title>JB 10230-2001 Technical conditions for safety protection of short thread milling machines - JB 10230-2001 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB 10230-2001 Technical conditions for safety protection of short thread milling machines

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB 10230-2001

Standard Name: Technical conditions for safety protection of short thread milling machines

Chinese Name: 短螺纹铣床 安全防护技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2001-03-29

Date of Implementation:2001-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Machinery Manufacturing>>25.060 Machine Tool Devices

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Metal Cutting Machine Tool>>J56 Gear and Thread Processing Machine Tool

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Machinery Industry Press

Publication date:2004-04-23

other information

Focal point unit:National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Committee Cylindrical Gear Machine Tool Branch

Publishing department:National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Committee Cylindrical Gear Machine Tool Branch

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 10230-2001 This standard supplements and specifies GB 15760-1995 "General Technical Conditions for Safety Protection of Metal Cutting Machine Tools". This standard specifies the main technical requirements, measures and assessments for safety protection of short thread milling machines. This standard is applicable to short thread milling machines with a maximum milling diameter of 200mm, a maximum milling length of 80mm, and a maximum workpiece length of 2500mm that use comb milling to process ordinary threads. This standard was first released in March 2001. JB 10230-2001 Technical conditions for safety protection of short thread milling machines JB10230-2001 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Short thread milling machine
Safety protection technology Conditions
Short-thread milling machinesSafeguardingspecification
Released on 2001-03-29
China Machinery Industry Federation
Implemented on 2001-07-01| |tt||JB10230-2001
Chapter 3 and,, 4.6.2,, 5.3.2, 5.6.2 of this standard are recommended Sexual, the rest are mandatory. This standard is formulated based on GB15760-1995 "General Technical Conditions for Safety Protection of Metal Cutting Machine Tools" and combined with the structural characteristics of short thread milling machines. It is a supplement and integration of GB15760. The writing rules of this standard comply with the requirements of GB/T16755-1997 "Rules for Drafting and Presentation of Machinery Safety Standards". The supporting standards for this standard are:
JB/T.9927.11999 Short thread milling machine accuracy inspection: JB/T9927.2-1999 Short thread milling machine technical conditions. This standard was proposed by the National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Cylindrical Gear Machine Tool Branch of the National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by: Qinghai Second Machine Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard: Han Jie and Guo Lin. Scope
Machine Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Short-thread milling machines
Safeguarding technical conditions
Short-thread milling machinesSafeguarding specification
This standard specifies short-thread milling machinesSafeguarding specification
Main technical requirements, measures and assessments for safety protection of thread milling machines. JB10230-2001
This standard is applicable to short thread milling machines with a maximum milling diameter of 200mm, a maximum milling length of 80mm, and a maximum workpiece length of 2500mm that use the comb milling method to process ordinary threads. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the standard listed below. GB 28931982
GB/T 3167—1993
GB/T 5226.1-I996
GB/T 6576—1986||tt ||GB 81961987
GB/T 15706.1--1995
GB 15760—1995
GB/T 16769—1997|| tt||JB/T 8356.1—1996
JB/T 5356.2—1996
3 Danger of machine tools
3.1 Danger of machinery| | tt | Cover safety requirements
General principles of basic concepts and design of machinery safety Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology Basic concepts and general principles of design of machinery safety Part 2: Technical principles and specifications: General technical conditions for safety protection of metal cutting machine tools Metal cutting Machine tool noise sound pressure level measurement method Machine tool packaging technical conditions
Machine tool packaging box
General technical conditions for hydraulic systems
Metal cutting machine tools
3.1.1 Exposed parts of machine tools Points, corners, protrusions and openings may present a risk of puncture wounds and scratches. 3.1.2 When rotating parts such as exposed belts and pulleys move, there may be a risk of entanglement and entanglement. 3.1.3 When the machine tool stops, the danger that occurs when the independent feed transmission components stop is later than when the main motion stops. The danger caused by inconsistency between the clamping and loosening of the machine tool clamping device and the operation and stop of the machine tool. 3.1.4
China Machinery Industry Federation 2001-03-29 approved 2001-07-01 implementation
JB 102302001
3.1.5 When the machine tool emergency stops or the power system fails, Danger due to possible loosening of the clamping device. 3.1.6 Possible dangers caused by improper design or failure of the control system. 3.1.7 Possible dangers caused by improper lubrication. 3.1.8 Possible dangers caused by improper cooling. 3.1.9 Possible dangers caused by flying chips. 3.2 Danger of power system
3.2.1 Danger of electric shock Poor insulation of electrical equipment may lead to danger of electric shock. Improper shielding of live objects may lead to the risk of electric shock. Poor grounding of electrical equipment may cause the risk of electric shock. 3.2.2 Danger caused by improper protection of electrical equipment The current in electrical equipment exceeding the rated value may cause damage to it. Overloading the motor may cause damage to it. Equipment malfunction caused by power interruption or voltage drop. 3.2.3 Hazards caused by emergencies.
3.2.4 Danger caused by hydraulic system failure to comply with regulations or hydraulic system failure. 3.3 Danger of noise
Due to noise that does not meet the regulations, it may cause hearing damage to the human body and the risk of physical and mental illness. 3.4 Hazards caused by materials
Hazards that may arise from improper selection of materials for machine tool parts. 3.5 Danger caused by ignoring ergonomics principles when designing machine tools. 3.5.1 Excessive control force of machine tool handwheels and handles affects the operator's health. 3.5.2 The operation of the machine tool operating handle is affected due to improper installation height. 3.5.3 Hazards caused by lighting that does not comply with regulations. 3.5 Danger caused by improper safety protection measures. 3.7 Possible dangers caused by failure to provide necessary usage information. 3.8 Possible dangers caused by improper packaging, storage and transportation. 4 Safety requirements and measures
4.1 General requirements
4.1.1 All potential risk factors should be eliminated or reduced as much as possible through design, generally according to 5.1~ in GB/T15706.1-1995 5.3 and the provisions of Chapter 3 of GB/T15706.2-1995 shall be implemented. 4.1.2 For dangers that cannot be eliminated, necessary protective measures or safety protection devices should be installed. 4.1.3 For certain hazards that are inconvenient to protect, usage information should be given in the instructions for use, and warning signs should be set near the dangerous parts if necessary.
4.2 Safety requirements and measures for machinery
4.2.1 The exposed parts that may be touched should be as flat and smooth as possible, and there should be no sharp edges or corners that may cause punctures or scratches to personnel. Protruding 2
out part and opening. For flange-shaped motors that may cause people to be knocked down or injured, warning information should be given near them and in the machine tool operating instructions.
