GB/T 2820.3-1997 Alternating current generator sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines Part 3: Alternating current generators for generator sets
Some standard content:
This standard is equivalent to the International Organization for Standardization 1SO8528-3:1993 & Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generator set Part 3
: Alternating current generator for generator set", which is a revision of GB8365587 and GR2820-90.
For the coordination of standards, the provisions of 8.3 and 13.3 in this standard are different from those of IS08528-3. This standard replaces GB 8365-87 and GB 2820-90. Appendix A of this standard is the standard appendix.
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is issued by Lanzhou Power Vehicle Research Institute. This standard was drafted by Lanzhou Power Vehicle Research Institute, Shaanxi Power Generation Equipment!, Subei Motor, Putuo Motor Factory No. 1, Fufa Co., Ltd., Caizhou Electric Equipment General Factory, Wuhao Power Machine Factory, and Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Co., Ltd. Power Generation Equipment Factory participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are: Chen Yingfang, Li Shangju Lin Zhongshan, Zhang Jijiang, and Lin Lijuan. GB/T 2820. 3—1997
ISO Foreword
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO bodies or members). The work of developing international standards is generally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each group member has an interest in a subject in an established technical committee and has the right to send representatives to attend the committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, also participate in the work in collaboration with ISO. ISO works closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to study all subjects of electrical standardization. Draft international standards adopted by the technical committees are submitted to the voting of the group members. As an international standard, publication requires approval by at least 75% of the voting group members.
International Standard ISO 8528-1 was developed by "Technical Committee SC2\Performance and Testing\, Technical Committee 1SO/TC7U\Internal Combustion Engines".||t 1S08528 includes the following parts under the general title "Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets": Part 1: Application, ratings and performance Part 2: Engines Part 3: Alternating current generators for generating sets Part 4: Control devices and start-up equipment Part 5: Generating sets Part 6: Test methods Part 7: Technical specifications for technical conditions and design Part 8: Requirements and tests for small power generating sets Part 9: Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibrations Part 10: Measurement of machine noise (surface method) Part 11: Scope of generator sets with uninterruptible power supply devices National Standard of the People's Republic of China Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets Part 3: Alternating current generators for generating sets Reclprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets combustionenginedrivenalternatingcurrentgeneralingsetsPari 3: AllernalingcurrentgeneratorsforgeneratingsetsGB/T2820.31997
代荐GB 8365—87
This standard specifies the basic characteristics of alternating current (ac) generators under the control of their voltage regulators for use in generating sets. It supplements the requirements of IEEE 341,
; currently applicable to the international standard for asynchronous generation, this standard will be amended accordingly when the international standard is published. According to 12.2, this standard applies to generator sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion (IC) engines for commercial and marine applications. It does not apply to generator sets for aviation or driving vehicles and locomotives. For certain special purposes (such as necessary hospital power supply, commercial buildings, etc.), additional requirements may be necessary and the regulations of this standard should be used as the basis. For other types of reciprocating prime movers (such as gas engines and steam engines) driven by commercial generators, the provisions of this standard can be used as the basis: 2 Reference standards The following The provisions contained in the standard constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. The versions shown are valid when this standard is published. All standards will be revised. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. CB755-8 Basic technical requirements for rotating electrical machines GB/T2820.1-1997 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven main flow generator set Part 1: Application, rating and performance (eqVIS0) 8528-1:1993)
(}4343199 yuan Household and similar electric, Electric heating appliances, electric appliances and similar electrical appliances - Measurement methods and allowable values of radio interference characteristics (cqCISPR14:1993)
3 Symbols
Note: For the representation of technical data of electrical equipment, IEC adopts the term "rated" with the following subscript "N". For the representation of technical data of equipment, IEC adopts the term "rated" with the following subscript "N". In this standard, the term "rated" is only applicable to electrical items. In addition, all terms are used.
