Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography
Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A46 Astronomy
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publishing house:China Standards Press
Publication date:2017-07-24
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drafter:Zuo Wei, Zhang Zhoubin, Mou Lingli, Liu Jianjun, Ren Xin, Zeng Xingguo, Li Chunlai
Drafting unit:National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Space Science and Its Applications Standardization (SAC/TC 312)
Proposing unit:Chinese Academy of Sciences
Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
GB/T 33998-2017 Lunar Information Metadata
|tt||Standard compression package decompression password:
This standard specifies the structure and content of lunar information metadata and defines the data dictionary of lunar information metadata. This standard applies to the description, generation, archiving, publication, exchange and application of various types of lunar information.
Some standard content:
ICS07.040 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T33998—2017 Lunar information metadata Published on July 12, 2017 General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China Implementation on February 1, 2018 GB/T33998—2017 Terms and Definitions 3 Metadata Structure and Content 3.1 Metadata Description 3.2 Metadata Concept Structure 3.3 Metadata Content Metadata Information Data Identification Information Reference System Information Data Attribute Information Data Quality Information|| tt||Data archive information Data volume information Data restriction information Responsible party information Data dictionary Content description· Attribute description· English name Constraints/conditions Maximum number of occurrences Data type Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Lunar information metadata data dictionary Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Appendix C (Informative Appendix) References Code table Conceptual model This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. This standard was proposed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Space Science and Its Application Standardization (SAC/TC312). The responsible drafting unit of this standard is the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main drafters of this standard are Zuo Wei, Zhang Zhoubin, Mou Lingli, Liu Jianjun, Ren Xin, Zeng Xingguo, and Li Chunlai. GB/T33998—2017 HiiKAoNiKAca HiiKAoNiKAca 1 Scope Lunar information metadata GB/T33998—2017 This standard specifies the structure and content of lunar information metadata and defines the data dictionary of lunar information metadata. This standard applies to the description, generation, archiving, publication, exchange and application of various types of lunar information. Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 2.1 Datasetdataset A collection of identifiable data. Note: A dataset can be physically a smaller part of a larger dataset through restrictions such as spatial extent or feature type. Theoretically, a dataset can be as small as a single feature or feature attribute within a larger dataset. A hard copy map or chart can be considered as a data set. [GB/T19710—2005, definition 4.2] Lunar information lunarinformation Information about lunar resources obtained by lunar probes2.3 metadata of lunar informationMetadata of lunar information Data describing lunar information data. metadata element metadata attribute Metadata attribute Basic unit of metadata. Note 1: A metadata element is unique in a metadata entity. Note 2: Rewrite GB/T19710—2005, definition metadata entity Metadata entity A group of metadata elements that describe the same characteristics of data. Note: It can be a single entity or an aggregate entity containing one or more entities. [GB/T19710—2005, definition 4.7] Metadata subset metadata section Metadata package metadatapackage A subset of metadata, consisting of related metadata entities and elements. Note: Rewrite GB/T19710—2005, definition 4.8. 3 Metadata structure and content Metadata description This standard uses a metadata data dictionary (see Appendix A), a code table (see Appendix B) and a conceptual model (see Appendix C for conceptual model description)1 HiikAoNnikAca GB/T33998—2017 to describe lunar information metadata. The basic structure of metadata is described through the conceptual model structure diagram (ER diagram) (see Figures 2 to 10), and the metadata characteristics and content are described in detail through the data dictionary and code table. 