4.2.2 Rotating parts such as belts and pulleys should be closed (shielded). The inner surface of the box or protective cover that closes (closes) dangerous parts should be painted with safety colors. The safety colors should comply with GB2893 and GB /T6527.2, the protective cover should comply with the regulations of GB8196. 4.2.3 When the machine tool stops, the feed transmission should not be stopped later than the main movement. 4.2.4 The start of machine tool operation should generally be interlocked with the end of the clamping process of the motorized clamping device; the start of loosening of the motorized clamping device should generally be interlocked with the end of the machine tool operation.
4.2.5 In the event of an emergency stop of the machine tool or a failure of the power system, the motorized clamping device should still maintain the clamping force on the workpiece. 4.2.6 The control system should not lead to dangerous situations. Accidental interruption of power should not cause danger to personnel; after power is restored, the machine tool should not start on its own. The positions of buttons, indicator lights, switches and other control devices should ensure that misoperation and additional risks will not be caused during operation. Control devices should be clearly identifiable and easy to distinguish. If necessary, signs indicating their functions or uses should be set. The mark should generally comply with the provisions of GB/T3167. The color of the control device shall comply with 10.2 in GB/T5226.1-1996.1 and the provisions of 10.3.2. A "stop" control device should be set near each "start" control device. An emergency stop control device should be installed at each operating position. The action of the emergency stop control device should not affect the function of protecting the operator or the machine tool device. 4.2.7 The safety of the lubrication system should generally comply with the provisions of 5.9 and Chapter 7 of GB/T65761986. 4.2.8 The cooling system should be able to ensure the personal safety of the operator. The machine tool should be able to effectively recover coolant, and protective baffles should be installed to prevent coolant from splashing. The coolant nozzle should be fixed at the required position conveniently, safely and reliably. 4.2.9 Protective baffles should be installed to prevent chips from flying. 4.3 Safety requirements and measures for power systems
4.3.1 Electric shock protection shall comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter 6 of GB/T5226.11996. The insulation protection of live parts shall comply with the provisions of 6.2.2 of GB/T5226.1-1996. The screen protection of live parts shall comply with the provisions of 6.2.1 and 6.3.1 of GB/T5226.1-1996. . The grounding of electrical equipment should be safe and reliable, and the grounding protection should comply with the provisions of Chapter 8 of GB/5226.11996. 4.3.2 The protection of electrical equipment should comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter 7 of GB/T5226.1-1996. Overcurrent protection shall comply with the provisions of 7.2 in GB/T5226.1--1996. Motor overload protection shall comply with the provisions of 7.3 in GB/5226.1-1996. Protection against power interruption or voltage drop shall comply with the provisions of 7.5 in GB/T5226.1-1996. 4.3.3 Emergency stop shall comply with the provisions of and 10.7 in GB/5226.1-1996. 4.3.4 The hydraulic system should be able to ensure the normal operation of the machine tool and personal safety, and its safety requirements should comply with the provisions of Chapter 5 of JB/T10051-1999.
4.4 Noise safety requirements and measures
When the machine tool is running, there should be no abnormal screams and impact sounds. Under dry running conditions, the machine tool noise sound pressure level should not exceed 83dB (A). Under the cutting conditions specified in the corresponding product design, the machine tool load noise should comply with relevant regulations on environmental protection and hygiene. 3
4.5 Material safety requirements and measures
The selection of materials used for machine tool parts should comply with relevant regulations on environmental protection and hygiene. 4.6 Safety requirements and measures taken based on ergonomics principles 4.6.1 The operating force of the machine tool handwheel and handle should be uniform within the stroke range, and the operating force of the handwheel and handle should not exceed the requirements in Table 1. Table
Bed weight
Hand wheel, hand vehicle control force
4.6.2 The installation height of the operating handle (from the ground or operating station surface to the middle position of the handle) should generally be in accordance with the provisions of 7.11 in GB15760-1995.
4.6.3 Machine tool lighting devices should not have stroboscopic effects and disruptive dazzling phenomena, and should comply with the provisions of GB/5226.1-1996 17.2.
4.7 Safety requirements for safety protection devices and the fixation of finger belts and pulley guards should be firm and reliable and should not cause additional dangers. 4.8 Usage information
4.8.1 General requirements Usage information consists of text, signals, symbols or graphics, which can be used alone or in combination to convey information to users. Usage information should clearly specify the intended use of the machine tool, and should include all instructions required to ensure the safe and correct use of the machine tool. Usage information should not be used to remedy design deficiencies. Usage information must include transportation, delivery test operation (assembly, installation and adjustment), use (setting, teaching or process conversion, operation, cleaning, troubleshooting and machine tool maintenance. 4.8.2 Usage information should be based on the machine tool The structure, risks and time required by the user can be configured. 4.8.3 The usage information can be given by the machine tool itself, random technical documents (especially the instruction manual) and other means (such as various signals and text warnings, etc.). The safety performance, safety precautions and safety requirements for operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machine tool should be stated in the instruction manual Signs, symbols (pictograms) and text warnings should comply with GB/T15706.2-. 5.4 in 1995 and GB/T3167. Random technical documents should generally comply with 5.5 in GB/T15706.2-1995. 4.9 Safety requirements and measures for machine tool packaging, storage and transportation should generally comply with JB/T8356.1~. 8356.2. 5 Assessment of safety requirements and measures