Setting voltage
Maximum Steady-state voltage deviation
Minimum steady-state voltage deviation
Rated voltage
Recovery voltage
Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on December 26, 1997
Implementation on December 1, 1998
4 Other provisions and additional requirements
Down-regulation voltage
Up-regulation voltage
No-load voltage
GB/T 2820. 31997
Highest instantaneous voltage rise when load decreasesLowest instantaneous voltage drop when load increasesSteady-state voltage tolerance band
Voltage setting range
Voltage setting decrease range
Voltage setting increase range
Temporal voltage deviation
Transient voltage deviation when load increases
Transient voltage deviation when load decreases
Relative voltage setting range
Relative voltage setting decrease range
Relative voltage setting increase range
Steady-state output voltage deviation
Highest peak value of voltage modulation
Lowest peak value of voltage modulation
Voltage modulation
Voltage unbalance
Current voltage deviation
Shaft current compensation voltage drop degree
Rated slip of asynchronous generator
Rated frequency
Number of pole pairs
Rated speed of generator rotation
Rated output (new apparent power)
Rated active power
Rated power factor
Rated reactive power
Voltage recovery time
Voltage recovery time after load increase
Voltage recovery time after load reduction
Active current caused by load
Relative expected thermal life factor
4.1 For generator sets used for ship deck and offshore installation that must comply with the specifications of a certain group of associations, the additional requirements of the group of associations shall be met. The group of associations shall be declared by the user before placing an order. For ac generators operating under non-class equipment conditions, similar additional requirements in different cases shall be agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user.
4.2 If any other regulatory body (e.g. inspection and/or legislative body) has to comply with specific requirements, this body shall be declared by the user before the order is placed.
GB/T 2820. 3-1997
Any other additional requirements shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the user. 5 Ratings
For generators used in RIC engine driven generating sets, either a continuous rating (operating type S1) or a constant load rating with interruptions (operating type S10) shall be specified.
The maximum continuous rating based on operating type S1 is called the basic continuous rating (BR). For operating type S10, there is a peak continuous rating (PR) which allows the generator temperature rise to be increased by a certain specified value depending on the thermal resistance class. For operating type S10, the generator insulation system will thermally age when operated in PR at a certain increased rating. Therefore, the relative expected thermal life factor T for the insulation system is an important component in determining the rating category. 6 Temperature and temperature rise limits
6.1 Basic continuous rating
The generator shall be able to output its basic continuous rating (BR) under the condition of total temperature not exceeding 40°C plus temperature rise over the entire range of operating conditions (e.g. minimum to maximum cooling medium temperature). 6.2 Peak continuous rating
The total temperature of the generator under the peak continuous rating (PR) may be increased by the following allowable amount: Heat resistance level
When the ambient temperature is below 10°C, the limit of the total temperature shall be reduced by 1°C for each degree below the ambient temperature! ℃ Note
1 The output of the RIC engine may vary with the change of the ambient air temperature. The total temperature of the generator during operation depends on the initial cooling medium temperature of the engine, which is not necessarily related to the RIC engine intake temperature. 2 When the generator is operated at these higher leakages, the thermal aging of the generator insulation system will be 2 to 6 times faster (depending on the temperature increase and the specified insulation system) than when the generator is operated at the BR temperature rise value; that is, operation for 1 h at the PR temperature rise value is approximately equal to operation for 2 h to 6 h at the BR temperature rise value. The exact value of the T factor is given by the manufacturer and marked on the rating plate (see Chapter 14). Rated power and speed characteristics
The terms, symbols and definitions of rated power and speed are given in 7.1 to 7.5 (see Table 1) Table 1
Rated output (rated apparent
Rated active power
Apparent power at the terminals expressed in volt-amperes (VA) or its tenth multiple together with the power factorThe product of the rated apparent power expressed in watts (W) or its tenth multiple and the rated power number:||tt ||P.-S.cos4
Rated power factor
Rated reactive power
Rated current of generator rotation
Rated speed of synchronous generator rotation
Rated speed of asynchronous generator rotation
8 Voltage characteristics
Table 1 (end)
Ratio of rated active power to rated apparent power: cosf. S.
The difference between the rated apparent power expressed in vars or its multiple of ten and the rated active power: Q-Vs? p?
