GB/T 2543.2-2001 Textiles - Determination of yarn twist - Part 2: Untwisting and twisting method
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Determination of yarn twist Part 2: Untwist-relwist method meihod2001-02-26 issued
2001-09-01 implementation
National Quality Technical Supervision issued
and the measurement of the thickness of textile products includes the following two parts: Part 1: Direct counting method:
Part 2: Inquiry 1 method.
This standard is the second, which is equivalent to the ISO/IS17202:103 textile yarn shallow degree determination method to GB2543.2-18$ line degree measurement method. This standard uses G/T.2-18, and the technical content specification is also modified. The "white sand-proof yarn, false press yarn, white yarn and air flow yarn" is the essence of the proposed measurement method! The rotation method is ()-20 turns/m". The full rate length is unified as 5m
A test of stubborn tension and mutual new classification is determined:
The allowable length is determined by the preparatory test:
Product standard or agreement, no timing, the number of grids is done or dynamic: one single, multiple, stranded wire, the test procedure and test report of the wire are layered and the fertilizer is increased?\Two drinks lose\Fang Ran B and the test sequence of the dynamic baking instrument: The direct counting method is considered to be the most accurate method of the card shift change creation method. The replacement and addition method has the characteristics of simplicity and speed. If it is necessary to compare the direct counting method, it should be carried out in the test, and the direct counting method should be compared to verify the error between the counting method and the same tile debt. Clock The test does not use the backtwist method. The backtwist method is used in this study: some research institutions hope to use the backtwist method to determine the length of free-spinning products. The backtwist method is not applicable to self-spinning products. This standard is only for the positive and negative values.
This standard is funded by the textile industry, and this standard is assisted by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Professional Products. The drafting unit of this standard is the Textile Industry Standardization Research Institute. The main industry is Beijing Buka,
1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Determination of the length of textile yarn
Part 2: Backtwist method
Textilex-eterminution of iwist inyarnPart 2.l'ntwist-retwist This method specifies the method for determining the uniformity of yarn using the tension method GD/T2543.2-2001
t and GE/T2513.2-1939
. This method is suitable for the determination of the uniformity of single filament yarn. 1 year old yarn is made of yarn with a belt, which is also the thread that is caught from the hook. The method is not suitable for yarns spun with a tension of 1.5 to 1.0, and yarns that are self-spun. The method is not suitable for yarns whose length exceeds 1.0 when the tension is increased from 5 to 1.0. Such yarns can be tested under various tensions that are acceptable to all yarns. Please note that the method is not suitable for yarns with similar texture. Such yarns will not cause damage to the yarn texture under the test equipment. 2 Referenced standards
The following standards contain the following texts, which are not included in this standard by reference. The publication of this standard is subject to the following provisions: All standards will be subject to the latest version of this standard. CB652!-1!K6 Textiles - Test Methods for Wet and Wet Atmospheres 3 Definitions
The following definitions are adopted in this standard.
3.1 Twist
The number of times a yarn is pulled out for a certain length. The twist is expressed in terms of the number of pulls per meter (m), and can also be expressed in terms of the average pull per centimeter (cm).
3.2 Gauge leng.a
The distance between the test points is valid only for the test. 3.3 Cutting length The length of the test piece under the specified tension. 3.4 Retraction length The change in length of the test piece after re-training, expressed as a percentage. 3.5 Packing The yarn of the desired shape, such as yarn balls and yarn bundles, can also be large-scale, such as the ball tube level warp. 3.6 Packing number The spiral change of short red yarn or filament yarn, which is related to the core of the same dream line. It shows the same variety of the same dream line with the addition of my composition, the rigidity of the single piece of the line. Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision 200°226 2001-09-01 implementation
GB/T 2543.2--2QC1
4.1 The logical method is an indirect method for measuring the length of the test piece. This method is to push the test piece forward and backward and then push it again until the test piece reaches its initial length: if the number of times the test piece is added is equal to the original length of the test piece, half of the number of times the test piece is added back represents the length of the test piece.