5.1 Evaluate whether the machine tool design meets the requirements of 4.1.
JB10230-2001||tt ||5.1.2 Evaluate the use information of the machine tool to inform and warn users about remaining risks that cannot be eliminated or sufficiently reduced through design and for which safety protection devices are ineffective or not fully effective. 5.2 Mechanical safety requirements. and evaluation of measures
5.2.1 Check whether the exposed part of the machine tool is flat and smooth, and there are no sharp edges, sharp corners, protruding parts and openings. 5.2.2 Check whether the machine tool meets the requirements of 4.2.2 and the protective cover. Whether it is firm and reliable. 5.2.3 Check whether the machine tool meets the requirements of 4.2.3. 5.2.5 Check whether the machine tool’s motorized clamping device meets the requirements of 4.2.5. 6 Evaluate whether the machine tool control system complies with the provisions of this standard. Check whether the machine tool control components and their markings comply with the provisions of Check whether other safety measures of the control system comply with,, and 4.2. .6.4 and 5.2.7 Check whether the machine tool lubrication system meets the requirements of 4.2.7. 5.2.8 Check whether the machine tool cooling system meets the requirements of 4.2.8. 5.2.9 Check whether the chips are splashed in the machine tool processing area. Protective baffles are installed. 5.3 Assessment of power system safety requirements and measures 5.3.1 Electrical equipment should be protected in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20 of GB/T5226.1-1996 for continuity, insulation resistance, withstand voltage, Residual voltage protection and functional testing. 5.3.2 Evaluate whether the machine tool power interruption or voltage drop protection meets the requirements of 5.3.3 Check whether the machine tool power system meets the requirements of 4.3 (except 5.4 Assessment of machine tool noise
According to the provisions of GB/T16769, check whether the sound pressure level of machine tool noise meets the provisions of 4.4. 5.5 Material evaluation
Evaluate whether the materials of machine tool parts are reasonably selected. 5.6 Assessment of whether the machine tool has taken protective measures in accordance with ergonomic principles. 5.6.1 Check whether the machine tool handwheel and handle control force meet the requirements of 4.6.1. 5.6.2 Check whether the installation height of the machine tool operating handle meets the requirements of 4.6.2. 5.6.3 Check whether the machine tool lighting device complies with the provisions of 4.6.3. 5.7 Evaluation of safety protection devices
Check whether the safety protection devices of machine tools comply with the provisions of 4.7. 5.8 Evaluation of usage information
5.8.1 Assess whether the machine tool instruction manual clearly stipulates the safety performance, safety precautions and safety regulations that should be followed during operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machine tool.
5.8.2 Evaluate whether the information used complies with the provisions of 4.8. 5.9 Evaluate whether the packaging, storage and transportation of machine tools comply with the provisions of 4.9. Responsibility
6.1 The manufacturer should provide operating instructions for each machine tool. The instruction manual should contain information on the safety performance, safety precautions, and safety requirements for operation, adjustment, and maintenance of the machine tool. At the same time, the safety responsibilities specified in 6.2~6.4 should be clarified in the instruction manual. 6.2 The manufacturer shall be responsible for the safety protection of the machine tools and supplied auxiliary equipment. 6.3 The user is responsible for the safety protection of the fixtures, tooling and auxiliary equipment added by himself, and is responsible for the safety protection of the machine tool working area after changing or modifying the original tooling and auxiliary equipment and modifying the machine tool. 6.4 The user is responsible for the dangers caused by failure to install, operate and maintain the machine tool in accordance with the instruction manual.5. A "stop" control device should be set near each "start" control device. An emergency stop control device should be installed at each operating position. The action of the emergency stop control device should not affect the function of protecting the operator or the machine tool device. 4.2.7 The safety of the lubrication system should generally comply with the provisions of 5.9 and Chapter 7 of GB/T65761986. 4.2.8 The cooling system should be able to ensure the personal safety of the operator. The machine tool should be able to effectively recover coolant, and protective baffles should be installed to prevent coolant from splashing. The coolant nozzle should be fixed at the required position conveniently, safely and reliably. 4.2.9 Protective baffles should be installed to prevent chips from flying. 4.3 Safety requirements and measures for power systems
4.3.1 Electric shock protection shall comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter 6 of GB/T5226.11996. The insulation protection of live parts shall comply with the provisions of 6.2.2 of GB/T5226.1-1996. The screen protection of live parts shall comply with the provisions of 6.2.1 and 6.3.1 of GB/T5226.1-1996. . The grounding of electrical equipment should be safe and reliable, and the grounding protection should comply with the provisions of Chapter 8 of GB/5226.11996. 4.3.2 The protection of electrical equipment should comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter 7 of GB/T5226.1-1996. Overcurrent protection shall comply with the provisions of 7.2 in GB/T5226.1--1996. Motor overload protection shall comply with the provisions of 7.3 in GB/5226.1-1996. Protection against power interruption or voltage drop shall comply with the provisions of 7.5 in GB/T5226.1-1996. 4.3.3 Emergency stop shall comply with the provisions of and 10.7 in GB/5226.1-1996. 4.3.4 The hydraulic system should be able to ensure the normal operation of the machine tool and personal safety, and its safety requirements should comply with the provisions of Chapter 5 of JB/T10051-1999.
4.4 Noise safety requirements and measures
When the machine tool is running, there should be no abnormal screams and impact sounds. Under dry running conditions, the machine tool noise sound pressure level should not exceed 83dB (A). Under the cutting conditions specified in the corresponding product design, the machine tool load noise should comply with relevant regulations on environmental protection and hygiene. 3
4.5 Material safety requirements and measures
The selection of materials used for machine tool parts should comply with relevant regulations on environmental protection and hygiene. 4.6 Safety requirements and measures taken based on ergonomics principles 4.6.1 The operating force of the machine tool handwheel and handle should be uniform within the stroke range, and the operating force of the handwheel and handle should not exceed the requirements in Table 1. Table
Bed weight
Hand wheel, hand vehicle control force
4.6.2 The installation height of the operating handle (from the ground or operating station surface to the middle position of the handle) should generally be in accordance with the provisions of 7.11 in GB15760-1995.
4.6.3 Machine tool lighting devices should not have stroboscopic effects and disruptive dazzling phenomena, and should comply with the provisions of GB/5226.1-1996 17.2.
4.7 Safety requirements for safety protection devices and the fixation of finger straps and pulley guards should be firm and reliable and should not cause additional dangers. 4.8 Usage information
4.8.1 General requirements Usage information consists of text, signals, symbols or graphics, which can be used alone or in combination to convey information to users. Usage information should clearly specify the intended use of the machine tool, and should include all instructions required to ensure the safe and correct use of the machine tool. Usage information should not be used to remedy design deficiencies. Usage information must include transportation, delivery test operation (assembly, installation and adjustment), use (setting, teaching or process conversion, operation, cleaning, troubleshooting and machine tool maintenance. 4.8.2 Usage information should be based on the machine tool The structure, risks and time required by the user can be configured. 4.8.3 The usage information can be given by the machine tool itself, random technical documents (especially the instruction manual) and other means (such as various signals and text warnings, etc.). The safety performance, safety precautions and safety requirements for operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machine tool should be stated in the instruction manual Signs, symbols (pictograms) and text warnings should comply with GB/T15706.2-. 5.4 in 1995 and GB/T3167. Random technical documents should generally comply with 5.5 in GB/T15706.2-1995. 4.9 Safety requirements and measures for machine tool packaging, storage and transportation should generally comply with JB/T8356.1~. 8356.2. 5 Assessment of safety requirements and measures
