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Calibration specification for Gear Helix Measuring Instruments

Basic Information

Standard ID: JJF 1122-2004

Standard Name:Calibration specification for Gear Helix Measuring Instruments

Chinese Name: 齿轮螺旋线测量仪器校准规范

Standard category:National Metrology Standard (JJ)

state:in force

Date of Release2004-06-04

Date of Implementation:2004-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Metrology and measurement, physical phenomena >> 17.040 Length and angle measurement

Standard Classification Number:General>>Measurement>>A52 Length Measurement

associated standards

alternative situation:JJG 91-1989 JJG 430-1986

Publication information

publishing house:China Metrology Press


Publication date:2004-09-16

other information

drafter:Mao Zhenhua, Zhang Wei, etc.

Drafting unit:Zhejiang Quality and Technical Supervision Inspection Institute, China National Institute of Metrology, etc.

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Geometric Length Metrology

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:This specification applies to the calibration of helix measurements of various gear measuring instruments.

Introduction to standards:

JJF 1122-2004 Gear Helix Measuring Instrument Calibration Specification JJF1122-2004 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This specification is applicable to the calibration of the helix measurement of various gear measuring instruments.

Some standard content:

National Metrology Technical Specification of the People's Republic of China JJF1122—2004
Calibration Specification for Gear Helix Measuring Instrumenty Issued on 2004-06-04
Implementation on 2004-12-01
Issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China JJF 1122—2004
Calibration Specification for Gear Helix Measring Instrunents J.IF1122—2004
Replaced with JJG 91--1989
JJG 430—1986
This specification was approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China on June 4, 2004 and implemented on December 1, 2004 It will be implemented from January 1.
Responsible unit:
Main drafting unit:
Joint drafting unit:
National Technical Committee for Geometry and Length Metrology
National Quality and Technical Supervision and Inspection Institute of China
Hangzhou Shangjin Gearbox Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Iveco Automotive Transmission Co., Ltd.
Responsible units in this specification are responsible for the following explanations
Main drafters of this specification:
Mao Zhenhua
Participating drafters:
Ni Deguang
(Jiangsu Quality and Technical Supervision and Inspection Institute) [China Institute of Metrology]
(Hangzhou Iveco Transmission Co., Ltd.) (Hangzhou Qianjin Gearbox Group Co., Ltd.) Scope
3 Overview
J.IF 1122—20(4
3.1 Mechanical wheel measuring instrument screw thread measuring disk original class 3.2 CNC gear measuring instrument screw thread measuring principle 4 Metrological characteristics
4.1 Coaxial grinding of upper and lower tips
4.2 Parallelism of vertical frame relative to upper and lower tips micrometer system indication error
Only the shape deviation of the shoe line of the measuring line
The family line of the measuring line of the false instrument and the tilt difference of the left and right tooth surface 4.6 The total deviation and repeatability of the instrument's burst line
5 Calibration conditions
Calibration environment conditions
Calibration standard
5.3 Other requirements
6 Calibration items|| tt||7 Calibration method
7.1 Coaxiality of upper and lower centers
7.2 Parallelism of vertical carriage relative to the line connecting the lower center
7.3 Error of indication of residual micro-recording system
7.4 Deviation of instrument spiral line
8 Processing according to calibration results
9 Calibration time
Appendix Micro-certificate inner page format
Calibration specification for gear spiral line measuring instruments
This standard specifies the calibration items and verification methods for the end spiral line measuring of gear spiral line measuring instruments. When the gear measuring instrument to be calibrated has multiple measuring functions, it should be used together with other specifications to comprehensively evaluate its different functions. 1 Scope This specification is applicable to the calibration of various gear measuring instruments. 2 References This specification refers to the following documents: JJF1(01-1998 Metrological terms and definitions JJF1(159-1999 Evaluation and expression of measurement uncertainty CB/I10095.1-2001 Accuracy of involute gears Part 1: Determination of tooth surface deviation between gear teeth
Ally allowable value