4.2 The backward and forward method is not sensitive. Therefore, the two methods A and B are used to calculate the length of the test piece. Method A adopts the same method, and its principle is the same as 4. .; Method B is a secondary method, and the influence of pre-tension on accuracy is small, so it can give more accurate test results: but method B takes longer than method A, so it is mainly used for automatic measurement. 4.3 Method B (modified method) The first sample is tested according to 4.1. For the second sample, the first sample is measured to be 1/100 mm long and then the initial length is added to calibrate the error caused by pre-tension. 4.4 Compared with the direct counting method, the addition and subtraction method takes less time and is more convenient. For reasons of experience, the number of samples is small, so either the 4-day method or the daily method can be used for the acceptance test. When the retreat test is used, if the values reported by both parties are different, the statistical deviation between the two methods can be determined: the comparison test must be carried out on a sample from the same month: when the test day is long and the deviation from the mean is not determined, the retreat test can be used. In addition, if the number of test pieces is large and the type of the wire is wide, the retreat test can be used. The retreat method can also be used conveniently: In this case, make a preliminary test to compare the test results of the tension method with the standard tension method: To determine the appropriate pretension, 5.1 Tension test (non-automatic) Tension test only - the clamp is composed of the clamps described above, one of which can be rotated in two directions, and the test is carried out with an electric tension counter at a speed of <100 (2.2m)/min. The tension is adjustable and can reach the specified length of 1.1. The test instrument is a variable tension device, which applies standard tension to the specimen at the beginning and end of the test! , between the operation and the acceleration, the tension is eliminated. 5.2 Automatic humidity tester
The principle of the automatic humidity tester is the same as that of the non-automatic humidity tester. The test, pre-tensioning, adjustment, number of buckets, calculation and printing are all automatic.
6 Standard atmosphere
Humidification and test standard 1523: The sequence of humidity adjustment is carried out in accordance with (R5.29. No pre-humidification is required. No chemical is used.
|Standard atmosphere for the other escape and the initial and stimuli. Sampling
Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with one of the following methods:
.1 According to the relevant provisions of the product standard or agreement, the sampling method shall be in accordance with the provisions in the attached 4. Next 41 Take the batch product according to A? Take the sample of the batch product in the test roll.
6 Test group
6.1 Length
The interval length is ()=1r
GB/T 2543.2-2001
8.2.7 With the minimum practicable tension, sample the yarn from the package and the surface of the package: to avoid undesired yarn weight, discard the initial increase and wind of the package for several meters.
8.2.2 If more than one sample is taken from a package, the sampling interval shall be at least 1 meter to reduce the influence of periodic fluctuations caused by the addition process. If more than two samples are taken from a package, the samples shall be divided into groups of not more than 6 samples with a spacing of several meters between each group.
8.2.3 For woven fabrics, the warp yarns shall be collected from the fabric at the bottom, because uninterrupted yarns represent uninterrupted yarns.Since woven fabrics may be woven on looms of different types, the yarn samples should be randomly selected from the entire test sample, so that the data will be as representative as possible. If the samples are taken from strips of length 2 in, they can usually be considered to be taken from different bindings. 9.2.4 For multi-threaded knitted fabrics, the effective samples are obtained from the connecting lines of some laboratory samples in the horizontal row. For single-threaded knitted fabrics or those of different types, it is not possible to remove the necessary length of the test strip from all the samples. Therefore, the above method is not usually applicable. 8-3 Digital display of sample
3.3.1 Take samples according to the number specified in the product standard: 8.3.2 As specified in the standard. Purchase samples according to the following principles: Under a probability level of 95%, make the test station average the results to achieve the desired accuracy. For batch samples, determine the number of samples according to the following requirements: 8.3.3 Reliable estimated value
When the user requires an estimated value of similar materials, calculate the required number of samples according to formula (1), # = 0. 154t
Where: - sample size (rounded up to an integer when 5U or rounded up to a multiple when 50) - a reliable estimated value using the coefficient of variation of independent observations of similar materials in the laboratory, 8.3.4 Unreliable estimated value
