Standard number: QX/T 179-2013
Standard name: Ship meteorological navigation service
English name: Meteorological service for ship routing
Standard format: PDF
Release time: 2013-01-04
Implementation time: 2013-05-01
Standard size: 1.7M
Standard introduction: 1 Scope
This standard specifies the products and contents of ship meteorological navigation service.
This standard applies to meteorological navigation service for ships at sea.
2 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document
Ship meteorological navigation ship weather routing
Based on short- and medium-term weather and sea conditions forecasts, combined with ship performance, technical conditions and navigation tasks to select the best route, determine the course, adjust the speed, and guide the navigation method.
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC345).
Drafting unit of this standard: National Meteorological Center
Main drafters of this standard: Yin Jinyong, Liu Tao
This standard specifies the products and contents of ship meteorological navigation service business. This standard applies to meteorological navigation services for marine ships.
Some standard content:
ICS07.060 Registration No.: 39823—2013 iiiKAa~cJouakAa Meteorological Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China QX/T179--2013 Meteorological service for ship routing2013-01-04 release China Meteorological Administration 2013-05-01 implementation iiiKAa~cJouaKAa 2 terms and definitions 3 products and content 3.1 recommended route report 3.2 tracking navigation report voyage analysis report ship report references iiiKAa~cJouaKAa QX/T179—2013 QX/T179—2013 iiiKAa~cJouakAa This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC345). This standard was drafted by the National Meteorological Center. The main drafters of this standard are Yin Jinyong and Liu Tao. 1 Scope iiiKAa~cJouaKAa Ship meteorological navigation service This standard specifies the products and contents of ship meteorological navigation service. This standard applies to maritime ship meteorological navigation service. 2 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document Ship weather navigation shipweather routingQX/T179-2013 Based on the medium- and short-term weather and sea conditions forecast, combined with the ship's performance, technical conditions and navigation tasks, select the best route, determine the course, adjust the speed, and guide the navigation method. Recommended route report recommended route report Before the ship sets sail, the meteorological navigation service agency provides the ship with navigation suggestions from the starting port to the destination port based on the characteristics of the ship and the weather and climate characteristics, as well as the weather and sea conditions along the route and the analysis report on the reasons that may affect the navigation. 2.3 Routereport During the voyage, the meteorological and navigation service agency predicts that there may be severe weather ahead that may affect the safety of navigation based on the latest ship report. It provides the latest navigation advice to the ship, as well as the weather and sea conditions along the route and the analysis report on the reasons that may affect the navigation. 2.4 Post voyage analysis report Voyage analysis report After the voyage, it provides the ship and its company with a comprehensive summary and analysis report of the voyage. 2.5 Shipreport Report sent by the ship to the meteorological and navigation service agency. 2.6 Shipnoon report Shipnoon report Shipnoon position report sent by the ship to the meteorological and navigation service agency at the local noon time. 2.7 Arriving report Arrival report Arrival information sent by the ship to the meteorological and navigation service agency after arriving at the port. 2.8 Contract speedcharterpartyspeed The sailing speed agreed upon by the shipowner and the charterer. 2.9 calm sea speed The sailing speed that a ship can reach under conditions of no wind, no waves and no current. 1 QX/T179—2013 Average speed iiiKAa~cJouaKa average speed The ratio of the actual sailing distance between two points and the sailing time. 2.11 actual sailing speed Actual speed The average speed of a ship actually sailing between two points. 2.12 performance speed Performance speed The average speed that a ship can reach during actual sailing at sea, excluding the impact of weather and sea conditions on the ship's speed. 2.13 ship speed Joss The difference between the actual speed and the still water speed, or the difference between the actual speed and the contract speed. 