title>JB/T 6344.2-2002 Technical conditions of gear hobbing machine - JB/T 6344.2-2002 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6344.2-2002 Technical conditions of gear hobbing machine

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6344.2-2002

Standard Name: Technical conditions of gear hobbing machine

Chinese Name: 滚齿机 技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2002-07-16

Date of Implementation:2002-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Machinery Manufacturing >> Machine Tools >> 25.080.99 Other Machine Tools

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Metal Cutting Machine Tool>>J56 Gear and Thread Processing Machine Tool

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 6344-1992

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press


Publication date:2002-12-01

other information

Focal point unit:National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Committee

Publishing department:National Economic and Trade Commission

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the requirements for the design, manufacture and acceptance of gear hobbing machines. JB/T 6344.2-2002 Gear hobbing machine technical conditions JB/T6344.2-2002 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces JB/T6344—1992
Gear Hobbing Machine
Technical Conditions
2002-12 -01 Implementation
Issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People's Republic of China Foreword
Normative reference documents
General requirements
Accessories and tools
Layout and appearance
Processing and assembly quality
Machine tool dry run test.
Machine tool load test..
8. 1
Running test of machine tool with maximum load
Test before machine tool re-cutting.
8.3 Machine tool productivity test (spot check)
Machine tool precision inspection
This standard replaces JB/T6344-1992 Technical conditions for gear hobbing machines. This standard is consistent with JB/T6344 —The main changes compared with 1992 are as follows: The foreword and introduction of the standard have been added:
"Safety and Health" requirements are not listed (Chapter 5 of the 1992 version): "Layout and Appearance" requirements have been added (Chapter 5 of this version): JB/T6344.2—2002
"Requirements for welded parts" have been added (6.1 of this version): - "Maximum power test and torque test of the main transmission system of machine tools" is replaced by "heavy cutting test of machine tools" (8.2 and 8.3 of the 1992 version; 8.2 of this version).
This standard is a supplement and specification of GB/T9061--1988 "General Technical Requirements for Metal Cutting Machine Tools". The standards related to this standard are:
GB/T 8064-1998
"Precision Inspection of Gear Hobbing Machines" (eqvISO6545: 1992 Edition): "Gear Hobbing Machine Parameters":
"Gear Hobbing Machine Series Spectrum":
"Technical Requirements for Safety Protection of Gear Hobbing Machines". This standard is proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Metal Cutting Machine Tools (CSBTS/TC22). The drafting units of this standard are: Chongqing Cylindrical Gear Machine Tool Research Institute, Chongqing Machine Tool Factory, Nanjing Second Machine Tool Factory, Tianjin First Machine Tool Factory, Shanghai First Machine Tool Factory, Qingdao Machine Tool Factory, Shaanxi Second Machine Tool Factory, Second Automobile Dongfeng Transmission Company, Beijing Warner Gear Co., Ltd., Chongqing Qingshan Industrial Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard are: Zhang Yujie, Zhen Jianping, Li Yi, Cheng Liangfan, Wang Jie, Wang Jingyang, Qu Haishun, Wu Xidong, Meng Zhaozhi, Zhang Guanghe.
The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: JB/GQ1027—1982, JB/T6344—1992. II
Since its release and implementation, JB/T6344-1992 has played an important role in guiding the design, manufacture and acceptance of gear processing equipment with large quantities and wide ranges, namely hobbing machines. In recent years, the relevant standards cited by JB/T6344-1992 have been successively formulated and revised. At the same time, JB10139-1999 "Technical Conditions for Safety Protection of Gear Hobbing Machines" has also been issued and implemented. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of the market economy, it is necessary to formulate this standard in combination with the structural characteristics of gear hobbing machines, the user's requirements and the current level of science and technology. This standard and its related supporting standards together constitute the main product standards of gear hobbing machines, and serve as an important technical basis for the design, manufacture and acceptance quality assurance of gear hobbing machines.
1 Scope
Technical conditions
Gear hobbing machine main
This standard specifies the requirements for the design, manufacture and acceptance of gear hobbing machines. JB/T6344.2—2002
This standard is applicable to vertical gear hobbing machines with a maximum workpiece diameter of 125mm~2000mm. Vertical gear hobbing machines of other specifications can be used as a reference. 2 Normative reference documents
