title>Forms of import and export licences of the Peoples Republic of China - Part 1: Form of import licence - GB/T 15311.1-2008 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Forms of import and export licences of the Peoples Republic of China - Part 1: Form of import licence
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 15311.1-2008
Standard Name:Forms of import and export licences of the Peoples Republic of China - Part 1: Form of import licence
Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment>>Information technology applications>>35.240.60 Information technology in transportation and trade
Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A13 File Format
drafter:Hu Hanjing, Meng Zhuming, Li Xiaolin, Xing Liqiang, Shi Liwu, Zhang Yinfen, Cao Xinjiu
Drafting unit:China National Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Commerce
Focal point unit:National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee
Proposing unit:Ministry of Commerce and China National Institute of Standardization
Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
This part of GB/T 15311 specifies the format of the import license of the People's Republic of China. This part applies to the preparation, printing and information processing of the import license of the People's Republic of China. GB/T 15311.1-2008 Format of import and export licenses of the People's Republic of China Part 1: Format of import license GB/T15311.1-2008 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This part of GB/T 15311 specifies the format of the import license of the People's Republic of China.
This part applies to the preparation, printing and information processing of the import license of the People's Republic of China.
The provisions in the following documents become the provisions of this part through reference to this part of GB/T 15311. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part, however, the parties to the agreement based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version of the document applies to this part.
GB/T2659—2000 Codes for names of countries and regions around the world (eqvISO3166-1:1997)
GB/T7408—2005 Data elements and exchange formats - Date and time representation for information exchange (ISO8601:2000, IDT)
GB/T12406—1996 Codes for representing currencies and funds (idtISO4217:1990)
GB/T15421—2008 Codes for international trade methods
GB/T15514—2008 Codes for ports and related locations of the People's Republic of China
GB/T17295—2008 Codes for international trade units
WM1—1999 Code Specifications for Import and Export Enterprises of the People’s Republic of China
Customs Import and Export Commodity Classification Codes Preface………………………………………………………………Ⅲ
1 Scope………………………………………………………… 1
2 Normative References………………………………… 1
3 Format of Import License…………………………… 1
3.1 Paper Specifications and Graphic Area…………… 1
3.2 Abbreviations of Character Representation… 1
3.3 Explanations of Items in the Format… 2
3.4 Format………………………………………… 4
Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Format of “Import License of the People’s Republic of China”… 5
Some standard content:
ICS 35.240.60 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 15311.1—2008 Replaces GB/T 15311.1:1994 Forms of import and export licences of the People's Republic of China-Part 1:Form of import licence2008-06-18 Issued General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China 2008-11-01 Implementation Normative references Format of import license 3.1 Paper specifications and graphic area 3.2 Abbreviations of character representation 3.3 Explanations of items in the format 3.4 Format ...... ......................... Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Format of "Import License of the People's Republic of China" GB/T15311.1—2008 Foreword GB/T15311 Format of Import and Export License of the People's Republic of China" is divided into two parts: Part 1: Format of import license! Part 2: Format of export license. This part is Part 1 of GB/T 15311. This part replaces GB/T 15311.1—1994. The main changes of this part compared with GB/T 15311.1—1994 are as follows: the preface has been updated; the introduction part has been added; the latest national standards have been cited in the chapter on normative references; and some codes in the import license format have been changed. Appendix A of this part is a normative appendix. This part was jointly proposed by the Ministry of Commerce and the China National Institute of Standardization. This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Electronic Business Standardization. This part was jointly drafted by the China National Institute of Standardization and the Ministry of Commerce. GB/T 15311.1—2008 The main drafters of this part are: Hu Hanjing, Yi Zhuming, Li Xiaolin, Xing Liqiang, Shi Liwu, Zhang Yinshi, Zeng Xinjiu. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this part are: -GB/T15311.1—1994. GB/T15311.1—2008 GB/T15311 "Format of Import and Export Licenses of the People's Republic of China" is an important document standard for international trade management. The main basis for the formulation of this part is GB/T14392—1993 "Trade Document Format" and GB/T15191—1997 Trade Data Element Catalog Standard Data Element", as well as the "Administrative Measures for Import Licenses of the People's Republic of China", so that it meets the requirements of the United Nations Trade Document Format (UNLK) in terms of overall structural design and meets the requirements of electronic data interchange (EDI) in terms of the description of data elements. 