2.14 allowable charter party speed The speed that a ship should reach when sailing along the recommended route based on the contract speed, eliminating the effects of weather and sea conditions on the navigation of the ship. 2.15 allowable contract time allowable charter party time on sea The time taken by a ship to sail along the recommended route based on the contract speed, eliminating the effects of weather and sea conditions on the navigation of the ship. 2.16 actually distance actually distance The distance actually sailed by the ship between the starting point and the end point. 2.17 actually time The time taken by the ship to complete the actual sailing distance. 2.18 Weather factorweatherfactor The effect of weather conditions on the ship's sailing speed (increase or decrease). 2.19 Ocean current factor The effect of ocean current conditions on the ship's sailing speed (increase or decrease). 2.20 Loss and savings of sailing timelostand savetimeThe time difference between the actual sailing time and the allowed sailing time. 2.21 t actually bunker consumed Actual bunker consumption The actual amount of bunker consumed by the ship from the departure port to the destination port. 2.22 bunker allowed Bunker consumption The amount of bunker consumed by the ship from the departure port to the destination port calculated based on the allowed sailing time. 2.23 Bunker over consumed The difference between the actual fuel consumption of the ship and the permissible fuel consumption. 2 3Products and contents Recommended route report iiiKAa~cJouaKAa The contents of the recommended route report include: a) Starting port and destination port; Time of departure: Contract speed or still water speed; Weather situation forecast affecting the sea area through which the route passes;e) Forecast of weather trends affecting the sea area through which the route passes for more than 10 days:f)wwW.bzxz.Net Route suggestions and reasons; Weather elements and sea condition forecast along the route (wind, waves, surge, etc.). Tracking and navigation report The content and form of tracking and navigation report are mainly the following three types: a) General tracking and navigation report: 1) Weather situation forecast affecting the sea area through which the route passes: 2) Route suggestions and reasons: Weather elements and sea conditions forecast along the route (wind, waves, surge, etc.). 3) Stop navigation due to special circumstances midway: Weather situation forecast affecting the sea area near the ship stop navigation: During the stop navigation period, weather elements and sea conditions forecast (wind, waves, surge, etc.) in the sea area near the stop navigation; Collect the time, place and oil storage of the stop navigation: Collect the expected (or actual) time, place and oil storage of the resumption of navigation; QX/T179—2013 Based on the latest weather and sea condition forecast, combined with the time and place of resumption of navigation, provide a recommended route after the resumption of navigation: Route suggestions and reasons; Weather case and sea condition forecast (wind, waves, surge, etc.) along the route. Intermediate port of call: Collect the time, place and oil storage amount of arrival at the port of call: If the ship refuels at the port of call, collect the refueling amount: Collect the expected (or actual) time, place and oil storage amount of departure: Weather elements and sea condition forecast (wind, waves, surge, etc.) near the port of call. 4) 3 Voyage analysis report The voyage analysis report is mainly divided into two parts: Navigation speed and navigation time loss and saving analysis report: a) 1) Actual navigation distance; Actual navigation time; Average speed; Weather influence factors; Ocean current influence factors; Execution speed: QX/T179—2013 iiiKAa~cJouaKAa Still water speed or contract speed; Allowed navigation contract speed: Allowed sea navigation time; 10) Ship stall. Navigation fuel consumption analysis report! The amount of oil stored in the ship when leaving the port; The amount of refueling during the voyage: The amount of oil stored in the ship when arriving at the port; The actual fuel consumption of the ship during the voyage; The allowable fuel consumption of the ship during the voyage; The fuel consumption of the ship when it is at the port of call; Excess fuel consumption. 