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all referenced documents with a date, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties that reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all referenced documents without a date, the latest version applies to this standard. GB/T8064 Gear hobbing machine accuracy inspection (eqvISO6545) GB/T9061-1988 General technical conditions for metal cutting machine tools GB/T10089-1988 Cylindrical worm and worm wheel accuracy (neqDIN3975:1980) GB/T10095.1 Involute cylindrical gear accuracy Part 1: Definition and allowable value of tooth surface deviation on the same side of the gear (idtISO1328-1:1997) GB/T17421.1 General rules for machine tool inspection Part 1: Geometric accuracy of machine tools under no-load or finishing conditions (eqvISO230-1:1996)
JB/T 5569~-1991
JB/T 9871-1999
JB/T 9874—1999
JB/T 9877—1999
3 General requirements
Precision gear hobbing machine accuracy (negTOCT657-78) Accuracy classification of metal cutting machine tools
Metal cutting machine tools
Metal cutting machine tools
Metal cutting machine tools
General technical conditions for machined parts
General technical conditions for welded parts
Assembly General Technical Conditions
Determination of Cleanliness of Metal Cutting Machine Tools
General Technical Conditions for Hydraulic Systems
Metal Cutting Machine Tools
3.1 When accepting machine tools according to this standard, the remaining acceptance items in GB/T9061-1988, JB/T9872-1999, JB/T9873-1999, JB/T9874-1999, etc. that are not specified in this standard should be inspected at the same time. 3.2 When accepting machine tools according to this standard, gear hobbing machines (including universal gear hobbing machines, hard gear surface gear hobbing machines, large module gear hobbing machines, high-speed and high-efficiency gear hobbing machines and automatic gear hobbing machines, etc.), precision gear hobbing machines, and high-precision gear hobbing machines should be evaluated according to the requirements of Class V, Class IV and Class I precision machine tools specified in JB/T9871-1999.
4 Accessories and Tools
The machine tool should be supplied with the accessories and tools listed in Table 1. 4.1
hob spindle
workpiece spindle
exchange gear
special wrench
clamping hob
machine tool installation and adjustment
adjust the machine tool to ensure basic performance
adjust and operate the machine tool
full set
1 set
full set
full set
including sleeve, Chuwei, flat key and nut installed on the spindle, including workpiece support and washer, nut and adapter installed on the spindle JB/T6344.2—2002
4.2Special accessories to expand the performance of the machine tool can be supplied according to agreement. 5.1 The layout of the machine tool should be reasonable, with beautiful shape and harmonious colors, in line with the principles of ergonomics and easy to adjust and maintain. 5.2 The surface of the machine tool should not have any unspecified protrusions, depressions, roughness and other damage. 5.3 The surface of the machine tool's protective cover and protective device should be flat and balanced, and should not be warped or depressed. 5.4 The surface of the exposed parts of the machine tool should not be bumped or rusted, and the ends of screws, nails and pins should not have defects such as sprains and hammer injuries. 5.5 The rims of the metal handwheels and the control handles should be coated with anti-rust. The color tones of electroplated parts, blue parts and black parts should be consistent, and the protective layer should not fade or fall off.
5.6 The joints of the detachable assembly surfaces of the machine tool should be cut after painting, and the edges should not be torn when cutting. The color and gloss of the machine tool paint should be uniform, the paint layer should be flat, and the painted surface should not have defects such as blistering and shedding. 5.7 Various information signs and signs of the machine tool should be flat and fixed, clear and durable, and not skewed. 5.8 The exposed parts of the electrical, hydraulic, lubrication and cooling pipes of the machine tool should be arranged neatly and fixed with pipe clamps when necessary. The hoses should not be twisted, folded or broken. 5.9 The screws inserted into the countersunk holes should not protrude from the surface of the parts, and there should be no obvious eccentricity between their heads and the countersunk holes. The fixing pins should generally protrude slightly from the surface of the parts. The tail end of the bolt should protrude slightly from the end face of the nut. The exposed shaft end should protrude from the end face of the containing part, and the protrusion value is about the chamfer value. The wall thickness between the inner hole surface and the shell flange should be uniform and symmetrical, and the difference between the flange wall thickness should not be greater than 25% of the actual maximum wall thickness. 5.10 The edges of the exposed joint surfaces of machine tool parts should be neat and symmetrical, without obvious misalignment, and the joint surfaces of doors and covers with the machine tool should fit together. The misalignment and fitting gap values ??should not exceed the requirements in Table 2. Table 2
Dimensions of the edge of the joint surface and the length of the door cover
Misalignment and fitting gap value
Note: When the length and width of the edge of the joint surface and the door and cover are inconsistent, the allowable value can be determined according to the long side dimension 6 Processing and assembly quality
Unit: mr