When the user's laboratory has a reliable estimate of similar materials, formula (1) cannot be used directly, and the number of samples is determined to be 1. The number of samples of flow length is ?=10.55. The calculated value is probably larger than the actual value. When the user laboratory has a reliable calculated value?, the number of samples calculated by formula (1) is usually less than 16.9 Determination of the direction of the yarn
According to the yarn, its small section (at least 1UⅡm) is in a suspended state. The inspection piece determines the vertical part of the sand image of the constituent unit: the middle part of each "\ is consistent with the S direction, and the middle part of the letter "7\ is consistent with the Z direction: 1 Determination of the center of the yarn
10.1 Preparatory procedure - determination of the permissible elongation This effect is determined for each batch of yarn separately. The sample is measured according to the standard. For the quality of the product, the internal sense zero value
is set to contain the length of the seat 5001m and adjust the pre-tension to (5.50±0.10)cV/tcx. Clamp the test yarn in the yarn, and turn the pointer to the original position, and rotate the yarn at a speed of 8 minutes or slower until the fibers in the yarn residue are obviously smoothed. Read the elongation value between the broken strands, and be accurate to 2 mm. If the yarn is not broken, read the maximum elongation value. Continue to conduct the test according to the above formula and calculate the average value. The 2-addition of the elongation value in the upper zone is the limit position of the allowable deviation. 10.2 Select the pre-tension
10.2.1 Except for the yarn with double thread, the double tension is (G.5.10) cN/tex 10.2.2 For dry full-spun wool and light-weight yarns, the pre-tension is determined. When the yarn coefficient is 480, the pre-tension is .1 ± 0.2) ctex. When these coefficients are ~150, the tension is (0.20.05:N/1GB/T 2543.2—2001
When the lifting coefficient is 5!, the pre-load force (.5.cNcx) is given. Under the given conditions, if the measured and controlled conditions are suitable for the sand resistance, the height of the sand resistance is low, and the test is carried out in a light and high-filled manner. The test is started at the specified temperature.
10.3, according to the test procedure
103.1 Beijing method A--second method
set the bone spacing length (=1)m. Fix the sample with 2~3m yarn or use movable clamps. Pay attention to the following changes. When recording, add 2 sheets of yarn to the sample and turn the clamps to read the number of changes in the length of the sample: (1000+200/min) and then count the number of changes in the reverse direction. The value is shown in the table. The maximum value between two consecutive samples is 10. 3.2 Method B. Second method
After executing all the settings in 10,,:, do not put the counting end in winter, collect the second test, please ask the manufacturer to pull it back between the middle and the middle, at (1000+200)r/min, and when it reaches the nominal, or the prepared test, the full 1/4 inch is obtained, then reverse the rotation, and the new pointer returns to the position
Record the value of the meter: The value is the speed of the meter per meter: 100 You violate the double sample procedure and test the required samples directly. Leave about 1m of yarn between two consecutive samples. 10.3.3 Automatic test method
Fix the end of the loaded variable sand to the yarn guide system of the test press. Be careful not to make any cavitation. Adjust the tension and fill the diagnostic length
with the chain plate and enter the following parameters. Beijing method 40%, nominal assembly preparation test measured bamboo grid, pre-test hall, annual roll packaging test 11.1 The length of the sample is m, and the value indicated by the instrument is the length expressed in meters. 11.2 The average value of the sample is calculated by formula (2): 2
The total test value is calculated according to the limit;
is the standard value.
: 1.3 The variation coefficient is the variation value interval of the whole room according to the standard. 11.4 Profit coefficient
rate formula (3 calculation:
formula: 1: coefficient!
a change format m:
T——yarn grade density, Cx
Xiang 1: the efficiency of the industry can be used to calculate the actual efficiency of the book \ a, 12
note that if you find some proof of the control of the rush, the cost formula, the format limit (year letter 1, by.! A/T 2543.2—2001
Public school, so the format of the report is as follows,
12 Test report
The test report shall be carried out in accordance with this standard and shall indicate the requirements of the time and place. In addition, the following points shall be given according to the different specifications:
a: Sample specifications
6) Product shape (dense dream, warp yarn, balance cat): Flat design signature:||tt ||d! Selection method;
c) Sample effect:
Average pressure variation coefficient:
) Annual individual package industry standard is the percentage of different coefficients (if necessary): or interval (needed
k) line of
1) coefficient of risk (needed);
r) The details of the test height.
