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JB/T 5832-1991 High voltage electrostatic generator for painting

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5832-1991

Standard Name: High voltage electrostatic generator for painting

Chinese Name: 涂装用高压静电发生器

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-10-24

Date of Implementation:1992-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment>>K46 Power Semiconductor Devices and Components

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JB/T 5832-1991 High Voltage Electrostatic Generator for Painting JB/T5832-1991 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

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Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 5832-1991
High-voltage electrostatic generator for painting
Published on October 24, 1991
Implementation by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1992
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
High-voltage electrostatic generator for painting
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules of high-voltage electrostatic generators for painting (hereinafter referred to as generators).
This standard is applicable to generators in various electrostatic painting equipment, and can also be used for high-voltage electrostatic power supplies for similar purposes. 2 Reference standards
3 Terms
Electrical terminology Basic terminology
Electrical terminology
Painting operation safety regulations Painting process Safety coating technical terms
Converter product packaging technical conditions
Except for the following terms, the others shall comply with the provisions of GB2900 and GB8264. 3.1
Electrostatic coating
The process of using the principle of corona discharge to charge the atomized paint (the powder is evenly distributed in space), and adsorbing and depositing on the opposite polarity surface under the action of the DC electric field to form a coating. 3.2 High-voltage electrostatic generator
A DC high-voltage electrostatic power supply composed of high-voltage components, controllers and special high-voltage cables. 3.3 High-voltage assembly
Assembly consisting of high-voltage transformer, high-voltage components and current-limiting components. 3.4 Short-circuit current
The current when the output terminal of the generator is short-circuited directly to the ground under rated load (i.e. rated DC voltage and rated DC current).
Product classification
Model composition
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on October 24, 1991 and implemented on October 1, 1992
Series code
4.1.1 The series code consists of three parts;
JB/T 5832-1991
Design serial number
Specification code
The first part indicates the type of component, and the letter "B" is used to represent the rectifier component.
Characteristic data
Design sequence number
Insulation method
Component type The second part indicates the main purpose of the product. High-voltage electrostatic coating is indicated by the capital letter "G". The third part indicates the insulation method of the high-voltage components in the generator. The meanings of the letters are as follows: Y Oil-immersed package
G Solid package
Q Gas package
4.1.2 Design sequence number: composed of Arabic numerals. Used to distinguish products of the same series and specifications but with different characteristics. 4.1.3 Specification code: Indicated by the characteristic data of the generator: rated DC current (μA)/rated DC voltage (kV). 4.2 Model spectrum
4.2.1 Rated DC voltage value level
The rated DC voltage value output by the generator shall be selected from the following values: 60, (70), 80, 90, 100, (120), 140 kV. Note: The values ​​in brackets are not recommended. 4.2.2 Rated DC current value level
The rated DC current value output by the generator shall be selected from the following values: 80, 100, (150), 200, (250), 300 μA. Note: The values ​​in brackets are not recommended.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Normal working conditions
5.1.1 Power supply voltage: single-phase AC 220 V, the continuous fluctuation range is allowed to be no more than ±10%. 5.1.2 Power supply frequency: 50 Hz, the variation range is allowed to be no more than ±2%. Note: It is assumed that the reduction in frequency and the increase in AC grid voltage do not occur simultaneously, and vice versa. 5.1.3 Altitude: not more than 1000m
5.1.4 Ambient temperature: -10~+40℃
5.1.5 Maximum relative humidity of air shall not exceed 90% (at air 20±5℃). 2
JB/T 5832—1991
5.1.6 There shall be no gas or liquid that corrodes metal or damages insulation, and no severe vibration or impact at the operating location. 5.2 Abnormal working conditions
When the working conditions of the generator do not meet the requirements of Article 5.1, the user shall raise the issue when placing an order and reach an agreement with the manufacturer. 5.3 Performance
5.3.1 DC output voltage
The selection of the rated DC voltage value (average value) output by the generator shall comply with the requirements of Article 4.2.1, and the tolerance range shall be within ±5% of the rated value.