1 Scope Format of Import and Export Licenses of the People's Republic of China Part 1: Format of Import Licenses This part of GB/T15311 specifies the format of the import licenses of the People's Republic of China. This part applies to the preparation, printing and information processing of import licenses of the People's Republic of China. 2 Normative references GB/T 15311.1-2008 The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this part through reference in this part of GB/T15311. For all dated references, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, parties to agreements based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated references, the latest versions are applicable to this part. Codes for country and region names around the world (eqvIS03166-1:1997) GB/T 2659--2000 GB/I7408-2005Data elements and exchange formatsInformation exchange date and time representation (IS08601:2000, IDT) GB/T12406--1996Codes for indicating markets and funds (idtISO4217:1990)International trade method codes GB/T 15421-: 2008 GB/T15514-2008Code for ports and related locations of the People's Republic of ChinaGB/T17295--2008Code for international trade unitsWM1-1999Code specifications for import and export enterprises of the People's Republic of ChinaCustoms import and export commodity classification codes 3Import license format 3. 1 Paper Specifications and Graphic Area 3.1.1 Paper Size Paper size: A4 (i.e. 210mm×297mm), 3.1.2 Margin Width Left Width: 20mm±0.5mm. Top Width: 25.4mm±0.5mm. 3.1.3 Line Spacing and Column Spacing Line Spacing: The distance between two adjacent baselines in a row, i.e. 4.233mm. Column Spacing: The distance between two adjacent baselines in a column, i.e. 2.54mm. 3.2 Abbreviations of Character Representation Character representation uses the following abbreviations: A—alphabetic character. n—numeric character. an—alphabetic and numeric character. 3—Fixed length of 3 characters. ..17—Undefined data unit length with up to 17 character positions available. ..35*5=Undetermined data unit length that can occupy up to 1 to 5 lines, with 35 characters per line. 1 GB/T15311.1—2008 .35*nUndetermined data item length of 1 to 35 characters per line, with an indeterminate number of lines. L is a line, followed by a line number. The first line under the upper line of the format is numbered 1, the second line is numbered 2, and the other lines are numbered in the same way. P=column, followed by a column number. The right column of the left line of the format is numbered 1, the second column is numbered 2, and the other columns are numbered in the same way. Example: L712 means that the information is filled in on lines 7 to 12. Example: P1—36 means that the information is filled in on columns 1 to 36. 3.3 Explanations of the Items in the Format 3.3.1 Four copies of the Import License of the People's Republic of China. The first copy (original) is used by the consignee to handle customs formalities; the second copy (copy) is used by the customs to check the original copy; the third copy (copy) is used by the bank to verify when handling remittance; the fourth copy (copy) is retained by the issuing authority. 3.3.2 The Chinese and English names of the import license of the People's Republic of China are printed at the top of the format. The serial number of the import license is printed to the right of the Chinese and English names. 3.3.3 The back of the original copy of the import license of the People's Republic of China is the customs endorsement column for customs verification. 3.3.4 Numbering Items Importer Description: The name and code of the unit that signs the import contract with foreign countries. Area: L1—6P1-36 Indicates: an..35*2 Code indicates: 口13, the 13-digit enterprise code in the "Qualification Certificate for Import and Export Enterprises of the People's Republic of China", "Registration Form for Foreign Trade Operators", or "Approval Certificate for Foreign-Invested Enterprises". Adopt the code Consignee in WM1-1999 Description: Name of the actual import consignee. Area: L7-12P1-36 Indicates: an..35 * 2 Import license number Import licence No. Description: This is the number of the import license issued by the visa authority. Area: L1---P37-72 Indicates: an12 Import license expiry date Import license expiry date Description: The effective expiry date of the import license. Area: L7--12P37-72 Indicates: n8 Format: YYYYMMDD Trade mode Trade mode Description: Specify the trade mode in the contract according to international trade practices. Area: L13—16 P1--36 means: an..16 means: n2, using the code in GB/T15421—2008. Source of foreign exchange Terms ol forcign exchange Description: The channel for obtaining foreign exchange required for importing goods. Area: L17-20 P1- 36 Indicates: an.. 16 Code indicates: nl GB/T 15311.1-2008 Code value range: 1-bank purchase of foreign exchange, 2-foreign capital; 3-loan; 4-donation: 5-claim, 6-free aid: 7 labor. 3. 3. 