The speed of rotation required to produce the voltage at the rated power is determined by the formula:
The speed determined by the formula;
The voltage is approximately given in terms of equal signs and definitions: 8.]~-8.12 (see Table 2). Table 2
Rated voltage
Set voltage
No-load voltage
Voltage setting range
Relative voltage setting range
1:1SO8528:3 is defined as rated frequency
The line-to-line voltage at the generator terminals at rated frequency and rated output
Method, rated voltage refers to the voltage given by the manufacturer for adaptation and working performance
The line-to-line voltage selected by adjustment for the specified operation at the no-load frequency and the line-to-line voltage at the generator terminals at no-load
For all loads between no-load and rated output and within the agreed power factor range, the range between the rising and falling adjustment voltages at the generator terminals at rated frequency: AU, --s+AU..
The setting range of the generator expressed as a percentage of the rated voltage:
The voltage setting range of voltage reduction
Relative voltage setting range of voltage reduction
Relative voltage setting range of voltage increase
Steady-state voltage deviation
Transient voltage deviation, divided into load increase (-) and load reduction (+)
Table 2 (continued)
For all loads between no-load and rated output and within the agreed power range, the range between the rated voltage at the generator terminals and the reduced regulation voltage at rated frequency is: AU..=. Use
The voltage setting drop range expressed as a percentage of the rated voltage:
For all loads between no-load and rated output, within the agreed power factor range, at rated frequency, the range between the increased regulation voltage at the generator terminal and the rated positive voltage:AD.upU.up -D.
The voltage setting rise range expressed as a percentage of the rated voltage:
Considering the influence of temperature. But not considering the effect of the quadrature axis current compensation voltage drop, the steady-state change under load changes between no-load and rated output:
Also: The initial set voltage is usually the rated voltage, which can be connected within the range specified in 8.4
The steady-state voltage deviation is expressed as a percentage of the rated voltage,
+mm 100
Transient voltage deviation due to load increase refers to the voltage drop expressed as a percentage of the rated voltage when the rated load is suddenly connected to the generator when it is driven at rated speed and rated voltage under normal excitation control:
Transient voltage deviation due to load reduction refers to the voltage drop expressed as a certain percentage of the rated voltage when the rated load is suddenly removed when the generator is driven at rated speed and rated voltage under normal excitation control:
If the load change is different from the above specified value, the specified value and corresponding power factor shall be specified
Recovery voltage
Steady-state voltage tolerance band
Voltage recovery time
Voltage modulation
Voltage unbalance
Voltage regulation characteristics
1) More details are given in Appendix A. 2) See Figure 5 of GR/T 2820.5-1997. GB/T 2820. 3-1997
Table 2 (end)
The highest steady-state voltage that can be achieved for a certain specified load condition.
Note: The recovery voltage is usually expressed as a certain fraction of the rated voltage and is usually within the steady-state voltage tolerance band (U). For loads exceeding the rated load, the recovery voltage is limited by the degree and strength of the excitation machine/regulator (see Figure A1). The agreed voltage band of steady-state voltage that the voltage reaches after a sudden increase or decrease of a specified load within a given regulation cycle. Unless otherwise specified:
The interval from the instantaneous start of a load change (t.) to the instant when the voltage returns to and remains within the specified steady-state voltage tolerance band (tt) (see Figures A1 to A3):
This interval applies to constant speed and depends on the power factor. If the load change is different from the rated apparent power, the power change value and power factor should be stated.
The quasi-periodic voltage change (peak to peak) expressed as a percentage of the average peak voltage at rated frequency and constant speed at a representative frequency below the basic generation frequency above and below a certain steady-state voltage:
U -dorit 100
The ratio of the negative or zero sequence electrical component to the positive sequence electrical component under no-load. The voltage unbalance is expressed as a percentage of the rated voltage. The terminal voltage curve as a function of the load current at a given average power factor under steady-state conditions at rated speed without any dynamic adjustment of the power regulation system. 9 Parallel operation GB/T 2820. 3-1997 When operating in parallel with other generating sets or other power supplies, methods should be provided to ensure stable operation and proper distribution of reactive power. The most common method is to act on the white voltage regulator with a certain reactive current component. This forms a certain voltage drop characteristic of the reactive load. The cross-axis current compensation voltage drop degree 2Qu is the difference between the no-load voltage and the voltage U (Q=.S,) at rated current and zero lagging power factor, expressed as a percentage of the rated voltage: 8- U-(-S) 100
2c The value should be <8%. In the case of excessive system voltage changes, a higher value should be considered. Note: Loads with a power factor of 1.0 will not cause voltage drop. 2 AC generators with a dynamic magnetic system can be operated in parallel under voltage drop requirements when their magnetic field windings are connected by a positive line. When the active load distribution and the load distribution are similar, the required reactive load distribution can be achieved. 3 When the generator sets are operated in parallel, the direct connection of their points will generate circulating currents, especially the third harmonic current. 10 Specific load conditions: Under conditions worse than the given standard conditions, specific load conditions should be specified. 10.1 Unbalanced load current
Except for generators with a rated value of less than 1000kVA, which are capable of continuous operation with a negative sequence current of less than 10% of the rated current between line and neutral, the requirements of 7.5 of GB755-87 shall apply: 10.2 Special continuous short-circuit current
When the generator is in a short-circuit state, a certain continuous minimum current value (after the instantaneous anti-vibration towel is disconnected) is usually required to ensure that the system's protection device operates for a sufficient period of time.