When using this specification, the current valid versions of the referenced documents should be used. 3 Overview Gear measuring instruments are divided into two categories: mechanical type and numerical control type. 3.1 Principle of spiral line measurement of mechanical gear measuring instruments Mechanical gear measuring instruments include single-disc type, graded disc type, lever disc type, etc.: It is based on the principle of gear spiral extension, and a mechanical mechanism generates a theoretical spiral line. The actual curve of the measured part is compared with the theoretical spiral line trajectory through a sensor, and the results are input into the recorder to give a spiral line deviation curve. Its structure is shown in Figure 1: 3.2 Principle of spiral line measurement of CNC gear measuring instruments CNC gear measuring instruments adopt the principle of coordinate measurement, and the coordinate positions of points on the actual curve of the measured part are measured by an angle measuring device (circular grating, etc.) and a length measuring device (long grating, etc.), and compared with the theoretical spiral line curve, the spiral line deviation curve is obtained. Its structure is shown in Figure 2.
4 Metrological characteristics
4.1 Coaxiality of upper and lower tips
4.2 Parallelism of the vertical slide to the connecting line of the upper and lower tips 4.3 Indication error of the micrometer system
1.4: Spiral shape error of the measuring curve of the measuring instrument 4.5 Inclination deviation of the spiral line of the two measuring lines of the measuring instrument and its relative surface error 4.6 Total deviation of the whole line of the measuring instrument Technical repeatability The above characteristics requirements are shown in the table! , for reference during calibration. 1
Original instrument
—Base monitoring: 2-,: 3=:
4 optics: new, 6·
7—history: 8 generation:—interval loss
drawing mountain wheel series
upper and lower inflammation purity
weight vertical
city common frame control method
micrometer system indication error
remote feeling injury
deep line environment material medicine
original Xie's teeth front section
general training record
general key variable
repair 2 figure wheel creation star Kai "center
[a accuracy rate, 2 this history wear machine: 3 tangential sliding wave 4 a main=: 5-diameter time department: 6 a general recording course
on the actual:—, m
E.0 ~ 2.5
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5 Calibration conditions
5.1 Calibration environment
5.1. Temperature: see Table 2.
5.5 - 10.0
Hnm lo;
Measurement gear cable type
Temperature change
5.1.2 Degree of conduction 70%I.
J3F 1122—2004
4 level and above
9 level and below
(20 ±3)°℃
5.1.3 The surrounding area of ​​the instrument room should be free of dust, noise, airflow, corrosive gas and strong magnetic field that may affect the measurement. 5.2 Calibration standards
See Table 3
5.3 Other requirements
5.3.1 The power supply voltage, gas source pressure, flow rate, etc. should comply with the requirements of the instrument instruction manual. 5.3.2 The temperature difference between the calibrated instrument and the calibration standard should not exceed 0.5%. 5.3.3 Necessary preparations should be carried out according to the requirements of the instruction manual, such as preheating, calibration of the probe and pre-tip, instrument adjustment, etc.
Calibration items
See Table 3 for calibration standards.
Calibration items
Upper and lower pre-tip coaxial calibration
The upper and lower tips are connected at the same time. Coaxiality of upper and lower items
Install the mandrels of 200 mm and 400 mm in length respectively between the two tips, so that the torque gauge contacts the upper end of the spindle, and the torque gauge and the spindle rotate with the main drawer at the same time, as shown in Figure 3. The maximum change of the torque indication value is the coaxiality. 7.2 Vertical slide and parallelism of the line connecting the upper and lower tips Install the mandrels of 2 (Kmm and) mm in length between the two tips, move the vertical slide, and calibrate with a gauge within the range, as shown in Figure 4. The difference between the two farthest points is the calibration result of parallelism. 3
Figure 3 Calibration of coaxial transformer
1 Lower tip: 2 A mandrel, 3 Upper tip,
4 A gauge; 5 A gauge stand
.3 The indication error of the micrometer system
JJF 1122—2004
3 Radial
Figure 4 Correct the parallelism of the vertical slide to the top line 1 lower fill type, 2 a twist expensive;
3-center auxiliary: 4-upper type
The range of the micrometer system, select 5 measuring blocks with the same size interval for calibration. First use the smallest and largest scales, and then use other blocks to calibrate the positive and negative indication error of each point: The indication error of the calibrated point is calculated according to the following formula,
One point rate value:
8. -4- (. - 2),
--the actual size of the first bean block
-the range used by the micrometer system during calibration
L. When the actual size of the zero block