3.4 Ship Report The report sent by the ship to the meteorological navigation service agency is mainly divided into three types: The ship meteorological navigation service application report sent to the meteorological navigation service agency before the ship leaves the port (or midway), the content should include: a) 1) The ship's name/call sign/satellite communication number/E-MAIL address; 2) Still water speed or contract speed; Shipowner/chartering company; Departure port, port of call/destination port:||tt ||Expected departure time/position (or current position); ship's main engine speed; ship's age; ship's fuel storage capacity: daily fuel consumption (heavy fuel oil/light fuel oil) during sea voyage and daily fuel consumption (heavy fuel oil/light fuel oil) when idle in port as stipulated in the contract; ship's wind resistance; ship's cargo weight; ship's loading condition; ship's dry sailing altitude/draft/metaecentric height; 14) other special requirements. The midday position report sent by the ship to the meteorological and navigation service agency after leaving the port should include: 1) Time/ship position/ship fuel quantity: Meteorological and sea condition observations; Ship's main engine speed: Current course and average speed from the last report to the current moment; Fuel consumption from the last report to the current moment; Actual sailed distance from the last report to the current moment: Estimated time of arrival at the port: If there is a stop or deceleration, report the time/position/fuel quantity when the stop or deceleration starts and the time/position/fuel quantity when resuming full speed navigation: If the route needs to be changed, the time/position when the route is changed and the reason for the change should be reported; 9) If refueling is required midway, the amount of refueling should be reported. The arrival report sent by the ship to the meteorological navigation service agency after arriving at the port should include: 1) The actual arrival time/location/fuel quantity; a brief analysis of the meteorological navigation service for this voyage. QX/T1792013 QX/T179—2013 iiiKAa~cJouaKAa References [1] Wang Changai, Yao Hongxiu. Ship marine meteorological navigation. Shanghai: China Textile University Press. 1993. [2] Wang Yiyuan, Zeng Yan. Ocean shipping business. Beijing: People's Communications Press. 2003. Yang Liwei, Yang Lianghua. Ship meteorological routing. Beijing: People's Communications Press. 1986.[3] iiiKAa~cJouaKAa iiiKAa~cJouakAa People's Republic of China Earth Industry Standard Ship Meteorological Navigation Service QX/T179—2013 Published and distributed by Meteorological Press No. 46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing, Postal Code: 100081 Website: Distribution Department: 010-68409198| |tt||Printed by Beijing Zhongxin Weiye Printing Co., Ltd. Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various regions Format: 880X1230 First edition in May 2013 Printing sheet: 0.75 Word count: 22.5 thousand words First printing in May 2013 Book number: 135029-5576 If there is any printing error Price: 8.00 yuan Replaced by the publishing department of our company Copyright reserved Infringements must be investigated Report phone number: (010)684063014 Ship Report The reports sent by ships to meteorological navigation service agencies are mainly divided into three types: Ship meteorological navigation service application report sent to meteorological navigation service agencies before leaving the port (or midway), the content should include: a) 1) Ship name/call sign/satellite communication number/E-MAIL address; 2) Still water speed or contract speed; Shipowner/chartering company; Departure port/destination port: Expected Departure time/position (or current position); ship's main engine speed; ship's age; ship's fuel storage capacity: daily fuel consumption (heavy fuel oil/light fuel oil) during sea voyage and daily fuel consumption (heavy fuel oil/light fuel oil) when idle in port as stipulated in the contract; ship's wind resistance; ship's cargo weight; ship's loading condition; ship's dry sailing altitude/draft/metaecentric height; 14) other special requirements. The midday position report sent by the ship to the meteorological and navigation service agency after leaving the port should include: 1) Time/ship position/ship fuel quantity: Meteorological and sea condition observations; Ship's main engine speed: Current course and average speed from the last report to the current moment; Fuel consumption from the last report to the current moment; Actual sailed distance from the last report to the current moment: Estimated time of arrival at the port: If there is a stop or deceleration, report the time/position/fuel quantity when the stop or deceleration starts and the time/position/fuel quantity when resuming full speed navigation: If the route needs to be changed, the time/position when the route is changed and the reason for the change should be reported; 9) If refueling is required midway, the amount of refueling should be reported. The arrival report sent by the ship to the meteorological navigation service agency after arriving at the port should include: 1) The actual arrival time/location/fuel quantity; a brief analysis of the meteorological navigation service for this voyage. QX/T1792013 QX/T179—2013 iiiKAa~cJouaKAa References [1] Wang Changai, Yao Hongxiu. Ship marine meteorological navigation. Shanghai: China Textile University Press. 