When selective protection is achieved by using special relays or other devices or methods, or when selective protection is not required, it is not necessary to maintain this continuous short-circuit current.
10.3 Accidental overcurrent capability
According to the provisions of 7.1.E of GB 755-87 10.4 Telephone harmonic frequency (THF)
The limit value of the telephone spectrum harmonic frequency of the line-to-line voltage shall be in accordance with the provisions of 11.1.2 of GB755-87. 5%THF should also be applicable to generators between 62.5kVA and 300kVA, and 8%THF should be applicable to generators below 62.5kVA. 10.5 Radio interference suppression (F)
The limit of radio interference caused by continuous electrostatic interference should be in accordance with GB4343. The degree of radio interference suppression should involve level interference voltage, power and field strength. This should be determined by agreement between the user and the manufacturer. 11 Influence of electromechanical vibration frequency when units are running in parallel The manufacturer of the generator set is responsible for ensuring that its units can run stably in parallel with other units: generator suppression! This requirement should be achieved as needed.
If the torque of the engine is not uniform at a frequency close to a certain electrical natural frequency, resonance will occur. The electrical natural frequency is usually kept in the range of 1 Hz to 3 Hz, and therefore for low speed (100 min-1 to 180 min-1) RIC: engine generators are likely to resonate.
In this case, the generator manufacturer should first advise the user and assist in system analysis if necessary, and expect the generator manufacturer to participate in the investigation.
12 Asynchronous generators with excitation devices
12.1 General
GB/T 2820.3:1997
Asynchronous generators require a reactive power card to generate voltage. When the asynchronous generator is running alone, a dedicated excitation device must be provided for the excitation of the asynchronous generator: the device should also supply the reactive power required by the connected load.
All the terms defined in 12.2 to 12.5 are valid for asynchronous generators, the required active power of which is provided by a specially installed dynamic magnetic device.
12.2 Rated speed and rated slip (see 7.5.2) Rated slip refers to the rotation speed required to produce the voltage at the rated frequency, taking into account the influence of the rated slip: P2,G
The rated slip of an asynchronous generator refers to the ratio of the difference between the synchronous speed and the rated speed of the rotor to the synchronous speed under the condition that the generator set outputs the rated active power:
(/p) nc
12.3 Continuous short-circuit current (see 10.2)
Asynchronous generators only produce continuous short-circuit current when using a specially set excitation power supply. 12.4 Voltage setting range (see 8.4)
In order to achieve the range of positive regulation of asynchronous generators, a controllable special excitation device is required. 12.5 Parallel operation (see 9)
For asynchronous generators with special magnetic brush devices operating in parallel, the reactive power required for the connected load is allocated according to their excitation output capacity. The asynchronous generator allocates the dynamic power required for the connected load according to the RIC: engine speed. 13 Operating limit values
Four performance levels are specified to describe the generator performance (see GB/T2820.1). The operating limit values are given in Table 3. The values given in Table 3 are only applicable to generators, exciters and regulators operating at constant (rated) speed and starting from ambient temperature. The influence of the speed regulation of the prime mover can lead to these deviations as given in Table 3, Item No.
Relative voltage regulation
Steady-state voltage deviation
Transient voltage deviation when load increases
Transient voltage deviation when load decreases
Surface voltage imbalance when voltage recovers
GB/T 2820. 3—1997
1) No requirement and necessary: 2) AMC is as per agreement between manufacturer and user. Reference Item No.