6.1 Machined parts and welded parts shall comply with the drawings, process documents and relevant provisions of JB/T9872-1999, JB/T9873-1999, etc. The assembly of machine tools shall comply with the provisions of JB/T9874-1999. 6.2 Important parts such as the bed, column, worktable, worktable housing, tool holder slide, main transmission box, feed box, indexing worm gear, tool holder housing, small column and worktable base for assembling the bed shall be subjected to aging treatment such as heat aging or vibration aging after rough machining. The above castings of high-precision gear hobbing machines shall also be subjected to a second aging treatment after semi-finishing. 6.3 Important guide rail pairs such as the bed guide rail pair, column guide rail pair, small column guide rail pair, tangential (or combined) tool holder guide rail pair, worktable circular guide rail pair shall take wear-resistant measures and comply with the provisions of relevant standards for material and heat treatment. 6.4 Parts such as the hob spindle, vertical feed screw pair, indexing worm pair, high-speed load gear pair, tool holder end helical gear pair (or worm pair), and worktable centering sleeve shall take wear-resistant measures and comply with the provisions of relevant standards for material and heat treatment. 6.5 The manufacturing and acceptance of important fixed joint surfaces such as the joint surface between the transmission box and the column (or bed), the joint surface between the main transmission bevel gear seat and the tool holder slide, the bed and the worktable base of the gear hobbing machine with a maximum workpiece diameter equal to 2000mm, and the joint surface between the small column base and the worktable base shall comply with the provisions of JB/T9872-1999 and JB/T9874-1999. 6.6 The joint surface between the bed and the column (or worktable shell): the joint surface between the worktable shell (or bed) and the bottom of the small column: the joint surface between the indexing worm support, the worktable shell or (worktable base) and the adjustment pad: the joint surface between the bottom of the small column of the gear hobbing machine with a maximum workpiece diameter equal to 2000mm and its base, etc., shall comply with the provisions of JB/T9872--1999 and JB/T9874-1999.
6.7 The manufacturing and acceptance of the sliding guides such as the column guide pair, the worktable circular guide pair, the tool holder tangential sliding guide pair and the bed guide pair of the universal gear hobbing machine, and other displacement guides shall comply with the provisions of JB/T9872-1999 and JB/T9874-1999. 2
6.8 The reverse idle travel of the handwheel and hand with scale device of the machine tool shall not exceed the provisions of Table 3. Table 3
Machine tool name
High-precision gear hobbing machine
Gear hobbing machine and precision gear hobbing machinebzxz.net
Machine tool quality t
Reverse idle travel r
6.9 The cleanliness of the machine tool shall be inspected in accordance with the method specified in JB/T9877-1999, among which the workbench, the inside of the tool holder, the lubrication system and the hydraulic system shall be inspected by weight method.
The impurities and dirt inside the workbench and the tool holder shall not exceed the provisions of Table 4. Table 4
Maximum workpiece
Part name
Note: High precision gear hobbing The cleanliness limits of the machine's workbench and tool holder are compressed by 30% as shown in the table, amount
b) Cleanliness of the machine's hydraulic and lubrication systems: After the machine tool has been started and run for 30 minutes, immediately take a sample from the return oil of the hydraulic system (or lubrication system), generally not less than 200mL, and the impurities and dirt must not exceed 150mg/L. 6.10
The accuracy of involute cylindrical gears shall conform to the provisions of GB/T10095.1. The accuracy grade and tooth roughness shall generally be selected according to Table 5.
Table 5
Application parts
High-precision gear hobbing machine indexing chain end gear
Precision gear hobbing machine indexing chain end gear
Important gears of high-precision liquid gear machine main transmission, intermediate gear of indexing chainGear hobbing machine indexing chain end gear, important gears of main transmission, intermediate gear of indexing chainImportant gears of precision liquid gear machine main transmission, intermediate gear of indexing chainFeed gear of high-precision gear hobbing machine
Feed gear of gear hobbing machine and precision gear hobbing machine6.11
Accuracy grade
The accuracy of worm pair shall conform to GB/T10 089-1988 regulations, accuracy grade and tooth surface roughness Table 6
Application part
High-precision gear hobbing machine indexing worm pair
Precision gear hobbing machine indexing worm pair
Gear hobbing machine indexing worm pair
High-precision gear hobbing machine feed system worm pair gear hobbing machine, precision gear hobbing machine feed system worm pair Note: The accuracy grades listed in the table refer to the [tolerance group, accuracy grade| |tt||2
Tooth surface roughness R,
maximum allowable value
should generally be selected according to Table 6.
Tooth surface roughness R, maximum allowable value
Worm wheel
