title>Classification and codes of grain information--Grain processing--Part 2:Classification and codes of technological production target - LS/T 1708.2-2004 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Classification and codes of grain information--Grain processing--Part 2:Classification and codes of technological production target

Basic Information

Standard ID: LS/T 1708.2-2004

Standard Name:Classification and codes of grain information--Grain processing--Part 2:Classification and codes of technological production target

Chinese Name: 粮食信息分类与编码 粮食加工 第2部分:技术经济指标分类与代码

Standard category:Grain Industry Standard (LS)

state:in force

Date of Release2004-04-22

Date of Implementation:2004-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises)>>03.100.40 Research and Development

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A24 Classification Code

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

other information

Drafting unit:State Grain Administration

Focal point unit:State Grain Administration

Publishing department:State Grain Administration

Introduction to standards:

This part of LS/T 1708 specifies the classification and codes of commonly used technical and economic indicators of grain processing. This part is applicable to information processing and information exchange in the grain industry. LS/T 1708.2-2004 Grain Information Classification and Coding Grain Processing Part 2: Classification and Codes of Technical and Economic Indicators LS/T1708.2-2004 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This part of LS/T 1708 specifies the classification and codes of commonly used technical and economic indicators of grain processing. This part is applicable to information processing and information exchange in the grain industry.

Some standard content:

ICS 03. 1C0. 40
Record number: 133263913—2004
Grain Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
LS/T 17001712—2004
Classification and coding of grain information
Classification and codes of rain information2004-04-22 Issued
State Administration of Grain
Implemented on 2004-07-01
K 03. 1C0, 43
Record number: 13939--20m4
Grain Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Classification and coding of grain information
Grain processing
Part 2: Classification and codes of technical and economic indicators informatinn-Grain pruning-Part 2:Classification and codes of technological production target2004-04-22 release
National grain classification system
2004-07-01 implementation
L5/T 1709.22002
It is suitable for the information management of grain industry, promotes the modernization of grain management and the establishment of information system, and easily formulates information classification and coding based on grain! Series of standards, LS1708 food information classification and compilation and reporting is divided into four necessary parts: Part 1 Classification and codes for non-processing industries:
Part 2: Classification and average of technical and economic indicators, This part of TS/7 is the first part of the total grain information sales code for grain workers, This part is extremely G6:20001.32031 standard unified writing rules for hot goods sales code 3, 13:770272032 times the classification and principles and methods of grain processing industry comprehensive code, this part is proposed and classified by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce of Henan Province as one of the first parts of the Henan Industrial People's University. This part is the students: Zhu Yongyi, Qian Yihua, Duanxing, Xia Yongmin, Xuxiao, Qiu Deshen, Zhang or. 1 Scope
Grain processing
Grain information classification and coding
Part 2: Classification and codes of technical and economic indicators 1.5.T7 This part is intended to be widely used for the classification and codes of technical and economic indicators of food processing. This part is also used for the exchange of information on food processing. 2 Normative references
T.5/T 170B.2—2004
The clauses in the document become the applicable documents of this part through the reference of this part of ST17U8. The later amendments (not including errors) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, the latest versions of these documents shall apply to the referenced documents of the previous month. The latest versions of the referenced documents shall apply to this part.
GBI6672 Technical terminology
G: T3873 Fat.1 Collection terminology
4H/18875 Rice.1 Industry terminology
3 Classification principles and methods
3.1 This part controls the classification and decoding of technical and economic indicators in the preparation of flour, raw materials and fat in grain industrial enterprises. 3.2 Methods of this part
4 Coding method and code structure
4.1 Coding method
4.1.1 Wood part The code table is divided into two levels, each level is named as major category and minor category. 4.1.2 This part represents the five-digit mathematical representation, the first level uses two digits to represent, the second level uses one digit to represent, the first level adopts the order of the code,
4.2 Code structure
5 code is
the code is
5.1 This part basically represents the technical and economic indicators of the food processing industry and the listed drugs. The card marks in this classification system are pseudo-codes and do not indicate their meanings. They are not related in order. 5.2 Technical small economic standards are considered in the classification. Considering that they can be classified in large numbers of enterprises: 5.3 The "common state" in the abbreviation code is a narrow category, and all spaces in the system can be used as a broad standard. 6 Grain processing operation classification and code table
Grain 11 industry classification and code table. See Table 1.
LS/I 1708.2—2004
Table 1 Classification and code of technical indicators of grain processing industry Table name
Milling technology and economic standard
Quality certificate
Payment certificate
Net profit
Annual finished product
Special cattle production
Work load per hour
1 person actual student rate
Safe operation age
Complete completion
Labor cost
Electric power supply
Other Other key points of the core technology
Shushu technology unsolved indicators
Optical machine production
Output rate
Shanxin* production
Output net
Cat output standard
Deep valley output room
Institute core
Including missing production
Ton millerge
(Recommended travel) The following is the joint report
GP/T 8372
GT 8S7
CiR/T Xx7:
GD:- 3872
Gh:T xR75|| tt||t:h: 1 xxr5
GT/T N75
GHI $R?5
32.7 3375
G3: T 837..
28.T 8-75
GB/T 86..
Gu Qi Han Hua
Mi Lian Cang Song Che
Other technical specifications
Intermediate material plus 1 book form legal market ball
Dian investment production technology certification environment
Oil in L. Technology and treatment room
Oil content
Oil rate
Ten oil rate
Dry sink oil rate
Allowed leisure time value
3 points total loss
Acid value:
Melting loss
Economic oxygen barrier ratio
Concentrator difficulty
Other technical and economic standards for oil and feed
Reported oil and food technical economic indicators
Installation (velvet)
GE/I ESTSwwW.bzxz.Net
GE/T S875
(3/T 8a?+
CT ?
C5: I B87
1:K: /3
Gw 8823
t:B/T 3873
1.S/T 1738.2—7004
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