GB/T 2543.22001
Appendix A
(Appendix requirements)
According to the sampling sequence set
A1 Batch samples (box effects drawn from a batch or a single shipment of goods) According to Table A1, take the batch of samples from the standard goods to be tested. Do not take boxes that have been damaged or altered in transit. Take 10 packages from the batch sample at random. The packages taken should be as close as possible to the original. The samples must be taken randomly from the lower layers of the boxes and from the middle layers of these boxes. The number of samples taken from each package of the laboratory sample should also be as close as possible. If it is necessary to take samples from woven or knitted fabrics, the size of the samples should provide a sufficient number of test pieces. When taking samples, the yarn length should not vary. When testing yarns in woven fabrics, warp samples should be taken from different warps of the fabric, and fiber samples should be taken from raw yarns with a sufficient length. This special sampling method should be explained in the report.4 Unreliable estimated value
When the user laboratory has a reliable estimated value of similar materials, formula (1) cannot be used directly, and the number of samples is set to 1. The number of samples for flow length is ?=10.55, and the estimated value is probably larger than the actual value. When the user laboratory has a reliable estimated value?, the number of samples calculated by formula (1) is usually less than 16. 9 The determination of
is based on the fact that the yarn is in a state of suspension in a small section (at least 1UⅡm). Check the vertical part of the sand to determine the direction of the unit: the middle part of each "\" is consistent with the S direction, and the middle part of the letter "7\" is consistent with the Z direction: 1 Determination of the center of the yarn
10.1 Preparatory procedure - determination of the permissible elongation This effect shall be determined separately for each batch of yarn. The specimens shall be measured according to the standard. For the quality of the product, the inner inductive value
can be set to 5001m long and the pre-tensioning tension shall be adjusted to (5.50±0.10)cV/tcx. Clamp the test group in the clamp, and turn the pointer to the same position. Rotate the clamp at a speed of 8 minutes or slower until the fibers in the yarn residue are obviously smooth. Read the elongation value between the broken strands, especially to within 2mm. If the yarn is not broken, read the maximum elongation value. Continue to carry out the test according to the above formula and calculate the average value. -The 2-addition of the elongation value in the upper zone is the limit position for the allowable deviation. 10.2 Select the pre-tension || tt || 10.2.1 Except for the yarn with thread, the double tension is (G.5.10) cN/tex 10.2.2 For dry full-spun wool. For light-weight yarn, the pre-tension is small. When the yarn coefficient is 480, the pre-tension is .1 ± 0.2) ctex. When these coefficients = ~ 150, the tension is (0.20.05: N/1 GB/T 2543.2—2001
When the lifting coefficient is 5!, the pre-load force (.5.cNcx) is given. Under the given conditions, if the measured and controlled conditions are suitable for the sand resistance, the height of the sand resistance is low, and the test is carried out in a light and high-filled manner. The test is started at the specified temperature.
10.3, according to the test procedure
103.1 Beijing method A--second method
set the bone spacing length (=1)m. Fix the sample with 2~3m yarn or use movable clamps. Pay attention to the following changes. When recording, add 2 sheets of yarn to the sample and turn the clamps to read the number of changes in the length of the sample: (1000+200/min) and then count the number of changes in the reverse direction. The value is shown in the table. The maximum value between two consecutive samples is 10. 3.2 Method B. Second method
After executing all the settings in 10,,:, do not put the counting end in winter, collect the second test, please ask the manufacturer to pull it back between the middle and the middle, at (1000+200)r/min, and when it reaches the nominal, or the prepared test, the full 1/4 inch is obtained, then reverse the rotation, and the new pointer returns to the seasonal position
Record the value of the meter: The value is the speed of the meter per meter: 100 You violate the double sample procedure and test the required samples directly. Leave about 1m of yarn between two consecutive samples. 10.3.3 Automatic test method
Fix the end of the loaded variable sand to the yarn guide system of the test press. Be careful not to make any cavitation. Adjust the tension and fill the diagnostic length
with the chain plate and enter the following parameters. Beijing method 40%, nominal assembly preparation test measured bamboo grid, pre-test hall, annual roll packaging test 11.1 The length of the sample is m, and the value indicated by the instrument is the length expressed in meters. 11.2 The average value of the sample is calculated by formula (2): 2
The total test value is calculated according to the limit;
is the standard value.