6.12 According to the method specified in GB/T17421.1, the meshing clearance of the indexing worm pair shall be checked before the machine tool idle running test. The size of the clearance shall comply with the design requirements (check once at each of the three positions where the worktable rotates about 120°). 7 Machine tool idle running test
7.1 The main motion mechanism of the machine tool should be operated in sequence from the lowest speed, and the operation time of each speed level shall not be less than 2 minutes. Machine tools with exchange gears, belt drive speed change and stepless speed change can be operated at low, medium and high speeds. The high-speed operation time shall not be less than 1 hour to allow the spindle bearings to reach a stable temperature. Measure the bearing temperature and temperature rise near the spindle bearings, and the values ??shall comply with the provisions of 6.6.1 of GB/T9061-1988. 7.2 The hydraulic system should operate continuously at the rated working pressure. After the oil reaches a stable temperature, measure the oil temperature and temperature rise, and the values ??shall comply with the provisions of 4.3 of JB/T10051-1999. 7.3. The workbench is subjected to a high-speed operation test. The operation time is not less than 10 minutes and the operation should be normal. 7.4 Measure the idle running power of the machine tool at all levels of rotational speed of the hob spindle. The value should not exceed the design regulations (spot check). 7.5 Under dry running conditions, check the machine tool's starting, stopping, speed change and conversion, automatic cycle, rapid introduction and other actions. The actions should be flexible, accurate and reliable.
7.6 Check the actual deviation of the hob spindle speed and the feed amount of the feed mechanism. They shall not exceed ±5% and ±10% of the values ??indicated on the sign, respectively. 7.7 The hob spindle of the machine tool shall be continuously started at medium speeds. Stop 10 times each and it should be accurate and trouble-free. 7.8 Inspect the radial feed, rapid feed and disconnection of the workbench (or column), and inspect the start and stop of the workbench (or column) at any given position within the travel range. Each inspection shall be carried out twice, and it shall be accurate and reliable. , no fault. 7.9 Check the automatic feeding, rapid lifting and disconnection actions of the tool holder, and check the starting and stopping of the tool holder at any given position within the travel range of the skateboard. Each test should be performed 5 times. It should be accurate, reliable and trouble-free. 7.10 Inspect the clamping at both ends and the middle position of the tool holder's rotation stroke. Each position should not be less than twice, and the action should be reliable. 7.11 Check the clamping of the tool holder at both ends and the middle position of the full axial movement. Each position should be no less than twice, and the action should be reliable. Check the clamping of the outer bracket of the small column at both ends and the middle position of the moving stroke. Each position should not be less than twice, and the action should be reliable. 7.12
3 - General mechanically controlled gear hobbing machine, should be carried out a lot A continuous idling test of 4 hours; gear hobbing machines with automatic cycles should be subjected to a continuous idling test of the entire machine under simulated 7.13
working conditions. The running time shall not be less than 8h, and the rest time between each automatic cycle shall be It should not exceed 1 minute. During the entire operation process, the hydraulic, lubrication, cooling system and other parts of the machine tool must not leak: the oil in the rotating parts must not be thrown out: the lubricating oil path should be smooth and the cutting fluid should be sufficient: cutting fluid must not be mixed into the hydraulic and lubrication systems: All parts of the machine tool should work normally without failure.
8 Machine tool load test
Operation test of the maximum load-bearing weight of the machine tool
Gear hobbing machines with a maximum workpiece diameter greater than or equal to 1250mm should undergo an operation test of the maximum load-bearing weight. Run the machine tool at low speed and high speed as specified in the design to check whether the machine tool is running smoothly and reliably: machine tools with unloading devices should be tested with different loads according to the design requirements. 8.2 Machine tool heavy cutting test
Machine tools use heavy cutting tests instead of main Maximum power test and torque test of transmission system. During the test, the cutting parameters are changed so that the main motor of the machine tool reaches the rated power (design power or the maximum design torque of the tool spindle). a) Cutting specimen parameters: the module is not less than 4/5 of the maximum module, the diameter of the graduation circle is not less than 2/5 of the maximum workpiece diameter, the tooth width is not less than 1/10 of the maximum workpiece diameter, and the material is No. 45 normalized steel. Tool: High speed steel or carbide hob. Cutting amount: cutting depth = 2m, (m, is the module of the specimen): speed before cutting v ≥ 25m/min: vertical feed amount S is specified by the design. Note: For batch-produced machine tools, the specimen is allowed to be made of cast iron HT200 performs 2/3 of the maximum power heavy cutting test; the maximum power refers to the rated power (or design power) of the main motor of the machine tool: high-precision and precision gear hobbing machines do not perform this test b) During heavy cutting of the machine tool, all parts should work normally Stable, without abnormal squealing sound, the tooth surface of the test piece should have no obvious vibration marks, various transmission and transmission mechanisms should be stable and reliable, the movements of the machine tool should be accurate, and the electrical, hydraulic and lubrication systems of the machine tool should work normally. 4