1993. [2] Wang Yiyuan, Zeng Yan. Ocean shipping business. Beijing: People's Communications Press. 2003. Yang Liwei, Yang Lianghua. Ship meteorological routing. Beijing: People's Communications Press. 1986.[3] iiiKAa~cJouaKAa iiiKAa~cJouakAa People's Republic of China Earth Industry Standard Ship Meteorological Navigation Service QX/T179—2013 Published and distributed by Meteorological Press No. 46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing, Postal Code: 100081 Website: Distribution Department: 010-68409198| |tt||Printed by Beijing Zhongxin Weiye Printing Co., Ltd. Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various regions Format: 880X1230 First edition in May 2013 Printing sheet: 0.75 Word count: 22.5 thousand words First printing in May 2013 Book number: 135029-5576 If there is any printing error Price: 8.00 yuan Replaced by the publishing department of our company Copyright reserved Infringements must be investigated Report phone number: (010)684063014 Ship Report The reports sent by ships to meteorological navigation service agencies are mainly divided into three types: Ship meteorological navigation service application report sent to meteorological navigation service agencies before leaving the port (or midway), the content should include: a) 1) Ship name/call sign/satellite communication number/E-MAIL address; 2) Still water speed or contract speed; Shipowner/chartering company; Departure port/destination port: Expected Departure time/position (or current position); ship's main engine speed; ship's age; ship's fuel storage capacity: daily fuel consumption (heavy fuel oil/light fuel oil) during sea voyage and daily fuel consumption (heavy fuel oil/light fuel oil) when idle in port as stipulated in the contract; ship's wind resistance; ship's cargo weight; ship's loading condition; ship's dry sailing altitude/draft/metaecentric height; 14) other special requirements. The midday position report sent by the ship to the meteorological and navigation service agency after leaving the port should include: 1) Time/ship position/ship fuel quantity: Meteorological and sea condition observations; Ship's main engine speed: Current course and average speed from the last report to the current moment; Fuel consumption from the last report to the current moment; Actual sailed distance from the last report to the current moment: Estimated time of arrival at the port: If there is a stop or deceleration, report the time/position/fuel quantity when the stop or deceleration starts and the time/position/fuel quantity when resuming full speed navigation: If the route needs to be changed, the time/position when the route is changed and the reason for the change should be reported; 9) If refueling is required midway, the amount of refueling should be reported. The arrival report sent by the ship to the meteorological navigation service agency after arriving at the port should include: 1) The actual arrival time/location/fuel quantity; a brief analysis of the meteorological navigation service for this voyage. QX/T1792013 QX/T179—2013 iiiKAa~cJouaKAa References [1] Wang Changai, Yao Hongxiu. Ship marine meteorological navigation. Shanghai: China Textile University Press. 1993. [2] Wang Yiyuan, Zeng Yan. Ocean shipping business. Beijing: People's Communications Press. 2003. Yang Liwei, Yang Lianghua. Ship meteorological routing. Beijing: People's Communications Press. 1986.[3] iiiKAa~cJouaKAa iiiKAa~cJouakAa People's Republic of China Earth Industry Standard Ship Meteorological Navigation Service QX/T179—2013 Published and distributed by Meteorological Press No. 46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing, Postal Code: 100081 Website: Distribution Department: 010-68409198| |tt||Printed by Beijing Zhongxin Weiye Printing Co., Ltd. Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various regions Format: 880X1230 First edition in May 2013 Printing sheet: 0.75 Word count: 22.5 thousand words First printing in May 2013 Book number: 135029-5576 If there is any printing error Price: 8.00 yuan Replaced by the publishing department of our company Copyright reserved Infringements must be investigated Report phone number: (010)68406301 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.