5.3.2 DC output current
The selection of the rated DC current value (average value) output by the generator shall comply with the requirements of Article 4.2.2, and the tolerance range shall be within ±5% of the rated value.
5.3.3 Short circuit
When the generator is in rated state, the current when its output terminal is short-circuited directly to the ground for a short time shall not be greater than 2 times the rated current, and there shall be no spark or breakdown during short circuit.
5.3.4 No-load operation
When the generator is in rated state, it shall run no-load for 1 hour after removing the load, and there shall be no flashover or breakdown. 5.3.5 No-load impact
When the generator is in no-load operation state, the power switch is continuously turned on and off 30 times/min for a 5-min impact, and the generator shall be able to operate normally.
5.3.6 Insulation test The low-voltage circuit of the generator shall be able to withstand the power frequency AC test voltage specified in Table 1 according to its working voltage for 1 minute without flashover or breakdown.
Rated insulation voltage
Note: U is the maximum no-load voltage between any pair of terminals. Test voltage
(sine wave root mean square value) The high-voltage transformer of the generator shall be able to withstand an external AC voltage of the same frequency as 1.5 times its rated output voltage for 1 minute without flashover or breakdown. The high-voltage components of the generator should be able to withstand an external DC voltage of the same polarity of 1.25 times its rated DC voltage for 5 minutes without flashover and breakdown.
5.3.7 Overcurrent protection
When the output current of the generator is 110%~150% of the rated current value, the control link should automatically cut off the power supply and display it with a signal. 5.3.8 Load operation
When the generator runs continuously for 8 hours under rated load conditions, its output voltage and current values ​​shall not be less than 95% of the voltage and current values ​​before load operation.
5.3.9 Temperature rise
When the generator runs under rated load conditions, the temperature rise of the handheld part of the portable spray gun equipped with the generator to the ambient temperature shall not be greater than 5K.
5.4 Grounding resistance
The working grounding resistance and safety protection grounding resistance of the generator shall not exceed 4α. 5.5 Safety requirements
The safety requirements of the generator shall comply with the relevant provisions of Chapters 11 and 12 of GB6514. 6 Test methods
6.1 Insulation test
The insulation test includes two parts: insulation resistance measurement and withstand voltage test. 6.1.1 Insulation resistance measurement
Before conducting the withstand voltage test, the insulation resistance of the high-voltage output terminal of the generator to the ground terminal shall be measured with a 2500V megohmmeter. Under the conditions of an ambient temperature of 20+5℃ and a maximum relative humidity of 90%, its forward resistance value shall not be lower than the resistance of the current limiting element, and the reverse resistance value shall not be lower than 2500MQ. The insulation resistance value is only used as a reference for the withstand voltage test and is not used as an assessment item. 6.1.2 Insulation test of the low-voltage circuit structure of the generator. During the test, first disconnect the connection between the control circuit and the high-voltage component, and then short-circuit the terminals of the components in the low-voltage circuit together. If there is a printed circuit board, it should be removed. The short-circuited terminals and the housing should be subjected to the external construction frequency AC voltage root mean square value for 1 minute in accordance with the provisions of Table 1 in Article There should be no flashover or breakdown. 6.1.3 Insulation test of high-voltage components using multi-stage voltage doubling circuits. The primary lead of the high-voltage transformer should be short-circuited first, then connected to the lead of the secondary grounding terminal and then grounded. The high-voltage output terminal should be connected to the high-voltage terminal of the electrostatic voltmeter, and then a DC voltage with the same polarity as the high-voltage component should be applied between the high-voltage output terminal and the grounding terminal. After the power is turned on, the voltage should be gradually increased to 1/100 of the rated DC voltage of the generator.25 times, for 5 minutes, there should be no flashover and breakdown, and then the voltage is reduced to zero. 6.1.4 Insulation test of high-voltage components using full-wave voltage doubling circuit. a) Insulation test of high-voltage transformer. During the test, the primary and secondary wires of the high-voltage transformer should be disconnected from the connecting wires of other parts, the primary lead should be short-circuited and grounded, and the secondary lead should be short-circuited and connected to the high-voltage end of the electrostatic voltmeter and the output end of the AC test transformer. After the power is turned on, the voltage is gradually increased to 1.5 times the rated output voltage of the high-voltage transformer for 1 minute, and there should be no flashover and breakdown. Then reduce the voltage to zero:
b) For the insulation test of high-voltage components, the connection line between the high-voltage transformer and the high-voltage component should be removed first, the primary and secondary leads of the high-voltage transformer should be short-circuited together, and then grounded together with the grounding terminal of the high-voltage component, the output terminal of the high-voltage component should be connected to the high-voltage terminal of the electrostatic voltmeter, and a DC voltage of the same polarity should be applied between the high-voltage terminal and the grounding terminal of the high-voltage component. After the power is turned on, the voltage should be increased to 1.25 times the rated DC voltage of the generator for 5 minutes. There should be no flashover and breakdown, and then the voltage should be reduced to zero. 6.2 Load test
Connect the high-voltage output terminal of the generator to the input terminal of the load resistor and the electrostatic voltmeter (accuracy is 1.0 level), and connect a DC microammeter (accuracy is 1.5 level) in series between the other end of the load resistor and the grounding wire. Adjust the size of the load resistor according to the rated DC voltage and rated DC current of the generator, turn on the generator power and increase the voltage so that the readings of the electrostatic voltmeter and DC microammeter meet the requirements of Articles 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 of this standard.
6.3 Short-circuit test
First remove the overcurrent protection link in the generator, make the generator run under rated load conditions, connect the DC microammeter (accuracy is 1.5 level) in series between the lead wire of the discharge rod and the ground wire, and make the contact of the discharge rod quickly contact the high-voltage output terminal of the generator. At this time, the reading of the DC microammeter should not be greater than 2 times the rated DC current, and there is no spark or breakdown discharge phenomenon. 6.4 Overcurrent protection test
Restore the overcurrent protection link of the generator to normal state. The test conditions are the same as those in Article 6.3. Make the generator run under rated load conditions, and use the discharge rod to gradually approach the high-voltage output terminal of the generator. When the reading of the DC microammeter reaches 110%~150% of the rated DC current value, the overcurrent protection link of the generator should automatically cut off the power supply and display it with a signal. 6.5 No-load test
Connect the high-voltage output terminal of the generator to a hollow metal ball with a diameter of not less than 100mm, and place it in a space away from surrounding metal objects at a distance of not less than 1.m). Contact the metal ball with the high-voltage terminal of the electrostatic voltmeter, and connect the load resistor at the same time. After turning on the generator power, boost the voltage so that the generator is in the rated load state, then remove the load resistor and run it continuously for 1 hour. There should be no flashover or breakdown. 6.6 No-load impact test
The test conditions are the same as those in Article 6.5. Operate the power switch on and off continuously for 30 times/min for 5 minutes. There should be no breakdown or flashover. 6.7 Load operation test
The test conditions are the same as those in Article 6.2. After the generator has been running continuously for 8 hours under rated load conditions, the output voltage and current values ​​of the generator should meet the requirements of Article 5.3.8 when re-measured. And there is no breakdown or flashover. 6.8 Temperature rise test
The temperature rise test can be carried out simultaneously with the load operation test. The surface temperature of the handheld part of the portable spray gun is measured every 0.5h. After continuous measurement for 3h, when the temperature rise change does not exceed 1K per hour, it is considered to have reached the thermal stability state. The test results should meet the requirements of Article 5.3.9.
The temperature measuring element used in the temperature rise test can be a semiconductor point thermometer, alcohol thermometer, thermocouple or other equivalent methods. When measuring, the temperature sensing head should be as close to the measured point as possible to ensure good heat conduction between them. 6.9 Safety test
Inspect according to the provisions of Article 5.5.
6.10 General inspection
6.10.1 Component inspection
Inspect the models, specifications and qualified records of thyristors, rectifiers and various electrical parts used in the generator, which should all comply with the provisions of relevant standards.