5.1 Evaluate whether the machine tool design meets the requirements of 4.1.
JB10230-2001||tt ||5.1.2 Evaluate the use information of the machine tool to inform and warn users about remaining risks that cannot be eliminated or sufficiently reduced through design and for which safety protection devices are ineffective or not fully effective. 5.2 Mechanical safety requirements. and evaluation of measures
5.2.1 Check whether the exposed part of the machine tool is flat and smooth, and there are no sharp edges, sharp corners, protruding parts and openings. 5.2.2 Check whether the machine tool meets the requirements of 4.2.2 and the protective cover. Whether it is firm and reliable. 5.2.3 Check whether the machine tool meets the requirements of 4.2.3. 5.2.5 Check whether the machine tool’s motorized clamping device meets the requirements of 4.2.5. 6 Evaluate whether the machine tool control system complies with the provisions of this standard. Check whether the machine tool control components and their markings comply with the provisions of Check whether other safety measures of the control system comply with,, and 4.2. .6.4 and 5.2.7 Check whether the machine tool lubrication system meets the requirements of 4.2.7. 5.2.8 Check whether the machine tool cooling system meets the requirements of 4.2.8. 5.2.9 Check whether the chips are splashed in the machine tool processing area. Protective baffles are installed. 5.3 Assessment of power system safety requirements and measures 5.3.1 Electrical equipment should be protected in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20 of GB/T5226.1-1996 for continuity, insulation resistance, withstand voltage, Residual voltage protection and functional testing. 5.3.2 Evaluate whether the machine tool power interruption or voltage drop protection meets the requirements of 5.3.3 Check whether the machine tool power system meets the requirements of 4.3 (except 5.4 Assessment of machine tool noise
According to the provisions of GB/T16769, check whether the sound pressure level of machine tool noise meets the provisions of 4.4. 5.5 Material evaluation
Evaluate whether the materials of machine tool parts are reasonably selected. 5.6 Assessment of whether the machine tool has taken protective measures in accordance with ergonomic principles. 5.6.1 Check whether the machine tool handwheel and handle control force meet the requirements of 4.6.1. 5.6.2 Check whether the installation height of the machine tool operating handle meets the requirements of 4.6.2. 5.6.3 Check whether the machine tool lighting device complies with the provisions of 4.6.3. 5.7 Evaluation of safety protection devices
Check whether the safety protection devices of machine tools comply with the provisions of 4.7. 5.8 Evaluation of usage information
5.8.1 Assess whether the machine tool instruction manual clearly stipulates the safety performance, safety precautions and safety regulations that should be followed during operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machine tool.
5.8.2 Evaluate whether the information used complies with the provisions of 4.8. 5.9 Evaluate whether the packaging, storage and transportation of machine tools comply with the provisions of 4.9. Responsibility
6.1 The manufacturer should provide operating instructions for each machine tool. The instruction manual should contain information on the safety performance, safety precautions, and safety requirements for operation, adjustment, and maintenance of the machine tool. At the same time, the safety responsibilities specified in 6.2~6.4 should be clarified in the instruction manual. 6.2 The manufacturer shall be responsible for the safety protection of the machine tools and auxiliary equipment provided. 6.3 The user is responsible for the safety protection of the fixtures, tooling and auxiliary equipment added by himself, and is responsible for the safety protection of the machine tool working area after changing or modifying the original tooling and auxiliary equipment and modifying the machine tool. 6.4 The user is responsible for the dangers caused by failure to install, operate and maintain the machine tool in accordance with the instruction manual.5. A "stop" control device should be set near each "start" control device. An emergency stop control device should be installed at each operating position. The action of the emergency stop control device should not affect the function of protecting the operator or the machine tool device. 4.2.7 The safety of the lubrication system should generally comply with the provisions of 5.9 and Chapter 7 of GB/T65761986. 4.2.8 The cooling system should be able to ensure the personal safety of the operator. The machine tool should be able to effectively recover coolant, and protective baffles should be installed to prevent coolant from splashing. The coolant nozzle should be fixed at the required position conveniently, safely and reliably. 4.2.9 Protective baffles should be installed to prevent chips from flying. 4.3 Safety requirements and measures for power systems
4.3.1 Electric shock protection shall comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter 6 of GB/T5226.11996. The insulation protection of live parts shall comply with the provisions of 6.2.2 of GB/T5226.1-1996. The screen protection of live parts shall comply with the provisions of 6.2.1 and 6.3.1 of GB/T5226.1-1996. . The grounding of electrical equipment should be safe and reliable, and the grounding protection should comply with the provisions of Chapter 8 of GB/5226.11996. 4.3.2 The protection of electrical equipment should comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter 7 of GB/T5226.1-1996. Overcurrent protection shall comply with the provisions of 7.2 in GB/T5226.1--1996. Motor overload protection shall comply with the provisions of 7.3 in GB/5226.1-1996. Protection against power interruption or voltage drop shall comply with the provisions of 7.5 in GB/T5226.1-1996. 4.3.3 Emergency stop shall comply with the provisions of and 10.7 in GB/5226.1-1996. 4.3.4 The hydraulic system should be able to ensure the normal operation of the machine tool and personal safety, and its safety requirements should comply with the provisions of Chapter 5 of JB/T10051-1999.
4.4 Noise safety requirements and measures
When the machine tool is running, there should be no abnormal screams and impact sounds. Under dry running conditions, the machine tool noise sound pressure level should not exceed 83dB (A). Under the cutting conditions specified in the corresponding product design, the machine tool load noise should comply with relevant regulations on environmental protection and hygiene. 3
4.5 Material safety requirements and measures
The selection of materials used for machine tool parts should comply with relevant regulations on environmental protection and hygiene. 4.6 Safety requirements and measures taken based on ergonomics principles 4.6.1 The operating force of the machine tool handwheel and handle should be uniform within the stroke range, and the operating force of the handwheel and handle should not exceed the requirements in Table 1. Table
Bed weight
Hand wheel, hand vehicle control force
4.6.2 The installation height of the operating handle (from the ground or operating station surface to the middle position of the handle) should generally be in accordance with the provisions of 7.11 in GB15760-1995.
4.6.3 Machine tool lighting devices should not have stroboscopic effects and disruptive dazzling phenomena, and should comply with the provisions of GB/5226.1-1996 17.2.