: 1.3 The variation coefficient is the variation value interval of the whole room according to the standard. 11.4 Profit coefficient
rate formula (3 calculation:
formula: 1: coefficient!
a change format m:
T——yarn grade density, Cx
Xiang 1: the efficiency of the industry can be used to calculate the actual efficiency of the book \ a, 12
note that if you find some proof of the control of the rush, the cost formula, the format limit (year letter 1, by.! A/T 2543.2—2001
Public school, so the format of the report is as follows,
12 Test report
The test report shall be carried out in accordance with this standard and shall indicate the requirements of the time and place. In addition, the following points shall be given according to the different specifications:
a: Sample specifications
6) Product shape (dense dream, warp yarn, balance cat): Flat design signature:||tt ||d! Selection method;
c) Sample effect:
Average pressure variation coefficient:
) Annual individual package industry standard is the percentage of different coefficients (if necessary): or interval (needed
k) line of sight:
1) coefficient of risk (needed);
r) The details of the test height.
GB/T 2543.22001
Appendix A
(Appendix requirements)
According to the sampling sequence set
A1 Batch samples (box effects drawn from a batch or a single shipment of goods) According to Table A1, take the batch of samples from the standard goods to be tested. Do not take boxes that have been damaged or altered in transit. Take 10 packages from the batch sample at random. The packages taken should be as close as possible to the original. The samples must be taken randomly from the lower layers of the boxes and from the middle layers of these boxes. The number of samples taken from each package of the laboratory sample should also be as close as possible. If it is necessary to take samples from woven or knitted fabrics, the size of the samples should provide a sufficient number of test pieces. When taking samples, the yarn length should not vary. When testing yarns in woven fabrics, warp samples should be taken from different warps of the fabric, and fiber samples should be taken from raw yarns with a sufficient length. This special sampling method should be explained in the report.4 Unreliable estimated value
When the user laboratory has a reliable estimated value of similar materials, formula (1) cannot be used directly, and the number of samples is set to 1. The number of samples for flow length is ?=10.55, and the estimated value is probably larger than the actual value. When the user laboratory has a reliable estimated value?, the number of samples calculated by formula (1) is usually less than 16. 9 The determination of
is based on the fact that the yarn is in a state of suspension in a small section (at least 1UⅡm). Check the vertical part of the sand to determine the direction of the unit: the middle part of each "\" is consistent with the S direction, and the middle part of the letter "7\" is consistent with the Z direction: 1 Determination of the center of the yarn
10.1 Preparatory procedure - determination of the permissible elongation This effect shall be determined separately for each batch of yarn. The specimens shall be measured according to the standard. For the quality of the product, the inner inductive value
can be set to 5001m long and the pre-tensioning tension shall be adjusted to (5.50±0.10)cV/tcx. Clamp the test group in the clamp, and turn the pointer to the same position. Rotate the clamp at a speed of 8 minutes or slower until the fibers in the yarn residue are obviously smooth. Read the elongation value between the broken strands, especially to within 2mm. If the yarn is not broken, read the maximum elongation value. Continue to carry out the test according to the above formula and calculate the average value. -The 2-addition of the elongation value in the upper zone is the limit position for the allowable deviation. 10.2 Select the pre-tension || tt || 10.2.1 Except for the yarn with thread, the double tension is (G.5.10) cN/tex 10.2.2 For dry full-spun wool. For light-weight yarn, the pre-tension is small. When the yarn coefficient is 480, the pre-tension is .1 ± 0.2) ctex. When these coefficients = ~ 150, the tension is (0.20.05: N/1 GB/T 2543.2—2001
When the lifting coefficient is 5!, the pre-load force (.5.cNcx) is given. Under the given conditions, if the measured and controlled conditions are suitable for the sand resistance, the height of the sand resistance is low, and the test is carried out in a light and high-filled manner. The test is started at the specified temperature.