6.10.2 Box inspection
The structural design of the generator box should ensure safety and reliability during commissioning, operation, maintenance and inspection. The panel of the box should be flat and symmetrical, all welds should be even and firm, and there should be no obvious deformation or defects. The overall dimensions and installation hole spacing should comply with the provisions of relevant standards. The ferrous metal parts used should be surface treated. The surface of electroplated parts and painted parts should be uniform, without scratches, knocks, collisions, rust and shedding.
Various fasteners should have anti-loosening devices and the installation should be firm and reliable. 6.10.3 Assembly inspection
The layout of the circuits and electrical components in the generator should strive to be neat and beautiful, easy to operate, and reasonable in process. The wearing parts should be easy to replace and repair.
The connecting wires of each electrical component in the circuit should have insulation suitable for the rated insulation voltage. The wiring, welding, connectors, line end markings and numbers of each circuit should comply with the provisions of relevant standards. 7
Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection classification
The inspection of the generator is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. Both inspections should be carried out in the manufacturer. 7.2
Factory inspection
The various inspections that must be carried out when the product is delivered are collectively referred to as factory inspection. Each product must be tested by the enterprise's quality inspection department in accordance with the provisions of Table 2 in this standard. It can only be shipped after passing the inspection and a certificate of inspection qualification will be issued.
During the factory inspection, if one item does not meet the specified requirements, it is allowed to be returned for retesting and can only be shipped after passing the retest. 3 Type test
To conduct a comprehensive assessment of product quality, that is, to inspect all the technical requirements specified in this standard, is called type inspection. Type inspection should be carried out in any of the following situations. a) Finalization identification of new products or old products that are trial-produced; b) After formal production, if the structure, material, and process of the product have changed significantly, it may affect the product performance; c) When the product is resumed after a long-term suspension; d) For mass-produced products, the test cycle is to conduct a random test once every two years, and each random test product is not less than two units. If one unit fails in one item during the test, it is allowed to be repaired. If it still fails in the retest, the batch of products is unqualified and can only continue to be produced after the defects are eliminated and the inspection is qualified;
e) When there is a difference between the factory inspection results and the last type inspection; f) When the national quality supervision agency proposes a requirement for type inspection. 7.4
Inspection items
The factory inspection and type inspection items of the generator are shown in Table 2. Table 2
Test items
Insulation test
Load test
Short circuit test
Overcurrent protection test
No-load test
No-load impact test
Load operation test
Temperature rise test
Safety test
General inspection
\V\ is a required item.
Type inspection
Factory inspection
Test method
See 6.1
See 6.2
See 6.3
See 6.4
See 6.5
See 6.6
See 6.7bzxZ.net
See 6.8
See 6.9
See 6.10
8 Marking, packaging, transportation, purchase and storage||tt| |8.1 Marking
A product label shall be installed in a conspicuous place on the outer surface of the generator box. The type and size of the label shall comply with the provisions of JB8. Its basic contents include:
a) Product model and name;
b) Power supply voltage and frequency;
c) Rated DC voltage and rated DC current d) Manufacturer's name;
e) Date of manufacture;
f) Factory number.
2 Packaging, transportation and storage
The packaging, transportation and storage of products shall comply with the provisions of Articles 2.1, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 of JB4276. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Power Electronics Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is drafted by Beijing Electrostatic Equipment Factory. The main drafters of this standard are An Guangjin and Duan Yongming. 7
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
High Voltage Electrostatic Generator for Coating
Published and Distributed by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
Printed by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
(No. 2, Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
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Book size 880×1230
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Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://wwwJB.ac.cn1661_8
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