4.7 Safety requirements for safety protection devices and the fixation of finger straps and pulley guards should be firm and reliable and should not cause additional dangers. 4.8 Usage information
4.8.1 General requirements Usage information consists of text, signals, symbols or graphics, which can be used alone or in combination to convey information to users. Usage information should clearly specify the intended use of the machine tool, and should include all instructions required to ensure the safe and correct use of the machine tool. Usage information should not be used to remedy design deficiencies. Usage information must include transportation, delivery test operation (assembly, installation and adjustment), use (setting, teaching or process conversion, operation, cleaning, troubleshooting and machine tool maintenance. 4.8.2 Usage information should be based on the machine tool The structure, risks and time required by the user can be configured. 4.8.3 The usage information can be given by the machine tool itself, random technical documents (especially the instruction manual) and other means (such as various signals and text warnings, etc.). The safety performance, safety precautions and safety requirements for operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machine tool should be stated in the instruction manual Signs, symbols (pictograms) and text warnings should comply with GB/T15706.2-. 5.4 in 1995 and GB/T3167. Random technical documents should generally comply with 5.5 in GB/T15706.2-1995. 4.9 Safety requirements and measures for machine tool packaging, storage and transportation should generally comply with JB/T8356.1~. 8356.2. 5 Assessment of safety requirements and measures
5.1 Evaluate whether the machine tool design meets the requirements of 4.1.
JB10230-2001||tt ||5.1.2 Evaluate the use information of the machine tool to inform and warn users about remaining risks that cannot be eliminated or sufficiently reduced through design and for which safety protection devices are ineffective or not fully effective. 5.2 Mechanical safety requirements. and evaluation of measures
5.2.1 Check whether the exposed part of the machine tool is flat and smooth, and there are no sharp edges, sharp corners, protruding parts and openings. 5.2.2 Check whether the machine tool meets the requirements of 4.2.2 and the protective cover. Whether it is firm and reliable. 5.2.3 Check whether the machine tool meets the requirements of 4.2.3. 5.2.5 Check whether the machine tool’s motorized clamping device meets the requirements of 4.2.5. 6 Evaluate whether the machine tool control system complies with the provisions of this standard. Check whether the machine tool control components and their markings comply with the provisions of Check whether other safety measures of the control system comply with,, and 4.2. .6.4 and 5.2.7 Check whether the machine tool lubrication system meets the requirements of 4.2.7. 5.2.8 Check whether the machine tool cooling system meets the requirements of 4.2.8. 5.2.9 Check whether the chips are splashed in the machine tool processing area. Protective baffles are installed. 5.3 Assessment of power system safety requirements and measures 5.3.1 Electrical equipment should be protected in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20 of GB/T5226.1-1996 for continuity, insulation resistance, withstand voltage, Residual voltage protection and functional testing. 5.3.2 Evaluate whether the machine tool power interruption or voltage drop protection meets the requirements of 5.3.3 Check whether the machine tool power system meets the requirements of 4.3 (except 5.4 Assessment of machine tool noise
According to the provisions of GB/T16769, check whether the sound pressure level of machine tool noise meets the provisions of 4.4. 5.5 Material evaluation
Evaluate whether the materials of machine tool parts are reasonably selected. 5.6 Assessment of whether the machine tool has taken protective measures in accordance with ergonomic principles. 5.6.1 Check whether the machine tool handwheel and handle control force meet the requirements of 4.6.1. 5.6.2 Check whether the installation height of the machine tool operating handle meets the requirements of 4.6.2. 5.6.3 Check whether the machine tool lighting device complies with the provisions of 4.6.3. 5.7 Evaluation of safety protection devices
Check whether the safety protection devices of machine tools comply with the provisions of 4.7. 5.8 Evaluation of usage information
5.8.1 Assess whether the machine tool instruction manual clearly stipulates the safety performance, safety precautions and safety regulations that should be followed during operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machine tool.
5.8.2 Evaluate whether the information used complies with the provisions of 4.8. 5.9 Evaluate whether the packaging, storage and transportation of machine tools comply with the provisions of 4.9. Responsibility
6.1 The manufacturer should provide operating instructions for each machine tool. The instruction manual should contain information on the safety performance, safety precautions, and safety requirements for operation, adjustment, and maintenance of the machine tool. At the same time, the safety responsibilities specified in 6.2~6.4 should be clarified in the instruction manual. 6.2 The manufacturer shall be responsible for the safety protection of the machine tools and supplied auxiliary equipment. 6.3 The user is responsible for the safety protection of the fixtures, tooling and auxiliary equipment added by himself, and is responsible for the safety protection of the machine tool working area after changing or modifying the original tooling and auxiliary equipment and modifying the machine tool. 6.4 The user is responsible for the dangers caused by failure to install, operate and maintain the machine tool in accordance with the instruction manual.4. The user is responsible for the dangers caused by failure to install, operate and maintain the machine tool in accordance with the instruction manual.4. The user is responsible for the dangers caused by failure to install, operate and maintain the machine tool in accordance with the instruction manual.4. The user is responsible for the dangers caused by failure to install, operate and maintain the machine tool in accordance with the instruction manual.4. The user is responsible for the dangers caused by failure to install, operate and maintain the machine tool in accordance with the instruction manual.7 The safety of the lubrication system should generally comply with the provisions of 5.9 and Chapter 7 of GB/T65761986. 4.2.8 The cooling system should be able to ensure the personal safety of the operator. The machine tool should be able to effectively recover coolant, and protective baffles should be installed to prevent coolant from splashing. The coolant nozzle should be fixed at the required position conveniently, safely and reliably. 4.2.9 Protective baffles should be installed to prevent chips from flying. 4.3 Safety requirements and measures for power systems
4.3.1 Electric shock protection shall comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter 6 of GB/T5226.11996. The insulation protection of live parts shall comply with the provisions of 6.2.2 of GB/T5226.1-1996. The screen protection of live parts shall comply with the provisions of 6.2.1 and 6.3.1 of GB/T5226.1-1996. . The grounding of electrical equipment should be safe and reliable, and the grounding protection should comply with the provisions of Chapter 8 of GB/5226.11996. 4.3.2 The protection of electrical equipment should comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter 7 of GB/T5226.1-1996. Overcurrent protection shall comply with the provisions of 7.2 in GB/T5226.1--1996. Motor overload protection shall comply with the provisions of 7.3 in GB/5226.1-1996. Protection against power interruption or voltage drop shall comply with the provisions of 7.5 in GB/T5226.1-1996. 4.3.3 Emergency stop shall comply with the provisions of and 10.7 in GB/5226.1-1996. 4.3.4 The hydraulic system should be able to ensure the normal operation of the machine tool and personal safety, and its safety requirements should comply with the provisions of Chapter 5 of JB/T10051-1999.