10.3, according to the test procedure
103.1 Beijing method A--second method
set the bone spacing length (=1)m. Fix the sample with 2~3m yarn or use movable clamps. Pay attention to the following changes. When recording, add 2 sheets of yarn to the sample and turn the clamps to read the number of changes in the length of the sample: (1000+200/min) and then count the number of changes in the reverse direction. The value is shown in the table. The maximum value between two consecutive samples is 10. 3.2 Method B. Second method
After executing all the settings in 10,,:, do not put the counting end in winter, collect the second test, please ask the manufacturer to pull it back between the middle and the middle, at (1000+200)r/min, and when it reaches the nominal, or the prepared test, the full 1/4 inch is obtained, then reverse the rotation, and the new pointer returns to the seasonal position
Record the value of the meter: The value is the speed of the meter per meter: 100 You violate the double sample procedure and test the required samples directly. Leave about 1m of yarn between two consecutive samples. 10.3.3 Automatic test method
Fix the end of the loaded variable sand to the yarn guide system of the test press. Be careful not to make any cavitation. Adjust the tension and fill the diagnostic length
with the chain plate and enter the following parameters. Beijing method 40%, nominal assembly preparation test measured bamboo grid, pre-test hall, annual roll packaging test 11.1 The length of the sample is m, and the value indicated by the instrument is the length expressed in meters. 11.2 The average value of the sample is calculated by formula (2): 2
The total test value is calculated according to the limit;
is the standard value.
: 1.3 The variation coefficient is the variation value interval of the whole room according to the standard. 11.4 Profit coefficient
rate formula (3 calculation:
formula: 1: coefficient!
a change format m:
T——yarn grade density, Cx
Xiang 1: the efficiency of the industry can be used to calculate the actual efficiency of the book \ a, 12
note that if you find some proof of the control of the rush, the cost formula, the format limit (year letter 1, by.! A/T 2543.2—2001
Public school, so the format of the report is as follows,
12 Test report
The test report shall be carried out in accordance with this standard and shall indicate the requirements of the time and place. In addition, the following points shall be given according to the different specifications:
a: Sample specifications
6) Product shape (dense dream, warp yarn, balance cat): Flat design signature:||tt ||d! Selection method;
c) Sample effect:
Average pressure variation coefficient:
) Annual individual package industry standard is the percentage of different coefficients (if necessary): or interval (needed
k) line of sight:
1) coefficient of risk (needed);
r) The details of the test height.
GB/T 2543.22001
Appendix A
(Appendix requirements)
According to the sampling sequence set
A1 Batch samples (box effects drawn from a batch or a single shipment of goods) According to Table A1, take the batch of samples from the standard goods to be tested. Do not take boxes that have been damaged or altered in transit. Take 10 packages from the batch sample at random. The packages taken should be as close as possible to the original. The samples must be taken randomly from the lower layers of the boxes and from the middle layers of these boxes. The number of samples taken from each package of the laboratory sample should also be as close as possible. If it is necessary to take samples from woven or knitted fabrics, the size of the samples should provide a sufficient number of test pieces. When taking samples, the yarn length should not vary. When testing yarns in woven fabrics, warp samples should be taken from different warps of the fabric, and fiber samples should be taken from raw yarns with a sufficient length. This special sampling method should be explained in the report.- Method
Execute all the settings in 10,,: After that, do not put the counting end in winter, collect the second test, please ask the requirements to pull it between the center and the center, and then back off the yarn at (1000+200)r/min. When it is pulled to (nominal, or the prepared test reaches 1/4 inch of the entire seat, then reverse the coordination, and the new pointer will return to the season position
Record the value of the counter: The value is shown in steps per meter. The speed displayed: 100 You violated the double sample procedure , directly test the required sample. Between two consecutive samples, leave about 1m of yarn. 10.3.3 Automatic test method
Fix the end of the variable sand loaded with the variable effect sand to the yarn guide system of the test press. Be careful not to make any cavitation. Adjust the tension and fill the length
with the chain plate and input the following parameters. Beijing method 4, nominal assembly preparation test measured bamboo grid, pre-test hall, annual volume packaging test quantity, all tests 11.1 The length of the sample is m, and the value indicated by the instrument is the length expressed in meters. 11.2 The average value of the sample is calculated by formula (2): 2
All the tests are summarized according to the limit;
is the standard value.
