)
Data elements associated with an inquiry notification. Group identifier of data elements 515-545.
Word or code indicating the reason for the inquiry. Sequence number of the inquiry (1st, 2nd, etc.).
Identifies a domain or multiple issues that caused the inquiry. Indicates the supplier's response to the inquiry:
A code or phrase confirming that a credit adjustment has been made to the customer's account
Gives one or more reasons for the credit adjustment. Possible values are:
0Order delay
■Delivery order not received
Method and remarks
2Delivery order received but item date lost
3Item received but delivery order lost
Possible values are:
11st reminder
22nd reminder
Possible values are:
0Missing date ()
33rd inquiry
1The first item of this order has not been received
2Damaged in transportation
3Defective volume
4 Previous reminders not answered
5 Delivery not completed
6 Wrong title/version
7 Others
B.1 gives some examples that are mainly applicable to serial publications.
Possible values are:
Replacement package sent
1 Purchase time
2 Publication postponement/expected date
3 Joint publication with
4 Change of event/new delay
5 Title change/new title
6 Never published
:7 No longer published/last issue published
8 Post-publication backup/re-order Some possible values for quantity are:
0 Credit
1 Title not ordered
2 Cancelled order
3 Delivery refused
4 Insufficient quantity for transportation1992 Notation and Notes
If the currency is not clear, the amount should be preceded by the currency code (121).
Mainly for rare or valuable items given as gifts. Possible values:
Outside the door
1 With the goods
Multiple sales taxes levied on each transaction of goods or services:
Information that accompanies a payment to facilitate the alignment of payments with invoices.
The period for payment of a particular invoice.
The rate or amount by which the supplier reduces the price of the item.
The amount of money on the customer's account.
A code or phrase indicating whether a surcharge is paid for small invoices.
Specifies the funds or account to be paid for the ordered items.
The account number to be debited or credited.
The act by which the supplier withdraws money when the customer exceeds the maximum amount specified in the order.
The maximum amount the government is authorized to order for an item or the entire order,
, the quantity of an item or its copies. A word or code describing the purchasing status of an item. The type of invoice used for the delivery of the ordered item. Possible values are:
CNo parcel
2Send by mail
1Invoice number on the check stub
2Return copy of the invoice
Possible prices are:
CPayment upon delivery
301Payment within a few days
Possible values are
0Cancellation can add a fee
Possible values are:
3No action
1Cancel the difference part of the order
2Cancel the entire order
Possible values are:
2Other measures
1Pay surcharge
4Price change
5 Service charge
6 Pre-publication quotation
7 Others
GB/T19688.22005/IS0 8459-2:1992 Tag
Inquiry descriptor
Inquiry type
Inquiry history
Inquiry reason
Inquiry response
Letter confirmation
Disease collation
Table (continued)
Data elements associated with an inquiry notification. Group identifier of data elements 515-545.
Word or code indicating the reason for the inquiry. Sequence number of the inquiry (1st, 2nd, etc.).
Identifies a domain or multiple issues that caused the inquiry. Indicates the supplier's response to the inquiry:
A code or phrase confirming that a credit adjustment has been made to the customer's account
Gives one or more reasons for the credit adjustment. Possible values are:
0Order delay
■Delivery order not received
Method and remarks
2Delivery order received but item date lost
3Item received but delivery order lost
Possible values are:
11st reminder
22nd reminder
Possible values are:
0Missing date ()
33rd inquiry
1The first item of this order has not been received
2Damaged in transportation
3Defective volume
4 Previous reminders not answered
5 Delivery not completed
6 Wrong title/version
7 Others
B.1 gives some examples that are mainly applicable to serial publications.
Possible values are:
Replacement package sent
1 Purchase time
2 Publication postponement/expected date
3 Joint publication with
4 Change of event/new delay
5 Title change/new title
6 Never published
:7 No longer published/last issue published
8 Post-publication backup/re-order Some possible values for quantity are:
0 Credit
1 Title not ordered
2 Cancelled order
3 Delivery refused
4 Insufficient quantity for transportation
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