4.4 Noise safety requirements and measures
When the machine tool is running, there should be no abnormal screams and impact sounds. Under dry running conditions, the machine tool noise sound pressure level should not exceed 83dB (A). Under the cutting conditions specified in the corresponding product design, the machine tool load noise should comply with relevant regulations on environmental protection and hygiene. 3
4.5 Material safety requirements and measures
The selection of materials used for machine tool parts should comply with relevant regulations on environmental protection and hygiene. 4.6 Safety requirements and measures taken based on ergonomics principles 4.6.1 The operating force of the machine tool handwheel and handle should be uniform within the stroke range, and the operating force of the handwheel and handle should not exceed the requirements in Table 1. Table
Bed weight
Hand wheel, hand vehicle control force
4.6.2 The installation height of the operating handle (from the ground or operating station surface to the middle position of the handle) should generally be in accordance with the provisions of 7.11 in GB15760-1995. bzxZ.net
4.6.3 Machine tool lighting devices should not have stroboscopic effects and disruptive dazzling phenomena, and should comply with the provisions of GB/5226.1-1996 17.2.
4.7 Safety requirements for safety protection devices and the fixation of finger belts and pulley guards should be firm and reliable and should not cause additional dangers. 4.8 Usage information
4.8.1 General requirements Usage information consists of text, signals, symbols or graphics, which can be used alone or in combination to convey information to users. Usage information should clearly specify the intended use of the machine tool, and should include all instructions required to ensure the safe and correct use of the machine tool. Usage information should not be used to remedy design deficiencies. Usage information must include transportation, delivery test operation (assembly, installation and adjustment), use (setting, teaching or process conversion, operation, cleaning, troubleshooting and machine tool maintenance. 4.8.2 Usage information should be based on the machine tool The structure, risks and time required by the user can be configured. 4.8.3 The usage information can be given by the machine tool itself, random technical documents (especially the instruction manual) and other means (such as various signals and text warnings, etc.). The safety performance, safety precautions and safety requirements for operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machine tool should be stated in the instruction manual Signs, symbols (pictograms) and text warnings should comply with GB/T15706.2-. 5.4 in 1995 and GB/T3167. Random technical documents should generally comply with 5.5 in GB/T15706.2-1995. 4.9 Safety requirements and measures for machine tool packaging, storage and transportation should generally comply with JB/T8356.1~. 8356.2. 5 Assessment of safety requirements and measures
5.1 Evaluate whether the machine tool design meets the requirements of 4.1.
JB10230-2001||tt ||5.1.2 Evaluate the use information of the machine tool to inform and warn users about remaining risks that cannot be eliminated or sufficiently reduced through design and for which safety protection devices are ineffective or not fully effective. 5.2 Mechanical safety requirements. and evaluation of measures
5.2.1 Check whether the exposed part of the machine tool is flat and smooth, and there are no sharp edges, sharp corners, protruding parts and openings. 5.2.2 Check whether the machine tool meets the requirements of 4.2.2 and the protective cover. Whether it is firm and reliable. 5.2.3 Check whether the machine tool meets the requirements of 4.2.3. 5.2.5 Check whether the machine tool’s motorized clamping device meets the requirements of 4.2.5. 6 Evaluate whether the machine tool control system complies with the provisions of this standard. Check whether the machine tool control components and their markings comply with the provisions of Check whether other safety measures of the control system comply with,, and 4.2. .6.4 and 5.2.7 Check whether the machine tool lubrication system meets the requirements of 4.2.7. 5.2.8 Check whether the machine tool cooling system meets the requirements of 4.2.8. 5.2.9 Check whether the chips are splashed in the machine tool processing area. Protective baffles are installed. 5.3 Assessment of power system safety requirements and measures 5.3.1 Electrical equipment should be protected in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20 of GB/T5226.1-1996 for continuity, insulation resistance, withstand voltage, Residual voltage protection and functional testing. 5.3.2 Evaluate whether the machine tool power interruption or voltage drop protection meets the requirements of 5.3.3 Check whether the machine tool power system meets the requirements of 4.3 (except 5.4 Assessment of machine tool noise
According to the provisions of GB/T16769, check whether the sound pressure level of machine tool noise meets the provisions of 4.4. 5.5 Material evaluation
Evaluate whether the materials of machine tool parts are reasonably selected. 5.6 Assessment of whether the machine tool has taken protective measures in accordance with ergonomic principles. 5.6.1 Check whether the machine tool handwheel and handle control force meet the requirements of 4.6.1. 5.6.2 Check whether the installation height of the machine tool operating handle meets the requirements of 4.6.2. 5.6.3 Check whether the machine tool lighting device complies with the provisions of 4.6.3. 5.7 Evaluation of safety protection devices
Check whether the safety protection devices of machine tools comply with the provisions of 4.7. 5.8 Evaluation of usage information
5.8.1 Assess whether the machine tool instruction manual clearly stipulates the safety performance, safety precautions and safety regulations that should be followed during operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machine tool.
5.8.2 Evaluate whether the information used complies with the provisions of 4.8. 5.9 Evaluate whether the packaging, storage and transportation of machine tools comply with the provisions of 4.9. Responsibility
6.1 The manufacturer should provide operating instructions for each machine tool. The instruction manual should contain information on the safety performance, safety precautions, and safety requirements for operation, adjustment, and maintenance of the machine tool. At the same time, the safety responsibilities specified in 6.2~6.4 should be clarified in the instruction manual. 6.2 The manufacturer shall be responsible for the safety protection of the machine tools and supplied auxiliary equipment. 6.3 The user is responsible for the safety protection of the fixtures, tooling and auxiliary equipment added by himself, and is responsible for the safety protection of the machine tool working area after changing or modifying the original tooling and auxiliary equipment and modifying the machine tool. 6.4 The user is responsible for the dangers caused by failure to install, operate and maintain the machine tool in accordance with the instruction manual.7 The safety of the lubrication system should generally comply with the provisions of 5.9 and Chapter 7 of GB/T65761986. 4.2.8 The cooling system should be able to ensure the personal safety of the operator. The machine tool should be able to effectively recover coolant, and protective baffles should be installed to prevent coolant from splashing. The coolant nozzle should be fixed at the required position conveniently, safely and reliably. 4.2.9 Protective baffles should be installed to prevent chips from flying. 4.3 Safety requirements and measures for power systems
4.3.1 Electric shock protection shall comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter 6 of GB/T5226.11996. The insulation protection of live parts shall comply with the provisions of 6.2.2 of GB/T5226.1-1996. The screen protection of live parts shall comply with the provisions of 6.2.1 and 6.3.1 of GB/T5226.1-1996. . The grounding of electrical equipment should be safe and reliable, and the grounding protection should comply with the provisions of Chapter 8 of GB/5226.11996. 4.3.2 The protection of electrical equipment should comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter 7 of GB/T5226.1-1996. Overcurrent protection shall comply with the provisions of 7.2 in GB/T5226.1--1996. Motor overload protection shall comply with the provisions of 7.3 in GB/5226.1-1996. Protection against power interruption or voltage drop shall comply with the provisions of 7.5 in GB/T5226.1-1996. 4.3.3 Emergency stop should comply with the provisions of and 10.7 in GB/5226.1-1996. 4.3.4 The hydraulic system should be able to ensure the normal operation of the machine tool and personal safety, and its safety requirements should comply with the provisions of Chapter 5 of JB/T10051-1999.