3.2 Metadata conceptual structure The lunar information metadata consists of a metadata information subset (conceptual model package) and its eight associated subsets, see Table 1. Table 1 Comparison table of metadata sets and metadata entities of lunar information metadata Serial number Set/subset name Metadata information Data identification information Reference system information Data attribute information Data quality information Data archive information Data volume information Data restriction information Responsible party information Entity name Metadata Data identification Reference system Data attribute Data quality Data archive Data volume Data restriction Responsible party English name Metadata Data_Identification Reference_System Data_Attribute Data_Quality Data archive Data volume Data restriction Responsible party lity Data_Archives Data_Volume Data_Constraints Responsible_Party ER diagram Data dictionary Describes all metadata of lunar information Describes basic information of lunar data Describes the temporal and spatial reference system used by the dataset Description of lunar data attribute information Provides overall evaluation information of dataset data quality Description of lunar data archive information Describes information about lunar data collection Restrictions on access to and use of datasets or metadata Information on the responsible unit or person in charge related to the dataset Each subset consists of several entities (conceptual model entities) and elements (conceptual model attributes). Reusable entities are called by other subsets and are not used separately. Figure 1 describes the conceptual structure of lunar information metadata. Each metadata package contains one or more metadata entities and metadata elements. Reference system information Responsible party information Data archive information Data identification information Metadata information Data volume information Figure 1 Conceptual structure of lunar information metadata Data quality information Data attribute information Data restriction information TiiKAoNhiKAca 3.3 Metadata content 3.3.1 Metadata Information GB/T33998—2017 The metadata information entity describes all metadata information of lunar information, which is represented by the mandatory entity metadata (Metadata). Metadata consists of the following metadata entities and metadata elements: a) Mandatory entities: Data identification (Data_Identification); Data attributes (Data_Attribute); Data archives (Data_Archives); Responsible_Party); Metadata character set (Character_Set). b) Optional entities: Reference system (Reference_System); Data quality (Data_Quality); Data volume (Data_Volume); Data constraints (Data_Constraints). Mandatory elements: Metadata identifier; Unique metadata language; Metadata creation date. d) Optional elements: Metadata standard name: Unified metadata standard version. Metadata ER diagram is shown in Figure 2.It is the abbreviation of PrimaryIdentifier.The identified element is the primary element of the entity (that is, the element that can uniquely identify a piece of data in the entity. It is called the primary key in the physical model); "M" is the abbreviation of Mandatory in English, which means that the mandatory drug bundle cannot be empty, and the element value corresponding to the element identified by "M" cannot be empty. HiiKAoNniKAca GB/T33998—2017 Data volume name Data volume Data volume Data volume description Start time of data in the volume End time of data in the volume Data volume generation time Data level in the volume Instrument to which the data in the volume belongs Metadata identifier Complete data language Metadata creation date Metadata standard name Metadata standard version Data identifier Data name Data language Data description References Orbit number Detection cycle number| |tt||String Share symbol review Study symbol Date type Date type String String Metadata pi>String Study symbol review Date type String String Data identifier Spi>String Character review String String String String Data attribute Data attribute name Data attribute type Data attribute precision Data attribute range Data attribute description String Shared Character Review String String String Data Quality Quality Description Processing Event Data Source 3.3.2 Data Identification Information String String String Domain code Chinese name English name Archive time Backup status Backup time Publish status Migration time Migration time Metadata character set Code table String Li Te Shi Character Shi String Data archiving Date type Date type<M> Date type Date type Retention period unit Retention period Archive location Archive system name Device name Media name Volume location String String String String| |tt||string string string string reference system reference system description string string data restrictions usage restrictions string access restrictions string purpose restrictions string legal restrictions string responsible party responsible party identifier||t t||Name of person in charge Figure 2 Metadata ER diagram Name of responsible unit Email String Xiang Fu Shi String Li Fu String String String String Data identification information is the basic information describing lunar data, which is represented by the mandatory entity data identification (Data_Identification). Data identification consists of the following metadata entities and elements: a) Mandatory entity: iiKAoNiKAca Data entity (Data_Entity). b) Optional entities: Mission; Explorer; Instrument; Instrument_Parameter; Data_Production; Orbit_Param; Data_Coverage. Required elements: Data identifier; Data name; Data description; Orbit number. Optional elements: References. See Figure 3 for the data identification ER diagram. GB/T33998—2017 iiKAoNniKAca GB/T33998—2017 Data Identification Data Identifier Data Description Detection Cycle Number Entity Identifier Entity Name Entity