8.3 Machine tool productivity test (spot check)
According to formula (1), check the metal removal amount of the machine tool per unit time during heavy cutting to Evaluate machine tool productivity. p(mlm2)/t ...
rp—the amount of metal removal per unit time, unit is kg/h: m
Tooth defective mass, unit is kg:
Gear mass, unit is kg:
Cutting time, unit is h:
Note: High speed (high efficiency) ), the automatic gear hobbing machine shall test the number of test pieces processed within 1 hour according to the design documents: gear hobbing machines with a maximum workpiece diameter greater than 1250mm will not be subject to this test.
9 Machine tool accuracy inspection
9.1 The accuracy inspection of gear hobbing machines should comply with the regulations of GB/T8064: The accuracy inspection of precision gear hobbing machines should comply with the regulations of JB/T5569-1991.
9.2 The following items should also be checked when the machine tool is at medium speed and stable humidity: a) The coincidence (coaxiality) of the axis of the outer bracket sleeve hole (or tip) and the rotation axis of the worktable. b)
The degree of coincidence (coaxiality) between the movable support hole and the axis of the hob spindle 9.3 The working accuracy of the machine tool should be qualified at one time. The tooth surface roughness R of the test piece after fine rolling, the maximum allowable value is shown in Table 7. Table 7
Machine tool name
Gear hobbing machine, precision gear hobbing machine
High precision gear hobbing machine
Tooth surface rough stability R, maximum allowable value
3.2||tt ||1.6
According to formula (1), the metal removal amount per unit time of the machine tool is tested during heavy cutting to evaluate the machine tool productivity. p(mlm2)/t ...
rp—the amount of metal removal per unit time, unit is kg/h: m
Tooth defective mass, unit is kg:
Gear mass, unit is kg:
Cutting time, unit is h:
Note: High speed (high efficiency) ), the automatic gear hobbing machine shall test the number of test pieces processed within 1 hour according to the design documents: gear hobbing machines with a maximum workpiece diameter greater than 1250mm will not be subject to this test.
9 Machine tool accuracy inspection
9.1 The accuracy inspection of gear hobbing machines should comply with the regulations of GB/T8064: The accuracy inspection of precision gear hobbing machines should comply with the regulations of JB/T5569-1991.
9.2 The following items should also be checked when the machine tool is at medium speed and stable humidity: a) The coincidence (coaxiality) of the axis of the outer bracket sleeve hole (or tip) and the rotation axis of the worktable. b)
The degree of coincidence (coaxiality) between the movable support hole and the axis of the hob spindle 9.3 The working accuracy of the machine tool should be qualified at one time. The tooth surface roughness R of the test piece after fine rolling, the maximum allowable value is shown in Table 7. Table 7
Machine tool name
Gear hobbing machine, precision gear hobbing machine
High precision gear hobbing machine
Tooth surface rough stability R, maximum allowable value
3.2||tt ||1.6
According to formula (1), the metal removal amount per unit time of the machine tool is tested during heavy cutting to evaluate the machine tool productivity. p(mlm2)/t ...
rp—the amount of metal removal per unit time, unit is kg/h: m
Tooth defective mass, unit is kg:
Gear mass, unit is kg:
Cutting time, unit is h:
Note: High speed (high efficiency) ), the automatic gear hobbing machine shall test the number of test pieces processed within 1 hour according to the design documents: gear hobbing machines with a maximum workpiece diameter greater than 1250mm will not be subject to this test.
9 Machine tool accuracy inspection
9.1 The accuracy inspection of gear hobbing machines should comply with the regulations of GB/T8064: The accuracy inspection of precision gear hobbing machines should comply with the regulations of JB/T5569-1991.
9.2 The following items should also be checked when the machine tool is at medium speed and stable humidity: a) The coincidence (coaxiality) of the axis of the outer bracket sleeve hole (or tip) and the rotation axis of the worktable. b)
The degree of coincidence (coaxiality) between the movable support hole and the axis of the hob spindle 9.3 The working accuracy of the machine tool should be qualified at one time. The tooth surface roughness R of the test piece after fine rolling, the maximum allowable value is shown in Table 7. Table 7
Machine tool name
Gear hobbing machine, precision gear hobbing machine
High precision gear hobbing machine
Tooth surface rough stability R, maximum allowable value
3.2||tt ||1.6
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