4.4 Noise safety requirements and measures
When the machine tool is running, there should be no abnormal screams and impact sounds. Under dry running conditions, the machine tool noise sound pressure level should not exceed 83dB (A). Under the cutting conditions specified in the corresponding product design, the machine tool load noise should comply with relevant regulations on environmental protection and hygiene. 3
4.5 Material safety requirements and measures
The selection of materials used for machine tool parts should comply with relevant regulations on environmental protection and hygiene. 4.6 Safety requirements and measures taken based on ergonomics principles 4.6.1 The operating force of the machine tool handwheel and handle should be uniform within the stroke range, and the operating force of the handwheel and handle should not exceed the requirements in Table 1. Table
Bed weight
Hand wheel, hand vehicle control force
4.6.2 The installation height of the operating handle (from the ground or operating station surface to the middle position of the handle) should generally be in accordance with the provisions of 7.11 in GB15760-1995.
4.6.3 Machine tool lighting devices should not have stroboscopic effects and disruptive dazzling phenomena, and should comply with the provisions of GB/5226.1-1996 17.2.
4.7 Safety requirements for safety protection devices and the fixation of finger belts and pulley guards should be firm and reliable and should not cause additional dangers. 4.8 Usage information
4.8.1 General requirements Usage information consists of text, signals, symbols or graphics, which can be used alone or in combination to convey information to users. Usage information should clearly specify the intended use of the machine tool, and should include all instructions required to ensure the safe and correct use of the machine tool. Usage information should not be used to remedy design deficiencies. Usage information must include transportation, delivery test operation (assembly, installation and adjustment), use (setting, teaching or process conversion, operation, cleaning, troubleshooting and machine tool maintenance. 4.8.2 Usage information should be based on the machine tool The structure, risks and time required by the user can be configured. 4.8.3 The usage information can be given by the machine tool itself, random technical documents (especially the instruction manual) and other means (such as various signals and text warnings, etc.). The safety performance, safety precautions and safety requirements for operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machine tool should be stated in the instruction manual Signs, symbols (pictograms) and text warnings should comply with GB/T15706.2-. 5.4 in 1995 and GB/T3167. Random technical documents should generally comply with 5.5 in GB/T15706.2-1995. 4.9 Safety requirements and measures for machine tool packaging, storage and transportation should generally comply with JB/T8356.1~. 8356.2. 5 Assessment of safety requirements and measures
5.1 Evaluate whether the machine tool design meets the requirements of 4.1.
JB10230-2001||tt ||5.1.2 Evaluate the use information of the machine tool to inform and warn users about remaining risks that cannot be eliminated or sufficiently reduced through design and for which safety protection devices are ineffective or not fully effective. 5.2 Mechanical safety requirements. and evaluation of measures
5.2.1 Check whether the exposed part of the machine tool is flat and smooth, and there are no sharp edges, sharp corners, protruding parts and openings. 5.2.2 Check whether the machine tool meets the requirements of 4.2.2 and the protective cover. Whether it is firm and reliable. 5.2.3 Check whether the machine tool meets the requirements of 4.2.3. 5.2.5 Check whether the machine tool’s motorized clamping device meets the requirements of 4.2.5. 6 Evaluate whether the machine tool control system complies with the provisions of this standard. Check whether the machine tool control components and their markings comply with the provisions of Check whether other safety measures of the control system comply with,, and 4.2. .6.4 and 5.2.7 Check whether the machine tool lubrication system meets the requirements of 4.2.7. 5.2.8 Check whether the machine tool cooling system meets the requirements of 4.2.8. 5.2.9 Check whether the chips are splashed in the machine tool processing area. Protective baffles are installed. 5.3 Assessment of power system safety requirements and measures 5.3.1 Electrical equipment should be protected in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20 of GB/T5226.1-1996 for continuity, insulation resistance, withstand voltage, Residual voltage protection and functional testing. 5.3.2 Evaluate whether the machine tool power interruption or voltage drop protection meets the requirements of 5.3.3 Check whether the machine tool power system meets the requirements of 4.3 (except 5.4 Assessment of machine tool noise
According to the provisions of GB/T16769, check whether the sound pressure level of machine tool noise meets the provisions of 4.4. 5.5 Material evaluation
Evaluate whether the materials of machine tool parts are reasonably selected. 5.6 Assessment of whether the machine tool has taken protective measures in accordance with ergonomic principles. 5.6.1 Check whether the machine tool handwheel and handle control force meet the requirements of 4.6.1. 5.6.2 Check whether the installation height of the machine tool operating handle meets the requirements of 4.6.2. 5.6.3 Check whether the machine tool lighting device complies with the provisions of 4.6.3. 5.7 Evaluation of safety protection devices
Check whether the safety protection devices of machine tools comply with the provisions of 4.7. 5.8 Evaluation of usage information
5.8.1 Assess whether the machine tool instruction manual clearly stipulates the safety performance, safety precautions and safety regulations that should be followed during operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machine tool.