Type Entity Version Entity Description Data Standard Spi>Character String String String Data Entity String String String String String String Receive data ground station name Receive data ground station identifier Creation time Publish time Type identifier Collection start time Collection end time Character string String Expiration type Expiration type Character string First type Date type SPi> Symbol Task identifier Task name Task description Detection object Service start time Task end time Service phase name Task phase start time Service phase end time Instrument identifier Instrument name Instrument description Instrument host identifier Instrument host name Instrument start time Instrument shutdown time Instrument phase task name String Time type Time type Date type String Character review String String First period type Date type Character string Instrument stage task start time Instrument stage task shutdown time Instrument parameters Self period type Date type Instrument zero number name string Instrument parameter value Instrument parameter description 3.3.3 Reference system information String Metadata identifier Metadata language End Data creation date End Data standard name End Data standard version Metadata Spi> String String Period type Study special string Study character string Data processing Data processing method character review Data processing procedure Character string Data processing unit Character review Revision History String Data coverage Data coverage description string Spatial resolution Temporal coverage Orbit coverage Epoch time Semi-major axis Eccentricity Orbit inclination String Orbit parameters String Double precision Double precision Double precision Double precision Ascending node Tai longitude Perigee angular distance double precision Detector Detector identifier Detector name Detector type Detector description Detector mission start time Detector mission end time Detector mission phase name Detector in-service phase start time Detector mission phase end time Figure 3 Data identification ER diagram Reference system information is the description of the temporal and spatial reference system used by the dataset, which is represented by the optional entity Reference_System. The reference system consists of the following metadata entities and elements: a) Required entity: Lunar reference coordinate system code (Lunar_Reference_Coordinate_System_Code). b) Optional entity: Reference sphere (Reference_Ellipsoid); projection (Map_Projection). Required element: Reference system description. d) Optional element: A datum. See Figure 4 for the ER diagram of the reference system String Reference system description Projection identifier Projection description String Reference system Map projection entity type Row projection offset Column projection offset Positive direction of meridian Central parallel Central meridian Map projection rotation 3.3.4 Data attribute information Character string Character string string string string string string string string string string metadata identifier metadata language metadata creation date metadata standard name metadata standard version metadata string GB/T33998—2017 issue type String String Lunar reference coordinate system code Code table Domain code Chinese name English name Reference ellipsoid identifier Reference ellipsoid description A-axis radius B-axis radius C-axis radius Reference system ER diagram Academic symbol Character special character String Character special character String Reference sphere Character special character String String Data attribute information is a description of the lunar data attribute information, which is represented by the required entity data attribute (Data_Attribute). Data attributes are composed of the following metadata elements: a) Required elements: Data attribute name; Data attribute type. b) Optional elements: Data attribute precision; Data attribute value range; Data attribute description. GB/T33998—2017 The ER class diagram of data attributes is shown in Figure 5. 5Data quality information Metadata identifier Metadata language Metadata creation date Metadata standard name Metadata standard version Metadata Character String Date type String Character Data attribute Data attribute name Data attribute type Data attribute precision Data attribute range Data attribute description String String String String Data attribute ER diagram Data quality information is the overall evaluation of the data quality of the lunar dataset, which is represented by the optional entity Data_Quality. Data quality consists of the following metadata entities and elements: a) Optional entity: Data quality level (Quality_Level). b) Mandatory element: Quality description. Optional element: Processing event; Data source. Data quality entity ER diagram is shown in Figure 6 Data quality Quality description String<M> Processing event string Data source String Data quality level Metadata identifier Metadata language Metadata Metadata creation date Metadata standard name Metadata standard version Domain code Chinese name English name Data quality ER diagram Beautiful Date type String String Code table Character car String String String Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.