: 1.3 The variation coefficient is calculated according to the standard statistical operation. 11.4 Coefficient of profit
rate formula (3 calculation:
formula: 1: coefficient!
a change of expansion grid m:
T——yarn grade density, Cx
Xiang 1: the efficiency of the industry can be used to calculate the actual efficiency of the book \ a, 12
note that if you find some proof of the control of the rush, the cost formula, the grid limit (year letter 1, by.! A/T 2543.2—2001
Public school, so the format of the report is as follows,
12 Test report
The test report shall be carried out in accordance with this standard and shall indicate the requirements of the time and place. In addition, the following points shall be given according to the different specifications:
a: Sample specifications
6) Product shape (dense dream, warp yarn, balance cat): Flat design signature:||tt ||d! Selection method;
c) Sample effect:
Average pressure variation coefficient:
) Annual individual package industry standard is the percentage of different coefficients (if necessary): or interval (needed
k) line of sight:
1) coefficient of risk (needed);
r) The details of the test height.
GB/T 2543.22001
Appendix A
(Appendix requirements)
According to the sampling sequence set
A1 Batch samples (box effects drawn from a batch or a single shipment of goods) According to Table A1, take the batch of samples from the standard goods to be tested. Do not take boxes that have been damaged or altered in transit. Take 10 packages from the batch sample at random. The packages taken should be as close as possible to the original. The samples must be taken randomly from the lower layers of the boxes and from the middle layers of these boxes. The number of samples taken from each package of the laboratory sample should also be as close as possible. If it is necessary to take samples from woven or knitted fabrics, the size of the samples should provide a sufficient number of test pieces. When taking samples, the yarn length should not vary. When testing yarns in woven fabrics, warp samples should be taken from different warps of the fabric, and fiber samples should be taken from raw yarns with a sufficient length. This special sampling method should be explained in the report.- Method
Execute all the settings in 10,,: After that, do not put the counting end in winter, collect the second test, please ask the requirements to pull it between the center and the center, and then back off the yarn at (1000+200)r/min. When it is pulled to (nominal, or the prepared test reaches 1/4 inch of the entire seat, then reverse the coordination, and the new pointer will return to the season position
Record the value of the counter: The value is shown in steps per meter. The speed displayed: 100 You violated the double sample procedure , directly test the required sample. Between two consecutive samples, leave about 1m of yarn. 10.3.3 Automatic test method
Fix the end of the variable sand loaded with the variable effect sand to the yarn guide system of the test press. Be careful not to make any cavitation. Adjust the tension and fill the length
with the chain plate and input the following parameters. Beijing method 4, nominal assembly preparation test measured bamboo grid, pre-test hall, annual volume packaging test quantity, all tests 11.1 The length of the sample is m, and the value indicated by the instrument is the length expressed in meters. 11.2 The average value of the sample is calculated by formula (2): 2
All the tests are summarized according to the limit;
is the standard value.
: 1.3 The variation coefficient is calculated according to the standard statistical operation. 11.4 Coefficient of profit
rate formula (3 calculation:
formula: 1: coefficient!
a change of expansion grid m:
T——yarn grade density, Cx
Xiang 1: the efficiency of the industry can be used to calculate the actual efficiency of the book \ a, 12
note that if you find some proof of the control of the rush, the cost formula, the grid limit (year letter 1, by.! A/T 2543.2—2001
Public school, so the format of the report is as follows,
12 Test report
The test report shall be carried out in accordance with this standard and shall indicate the requirements of the time and place. In addition, the following points shall be given according to the different specifications:
a: Sample specifications
6) Product shape (dense dream, warp yarn, balance cat): Flat design signature:||tt ||d! Selection method;
c) Sample effect:
Average pressure variation coefficient:
) Annual individual package industry standard is the percentage of different coefficients (if necessary): or interval (needed
k) line of sight:
1) coefficient of risk (needed);
r) The details of the test height.
GB/T 2543.22001
Appendix A
(Appendix requirements)
According to the sampling sequence set
A1 Batch samples (box effects drawn from a batch or a single shipment of goods) According to Table A1, take the batch of samples from the standard goods to be tested. Do not take boxes that have been damaged or altered in transit. Take 10 packages from the batch sample at random. The packages taken should be as close as possible to the original. The samples must be taken randomly from the lower layers of the boxes and from the middle layers of these boxes. The number of samples taken from each package of the laboratory sample should also be as close as possible. If it is necessary to take samples from woven or knitted fabrics, the size of the samples should provide a sufficient number of test pieces. When taking samples, the yarn length should not vary. When testing yarns in woven fabrics, warp samples should be taken from different warps of the fabric, and fiber samples should be taken from raw yarns with a sufficient length. This special sampling method should be explained in the report.
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