5.8.2 Evaluate whether the information used complies with the provisions of 4.8. 5.9 Evaluate whether the packaging, storage and transportation of machine tools comply with the provisions of 4.9. Responsibility
6.1 The manufacturer should provide operating instructions for each machine tool. The instruction manual should contain information on the safety performance, safety precautions, and safety requirements for operation, adjustment, and maintenance of the machine tool. At the same time, the safety responsibilities specified in 6.2~6.4 should be clarified in the instruction manual. 6.2 The manufacturer shall be responsible for the safety protection of the machine tools and supplied auxiliary equipment. 6.3 The user is responsible for the safety protection of the fixtures, tooling and auxiliary equipment added by himself, and is responsible for the safety protection of the machine tool working area after changing or modifying the original tooling and auxiliary equipment and modifying the machine tool. 6.4 The user is responsible for the dangers caused by failure to install, operate and maintain the machine tool in accordance with the instruction manual.2. The coolant nozzle should be fixed at the required position conveniently, safely and reliably. 4.2.9 Protective baffles should be installed to prevent chips from flying. 4.3 Safety requirements and measures for power systems
4.3.1 Electric shock protection shall comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter 6 of GB/T5226.11996. The insulation protection of live parts shall comply with the provisions of 6.2.2 of GB/T5226.1-1996. The screen protection of live parts shall comply with the provisions of 6.2.1 and 6.3.1 of GB/T5226.1-1996. . The grounding of electrical equipment should be safe and reliable, and the grounding protection should comply with the provisions of Chapter 8 of GB/5226.11996. 4.3.2 The protection of electrical equipment should comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter 7 of GB/T5226.1-1996. Overcurrent protection shall comply with the provisions of 7.2 in GB/T5226.1--1996. Motor overload protection shall comply with the provisions of 7.3 in GB/5226.1-1996. Protection against power interruption or voltage drop shall comply with the provisions of 7.5 in GB/T5226.1-1996. 4.3.3 Emergency stop shall comply with the provisions of and 10.7 in GB/5226.1-1996. 4.3.4 The hydraulic system should be able to ensure the normal operation of the machine tool and personal safety, and its safety requirements should comply with the provisions of Chapter 5 of JB/T10051-1999.
4.4 Noise safety requirements and measures
When the machine tool is running, there should be no abnormal screams and impact sounds. Under dry running conditions, the machine tool noise sound pressure level should not exceed 83dB (A). Under the cutting conditions specified in the corresponding product design, the machine tool load noise should comply with relevant regulations on environmental protection and hygiene. 3
4.5 Material safety requirements and measures
The selection of materials used for machine tool parts should comply with relevant regulations on environmental protection and hygiene. 4.6 Safety requirements and measures taken based on ergonomics principles 4.6.1 The operating force of the machine tool handwheel and handle should be uniform within the stroke range, and the operating force of the handwheel and handle should not exceed the requirements in Table 1. Table
Bed weight
Hand wheel, hand vehicle control force
4.6.2 The installation height of the operating handle (from the ground or operating station surface to the middle position of the handle) should generally be in accordance with the provisions of 7.11 in GB15760-1995.
4.6.3 Machine tool lighting devices should not have stroboscopic effects and disruptive dazzling phenomena, and should comply with the provisions of GB/5226.1-1996 17.2.
4.7 Safety requirements for safety protection devices and the fixation of finger belts and pulley guards should be firm and reliable and should not cause additional dangers. 4.8 Usage information
4.8.1 General requirements Usage information consists of text, signals, symbols or graphics, which can be used alone or in combination to convey information to users. Usage information should clearly specify the intended use of the machine tool, and should include all instructions required to ensure the safe and correct use of the machine tool. Usage information should not be used to remedy design deficiencies. Usage information must include transportation, delivery test operation (assembly, installation and adjustment), use (setting, teaching or process conversion, operation, cleaning, troubleshooting and machine tool maintenance. 4.8.2 Usage information should be based on the machine tool The structure, risks and time required by the user can be configured. 4.8.3 The usage information can be given by the machine tool itself, random technical documents (especially the instruction manual) and other means (such as various signals and text warnings, etc.). The safety performance, safety precautions and safety requirements for operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machine tool should be stated in the instruction manual Signs, symbols (pictograms) and text warnings should comply with GB/T15706.2-. 5.4 in 1995 and GB/T3167. Random technical documents should generally comply with 5.5 in GB/T15706.2-1995. 4.9 Safety requirements and measures for machine tool packaging, storage and transportation should generally comply with JB/T8356.1~. 8356.2. 5 Assessment of safety requirements and measures
5.1 Evaluate whether the machine tool design meets the requirements of 4.1.
JB10230-2001||tt ||5.1.2 Evaluate the use information of the machine tool to inform and warn users about remaining risks that cannot be eliminated or sufficiently reduced through design and for which safety protection devices are ineffective or not fully effective. 5.2 Mechanical safety requirements. and evaluation of measures
5.2.1 Check whether the exposed part of the machine tool is flat and smooth, and there are no sharp edges, sharp corners, protruding parts and openings. 5.2.2 Check whether the machine tool meets the requirements of 4.2.2 and the protective cover. Whether it is firm and reliable. 5.2.3 Check whether the machine tool meets the requirements of 4.2.3. 5.2.5 Check whether the machine tool’s motorized clamping device meets the requirements of 4.2.5. 6 Evaluate whether the machine tool control system complies with the provisions of this standard. Check whether the machine tool control components and their markings comply with the provisions of Check whether other safety measures of the control system comply with,, and 4.2. .6.4 and 5.2.7 Check whether the machine tool lubrication system meets the requirements of 4.2.7. 5.2.8 Check whether the machine tool cooling system meets the requirements of 4.2.8. 5.2.9 Check whether the chips are splashed in the machine tool processing area. Protective baffles are installed. 5.3 Assessment of power system safety requirements and measures 5.3.1 Electrical equipment should be protected in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20 of GB/T5226.1-1996 for continuity, insulation resistance, withstand voltage, Residual voltage protection and functional testing. 5.3.2 Evaluate whether the machine tool power interruption or voltage drop protection meets the requirements of 5.3.3 Check whether the machine tool power system meets the requirements of 4.3 (except 5.4 Assessment of machine tool noise
According to the provisions of GB/T16769, check whether the sound pressure level of machine tool noise meets the provisions of 4.4. 5.5 Material evaluation
Evaluate whether the materials of machine tool parts are reasonably selected. 5.6 Assessment of whether the machine tool has taken protective measures in accordance with ergonomic principles. 5.6.1 Check whether the machine tool handwheel and handle control force meet the requirements of 4.6.1. 5.6.2 Check whether the installation height of the machine tool operating handle meets the requirements of 4.6.2. 5.6.3 Check whether the machine tool lighting device complies with the provisions of 4.6.3. 5.7 Evaluation of safety protection devices
Check whether the safety protection devices of machine tools comply with the provisions of 4.7. 5.8 Evaluation of usage information
5.8.1 Assess whether the machine tool instruction manual clearly stipulates the safety performance, safety precautions and safety regulations that should be followed during operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machine tool.
5.8.2 Evaluate whether the information used complies with the provisions of 4.8. 5.9 Evaluate whether the packaging, storage and transportation of machine tools comply with the provisions of 4.9. Responsibility
6.1 The manufacturer should provide operating instructions for each machine tool. The instruct
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