cannot be directly calibrated, other methods with the same accuracy can also be used. 4.4.1 Measurement of the deviation of the screw line of the simulator
) The measurement is carried out within the effective range of the sample, the length of the curve is enlarged, the shape deviation of the curve is enlarged by 1,
6] Select the screw The standard helix template with the angle of [F, 15°, 3(F) can also be increased according to the specific situation. The 45-template is used to calibrate the left and right helical threads.
Left helical thread measurement: 3mm or 6mm is used to measure the tooth height in the normal direction of the desired helical surface for 5 times to determine the shape deviation, skew deviation, total deviation and repeatability of the helical thread. d) When measuring the center of the helical surface, the same tooth surface phase difference is measured twice to determine the right tooth surface difference.
) Helical thread measurement: The method is the same as the left helical thread measurement. 4.2 Determination of helix false error a) Value selection and evaluation range JJF1122—2004 The measured curve is defined in accordance with the national standard. The specified range should be the same as the range specified in the standard operating sample verification certificate 5: h) Determination of deviation value Determination of instrument spiral shape deviation The difference between the measured curve shape deviation and the sample shape deviation is recorded as: Take the maximum value of S flow as the instrument helix shape deviation: fr = (?u, i=l, 2, .--, 5) Determination of instrument tide line inclination deviation The difference between the measured curve inclination deviation and the sample inclination deviation is recorded as, and the maximum value is taken as the instrument helix inclination deviation F. 2,, 5
The total deviation of the bad rotation line is carefully determined
The difference between the total deviation of the slow frequency line of the measured curve and the total deviation of the sample line is recorded as F, and the value of 5 times F is taken as the total deviation of the instrument. F,= (F.),1=I, 2+ --, 5
The above difference is determined by comparing the left and right screw lines respectively. ① Determination of repeated parts
The repeatability test is calculated by using the total deviation of the measured slow rotation line. For the gears below grade 5, the measurement is repeated 5 times, and the range method is used to calculate the accuracy: Faee Feai.
For instruments measuring gears of level 4 and above, the measurement shall be conducted no less than 10 times, and the repeatability shall be calculated by the Behrman formula:
The difference between the measured error curve of the gear test and the average value of the inclination of the curve of 5 repeated measurements is the absolute error of the gear deviation. 8. Processing of calibration results
After the calibration of the gear measuring instrument, a calibration certificate shall be issued. The contents of the calibration certificate shall include: Title: Calibration certificate;
Laboratory name and address:
Certificate number, code and total number of pages;
Location of the calibration;
Name and address of the client:
Equipment to be calibrated: Gear measuring instrument; Product, model, specification and number of the equipment to be calibrated; Calibration date:
Signature of the calibrator, signature of the certificate issuer: 5
JJF 1122—2004
The identification of the technical specification on which the calibration is based, including the name and code: The origin and validity of the most standard used in this calibration: 1. Calibration environmental conditions:
1. Calibration certificate shall not be issued locally without the permission of the laboratory. 2. Calibration results and their accuracy.
If the calibrated instrument needs to be judged for conformity, the metering characteristic indicators can refer to the recalibration interval in the fourth chapter of metrological characteristics.
The recalibration interval of the gear measuring instrument and the screw measuring function depends on the use of the instrument, and it is recommended that it should not exceed 1 year.
Appendix A
Technical documents of calibration receipt
Main equipment used for calibration
1: The following items are concentricity
Calibration certificate Internal page format
Calibration point, environmental conditions
Equipment validity period
Calibration results
Parallelism of the vertical slide relative to the lower tip lineIndicative error of the micrometer system
Instrument helix deviation
Probe diameter:
Probe magnification ratio:
Base circle radius:
Length direction 1:1
Instrument end line shape deviation:
Instrument helix tilt deviation:
Instrument helix tilt deviation
Left and right tooth surface length:
Instrument helix total deviation:
Instrument helix
Repeatability of total deviation:
Linear error:
Measurement uncertainty of this instrument helix deviation: Deviation direction 1000:1
The difference between the measured single low difference curve deviation and the average value of the inclination deviation of the five repeated measurements is the effective deviation of the instrument. 8. Processing of calibration results
After calibration, the gear measuring instrument shall be issued a calibration certificate. The contents of the calibration certificate shall include:
Calibration certificate;
Laboratory name and address;
Certificate number, code and total number of pages;
Location of the person conducting the calibration;
Name and address of the client;
Equipment to be calibrated: Gear measuring instrument; Product, model, specification and number of the equipment to be calibrated;
Calibration date;
Signature of the calibrator, signature of the certificate issuer; 5
JJF 1122—2004
Identification of the technical specification on which the calibration is based, including name and code;
Source and validity statement of the most standard used for this calibration;
Calibration environmental conditions:
The calibration certificate shall not be distorted without the permission of the laboratory;
Calibration results and their accuracy.
If the calibrated instrument needs to be judged for compliance, the measurement characteristic index can refer to the recalibration interval in the fourth metrological characteristic
The recalibration interval of the gear and instrument spiral measurement function depends on the use of the instrument, and it is recommended not to exceed 1 year.
Appendix A
Technical documents of calibration certificate
Main equipment used for calibration
1: Coaxiality of the lower part
Inner page format of calibration certificate
Calibration point, environmental conditions
Equipment validity period
Calibration result
Parallelism of vertical slide relative to the lower part tip
Indicative error of micrometer system
Instrument spiral deviation
Probe diameter:||tt ||Measurement magnification ratio:
Base circle radius:
Length direction 1:1
Instrument end line shape deviation:
Instrument spiral line inclination deviation:
Instrument spiral line inclination deviation
Left and right tooth surface length:
Instrument spiral line total deviation:
Instrument spiral line
Repeatability of total deviation:
Line error:
Measurement uncertainty of the instrument spiral line deviation: Deviation direction 1000:1
The difference between the measured single low difference curve deviation and the average value of the inclination deviation of the five repeated measurements is the effective deviation of the instrument. 8. Processing of calibration results
After calibration, the gear measuring instrument shall be issued a calibration certificate. The contents of the calibration certificate shall include:
Calibration certificate;
Laboratory name and address;
Certificate number, code and total number of pages;
Location of the person conducting the calibration;
Name and address of the client;
Equipment to be calibrated: Gear measuring instrument; Product, model, specification and number of the equipment to be calibrated;
Calibration date;
Signature of the calibrator, signature of the certificate issuer; 5
JJF 1122—2004
Identification of the technical specification on which the calibration is based, including name and code;
Source and validity statement of the most standard used for this calibration;
Calibration environmental conditions:
The calibration certificate shall not be distorted without the permission of the laboratory;
Calibration results and their accuracy.
If the calibrated instrument needs to be judged for compliance, the measurement characteristic index can refer to the recalibration interval in the fourth metrological characteristic
The recalibration interval of the gear and instrument spiral measurement function depends on the use of the instrument, and it is recommended not to exceed 1 year.
Appendix A
Technical documents of calibration certificate
Main equipment used for calibration
1: Coaxiality of the lower part
Inner page format of calibration certificate
Calibration point, environmental conditions
Equipment validity period
Calibration result
Parallelism of vertical slide relative to the lower part tip
Indicative error of micrometer system
Instrument spiral deviation
Probe diameter:||tt ||Measurement magnification ratio:
Base circle radius:
Length direction 1:1
Instrument end line shape deviation:
Instrument spiral line inclination deviation:
Instrument spiral line inclination deviation
Left and right tooth surface length:
Instrument spiral line total deviation:
Instrument spiral line
Repeatability of total deviation:
Line error:
Measurement uncertainty of the instrument spiral line deviation: Deviation direction 1000:1
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