4.7 Place of clearance Description: The name of the port where the importer declares customs when the goods are imported. Area: L21--24 P1-36 Indicates: at.16 Code indicates: a5, using the code in GB/T15514-2008. Country/Region of exportation Description: The country or region where the goods are initially shipped to the country of export and no commercial transactions occur in the transit country. Region: L13- 16 P37—72 Indicated by: an..16 Code indicated by: a2, using the code in GB/T2659—2000. Country/Region of origin Description: The country (region) where the goods are produced or manufactured according to the rules of origin. Region: L17—20 P37—72 Indicated by: an..16bZxz.net Code indicated by: a2 Use of goods Description: The use of the goods after export. Region: L21-24P37—72 Indicates: an..16 Code indicates: nl For personal use; 2·For production, 3— Code value range: 1—— Domestic sales; 4- Name and code of goods Repair; 5——Sample. Description: The name of the imported goods shall be filled in according to the relevant commodity names and commodity codes in the announcement jointly issued by the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs. Region: L25—28P1—72 Indicates: an..26*2 Code indicates: n10, using HS "Customs Import and Export Commodity Classification Code". 3.3.4. 12 Specification. Model Specification Description: Specific specifications and models of imported goods. Area: L2931,32—34,35—37,38—40,41—43,P118 indicates: an.20 3. 3.4. 13Unit Description: Measurement unit of imported goods. Area: L29-31,32—34.35--37,38-4041—43,P19-24 indicates. an..6 Code indicates: an3, using the code in GB/T17295—2008. Description: The quantity value of each specification of imported goods under item 12. Area: L2931.32—34,35—37,38—40,41—43,P25-—36 Meaning: n.13 WGB/T 15311.1—2008 3.3.4. T5 Unit price Description: The unit price of each specification of imported goods under Item 12. Fill in the currency in the brackets. The currency shall be expressed in accordance with CB/T121061996. Region: L29—31,32—34,35—37,38—40,1143,P37—49 means: n..13, including 4 decimal places Total value Amount Description: The monetary amount of each specification of the goods under item 12, fill in the currency in the brackets, and the currency is expressed in accordance with GB/T12406-1996. Region: L29—31,32—31,35.—37,38——40,41—43,P50—61 means: n..12 Code means: Total value Amount in USDDescription: The amount of the goods converted into USD by the visa authority based on the exchange rate and statistical caliber published regularly. Area: L29-31, 32-34, 35-37, 38-40, 41-43, P62-72 indicates: Five, .9 3.3.4. 18Total Said period: the total quantity, total amount and total amount converted into US dollars of imported goods. Area: L44-46P1-18, 19--24, 25--36.37-49, 50-61, 62-72 indicates: the total value is n..12; the total value is n..9; the quantity is 1., 13 (can contain 1 decimal place) Remarks Supplementary details Explanation: This item is used by the visa authority to mark necessary instructions or other matters. Area: L47—61P1—36 Indicates: an..32*2 Issuing authority stamp & signature Description: This item is used for the signature and stamp of the issuing authority. Area: L47-61P37—72 Issuing date Licence date Description: The date of issuing the import license. Area: L59—60P37—72 Indicates: an14 Code representation: ng Format: yyyy_mm_dd, using the representation specified in GB/T7408—2005. 3.4 Format For details, see Appendix A. Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Format of Import License of the People's Republic of China Import License of the People's Republic of China GB/T 15311.1—2008 IMPORT LICENCE OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA No. XXXXXX X1.Importer: Importer 2.Consignee 5.Trade mode: Trade mode 6.Source of foreign exchange: Terms of foreign exchange 7.Place of clearance: 11.Commodity name: Descriplion ol goods 13Unit 12.Specification and model Specificatian 18.Total 19.Remarks Supplementary details 14.Number Quantity Supervised by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (XXXX)3. Import license No. 4. Import license expiry date 8. Council/Region of exportatior 9. Country/Region of origin 10. Use of goods Code of goods 16. Total value 15. Unit price 20 Signature of issuing authority 17. Total value in USD Issuing authority's stamp & signature21.Licence date: Licence date X/XX)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GB/T15311.1-2008 People's Republic of China National Standard Format of Import and Export License of the People's Republic of China Part 1: Format of Import License GB/T 15311. 1—2008 Published and distributed by China Standards Press No. 16 Hebei Street, Lanli, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing Postal Code: 100045 Website spr.net. cn Tel: 6852394668517548 Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standards Press Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places Format 880×12301/16 Printing Sheet 0.75 Word Count 13,000 Words 2008 First edition in September 2008 First printing in September 2008 Book number: 1550661-33269 Price: 14.00 yuan If there is any printing error, the publishing center of our company will replace it. Copyright infringement will be investigated Report phone number: (010) 68533533 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.