Operation limit value
Performance level
3) Rated apparent full power with constant impedance load at rated voltage and rated frequency, other power factor effective limits may be determined by the manufacturer and user.
1) It should be noted that choosing a certain level of transient voltage deviation and/or recovery time lower than the actual requirement will result in using more generators. In addition, there is a certain relationship between transient medical performance and transient reactance, and the system's fault resistance will also increase. 5) Higher values can be used for generators with rated output greater than 5MVA and speed not higher than 10SGOmin-\. 1) In the case of parallel operation, this value should be reduced to 0. 5,14 Rating plate
The rating plate of the generator should be in accordance with the provisions of GB755. In addition, the rated output phase rating type should be as follows: α) When a certain continuous rating based on the working state type S1 is marked, the rated output should be followed by "BR" (basic continuous rating), for example S, = 22 kVA BR;
b) When a certain rating with a constant load with an interruption based on the working state type S10 is marked, it should be marked according to e) the basic continuous rating based on the working state SI. In addition, the peak rated output should be marked with \PR\ (peak continuous rating), the maximum operating time per year is 500h (see 13.3.3 in CB/T2820.1-1997) and the factor T. The table continues, for example S-24kVAPR500hperycar.T.-0.9.
When requested, the generator manufacturer! Should provide the unit manufacturer with the specified value or capacity diagram indicating the allowable output of the generator set beyond the cooling medium temperature range involved.
English Note:
21150 8325.3 standards are respectively -30, -24, -18A1 General
GB/T 2820- 3..- 1997
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Transient voltage characteristics of ac generators after a sudden change in load 1.1 When the generator is subjected to a sudden change in load: there will be a certain change in terminal voltage over time. The function of the micro-magnetic regulator system is to detect this change in terminal voltage and change the field excitation as required to restore the terminal voltage. The maximum transient deviation in terminal voltage varies with the following conditions:
) the change in the applied load and the power factor; b) the current-voltage characteristics and power factor of the load at any moment; d) the recovery time and voltage strength of the excitation regulator system; d) the relationship between RIC engine speed and time after a sudden change in load. Therefore, transient voltage performance is the performance characteristic of the entire system including generator, exciter, voltage regulator and RIC engine, and it is impossible to determine it only based on the generator characteristics. This appendix only involves the generator and excitation regulator system. A1.2 When selecting or using a generator, it is often required or specified that the maximum transient voltage deviation (voltage drop) deviates from the rated voltage when a certain load is suddenly added. When required by the user: the generator manufacturer should provide the rated transient voltage deviation for the following two situations: a) the generator, exciter and voltage regulator are provided by the AC generator manufacturer as an integral assembly; b) the generator manufacturer can obtain complete data to determine the transient performance of the voltage regulator (if a RIC exciter is used). A1.3 When providing the estimated transient voltage dropouts, the following conditions shall be assumed unless otherwise specified: a) constant speed (rated);
h) the generator, exciter and voltage regulator are initially operated at no load, rated voltage and ambient temperature;
a) a constant load of specified linear impedance is applied. Note: The estimated transient voltage dropout from rated voltage is the average voltage change in each phase at the generator terminals, i.e., the effects of various factors beyond the control of the generator manufacturer are not taken into account.
A2 Example
A trace of the output voltage taken as a time function represents the transient performance of the generator, exciter and voltage regulator system under sudden load changes. The complete voltage envelope shall be recorded in order to determine the performance characteristics. The traces of two selected types of voltage recorders are shown in Figures A1, A2 and A3. The trace curves and this calculation shall be used as a guide to determine the performance of the generator, exciter and voltage regulator when subjected to a sudden load change. 43 Motor Starting Loads
The following test conditions are recommended for determining the motor starting performance of synchronous generators, exciters, and voltage regulator systems. A3.1 Load Simulation
The test conditions for load simulation are as follows:
a) Constant impedance (not a balanced reactance load); b) Power rating 0. (After full
Note: The current absorbed by the simulated motor starting load shall be corrected according to the ratio:: At any time, the terminal voltage of the generator cannot be restored to the rated value: This correction value and the rated terminal voltage shall be used to determine the actual kVA load. A3.2 Filter Degree
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